fileAnderson & Others v. Stephen & Others, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileArchbishop of York, and Others v. Haldane, 1769 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileColquhoun v. Argyll, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileBinning v. Binning, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileBlair v. Graham, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileBrebner v. Brebner, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileCompetition Among Macfarlane's Creditors, 1766 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileCraig and Brodie, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileEarl of Galloway v. Earl of Morton, 1759 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileEarl of Strathmore v. Oliphant-Kinloch, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileErskine v. Hay-Balfour, 1766 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileFisher v. Maclauchlan, 1769 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileFleming v. Fleming, 1766 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileFowler v. Reid (Case of Kilrenny), 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileGoodall v. Fleming, 1766 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileGordon v. Wallace, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileGordons and Alexanders, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileGraham v. Macfarlane, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileHeron v. Menzies, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileIn re George Trail, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileKemloe v. Dun and Co, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileKrassaw v. Neil, Earl of Roseberie, 1769 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileLow v. Brechin, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileMarquis of Lothian v. The Crown, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileMaxwell v. Maxwell, 1766 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileMcKenzie v. Cockburn, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileM'Leod v. Nicholson, 1768 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileMudie v. Ouchterlonie, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileMuir v. Buchanan, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileMurray v. Breadalbane, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileNielson v. Austins, 1766 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileRamsay & Others v. Martin & Others, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileRobb & Others, Counsellors of Anstruther-Wester v. Hunter & Others, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileRobb v. Halladay, 1766 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileRobert Alexander v. James Chrystie, 1766 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileShepherd v. Rothes, 1766 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileSmith and Gardner, 1774 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileSomerville v. Wilson, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileSpeirs v. Peters, 1766 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileTelfair v. Milmyne, 1769 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileWright v. Ellis, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileWright v. Ure, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileYoung & Others v. Johnston & Others, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileHunter v. Robb and Others, 1767 | MSS 2015-01, Box 1 |
fileAlexander v. Beaumont, 1774 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileAlexander v. Montgomery, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileAllan v. Stewart, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileAllan, et al. v. Crambie, et al., 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileArthur v. Hastie, 1770 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileBrown v. Maxwell, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileCarron Company v. Forth and Clyde Navigation, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileClay v. Coulter, 1770 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileClifford and Sons v. Mosman, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileCoalston v. Stewart, 1770 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileCole, et al. v. Flamare and Son, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileCollege of Glasgow v. Trail, et al, 1770 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileCowan v. MacCandlish, 1770 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileDonald v. Murdoch, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileDuke of Gordon v. Commissioners, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileEarl of Aberdeen v. Irvine of Drum, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileEdmonstone v. Tweedale, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileFindlay v. Graham, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileFinlay v. Finlay, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileFinlay v. Sym, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileForbes v. Home, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileFrancis Garbet and Company v. Creditors, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileGrays v. Wood, et al, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileGreenock Rope-Work Company v Donald, Donald, and Compay, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileHamilton v. Rutherford, et al, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileHately v. Dunlop, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileHis Majesty's Advocate v. Lilburn and Buchanan, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileInnes v. Stuart, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileJones v. Smith, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileKempt v. Kiddell, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileKer v. Creditors of Sutherland, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileKnox v. Law, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileMacCulloch v. Dewar, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileMacFarlane and Currie v. Spence, et al, 1770 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileMaclean v. Maclean, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileMagistrates of Dunbarton v. Magistrates of Glasgow, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileMagistrates of Pittenween v. Alexanders and Martin, 1774 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileMansfield v. Cairns, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileManson v. Angus, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileMcHarg v. Dunn, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileMcNair v. Coulter, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileMillar v. Tremamond, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileMore and Irvine v. Gibson, 1770 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileMoses v. Craig, et al, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileMunro v. Baxter, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileMurdoch and Miller v. Home and Scott, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileNaismith v. Allison, 1770 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileOgilvy, et al v. Smith [Church of Scotland Case], 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileOswald v. Grant, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
filePark v. Craig, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
filePeter, et al v. Spiers, et al, 1770 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
filePorterfield v. Porterfield, 1770 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
filePresbytery of Paisley v. Erskine, 1770 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileReid v. Rowand, 1770 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileRichardson v. Fenwick, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileRoebuck and Garbet v. Sterling, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileRoss v. Glassford, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileRoss v. Woodman, 1770 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileScrimgerour and Son v. Alexander and Sons, 1769 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileScruton v. Gray, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileSnodgrass v. Logan, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileStephen v. Duff, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileSteven and Company v. Douglas, 1772 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileStewart-Nicolson v. Stewart-Nicolson, 1770 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileTelfair v. Telfair and Shaw, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileToshack v. Smart, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileTyson v. Scott, 1770 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileWatson v Johnston, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileWilson Company v Hamilton Company, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileAitcheson v. Hopkirk and Others, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileAlexander v. Dalrymple, 1774 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileAlexanders vs. Cuthbert, Gordon, & Company, 1774 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileAndrew and Others v. Magistrates and Town Council of Linlithgow, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileArmour v. Young, 1774 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileBaillie v. Bland, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileBelchier v. Palmer, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileBell v. Magistrates of Glasgow, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileBuchanan v. Adam , 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileBuchanan v. Bell, 1774 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileCassilis v. Stephenson, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileClark v. M'Gill, 1774 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileCooper v. Maxwell, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileCoutts v. Blake , 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileCraig v. Brodie, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileCuningham v. Lang and Cautioners, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileCuninghame v. Neil, 1774 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileCuninghames v. Dougal, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileDick v. Lindsay, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileDunlop, and Other Trustees of Carlyle and Co. v. Spiers and Others, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileFarquharson v. York Buildings Company, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileForbes v. Mackenzie and Husband, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileGaldie v. Gray, 1774 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileGardner v. Smith and Wardrobe, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileGrant v. Thomson, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileHart v. Naesmiths, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileHeron v. M'Lellan, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileHinton v. Donaldson and Others, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileIncorporation of Taylors in Glasgow v. Grieve, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileIncorporations of Hammermen & c. v. Incorporations of Weavers & c., 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileJardine v. Creech, Ellio, & Smellie, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileKhones v. Parish and Schreiber, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileMackenzie and Husband v. MacLeod and Cuthbert, 1774 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileMackies v. Houston and Others, 1774 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileMather v. Caldwall, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileMaxwell v. Blair and Others, 1774 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileMaxwell v. Buchanan, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileMaxwell v. Macarthur, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileM'Crackan v. Pulline, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileMiller v. Semple, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileM'Lehose v. Parks, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileMontgomery v. Murdison, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileNesmith v. Magistrates of Glasgow, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileOrr v. Paterson, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileReid v. His Creditors, 1774 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileRichardson and Tait v. Thomson, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileRobertson and Husband v. Holland, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileRobertson v. Pettigrew, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileRoss and Others v. MacKenzie and Others, 1774 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileScotlands v. Thomson, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileScott v. Mitchell, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileShaw and Others v. Fleming, et al., 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileSkeill v. Gardiner, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileSmith & Wardrob v. Gardner, 1774 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileSolicitor of Tithes v. York Building Company, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileSpiers v. Dunlop, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileSt. Clair v. Alexander, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileStewart v. Carrick, 1774 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileStewart v. Isat, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileThe Governors of Heriots Hospital v. Fergusson, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileWalker v. Creditors of Gordon, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileWatson and Taylor v. Mathie and Weir, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileWatson v. Rae, 1773 | MSS 2015-01, Box 3 |
fileAitken and Others v. Wilson and Bannatyne, 1780 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileAlexander v. Alexander, 1779 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileAndrew v. Murdoch, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileBland &c. v. Ewing &c., 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileBriggs v. Stark and Balfour, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileCaddell and Others v. Stewart, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileCampbell v. Campbell, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileCarrick v. Carse and Others, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileChalmers et. al v. Marquis et. al, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileClark v. Stewart, 1779 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileCorbet v. Mackenzie, 1780 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileCraig et. al v. Anderson, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileCreditors of Fisher v. Creditors of Campbell, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileCreditors of John Hynd v. McKechny, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileCunningham &c. v. Craig, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileCunningham v. Cunninghams, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileDouglas &c. v. Douglas, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileDrew v. Calder, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileEarl of Selkirk v. Naesmith, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileEimbeke v. Buchanan et. al, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileEimbeke v. Morison and Taylor &c., 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileElliott v. MacKay, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileFergusson v. Hair-Campbell and Carsan, 1779 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileFinlay v. Keltie, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileFraser v. Fraser, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileFreeland and Others v. Incorporation of Weavers, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileGelly and Campbell v. Campbell, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileGibb v. Speir, 1779 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileGlass v. Kelly et. al, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileGlover v. Vasie, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileHamilton v. Creditors, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileHeron v. McLellan, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileHill and Magistrates of Glasgow v. Hopkirk and McCall, 1779 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileIncorporation of Bakers v. Magistrates of Dundee, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileIncorporation of Tailors v. Mackechnie et. al, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileJamieson v. Kyle, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileJesson v. Gray, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileKhones v. Parish, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileKing and Scot v. McIntyre, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileMacindoe and Macintyre v. Cowley and Wallace, 1780 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileMaclintock v. Duncan, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileMarchmont v. Home & Others, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileMcCreadie v. Cunninghams, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileMcFarlane v. Buchannan, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileMcHarg and Curators v. McHarg and Others, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileMcIndoe v. Cowley, 1779 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileMcLean v. Duke of Argyll, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileMelvil v. Barclay, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileMillar v. Glen, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileMitchell et. al v. McMinn, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileMitchell v. Kerr and Shearer, 1779 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileMoir and Edmonston v. Jackson and Others, 1780 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileMoncrieffe v. Creditors of Moncrieffe, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileMurdoch et. al v. Magistrates of Port-Glasgow, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
filePollock v. Porterfield and Others, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
filePollok v. Paton, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileRadcliff v. Loch, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileRobertson et. al v. Laird, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileRobertson v. Allan, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileRobertson v. Craig, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileRobertson v. McClure, 1779 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileRowen v. Creditors of Robert Orr, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileScott v. Bruce-Stewart, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileSellars v. Anderson, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileSibbald &c. v. Wallace, 1779 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileSimpson v. McCormick &c., 1779 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileSloane-Lawrie v. Spalding-Gordon, 1779 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileSmiths v. Marshall, 1780 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileStalker v. Aitcheson, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileStein v. Marshall, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileStewart v. Stevenson, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileStothart v. Macwhan and Beck &c., 1779 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileTrustees of Dunlop, Sr. v. Trustees of Dunlop, Jr., 1779 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileWalpole et. al v. Walker, 1778 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileWatson v. Stewart, 1780 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileWilson and Scott v. Alexander, 1779 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileWood and Masson v. Skene, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileWoods v. Carstairs, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileYoung and Others v. MacDonald, 1779 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileYoung et. al v. Scott, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 4 |
fileAbraham Delvlle, and Others v. The Creditors of the York-Buildings Company, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileAlexander Duncan and Others v. The Magistrates and Town Council of Aberdeen, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileAlexander Fergusson, and Others v. The Magistrates of Glasgow, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileAnderson v. Izat, 1781 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileBarr v. Buchanan, 1780 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileBeadie v. Creditors of Heggie, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileBeck v. M'Clone, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileBuchanans v. Gray and Hall, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileCampbell v. Campbell, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileCampbell v. Stein, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileCapt. Walter Gray v. Sutherland, 1785 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileChristie v. Thomson, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileCity of Glasgow v. Anderston Brewery, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileCockburn v. Douglas, Heron & Co, 1780 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileCountess of Sutherland v. Dunbar, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileCowan v. Farie and Others, 1781 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileDouglas, Heron, and Company v. Mrs Campbell, 1785 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileDover v. Forsyth, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileDunlop and Montgomery v. Peter, 1781 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileFerrier v. Creditors of Garbet and Gascoigne, 1780 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileForrester v. Wright, 1785 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileForsyth v. Paterson, 1780 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileGeorge-Alexander Gordon v. Janet Gordon, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileGillies v. Carmalt, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileGreig v. Johnston, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileHamilton v. Hunter and Co., 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileHammond, Bicket and Smith v. Marshall, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileHouston v. Hunter, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileHowe v. Bland, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileIsabel Howison v. John Howison, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileJames Ayton v. James Bruce, 1785 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileJames Buchanan and John Auld v. Adam Grant, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileJames Goodfellow v. Andrew Madder, 1785 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileJanet Duncan v. John Sloss, 1785 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileJohn Watson v. Sarah Marshall and Others, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileJohnston v. Robertson, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileKelly v. Smith, 1780 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileKissock v. Gordon, 1785 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileLamb v. Neilson, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileLamont v. His Creditors, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileLefroy v. Thomson, 1785 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileLindsay v. M'Laren, 1780 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileMacGill v. Campbell, 1780 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileMacLaggan v. Heritors of Melrose, 1780 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileMarshall, Hamilton, and Company v. John Crawford and John Barns, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileMcDonald v. His Creditors, 1780 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileMcHarg v. Marquis of Tweedale, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileM'Harg v. Creditors of James M'Harg, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileMichael Marshall and Richard Dick v. John Carre of Cavers, Esq; and Others, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileM'Morrow v. Naismith, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileMrs Helen Scott v. Archibald and Jean Jerdon, and their Tutors and Curators, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileMrs Jean Hall v. Creditors of Robert Hall, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileMure v. Clark, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileOfficers of the State and Mrs Duncan v. Chatto, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileOliver Melvil v. Mr Robert Arnot, Minister at Ceres, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
filePeirson v. Alexander, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
filePenrose-Cumming v. Lawson, 1785 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
filePenrose-Cumming v. Rev. Leslie, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
filePorteous v. Isat and Others, 1781 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileRamage v. Charteris, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileRanking of the Creditors of Jarvieston, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileReid v. Cunninghame, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileRichardson and Co. v. Stoner, Hunter, and Ker, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileRobert Fran and Others v. The Magistrates of Dumbarton, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileRobert Macaulay and Others v. John Angus, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileRobertson v. Gray, 1781 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileRobertson v. Miller, 1781 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileRobertson v. Robertson, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileRobertson v. Robertson and Miller, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileSibbald v. Maben, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileSommerville v. Home, 1785 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileSommerville v. Weir, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileStewart v. Graham, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileThomson v. Douglas, Heron, and Company, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileThomson v. Miller, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileThomson v. Paterson, 1781 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileThomson v. Scott, 1780 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileThomson v. Thomson, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileTod v. McLintock, 1780 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileTrustees of Lady Douglas v. Hutchison, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileWebster v. Tod, 1782 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileWelsh v. M'Veaghs, 1781 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileWilliam Lenox and Others v. Robert Grant, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileWilliam Palmer v. Charles Hutton, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileAdair v. Adairs, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileAir v. Johnston, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileAlexander v. Lord Monboddo's Interlocutor, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileAnderson v. Richardson, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileBarber v. Caddell, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileBarry, et al v. Incorporation of Weavers, et al, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileBelch [Belsh] v. Wilson and Son, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileBelsches v. Paterson and Anderson, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileBennet v. Maxwell, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileBlack v. Allason, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileBlyth v. Lord Dreghorn's Interlocutor, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileBrainer v. Innes and Lothian, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileBromfield v. Paterson et al, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileBrown v. Brown, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileBurt v. Lord Justice Clerk's Interlocutor, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileChrystie and Chrystie v. Ferguson, et al, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileColquhoun v. Murdoch, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileCopland v. Ireland, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileCoventry v. Lord Hailes' Interlocutor, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileCrawford, et al v. Morrison, et al, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileCrawfords v. Russell, et al, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileCreditors for Hunter v. Armstrong and Johnstone, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileCrichton v. Mackay, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileCunynghame v. Watson, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileDavies, Jones, & Co. v. Young, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileDewar v. Howieson, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileDickie v. Lord Henderland's Interlocutor, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileDouglas v. Lord Justice Clerk's Interlocutor, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileDuguid v. Hall, et al, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileDuke of Gordon v. Lord Swinton's Interlocutor, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileDunbar v. Sinclair, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileDunmore and Company v. Allan, et al, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileErskine and Burns v. Thomson and Son, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileFolsetter and Wright v. Lord Justice Clerk's Interlocutor, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileForbes, et al v. Gordon, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileFordyce v. Robertson, et al, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileGardiner, et al v. Andrews, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileGentle and Gentle v. Belch, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileGeorge and Wilsons v. Wilson, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileGeorge v. Christie, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileGourlay v. Glen, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileHaig v. Lord Swinton's Interlocutor, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileHart v. Lord Eskgrove's Interlocutor, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileHawkins and Bruce v. Hamilton, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileHay v. Thomson, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileHenderson v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileHigh v. Main, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileHorn v. Reid, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileHunt v. Wilson and Robb, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileInglis v. Lord Dreghorn's Interlocutor, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileInglis v. Lord Stonefield's Interlocutor, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileJamieson, et al v. Andrew, et al, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileLaing v. Watson and Mollison, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileLeggat v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileLiddel v. Melvine, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileLoch, et al v. Lord Hailes' Interlocutor, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileLoughborough v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileMacadam v. Creditors of Campbell and Company, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileMagistrates and Councellors of the Burgh of Dunfermline v. Wilson, et al, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileMagistrates of Dunfermline v. Lord Monboddo's Interlocutor, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileMagistrates of Edinburgh v. The College of Justice, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileMair v. Harries, et al, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileMarshall, et al v. Magistrates and Town-Council of Glasgow, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileMaxwell and McCrerick v. Murdoch, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileMaxwell v. Lord Swinton's Interlocutor, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileM'Callum, et al v. Hunter, et al, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileMcBrayne v. Arthur, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileMcGowan v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileMcNish v. Scougal and Ogilvy, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileMinisters of Kingbarns v. Hay, et al, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileMitchell v. Lord Alva's Interlocutor, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileMorison v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileM'Tier v. Lord Stonefield's Interlocutor, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileMurdoch v. Lord Dunsinnan's Interlocutor, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileNeilson, et al v. Sinclairs, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
