MSS 81-7
Papers of Judge John Paul
This collection contains the Judicial and working files papers (1930-1964) of Judge John Paul (U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia). Included are several desegregation cases: Allen v. School Board of City of Charlottesville, Goins v. County School Board of Grayson County, Walker v. Floyd County School Board and Swanson v. Rector of U.Va., and extensive correspondence related to these cases. The collection also contains administrative files, general civil and criminal cases, bankruptcy cases, land condemnation cases, professional correspondence, speeches and articles.
Dates |
1930-1964 [Inclusive] |
Extents |
41.7 Cubic Feet (94 archival boxes) |
Scope & Contents
The Paul papers are organized in six series based upon the nature of the files: administrative material, general civil and criminal cases, bankruptcy cases, land condemnation cases, professional correspondence, and speeches and articles.
<emph render="bold">Series I</em> is comprised of administrative files containing extensive correspondence and records of the administration of the federal district court, from the early 1930s to the early 1960s. Changes over these years, and Paul's reactions to them, are reflected in reports and in correspondence with other judges, the district court staff, and the staff of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts. Other substantial files in this series contain information regarding case loads, rules of court, probation, jury call decisions, and the appointments of U.S. commissioners.
<emph render="bold">Series II</em> consists of general civil and criminal case files arranged in alphabetical order by plaintiff last name. While these files primarily contain correspondence, there are occasional copies of some of the court records of a case. By far the single most important cases in the collection are those concerning school desegregation. The case files for <em>Allen v. School Board of the City of Charlottesville</em> and <em>Kilby v. School Board of Warren County</em> contain Paul's extensive correspondence with other district and circuit judges, as well as with the lawyers involved, annotated motions, drafts of opinions, and other important documents. The general case files are followed by motions, pleadings and orders, and by handwritten notes taken from the bench, which had been kept separate from the case files.
The school desegregation cases have many exchanges of letters with J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., John S. Battle, Jr., Oliver W. Hill, Spottswood W. Robinson, III, and S. W. Tucker.
<emph render="bold">Series III,</em> the bankruptcy case files, is broken into two subseries. The first subseries contains files concerning bankruptcies of individuals and businesses, which are preceded by the administrative files concerning these cases. The second subseries concerns bankruptcies of farmers handled under Section 75 of the Bankruptcy Act.
<emph render="bold">Series IV</em> is comprised of land condemnation cases, which are listed by last name of the first owner named in the case; also noted is the county in which the land is located. These files include the commissioners' reports, orders, opinions (some handwritten), and correspondence.
<emph render="bold">Series V</em> contains professional correspondence between Jugde Paul and other judges.
<emph render="bold">Series VI</em> contains a small collection of speeches and articles by Judge Paul.
Not limited to Series V, but sprinkled throughout the collection, is Judge Paul's correspondence with other judges. His most frequent and long-term correspondent was Judge Alfred D. Barksdale. Other judges with whom he corresponded regularly when their terms overlapped were Albert V. Bryan, Armistead M. Dobie, Ted Dalton, Sterling Hutcheson, John J. Parker, Floyd H. Roberts, Simon E. Sobeloff, and Roby C. Thompson.
Collection Description
Physical Description
Conditions Governing Access
Conditions Governing Use
Preferred Citation
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Biographical / Historical
seriesAdministrative Papers | |
fileAdministrative Office (AO): Cases Held Under Advisement, 1940 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 1 |
fileAO: Correspondence and Reports, 1943-44, 1948 | MSS 81-7, Box 1 |
fileAO: Final Civil Docket Reports, 1941 - 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 2 |
fileAO: Finances, 1961 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 2 |
fileAO: Memoranda, Reports & Correspondence, 1940 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 3 |
fileAO: Memoranda, Reports & Correspondence , 1940 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 4 |
fileAO: Numbered Bulletins and Pamphlets , 1939 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 5 |
fileAO: Reports on Anti-trust and Patent Cases, 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 5 |
fileAppointments and Recommendations, 1932-63 | MSS 81-7, Box 6 |
fileBook Lists, 1944 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 6 |
fileJ. L. Branch, 1932 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 6 |
fileCase Loads, 1939 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 6 |
fileCase Loads , 1939 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 7 |
fileCorrespondence, 1939 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 7 |
fileDepartment of Justice: Correspondence--Attorney General, 1940 - 1957 | MSS 81-7, Box 7 |
fileDepartment of Justice: Numbered Circulars, 1932 - 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 7 |
fileExaminars' Reports: References in Bankruptcy, U.S. Commissioners,, 1931 - 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 7 |
fileExaminars' Reports: References in Bankruptcy, U.S. Commissioners,, 1931 - 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 8 |
fileHotel Reservations, 1943 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 8 |
fileJudicial Salaries; Vacations, 1953 - 1957 | MSS 81-7, Box 8 |
fileJuror Qualifications, 1943 - 1948 | MSS 81-7, Box 8 |
fileJury Call Decisions and Correspondence , 1938 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 8 |
fileJury Call Decisions and Correspondence, 1938 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 9 |
fileJury Call Decisions and Correspondence, 1938 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 10 |
fileJury Call Decisions and Correspondence , 1938 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 11 |
fileJury Call Decisions and Correspondence, 1938 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 12 |
fileJury Costs, 1950 - 1954 | MSS 81-7, Box 12 |
fileJury Instructions, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 12 |
fileOffice Space and Equipment, | MSS 81-7, Box 12 |
filePay Vouchers: J. L. Branch, 1932 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 12 |
fileProbation Office - Letters from applicants and letters of recommendation for the new federal probation officer position created at the US District Court, Western District of Virginia (2 folders), 1931 - 1933 | MSS 81-7, Box 13 |
fileProbation Office , 1931 - 1961 | |
fileProbation Office - Letters from applicants and letters of recommendation for the new federal probation officer position created at the US District Court, Western District of Virginia. Included are: Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Sixteenth Annual Re | MSS 81-7, Box 13 |
fileProbation Office – Correspondence re appointment of new probation officer; order to appoint James W. Trevillian as the probation officer (June 6, 1930); correspondence with J. W. Trevillian; United State District Court, Western District of Virginia Annual | MSS 81-7, Box 13 |
fileProbation Office – Correspondence and United State District Court, Western District of Virginia 1937 Probation and Parole Annual Report, Probation Officer, Roanoke, VA; United State District Court, Western District of Virginia 1938 Probation and Parole An | MSS 81-7, Box 13 |
fileProbation Office – Correspondence and memoranda. United State District Court, Western District of Virginia, United States Department of Justice, Annual Report of Probation Officers, Fiscal year 1939 Roanoke, VA, 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 13 |
fileProbation Office 1931-61; [22 folders] | MSS 81-7, Box 13 |
fileReceipts: P.O. Box in Harrisonburg, 1933 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 15 |
fileReceipts: Publishing Companies, 1956 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 15 |
fileReceipts: Telegrams , 1935-6; 1943-5 | MSS 81-7, Box 15 |
fileReceipts: Telephone Bills, 1933 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 15 |
fileReceipts: Travel Vouchers, 1932 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 16 |
fileReceipts: Travel Vouchers: J.L. Branch, 1932 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 16 |
fileReceipts: Travel Voucher Authorizations: J.L. Branch, 1932 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 16 |
fileReports to Senior Circuit Judge, 1939 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 17 |
fileRequisitions, 1936 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 17 |
fileRules of Court, 1907 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 18 |
fileterms of Court, 1930 - 1948 | MSS 81-7, Box 18 |
fileU.S. Commissioners: Appointments, 1933 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 19 |
fileU.S. Commissioners: Correspondence and Memoranda, 1933 - 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 19 |
fileCommissioners: Shenandoah National Park, 1937 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 19 |
fileCommissioners: Shenandoah National Park, 1937 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 20 |
fileU.S. District Attorney, 1939 - 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 20 |
fileU.S. District Court Clerk, 1939 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 20 |
fileU.S. District Court Reporter, 1943 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 20 |
fileU.S. Marshals, 1939 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 20 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Notes: Handwritten Notes on Testimony taken from Bench, 1933 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 59 |
seriesCases | |
fileAbuse in V.A. Facilities, 1936 - 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 21 |
fileAdams v. Aiken, 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 21 |
fileAldridge v. Jocie Motor Lines, 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 21 |
fileAlldred v. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 1948 | MSS 81-7, Box 21 |
fileAlleghany Land Co, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 21 |
fileAllen v. School Board of City of Charlottesville, [Segregation Case], f. 1, 1956 - 1957 | MSS 81-7, Box 21 |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Opinion by the Court, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA, 1956-08-06 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Opinion by the Court [Handwritten Notes], W.D.Va., n.d., | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Motion to Suspend Injunction Pending Appeal, W.D.Va., 1956-08-23 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Notice of Appeal, W.D.Va., 1956-08-23 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Mrs. Lottie M. Morrissette, Deputy Clerk, [re: court case papers related to Charlottesville city school board case], 1956-05-21 | |
itemLetter from Mrs. Lottie M. Morrissette, Deputy Clerk to District Judge John Paul, [re: papers in Civil No. 51], 1956-05-22 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Mrs. Lottie M. Morrissette, Deputy Clerk, [re: receipt of court case papers], 1956-05-24 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Mrs. Lottie M. Morrissette, Deputy Clerk, [re: receipt of court case papers], 1956-05-25 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Order [re: time extension given to defendants for filing their answer to the complaint], [2 c.], 1956-05-25 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle to District Judge John Paul, Charlottesville, VA, [re: copy of the Order entered on May 25th], 1956-05-28 | |
itemLetter from J. Lindsay Almond Jr., Attorney General to District Judge John Paul, [re: request from the defense to reschedule hearing date], 1956-06-08 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to J. Lindsay Almond Jr., [re: rescheduling hearing date], 1956-06-11 | |
itemLetter from Oliver W. Hill to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, Virginia, [re: rescheduling hearing date], [2 c.], 1956-06-11 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to J. Lindsay Almond Jr. and Oliver W. Hill, [re: rescheduling hearing date], 1956-06-14 | |
itemLetter from J. Lindsay Almond Jr. to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: hearing date], [2 c.], 1956-06-21 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to J. Lindsay Almond Jr., Roanoke, VA, [re: hearing date], 1956-06-22 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Mrs. Lottie M. Morrissette, Deputy Clerk, [re: court papers for July 12th hearing], 1956-06-29 | |
itemLetter from Adolph Magidson, Associate Editor, The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., Washington D.C., [re: copy of the opinion in the case of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People v. Ellis, et al.], 1956-07-13 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Mr. Adolph Magidson, [re: Magidson’s request], 1956-07-16 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to J. Lindsay Almond Jr., John S. Battle, Oliver W. Hill, and Spottswood W. Robinson, III, [re: submission of decree from counsel of opposing parties], 1956-07-26 | |
