Title Long Title Date Container Container Sequence Number
Petition 1811

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of John Pollock, Esq; as Manager for the Commercial Banking Company of Scotland, and others, Creditors of David Paterson of Costerton, Esq; in virtue of Bills and other Obligations granted by his son John Paterson, as having Powers of Management under Procuration from his Father; and of William Aitchison, Esq; of Drummore, and Mr John Spence, Painter in Edinburgh, and Others, Creditors for Debts contracted by the said David Paterson himself before he granted the said procuration

5 Mar 1811 LC Volume 03 21
Information 1811

Information for William Mylne, Merchant in Leith, against Charles Ferrier, Accountant in Edinburgh

16 Nov 1811 LC Volume 03 22
Information 1811

Information for Charles Ferrier, Accountant in Edinburgh, Interim Factor, and claiming to be Trustee upon the Sequestrated Estate of David Paterson, Esq. of Costerton, Banker and Insurance Broker in Edinburgh; against William Mylne, Merchant in Leith, Trustee upon the Sequestrated Estate of Paterson and Kerr, Merchants in Leith, and John Paterson and Robert Kerr, the Individual Partners of that Company, and claiming to be Trustee upon the Sequestrated Estate of the said David Paterson

27 Nov 1811 LC Volume 03 23
Information 1811

Information for James Inglis, Banker in Edinburgh, regarding his Election as Trustee on the sequestered Estate of David Paterson, Banker and Insuracne Broker in Edinburgh.

27 Nov 1811 LC Volume 03 24
Petition 1812

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of William Mylne, Merchant in Leith

2 Jan 1812 LC Volume 03 25
Petition 1812

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of Messrs Smith, Payne and Smith, Bankers in London; Ebenezer Gilchrist, Esq; Manager of the British Linen Company, Edinburgh; Messrs John Mair, Son, Thomas and Company, London; David Black, Banker in Dunfermline; Messrs James and George Spence, Merchants in Dunfermline; Messrs Harrison, Price, Ray and Company, London; G. Williams, Esq; of London, all Creditors of David Paterson of Costerton, Banker and Insurance-Broker in Edinburgh; and for the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, who are Creditorsto a very large Amount, but who did not Vote at the Election of Trustee on Mr Paterson's Estate, and Others; and Charles Ferrier, Accountant in Edinburgh, Trustee on the sequestrated Estate of the said David Paterson;

2 Jan 1812 LC Volume 03 26
Petition 1812

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of David Paterson, Esquire, of Costerton, and Charles Steuart, Writer to the Signet, his Curator Bonis;

2 Jan 1812 LC Volume 03 27
Petition 1811

Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of James Miller, Distiller at Craigend,

19 Nov 1811 LC Volume 03 28
Petition 1811

Unto the Right Honouable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of James Miller, Distiller at Craigend;

6 Dec 1811 LC Volume 03 29
Advocation 1812

Advocation for Alexander Buchanan, Brewer, St. Ninians, Trustee on the sequestered Estate of James Miller, Distiller at Craigend, against Mrs. Isabella Lowis, Spous of Ninian Lowis, Esq. of West Plean, and the said Ninian Lowis for his interest

24 Jan 1812 LC Volume 03 30