filePetition of Robert Gibbon, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
filePetrie v. Lord Ankerville's Interlocutor, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
filePrincipal Clerks of Session v. Steuart, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileProcurator-Fiscal of the County of Edinburgh v. Wilson, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
filePurdie v. Lord Swinton's Interlocutor, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
filePurdie v. Tod, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileRamsay v. Lister, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileRankine and Son v. Belch, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileRobertson and Farquharson v. Cameron, et al, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileRossel, et al v. Fraser, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileRutherford v. Caverhill, et al, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileRutherford v. Rutherford and Potts, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileShepherd v. Lord Swinton's Interlocutor, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileShiells v. Lord Duncan's Interlocutor, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileSimpson v. Morison, and Glass and Son, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileStewart v. Hoome, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileStewart, et al v. Lord Swinton's Interlocutor, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileStobie v. Morison, et al, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileStobie v. Scotland, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileThe Younger Children of MacTavish v. His Creditors, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileThomson v. Creditors of Armstrong, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileThomsons v. Campbell, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileTown of Glasgow v. Murdoch, Warroch, and Company, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileWard, et al v. Campbell, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileWaugh v. Trustees for Ruecastle's Creditors, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileWhite v. Stalker and M'Ra, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileWilson, et al v. Clerks of Session, 1789 | MSS 2015-01, Box 6 |
fileAlexander Bruce v. The Representatives of John Stein, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileAlexander Pagan and James Hunter v. Alexander Wylie, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileAnderson v. Creditors of Arnot, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileAnstruther-Paterson v. Rutherfurd, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileAppendix for Durham, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileAttorney of Thomas Cullen & Co v. David Philp, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileBayne and Miller v. Wisheart-Belshes, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileBruce v. Cunynghame, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileBruce v. Davidson, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileBurden alias Campbell v. Campbells and Robertson, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileCadell and Davies, and Others v. Stewart, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileCairns v. Common Agent in Ranking of Newlaw, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileChisholm v. Lord Gardenston's Interlocutor, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileCounsellors of the Burgh of Burntisland, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileCountess of Loudon, and Others v. The Trustees on the High Roads in Ayrshire, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileCreditors of John Horn, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileCreditors of Kenneth Mackenzie v. His Children, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileDavid Wilkie v. The Heritors of the Parish of Cult, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileDouglas, Heron, & Company v. William Riddick, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileDuff v. Freeholders of Elgin and Forres, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileEarl of Rednor v. Macarthur, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileEdmonstone v. Morehead, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileEdmonstone, Fraser, and Ferrier v. Trustees of General Simon Fraser, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileElliot and Others v. Dickieson, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileElliot v. Romanis, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileForbes v. Magistrates of Cannongate, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileGentle v. Heritors of Crieff, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileGeorge Haldane, and Others v. Charleton Palmer, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileGordon v. M'Leod, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileGraham and Rowland v. Dundas and Richardson, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileGraham v. Beatson, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileGrinlay &c v. Lord Gardenstone's Interlocutor, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileHenry Pierce, and his Attorney v. David Limond, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileHeritors of Kirkcudbright v. Birtwhistle, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileHog and Others v. Creditors of John Stewart &c, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileIlay Ferrier v. William Morehead, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileInhabitants of the Parish of Crailing v. Hunter, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileJames Henderson v. William Scott, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileJames Russel v. James Fairie, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileJohn Ballenden v. The Duke of Argyle, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileJohn Finlay and Others v. John Newbigging and Others, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileJohn Scott, and Others v. The College of Glasgow, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileJohn Smith v. Marion Wilson, and Others, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileJohn Ure, and other Heritors within the Royalty of the Burgh of Forfar v. Patrick Carnegy, and Others, Heritors of the Landward District of the Parish of Forfar, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileJohn Wilson and Others v. James Scott and Others, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileJohnston v. Morehead, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileLaird v. Grindlay, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileLamont v. Ewing, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileLord Frederick Campbell, Lord Clerk-Register of Scotland, v. Andrew-Stuart, Keeper of the General and Particular Register of Sasines at Edinburgh, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileLydia Douglas, and her Husband v. The Trustees of Sir Charles Douglas, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileMacdonald v. Macarthur, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileMacdougal v. Duncan, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileMagistrates and Town-Council of Paisley v. M'Dowal et al, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileMarquis of Abercorn v. The Magistrates of Edinburgh, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileMartin and Ker v. Robertsons, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileMather v. Cunnison, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileM'Calmond v. Park, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileMerry v. Macrae, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileMessrs Aitchison, Brown, and Company v. Lord Monboddo's Interlocutor, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileMichael M'Culloch v. William Allen, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileMinister of Lochgoilhead v. The Ministers of Inveraray, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileMinisters of Marykirk v. King's College of Aberdeen, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileM'Leod v. Incorporation of Bakers, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileMuirhead, Hay, and Company v. Dunmore, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileMurdoch v. Lord Rockville's Interlocutor, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileRamsays v. The Magistrates and Town-Council of Edinburgh, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileRebecca Hog v. Thomas Hog, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileRiddell v. Grosset, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileRobert Wellwood v. Robert Wellwood and Others, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileRoss v. Forbes, Hunter, and Company, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileShoolbred v. Lindsay, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileSir Alexander Campbell, Baronet v. David Ballingall, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileStevensons v. M'Gruther, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileSusanna Vere v. The Earl of Hyndford, and Others, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileThe Creditors of James Stein v. Newnham, Everett and Company, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileThe Incorporated Trades of Aberdeen v. The Magistrates, Council, and Guildry, of said City, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileThe Magistrates and Town-Council of Paisley v. The Freeholders and Commissioners of Supply of the County of Renfrew, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileThe Minister of the Parish of Falkland v. David Johnston and Others, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileThe Trustees for the Creditors of William Bogle v. John Ballantyne, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileThomas Cranstoun, Common Agent in the Locality of Peebles v. Miss Elliot and Others, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileTod v. Thomson, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileTrustees of Archibald Chessels v. Messrs Hervey and Fawell, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileWilliam Graham v. The Creditors of Harry Graham, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileYork-Buildings Company v. Martin, Stone, and Foote, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 7 |
fileAddison and Sons v. Duguid and Others, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileArrot v. Coulter, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileBaird v. Allan and Steuart, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileBeattie v. Tod, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileBell v. Rutherford, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileBellinger v. Monboddo's Interlocutor, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileBerard v. Hunter, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileBogle v. Bogle, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileCaddel & Creditors of Niblie v. Lord Dunsinnan's Interlocutor, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileCampbell v. Arbuthnott, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileCampbell v. Monboddo's Interlocuter, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileMurray and Creditors vs. Blair and Creditors, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileCollege of Glasgow v. Lindsay, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileCollege of Glasgow v. Selkirk, Miller, and Stirling, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileCorse, et al v Kibble, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileCreditors of Currie v. Geddes, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileCreditors of Dunbar v. Grant, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileCreditors of Jackson and Esten v. Kemble (Two Folders), 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileCreditors of Newlands v. Mackenzie, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileCunningham & Co. v. Craigie, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileDundas v. Baikie and others, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileFalconer v. Dreghorn's Interlocuters, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileForsyth v. Abercromby, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileFraser, Reid and Sons v. Lancaster and Jamieson, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileGardner v. Corporation of Goldsmiths in Edinburgh, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileGordon et al v. Abell, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileArcher v. Lord Eskgrove's Interlocutor, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileGuthrie v. Lord Eskgrove's Interlocutor, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileHalliday v. Craig's Interlocutor, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileHamilton v. Cunningham, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileHamilton v. Inner-house Interlocutor, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileHamilton v. MacTaggart, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileHarrisons v. Chippendale, Trustee, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileHepburn and Massow v. Duff and Davidson, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileHeritors of Lessudden v. Inner-House Interlocuter, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileHunter v. Smith, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileIncorporated trades of Aberdeen v. The Magistrates, Council, & Guildry of Aberdeen, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileKemble v. Lord Swinton's Interlocutor, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileKemble v. Playfair, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileLauder v. Gibson, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileLeslie v. Brodie, et al, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileMacausland and Others v. Montgomery and Others, and the Magistrates of Glasgow, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileMacdonald and Duff v. Doig, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileMacDonald v. MacGillivray, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileMacEwan v Thompson, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileMacHutcheon v. Welsh, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileMackenzie and Dunbar v. Mackenzie, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileManderson v Dickson, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileMaxwells v. Kirkpatrick, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileMcKenzie v. Buchanan and Company, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileMitchell v. Society of Writers in Ayr, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileNisbet, et al v. The kirk-session of West-kirk, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileQuirk v. Buchanan, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileRalston v. Dreghorn's Interlocuters, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileRobb v. Trustee, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileRobson v Robson, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileRoss v. Trustees of Hugh Ross, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileScott and Cruikshank v. New College of St. Andrews, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileSimpson v. Malcolm, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileSimpson v. Sinton's Interlocutor, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileSmart v. Inerlocutor of Court, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileSteuart v. Craig, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileStewart v. Magistrates and Town council of St. Andrews, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileTaylor v. McCleod, 1787 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileTrustees upon the Berwickshire Turnpike Roads v. Mayor, Bailies, and Burgesses o the Borough of Berwick, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileWemyss v. Hope, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileWilson v. Wilson, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileWoddrop v. Finlay, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileYork Building Company v. Roperhead, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileYoung v. Hernderland's Interlocutor, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
filePetition of the Magistrates of Dunfermline, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileProcurator-Fiscal of the Town of Stirling v. Gilles, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileArcher v. Lord Eskgrove's Interlocutor, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 9 |
fileArbutnott, et al. v. Scott, et al., 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileBaines v. Turnbull, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileBaird and Kerr v. Heritors of Stobo and Ministers of Drummelizier and Broughton, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileBowden and Gibson v. Esten and Bennett, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileBrisbane v. Sempill, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileCameron v. Cameron, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileCampbell v. Irvine, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileCampbell v. Officers of State, 1785 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileCampbell v. Stuart, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileChildren of Macneil v. Reps. of Campbell, et al, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileChristie v. Cowans, et al, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileCommon Agent v. Corrie, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileCountess of Sutherland v. Officers of State, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileCraig and Hyslop v. Spence, et al, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileCrawford, et al v. Wilson, et al, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileCreditors of Hay v. Fleming, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileCurtis, et al. v. Chippendale, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileDouglas v. Grierson, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileDouglas v. Her Creditors, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileDrummond and Drummond, et al v. Barton, et al., 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileDundas v. Baikie, et al, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileDundas v. Thomson 1 of 2, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileDundas v. Thomson 2 of 2, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileDundas v. Thomson 2 of 2, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileEden, et al. v. Anstruther, et al, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileFrank and his Tutor v. Frank, et al., 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileFraser v. Middleton, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileGleig v. Stephen, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileGordon v. Representatives of Michie, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileGow v. Russel, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileGraham v. Gillespie and Company, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileHarrisons v. Chippendale, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileHenry v. Russell, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileHeritors and Patrons of Lochell and Cushny v. Gordon and Reverend of Alford, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileHeritors of Kirkton v. Dickieson, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileHunter v. Monboddo's Interlocutor, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileLandale v. Carmichael, et al, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileLaunie v. Palmer, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileLockhart v. Douglas, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileM'Culloch v. Allan, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileM'Ghie and Attorney v. Forbes and Hay, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileMoncrief and Cullens v. Nasmith, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileMonro v. Sutherlands and Sutherland, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileMures, et al v. Hannay, et al., 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileMustart v. Stonefield's Interlocuter, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileOliphant and Husband v. Oliphant, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileOrrs v . Batchin and Birkmyre, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
filePaton v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
filePlayfair v. Riddell and Riddell 1 of 2, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
filePlayfair v. Riddell and Riddell 2 of 2, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
filePringle v. Hamilton, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileRamsay v. Moray, et al, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileRobson v. Robson, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileScott v. Stonefield's Interlocutor, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileSeton v. Creditors of Seton, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileSteuart v. Ramsden, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileWylie v. Johnstone and Jardine, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileYorkston, et al. v. Grieve, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 10 |
fileAlves v. Turner, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileBalfour v. M'Kenzie, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileBudge v. Lord Henderson's Interlocutor, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileCarre v. Ogilvie, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileChalmers et al v. Turnbull and Others, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileCowan v. M'Intosh and Others, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileCunningham and Simpson v. Sir George Home, Baronet, and the Commissioners for raising Seamen at the Port of Leith, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileDavidson v. Officers of State, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileDouglas v. Chalmers et al, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileDuff v. Earl of Fife, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileEarl of Cassillis v. James Finlay, Common Agent for carrying on the Locality of the Stipend of the Parish of Dalrymple, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileEarl of Mansfield &c v. Minister of Cummertrees, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileEdie, Laird, and Others v. Lord Craig's Interlocutor, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileForbes and Others v. Forrester & co, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileGeorge Brown v. Alexander Campbell, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileGloag v. Thomson and Others, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileGuthrie v. Montgomery, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileHamilton and Tenant v. Bell, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileHuggan v. Gray, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileHunter v. Nairne, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileJack and Others v. Murdoch, Fearns and Company, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileJames Lee v. The Executors of Robert Wilson, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileJames Waddel v. John Brown, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileJamieson and Others v. Morrison, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileJamieson and Wrights v. Pringle, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileJean Anderson and her children v. John Fullerton and Others, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileJohn Aitchison and others v. The Magistrates and Billet-Master of Haddington, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileJohn Leslie v. The Earl of Kintore, and Others, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileJohn Melville v. The Creditors of George Smiton, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileJohn Murray v. James Scott, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileJohn Zephaniah Holwell, and his Attorney v. Lady Cuming, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileMaclauchlan and Campbell v. Campbell and Macnicol, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileNisbet v. Edgar, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
filePalmer and Others v. Macmillan, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileRebecca Hog v. Thomas Hog, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileReid v. Lord Craig's Interlocutor, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileRenfew alias Watt v. Campbell, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileRitchie v. Lauder, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileRitchie v. Patersons, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileRitchie, Trustee of Logan v. Brown, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileRobb v. Bogg, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileScott v. Steuart, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileSir Alexander Ramsay Irvine v. The Honorable William Maule, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileSir John Ogilvie of Inverquharity v. Sir David Carnegie of Southesk, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileSmyth v. Bushby, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileStorie v. Burn, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileSword v. Auld, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileThe Carron Company v. Alexander Muirhead, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileThe Daughters of Alexander Drummond v. The Creditors of May Drummond, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileThe Duke of Argyle v. The Earl of Dunmore, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileThe Earl of Fife v. Mrs Martha M'Kenzie and Elizabeth Fraser, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileThe Heritors of Portmoak v. Mrs Anne Jean Douglas, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileThe Interim Factor on the Sequestered Estate of Bertram, Gardner & Co v. David Thomson, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileThe Trustees for the Creditors of John Brough v. The Heirs of Richard Selby, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileThomas Laurie, Collector of the Poor's Rates for the City of Glasgow v. Robert Dreghorn, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileThomson &c v. St. Clair Erskine, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileTurnbull and Petticrew Petition, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileViscount Arbuthnot v. John Douglas, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileWilliam Keith, Trustee for the Creditors of Thomas Anderson v. James Thomson and Son, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileWilliam Law v. Daniel Dewar and William Sprott, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileWilliam Scott, Procurator-Fiscal of the County of Mid-Lothian v. William Smith, and Others, Chaise-Hirers in Edinburgh, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileYoung v. Thompson, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 11 |
fileAllardice, et all v. Allardice, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileBaillie v. Eskgrove's Interlocutor, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileBaillie v. Magistrates and Town Council of Glasgow, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileBaines v. Turnbull, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileBell v. King, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileBremner v. Hume, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileBrenton v. Liddell, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileBushby, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileCameron v. Patrick, et al, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileCampbell v. Laidlaw, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileCannan v. Greig, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileCarnegie v. Souter, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileCarnegie v. Turnbull, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileCarnegy v. Gardyne, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileCheape and Lindsay v. Campbell and Creditors, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileCowan v. Key 1, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileCowan v. Key 2, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileCreditors of Fergusson v. Swinton, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileCunningham and Simpson v. Home, and Commissioners for raising Seaman at the Port of Leith, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileDarling v. Landells, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileDickson v. Cleghorn, et al, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileDickson v. Irving, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileDouglas and Baillie v. Mitchell, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileDouglas v. Mason, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileDrummonds v. Seton, et al, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileDumfries v. Campbell, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileDundas and Nicholson v. Presbytery of Zetland, and Gray, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileDunmore v. Muirhead, Hay and Company, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileDunn v. Johnston, et al, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileEliott v. Curries, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileErskine v. Erskine, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileFleming v. Montgomery, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileFraser, et al v. Sprott, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileGibson v. Lord Justice Clerk's Interlocutor, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileGibson v. Reid, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileGovan and Govan v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileGrants v. Nicol, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileGray v. Methven's Interlocutor, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileHenderson v. Lord Methvens, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileHill v. Swinton, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileHoome v. MacFarlane, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileHotchkis v. Royal Bank of Scotland, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileHunter v. Roxburgh, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileKirkpatrick v. Maxwells, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileLamont v. The Heritors of Urr, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileLow v. Knowles, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileMacIntyre v. Graham, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileMackay v. Houston, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileMacwhinnie v. Burton, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileMarjoribanks and Ramsay v. Spottiswoods, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileMcFarlane v. Meadowbank's Interlocutor, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileMead v. Swinton, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileMitchell v. Douglas and Baillie 1 of 2, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileMitchell v. Douglas and Baillie 2 of 2, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileMontgomery v. Fowlis, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileMoray, et al. v. Scott, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileNairne v. Cranstoun, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileOfficers of State v. Skene, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileOgilvie v. Scott, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
filePreston v. Wellwood, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileProctor v. Carnegy, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileRiddell v. Hope, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileRiddell v. King, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileRoss, et al. v. Aglianby, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileScotlands v. Thompson, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileShanks v. Kirk-Session of Creditors, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileSkene v. Hogg, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileSkirving and Young v. Vernor, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileSmith v. Procurator Fiscal, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileStewarts v. Scott, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileSym v. King, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileTrustee for the Creditors of Syme v. Maxwell, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileTurnbull v. Proudfoot, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileYoung, and Husband v. Sinclair, et al, 1796 | MSS 2015-01, Box 12 |