itemLetter from Spottswood W. Robinson, III to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: request for conference of counsel with Judge Paul to finalize decree], 1956-07-28 | |
itemLetter from District Judge Paul to Spottswood W. Robinson, III, J. Lindsay Almond Jr., John S. Battle, [re: conference date for decree], 1956-07-30 | |
itemLetter from Spottswood W. Robinson, III to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: scheduling conference date], 1956-07-31 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Spottswood W. Robinson, III, Oliver W. Hill, J. Lindsay Almond Jr., and John S. Battle, [re: Judge Paul’s opinion, copy of the hearing decree, and denied motion from the plaintiff], 1956-08-06 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Court Decree, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA, [3 c.], 1956-08-06 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Mrs. Lottie M. Morrissette, [re: court opinion and decree papers], 1956-08-06 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., John S. Battle, Spottswood W. Robinson, III, and Oliver W. Hill, [re: motion for suspension of the effective date of the decree and the district court appeals procedure], 1956-08-16 | |
itemLetter from William W. Brickman, Chairman, Department of History of Education, New York University School of Education to District Judge John Paul, New York, NY, [re: copy of hearing opinion], 1956-08-15 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to William W. Brickman, [re: copy of court opinion], 1956-08-17 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Mrs. Lottie M. Morrissette, [re: copy of order suspending the effect of the injunction order pending the appeal], 1957-05-21 | |
itemLetter from Lottie M. Morrissette to District Judge John Paul, [re: missing copy of order], 1957-05-22 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., [re: Judge Paul’s request for the the United States Court of Appeals mandate], W.D.Va, Charlottesville, VA, 1957-04-02 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Spottswood W. Robinson, III, Oliver W. Hill, J. Lindsay Almond Jr., and John S. Battle, [re: the Court of Appeals of the Fourth Circuit’s affirmation of the August 6, 1956 district court decree], 1957-05-23 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Lottie M. Morrissette [re: missing copy of order], 1957-05-23 | |
itemLetter from Lottie M. Morrissette to District Judge John Paul [re: missing copy of order], 1957-05-24 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Order, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA, 1957-08-07 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Lottie M. Morrissette, [re: missing order suspending the operation of the injunction], 1957-05-27 | |
itemLetter from Lottie M. Morrissette to District Judge John Paul, [re: missing order from August 27, 1956], 1957-05-28 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Order Suspending Injunction Pending Appeal, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA., 1956-08-27 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Lottie M. Morrissette, [re: documentation of August 27th order], 1957-05-31 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle to District Judge John Paul, [re: Battle’s illness], 1957-06-04 | |
itemCourt Transcript, Mary White Bible, Official Court Reporter, [re: Doris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Motion for Compliance], W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA., [3 c.], 1957-07-26 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Order, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA, 1957-07-26 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Order Draft [Handwritten Edits], W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA., n.d. | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Spottswood W. Robinson, III, Oliver W. Hill, J. Lindsay Almond Jr., and John S. Battle., [re: Judge Paul’s edits to order and copy of rewritten order], 1957-07-26 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Order, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA, 1957-07-26 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle to District Judge John Paul, [re: copy of order], 1957-07-29 | |
itemLetter from Oliver W. Hill to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: edits to order], 1957-07-29 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Spottswood W. Robinson, III, Oliver W. Hill, J. Lindsay Almond Jr., and John S. Battle., [re: final edits to order], 1957-08-01 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle to District Judge John Paul, [re: final copy of order], 1957-08-05 | |
fileAllen v. School Board of City of Charlottesville, [Segregation Case], f. 2, 1958 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 21 |
itemLetter from Oliver W. Hill to District Judge John Paul, [re: Operative date for court injunction in Doris Marie Allen, et al. vs. School Board of Charlottesville, et al, Civil Action No. 51], 1958-03-27 | |
itemLetter from A.S. Harrison Jr. to District Judge John Paul, [re: Oliver W. Hill’s letter to District Judge John Paul about Doris Marie Allen, et al. vs. School Board of Charlottesville, et al, Civil Action No. 51], 1958-03-28 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Oliver W. Hill and A.S. Harrison, Jr., [re: need for a further hearing in Doris Marie Allen, et al. vs. School Board of Charlottesville, et al, Civil Action No. 5, 1958-03-31 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle to District Judge John Paul, [re: Battle’s representation of the Charlottesville City Public Schools in Doris Marie Allen, et al. vs. School Board of Charlottesville, et al, Civil Action No. 51], 1958-03-31 | |
itemCopy of Letter from John S. Battle to Oliver W. Hill, [re: Battle’s representation of the Charlottesville City Public Schools in Doris Marie Allen, et al. vs. School Board of Charlottesville, et al, Civil Action No. 51], 1958-07-22 | |
itemCopy of Letter from A.S. Harrison Jr. to Oliver W. Hill, [re: hearing in Doris Marie Allen, et al. vs. School Board of Charlottesville, et al, Civil Action No. 51], 1958-08-04 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to A.S. Harrison, Jr., [re: hearing in Doris Marie Allen, et al, vs. School Board of Charlottesville, et al, Civil Action No. 51], 1958-08-05 | |
itemCopy of letter from Oliver W. Hill to A.S. Harrison, Jr., Henry T. Wickham, John S. Battle, Jr., [re: location for hearing in Allen v. School Board], 1958-08-01 | |
itemCopy of letter from Oliver W. Hill to A.S. Harrison, Jr., [re: hearing date for Allen v. School Board], 1958-08-05 | |
fileAllen v. School Board of City of Charlottesville, [Segregation Case], f. 3, 1960 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 21 |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Messrs. Hill, Martin, and Olphin, Attorneys at Law, [re: Judge Paul’s participation in the hearing of two cases, Civil Action No. 51 and Civil Action No. 530], 1960-07-11 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to District Judge Roby C. Thompson, [re: Judge Paul’s assistance to Judge Thompson in the wake of Judge Ted Dalton’s recusal], 1960-07-11 | |
itemLetter from District Judge Ted Dalton to District Judge Roby C. Thompson, W.D.Va., Roanoke, VA, [re: Judge Paul’s assistance with Harrisonburg cases], 1960-07-14 | |
itemReply to Defendants’ Memorandum Upon Hearing of October 23 and 24, 1961, Counsel for the Plaintiffs, Doris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA., [2 c.], n.d. | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle Jr. to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: the Memorandum of the Defendants], 1961-10-31 | |
itemNotice to John S. Battle, Counsel for the Defendants, W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA, [re: Motion for Intervention], n.d., 1961-11-02 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Motion to Intervene, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA., 1961-11-03 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: Motion to Intervene], 1961-11-06 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to S. W. Tucker and John S. Battle, [re: Motion for Intervention], 1961-11-08 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to S. W. Tucker and John S. Battle, [re: copy of opinion], 1961-11-17 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to District Judge Thomas J. Michie, [re: copy of opinion], 1961-12-07 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Order, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA., 1961-12-07 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle to S. W. Tucker, Richmond, VA, [re: Judge Paul’s Order], 1961-12-07 | |
itemLetter from S. W. Tucker to John S. Battle, Richmond, VA, [re: additions and insertions for Judge Paul’s Order], 1961-12-09 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Order, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA., 1961-12-11 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: proposed redrafted Order], 1961-12-11 | |
itemLetter from S. W. Tucker to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: amendments to redrafted Order], 1961-12-15 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Opinion by the Court, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA., 1961-12-18 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to S. W. Tucker and John S. Battle, [re: December 11th Opinion and copy of the Order], 1961-12-18 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Order, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA, [2 c.], 1961-10-12 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville and Fendall R. Ellis, Division Superintendent of Schools of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Court Document, [re: Plaintiff interrogatories], n | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Court Document, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA., 1961-09-13 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Court Document, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA., 1962-02-14 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: rescheduling hearing date], 1962-03-20 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to John S. Battle and Henry L. Marsh III, [re: hearing date], 1962-03-21 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Henry L. Marsh III and John S. Battle, [re: hearing date confirmation], 1962-03-23 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Henry L. Marsh III and John S. Battle, [re: hearing date confirmation], 1962-03-27 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to District Judge Ted Dalton, [re: court reporter], 1962-03-28 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Court Document, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA., 1962-04-02 | |
itemLetter from Wayne A. Davies, West Publishing Company Editorial Counsel to District Judge John Paul, [re: copy of Judge Paul’s Opinion], 1962-04-02 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Wayne A. Davies, [re: copy of court opinion], 1962-04-04 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to District Judge Ted Dalton and District Judge Thomas J. Michie, [re: requesting court reporter for August 29th hearing], 1962-08-21 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: objections and revisions to proposed Court Order], 1962-09-27 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to John S. Battle, [re: Court Order], 1962-10-01 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Notice, [re: March 29th, 1962 hearing], W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA., 1962-03-20 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Motion to Vacate Stay, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA, n.d. | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Order, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA, [2 c.], n.d. | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Court Document, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA, [2 c.], n.d., 1961-08-31 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Motion to Intervene, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA, n.d. | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Complaint in Intervention, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA. | |
itemLetter from S. W. Tucker to A. S. Harrison Jr., John S. Battle Jr., Henry T. Wickham, and Walter E. Rogers, Emporia, VA, [re: continuing hearing to July 26th], 1960-07-16 | |
itemLetter from A. S. Harrison Jr., Attorney General to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: July 26th hearing date], 1960-07-18 | |
itemLetter from S. W. Tucker to District Judge John Paul, Emporia, VA, [re: Attorney General’s letter], 1960-07-18 | |
itemLetter from S. W. Tucker to District Judge John Paul, Emporia, VA, [re: Attorney General’s letter], 1960-07-20 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: hearing date], 1960-07-20 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Answer to Complaint in Intervention and Motion for Further Relief, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA, [2 c.], 1960-08-03 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Fendall R. Ellis, Superintendent of Schools, [re: intervening another applicant in the Allen case], 1960-08-11 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Memorandum by the Court by District Judge John Paul, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA., 1960-08-15 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Order, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA, [2 c.], 1960-08-15 | |
