Elizabeth and Isobel Gray, daughters of John Gray, inherited the lands of Rogart, which their mother Rachel Monro had received from her own father. After her marriage to John Gray, Monro transferred legal ownership of the lands to her husband, at which time he agreed to secure £200 in liferent for his spouse and their future children. No formal contract, however was ever executed to confirm this agreement. Nevertheless, Mr. Gray remained as manager or administrator for his daughters. Elizabeth and Isobel Gray sold the lands of Rogart. The Creditors of John Gray brought a multiple-poinding action against them in an attempt to claim a right to a portion of the proceeds in order to satisfy John Gray's debts. The Lords found that the lands did not belong to the Mr. Gray, thus Elizabeth and Isobel Gray could claim the whole value.

Published Reports

William Morison, The Decisions of the Court of Session (1811), pg. 4210


Leaflet © OpenStreetMap contributors

Session Papers


Unto the Right Honourable The Lords of Council and Session, The Petitions of Elisabeth and Isabel Grays, daughters of the deceased John Gray of Rogart, and of William Rose Merchant in Edinburgh, husband of said Elisabeth, and Lieutenant John Sutherland, husband of the said Isabel, for their interest

21 Jun 1770

Answers for John Wood, Merchant in Leeds, and Leonard Urquhart, Writer to the Signet, his attorney, and Messrs. William Alexander and Sons, merchants in Edinburgh, creditors of the deceast John Gray of Rogart; to the petition of Isabel and Elizabeth Grays, Daughters of said John Gray

10 Jul 1770

Unto the Right Honourable The Lords of Council and Session, The Petitions of Elisabeth and Isabel Grays, daughters of the deceased John Gray of Rogart, and of William Rose Merchant in Edinburgh, husband of said Elisabeth, and Lieutenant John Sutherland, husband of said Isabel for their interest

31 Jul 1772

Unto the Right Honourable The Lords of Council and Session, the petition of John Wood, Merchant in Leeds, and Leonard Urquhart, his attorney, and of Mess. William Alexander and Sons, merchants in Edinburgh, creditors of the deceased John Gray of Rogart

6 Mar 1773

Condescendence for for John Wood, Merchant in Leeds, and Leonard Urquhart, his attorney, and Mess. William Alexander and Sons, merchants in Edinburgh, creditors of the deceased John Gray of Rogart

2 Feb 1773

Condescendence for Elisabeth and Isabel Grays, daughters of the deceased John Gray of Rogart, and of William Rose Merchant in Edinburgh, husband of said Elisabeth, and Lieutenant John Sutherland, husband of the said Isabel, for their interest, Petitioners

11 Feb 1773

Answers for John Wood, Merchant in Leeds, and Leonard Urquhart, his attorney, and for Mess. William Alexander and Sons, merchants in Edinburgh, creditors of the deceased John Gray of Rogart; to the petition of Isabel and Elisabeth Grays, daughter of said John Gray, and their husbands for their interest

18 Nov 1772