fileDunmore v. Trustee for Buchanans, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileBalfour v. Earl of Moray, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileBayne v. Wallace, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileCadell v. Johnstone, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileCampbell v. Easterby, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileCunynnghame v. Whitefood, et al, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileDouglas and Baillie v. Mitchell, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileDuggan v. Wight, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileDuke of Atholl v. Robertson, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileDunbar v. Dunbars, et al, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileDunmore v. Trustee for Buchanans, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileEarl of Northesk & Factor v. Rolland, et al, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileEden, Ridley, and Company v. Threipland, et al, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileEdie & Laird, Petitioners, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileEliott v. Lord Justice Clerk's Interlocutor, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileFotheringham and Hume v. Ogilvie and Others, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileFullarton & Fullarton v. Dalrymple, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileHamilton v. Scott, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileHenderson v. Wilson and Melvilles, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileHeritors of Ardnamurchan v. Campbell, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileHis Majesty's Advocate v. Muir, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileHome, et al v. Macknight, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileHope v. Mutter, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileIrvine v. Reid's Executors, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileJowett, et al v. Wooley & Maidment, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileLaidlaw v. Elliot, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileLamb, et al v. Duncan, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileLamont v. Heritors of Urr, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileLawson v. Macculloch, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileLoch v. Tweedie, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileMagistrates and Town-Council of the Burgh of Inverkeithing v. Graham, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileMagistrates of Perth v. Andrew, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileMakgill and Maitland v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileMarquis of Lorne, et al v. Denny, et al, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileMarshall v. Taylor, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileMarshall v. Youngson, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileMiller v. Cathcart, et al, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileMoray v. Heritors of Blackford, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileMyles v. Lyall, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
filePhilips v. Buchanan, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileRamsay, et al v. Smith, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileRepresentatives of Laurie v. Bell, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileRiddell, Petitioner, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileScudamore & Attornies v. Lechmere, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileSimsons v. Nasmyth, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileSinclair & Pringle v. Smith, et al, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileStewart V. Ireland, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileSutherland & Gower v. Officers of State, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileSutherland v. Caledonian Society of Edinburgh, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileThomson v. Butter, et al, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileWellwoods v. Trustees of Wellwoods, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileWilson and Corse v. Woods, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileYoung, et al v. Veitch, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 14 |
fileAllardice v. The Officers of State, and the Ministers of Bervie and St. Andrews, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileArchers and Others v. Magistrates of Edinburg, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileBruce and Selkrig v. Bruce and Others, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileBurrell v. Lord Glenlee's Interlocutor, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileCalder v. Wood, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileCameron v. Lord Craig's Interlocutor, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileCampbell v. Scott, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileCampbells v. Macneil, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileChalmers v. Lord Stonefield's Interlocutor, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileCranstoun v. M'Dowal, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileCrosby and Attorney v. Maidment, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileDavidson and Graham v. Fraser, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileDavidson v. Kyde and Others, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileEliot v. Currie, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileFarquhar et al, Heritors in Brechin v. Garie, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileGraham v. Pate, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileHeritors of Bourtie v. Minister of Bourtie, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileInglis v. Bethune, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileKnox v. Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileLady Clementina Fleming v. The Hon. Charles Elphinstone et al, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileMackay and Fullerton v. Dalrymples et al, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileMackenzie v. An Inner-House Interlocutor, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileMackenzie v. Mackenzie, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileMacqueen v. Fleming, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileMaitland and Babington v. Maitland, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileMarchioness of Titchfield and Husband v. Cuming, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileMaxwell v. Earl of Hopetoun, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileMilne v. Robinson, W.S, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileMontgomery v. Strang, Lennox and Co, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileRalston v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileRennie v. Rennie and Walker, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileRobertson v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileScougal v. Young and Others, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileSommervell, Porterfield, and Paterson v. Lord Justice-Clerk's Interlocutor, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileStewart v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileTait v. Lord Stonefield's Interlocutor, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileThe Deans of the Chapel Royal and their Lessees v. Hay and Others, Heritors of the Parish of Ettrick, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileWight v. Inglis, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileWilkins v. Campbell, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 15 |
fileArmstrong and Son, and Others v. Moffat and Others, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileBaxter v. Bell and Maxwell and Others, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileBirnie and Co v. Weir, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileBoog and Attorney v. The Common Agent in the Ranking of Watt's Creditors, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileCampbell and Others, posterior Adjudges v. The Common Agent for the Postponed Creditors, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileClerk, and her Tutor ad litem v. Sir George Clerk, and his tutor at law, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileColville v. Lauder, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileCountess Dowager of Glencairn v. Cunningham Graham, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileCrawford's Trustees v. Hart's Relict, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileCuming v. Macdonald, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileCunningham and Simpson v. Smith, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileCunninghame v. The Magistrates and Town-Council of Edinburgh, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileDick v. Drysdale, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileEarl of Aberdeen v. Officers of State, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileEarl of Galloway v. M'Hutchon, Selkrig and Others, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileEarl of Mansfield v. The Duke of Queensberry, and Other Heritors of the Parish of Dornock, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileElliot v. Currie and Carre and Jerdon, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileFarquharson v. Anderson, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileGibson and Balfour v. Cheape, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileHawkins, and Others v. Taylor, and Others, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileHowie, Buik, and the Kirk-Session of Alyth v. The Kirk-Sessions of Arbroath and St. Vigean's, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileJohnston v. Home, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileKemps v. Ferguson, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileKer v. Sir Robert Anstruther and Smith, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileKinloch and Others v. Rocheid, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileLaidlaw v. Elliot, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileLeishman v. The Magistrates of Ayr, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileLindsay and Allan v. Campbell, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileLockhart v. Henderson, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileLogan and Others v. Reid, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileLord Reay v. Anderson and Others, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileMacfarlane v. Hoome, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileMacgregor and Campbell v. Campbell, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileMacpherson, etc. v. Hannay, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileMelville v. Creditors of Leslie, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileMurray v. M'Naught, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileOgilvy v. Dawson, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileRalston and Lamont v. Lamont, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileRollo v. Irving and Others, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileSir Ralph Abercromby v. Erskine, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileSolicitor of Tithes v. Earl and Countess of Fife, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileStewart v. Lieutenant Graeme, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileStewart, W.S. v. Miller, Deputy Clerk to the Bills, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileStirlings v. Sir John Stirling of Glorat, Baronet, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileSyne v. Dickson, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileTait v. White, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileTasker v. Mercer, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileThe Deans of the Chapel Royal and their Lessees v. Hay and Others, Heritors of the Parish of Ettrick, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileThe Heritors and Kirk-Session of the Parish of Dalmellington v. The Magistrates, Minister and Kirk-Session of Irvine, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileThe Society of Solicitors before the Court of Session, etc v. The Keeper, Commissioners, and Society of Clerks to the Signet, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileTrail v. Maule, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileWake and Attorney v. Bauerman and Son, and Jacobs, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileWatson v. Pyott, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileWauchope and Others v. The Magistrates of Canongate, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileWemyss v. Heritors of Newburn, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileYelton and Others v. Smith and Others, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileAinslie v. Ainslie, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileAitken et al. v. Incorporation of Tailors, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileAnderson v. Creditors of Anderson, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileAnderson v. Starkey, Fletcher and Co, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileBakers of Canongate v. M'Dowal, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileBarr v. Lord Ankerville's Interlocutor, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileBeddie v. Milroy, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileBrowne et al. v. Smith, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileBruce v. Reid, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileCadell v. Morthland and Johnstone, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileCaptain G. Bonar's Trust-Disponees v. Bonar and Others, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileCarruthers v. Routledge, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileCathart's Trustee v. Earl of Cassillis, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileCathcart v. Campbell, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileColt v. Colt, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileCommercial Banking Co. v. Allardice, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileConnell v. Lord Robertson's Interlocutor, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileCowan v. Peebles, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileDaley v. Murray, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileDalrymple v. Wight, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileDoctor v. Gardyne, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileDon v. Rutherfoord, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileDudgeon v. Howden, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileDuff v. Abercromby, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileDundas v. Balfour, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileGibson and Others v. Kennedy, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileGibson v. Gourlay, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileGourlay v. Gibson, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileGray and Others v. Lord Hermand's Interlocutor, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileGray v. Hamilton and Others, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileGrieve v. Lord Armadale's Interlocutor, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileHarvey v. Stewart, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileHay v. Lord Meadowbank's Interlocutor, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileHowden v. Hepburn, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileHunter et al. v. Lord Ankerville's Interlocutor, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileHyslop et al. v. Maxwell, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileInnes v. Earl, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileJohnston v. Denniston, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileLamont of Lamont v. Argyle, D. of, Ferrier, &c, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileLeitch and Others v. Farie and Others, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileListon v. Grieg, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileMason v. Ministers of Aberlemno, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileM'Kellar and Others v. Campbell, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileMoir v. Lord Bannatyne's Interlocutor, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileMunn v. Cockburn, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileM'Whirter v. Bishop, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileOgilive v. Mollyson, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileOgilvy v. Lord Balmuto's Interlocutor, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
filePaterson v. Lorimer, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
filePaterson v. Officers of State, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
filePaxton v. Pollock, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
filePennicuick v. Heritors of Dunningston &c, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
filePierson and Mandataries v. Balfour, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
filePollock v. Darling, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
filePorteous v. Maxwell, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
filePresbytery of Alford and Forbes v. Anderson, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileRiddell v. Lord Armadale's Interlocutor, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileRitchie v. The Magistrates of Edinburgh and Canongate, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileRobertson et al. v. Campbell and Pillans, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileRose v. Lord Cullen's Interlocutor, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileRoxburgh v. Waldie, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileRussel, Esq. and Others v. Davidson, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileScott v. Durham, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileScott v. Henderson et al., 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileSheddan and Others v. Gibson, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileSmyth and Others v. City of Edinburgh, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileSouter v. Abercromby, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileStronach, Trustee for Murray v. Innes, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileSyme v. Erskine and Others, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileTasker v. Mercer, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileTaylor and Others v. Swinton, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileWake v. Bauerman & Son, and Jacobs, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileWaugh v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileWhite v. Innerhouse Interlocutor, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileWilkinson and Attornies v. Macwhann and Others, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileWilliam and Cadell v. Anderson, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileWilson v. Erskine, Lumsdaine, et al., 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileWright v. Binning, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileWyche v. Blount, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileYoung & Co. v. Leven, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileAbercromby v. Speirs, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileAitken v. DRR, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileBorthwick, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileCarre et al v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileClark v. Bell, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileCockburn v. Duncan, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileColebrooke v. Hamilton, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileCurrie and Currie v. Interdict, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileDavidson v. Elphinstone, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileDavidson v. Hill, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileDouglas v. Robson's Creditor, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileDundas v. Duncan, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileDurham v. Durham, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileEarl of Dalhousie v. Wilson, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileFinnan v. Syme, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileFleshers of Glasgow v. Magistrates of Glasgow, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileFraser v. Fraser, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileGibsone v. Somerville, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileGoodsir v. Hutton, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileGrant v. Fraser, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileHaldane v. Duncan, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileHay Marshall v. Anderson, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileHeritors of Glass v. Cruickshank, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileHeritors of St. Cuthbert's v. Johnston, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileHitchiner v. Stewart, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileIncorporation of Goldsmiths v. Cunningham, White, Marshall, and Sons, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileJaffray v. Givan, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileKibble v. Ross, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileMacdougail's Creditors v. Macdougail, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileMackenzie v. Interlocutor, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileMiliken v. Interlocutor, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileM'Math v. Campbell, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileMoir v. Harlaw, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileM'Whinnie v. Goldie, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileOfficers of State v. Thomas, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
filePlayfair v. Interlocutor, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
filePollock v. Darling, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
filePolluck v. Darling, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
filePringle v. M'Laggan, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileScott v. Brodie, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileSmith v. Heritors of the United Parishes, 1795 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileStephen v. Strachan, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileTasker v. Mercer, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileTrustees of Batties-Mains v. Armadale, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileWalker v. Interlocutor, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileWilkie Creditors v. Wilkie, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileWright v. Cunninghame, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileYoung, &c v. Soutar, &c, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileAbercromby v. Elphinstone, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileAndrew v. Murdoch, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileBakers of Dundee v. Magistrates of Dundee, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileBlack and Rnken v. Lord Meadowbank's and Lord Craig's Interlocutors, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileBrown, Huson, Macgauley and Company v. Smith, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileCadell and Davies and Others v. Stewart -, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileCadell and Davies, and Another v. Robertson, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileCampbell - Inner-House Interlocutor, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileCampbell v. Lindsay, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileClark v. Bell, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileCunynghame v. Cunynghame, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileDalgleish v. The Heritors of Peebles, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileDalrymple & Husband v. Singers, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileDarrock v. Rennie, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileDavidson v. Elphinstone, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileDe Courey v. Agnew, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileDick v. Magistrates of Edinburgh, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileEarl of Wemyss v. Carre, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileEliott v. Heirs of Entail of Stobs, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileEliott v. Lord Balmuto's Interloctutor, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileElliot v. Freeholders of Selkirkshire, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileFarquhar v. Mack, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileFleming v. Lord Elphinstone, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileFraser v. Lord Woodhouselee, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileGardener and Jollie v. Creditors of Hume, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileHay v. Gordon, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileHill & Fisher - Petition and Condescendence for Getting up Writings from the records, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileHope v. M'Innes, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileHume v. Lord Methven's Interloctutor, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileKempie v. Hendry, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileKerr v. Lord Justice - Clerk's Interloctutor, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileLunn v. Creditors of Lunn, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileM’Nair v. Inner-House interlocutor, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileMacnab, and Others, v. Martin and Others, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileMaxwell v. M'Douall, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileMeiklejohn and Others v. Masterton and Others, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileMenzies v. Menzies, 1785 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileRepresentatives of Lowthian v. Representatives of Aglianby, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileRoy v. Heritors of Nenthorn, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileScott v. Brodie, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileScott v. Douglas, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileSouther v. Freeholders of Banff, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileSpeid v. Greierson, et al, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileStein v. Marshall, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileTurner v. Venner, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileWatson v. The Bank of Scotland, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileWeir v. Lord Polkemmet's Interlocutor, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileWilson v. Lord Polkemmet's Interlocutor, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileWright v. Binning, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileWylie v. Duncun, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileAdam Grieve v. Lieutenant-Colonel Cunningham, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileArchibald Fraser v. Fraser, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileArmstrong v. Johnstone, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileBell v. Interlocutor, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileCampbell v. Jardine, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileCumming Gordon v. Campbell, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileCurrie v. Elliott, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileDonald v. Donald, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileDouglas v. Johnston and Others, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileDundas v. Belch, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileDundas, and Others v. Sommerville, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileEdmestone and Cochrane v. Cochrane, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileFarquharson and Others v. Haldane etc, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileFraser v. Lord Woodhouselee, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileFulton and Others v. Interlocutor, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileGraham v. Hope, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileGrahame v. Lords of the Treasury, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileHall and Louttit v. Lord Balmuto's Interlocutor, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileHis Majesty's Advocate v. Hannah, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileJaffray and Others v. Givan etc, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileJeffrey & Co. and Scott & Co. v. Edmond, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileKeith, Petitioner, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileKer v. Ker, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileLindsay v. Mrs. Haldane and Husband, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileLindsay v. Tovey, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileMaclellan v. Macree, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileMeiklejohn and Others v. Masterton and Others, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileMessrs A. & J. Bowker & Co. and Mandatary v. Glass, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileMessrs Davies and Jarratts v. Marshall, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileMisses Glassford v. Joseph Astley, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileM'Kennal v. Wilson, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileMuir v. Gemmell, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileMurray v. Duke of Hamilton etc, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileOrd v. Interlocutor, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
filePott v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileRev. Dr. Playfair &c v. Rev. Mr. Macdonald, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileRev. Johnston v. Rev. M'Queen, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileRobertson v. Douglas, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileSir James Colquhoun v. Duke of Montrose and Others, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileSir Wm. Eliott and Trustee, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileStein v. Henderson, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileThompson v. Millie, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileWatson v. Interlocutor, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileWilson v. Bennet, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileWm. & Ad. Sloan v. Interlocutor, 1804 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileAllan v. Surtees, Burdon, and Embleton, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileAnderson v. Couper, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileArmstrong v. Hetherton, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileBegbie v. Welsh, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileBelch v. Trustee on Stirling Banking Co., 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileBelshes v. Smyth, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileBrown v. Mordfington, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileBrown v. Wingate, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileCampbell v. Trustees of J. Hannay, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileCarmichael v. Bannerman, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileCarre v. Wemyss, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileCathcart v. Cassillis, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileCochrane v. Lord Polkemmet's Interlocutor, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileEarl of Cassillis v. Dunlop, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileEliott v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileElliot v. Douglas, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileElliot v. Lothian, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileErskine v. Nilson, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileFarquharson v. Farquharson, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileFarquharson v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileFinlayson v. M'Alphine, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileForbes v. Trustees of Earl of Galloway, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileGibson v. Lord Glenlee's Interlocutors, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileHaining v. Grierson, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileHis Majesty's Advocate v. Roy and Ramsey, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileHopkirk v. Lord Polkemmet's Interlocutor, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileJamieson v. Richarsons et al., 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileKer v. Ker, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileKincaid v. Lord Justic Clerk's Interlocutor, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileLang v. Lord Armadale's Interlocutor, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileLang v. Whytlaw, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileLunn v. Gillon, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileMabon v. Lord Craig's Interlocutor, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileMacPherson v. Lord Armadale's Interlocutor, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileMaxwell v. Rae and Others, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileNewton v. Ferrier, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileNixon v. Borthwick, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileOliver v. Eliott, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileOrmiston v. Lord Balmuto's Interlocutor, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileOrmiston v. Ormiston, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