itemLetter from Fendall R. Ellis to District Judge John Paul, [re: information on Gloria Hamilton], 1960-08-10 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Court Document, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA, [2 c.], 1960-07-26 | |
itemLetter from Leigh B. Hanes Jr., Deputy Clerk to S. W. Tucker, Harrisonburg, VA, [re: court documents filed], 1960-10-05 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Notice of Appeal, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA., 1960-09-12 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Motion to Intervene, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA, n.d. | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Complaint in Intervention, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA, n.d. | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Motion for Further Relief , W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA, n.d. | |
itemLetter from S. W. Tucker to District Judge John Paul, Emporia, VA, [re: trial date], 1961-08-31 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to S. W. Tucker and John S. Battle, [re: hearing date], 1961-08-31 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: hearing date], 1961-09-01 | |
itemLetter from S. W. Tucker to District Judge John Paul, Emporia, VA, [re: hearing date], 1961-09-01 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to S. W. Tucker and John S. Battle, Harrisonburg, VA, [re: hearing date], 1961-09-01 | |
itemLetter from S. W. Tucker to District Judge John Paul, Emporia, VA, [re: hearing date], 1961-09-08 | |
itemLetter from S. W. Tucker to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: copy of draft Order]., 1961-09-18 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: objections to proposed Order], 1961-09-20 | |
fileLetter from District Judge John Paul to S. W. Tucker and John S. Battle, [re: order and hearing], 1961-09-22 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: interrogatories and hearing date], 1961-10-07 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: copy of Interrogatories], 1961-10-09 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: Interrogatories], 1961-10-10 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to John S. Battle and S. W. Tucker, [re: October 23rd hearing], 1961-10-12 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Answer to the Interrogatories, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA., 1961-10-10 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Objections to the Interrogatories, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA., 1961-10-09 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Notice, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA., 1961-10-09 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Interrogatories, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA., 1961-10-03 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Interrogatories, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA., 1961-10-19 | |
itemDoris Marie Allen, et al. v. The School Board of the City of Charlottesville, et al., Civil Action No. 51, Motion for Further Relief, W.D.Va., Charlottesville, VA. | |
itemLetter from District Judge Roby C. Thompson to District Judge John Paul, Abingdon, VA, [re: segregation cases in Judge Dalton’s decision], 1960-07-08 | |
fileAmerican Furniture v. Norfolk & Western, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 21 |
fileAppalachian Electric v. National Rural Electric Cooperative and Clyde T. Ellis, 1948 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 21 |
fileIn the Matter of Appalachian Electric Power Co., 1951 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 21 |
fileIn the Matter of Daisy W. Atkinson, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 21 |
fileAtkinson v. Hall; Wheeling v. Hall, 1950 | MSS 81-7, Box 21 |
fileAtlantic Coast Line Railway v. Bristol Steel and Iron Works, 1939 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 21 |
fileAustin Organ v. Gilmer, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 21 |
fileAutomatic Draft and Stove v. Bailey-Spencer Hardware, 1939 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 21 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: A, 1930 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 22 |
fileBarnes v. Deane, 1940 - 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 22 |
fileBarnhart v. Western Maryland Railway, 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 22 |
fileIn re Max Berliner, 1945 | MSS 81-7, Box 22 |
fileBerman's Jewelry v. U.S, 1952 | MSS 81-7, Box 22 |
fileBlackburn v. John Hancock Mutual Life, 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 22 |
fileBlackwell v. Vance Trucking, 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 22 |
fileBlackwood Coal & Coke Co.: Girard Trust v. Blackwood Coal, 1933 - 1947 | MSS 81-7, Box 22 |
fileBlackwood Coal & Coke Co.: Girard Trust v. Blackwood Coal , 1933 - 1947 | MSS 81-7, Box 23 |
fileBlanton v. Pacific Mutual Life Insurance, 1944 - 1952 | MSS 81-7, Box 24 |
fileBolling v. [?], n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 24 |
fileBond, Receiver v. Williamson, 1937 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 24 |
fileBoorman v. Lunsford, 1957 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 24 |
fileIn re Boston National Bank, 1934 - 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 24 |
fileBowles v. Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association, 1936 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 24 |
fileBowles v. U.S.; Matthews v. U.S., 1952 | MSS 81-7, Box 24 |
fileBrannon v. Town of Front Royal, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 24 |
fileC.E. Branscome, 1955 - 1957 | MSS 81-7, Box 24 |
fileDavid E. Bratton, 1954 | MSS 81-7, Box 24 |
fileBrinckerhoff v. U.S., 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 24 |
fileBurlington Mills v. Textile Workers Union, 1941 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 24 |
fileIn re Wyatt T. Burnette, 1958 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 24 |
fileBurton v. U.S., 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 24 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence, 1938 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 25 |
fileCalfee v. Brooks Livestock, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 25 |
fileCampbell v. First National Bank of Abingdon, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 25 |
fileCarter Coal v. Litz, 1941 - 1944 | MSS 81-7, Box 26 |
fileCarter Coal v. Tazewell National Bank, 1944 - 1947 | MSS 81-7, Box 26 |
fileCasto v. N.Y.C. R.R. [New York Central Railroad?], 1954 | MSS 81-7, Box 26 |
fileCavalier Poultry v. Fawley Motor Lines, 1955 - 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 26 |
fileClark v. Norfolk and Western, 1954 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 26 |
fileHarry Clemmer's admin. v. Jefferson Standard, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 26 |
fileHarry Clemmer's admin. v. Jefferson Standard, 1936 - 1945 | MSS 81-7, Box 26 |
fileCollier v. U.S., n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 27 |
fileCommercial Casualty Insurance v. Bowles, 1938 - 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 27 |
fileCommissioner of Internal Revenue v. F.W. Poe Manufacturing, 1957 | MSS 81-7, Box 27 |
fileCommonwealth v. Stiff, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 27 |
fileCondair v. Shenandoah Manufacturing, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 27 |
fileConley v. U.S., n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 27 |
fileCorbin v. County School Board of Pulaski County [Segregation], 1947 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 27 |
itemPlaintiff’s complaint (typescript copy), 1947-05-15 | |
itemDefendant’s motion to dismiss (typescript copy), 1947-06-05 | |
itemDefendant’s answer (typescript copy), 1947-08-27 | |
itemDefendant’s motion to dismiss Plaintiff’s Motion for Further Relief (typescript copy), 1951-05-31 | |
fileCreasy v. U.S., n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 27 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence, 1932 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 27 |
fileDaniel v. Corbin, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 28 |
fileDanville v. C & O Ry.; Danville Hotel v. C & O Ry., n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 28 |
fileDavis v. Sprinkler, 1938 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 28 |
fileDepartment of Labor Cases, 1959 - 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 28 |
fileDesegregation Cases, 1958 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 28 |
itemLetter from John S. Battle Jr. regarding court reporter (2 copies), 1962-08-28 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle Jr. regarding setting argument dates (2 copies), 1962-08-23 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle Jr. regarding a motion filed by Mr. Tucker in Charlottesville School Case (2 c.), 1962-08-21 | |
itemLetter to Jane Sutherland regarding copies of court orders and transcripts (1 typescript copy), 1960-08-02 | |
fileDickenson v. Anderson, 1938 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 28 |
fileDillon v. Riverside, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 28 |
fileDorney v. Dorney, 1957 | MSS 81-7, Box 28 |
fileDriver v. U.S., 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 28 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: D, 1938 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 28 |
fileEllison v. Spruce River Coal, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 28 |
fileEscue v. Rasmussen, 1953 - 1955 | MSS 81-7, Box 28 |
fileEvans v. Thrasher, 1945 | MSS 81-7, Box 28 |
fileEvans v. U.S., 1944 - 1946 | MSS 81-7, Box 28 |
fileEverhardt v. Washington Fish Exchange, 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 29 |
fileExport Leaf Tobacco v. American Insurance, 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 29 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: E, 1939 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 29 |
fileFalwell v. U.S., 1946 - 1947 | MSS 81-7, Box 29 |
fileFarm Bureau v. Daniel, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 29 |
fileFarm Bureau v. Hammer, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 29 |
fileFeamster v. Castle, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 29 |
fileFidelity Deposit v. Bank of Giles; Fidelity Deposit v. First National Bank, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 29 |
fileFitzgerald v. Stout, 1949 - 1950 | MSS 81-7, Box 29 |
fileFlanagan v. Glen Falls, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 29 |
fileFleming v. Lewis; Fleming v. Real Estate Agency, 1947 | MSS 81-7, Box 29 |
fileIn re Edmond C. Fletcher Cases, 1942 - 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 29 |
fileFood & Fruit Industries v. Natural Fruit Products, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 29 |
fileFoster v. Brotherhood Railway Carmen; Aldred v. Brotherhood, 1948 | MSS 81-7, Box 29 |
fileFox v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1952 | MSS 81-7, Box 29 |
fileFretwell v. People's Service Stores, 1936 - 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 29 |
fileFritz v. Nicholson, 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 29 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: F, 1939 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 30 |
fileGentry, Administrator v. Beatty, 1942 - 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 30 |
fileGibson v. U.S., 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 30 |
fileGilbert v. Manning, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 30 |
fileJohn Gilford Estate, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 30 |
fileGillette Safety Razor v. Fretwell, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 30 |
fileGoins v. County School Board of Grayson County [segregation case], 1960 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 31 |
fileHall v. Perley, 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 31 |
fileHall v. Perley, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 31 |
fileIn re Phillip H. Haney, 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 31 |
fileIn re Phillip H. Haney, 1957 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 31 |
fileHarris Brothers v. First National Bank, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 31 |
fileCity of Harrisonburg v. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry., n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 31 |
fileIn re Walter R. Hartman, 1960 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 31 |
fileHatke v. National Fire Insurance, 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 31 |
fileHeffernan v. Mount Vernon Bank and Trust, 1962 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 31 |
fileHelms v. Holmes, 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 31 |
fileHerold v. Briscoe, 1955 | MSS 81-7, Box 32 |
fileHines & Baltimore v. L & N Railroad, 1944 - 1945 | MSS 81-7, Box 32 |
fileHodges v. New York Life, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 32 |
fileHouff Transfer v. U.S, 1952 | MSS 81-7, Box 32 |
fileHubbard Milling v. Brown, 1947 - 1952 | MSS 81-7, Box 32 |
fileHypes v. Virginian Railway, 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 32 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: H, 1939 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 32 |
