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Scottish Court of Session Digital Archive
SCOS Archive
The University of Virginia Law Library
UVALL Box 33
UVALL Box 33
Container Information
University of Virginia Law Library (Special Collections)
Container: UVALL Box 33
Act appointing Interim Managers of burgh of Aberdeen
Alexander Macgregor v. Mary Black
Colin Mackenzie, Esq. v. James Murray Grant, Esq.
Coll Macdonald v. General Alexander Campbell
Daniel Fisher v. John Ronald and Others
Dr. Alexander Henderson v. Trustees of William Henderson
Edward Earl, Esq., William Trotter, Esq., and Others v. Robert Watson and James Greig
Francis Gordon, Esq. v. Mrs. Pennel Douglass and Others
George Geddes v. James Miller
Hector Grant v. Claud Girdwood and Co.
His Grace James, Duke of Roxburghe v. The Duchess Dowager of Roxburghe and John Manners, Esq., her Husband
Hugh Arbuckle v. John Taylor and Sons
J. Dunlop W. S. v. G. F. Hannay
James Allan v. Captain T. Harrison
James Duff v. John Tait, Factor loco tutoris to Hercules Donaldson
James Fenton and the Rev. David Symers v. John and Robert Wedderburn
James Forbes v. The Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council of Aberdeen
James Gordon v. Harry Gordon of Knockespock
James Miller, jnr v. George Brown, trustee on the sequestered estate of William Brown
James Milne and Company, and Hart v. Pirie and Others
John Berry, Trustee on the Sequestered Estate of the Scotch Patent Cooperage Company v. Alexander Forsyth
John Macdougal v. William Miller and Company
John Macgavin v. George Yuille and Company
John Norman Macleod v. Patrick Craufurd Bruce
John Taylor, &c. v. Mr James Dundas
M'Arthur v. Hunter
Magistrates and Council of Aberdeen v. George and Alexander More
Mess. Watson, Wighton, and Company v. Colin Campbell and Others
Mrs Mudie, and Trustees of the late John Aitken v. Mrs. Moir, and Others
Mrs Nasmyth and Others v. Dr Hare and Others, Executors of Dr Nasmyth
Petition of Adam Hay and John Gordon
Quintin Kennedy, Esq. v. James Murdoch and Others
R. Grieve and Others v. J. Gordon and Ferber
Robert Kerr, &c. v. Mrs Jean Fortune, &c.
Robert Langlands and Others v. David Guthrie, Esq. and Others
Robert M'Laren v. Robert Brown
Robert Proctor v. David Gibson
Sequestration of the Merchant Banking Company of Stirling
Sir William Cunningham Fairlie v. Kerr, Hunter, Robertson, etc.
Syme, Trust-Disponee of John Ranaldson v. Mrs Ranaldson Dickson, and Husband
Thomas Finlayson, &c. v. David Monro, &c.
Trustees of John Hagart, Esq. v. The Right Honorable Charles Hope
Viscount of Arbuthnott v. George Harley Drummond, Esq.
William Bennett v. William Johnston, &c.
William Clark and John Catto v. Robert Brown, jnr
William Fordyce and the Rev. Thomas Saint Clare Abercromby v. Gray and Others
William Miller, Esq. and Others v. Patrick Miller
William Stirling and Sons v. John Duncan Junior and Company