filePaterson & Millar v. R. & C. Strachans, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileQueensberry v. Officers of State, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileRamsay v. Still, May, & Co., 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileRev. Daniel MacQueen, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileRichardson v. Brown, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileRiddell v. Heir and Creditors of Carre, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileRutherford v. Duke of Buccleuch, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileRutherford v. Lord Armadale's Interlocutor, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileSeton v. Shairp, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileSmith v. Forsyth & Co., 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileSmollett v. Carmichael, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileStewart v. Lord Armadale's Interlocutor, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileTovey v. Lindsay, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileW. Goodard & Co. v. British Linen Company, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileWelsh v. Begbie, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileWemyss v. MacQueen, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileWylie v. Alison's Trustees, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 21 |
fileDykes v. Dykes and Hamilton, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileHaldane v. Haldane, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileShillinglaw v. Maclauchlan, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileThomas Miller Petition, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileJohn Chatto and Company v. Bailie James Marshall, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileYeaman v. Simson and Husband, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileSmith v. Campbell, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileLang v. Lord Bannatyne's Interlocutor, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileJohn Blair Miller v. William Douglas, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileStewart v. Macilwham and Company, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileKyle v. Younger, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileMurray v. Bisset, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileIrving of Bonshaw v. Douglas, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileGilbert Hay and Others v. The Common Agent in the Locality of Alyth, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileAndrew Gleming and Others v. John Gardner and Others, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileThe Hon. and Rev. T.L. Dundas v. Arch. Campbell, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileNeilson v. Earl of Mansfield, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileDall v. Watson, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileTait and Co. v. Scott and Co., 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileBaillie v. Shirreff, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileBowies v. Bowie's Trustee, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileKeith v. Keith, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileMarch and Co. v. Edington, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileM'Andrew v. Earl of Breadalbane, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileMacdonald v. Macdonald, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileCraigie v. Allan, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileDr. Johnston and the Kirk-Session of North Leith v. Heritors of Trinity House, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileElton Hamond v. Michael Neilson and Others, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileHaig and Others v. Creditors of Colquhoun, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileMeiklejohn and Others v. Masterton and Others, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileClark and M'Turk v. Kirdconnells, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileAuld, Trustee for Cross & Co. v. Stirling, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileCarrick, Brown and Company v. Douglas, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileClarke v. Mann, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileCountess Dowager of Haddington v. James Stein, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileCowan v. Thomson, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileDundas v. Meiklejohn and Others, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileFerguson v. Stewart, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileFrasers v. Mackenzie, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileGibson Junior v. Porteous, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileHamilton and Caw v. Livingstone, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileHill Junior & Co. v. Cullen, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileHill v. Kyd, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileHutchison and Dick v. Nairne, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileJames Don v. Thomas Watt, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileJameson and Mandatory v. Hamilton, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileJeffrey and Co. v. Buchanan, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileJohn Cooper v. The Rev. James Greig, Minister of Dalmeny, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileMacdougal v. Hunter, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileMadougal and Wilson v. Marshall, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileMansfield v. Duncan, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileMercer v. Grant, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileMorton v. Craig, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileMrs Haldane v. Louis De Maria, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileMrs Isabella Monro v. James Miller, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileMurdoch v. Oswald, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileScott, Esq. v. Glendonwyn, alias Gordon, and her Husband, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileSmith v. Wright, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileSundias v. Shirreff, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileThomson v. Dove, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileTrustee for Garbett v. Trustee for Fairholmes, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileTurnbull v. Magistrates of Edinburgh, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileWaddell v. Gibson, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileWatson and Todd v. Peddie and Co., 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileWatt v. Ritchie, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileFraser and Others v. Fraser & co., 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileBurnet v. Grant, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileLaidlaw v. Stanners, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileClark v. Stirling and Eadie, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileOrmston v. Blair, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileJohn and Christian Campbells v. Alexander M'Glashan, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileReid and Company v. Henry and Macmillan, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileMeiklejohn and Others v. Masterton and Others, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileThe Heritors of Corstophine v. Daniel Ramsay, Schoolmaster of that Parish, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileWalker v. Gibson, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileRoss v. Term, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileWilkie v. Wilson and Cockburn, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileDin and Husband v. Gillies, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileOswald v. Montgomerie, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileChristie v. Smith and Others, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileLaird v. Barty, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileSturgeon v. M'Lellan, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileThe Provost and Magistrates of Glasgow v. Crawford and Kirkland, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileHamond and Evans v. Johnston and Others, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileJohn Goodwin v. James Brown, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileLang v. The Magistrates of Dunbarton, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileLaurence Craigie, Esq. v. Robert Hepburne, Esq. and Alves, Esq., 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileOswald and Grahame v. Mann, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileSomerville v. Thomson, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileBruce and Moens v. Wilekins & Co., 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileAnderson and Struthers v. Cunningham, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileHamilton Senior and Company v. Campbell and Others, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
filePaul v. Reid, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileThomas Carnaby v. James Duncan, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileSmith v. Lamb, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileThe Heritors of Rathven v. George Donaldson, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileAlexander Shand v. Patrick Henderson, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileDr William Dyce v. George Kerr, John Ewen, and John Booth, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileRobert Dick v. Trustees of George Lyell and Others, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileJohn Allan v. Robert Ormiston, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileThomas Bell v. William Scott Moncrieff, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileWilson and Company v. Snody, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileSir John Maxwell v. David Anderson Blair, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileGeorge Tullis v. Trustees of Alexander Whyte, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileTurnbull v. Hay Newton, 1836 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileDickson v. Dickson, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileCharles Ferrier, and Others, Lyell's Trustees v. James Hector, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileJames Tasker v. Messrs. Cunninghame, Stevenson, and Company, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
filePatrick Crawford Bruce v. John Normal M'Leod and Norman M'Leod, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileDr Robert Auld v. The Magistrates of Ayr, and Others, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileMessrs Dennistoun, Buchanan and Company v. David Lillie and Others, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileAndrew Smith v. William Jeffrey, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileEarl of Aboyne v. Archibald Farquharson, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileFalconer v. Weston and Others, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileFraser v. Davidson, Hector and Company, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileJohn Deas Thomson v. The Honorable Fletcher Norton, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileParker and Finnie v. E. and R. Paterson, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileSarah Spence and Sarah Gardner v. Alexander Garden, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileThe Duke of Buccleuch v. Montgomery & c., 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileWilliam Macdonald v. Mrs Elizabeth Macdonald, otherwise Lillie, and John Lillie, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileDr William Dyce v. George Kerr, John Ewen, and John Booth, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileDunbar v. Grant, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileGeorge Beveridge v. James Smith and William Charles Kerr, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileGraham &c v. Dixon &c, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileHelen Gilchrist v. Alex. Walker, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileSarah Spence and Sarah Gardner v. Alexander Garden, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileStirling and Robertson v. Goddard, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileW. Stirling and Others v. Mrs Houston and Others, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileWilliam Calder of Redford v. Andrew Steele, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileAct appointing Interim Town-Clerk of Forfar, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileAeneas Smith v. Clementina and Mary Ogilvies, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileAgnew v. Martin and Ferguson, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileDavid Laurie v. Yuille and Laurie, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileDavison v. Robertson, &c, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileDuncan G. Forbes v. Alison and Ledingham, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileEarl of Rothes v. Countess Dowager of Rothes and Lady G. J. Leslie, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileFraser and Mole v. Lindsay, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileGeorge Geddes, and J.G. Geller and Others, his Assignees v. Caesar Mowat and William Spence, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileH. Buist and Others v. A. Thomson, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJ. Skene v. J. and S. Maberly, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJames Lindsay Ewing v. William Laurie, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJames Scott v. Lord Belhaven, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileMurdo M'Kenzie v. David Ross and his Curators, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileScruton and Others v. J. Catto and Others, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileSir James Colquhoun v. Douglas, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileStark v. Thom and Others, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileThomas Hamilton Miller v. John Hay, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileTrustees of John Hagart, Esquire, of Glendelvine, Advocate v. The Right Honorable Charles Hope, Lord President of the Court of Session, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileW. Bruce v. M'Kenzie and Balfour, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileWilson v. Hendersons, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileMrs Amelia Graham, and Others v. Henry Veitch, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJ. Hall and Company v. C. Armstrong, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJ. Lumsden v. J. Allan and A. Mackie, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileA. Roger v. Jean Cooper, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileA. Wallace v. C. D. Donald, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileAitken Megget v. Thomas Megget, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileAlexander Ewing, Buchanan & Co., and Malcolm v. William Lawrie, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileArch. M'Phail v. William Glennie, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileC. Armstrong v. Edinburgh and Leith Shipping Company, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileCampbell, Rivers, and Company, and Others v. David Beath, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileD. Sellers v. Helen Lindsay, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileEarl of Fife, General Duff, and the Rev. Mr. Macdonald, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileEarl of Kintore and Others v. J. Forbes and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileEarl of Rothes v. Countess Dowager of Rothes and Lady G. J. Leslie, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileErskine v. Alexander, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileGeorge Pindar v. D. Davidson and Others, Trustees of Sir A. Forbes, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileGeorge Smith v. J. W. Roberton and W. Jeffrey, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileHenry Salmon (James Tod's Trustees) v. Padon and Vannan, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileHonorable William Maule of Panmure v. Fox Maule, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileIsobel Whyte &c v. Patrick Whyte, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileJ. C. Blair v. J. Lyall, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileJ. Cairncross v. W. Mitchell, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileJ. Carruthers and Others v. H. Johnston, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileJames Cleghorn and Others v. William Riddell, W. S. and Claud Russell, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileJames Lyndsay Ewing v. William Laurie, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileJean Robertson v. Jean Petrie, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileMargaret Stormonth or Darling v. Watson and Others, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileMrs. Margaret Jackson and Husband v. J. Williamson and W. Henderson, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileMurdo M'Kenzie v. George Sutherland, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
filePoor Janet Low v. James Potter, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileR. and A. Carsewell v. Munn's Trustees, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileR. Christie v. J. Reid, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileR. Lowe and D. Burns v. B. Greig, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileRev. D. Scot v. W. R. Ramsay, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileS. Williamson (Johnston's Assignee) v. A. Cochran and D. Paterson, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileShiells v. Sir James Dalyell, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileSpeid v. Allardyce's Trustees, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileW. Ewing v. Earl of Strathmore, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileW. Moffat v. Jean Marshall, and her Factor loco Tutoris, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileW. Thomson v. W. Lindsay and Others, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileWilliam Stirling and Sons v. John Duncan Junior and Company, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileAct appointing Interim Managers of burgh of Aberdeen, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileAlexander Macgregor v. Mary Black, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileColin Mackenzie, Esq. v. James Murray Grant, Esq., 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileColl Macdonald v. General Alexander Campbell, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileDaniel Fisher v. John Ronald and Others, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileDr. Alexander Henderson v. Trustees of William Henderson, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileEdward Earl, Esq., William Trotter, Esq., and Others v. Robert Watson and James Greig, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileFrancis Gordon, Esq. v. Mrs. Pennel Douglass and Others, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileGeorge Geddes v. James Miller, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileHector Grant v. Claud Girdwood and Co., 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileHis Grace James, Duke of Roxburghe v. The Duchess Dowager of Roxburghe and John Manners, Esq., her Husband, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileHugh Arbuckle v. John Taylor and Sons, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileJ. Dunlop W. S. v. G. F. Hannay, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileJames Allan v. Captain T. Harrison, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileJames Duff v. John Tait, Factor loco tutoris to Hercules Donaldson, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileJames Fenton and the Rev. David Symers v. John and Robert Wedderburn, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileJames Forbes v. The Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council of Aberdeen, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileJames Gordon v. Harry Gordon of Knockespock, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileJames Miller, jnr v. George Brown, trustee on the sequestered estate of William Brown, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileJames Milne and Company, and Hart v. Pirie and Others, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileJohn Berry, Trustee on the Sequestered Estate of the Scotch Patent Cooperage Company v. Alexander Forsyth, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileJohn Macdougal v. William Miller and Company, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileJohn Macgavin v. George Yuille and Company, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileJohn Norman Macleod v. Patrick Craufurd Bruce, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileJohn Taylor, &c. v. Mr James Dundas, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileM'Arthur v. Hunter, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileMagistrates and Council of Aberdeen v. George and Alexander More, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileMess. Watson, Wighton, and Company v. Colin Campbell and Others, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileMrs Mudie, and Trustees of the late John Aitken v. Mrs. Moir, and Others, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileMrs Nasmyth and Others v. Dr Hare and Others, Executors of Dr Nasmyth, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
filePetition of Adam Hay and John Gordon, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileQuintin Kennedy, Esq. v. James Murdoch and Others, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileR. Grieve and Others v. J. Gordon and Ferber, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileRobert Kerr, &c. v. Mrs Jean Fortune, &c., 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileRobert Langlands and Others v. David Guthrie, Esq. and Others, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileRobert M'Laren v. Robert Brown, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileRobert Proctor v. David Gibson, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileSequestration of the Merchant Banking Company of Stirling, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileSir William Cunningham Fairlie v. Kerr, Hunter, Robertson, etc., 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileSyme, Trust-Disponee of John Ranaldson v. Mrs Ranaldson Dickson, and Husband, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileThomas Finlayson, &c. v. David Monro, &c., 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileTrustees of John Hagart, Esq. v. The Right Honorable Charles Hope, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileViscount of Arbuthnott v. George Harley Drummond, Esq., 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileWilliam Bennett v. William Johnston, &c., 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileWilliam Clark and John Catto v. Robert Brown, jnr, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileWilliam Fordyce and the Rev. Thomas Saint Clare Abercromby v. Gray and Others, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileWilliam Miller, Esq. and Others v. Patrick Miller, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileWilliam Stirling and Sons v. John Duncan Junior and Company, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 33 |
fileA. Duthie and Others v. Paterson and Catley, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileAndrew Ormiston v. James Greig, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileArchibald Campbell, Esquire, of Blytheswood v. William Dunn and Others, Disponees, and the Trustees of William Harley, Merchant in Glasgow, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileCaptain W. M'Kessock v. J. Drew, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileClaud Girdwood and Company v. The Other Creditors of Robert Fleming, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileDavid Hill and Others v. William Lindsay and Others, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileDavid Millar, Trustee of Duncan v. Robert Low, Cashier of the Dundee Banking Co., 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileDavid Miller, Trustee on the Sequestered Estate of James Duncan v. David Low, Cashier of the Dundee Banking Company, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileFleshers of Aberdeen v. A. Williamson and Others, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileG. Goudie v. East Lothian Bank, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileGeneral Wallace Agnew v. Magistrates of Stranraer and Others, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileHouston v. Yule, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileHugh Dewar and Others, Trustees of John M'Kinnon Campbell v. Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell or M'Kinnon, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileJ. Bell v. J. and D. Stewart, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileJ. Coggan v. Incorporation of Tailors of Edinburgh, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileJ. Hadden Junior v. W. Pirie and Co., 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileJ. J. Wilson v. J. B. Fraser, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileJ. R. Stodart and G. Robertson v. R. Duncan, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileJ. Skene v. J. and S. Maberly, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileJ. Taafe and Mandatory v. Mrs Taafe and W. Moffat, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileJames Walker v. John Innes and Andrew Wyllie, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileJames Wemyss v. Hugh Hay, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileJohn Gordon v. John Anderson and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileJohn M'Kenzie's Trustees v. Alexander M'Kenzie's Trustees, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileJohnstone v. Watsons, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileMrs Isobel Whyte and Others v. Patrick Whyte, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileMrs. B. Guthrie v. B. Moodie, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileNapier v. Cullen, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileNeilson and Ure v. A. Watherston, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
filePatrick Borthwick, (for National Bank) v. Charles Robertson, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
filePatrick Pearson, Writer in Edinburgh v. William Jack, with concourse of his Majesty's Advocate, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileRobert Brown, Junior v. William Maxwell and Others, Trustees of Alexander Campbell and James Campbell, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileRobert Fraser v. Mrs Anne Dewar Fraser, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileSequestration of Page and Company, and Wighton, Gray, and Co., 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileSir A. Keith v. Logie's Heirs and Dr. Young, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileSmith and Others v. Allan and Others, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileTod and Wright, W. S. v. T. Brydone and R. Armstrong, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileTrustees of Dickson v. Janet Goodall, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileTrustees of William Forbes v. Sir Arthur Forbes and Others, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileW. and J. Watson and Co. v. O'Reilly, Hill, May, and Co., 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileW. Maule v. W. Sommers, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileWatt v. Alexander, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileWilliam Ewing v. Crichton and Others, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileWilliam Smith v. R. Nicol, J. Inglis, and Others, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileWM. Spottiswoode, & his Trustees v. Thos. Cranstoun, W. S., 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 34 |
fileA. Allan and Others v. J. Smith and Others, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileA. Dingwall v. T. M'Combie and Others, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileA. Imlach v. W. Stuart, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileA. M'Callum v. W. Robertson, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileAndrew Moffat Wellwood of Garvoch v. Moncreiff and Forman, Trustees of the late Robert Wellwood of Garvoch, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileB. Fleming and R. Walker, his Asignees v. Harley's Trustees, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileD. Crawford v. Mrs. B. Munro, (Executrix of G. Munro), 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileDavid Young v. Alex. and John M'Gill, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileEarl of Wemyss and March v. Sir James Montgomery of Stanhope, Bart. and Others, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileG. Rainnie v. J. D. Milne, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileGeorge Veitch, W. S. v. George Reid, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileHon. Mary F. E. Stewart Mackenzie and Husband v. Hon. Francis C. E. S. K. Mackenzie and Others, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileInnes v. Lady Mordaunt, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileJ. Andrew v. Agnes Murdoch, Representative of the late J. Murdoch, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileJ. Cairncross v. W. Mitchell, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileJ. Clark and W. Miller v. R. Findlay, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileJ. Forbes and Others v. Milne, Philip, and Company, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileJ. Hadden Junior v. W. Pirie and Co., 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileJ. Johnstone v. W. Duncan, W. S., 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileJ. Lumsden v. J. Allan and A. Mackie, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileJ. Matheson v. A. Anderson, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileJ. T. and A. Douglas and Co., and Others v. J. Glassford, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileJohn Pitcairn v. David Drummond, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileLady Kennedy and Husband v. J. Innes, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileLow v. Anderson, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileM. H. Scott v. J. Ross, (Scott and M'Bean's Trustee), 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileMonkland Canal Company v. W. Young, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileMorrison v. Hunter and Ross, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileP. Dudgeon v. A. Dudgeon, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileR. Hutchison and Others v. W. Tod and Others, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileR. Scott v. J. Reid and S. Jolly, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileReverend George Gordon v. Alexander Cheyne, Trustee for the Creditors of J. Saunders, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileRobert White, Esq. & Others, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileSequestration of the estate of Hugh Gilchrist, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileT. Horsburgh v. G. Fernie and Lord Leven, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileThomas Ker and Others v. Sir H. H. Dalrymple, &c., 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileThomas M'Indoe v. John Frame, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileTrustees for the creditors of Thomson and Company v. Syme and White, and Craig and Hunter, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileW. Fleming and J. Leiper v. J. Scott, Cashier of the Paisley Union Bank, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileW. Maule v. W. Sommers, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 36 |