fileIngram v. Greenleaf, 1940 - 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 33 |
fileICC (Interstate Commerce Commission) Cases, 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 33 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: I, 1937 - 1957 | MSS 81-7, Box 33 |
fileJacob v. Clearbrook Woolen, 1955 | MSS 81-7, Box 33 |
fileJeffcoate v. Virginian Railway; Kelly v. Virginian Railway, 1954 | MSS 81-7, Box 33 |
fileJewell Ridge Coal v. Early, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 33 |
fileJohnson v. Norfolk and Western, 1958 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 33 |
fileJohnson v. U.S, 1957 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 33 |
fileJohnson Service v. J.M. Turner, 1957 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 33 |
fileJohnston v. Poirier, 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 33 |
fileJones v. Camp, 1947 - 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 33 |
fileJunk v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 33 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: J, 1939 - 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 33 |
fileKelly (Receiver of the Bank of Norton) v. Yeary, 1936 - 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 34 |
fileKennett v. Early, 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 34 |
fileKilby v. School Board of Warren County, F. 1, 1958 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 34 |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Messrs. Hill, Martin, & Olphin, Attorneys at Law, [re: Judge Paul’s retirement and Judge Dalton’s appointment as his successor], 1960-07-08 | |
itemBetty Kilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Motion to Intervene, W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA, n.d. | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to O. A. Norton, Superintendent of Public Schools, Front Royal, VA, [re: transfer of Negro student], 1962-08-17 | |
itemBetty Kilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Complaint in Intervention, W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA, n.d. | |
itemBetty Kilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Motion to Dissolve the Interlocutory Injunction, W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA., 1959-09-03 | |
itemBetty Kilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Court Order, W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA., | |
itemBetty Kilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Court Order, W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA., 1960-07-26 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to William J. Phillips and S. W. Tucker, [re: Front Royal school case], 1960-09-01 | |
itemLetter from District Judge Roby C. Thompson to District Judge John Paul, Abingdon, VA, [re: the Floyd County case], 1959-09-12 | |
itemLetter form District Judge John Paul to William Shands Meacham, [re: Virginia Pilot editorial], 1959-02-24 | |
itemLetter from Simon E. Sobeloff, United States Circuit Court Judge to District Judge John Paul, Harrisonburg, VA, [re: returning case files], 1959-02-16 | |
subseriesLetter from District Judge John Paul to Simon E. Sobeloff, Baltimore Maryland, [re: copies of court files], 1950-02-13 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Oliver W.Hill, Richmond, VA, [re: redrafted order], [2 c.], 1959-02-13 | |
itemLetter from Oliver W. Hill to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: proposed decree], 1959-02-11 | |
itemKilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Court Order, W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA, [2.c. with Handwritten Notes], 1959-02-10 | |
itemKilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Order, W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA., 1958-10-09 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Oliver W. Hill, [re: copies of the order], 1958-10-09 | |
itemKilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Order, W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA., 1959-10-15 | |
itemLetter from Oliver W. Hill to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: draft of decrees], 1958-10-08 | |
itemLetter from Richard M. F. Williams Jr. to District Judge John Paul, Clerk’s Office, United States Court of Appeals, Richmond, VA, [re: copy of court opinion], 1958-10-02 | |
itemKilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 7760, Appeal from the United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia at Harrisonburg, United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit., 1958-10-0 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Circuit Judge Simon E. Sobeloff, Baltimore, MD, [re: Kilby court cases], 1958-09-25 | |
itemKilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Memorandum by the Court, W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA, [2 c.], 1958-09-09 | |
itemKilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Interlocutory Decree, W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA, [2.c.], 1958-09-08 | |
itemKilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Motion for Interlocutory Injunction, W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA, n.d. | |
itemKilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Plaintiffs’ Statement of Points and Authorities In Support of Motion for an Interlocutory Injunction, W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA, n.d. | |
itemKilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Complaint, W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA, n.d. | |
fileKilby v. School Board of Warren County, F. 2, 1958-1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 34 |
itemLetter from O. A. Norton, Superintendent to District Judge John Paul, Front Royal, VA, [re: Velma Theresa transfer to Warren County High School], 1962-08-15 | |
itemLetter from O. A. Norton to Lewis Sumers, Front Royal, VA, [re: Velma Theresa], 1962, 08-19 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to O. A. Norton, [re: Negro children transfers], 1962-07-19 | |
itemLetter from O.A. Norton to District Judge John Paul, Front Royal, VA, [re: requests for transfers denied], 07-16 | |
itemLetter from O. A. Norton to Cora N. Owens, Front Royal, VA, [re: transfer request approved], 1962-07-13 | |
itemLetter from O. A. Norton to James W. Kilby, Front Royal, VA, [re: transfer request denied], [2 c.],1962-07-13 | |
itemLetter from O. A. Norton to Florence Russell, Front Royal, VA, [re: transfer request denied], 1062-07-13 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to O. A. Norton, [re: Matthew Pines Jr.’s suspension from Warren County High School], 1962-05-18 | |
itemLetter from O. A. Norton to District Judge John Paul, Front Royal, VA, [re: suspension of Matthew Pines Jr.], 1962-05-16 | |
itemLetter from William J. Phillips, Attorney at Law to District Judge John Paul, Front Royal, VA, [re: Kilby case hearing scheduled for October 25th at 10:00AM in Harrisonburg, VA], 1961-10-13 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to W. J. Phillips, [re: Warren County School case hearing date], 1961-10-12 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to S. W. Tucker, John S. Battle Jr., and W. J. Phillips, [re: edits to court order], 1961-09-22 | |
subseriesLetter from John S. Battle Jr. to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: proposed order], 1961-09-20 | |
subseriesLetter from S. W. Tucker to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: draft of order], 1961-09-18 | |
itemKilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Order [Draft with Handwritten Note page], W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA., 1961-09-13 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to John S. Battle Jr., [re: revised plan adopted by the School Board of Warren County], 1961-08-17 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle Jr. to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: revised Public School Assignment PLan for Warren County], 1961-08-14 | |
itemLetter from S. W. Tucker to District Judge John Paul, Emporia, VA, [re: injunction order], 1961-06-24 | |
itemKilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Objections to the Public School Assignment Plan, W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA, n.d., | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle Jr. to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: proposed order and non-discriminatory assignment plan], 1961-06-13 | |
itemLetter from S. W. Tucker to District Judge John Paul, Emporia, Virginia, [re: draft order], 1961-060-07 | |
itemKilby et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Court Order [Draft with Handwritten Edits], W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA, n.d. | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to S. W. Tucker, Otto L. Tucker, Williams J. Phillips, and John S. Battle, [re: hearing on the objections to the school assignment plan], 1961-05-22 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Oliver W. Hill and S. W. Tucker, [re: Public School Assignment Plan], 1961-05-04 | |
itemPublic School Assignment Plan, Part II [with Handwritten Edits], certified by Q. D. Gasque, Division Superintendent of Schools of Warren County, 1961-05-01 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to John S. Battle Jr., [re: proposed order], 1960-10-07 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle Jr. to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: proposed order]., 1960-09-28 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to John S. Battle Jr., [re: proposed order], 1960-09-22 | |
itemKilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Court Order [Draft], W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA, n.d., [2 c.] | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle Jr. to Oliver W. HIll, Richmond, VA, [re: proposed order], 1960-08-22 | |
itemKilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Court Dismissal, W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA, [2 c.], 1960-08-09 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle Jr. to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: Motion to Dismiss recently filed case], 1960-08-03 | |
itemLetter from Secretary from United States District Court W.D.Va. to District Judge John Paul, Abingdon, VA, [re: court paper returns], 1960-08-01 | |
itemKilby, et al., v. The County School Board of Warren County, et al., Civil Action No. 530, Notice of Motion Under Rule 12(b) To Dismiss Complaint in Intervention, W.D.Va., Harrisonburg, VA, n.d., [2 c.] | |
itemMap of The Warren County High School Zone and The Criser High School Zone, Distributed by Front Royal - Warren County Advertising Committee of The Chamber of Commerce, May 1955 | |
itemLetter from John S. Battle to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: hearing date], 1960-08-01 | |
fileKirkland Distributing v. U.S, 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 34 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: K, 1936 - 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 34 |
fileLane Co. v. Coleman Furniture, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 34 |
fileLarson v. U.S, 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 34 |
fileLawhorne v. Hercules Powder, 1947 | MSS 81-7, Box 34 |
fileLemon v. U.S, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 34 |
fileLentz v. Riverton Lime, 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 34 |
fileLetterman v. Norfolk & Western, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 34 |
fileLondon v. Hercules Powder, 1947 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 34 |
fileLong v. Dunkley, 1938(?), | MSS 81-7, Box 34 |
fileLynchburg Traffic Bureau v. U.S. and Interstate Commerce Commission, 1963 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 35 |
fileLyons v. Bailey and Safety Motor Transit, 1936 | MSS 81-7, Box 35 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: L, 1936 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 35 |
fileMackall v. U.S; Pickett v. U.S, 1957 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 35 |
fileMacCorkle v. U.S, 1933 - 1934 | MSS 81-7, Box 35 |
fileMaryland Casualty v. American Employers' Insurance, 1953 - 1954 | MSS 81-7, Box 35 |
fileMcAleenan v. Horning, 1944 - 1945 | MSS 81-7, Box 36 |
fileMcLendon v. Ramsey, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 36 |
fileMcElrath v. Industrial Rayon, 1935 - 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 36 |
fileMedford v. Ellis, 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 36 |
fileMerck v. Mathieson, 1955 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 36 |
fileIn re Merimac Anthracite Coal, 1933 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 36 |
fileMiles Laboratories v. Mick-or-Mack; Miles Laboratories v. Garland, 1954 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 36 |
fileMiller v. Harris, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 36 |
fileMiller v. South River Mining, 1958 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 36 |
fileMoffet v. [?], n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 36 |
fileMorris v. Camel; Vandiver v. Camel, 1952 | MSS 81-7, Box 36 |
fileMorrison v. U.S., 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 37 |
fileMyers v. American Well Works, 1939 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 37 |
