Richard Mercer contracted debts with Susanna Frances Tasker while living in Dublin, Ireland. When Mercer moved to Edinburgh, Tasker brought suit to collect on his debts. As Pursuer, Tasker pleaded to the Court of Session that Mercer should be imprisoned or brought to Court until he could secure or warrant his debts (caution judicio sisti). Tasker obtained the warrant against Mercer in 'meditation fugue' to apprehend and imprison him. Mercer, the Defender, argued against this interlocutor, claiming that there was no reasonable expectation of defrauding the collector.

Published Reports

William Morison, The Decisions of the Court of Session (1811), pg. App. 1, No. 2


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Session Papers

Memorial Memorial for Richard Mercer, Esq. formerly of the City of Dublin, now residing in the Abbey of Holyroodhouse, near Edinburgh, Defender; against Mrs. Tasker and Mandatory, Pursuers 25 Feb 1802

Memorial for Mrs Susanna Frances Tasker, of the City of Dublin, Widow, and Robert Dick Writer in Edinburgh, her Mandatorys, Pursuer; against Richard Mercer, Esq, of Old Connaught, in the County of Dublin, afterwards of the City of Dublin, and now in Edinburgh, Defender

23 Feb 1802

Memorial for Richard Mercer, Esq. of Old Connaught, in the County of Dublin, afterwards of he City of Dublin, now in Edinburgh; against Mrs. Susannah Frances Tasker, of the City of Dublin, and Robert Dick Writer in Edinburgh, her Mandatory

11 Nov 1800

Unto the right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of Richard Mercer, Esq. of Old Connaught, in the Count of Dublin, afterwards of the City of Dublin, now in Edinburgh

13 Dec 1800

Answers for Mrs Susanna Frances Tasker, of the City of Dublin Widow, and Robert Dick, Writer in Edinburgh, her Mandatory, to the Petition of Richard Mercer, Esq. of Old Connaught, in the County of Dublin, afterwards of the City of Dublin, and now in Edinburgh

21 Feb 1801

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of Mess. Browne, Huson, Macgauley, and Company, of Liverpool, Merchants

31 May 1804

Answers for Alexander Smith, Banker in Edinburgh, and others, Underwriters on the Ship Friendship, and her Cargo; to the Petition of Messrs Brown, Huson, M'Gauley, and Company, Merchants in Liverpool, and their Mandatory

3 Oct 1804