fileA. Crombie v. J. Napier, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileAlexander Ewing, Buchanan & Co., and Malcolm v. William Lawrie, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileAndrew Moffat Wellwood of Garvoch v. Moncrieff and Forman, Trustees of the late Robert Wellwood of Garvoch, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileBaillie and Others v. Waddell and Others, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileC. Greenhill, and General Hunter v. A. Cumine, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileCameron v. Macdonell, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileCampbell Macintosh v. George Mackay, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileCox v. Gillies and Jamieson, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileD. M'Lean and J. Macdonell v. Auchinvole and Cuthbertson, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileDavid Clyne v. Robert and Thomas Thomson, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileDavid Moffat v. James Denham, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileDouglas and Company and Others v. James Glassford, Esquire, of Dougalston, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileE. Clouston (Geddes's Trustees) v. A. Anderson, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileEarl of Kinnoul and Lewis Dunbar v. William M'Donald, Esq., 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileElrick's Trustees v. J. W. Duff, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileF. C. Stewart v. S. M. Fullerton and Others, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileG. Lyell v. Mrs. M. Christie and Others, Trustees of the late T. Christie, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileGeorge Hepburn v. James Cowan, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileGeorge Pindar v. D. Davidson and Others, Trustees of Sir A. Forbes, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileGeorge Reid v. Jean Laing, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileGeorge Williamson v. James Forbes, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileH. Rose v. D. M'Leod, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileHoustoun's Executors v. William Stirling and Sons and Others, Creditors of Houstoun, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileIncorporation of Tailors in Edinburgh v. Archibald Torry, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileJ. and W. Irvine v. W. Cliffe, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileJ. Anderson v. E. Clouston, Trustee on Geddes's Estate, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileJ. Gemmel v. J. Low, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileJ. Glassford v. Æ. Morrison, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileJ. Horne v. P. Redpath, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileJ. J. Wilson v. J. B. Fraser, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileJ. Mackay v. Dr. Henderson, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileJ. Morrison v. J. Turnbull, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileJ. Myles v. Isabella Skinner, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileJ. Taylor and Sons v. W. Taylor, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileJ. Telfer and Company v. J. Bell, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileJames Ramsay v. William Roberts, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileJanet Cameron or M'Neill v. R. M. H. M'Neill, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileJohn Innes v. Duke of Gordon, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileLord Glammis v. Earl of Strathmore's Trustees, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileLowthian Ross and George Hind v. Nathaniel Clayton and James Marshall, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileM'Naughtons v. Stewart, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileMacdowall v. Robinson, Hunter, and Co., 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileMargaret Morrison v. R. B. Allardyce, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileMrs M'Lachlan v. J. K. Campbell, W. S., Common Agent in the Ranking of Barmolloch, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileMrs. Janet Mack v. Wark, Boyd, and Cross, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
filePage and Fisher v. Watson, Wighton, & Co., 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
filePaterson v. Mackenzie, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
filePoor William Ettershank v. Robert Davidson, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileR. Jaffray v. T. Boag, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileRev. W. Leslie v. Earl of Moray, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileRev. William Shand v. John Morrice, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileSir Alexander Inglis Cochrane v. Dr David Ramsay, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileStein's Assignees v. Goddard and Company, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileStein's Assignees v. J. Shirreff, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileT. Megget v. J. Fairley, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileT. Syme v. J. D. Milne, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileW. Austin &c. and their Curator ad Litem v. H. Grant and W. Anderson, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileW. Cuningham and Cautioners v. Ellegood and Smyth, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileW. Kippen and Others v. G. Cairns, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileW. Mirrlees v. B. Mathie, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileW. Taylor v. W. Purves, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileWilliam Guthrie v. J. Curl, J. Douglas, and Claud Girdwood and Company, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileWilliam Molle and Others v. Sir Samuel Stirling, &c., 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileY. Trotter v. W. Trotter and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 37 |
fileA. Maccallum v. J. Spears, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileBrydie v. Napier and Sharp, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileBuchanan v. Ferrie, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileC. Greenhill, and General Hunter v. A. Cumine, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileCampbell v. Riddell and Others, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileCol. Erskine v. J. Miller, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileG. A. Fischer &c. v. Earl of Seafield &c., 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileGray v. The North Street Brewery Company, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileHunter v. Carson, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileIncorporated Trades of Dundee, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileJ. Auchinleck v. J. Craig and A. Baxter, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileJ. Dougall and Others v. W. Hutchison and Others, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileJ. Parkin v. P. Clark, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileJ. Reid v. R. Hope and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileJames Russell, Trustee on the Sequestered Estate of the Falkirk Union Bank and of Robert Gillespie v. James M'Nab, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileJohn Grieve (Waddel's Trustee) v. Thomas Wilson, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileJohn Reid v. Kenneth Fraser, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileJohn Turnbull and John Gibson v. John Morrison, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileM'Callum v. Kennedy, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileM'Lennan v. Innes, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileMessrs Craig and Hunter v. Moncrieff and Oliphant, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileMorrison v. Cuthill, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileMrs Jane Mackenzie or Mead, &c. v. William Anderson, &c. 1830, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
filePatrick Pearson v. William Jack, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
filePoor Jean Tod and George Taylor, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileR. Lowe v. R. Wyllie, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileSir A. Keith v. Logie's Heirs and Dr. Young, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileStein's Assignees v. Goddard and Company, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileStewart Jolly v. Francis Grahame, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileT. Black v. D. Kennedy, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileW. Kippen and Others v. G. Cairns, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileWilliam S. Fraser v. Murdo Mackenzie, Esq., 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileWilson v. Thomson, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 39 |
fileEdmonstone v. Morehead, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileForsyth v. Erskine, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileMorehead v. Cheap, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileStewart v. Campbell, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileThe Hon James Erskine v. Robert Graham, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileMackie and Others v. The Magistrates and Town Council of Linlithgow, and the Incorporation of Bakers of Edinburgh, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 16 |
fileMacneil v. Campbells, 1785 | MSS 2015-01, Box 5 |
fileAdam Rankine v. Thomas Adair, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileDixon, Frith, and Company and Others v. Tibbets, Belcher, and Bulloch, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileJames Farquharson v. Alexander Keay, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileJohn Smith v. The Trustees for the Creditors of Donald Maclean, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileMargaret Buchanan v. James Purdon Gray, and his Administrator-in-Law, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileMyles v. Schiniman, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileSir Ralph Abercromby v. John Francis Erskine, 1800 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileWalker v. Keddie, 1799 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileWilliam Little Gilmour v. Caroline Hunter, 1801 | MSS 2015-01, Box 17 |
fileAbstract of the Proof, The Registration of Sasines, 1768 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileAllan, Loudon, and Others v. Houstoun, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileBennett v. Fraser, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileBrown v. Lord Rollo and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileCampbell and Husband v. Lord Moncreiff's Interlocutor, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileCatrine Cotton Company v. Campbell, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileCommercial Banking Company of Scotland, and Others v. Pollock's Trustees, &c, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileEarl of Lauderdale and Others v. Royle and Others, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileEarl of Seafield v. Fischer, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileElizabeth Breakenridge v. James Hamilton, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileElliot, Coulter, et al. v. Wilson and Company, 1775 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileExecutors of Duke of Queens v. Duke of Buccleuch, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileFalconer and M'Lintock v. Sadler, 1777 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileFarquharson v. Barstow, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileFischer v. Earl of Seafiled, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileHamilton v. Paterson, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileHouston v. Archibald Speirs, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileHouston v. Stirling, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileJohn Cuningham, Esq. v. The Rev. Alexander Cuthbertson and William Brown, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileKedslie v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileKirk-Session of Duddingston v. Halyburton and Others, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileMackenzie v. Houston, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileMackinlay v. Marquis of Bute, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileMagistrates of Aberdeen v. Fordyce, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileMagistrates of Aberdeen v. Menzies, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileMerry v. Dallas and Henderson, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileMessrs Newton, Gordon, Johnston and Co. v. Duncan Davidson, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileMiller v. Miller, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileMinister of Prestonkirk v. The Heritors, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileMore v. Stirling and Robertson, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileMorison and Fraser v. Fraser and Others, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileMorton & Co v. James Colquhoun and George Macfarlane, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileMunro v. Munro, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileMunro v. Ross, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileOsborne v. Brown, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
filePlan of Property in Cranent, 1776 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
filePollok's Representatives v. Buchanan, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
filePringle v. Johnson, 1788 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileProof of the Propinquity of Allardice, 1765 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileProposal for Edinburgh Portable Gas Company, 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileReport by the Committee of the Faculty of Advocates, 0000 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileRobert Belshes v. Countess of Rothes, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileRobert Ferguson v. Trustees of Anthony Maclurg, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileRobert Mutter v. The Earl of Selkirk, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileSimpson v. Spence, 1786 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileSir Thomas Dundas v. Thomas Dundas and Others, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileSmith v. Presbytery of Alford, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileStephenson v. Gibson, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileSterling Banking Company v. Smith, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileStewart v. Burke, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileStirling & Sons v. Stirling and Robertson, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileStirling and Others v. Speirs, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileStirling v. Houston, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileStirling v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileSwan v. Hayburton and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileThomson v. Stirling, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileTrust-Deposition by Macpherson, 1802 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileWilliam Johnston v. Walter Sym and Alexander Osburn, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileWilliam Scott v. Andrew Gray, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileReport from the Select Committee of the House of Lords, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 38 |
fileAberdeenshire Trustees v. William Knowles, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileAndrew Smith v. Miss Eleanor Allardyce, and her Tutors, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileAssignees of Spalding and Rattray v. William Spalding, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileBowman v. Dunlop, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileCap. James Maclean v. Robert Maclauchlan, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileCharles Foster v. Trustees of John Good, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileDavid Ogilvy v. Magistrates and Town Council of Edinburgh, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileDr. Andrew Mackenzie Grieve v. William Orr, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileEarl of Hyndford v. The Reverand James Craig, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileHercules Foley v. John Beattie, trust-disponee of William Rew, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileHudson & Co. v. Hall & Co., 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileJames Anderson v. Rev. Robert Thomas, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileJames Copland and Others v. David Blair, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileJames Smith and William Charles Kerr v. George Beveridge, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileJunor and Creditors v. Young, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileLang v. Whytlaw, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileLockhart v. Marjoribanks, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileM'Intyre v. Mair, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileMargaret, Isobel and Helen Cunningham v. George Glen, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileMessrs North, Hoare, Nanson, and Simpson v. David Souter, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileMessrs. Alexander and James Bowker and Company v. William Glas, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileMrs Agnes Sharp and Robert Veitch v. Francis Sharp, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileNicolson v. M'Leod, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileNinian Little v. William Beattie, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
filePetition of James Smith, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileSpalding v. Farquharson, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileStewart v. Thomson, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileTrustee on the Sequestered Estate of James Harvey, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileWilson v. Pollock, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 24 |
fileCampbell v. Forbes, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileDavid Hepburn v. Robert Baird, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileDuke of Roxburghe v. George Waldie, of Henderside, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileEarl of Dunbar v. James, John, and Archibald Hendry, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileElton Hammond v. Michael Neilson and Others, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileFleshers of Aberdeen v. Magistrates of Aberdeen, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileJohn Davidson v. The Magistrates of Burntisland, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileJohn Macdougall and Others v. Joseph Marshall, Esq., 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileJohn Watson v. George Kerr, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileLord Ashburton v. M. H. Baillie and his Curators, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileMagdalene and Elizabeth Hardie v. David Hardie, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileMrs. Mary Campbell and Husband v. Walter Campbell, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
filePetition of George Ronaldson, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileRev. James Ross and Others v. William Read, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileRobert Hill and Others v. William Elderman, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileThomas Burnett and Others v. William Knowles, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileWhyte v. Duthie, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileWilliam Jameson v. John Beddie, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 25 |
fileAlexander &c. Martin v. John and William Martin, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileAlexander Gordon and Others v. William Gordon of Ellon, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileAndrew Harvey v. James Mitchell, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileAndrew Simpson v. John Hutchison and John Ramsay, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileAndrew Thomson and his Tutors v. Trustees of Alexander Thomson, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileBain v. Kippen, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileCampbell and Alexander v. Cunynghame, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileCharles Grey v. Charles Hope, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileCreditors of Sir Charles Gascoigne v. Lady Hadinton, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileCreditors of William Robertson v. Mrs Jean Urquhart, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileDame Marianne Campbell v. Sir William Cuningham Fairlie, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileEarl of Dunmore v. James, John and Archibald Hendry, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileEbenezer Knox and Others v. Robert Wilson, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileElection of the County of Stirling, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileHenry Davidson and George Graham v. Innes Munro, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileHouston, Burns, and Company v. Burns and Others, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileHugh Arbuckle v. William Taylor and John Taylor and Sons, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileHumphry Colquhoun v. George Murdoch, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileJames Baird, Trustee for John M'Chlery v. Andrew Muir, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileJames Bisset v. David Robertson, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileJames Leslie v. Captain John Stewart, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileJames Robertson v. Mrs E. Robertson and her Trustees, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileJames Walsh v. Adam Grieve, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileJameson v. Beddie, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileJean Duncan v. Robert Jolly, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileJohn Buchanan v. Mrs Jane Carmichael, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileJohn Campbell v. Sir Thomas Dundas, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileJohn Lillie v. Janet, Adam, &c. Lillies, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileMackay, Skirving, and Company v. John Bond, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileMessrs. Wardrop and Company v. Waddell, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileMiss Catharine Mills, &c. v. James Mills' Executors, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileMrs Catharine Baillie or Clark v. Thomas Clark, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileNinian Trotter v. Isobel Hall, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
filePeter Rose Watson v. Elisabeth Gordon, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
filePetition of Alexander Thomson and Son, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
filePetition of Janet Coupar and George, Anne, and John Craig, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
filePetition of John Peter Gassiot, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
filePetition of Robert Curror and John Curror, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
filePetition of Robert Morison, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileRichard Meikle v. James Skelly, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileRobert Aitkin v. William Gray, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileRobert Melville v. William Clark, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileSharp v. Meiklejohn and Others, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileSibbald v. Douglas and Kerr, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileSir Alexander Campbell, Baronet v. Peter Spiers, 1790 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileSmith v. Smiths, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileSpalding v. Farquharson, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileThe Honourable and Reverend T. L. Dundas v. Archibald Campbell, Esquire, of Blytheswood, and Boyd Alexander, Esquire, of Southbar, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileTinning v. Greenwood and Railton, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileWilliam Wilson v. William Cuthbertson, 1783 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileWm. Henderson v. Charles Selkrig, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 26 |
fileAgnes and Allison Hay v. Alexander Stevenson, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileAlexander Anderson v. James Stewart, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileAlexander Forbes v. Francis Garden Campbell, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileAlexander Wight v. John Dickson and George Dickson, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileCampbell v. Callander, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileChalmers v. Jackson, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileFullarton v. Crawford and Others, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileGeorge Primerose, Esq. v. Sir Robert Burnett and James Mansfield, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileHomfray v. Newte, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileHugh Dunbar v. John and Thomas Harvie, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileIncorporation of Bakers of Dundee v. Just and Miller, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileJames Campbell and his Attorney v. Robert Stein, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileJames Inglis and Company v. William Lane and Company, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileJames Newbigging v. William Howison, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileJohn Cockburn Ross v. The Governors of George Heriot's Hospital, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileJohn Low v. Sir Willim Johnston, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileJohn Masson v. John Steel, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileJohn Walker Anderson v. William Smith, &c., 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileJohn, Robert and James Stein v. Royal Bank of Scotland and George Mitchell, Esq., 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileKerr and Forlong v. Hulshoff, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileLeckie and Meek v. Andrew Hunter Spreul Crawford, Esq., 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileMagistrates and Council of Aberdeen v. George and Alexander More, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileMagistrates of Dumfries v. Alexander Herries Maxwell, Esq., 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileMarquis of Tweeddale v. Rankines and M'Donald, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileMessrs Allan and Chittenden v. Messrs Renny & Airth, and Ja. Ogilvy, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileMrs Ann Ranaldson Dickson and Husband v. William Christie, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
filePetition of William Daniel Arthur Frank, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileR. G. Steele v. Robert Steele and Others, Trustees of George Steele of Baldastard, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileRev. David Harris v. George Skene, Esq., 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileRobert Twaddle v. James Twaddle, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileSir Andrew Cathcart v. William Gordon, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileSir Benjamin Dunbar v. Charles Ferrier, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileSir Benjamin Dunbar v. James Gibson, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileSir William Cuningham Fairlie, Bart. v. Dame Marianne Campbell or Cuningham Fairlie, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileSkene v. Maberley, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileStirling v. Miller, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileThe Royal Bank of Scotland v. Cuthbert, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileThomas Allan v. David & Thomas Simpson, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileThomas Falconer v. William Weston and Others, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileTrustees of Purves v. Sir Wm. Hume Campbell, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileW. Dickson v. G. Dickson, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileWilliam Ballantyne v. Janet Dunlop, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileWilliam Sibbald and Company v. Messrs. Kirkman Finlay and Others, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileWingate and Others v. Harmood, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 28 |
fileBond v. Mackid, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileBuchanan, Trustee for James Smith and Sons v. Cooper and Others, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileCommon Agent in Locality of Madderty v. Moray, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileCranstoun v. Gibson, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileDuke of Gordon v. J. Innes, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileElphinston and Mortimer, &c. v. Election of Magistrates and Councillors of Aberdeen, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileFarquharson v. Earl of Aboyne and Others, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileGallaway v. Glasgow Colour Company, and Still, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileHamilton, &c. v. Phillips and Spence, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileJ. Bellenden Ker v. James Duke of Roxburghe, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileJames Grant v. Col. John Laurenson, &c., 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileJohn and Thomas Gillespie v. Mrs Grizzel Ferguson and Others, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileJohn Caw v. Creditors of John Caw, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileJohn M'Taggart and Others (Executors of M'Taggart) v. William Jeffrey (M'Kerlie's Trustee), 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileJohn Wedgwood and Others v. John Catto, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileKeith v. Allardice and Others, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileKer v. Douglas, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileKirk-Session of Duddingston v. Lt-Col. Halyburton, and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileLow v. Austin, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileLow v. Black and Company, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileMackenzie, Curator Bonis to Misses Belinda and Georgiana Harriet Colebrooke v. Johnston, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileMackerlie v. Harper, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileMagistrates and Town Council of Aberdeen v. Menzies, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileMasson v. Smith, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileMenzies and Christian v. Gordon and Jopp, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileMessrs Allan and Son v. Taylor, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileMiller and Aitken, Trustee on his Sequestered Estate v. Macdougall and Company, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileMunro v. Mackenzie, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
filePitkethly and Reid v. Pitcairn and Others, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileRattray v. Anderson and Others, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileRenfrewshire Banking Company v. M'Kellar, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileRutherford's Trustees v. Gregson's Trustees and James Watson, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileSteel v. Johnston, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileTaylor and Others v. Dundas, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileThe Lord Provost and Magistrates of Edinburgh v. Rev. Sir Henry Moncreiff Wellwood, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileThomson and Kerr v. Whitson, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileWalker and Others v. MacNair, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileWilkie v. Kennedy, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 32 |