fileMyers v. Mutual Benefit, 1955 | MSS 81-7, Box 37 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: M, 1935 - 1955 | MSS 81-7, Box 37 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: Mc, 1935 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 37 |
fileRe: National Bank of Norton, 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 37 |
fileNational Fruit Product v. U.S., 1952 | MSS 81-7, Box 37 |
fileNational Labor Relations Board v. Ryder Tank Lines, 1960 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 37 |
fileNational Toy and Tinsel v. Merimac Anthracite Coal, 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 37 |
fileNolan v. U.S., 1950 | MSS 81-7, Box 38 |
fileNoland v. Wood Construction, 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 38 |
fileNonsuco v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue; San Vicente v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 38 |
fileNordstrom v. Firestone Tire and Rubber; Werkheiser v. Firestone Tire and Rubber, 1950 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 38 |
fileNorfolk Southern v. Roanoke Iron Bridge Works, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 38 |
fileNorfolk and Western v. U.S, 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 38 |
fileNovocol Chemical v. Powers and Anderson, 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 38 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: N, 1932 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 38 |
fileIn re Henry Charles O'Dell, 1954 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 38 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: O, 1939 - 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 38 |
filePacific-Atlantic Steamship v. U.S., 1946 - 1948 | MSS 81-7, Box 38 |
filePeck v. Norfolk and Western, 1947 - 1948 | MSS 81-7, Box 38 |
filePeeler v. Shell Union Oil, 1938 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 38 |
filePenello v. Burlington Industries, 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 39 |
filePenello v. Local No. 980, 1957 | MSS 81-7, Box 39 |
filePenello v. Roanoke Building & Construction Trades Council, 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 39 |
filePenny v. Alexandria Building Supplies, 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 39 |
filePeoples National Bank of Charlottesville v. U.S, 1954 - 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 39 |
filePettry v. Lehigh Portland Cement, 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 39 |
filePoe v. U.S., 1936 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 39 |
filePoti-Port v. Federal Trade Commission, 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 39 |
filePower and Combustion v. Wilson Mandate, 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 39 |
filePritchard v. Nelson, 1942 - 1944 | MSS 81-7, Box 39 |
fileProctor v. Biller, 1957 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 39 |
fileIn re Production Credit Association, 1959 - 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 39 |
filePrudential Insurance v. Cupp, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 39 |
filePrudential Insurance v. Thomas, 1960 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 39 |
filePugh v. Lindsay, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 39 |
filePullman v. U.S, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 39 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: P, 1935 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 39 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: P, 1935 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 40 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: Q, 1950 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 40 |
fileRachman v. Cohen, 1956 - 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 40 |
fileIn re C. L. Radford, 1956 - 1957 | MSS 81-7, Box 40 |
fileRailway Labor Executives Assn. v. U.S, 1962 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 40 |
fileRakes v. U.S, 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 40 |
fileReasor v. Crum, 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 40 |
fileRedmond v. O'Sullivan Rubber, 1950 | MSS 81-7, Box 40 |
fileRichardson v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 40 |
fileRichmond Sand and Gravel v. Motor Tug "Fisher", 1947 - 1948 | MSS 81-7, Box 40 |
fileRickett v. Federal Roanoke Truck Sales, 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 40 |
fileEx parte E. J. Roberts, 1944 - 1950 | MSS 81-7, Box 40 |
fileRobertson v. Norfolk and Western, 1956 - 1957 | MSS 81-7, Box 40 |
fileRodgers v. Irvine, 1957 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 40 |
fileRogers v. Houff, 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 40 |
fileRe: William Edward Ross, 1946 | MSS 81-7, Box 41 |
fileRudisill v. Chesapeake and Ohio, 1946 - 1950 | MSS 81-7, Box 41 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: R, 1933 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 41 |
fileSampsell, et al v. Casey Jones, 1944 - 1945 | MSS 81-7, Box 41 |
fileSaville v. U.S, n.d., | MSS 81-7, Box 41 |
fileScott v. Norton Hardware, n.d., | MSS 81-7, Box 41 |
fileSechrist v. Dyke, 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 41 |
fileShepard & Co. v. Agwilines, 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 41 |
fileShepherd v. Mitchell, 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 41 |
fileShreckhise v. Ritchie, n.d., | MSS 81-7, Box 41 |
fileSilberstein v. Virginia State Lines, 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 41 |
fileSimmons v. Atlantis Greyhound, 1947 - 1948 | MSS 81-7, Box 41 |
fileSmallwood v. U.S, 1934 - 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 41 |
fileSmith v. Gay, 1950 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 41 |
fileSmith v. National Fruit Products, 1936 - 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 42 |
fileSmith v. U.S, 1950 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 42 |
fileSnead v. New York Central, 1954 - 1955 | MSS 81-7, Box 42 |
fileStandard Brands v. Eastern Shore Canning, 1947 - 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 42 |
fileStearn, et al. v. U.S. and ICC, 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 42 |
fileSteele v. Harry Hamrick and Hoover Lines, 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 42 |
fileStephenson v. Equitable Life Assurance Society, 1936 - 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 42 |
fileSterrett v. Hirsh, 1932 - 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 42 |
fileStevens, et al. v. Howard D. Johnson Co, 1949 - 1950 | MSS 81-7, Box 42 |
fileStraight Side Basket v. Berryville Basket, 1933 - 1936 | MSS 81-7, Box 42 |
fileStrong v. Cabell, 1938 - 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 42 |
fileSutton v. Hart, n.d | MSS 81-7, Box 42 |
fileSwanson v. Rector and Visitors of University of Virginia, 1950 | MSS 81-7, Box 42 |
itemGregory Hayes Swanson v. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, et al., Notice of Necessity of Three-Judge Court, W.D.Va. [3 c.] | |
itemGregory Hayes Swanson v. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, et al., Civil Action No. 30, Notice of Hearing, W.D.Va., 1950-08-16 | |
itemLetter from Spottswood W. Robinson, III to John Paul, Chief Judge. [re: Swanson v. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, et al. Civil Action No. 30]., 1950-08-18 | |
itemLetter from Lottie M. Morrissette, Deputy Clerk, to District Judge John Paul., 1950-08-16 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Judge John J. Parker, [re: Swanson hearing date scheduled for Tuesday, September 5th]., 1950-08-16 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Messrs. Hill, Martin, & Robinson, Attorneys at Law, [re: Judge Parker, a United States Circuit Judge from Charlotte, North Carolina, and Judge Soper, a United States Circuit Judge from Baltimore, Maryland, sent an o | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., Attorney General of the State of Virginia, 1950-08-16 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Mrs. Lottie M. Morrissette, Deputy Clerk, 1950-08-06 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Mr. Allen Perkins, Attorney at Law, [re: the tentatively scheduled hearing date and a request for legal briefs prior to the proceeding], 1950-08-16 | |
itemGregory Hayes Swanson v. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, et al., Order, W.D.Va., [re: the designation of Judge Parker and Judge Soper to the Swanson case], n.d. | |
itemLetter [Handwritten] from Judge John. J. Parker to District Judge John Paul, Myrtle Beach, S.C., [re: Judge Parker’s instructions to Judge Paul for the Swanson case], 1950-08-14 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Judge Parker, Myrtle Beach, S.C., [re: the details of the Swanson case], 1950-08-10 | |
itemGregory Hayes Swanson v. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, et al., Civil Action No. 30, Notice of Necessity of Three-Judge Court, W.D.Va., 1950-08-10 | |
subseriesGregory Hayes Swanson v. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, et al., Order Convening Three-Judge Court, W.D.Va., n.d. | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., Attorney General, [re: Judge Paul’s receipt of the Statement of Facts and a copy of the answer in the Swanson case], 1950-09-01 | |
itemLetter from Judge Parker to Judge Soper, [re: Allen Perkins’, Attorney for the University, illness and the September 5th hearing in Charlottesville; Judge Parker also mentioned news of legal decisions in Florida and Delaware that relate to the Swanson cas | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Judge Parker, [re: confirming the September 5th hearing date], 1950-08-28 | |
itemLetter from L. Stanford Finney, United States Marshal, to District Judge John Paul, 1950-08-24 | |
itemLetter from C. Venable Minor to District Judge John Paul, Charlottesville, Va, [re: Allen Perkins’ replacement by C. Venable Minor], 1950-08-23 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Judge Armistead M. Dobie, United States Circuit Judge, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1950-08-23 | |
itemLetter from Judge Armistead M. Dobie to District Judge John Paul, [re: the news story of Judge Parker, Judge Soper, and Judge Paul presiding over the Swanson case], 1950-08-22 | |
itemLetter from Spottswood W. Robinson, III, to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, Virginia, [re: receipt of Judge Paul’s letter from August 21st], 1950-08-22 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to L. Stanford Finney, United States Marshal, Roanoke, Virginia, [re: Judge Paul’s request for the presence of a U.S. Marshal representative at the Swanson hearing], 1950-08-21 | |
itemLetter from Spottswood W. Robinson, III, Of Counsel for Plaintiff, to Judge John J. Parker and Judge Morris A. Soper, [re: copy of the complaint], 1950-08-18 | |
itemLetter from Spottswood W. Robinson, III, Of Counsel for Plaintiff, to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: copy of the plaintiff’s motion for preliminary injunction], 1950-08-18 | |
itemLetter from Spottswood W. Robinson, III, Of Counsel for Plaintiff, to Mr. Clarence E. Gentry, Clerk, W.D.Va., 1950-08-18 | |
itemGregory Hayes Swanson v. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, et al., Civil Action No. 30, Motion for Preliminary Injunction, Points and Authorities in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction, Notice of Motion for Preliminary Injunc | |
itemGregory Hayes Swanson v. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, et al., Order Convening Three-Judge Court, W.D.Va., 1950-08-08 | |
itemLetter from Spottswood W. Robinson, III. to J. Lindsay Almond Jr., Allan Perkins, and John S. Battle, Governor of Virginia, [re: plaintiff’s motion for a preliminary injunction and 10:00 AM start time of September 5th hearing], [2 c.]., 1950-08-18 | |
itemGregory Hayes Swanson v. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, et al., Civil Action No. 30, Complaint, W.D.Va., n.d. | |
itemMemo to the Clerk and Marshal from Spottswood W. Robinson of Hill, Martin, and Robinson, [re: Gregory Hayes Swanson v. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia], 1950-08-07 | |
itemLetter from District Judge John Paul to Messrs. Hill, Martin, & Robinson, Richmond, VA, [re: copy of the plaintiff’s motion for a preliminary injunction], 1950-08-21 | |
itemLetter from Spottswood W. Robinson, III, to Judge Parker, Judge Soper, and District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: copy of the plaintiff’s brief], 1950-08-24 | |
itemGregory Hayes Swanson v. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, et al., Civil Action No. 30, Brief on Behalf of the Plaintiff, W.D.Va. Charlottesville Division, n.d. | |
itemLetter from J. Lindsay Almond Jr. to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: C. Venable Minor’s designation as Mr. W. Allan Perkins’ replacement as legal counsel for the University and a copy of the defendants’’ answer], 1950-08-28 | |
itemGregory Hayes Swanson v. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, et al., Civil Action No. 30, Answer, W.D.Va., n.d. | |
itemLetter from J. Lindsay Almond, Jr. to District Judge John Paul, Richmond, VA, [re: Agreed Statement of Facts in the Swanson case], 1950-08-31 | |
itemGregory Hayes Swanson v. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, et al., Civil Action No. 30, Agreed Statement of Facts, W.D.Va. Charlottesville Division, n.d. | |
