Including members of the Class of 1927 Class of 1928 and Class of 1929. Allen M. Beard John D. Carr Lewis C. Carroll Gavin H. Cochran Alton I. Crowell Allyn Dillard Hardy C. Dillard (Class of 1927 fourth Dean of the School of Law [1963-1968]-front row fourth from right) J. Douglas Fry Albertis S. Harrison Jr. Robert L. Hinds Edwin R. Holmes Jr. Albert S. Kemper Richard S. Leftwich William D. C. Lucy John P. McGuire Jr. Ambler H. Moss H. Maxwell Parker Alfred B. Pittman Jr. William S. Potter Edmund P. G. Revercomb John Ritchie III William P. Sandridge Jr. Adolphus B. Scott Kingman C. Shelburne John C. Stennis McLane Tilton III.
Virginia Law Review, 1926-1927
Va. Law Review 1926-1927 [Students]