fileA. Edward v. W. Fyfe, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileA. Reddie v. G. Baillie, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileA. Smith v. J. Grierson and W. Bell, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileA. Wight v. A. Sutherland, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileAndrew Kemp v. Arthur Balbirnie, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileB. Fleming and R. Walker v. Harley's Trustees, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileBrumby and Others v. Ogle, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileCharles Macraw v. James Urquhart, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileCrawford v. Vallance, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileCross v. Cross, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileDuncan Kennedy v. Charles Chrystie, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileEwing and Company v. John Dewar, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileG. Lyell v. Mrs. M. Christie and Others, Trustees of the late T. Christie, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileGoodsir v. Aiken and Others, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJ. Freeland and Company v. M. Finlayson and Others, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJ. Hadden Junior v. W. Pirie and Co., 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJ. Horne v. P. Redpath, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJ. Johnstone v. W. Duncan, W.S., 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJ. Matheson v. A. Anderson, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJ. Milne v. J. Imlay, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJames Chalmers v. David Milne, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJames Douglas and Others v. Col. Robert Balfour, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJames Miller v. George Brown, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJames Smith and Others v. Bank of Scotland, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJames Walker v. John M'Nair, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJohn Burns v. John Smith, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJohn Ferguson v. Macneil, Stewart and Company, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJohn Gowans v. Robert Adie, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJohn R. Stodart, W.S. v. Robert Duncan, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileJohn Robb v. G.R. Scott, Esq. and Others, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileLevie and Others v. Paris and Stiven, 1819 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileLord Forbes and Others v. Leys, Mason, and Company, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileRobert Macbrair v. Robert Johnston, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileSir J. Stirling v. A. Christie, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileSir Thomas John Cochrane and Others v. Lady Mary Ross and Others, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileSmith v. Jamiesons, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileWilliam Bennet v. Mrs Jean Tucker, 1820 | MSS 2015-01, Box 35 |
fileA. Strachan v. Dr. F. Nicoll, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileA.J. Hamilton v. Reverand J. Clason, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileAlexander and Robert Murray v. John Murray, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileAlexander Govan v. Thomas Lang, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileAppendix related to the Kirkcudbright Regiment of Volunteer Infantry, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileCompetition between Sir James Norcliffe Innes, Brigadier-General Walter Ker, and Bellenden Ker, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileD. Gilchrist v. G. Dempster, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileDavid Steuart and Others v. Thomas Harris and Others, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileEarl of Elgin v. A. M. Wellwood, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileEarl of Kinnoul v. The Hon. Wm. Maule &c, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileGeorge M'Neal v. D.S. Galbreath, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileInnes v. Union Canal Company, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileJ. Dixon and Others v. Honorable Admiral Fleming and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileJames Finlay and Company v. Misses Margaret and Lilias Campbell, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileLord Melville v. Douglas' Trustees and St. Ann's Distillery Co., 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileMinutes and Resolutions of the Faculty of Advocates, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileMrs. Hay Mackenzie and J.H. Munro v. Magistrates of Dingwall and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileStirling v. Haldane, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileThe Magistrates and Town-Council of Renfrew v. Sir Michael Stewart of Blackhall, 1784 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileThe Minister of Panbride v. The Honorable William Maule, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileThomas Houston and Others v. George Dempster, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileUnknown Index Roxburghe, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileW. Neilson v. J. Vallance, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileWilliam Winton v. John Dunn, 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 29 |
fileAgnes Redford or Lamb v. Robert Redford, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileCharles Ferrier (George Lyell's Trustee) v. James Mudie and James Ford, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileClaud Russell v. John Napier, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileCochran and Company v. Borradaile, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileDavid Anderson v. Alexander Ross, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileDavid William Gray v. William Purves and Others, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileDuncan Spottiswoode v. William Thom, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileGeorge Condie v. Thomas Robertson and Others, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileJames Gibson v. James Macpherson, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileJames Robertson v. Mrs. Macvean, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileJohn Alston v. Trustee of the late John Alston senior, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileJohn Bennet v. James and William Buchanan, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileJohn Drummond v. Sir Patrick Murray, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileJohn Gordon and Others v. William Eaton and Others, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileJohn Masson v. John Steel, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileMitchell and Burton v. Gilmour and Gregg, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileMrs Jane Maitland and Others v. Maitland, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
filePeacock v. Callender, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
filePetition of George Innes, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
filePirie and Others v. Milne and Company, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileRandaldson v. Macdonald and Others, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileRobert Hunter v. Susan and David Williamson, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileRoger Stewart and Sons v. Duncan Macnaught and Others, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileShillinglaw v. Sir J. Sinclair et al., 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileSir Benjamin Dunbar v. Charles Ferrier, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileSmall v. Shaw, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 30 |
fileA. Craig Maclehose v. Bogles, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileAdam v. Directors of Inverness Academy, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileAlexander Anderson v. Andrew Donaldson, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileAlexander Duthie v. William Carnegie, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileArchibald Colquhoun v. Mrs. Mary Gordon, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileCampbell v. Callander, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileCharles Ferrier and Others v. James Ford and James Mudie, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileChristie v. Countess of Breadalbane, &c., 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileD. and J. Sutherland v. George Thomson, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileDon v. Graham, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileDuncan Campbell junior, and Company v. Robert Allan and Sons, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileGeorge Corsnip v. Janet Sked, John Crawford, &c., 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileHarry Bain v. Peter Scott, 1817 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileHarvey v. Sinclair, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileJames Douglas v. Col. Robert Balfour, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileJames Gibson v. Governors of Heriot's Hospital and Magistrates of Edinburgh, 1811 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileJames Goodwin v. James Brown, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileJames Macpherson v. Alexander Macpherson and Donald Clark, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileJohn Black, &c. v. William Buchanan, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileJohn Booth Junior v. Liddle and Reid, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileJohn Edmund and Others v. Mrs Agnes Frame, or Edmond, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileJohn M'Call & Co. &c. v. Alex. Campbell & Others, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileJohnston v. Jamieson, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileKerr v. Marshall, 1816 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileLachlan Macintosh of Raigmore v. Alexander Mackenzie, Writer in Inverness, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileM'Donald v. Cameron, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileMary Mitchell v. Jasper Tough, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileMessrs Watson, Wighton and Company v. Bohm and Others, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileMiss E. Davidson v. James Ker, Competing, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileMrs. Annabella M'Kenzie, &c. v. Lieut.-Col. Sutherland, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileReid v. Gibson and Lyell, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileRobert Thomson v. George Douglas, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileSpence v. Duncan, &c., 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileStewart and Others v. Hamilton, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileStewart and Others v. Maxwell, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileThe Appointment of an Interim Town-clerk of Forfar, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileThomas Bell v. Magistrates and Town-Council of Aberdeen, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileThomas Meek v. Thomas Mitchell and Co., &c., 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileWelsh v. Hotchkis, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileWhite and Monteath v. Wilson, 1815 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileWilliam Maxwell and Others v. John Lorne, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileA. Allan and Co. v. J. Dundas, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileA. J. Hamilton, younger of Dalzell v. The Reverend James Clason, Minister of the Parish of Dalzell, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileA. M'Callum v. W. Robertson, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileAlexander Scott v. Fisher and Others, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileAllason's Trustees v. J. M'Cubbin, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileBallantyne v. Smart, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileBarclay v. Gillons, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileBarkly v. Macleod, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileBazett, Farquhar, Crawford, and Company v. Heugh's Trustees, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileBuchanan v. Corbet, Borthwick, and Company, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileCockburn's Tutors v. Cockburn, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileD. Hill &c. v. W. Young and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileD. Kennedy and W. Jeffrey v. James Watson, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileD. Wallace v. W. Anderson, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileEarl of Elgin and Kincardine v. Mrs Mary Hamilton Nisbet Ferguson and Husband, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileEarl of Kinnoull and Rev. L. Dunbar v. W. Macdonald, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileFleming v. Wilson and Maclellan, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileG. Saunders v. Renfrewshire Banking Company, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileG. Whitelaw v. J. Reid and J. Hay, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileGeorge Campbell v. Henry Monteith and Company, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileH. A. Douglas and William Thomas, (Stein's Assignees) v. Sir James Gibson-Craig and Walter Brown, (Stein's Trustees), 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileHamilton v. The Trustees of the late John Durie, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileHugh Rose v. Macleay's Trustees, 1837 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileIsobel Baxter v. D. Kilgour, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileJ. Alexander v. G. Scott, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileJ. and W. Dove v. A. Smith and Others, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileJ. Dickson v. A. Dickson, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileJ. Dunlop v. J. Christie, (Harley's Trustee), 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileJ. Freer v. P. Peterson, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileJ. King v. J. Walker and Others, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileJ. M'Cartney and Others v. C. Crosbie, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileJ. M'Ghie v. T. Leishman, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileJ. M'Guffog and M'Neel and M'Kennal v. J. V. Agnew, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileJ. Philpotts and Others v. J. P. Grant and Others, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileJ. Reid v. Hope's Trustees, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileJames Cleghorn and Others v. William Riddell, W. S. and Claud Russell, Accountant, his Trustee, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileJames Ignatius Massie v. James Reid, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileJohn Macrae v. Robert Bruce Æneas Macleod, and Others, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileJohn Robertson v. Jean Petrie, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileLieutenant Colonel Gordon v. John Anderson and Others, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileLockhart and Others v. Antrobus and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileLockhart v. Sharpe and Wallace, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileM'Gown v. Baillie, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileM'Intyre's Trustees v. Belches, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileMagistrates of Lauder v. A. Spence and Others, Burgesses of Lauder, et e contra, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileMajor J. Macdonnell v. R. Donaldson, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileMeldrum's Trustees v. A. Clark, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileMillar v. Duncan, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileMrs. C. Munro or Rose v. G. Ross, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileMrs. Colvin &c. v. P. Christian, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileMrs. Dickson or Roughead v. J. Hunter and Others, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileMurray v. Smith and Others, Executors of the Deceased David Murray, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
filePeter Smith and Others v. John Aitken and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
filePetition of Heirs-Portioners of Sir W. Nairne, &c., 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
filePetition of James Scott, Judicial Factor on Cromarty, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileR. Peters and Others v. J. Martin, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileR. Yuille v. Miss E. Scott, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileRalph Peters v. Samuel Martin, Trustee of Bertie Entwisle, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileS. Menzies v. T. Martin, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileSamuel Thompson and Others v. The Trustees of George Yuille, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileSir Alexander Inglis Cochrane v. Dr David Ramsay, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileSir Henry Stewart v. James Young, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileT. Lennox v. J. Wilson and Others, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileThe Heirs of W. Mack v. New Monkland Road Trustees, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileTrustees of Messrs Goodsir, Adamson, and Company v. Alexander Goodsir, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileW. Austin, &c. and their Curators ad Litem v. H. Grant and W. Anderson, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileW. Dykes and Mandatory v. W. Watson and Others, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileW. Kilpatrick and T. Reid v. R. Miller, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileW. Young v. J. Robertson, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileWilliam Foreman Home, Esq. v. Trustees of the late George Home, Esq., 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileWilliam Miller and Others v. J. Brand, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileY. Trotter v. W. Trotter and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 41 |
fileAnderson, Trustee for Donaldson v. Stewart, 1814 | MSS 2015-01, Box 22 |
fileElection Papers for Inverness, Stirling, Sutherland and Perth, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 22 |
fileElection Papers for Stirling, Anstruther Easter, Kilrenny, Forfar, Dunbarton, Aberdeen, and Inverness, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 22 |
fileHugh Rose v. Macleay's Trustees, 1837 | MSS 2015-01, Box 22 |
fileMacgill v. Heriot, 1797 | MSS 2015-01, Box 22 |
fileYork-Buildings Company v. Mackenzie, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 22 |
fileAndrew Coventry v. Rev. George Coventry, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileArchibald Bruce v. Thomas Mansfield (Rennie's Trustee), 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileBaillie and Others v. Home and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileBuchanan, Watson, and Co. v. James G. Adam, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileCampbell's Trustees v. William Paul, (Boyd's Trustee), 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileCranstoun and Anderson v. Robert Cunninghame Bontine and W. C. C. Grahame, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileD. S. Peddie, (Howden's Trustee) v. Dunlop & Company, and Others, (Chalmers' Creditors), 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileElias Gibb v. Magistrates of Hamilton and John Simpson, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileElizabeth Cantley v. John Robertson, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileElizabeth, Arthur, and Alexander Hamilton v. Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Stewart and Others, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileForbes's Trustees v. The Edinburgh and Glasgow Union Canal Company, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileGarden, Trustee for Thomson v. Cameron, Thomson, and Co, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileGeorge Johnston v. Edinburgh and Glasgow Union Canal Company, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileGeorge Swayne and Mandatory v. John Spence, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileGray v. Kinnears, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileHenry Gardner v. Alexander Grant, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileHugh Grant v. Alexander Taylor, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileJ. Baugh and A. D. Baugh v. James Murray, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileJ. Fisher and Others v. J. Stewart, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileJames Macdowall v. Joseph Gordon, (Macdowall's Trustee), 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileJames Merry v. Mary Dun, or Mason, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileJames Pedie, W.S. v. Mrs Moir's Trustees, and Miss Annesley, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileJames Wylie v. John Smith and John Hamilton, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileJean Ferrier v. Heritors and Kirk-Session and Magistrates of Lanark, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileJohn Campbell, W.S., (M'Kinlay's Assignee) v. Mary Graham or Coldstream & Others (Graham's Trustees), 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileJohn D. Dingwall, &c. v. Mrs C. Duff or Innes, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileJohn Macqueen and Mandatary v. Sir William Baillie and Others (Clyne's Trustees), 1836 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileJohn Thomson (Cashier of Royal Bank), and Sir James Gibson-Craig v. Robert Wight, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileMacleod, Esq. &c. v. Rose, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileMegget v. Campbell, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileMiss Innes v. Sir A. Ramsay, &c., 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileMrs Letitia Ettles v. Arthur John Robertson, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileMrs Mary Wylie v. Captain Francis F. Laye, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileMrs Taylor or Bryson and Husband v. William Crawford, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileMrs Weatherstone and Others v. Marquis of Tweedale and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileNeilson v. Baird, 1843 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
filePeter M'Ara v. Michael Gilfillan, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
filePetition of William Renny, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileRae v. Faculty of Advocates, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileRobert Allan and Son v. Mansfield, Trustee for Stuart, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileRobert Rollo v. Mrs. Helen Shaw or Ramsay, and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileRobert Sandilands v. George Mercer and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileRobert Williamson v. George Hill, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileSir Charles A. Leslie v. Alexander Shepperd, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileSteil v. Ross, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileThe St. Ann's Distillery Company v. Robert Douglas's Trustees, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileThomas Megget v. John Scoular, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileThomas Paton v. William Renny, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileThomas, Earl of Strathmore v. Trustees of John, Earl of Strathmore, 1837 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileWalter Ferrier, W.S. Common Agent in the Ranking of Cromarty v. Mrs Catherine Rose and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileWilliam Moffat, and Others v. Alexander L. Robertson, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileYorston v. Spence, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
filePitcairn v. Pitcairn, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 23 |
fileA. Allan and Co. v. J. Dundas, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileA. Cuthill v. J. Monteath, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileA. M'Callum v. W. Robertson, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileA. Scott v. T. Fisher and Others, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileAnderson v. Boyd, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileAnn Macindoe and Others v. Lyon and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileArch. M'Phail v. William Glennie, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileBell's Trustees v. Robertson, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileCaptain J. Reid v. J. Walker, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileCreditors of Crawford v. Bennett, 1823 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileD. Arnot v. J. Thomson, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileDickson v. Lord Medwyn and Others, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileDr. Hamilton Junior v. Dr. A. Duncan Senior, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileEarl of Fife, General Duff. and the Rev. Mr. Macdonald, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileG. Saunders v. Renfrewshire Banking Company, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileGovernors of George Heriot's Hospital v. Balfour, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileGrant and Others v. Noble, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileHeggie and Company v. Stark and Selcrig, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileHill v. Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileJ. Alexander v. D. M'Lay and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileJ. Alexander v. G. Scott, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileJ. B. Fraser v. J. Laing, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileJ. Carruthers and Others v. H. Johnston, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileJ. Forbes and D. H. Forbes v. Earl of Kintore and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileJ. Kyle v. D. Kyle, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileJ. Smith v. A. Barnetson and W. Calder, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileJohn Cockburn and Others v. W. Wallace and Others, and Governors of Heriot's Hospital, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileKedslie v. Drysdale and Duncan, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileLady Ashburton and G. Sutherland v. Murdo Mackenzie, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileLieutenant Colonel Gordon v. John Anderson and Others, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileM'Tavish v. M'Andrew, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileMagistrates of Edinburgh v. The Board of Excise, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileMagistrates of Perth v. Incorporation of Hammermen of Perth, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileMeldrum's Trustees v. Clark, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileMiss Jane Ferguson, and Robert Ferguson, Esq. v. Hugh Andrew Johnstone Munro, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileMrs Hunter or M'Lane and Kennedy v. Roberton, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileMrs. Alletta De Witt v. J. Young and Others, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileNeilson v. Watherstone, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
filePadon v. Bank of Scotland, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
filePaterson v. Mackenzie, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileR. Aitken and Others v. Trustees of Shotts and Airdrie Road, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileR. and A. Carsewell v. Munn's Trustees, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileR. Christie v. J. Reid, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileR. Walker v. W. Renton, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileRev. S. Scot v. W. R. Ramsay, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileS. Williamson (Johnston's Assignee) v. A. Cochran and D. Paterson, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileSir Alexander Inglis Cochrane v. Dr David Ramsay, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileSkene v. Moncrieff, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileSmith and Others v. Murray, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileT. Horsburgh v. R. Morton and Others, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileTrustees of M'Kenzie v. Legatees and Others, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileW. Dykes and Mandatory v. W. Watson and Others, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileW. Glennie v. A. M'Phail, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileW. Napier and Others v. K. Wood and Others, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileWilson v. Stewart and Paterson, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileA. Foreman v. Mrs. E. Boyack or Foreman, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileA. Murray v. J. Murray's Trustees, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileAlexander v. Hill and Scott, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileAllan v. Macdonald, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileBuchanan and Others v. Pattison and Others, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileCampbell v. Buchanan, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileCampbell v. Campbell, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileCampbell v. M'Donell, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileCharles Grace v. John Crawford, 1821 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileCrawford v. Bennett, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileD. Gordon v. M. Hyslop and Company, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileD. Wallace v. W. Anderson, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileEarl Gower and Magistrates of Wick v. G. Douglas and Others, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileEarl of Dunmore v. Colin M'Inturner, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileErskine v. Alexander, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileFinlayson v. Fisher, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileFleming v. Wilson and Maclellan, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileG. L. Meason and W. Barker v. Executors of the late Duke of Queensberry, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileG. Morrison v. Alex. Ure, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileGibb and M'Donald v. Sir Paul Baghott and Others, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileHamilton v. Hamilton and Others, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileHunter v. Montgomery, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileJ. B. Fraser v. Geo. Fraser, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileJ. Cleghorn, W.S. v. W. Riddel &c., 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileJ. Glassford v. Mrs. Hay Mackenzie and J. Hay Mackenzie, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileJ. Innes v. G. Partidge or Parlinger, and R. R. Hepburn, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileJ. King v. W. Shirra, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileJ. Padon v. Bank of Scotland, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileJ. Pattison Junior, (Blincow's Trustee) v. A. Allan and Company, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileJ. Spence v. J. Eadie, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileJ. Welsh v. P. G. M'Arthur and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileKer and Dickson v. M'Millan and Others, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileM'Kenzie v. Munro or Stevens, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileM'Lachlan v. Kirk-Session of Stevenston, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileMacalister's Executors v. His Legatees, &c., 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileMackintosh v. Cooper, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileMaule v. Hunter, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileMilne v. Forbes, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileMrs Margaret Grant of Burdsyards, and Wm. Fraser Tytler, her husband v. George G. F. Tytler, and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileMrs Milne and Husband v. Farquharson, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileMrs. Lockhart and Others v. Sir C. Trotter and Others, Trustees of Colin M'Kenzie, and W. Ross and H. Anderson, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileMrs. Lockhart or Thomson v. G. Sharp, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileMurray and M'Gregor v. Campbell and Co., 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileOughterson and Others v. Dunlop, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