itemGregory Hayes Swanson v. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, et al., Order Convening Three-Judge Court, W.D.Va. Charlottesville Division, n.d., [3 c.] | |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: S , 1930 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 42 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: , 1930 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 43 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence:, 1930 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 44 |
fileTennessee Valley Authority v. Southern States Power, n.d | MSS 81-7, Box 44 |
fileTiedman, et al. v. American Pigment; Tiedman, et al. v. Appalachian Electric, 1952 - 1957 | MSS 81-7, Box 44 |
fileTilghman Moyer v. Pulaski National Bank, 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 44 |
fileTomlinson v. U.S, 1935 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 44 |
fileTompkins v. Tompkins, 1934 - 1936 | MSS 81-7, Box 44 |
fileTucker v. Fowlkes, n.d | MSS 81-7, Box 44 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence, 1934 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 44 |
fileU.S. v. Appalachian Electric, n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 45 |
fileU.S. v. H.C. Bolling, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 45 |
fileU.S. v. Boone, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 45 |
fileU.S. v. Cases of Early June Peas , 1942-44, [4 separate suits] | MSS 81-7, Box 45 |
fileU.S. v. Chesapeake and Ohio, 1941 - 1944 | MSS 81-7, Box 45 |
fileU.S. v. Coffman, 1940 - 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 45 |
fileU.S. v. Craddock-Terry Shoe Corp, n.d., | MSS 81-7, Box 45 |
fileU.S. v. Danton, 1950 - 1953 | MSS 81-7, Box 45 |
fileU.S. v. Fletcher, 1948 - 1954 | MSS 81-7, Box 45 |
fileU.S. v. Franklin, 1945 - 1947 | MSS 81-7, Box 45 |
fileU.S. v. Gochenaur, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. Hall, 1954 | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. Harnsberger, 1952 | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. Lee Bank and Trust, 1934 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. Leftwick, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. McWilliams (sediton case), 1944 | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. Gomery Granville Miller, 1940 - 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. Mucherino, 1962 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. Nowlin, 1938 - 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. M.G. O'Farrell, 1954 | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. One Chevrolet Truck, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. One Ford Coach Automobile, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. Perkins, 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. Pittsburgh Plate Glass, 1957 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. Roanoke Motor, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. Saglietto; U.S. v. Ravasini , 1941 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. St. Clair, 1944 - 1955 | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. Shively (Franklin County liquor conspiracy case), 1936 - 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. Showalter, 1952(?), | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. Showker, 1950-51; 1953, | MSS 81-7, Box 46 |
fileU.S. v. Shrout, 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileU.S. v. Smith, 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileU.S. v. Sutherland, 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileU.S. v. Town of Waynesboro, 1947 - 1948 | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileU.S. v. Wenzel, 1962 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileU.S. v. Wolcott , 1943 - 1944 | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileU.S. v. Wolfe, 1952 - 1953 | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileU.S. for the use of Noland Co. v. Worsham and American Surety, 1935 - 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: U, 1936-60, | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileVaughan v. Ellis[?], n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileVaughan v. Miller, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileVaughn v. Virginian Railway, 1942 - 1944 | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileVecellio v. Bopst, 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileVirginia Stage Lines v. U.S, 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileVroon v. Templin, 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: V , (1934-64) 1934-64, | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileWachter v. Palumbo, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileWalker v. Farley, 1958 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileWalker v. Floyd County School Board, 1960 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 47 |
fileWallinger v. Certainteed Products, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWeakley v. U.S, 1945 - 1947 | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWeaver v. Marcus, 1947 - 1948 | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWedge v. Titus Nursery, 1934 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWeeks v. Weeks, 1962 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWeissman v. Davies, 1951 - 1953 | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWerth v. Williams, 1952(?), | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWest v. Chesapeake & Ohio, 1951 - 1952 | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWheeling Steel v U.S, 1936 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWhitlock v. Lambert, 1954 | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWhittaker v. Fossan, 1960 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWiley & Sons v. U.S. and ICC, 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWilliams v. Nichols, 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWilliams v. Shope, 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWillis v. Dermis, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWood v. U.S, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWoods v. Forman; U.S. v. Kessler; U.S. v. Lynskey, 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWright v. U.S, 1952 - 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileWyant v. Caldwell, 1936 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 48 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: W , 1935 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 49 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Material, Primarily Correspondence: X,Y,Z, 1936 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 49 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Motions, Pleadings & Orders: A -Z , n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 50 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Motions, Pleadings & Orders:, A -Z n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 51 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Motions, Pleadings & Orders, A -Z n.d. | MSS 81-7, Box 52 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Motions, Pleadings & Orders: A -Z, n.d | MSS 81-7, Box 53 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Motions, Pleadings & Orders: A -Z , n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 54 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Motions, Pleadings & Orders: A -Z, n.d | MSS 81-7, Box 55 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Motions, Pleadings & Orders: A -Z , n.d | MSS 81-7, Box 56 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Motions, Pleadings & Orders: A -Z , n.d | MSS 81-7, Box 57 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Notes: Handwritten Notes on Testimony taken from Bench , 1933 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 58 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Notes: Handwritten Notes on Testimony taken from Bench, 1933 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 59 |
fileMiscellaneous Case Notes: Handwritten Notes on Testimony taken from Bench, 1933 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 60 |
fileMiscellaneous Unknown Cases, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 61 |
fileMiscellaneous Criminal Cases: Correspondence, Motions, Pleadings & Orders , 1939 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 61 |
seriesBankruptcy Cases | |
fileAdministrative: Correspondence , 1928 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 62 |
fileAdmin.: Referees in Bankruptcy: Appointments, 1931 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 62 |
fileAdmin.: Referees in Bankruptcy: Appointments, 1931 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 63 |
fileAdmin.: Referees in Bankruptcy: Expense Accounts , 1934 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 63 |
fileAdmin.: Referees in Bankruptcy: Expense Accounts, 1934 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 64 |
fileAdmin.: Referees in Bankruptcy: Map, 1946 | MSS 81-7, Box 64 |
fileAdmin: Referees in Bankruptcy: Reports for Judicial Conferences, 1947;1954;1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 64 |
fileEdna E. Allen, 1932 | MSS 81-7, Box 65 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: A , 1933 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 65 |
fileCharles Barksdale & E.C. Buck, 1933 | MSS 81-7, Box 65 |
fileBeaver Products Co, 1932 - 1934 | MSS 81-7, Box 65 |
fileBoothe Drug Store, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 65 |
fileHenry Potter Britt, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 65 |
fileJames H. Burnley, 1947(?) | MSS 81-7, Box 65 |
fileCharles B. Burruss, 1933 | MSS 81-7, Box 65 |
fileBush & Hancock, Inc, 1933 | MSS 81-7, Box 65 |
fileAnnie L. Butler, n.d | MSS 81-7, Box 65 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: B , 1932 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 65 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: B , 1932 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 66 |
fileSamuel Caldwell, 1945(?) | MSS 81-7, Box 66 |
fileCarden & Carden, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 66 |
fileCentral States Electric Corporation , 1930 - 1945 | MSS 81-7, Box 66 |
fileHallie J. Cobb, 1933 - 1934 | MSS 81-7, Box 67 |
fileIsabel Cochrane, 1937(?) | MSS 81-7, Box 67 |
fileCourtroy & Courtroy, 1958(?) | MSS 81-7, Box 67 |
fileDavid Morse Crabtree, 1944 - 1945 | MSS 81-7, Box 67 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: C , 1932 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 67 |
fileE.L. Davis, trading as Perm-Davis Coal Co, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 67 |
fileJames Davis, 1949(?) | MSS 81-7, Box 67 |
fileDixie Splint Coal Co, 1937 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 67 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: D , 1932 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 67 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: D, 1932 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 68 |
fileLevi Hamilton Easter, 1934 - 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 68 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: E, 1932 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 68 |
fileW.F. Flanagan, 1932 - 1934 | MSS 81-7, Box 68 |
fileFuller Drug Co, 1933 - 1934 | MSS 81-7, Box 68 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: F , 1932 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 68 |
fileGeorge Garber, 1936(?), | MSS 81-7, Box 68 |
fileS.A. Garrison, Inc, 1956 - 1957 | MSS 81-7, Box 68 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: G, 1928 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 68 |
fileHailey Mercantile Co, 1932 - 1934 | MSS 81-7, Box 69 |
fileWilliam Holloway, 1937 (?), | MSS 81-7, Box 69 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: H , 1928 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 69 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: I, 1933-36;1949;1954, | MSS 81-7, Box 69 |
fileVivian D. Johnston, 1932 - 1933 | MSS 81-7, Box 69 |
fileArthur G. Jones Woolen Mills Corp, 1930 - 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 69 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: J , 1932 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 69 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: J, 1932 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 70 |
fileReba B. Koontz, 1933 | MSS 81-7, Box 70 |
fileCharles Eugene Kyle, 1935 - 1936 | MSS 81-7, Box 70 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: K , 1932 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 70 |
fileW.D. Lawton, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 70 |
fileLincoln Industries, 1958(?) | MSS 81-7, Box 70 |
fileJames Stoker Long, 1938 (?) | MSS 81-7, Box 70 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: L, 1932 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 70 |
fileLloyd Marcus, 1933 | MSS 81-7, Box 70 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: Mc , 1934 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 70 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: M , 1930 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 70 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: M, 1930 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 71 |
fileNational Manufacturing Co, 1958 (?), | MSS 81-7, Box 71 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: N , 1934 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 71 |
fileFrench Oakes, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 71 |
fileRobert Osborn, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 71 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: O , 1933 - 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 71 |
