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Scottish Court of Session Digital Archive
SCOS Archive
The University of Virginia Law Library
UVALL Box 55
UVALL Box 55
Container Information
University of Virginia Law Library (Special Collections)
Container: UVALL Box 55
William Henderson, and Others v. Alexander Reid
Alexander Brown and Co. v. Robert Ure (Scott's Trustee)
Alexander Thomson v. George Izat
Alexander Williamson, &c. v. William Goldie and Others
Archibald Gibson (Lyall and Cargill's Trustee) v. Sir Charles Forbes
Archibald v. Bridges, Clerk to the Commissioners for the Improvements within the City of Edinburgh under the Statute 7 & 8 Geo. IV, c. 76
Baillie v. Baillie et al
Bell and Donaldson v. Eadie
Black v. Black
Catherine Menzies and John Menzies v. John Menzies
Christian Stewart v. John Menzies
David and Henry Lillie v. Mrs. Lillie or Smith, and Others
Davidson v. Murray
Dr. Shand v. Mrs. Shand
Earl of Elgin's Trustees v. James Walls
Ewen Ross v. Ewen Macpherson and John Macpherson
George Taylor v. Mrs. Taylor, or Binnie
Gordon v. Traill
H. A. Douglas and William Thomas, (Stein's Assignees) v. Sir James Gibson-Craig and Walter Brown, (Stein's Trustees)
H. Veitch v. C. Cuningham and C. Bell
Hercules Insurance Company and Robert Salmond v. John Hunter
Hugh Bremner, W.S., and Others v. Christopher Kerr, Curator Bonis for Mrs Ann Haliburton or Maxwell
J. Kirkland and J. F. Sharpe v. Archibald Gibson (Wilson and Sons' Trustee)
James Cleghorn and Others v. Sir William Francis Eliott, Baronet, William Riddell and Others
John Baird v. William Officer
John C. Farquharson v. John Thomson (Trustee of Mason, Baird, and Co.)
John Macarthur Moir v. James Hunter
John Robertson, John Robertson, & James Robertson v. Edward Alexander and Alexander Smith
John Young v. A. W. and G. Smart
Lawson v. Farie
Lieut.-General Matthew Sharpe v. Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe
Miss Isabella Brown and Mandatary v. J. A. Cheyne and J. M'Kean
Mores' Executors v. Peter Malcolm and Others
Mrs Henderson's Trustees v. J. Tulloch and D. Ross
Mrs Lundie or Compton v. J. F. Home
Mrs. Kirk v. Hotchkis and Meiklejohn
Mrs. Weatherstone and Others v. Marquis of Tweeddale and Others
Patrick Borthwick, for National Bank v. James Bremner
R. and A. Carsewell v. Munn's Trustees
Robert Henry v. Henry Hepburn and David Burns
Robert Millar v. W. Mills and W. Vary
Ross v. M'Leay
Sir Michael Bruce and Others v. Mrs Jane Bruce and Miss Maria Meadows Bruce
Webster v. West
William Anderson, Junior v. Mrs Margaret Cation and William Anderson, Her Husband
William Downe Gillon v. Archibald Mackinlay and others, for the Edinburgh and Leith Shipping Company
William Fraser v. William Tait and James Kerr
William Hunter v. P. and W. Creighton
William Macdonald v. Mrs. Catharine Farquharson and Others
William Meek v. A. Smith and A. H. Rennie
Wordie v. Macdonald
Workman v. Smith and Muir