filePeter Scott and John Gifford v. Miller and Kerr, and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileR. Aitken and Others v. Trustees of Shotts and Airdrie Road, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileR. Gray v. J. M'Nair, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileR. Herriot v. T. Unthank, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileR. Stein and Others v. Misses Stein, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileRobert Cunninghame Bontine v. William Cunninghame Cunninghame Graham, and Trustees for his Creditors, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileRobertson v. Menzies, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileSharp v. M'Gown, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileSir A. C. Maitland Gibson, Bart. and Others v. J. Wills, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileSmith, Irvine and Company v. Cumming, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileStewart Jolly v. Francis Grahame, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileStewart v. Lang, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileStirling v. Zuill, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileThe Rev. William Hamilton, Minister of Strathblane v. Sir Archibald Edmonstone, Bart., 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileW. Finlay v. A. Walker, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileWilliam Brown v. Wemyss and Walker, W.S., 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileYoung's Trustees v. John Scott (for Paisley Bank), 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 42 |
fileA. Wallace, for the Glasgow Glass-Work Company v. J. Geddes, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileAnderson v. Thomson, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileBrown v. Cuthill, &c, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileBuchanan, &c v. Newal, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileC. Girdwood & Co. v. J. Campbell, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileCase related to the late Sir John Lowther Johnstone of Westerhall, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileCharles Hunter v. The Honourable D. J. W. Kinnaird and William Roberts, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileChristie and Others v. Cochran and Trustee, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileCompetition for Trustee on Estate of James Robertson, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileDickson and Others v. Cuninghame and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileDouglas v. Dundee and Newtyle Railway Company, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileDr. R. Tainsh v. A. Graham, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileDuke of Gordon v. J. Innes, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileErskine and Erskine v. Alexander, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileFalconer v. Shiells, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileFinlayson v. Smith, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileFrederick Campbell Stewart v. Stewart Murray Fullarton, and Others, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileG. Henderson and A. Scot v. J. Ker and H. Johnston, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileGeorge Brown v. Paterson's Trustees, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileGeorge Condie v. Alexander Stewart, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileH. Leslie v. Lady Ashburton and Others, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileHamilton v. Hope, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileJ. Auchinleck v. J. Craig and A. Baxter, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileJ. B. Fraser v. Geo. Fraser, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileJ. Barbour v. A. Grierson, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileJ. Barbour v. H. M'Minn and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileJ. Black v. W. Brown, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileJ. Brown v. J. Watson and R. Darg, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileJ. Cook v. Moffat and Couston, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileJ. M'Culloch v. A. M'Nilidge, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileJ. M'Ghie v. T. Leishman, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileJ. Phin v. Magistrates of Auchtermuchty and Officers of State, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileJ. Rowat v. Dr. R. Whitehead, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileJames Lang, &c. v. John Boyd, &c., 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileJohn Grieve (Waddel's Trustee) v. Thomas Wilson, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileLieut.-Colonel Macneil v. Macneil's Trustees, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileLockhart, or Thomson v. Sharpe and Wallace, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileLord Macdonald, &c v. Riddell, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileMackenzie v. Mackenzie, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileMacleod v. Mackenzie, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileMagistrates of Inverness v. Bell's Trustees, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileMartin and Simpson v. J. Leishman, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileMrs Forbes v. Agnes Milne, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileMrs. Dickson or Roughead v. J. Hunter and Others, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileMrs. Fraser v. N. F. Fraser, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileMrs. Mead and Husband v. W. Anderson, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileOswald v. Pattison, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileP. Marshall v. P. Hynd and Colonel A. R. M'Donnell, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileR. Wilson v. R. Pattie, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileReid, &c. v. Hill, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileRobert Balfour v. Archibald Lyle and Ebenezer Bow, (Trustees on his sequestered estate), 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileSharp v. Buchanan and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileSir Alexander Inglis Cochrane v. Dr David Ramsay, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileSir J. Hamilton Dalrymple and Others v. W. B. Callender and Rev. W. Fisher, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileSir M. Bruce and Others v. Mrs. Bruce and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileStewart Jolly v. Barron Grahame, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileSwails v. Stewart, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileThe St. Ann's Distillery Company v. Robert Douglas's Trustees, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileThomson v. Harvie, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileTrustees of Fraser v. Trustee of Corrybrough, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileTurnbull v. Paul, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileW. and J. Watson and Co. v. O'Reilly, Hill, May, and Co., 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileWalker v. Trustees for Crawford, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileWight v. Forman, Trustee on the Sequestered Estate of William Foote, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileWighton v. M'Kenzie, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 43 |
fileA. Greig and J. Scott v. J. Boyd and R. Latta, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileA. Mein, (Neilson's Trustees) v. Miss M. Towers, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileA. Paterson v. W. Tod, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileAlex. Buie v. Lady Gordon and Sir James Gordon, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileBrash and Others v. Gunn and Robertson, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileBrown and Durroch v. Allan, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileCol. Sinclair and Others v. J. Sutherland and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileDavid Anderson Blair v. Mrs. Russell, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileDuke of Gordon v. J. Innes, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileDuncan Davidson v. Charles M'Leod, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileDuncan v. Baillie, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileEarl Gower and Magistrates of Wick v. G. Douglas and Others, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileEarl of Dunmore v. Colin M'Inturner, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileEarl of Hopetoun v. Common Agent in Locality of Inverkeithing, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileEarl of Rothes and Curator v. Countess of Rothes and Lady Elizabeth Leslie, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileF. and T. Lea and G. Landale, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileF. Gordon v. Douglas's Trustees, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileFrancis Grahame v. Stewart Jolly, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileGalloway v. Hamilton & Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileGeorge Napier v. John Graham, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileGillies and Mandatory v. Mackay, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileHeritors of Cranston v. Fisher & Callender, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileJ. Baikie and Others v. Rev. W. Logie, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileJ. Henderson v. W. Steel, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileJames Boaz (Liddell's Trustee) v. Margaret Loudon or Liddell, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileJames Tannoch v. J. Reed and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileJamieson and Jamieson v. Gordon, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileJanet Arnott v. A. Thomson, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileJean Brown or Monkhouse v. M. Gilfillan, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileJohn Cuninghame, Esq. v. The Rev. Alexander Cuthbertson and William Brown, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileJohn Wiliam Henry, Earl of Stair v. Sir John Dalrymple Hamilton Macgill, of Cousland, Baronet, [...] Trustees of the late John, Earl of Stair, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileKer and Johnston v. Scott, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileM. Gilfillan and Spouse v. A. Ure, W. Guthrie, and Others, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileM'Dougall v. Campbell, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileM'Gown v. Sharp and Others, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileMackenzie v. Clark, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileMackenzie v. Wright, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileMagistrates of Dunbar v. John Sawers, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileMajor-Gen. N. Forbes v. Major A. Forbes and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileMeston v. Craigie, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileMrs Bogle or Gilfillan, and Husband v. Jean Brown and Husband, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileMrs Mackenzie or Mead v. William Anderson, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileMrs Waddell Boyd v. Mrs Burnett, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileMrs. Halliburton or Cochrane v. James Lawson, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileMrs. Mary Gooden and Husband v. A. W. Chisholm and Curators, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileMurray v. M'Nair, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileP. M'Ara v. M. Gilfillan, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
filePaterson v. Mackenzie, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
filePeter Taylor Young v. Alexander Baillie, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileR. Lowe and D. Burns v. B. Greig, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileRailton v. M'Aulay, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileRamsay v. Kirkwood and Aitken, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileReid v. Best, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileRiddell and Others v. Moody, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileRobert Cunninghame Bontine v. William Cunninghame Cunninghame Graham, and Trustees for his Creditors, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileShireff v. Dickson, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileSkene v. Spalding, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileStewart v. Lang, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileStubbs and Company v. Gemmil and Carsewell, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileThe Comrie Savings Bank v. The Leith Banking Company, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileThe Hon. Sir Alexander Inglis Cochrane v. Dr. David Ramsay, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileThe Society of Writers to the Signet v. Dundas, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileThomson v. Forrester, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileW. Jaffray Jun. v. Misses Gavin, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileW. Jaffray v. R. Speir, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileW. Parlane v. J. Hamilton, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileW. Reid v. C. Chalmers, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileW. Robison and Others v. W. Stuart and Others, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileWaddell v. Park, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileWilliam Allan v. Charles Galli, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileWilliam Fraser v. James Bristow Fraser, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 45 |
fileA. G. Fraser v. A. Morrice, (for the Aberdeen Banking Company), 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileA. Strachan v. Dr. F. Nicoll, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileAlex. M'Leay v. D. Thomson, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileAlexander v. Scott, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileBrowns v. Bishop, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileCalders and Company v. Cooper, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileCathcart v. Ure, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileCorson v. M'Lachlan, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileCreditors of the Burgh of Auchtermuchty v. T. Adamson and Others, 1822 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileCurrie v. Ford, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileCuthbertson v. W. Graham and G. Sinclair, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileDavid Moffat v. James Denham, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileDick v. Cuthbertson, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileDove and Others v. Smith and Scott, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileDuke of Buccleuch v. D. Ewart's Representative, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileEarl of Rothes and Curator v. Countess of Rothes and Lady Elizabeth Leslie, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileGeorge Rodgers and Others v. Thomas Harvie, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileHeriot's Hospital v. Dickson, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileHeritors of Applegarth and Sibbaldbie v. Sir William Jardine, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileHonourable William Maule of Panmure v. Fox Maule, Esq., 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileHunter v. Maule, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileJ. and P. Duguid and Others v. W. Duguid and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileJ. Cook and H. Paul v. Jeffrey (Cuthill's Trustee), 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileJ. Geddes v. J. Hopkirk, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileJ. Smith and Others v. W. and T. Hall, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileJ. Smith v. W. Wilson, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileJ. Welsh v. P. G. M'Arthur and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileJames Glen v. Smith Glen, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileJames Murray and Others v. Mrs. Kerr, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileJohn Boyle Gray v. Duncan M'Dougal, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileJohn Hill v. Mathew King, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileJohn Macleod v. His Creditors, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileJohn Pearson and Others v. William Grierson, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileJohn Vans Agnew of Sheuchan, and Mrs Ann Robertson, is Executrix v. The Earl of Stair and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileJohn William Henry, Earl of Stair v. Trustees of John, Earl of Stair, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileKer and Others (for the Leith Bank) v. Archibald Scot, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileLaing and Others v. Hay and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileLord Forbes v. Leys, Masson, and Co., 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileMackenzie v. J. Baillie & Others, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileMackintosh v. Forbes and Scott, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileMagistrates of Inverness v. Montgomerie and Others, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileMajor James Taylor and Commissioners v. Sir W. Forbes and Company, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileMrs. C. Munro or Rose v. G. Ross, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileMrs. Elizabeth Fergusson or Pollock and Husband v. Janet King and Others, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileMrs. Jean Fraser v. Trustees of Captain Hugh Fraser, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileMrs. Martha Harriet Speirs v. William C. C. Graham and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileMurdo M'Kenzie v. Process of Multiplepoinding, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileN. Hutchison v. Mary Thomas, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileNapier v. Wood, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileR. Mackenzie, W.S. v. Charlotte Fraser and Others, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileRepresentatives of John Innes v. Earl of Peterborough's Executors, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileRobert Kerr v. Duke of Roxburghe's Tutors, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileScougall v. White, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileSea Insurance Company of Scotland v. Gavin and Others, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileThe Comrie Savings Bank v. The Leith Banking Company, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileThe Earl of Kintore and Others v. James Forbes, Esq. and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileThe Trustees of James Nisbet v. The Trustees of Thomas Morrison, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileThomas Watson v. Andrew Fletcher, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileW. B. K. Lawrie v. J. Donald and G. C. Jones, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileWedderburn v. Fenton, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileWilliam Ewing v. Crichton and Others, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileWilliam Inglis v. Andrew Walker, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileWilliam Kedslie v. David Drysdale et al, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileWilliam Pattison v. P. Campbell, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileWilliam Rae Wilson v. Mrs. Mary Stewart or Paterson and Thomas Paterson, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 44 |
fileA. Wallace, for the Glasgow Glass-Work Company v. J. Geddes, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileAlex. Marjoribanks v. Helen Amos, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileAndrew Zuill v. Thomas Bryce Buchanan, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileArnot v. Thomson, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileBank of Scotland v. Haldane, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileBell v. The Bank of Scotland, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileClyne v. Robert Sclater and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileDavid Chalmers v. Patrick Taylor, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileDavid Johnstone v. Robert Carlyle and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileDavid Stewart v. James Murray Grant, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileDuke of Portland v. John Gray and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileEarl of Mansfield v. Ralph Scott, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileEdward Alexander and Others v. John Robertson and Others, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileElizabeth Scott v. Robert Yuille, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileFerrie and Fairley, W.S. v. R. Woodward, &c., 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileFraser v. Fraser and Paton, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileGeorge M'Neal v. D. S. Galbreath, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileH. A. Douglas and William Thomas, (Stein's Assignees) v. Sir James Gibson-Craig, and Walter Brown, (Stein's Trustees), 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileInnes of Cowie v. Innes of Raemore, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileJames Craigie v. William Scobie, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileJames Curle v. Duke of Roxburghe and Curators, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileJames Harper v. Thomas Balfour, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileJane A. Osborne v. William Brown, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileJohn Baird v. William Officer, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileJohn Clarkson v. Philip Ball and Mandatory, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileJohn E. Dickson v. J. Gracie and George Ferguson, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileJohn Hunter v. George Gardner, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileJohn Macarthur Moir v. James Hunter, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileJohn Sibbald and Son v. David Walker, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileJohn Sloan v. John Cuthbertson, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileJoseph Beck v. W. Learmonth and Co., 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileLangton and Mandatories v. Crockatt and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileLieut. Todd v. C. F. Davidson, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileLindesay and Others v. Trustees of Sir John Inglis, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileLindsay v. Johnston, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileLindsay v. Robertson, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileM'Leod v. M'Kenzie, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileMacdonell v. Duke of Gordon, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileMackay v. Ambrose, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileMackenzie v. Mackenzie, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileMagistrates of Dundee v. Kerr and Kerr, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileMagistrates of Edinburgh v. Brown, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileMansfield v. Stuart, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileMiss Mary Seymour Munro v. George Munro and Charles Munro, 1837 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileMoinet v. Hamilton, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileMrs Darling and Children v. James Adamson, 1838 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileMrs. A. Moodie or Anderson v. James Anderson, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileMrs. Mack or Cleland &c. v. John Hamilton Mack and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileMrs. Wilson or Tait and Husband v. Philip Wilson, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
filePeter Dudgeon v. George Reid, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileRamsay v. Nairnie, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileRobert Weir v. Gavin Glenny and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileSir C. A. Leslie v. Alexander Shepherd, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileSir Neil Menzies and Others v. A. Duff and Others, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileSorley's Trustees v. Archibald Grahame and William Gilmour, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileStewart v. Stewart, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileSutherland v. Mackay, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileT. Meggett, W.S., and R. Christie, his Trustee v. John Spence, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileThomas Macmillan and Others v. Charles Campbell, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileW. B. K. Lawrie v. J. Donald and G. C. Jones, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileW. Ewing and Others v. W. M'Gavin, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileW. Jaffray Jun. v. Misses Gavin, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileW. Mirrlees v. B. Mathie, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileWilliam Duncan, W.S. v. Union Canal Company, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileWilliam Flockhart v. Ebenezer James Lawson, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileWilliam Henderson v. J. Drysdale and J. Campbell, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileWilliam Paul, Trustee on the sequestered estate of William Boyd v. Maitland Wilson Boyd, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileWilliam Robison v. Adam Charles, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileWilliam Sim v. Ninian Hodgert and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 46 |
fileAinslie v. Ainslie, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileAnderson v. Creditors for Anderson, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileAnderson v. Starkey, Fletcher and Co, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileBakers of Canongate v. M'Dowal, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileBeddie v. Milroy, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileBruce v. Reid, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileCaptain G. Bonar's Trust-Disponees v. Bonar, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileCathcart v. Campbell, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileCowan v. Peebles, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileDalrymple v. Wight, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileDon v. Rutherfoord, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileDudgeon v. Howden, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileDuff v. Abercromby, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileGibson and Others v. Kennedy, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileHowden v. Hepburn, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileLamont of Lamont v. Argyle, D. of, Ferrier, &c., 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileLeitch and Others v. Farie and Others, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileListon v. Grieg, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileM'Kellor and Others v. Campbell, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileM'Whirter v. Bishop, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileOgilvy v. Ogilvy's Trustees, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
filePaterson v. Lorimer, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
filePennicuick v. Heritors of Duddingston &c., 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
filePierson and Mandataries v. Balfour, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
filePresbytery of Alford and Forbes v. Anderson, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileRitchie v. The Magistrates of Edinburgh and Canongate, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileRoutledge v. Carruthers, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileRoxburgh v. Waldie, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileRussel, Esq. and Others v. Davidson, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileScott v. Durham, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileSouter v. Abercromby, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileStronach, Trustee for Murray v. Innes, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileTaylor and Others v. Swinton, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileThe Procurator of the Church of Scotland, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileWilkinson and Attornies v. Macwhann and Others, 1812 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileYoung and Co. v. Leven, 1813 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileA. Lyle, and E. Bow (his Trustee) v. Robert Balfour, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileA. Macintosh and Others v. Arthur John Robertson, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileAdair v. Adair, or Black, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileArchibald Martin v. David Easton and Others, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileBrew v. Guthrie, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileCheyne and Mackersy, (for the Fife Bank) v. E. Anderson, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileChrystie v. Douglas, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileCrawford v. Mill and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileDickson v. Bonar's Trustees, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileDuff and Others v. Trustees or Erskine, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileDuncan M'Gown v. Patrick Neilson, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileEarl of Airlie and Hon. Donald Ogilvy v. Rev. William Ogilvie, 1837 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileGerrit Schuurmans and Son, and Mandataries v. William Stephen and Sons, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileGlassford v. The Honourable Mrs Hay Mackenzie of Cromarty, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileHadden and Brebner v. Dauney, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileHenry Bonny and Mandatory v. Lord Gillies and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileHill v. King, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileHon. Mrs Maria Hay Mackenzie and Hugh Munro v. Magistrates of Dingwall and Others, 1839 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileHon. R. Rollo v. Robert Campbell, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileIsabella Sharpe or Orde v. G. F. Orde, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileJ. Eadie, (M'Luckie's Trustee) v. J. How, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileJ. Grindlay v. G. Saunders, (Amory's Trustee), 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileJ. Henderson v. W. Steel, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileJames Aitken v. J. Charles and Company, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileJames Joseph Hope Vere v. The Right Honourable Charles Hope and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileJames Pedie v. William Sommers, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileJohn and Livingston Booth v. Rachel Booth or Black, and her Husband, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileJohn Anderson v. John Clark, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileJohn Brown v. Mrs E. Graham, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileJohn Grindlay v. Gilbert Saunders, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileJohn Shaw Alexander v. Mrs. Alexander, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileJohn Stewart v. James Fraser, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileLaurie v. Laurie's Trustees, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileMacpherson v. M'Key, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileMiss Mary Brown v. Brown's Trustees, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileMontgomery and Others v. Loch, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileMorgan v. Lyall and Company, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
filePatrick Cameron, (for Geo. F. Cameron) v. John Mackie and Others (Dick's Trustees), 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
filePatrick Miller v. William Miller, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
filePeter Dudgeon v. George Reid, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileRoss v. Southern Districts Market Co., 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileScott v. Yuille, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileSir Michael Bruce and Others v. Mrs Jane Bruce and Miss Maria Meadows Bruce, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileSkelton v. Cadell, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileStevens v. Baillie, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileStevenson & Co. v. Maxwell & Co., 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileStevenson v. Gardner and Husband, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileStewart v. Carswell, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileStewart v. Fraser, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileT. Meggett, W.S., and R. Christie, his Trustee v. John Spence, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileThe Duke of Gordon's Trustees v. M'Lean and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileThe Magistrates of Perth v. The Earl of Wemyss, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileThomas Johnston v. George Rome, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileW. G. Buchanan v. Alexander Downie, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileW. Wilson and Others v. John M'Knight, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileWilliam Allen Flowerdew v. Dundee, Perth, and London Shipping Company, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileWilliam Henderson v. J. Drysdale and J. Campbell, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 47 |