fileGeorge William Paynter, 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 71 |
filePride of Virginia Poultry Corp, 1959 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 71 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: P , 1932 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 71 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: Q, 1934 - 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 71 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: R, 1932 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 71 |
fileShawker Bros., Inc, 1950(?), | MSS 81-7, Box 71 |
fileSidney's Incorporated , 1932 - 1934 | MSS 81-7, Box 71 |
fileSidney's Incorporated, | MSS 81-7, Box 72 |
fileAnsel Solenberger, 1959(?), | MSS 81-7, Box 72 |
fileJames Luther Sturgill, 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 72 |
fileJ.C. Sutherland, 1939 - 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 72 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: S , 1932 - 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 72 |
fileWalter Thompson, 1943(?), | MSS 81-7, Box 72 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: T , 1932 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 72 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: U, 1939 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 72 |
fileVirginia Hot Springs Co, 1939 - 1954 | MSS 81-7, Box 72 |
fileVirginia Hot Springs Co, 1939 - 1954 | MSS 81-7, Box 73 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: V , 1934 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 73 |
fileRobert Irwin Winn, 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 73 |
fileJesse C. Wood, 1942 - 1944 | MSS 81-7, Box 73 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: W , 1932 - 1961 | MSS 81-7, Box 73 |
fileHarding Yates, 1941 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 73 |
fileJames Elmer Yount, 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 73 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: Y-Z, 1933 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 73 |
seriesSection 75 Bankruptcy Cases | |
subseriesIndividual and Business Cases | |
fileAdministrative: Conciliation Commissioners , 1934 - 1950 | MSS 81-7, Box 74 |
fileAdmin.: Conciliation Commissioners: Forms, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 74 |
fileAdmin.: Conciliation Commissioners: Record of Appointments, 1934 - 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 74 |
fileAdmin.: Correspondence Regarding Statute, 1934 - 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 74 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records Correspondence : A, 1934 - 1936 | MSS 81-7, Box 75 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: B, 1934 - 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 75 |
fileOder P. Carter , 1940 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 75 |
fileMary V. Chaney , 1937 - 1948 | MSS 81-7, Box 75 |
fileLucy Conrad , 1935 - 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 75 |
fileJames L. Cunningham, 1934 - 1935 | MSS 81-7, Box 75 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: C, 1935 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 75 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: D, 1934 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 75 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records Correspondence: E, 1939 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 75 |
fileJames Flanagan, 1935 - 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 76 |
fileSallie T. Frazier, 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 76 |
fileS. Grat Gillespie, 1934 - 1936 | MSS 81-7, Box 76 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: G, 1934 - 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 76 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: H, 1934 - 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 76 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: J, 1935 | MSS 81-7, Box 76 |
fileNannie P. Large, 1936 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 76 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: L, 1935 - 1950 | MSS 81-7, Box 76 |
fileElizabeth Massey, 1937(?), | MSS 81-7, Box 76 |
fileMeyers & Sifford, 1934 - 1935 | MSS 81-7, Box 76 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: M , 1934-40, [2 folders] | MSS 81-7, Box 77 |
fileJames R. Nichols , 1934 - 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 77 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: O, 1935 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 77 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: Q, 1934 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 77 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: R, 1934 - 1948 | MSS 81-7, Box 77 |
fileJ.E. Sheets, 1935 - 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 77 |
fileW.J. Shelburne, 1936 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 77 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: S, 1934 - 1936 | MSS 81-7, Box 77 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: T, 1934 - 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 78 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: U, 1935 - 1936 | MSS 81-7, Box 78 |
fileC.D. Vernon, 1935 - 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 78 |
fileAnnie R. Wharton , 1935 - 1944 | MSS 81-7, Box 78 |
fileD.H. Whitmore, 1942 - 1945 | MSS 81-7, Box 78 |
fileG. Frank Wolfe, 1937(?) | MSS 81-7, Box 78 |
fileRobert Page Wright, 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 78 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: W, 1934 - 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 78 |
fileUnknown Case, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 78 |
seriesCondemnation Cases | |
fileAdministrative Matters, 1934 - 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 79 |
fileAdmin.: Condemnation Procedure, Rule 71A: Correspondence , 1947 - 1956 | MSS 81-7, Box 79 |
fileAdmin.: Condemnation Rule: Article by John Paul for Iowa Law Review and related correspondence, 1957 - 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 80 |
fileAdmin.: Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts: Preliminary Drafts of Proposed Amendments and Subsequent Reports, 1944 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 80 |
fileGeorge Abbitt Land (Buckingham and Appomattox), 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 80 |
fileE.P. Akers' Heirs' Land (Montgomery), 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 80 |
fileAnnie C. Alexander Land (Pulaski) , 1942 - 1946 | MSS 81-7, Box 80 |
fileAgnes M. Altizer Land (Pulaski), 1942 - 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 80 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records Correspondence: A, 1935 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 80 |
fileEdgar W. Bell Land (Pulaski), 1941 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 80 |
fileJ.R. Bentley Land (Pulaski), 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 80 |
fileC.A. and J.A. Bloyd Land (Bath), 1937 - 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 80 |
fileA.L. Browne Land (Rappahannock), 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 80 |
fileLawrence A. Buzzard Land (Bath), 1932 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 80 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: B, 1940 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 80 |
fileBessie A. Caldwell Land (Craig and Roanoke), 1943 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileWillie Ann Cale Land (Augusta and Bath), 1941 - 1945 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileRoy M. Cash Land (Amherst), 1941 - 1945 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileF.J. Chapman Land (Bedford and Roanoke), 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileClifton Forge National Bank Land (Botetourt), 1936 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileJ.A. Cline Land (Alleghany), 1937 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileL.M. Crabtree Land (Pulaski), 1941 - 1944 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileCraig-Giles Iron Co. Land (Craig and Giles), 1936 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileJ.W. Crouse Land (Carroll and Grayson), 1939 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileEldon K. Crowder Land (Alleghany), 1940 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: C, 1933 - 1950 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileJoseph Darnell Land (Rappahannock), 1938 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileJohn L. Dickinson, Trustee (Craig and Montgomery), 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileDouthat Land Co. (Alleghany and Bath), 1937 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileWalden Dudley Estate (Pulaski), 1940 - 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileM.L. Earman Land (Appomattox), 1936 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileF.C. Eckmann Land (Bath), 1938 - 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileEdgar S. Edwill Land (Cumberland), 1941 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileNancy A. Elgin Land (Patrick), 1950 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileWalter M. Elmore Land (Craig), 1949 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileEngland, Walton Co. Land (Rockingham), 1935 - 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 81 |
fileCharles F. Fielder Land (Grayson), 1936 - 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 82 |
fileForest Lumber Co. Land (Highland), 1936 | MSS 81-7, Box 82 |
fileJ.E. Fowler Land (Clarke and Loudoun), 1957 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 82 |
fileMinnie B. Fudge Estate (Alleghany), 1958 - 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 82 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Reports & Correspondence: D-F, 1936 - 1947 | MSS 81-7, Box 82 |
fileBertha B. Galbraith Land (Botetourt and Craig), 1936 - 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 82 |
fileClaude E. Garrett Land (Washington), 1950 - 1952 | MSS 81-7, Box 82 |
fileGates, Trustee (Smyth and Washington), 1927 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 82 |
fileT.M. Gathright (Alleghany and Botetourt, 1938 - 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 82 |
fileGilpin Estate Trustees Nettie C. Wiley Land (Clarke and Loudoun), 1955 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 82 |
fileGirard Trust Co. Land (Craig), 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 82 |
fileEdna M. Givens Land (Craig), 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 82 |
fileGochenour Land (Warren), 1934 | MSS 81-7, Box 82 |
fileAnnie Burke Good Land (Rockingham), 1949 - 1950 | MSS 81-7, Box 82 |
fileMary Kate Gough Land (Scott), 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 82 |
fileHagen Estate (Scott), 1935 - 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 82 |
fileK.A. Harman Land (Rockingham), 1933 - 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 82 |
fileH.H. Harmon Land (Augusta), 1942 - 1944 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileB.L. Haymaker Land (Montgomery), 1941 - 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileT.B. Helms Land (Craig), 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileJames P. Hewitt Land (Craig), 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileElmer V. Hodges Land (Frederick), 1933 - 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileHope and Boguess Land (Botetourt), 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileW.S. Hundley Land (Halifax), 1951 - 1952 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileR.S. Hurt Land (Montegomery), 1941 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileDavid Ingram Land (Rockbridge), 1940 - 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileIvanhoe Mining and Smelting Corp. Land, 1950 - 1953 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: H-I, 1937 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileJenkins Land (Rappahannock), 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileJohannas Jenkins Land (Rappahannock), 1937 - 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileLaura Johnston Land (Giles), 1950 - 1957 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileRay Johnston Land (Giles), 1944 - 1945 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileC.C. Jones Land (Craig), 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileJames Ellwood Jones Estate (Grayson, Smyth and Wythe), 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileEdwin Jordan Estate (Craig and Alleghany), 1939 - 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileFrederick Juchhoff Land (Cumberland), 1938 - 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileKanawha-Dunlap Land Co. (Alleghany), 1937 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 83 |
fileA.C. Keebler Land (Smyth), 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileKeystone Coal Co. Land, 1933 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileJames C. Kitzmiller Land (Washington), 1950 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileFayette S. Krenning Land (Wythe), 1941 - 1944 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileA.E. Krise Land (?), 1933 - 1934 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: K, 1942 - 1955 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileR.T. Lambeth Land (Augusta), 1939 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileSchuyler Larkin Land (Craig), 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileLorenzo Lawson Land (Montegomery), 1941 - 1944 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileG.W. Layman Land (Craig), 1940 - 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileNancy E. Lee Land (Patrick), 1937 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileLeftwich Timber Co. (Amherst and Nelson), 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileLincoln Investment Co. Land (Grayson and Smyth), 1934 - 1935 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileLiquidating Committee of First National Bank of Highland Co. (Bath and Highland), 1935 - 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileW.M. Long Land (Page and Rockingham), 1935 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileLook and Lincoln, Ltd. Land (Grayson and Smyth), 1935 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileJ.S. Lowman Land (Page and Rockingham), 1935 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: L, 1932 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileMary S. Malone Land (Montgomery), 1942 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileMaryland-West Virginia Lumber Co. Land (Shenandoah), 1934 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileHilda Masters Land (Giles), 1948 - 1950 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileThomas B. McCaleb Land (Alleghany), 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileLee McConnell Land (Alleghany), 1941 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileA.H. McDannald Land (Alleghany and Bath), 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 84 |
fileClyde E. McDannald Land (Alleghany and Bath), 1950 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 85 |
fileW.H. McLeod Land (Pulaski), 1941 - 1950 | MSS 81-7, Box 85 |
fileL.L. Meador Land (Cumberland), 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 85 |
fileS.R. Millar Estate (Frederick, Shenandoah and Warren), 1935 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 85 |
fileA.R. Miller Land (Rockingham), 1936 - 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 85 |
fileF.K. Miller Land (Augusta), 1935 - 1948 | MSS 81-7, Box 85 |
fileOctavia V. Miller Land (Rockingham), 1951 - 1952 | MSS 81-7, Box 85 |
fileMineral Development Co. Land (Scott), 1939 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 85 |
fileW.C. Moran Land (Bath and Rockbridge), 1936 - 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 85 |
fileCharles W. Morehead Land (Pulaski), 1941 - 1944 | MSS 81-7, Box 85 |
fileRay C. Moyston Land (Halifax), 1950 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 85 |
fileJames W. Nethers Land (Rappahannock), 1936 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 85 |
fileNorth Fork Lumber Co. Land (Highland), 1936 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 85 |
fileSarah O'Riorden Land (Botetourt and Rockbridge), 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 85 |
fileT.A. Parker Land (Alleghany), 1940 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 85 |
fileWilliam F. Phillips Land (Rockingham and Shenandoah), 1935 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 85 |
fileWilliam S. Pool Land (Halifax), 1952 - 1957 | MSS 81-7, Box 85 |
filePotts Valley Mining Manufacturing Co. (Alleghany and Craig), 1937 - 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 86 |
fileJ.B. Powers & M.E. Tracy Land (Alleghany and Botetourt), 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 86 |
fileClark S. Price Land (Washington), 1949 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 86 |
fileM.A. Price Land (Shenandoah), 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 86 |
fileLula M. Pritchard Land (Rockbridge), 1933 - 1936 | MSS 81-7, Box 86 |
fileGardner C. Pruett Land (Wythe), 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 86 |
filePulacki Iron Co. Land (Wythe), 1936 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 86 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: M-P, 1935 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 86 |
fileQuincy Coal Co. Land (West Virginia), 1934 - 1935 | MSS 81-7, Box 86 |
fileH.A. and C.H. Revercomb (Bath), 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 86 |
fileStella Dalton Richardson Land (Montgomery and Pulaski), 1941 - 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 86 |
fileJohn Riggleman Land (Rockingham), 1935 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 86 |
fileRoaring Run Land Corp. (Botetourt), 1940 - 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 86 |
fileAnna D. Rock Land (Craig), 1949 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 86 |
fileW.V. Rogers Land (Alleghany), 1936 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 86 |
fileJohn E. Roller Estate (Rockingham), 1936 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 87 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: R, 1934 - 1950 | MSS 81-7, Box 87 |
fileShanklin Farms, Inc. (Smyth), 1936 - 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 87 |
fileWilliam M. Shoun Land, 1954 | MSS 81-7, Box 87 |
fileH.W. Silsby Land (Arlington), 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 87 |
fileSouthwest Virginia Mineral Land Corp. (Lee), 1941 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 87 |
fileW.H. Spiller Heirs Land (Smyth), 1939 - 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 87 |
fileJ.L. Stanley Land (Grayson), 1933 - 1934 | MSS 81-7, Box 87 |
fileJ.P. Stevens & Co. (Charlotte and Halifax) , 1954 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 87 |
fileR.W. Stoneburner Land (Shenandoah), 1937 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 87 |
fileT.B. Stuart Land (Charlotte, Halifax and Mecklenburg), 1952 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 87 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: S, 1933 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 87 |
fileTennessee Valley Authority v. Southern States Power Co, 1939 - 1944 | MSS 81-7, Box 87 |
fileH.H. Thomas Land (Alleghany), 1936 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 88 |
fileJ. McDaniel Thomas Land (Washington?), 1950 - 1951 | MSS 81-7, Box 88 |
fileWilliam R. Thomas Estate (Bath and Highland), 1935 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 88 |
fileTide Water Oil Co. (Bath), 1939 - 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 88 |
fileF.M. Tompkins Land (Lee and Scott), 1936 - 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 88 |
fileL.B. Trigg Land (Montgomery and Pulaski), 1941 - 1946 | MSS 81-7, Box 88 |
fileTriton Chemical Land (Botetourt) and Noland Co. v. Triton Chemical [Bankrupt], 1942 - 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 88 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: T, 1935 - 1959 | MSS 81-7, Box 88 |
fileU.S. v. 170.32 Acres of Land, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 88 |
fileUnited States Lumber Co. (Bath and Highland), 1936 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 88 |
fileVirginia Land Bureau (Amherst, Nelson and Rockbridge), 1936 | MSS 81-7, Box 88 |
fileW.T. Whitten Land (Amherst and Nelson), 1936 - 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 89 |
fileOlive Vaughan Williams Land (Halifax), 1953 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 89 |
fileLina B. Wittig Land (Rockingham), 1940 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 89 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Records & Correspondence: V-W, 1933 - 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 89 |
fileRobert Young Land, 1937 | MSS 81-7, Box 89 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases: Correspondence, Motions, Pleadings & Orders, 1932 - 1936 | MSS 81-7, Box 89 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases, Matters Under Two or More Names: Records & Correspondence, 1937 - 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 89 |
fileUnknown Cases, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 89 |
seriesProfessional Correspondence | |
fileABA (American Bar Association) Meeting, 1952 | MSS 81-7, Box 90 |
fileAlcohol Tax Unit, 1939 - 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 90 |
fileJudge J.L. Almond, 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 90 |
fileJudge A.D. Barksdale , 1939 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 90 |
fileCivil Service Retirement Act, 1940 - 1950 | MSS 81-7, Box 90 |
fileCriminal Code: Destruction of Mail Boxes, 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 90 |
fileDiversity of Citizenship, 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 90 |
fileJudge Armistead M. Dobie, 1939 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 90 |
fileClarence Gentry: Memorial Service, 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 91 |
fileJudicial Conferences , 1942 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 91 |
fileJuries and Their Role, 1940 | MSS 81-7, Box 91 |
fileJuvenile Act: Juvenile Delinquency, 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 91 |
fileMaintenance of Federal Prisoners in State & County Institutions: Report, 1939 - 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 91 |
fileMilitary Matters: Desertion, 1943 | MSS 81-7, Box 91 |
fileMiscellaneous , 1930 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 91 |
fileMiscellaneous , 1930 - 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 92 |
fileNaturalization, 1940 - 1962 | MSS 81-7, Box 92 |
fileJudge Paul's Death: Correspondence (J.L. Branch), 1964 | MSS 81-7, Box 92 |
filePre-Trial Conferences, 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 92 |
filePre-Trial Procedure; U.S. Commissioners, 1948 - 1955 | MSS 81-7, Box 92 |
fileProbation Violators, 1941 - 1942 | MSS 81-7, Box 92 |
fileProposed Legislation: Civil Procedure Rules , 1947-48; 1954-55 | MSS 81-7, Box 92 |
fileProposed Legislation: Federal Corrections Act , 1944 - 1945 | MSS 81-7, Box 92 |
fileProposed Legislation: Federal Criminal Laws: Revision, 1943 - 1944 | MSS 81-7, Box 92 |
fileProposed Legislation: Federal Judicial Code: Revision; Rules of Civil Procedure: Amendments, 1939 - 1945 | MSS 81-7, Box 92 |
fileProposed Legislation: Habeas Corpus, 1947 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileProposed Legislation: Immigration (McCarran-Walter Act), 1953 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileProposed Legislation: Indeterminate Sentence Bill, 1941 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileProposed Legislation: Insane Criminals: Treatment, 1941-42;1946, | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileProposed Legislation: Interlocutory Appeals, 1952 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileProposed Legislation: Judgeship Bill (Appointment of Additional District Judges), 1952 - 1954 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileProposed Legislation: Miscellaneous, 1957 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileProposed Legislation: Picketing of Courts; Juvenile Offenders, 1948 - 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileProposed Legislation: Richard H. Poff, 1955 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileProposed Legislation: Pre-Sentence Reports, 1944 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileProposed Legislation: Probationers' Transfer of Jurisdiction, 1945 - 1946 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileProposed Legislation: Salary Increase for Judges, 1945-46; 1948-49, | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileProposed Legislation: Senior Judges' Administrative Duties, 1957 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileProposed Legislation: Sentence Reviews by Courts of Appeals in Criminal Cases, 1956 - 1957 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileProposed Legislation: Sentencing: Federal Procedure, 1957 - 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileProposed Legislation: Venue Change, 1959 - 1963 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileRetirement, 1958 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileJudge Floyd Roberts, 1938 - 1939 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileWillis Robertson, 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileSelective Service Act , 1936 - 1945 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileSuffrage Commission; Poll Tax, 1945 - 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
fileJudge Roby Thompson, 1957 - 1960 | MSS 81-7, Box 93 |
seriesSpeeches and Articles | |
fileAdmission of Attorneys Before the Bar, 1937(?) | MSS 81-7, Box 94 |
fileAdmission to Practice of Resident Attorneys, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 94 |
fileBankruptcy Act, 1934 | MSS 81-7, Box 94 |
fileClosing of Big Stone Gap Division, 1949 | MSS 81-7, Box 94 |
fileConduct of Judges, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 94 |
fileConscientious Objectors, 1946(?), | MSS 81-7, Box 94 |
fileFederal Corrections Act, 1942(?), | MSS 81-7, Box 94 |
fileInstructions for Commissioner of Shenandoah National Park, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 94 |
fileQualifications of Attorneys to Practice, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 94 |
fileRigid Interpretations of Constitution, Wagner Act, Social Security Act, etc, n.d, | MSS 81-7, Box 94 |
fileSelection Process of Jurors, 1948(?), | MSS 81-7, Box 94 |
fileTrends in Federal-State Relations and their Constitutional Implications, 1938 | MSS 81-7, Box 94 |
fileVoting Rights, 1941-45(?), | MSS 81-7, Box 94 |