fileA. and J. Dunn v. W. Livingston, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileA. Garden, Trustee on the Sequestered Estate of A. G. Thomson v. F. Cameron and Others, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileAgnes Watson v. Heritors and Kirk-Session of Ancrum, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileAlexander Roberton v. Andrew Roberton and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileAlexander Thomson v. James Purves, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileAndrew and Others v. Arthur and Others, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileArthur Gifford, Esq. and Others (Landholders and Commissioners of Supply in Zetland) v. William Trail, Esq. and Others, (Commissioners of Supply and Freeholders in Orkney), 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileBell &c. v. Eadie, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileBlair v. Blair, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileBrown v. M'Intyre, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileBuchanan, &c. v. Thompson, &c., 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileCaptain Archibald Campbell & Others v. Mrs E. Stevenson or M'Intyre & Others, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileCessio Bonorum for Archibald Clark, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileChristopher Smyth v. George Rogerson, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileComrie Savings Bank v. Leith Banking Company, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileConnal v. Misses Jeffrey, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileD. M'Culloch and Others, (M'Caul's Trustees) v. R. Buchanan, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileD. Macra v. T. M'Kenzie, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileDickson v. Barbour, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileEarl of Lauderdale &c. v. Mrs. Royle's Executor, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileEwing's Trustees and W. Robison v. R. Farquharson, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileFarquharson v. Farquharson, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileGeorge Hunter v. Honourable Mrs. C. Cochrane and others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileGerrit Schuurmans and Son, and Mandataries v. William Stephen and Sons, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileH. A. Douglas and William Thomas, (Stein's Assignees) v. Sir James Gibson-Craig, and Walter Brown, (Stein's Trustees), 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileHadden and Brebner v. Dauney, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileHis Majesty's Advocate v. Robertson, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileJ. Hamilton v. J. M'Gie, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileJ. R. Hart v. G. M'Kenzie Ross and J. Dunlop, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileJames Cleghorn and Others v. William Riddell, W.S. and Claud Russell, Accountant, his Trustee, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileJames Glass v. George Ross, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileJames Stewart and his Curators v. James Baikie and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileJames Thomson v. Campbell's Trustees, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileJames Thomson v. Thomas Forrester, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileJames Young v. Elizabeth Cuddie, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileJohn Anderson v. John Clark, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileJohn Brown v. Mrs E. Graham, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileJohn Minto and John Gavin v. John Kirkpatrick, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileJohn Tod, &c. (Donaldson's Trustees) v. Thomas Chalmers, &c., (Crawford's Trustees), 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileJohnstone v. Ure, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileM'Neill or Steel v. Steel's Trustees, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileMackenzie v. Clark, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileMackenzie v. Roy and Others, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileMackintosh v. Baillie, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileMacleod v. Macleod, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileMacneil v. Nicolson, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileMiss Isabella Brown and Mandatary v. J. A. Cheyne and J. M'Kean, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileMrs Jane Lowrey or Maxwell v. Colin Dunlop Donald and Dr King, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileMrs. Kirk v. Hotchkis and Meiklejohn, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
filePaterson v. Montrose Bank, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
filePeter Scott and John Gifford v. Miller and Kerr, and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileR. Rattray, W.S. v. Cruttenden, M'Killop, and Company, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileReid v. Walker, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileRemington, Crawford, and Company, and Others v. Sir Michael Bruce and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileRennie v. Douglas, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileRobert Cunninghame Bontine v. William Cunninghame Cunninghame Graham, and Trustees for his Creditors, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileRobert Findlay v. Donaldson's Trustees, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileRobert Mercer v. W. Peddie and F. Alexander, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileRobert Whitehead v. John Rowat, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileRodgers, &c. v. Harvie, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileRussell v. Gordon, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileSmart v. Watson, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileSociety of Solicitors before the Sheriff and other Courts of Edinburgh v. M. Smillie and Others, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileSutherland v. Mackay, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileTait v. Gordon, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileThomas Lang v. Alexander Allan and Co., 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileTowers v. Mein, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileW. R. Ramsay v. Sir W. A. Cunynghame, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileWight v. Wight, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileWilliam Brown v. Wemyss and Walker, W.S., 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileWilliam Henderson v. J. Drysdale and J. Campbell, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileWilliam Macdonald v. Mrs. Catharine Farquharson and Others, 1836 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileWilliam Pattison v. P. Campbell, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 48 |
fileA. Garden, Trustee on the Sequestered Estate of A. G. Thomson v. F. Cameron and Others, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileA. Mackinlay and Others v. W. D. Gillon, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileAitchison v. Earl of Mansfield, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileAlexander C. Maitland and Others v. Dame Helen Maitland Gibson &c., 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileAlexander Crichton v. Alexander Watt, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileAlexander Mackenzie v. A. J. Robertson, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileAndrew Moffat Wellwood v. Captain John Ross & David Syme, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileBannerman v. Kilgour and Ross, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileBell v. Colville or Bell, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileBinning Bell v. William Cadell, for Bank of Scotland, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileBlack v. Maclachlan, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileBorthwick (Grant's Trustee) v. Shepherd, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileBoyd v. Lang, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileBrownlee v. Waddell, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileBurns v. Allan, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileCloup and Pelissie and Mandatary v. John Henry Alexander, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileConnal v. Misses Jeffrey, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileCraig and Others v. Adam and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileD. Stewart (Finlayson's Trustee) v. James Pedie, W.S., 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileDonald Macaulay v. John Mackenzie, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileDonald Mackintosh, W.S. v. Coll Macdonald, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileDr James Hamilton & Archibald Nisbet v. The Commissioners of Improvements of Edinburgh, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileDr Walter Adam v. Sir George Clerk and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileDuff and Others v. Erskine's Trustees, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileEarl of Hopetoun v. Common Agent in Locality of Inverkeithing, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileEarl of Lauderdale &c. v. Mrs. Royle's Executor, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileEdward Bellis, and John Thundercliffe v. Joseph M'Gregor, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileEdward Cheyne v. Peter Cheyne, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileGerrit Schuurmans and Son, and Mandataries v. William Stephen and Sons, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileHenderson's Trustees v. Sibbald's Trustees, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileHugh Falconer v. Thomas Mansfield, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileHunter v. Couper and Fraser, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileIncorporation of Tailors of Aberdeen v. Munro and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileJ. Spence v. F. Grahame, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileJames Bridges, (Manners's Trustee) v. Willison's Trustees, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileJames Florence v. Christian Florence, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileJames Stalker v. Edward Railton, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileJames Stirling v. R. Haldane, (Cassels' Trustee), 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileJames Swan, W.S., Advocator, and C. Ferrier, his Cautioner v. Lieut.-Colonel R. Halyburton and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileJohn Gowans v. David Oswald, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileJohn Reid Miles v. Matthew Finlayson and Peter Marshall, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileJohn Robertson, John Robertson, & James Robertson v. Edward Alexander and Alexander Smith, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileJohn Sibbald and Son v. David Walker, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileKibbles v. Stevenson, &c., 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileLady Ramsay v. James Nairne, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileM'Dougal's Trustees v. James and Jean M'Dougal, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileMacdonell of Glengarry v. The Commissioners of the Caledonian Canal, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileMargaret Stormonth or Darling v. Watson and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileMiss Mary Ann Banner v. T. and R. Gibson, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileMrs Euphemia Innes v. Duke of Gordon, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileMrs Lillias Ballandene v. James Chrystal, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileMrs Mackenzie or Mead v. William Anderson, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileMrs. Walker or Thomson v. Mrs. Easton or M'Kechnie and Robert Chrystie, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileP. Maclaren v. Marquis of Breadalbane, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
filePatrick Cameron, (for Geo. F. Cameron) v. John Mackie and Others (Dick's Trustees), 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
filePeter M'Ara v. Michael Gilfillan, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
filePetition of Rutherford, &c., 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileR. and A. Carsewell c. Munns Trustees, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileR. and E. Fergusson v. William Fergusson and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileRobert Downie v. James Rae, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileRobert Kerr v. Duke of Roxburghe's Tutors, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileRobert Spence v. George Cunningham, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileSir C. A. Leslie v. Alexander Shepherd, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileStevens and Others v. Baillie, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileThe Right Honourable Lord Elibank and Others v. Patrick Murray, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileThomas Baird v. Charles M'Ilwham and Company, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileThomas Balmer v. John Hogarth and Others, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileThomas Cranstoun, &c. v. Robert Cunninghame Bontine, &c., 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileThomas Lang v. Alexander Allan and Co., 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileThomson v. Donald, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileTod v. Carmichael, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileW. Fleming and J. Leiper v. J. Scott, Cashier of the Paisley Union Bank, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileWilliam Drew v. Ogilvie, Heggie, and Co., 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileWilliam Drummond v. John Holliday, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileWilliam Paul (Boyd's Trustee) v. William Turnbull and Richard Campbell (Trustees of Mrs Edward Boyd), 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 49 |
fileAitken and Others v. Cadell, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileAlexander and Dunn v. Livingstone, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileAnderson and Others v. Lord Meadowbank's Interlocutor, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileArnott v. Moncreiffe, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileBarclay v. Earl of Fife, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileBarrie v. Twaddle, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileBlair v. Gordon, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileBoyes and Others v. Hamilton, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileBrisbane's Trustees v. Leads, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileBrown v. Balerno Distillery Company, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileCampbell v. Harley, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileCampbell's Trustees v. Lord Meadowbank's Interlocutor, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileCarsewell v. Lord Mackenzie's Interlocutor, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileChalmers and Others v. Magistrates and Town-Council of Paisley, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileChivas v. Still, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileClaud Girdwood & Co. v. John Campbell, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileClerihew v. Allan & Co., 1818 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileClyne v. Snody, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileCommissioners for the Harbour v. Provost and Magistrates of Edinburgh, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileCowie and Others v. Lord Corehouse's Interlocutor, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileDallas and Henderson v. Lord Newton's Interlocutor, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileDavid Barry v. John Geddes, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileDonald Macaulay v. John Mackenzie, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileDuffus v. Lord Newton's Interlocutor, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileDuke of Roxeburghe v. Lord Moncreiff's Interlocutor, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileEarl of Stathmore v. Trustees for the Late Earl of Stathmore, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileForbes and Others v. Leys, Masson, & Co., 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileGalbreath v. M'Neal, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileGlen v. Watt, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileHamilton v. M'Gie and M'Gie, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileHenry v. Burns and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileJames Dickson v. Dicksons and Company, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileJefrey v. Robertson, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileJohn Stewart v. James Fraser, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileKeith v. Commissioners for Stonehaven Harbor, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileKerr and Sons v. MacDowall and Montgomery, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileKing and Curators v. Lord Newton's Interlocutor, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileLaing v. Henderson, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileLord Forbes and Others v. Leys, Masson, and Company, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileM' Kenzie v. Lord Cringlette's Interlocutor, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileM'Arthur and Gordon v. Lord Mackenzie's Interlocutor, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileM'Arthur and Jarvie v. Lord Mackenzie's Interlocutor, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileM'Target v. Lord Medwyn's Interlocutor, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileMacdonell v. Caledonian Canal Commissioners, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileMackenzie v. Clark, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileMackenzie v. Magistrates of Dingwall, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileMackintosh v. Mackenzie, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileMartin v. Easton and Others, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileMein v. Towers, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileMitchell v. Mein, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileMurdoch Maclaine v. Mackinnon, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileRoberts v. Broomfield, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileRobertson v. Lord Corehouse's Interlocutor, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileRodgers, Paton, and Others v. Harvie, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileRose v. Lord Mackenzie's Interlocutor, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileRoss v . Macpherson, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileRoss v. Lord Mackenzie's Interlocutor, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileRoy v. Lord Cringlette's Interlocutor, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileScott and Gifford v. Kerr and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileScott et al. v. Donaldson, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileTrustees of Late John M'Kenzie v. Leckie and Others, 1824 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileTrustees of the Middle District of Roads v. Lord Mackenzie's Interlocutor, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileW. Laing v. D. Laing, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileWalter Stirling Glas v. Charles Campbell Stewart, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileWatt v. Adamson and Shaw, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileWilliam v. Selkrig et al., 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 50 |
fileA. Lyle, and E. Bow (his Trustee) v. Robert Balfour, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileAdair v. Adair or Black, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileAlex. Cooper v. Lord Eglinton's Trustees, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileAlexander Crichton v. Alexander Watt, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileAlexander Mein v. James Hardie and Others, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileAlexander Paterson v. John Thomson, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileAnderson v. Walker, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileBoyes's Trustees v. Mrs Ann Hamilton, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileBrown v. M'Intyre, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileCampbell Mackintosh v. Arthur Cooper and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileD. Hutchison and T. Rogerson v. Abraham Middleton, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileD. Stewart (Finlayson's Trustee) v. James Pedie, W.S., 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileDavid Anderson Blair v. Mrs. Russell, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileDavid Clyne v. George Campbell, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileDavid Clyne, S. S. C. v. William Swanson, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileDavid Cormack (Gardner's Trustee) v. Mrs. M. Anderson or Gardner and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileDonald Mackintosh, W.S. v. Coll Macdonald, W.S., 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileDr. Wingate v. Robert Martin, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileDudgeon v. Macleod, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileDuncan Sinclair v. Wilson and Maclellan, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileG. E. G. F. Piggott v. Alexander Colvill, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileGeorge Richardson Johnston and Others v. Mrs Jane Whittet or Greig and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileHarvey and Breakenridge v. Harvey, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileHay v. Davidson, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileHowden and Gardner v. Wittchow, Schillow and Diedrick, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileHugh M'Coll v. Robert Downie, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileHugh Rose v. M'Leay's Trustees, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileInnes of Cowrie v. Innes of Raemore, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileJ. Berry and W. Sanderson v. J. and R. Watson, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileJ. C. Porterfield v. George Gardner, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileJ. Hutchinson and Son v. D. Scott, W.S., 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileJames Brownlee v. Robert Millar Jun., 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileJames Hadaway v. Thomas Barker, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileJohn Anderson v. John Clark, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileJohn Dick v. D. Cuthbertson, (Corbet's Trustee), 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileJohn Grindlay v. Gilbert Saunders, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileJohn Lawson v. James Pollock, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileJohn Mackenzie's Trustees v. Alexander Mackenzie's Trustees, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileJohn Mackintosh v. Sir John Peter Grant, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileJohn Miller v. William Miller, and his Tutors and Curators, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileKilpatrick v. Dunlop, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileLippmann and Mandatary v. Sir William Henry Don and his Tutor, 1836 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileLivingston v. Johnston, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileM'Caa and Others v. Hope's Trustees, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileM'Intyre's Trustees v. Mrs. Janet Belch or Schaw and Husband, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileM'Neill v. Nicolson, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileMackenzie v. Morison's Trustees, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileMackenzie v. Taylor, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileMalcolm Brown v. Mrs. Cecilia Lennox or Morrison, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileMiss Margaret Thomson v. Arch. M'Lachlan and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileMrs Jane Craig or Thomson and children v. Andrew Thomson, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileMrs. Halliburton or Cochrane v. James Lawson, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileMrs. Hay Mackenzie and J. H. Munro v. Magistrates of Dingwall, Mrs. Rose, and J. C. Stevenson, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileNisbet v. Gibson, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileNorwich Insurance Company v. Thomson, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
filePatrick Miller v. William Miller and Others, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileRobert Robin v. Sarah Adam or Robin, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileRutherford and Finlayson, and A. Rutherford v. W. Finlayson, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileSir John Andrew Cathcart, Bart. v. John Cathcart, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileStevens v. Baillie, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileStubbs and Company and Mandatory v. Carsewell and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileT. Freebairn v. M. Dalrymple, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileW. Lumsdaine and Commissioner v. Gen. Balfour, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileW. Wilson and Others v. John M'Knight, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileWilliam Denny v. Theophilus Adam and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileWilliam Hall and Company v. David Barry, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileWilliam Pattison v. P. Campbell, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileWilliam Taylor v. Alexander Forbes, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileYoungson v. Hume, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 52 |
fileAlexander C. Maitland and Others v. Dame Helen Maitland Gibson &c., 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileAlexander Scot v. George Cairns, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileAnthony Murray v. A. Smith and J. Gibson, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileArchibald Macdonell v. Bank of Scotland, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileC. Hunter v. Lord Kinnaird's Trustees, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileC. Mackintosh v. H. Macqueen, W.S., and Mrs. Elizabeth Macqueen and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileCharles Ferrier v. James Walker and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileCunningham v. Dawson, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileCunningham v. M'Dowall, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileD. M'Intyre and Others v. J. A. Maxwell, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileDavid Paterson v. Charles Shaw, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileDenny v. Minister of Dumbarton, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileDickson v. Bell, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileDonald Robb v. James Forrest, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileEarl of Fife, &c. v. Magistrates of Banff, &c., 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileEarl of Mar v. Lady F. J. Erskine and others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileFerrier and Magistrates of Lanark v. The Landward Heritors of the Parish of Lanark, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileFraser v. Fraser, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileGeorge Kinloch v. Mrs. Morrison and Others, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileGeorge M'Neal v. D. S. Galbreath, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileGordon and Others v. Mary Brown, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileHarley v. Simpson, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileHarper v. Balfour, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileHugh Veitch v. John Harvey, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileHuie and Company v. Stewart, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileJ. J. Hope Vere v. Right Hon. Charles Hope and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileJames Anderson and Others v. Robert Saunders, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileJames Banks v. James Smith, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileJames Cruickshank v. R. F. G. Dalton, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileJames Finlay and Company v. Misses Margaret and Lilias Campbell, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileJames Jeffrey v. D. Clyne, S.S.C., and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileJames Ramsay v. William Roberts, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileJames Roy v. John Scoular, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileJohn and James Mitchell v. Alexander Mein, Trustee on the Sequestrated Estate of John Wilson, Senior, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileJohn and James Smith v. J. Knowles, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileJohn Boyd v. Alexander Napier, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileJohn Dick v. D. Cuthbertson, (Corbet's Trustee), 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileJohn Duffus v. George Smith, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileJohn Knox v. James Malcolm, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileJohn Mackenzie's Trustees v. Alexander Mackenzie's Trustees, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileJohn Patrick Storie v. Mrs. Carnie, &c., 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileLord Sinclair and Mandatary v. William Chisholme Chisholme, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileLow v. Farquharson, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileMacgregor v. Gibson, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileMacintosh v. Macandrew, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileMackenzie v. Morison's Trustees, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileMacleod v. Mackenzie, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileMacmillan v. Campbell, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileMagistrates of Edinburgh v. James Brown, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileMaxwell and Co. v. Thomas Stevenson and Company, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileMegget and Roy, W.S. v. Alexander Douglas, W.S., for Brydon and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileMiss Ralson v. W. Eaton, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileMrs Agnes Morgan, &c. v. George Lyall & Co., 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileMrs Cooper and Husband v. Steele's Trustees, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileMrs Darling and Children v. James Adamson, 1838 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileMrs Rutherford and Others v. John Greig and Others, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileNeil M'Millan v. Allan Campbell, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileNorman Lockhart and Others v. Mrs Camilla Lockhart and Others and Magistrates of Lanark, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
filePeter M'Ara v. Michael Gilfillan, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
filePetition of Inglis Cochrane, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileRev. D. Carment and Others v. Macleod of Cadboll, and Others, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileRobert Spence v. George Cunninghame, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileShand v. Cousin &c., 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileThomas Lang v. Alexander Allan and Company, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileThomas Megget v. John Spence, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileThomas, Earl of Strathmore v. Trustees of John, Earl of Strathmore, 1837 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileTod, &c. v. Carmichael and others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileTorry v. Buchanan, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileWalker and Greig v. The Hon. Trustees for Erecting Courts of Justice, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileWilliam and Andrew Scott v. Andrew Oliver, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileWilliam Stewart and Others, (Fraser's Trustees) v. Cosmo Falconer, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileWilliam Wallace, W.S. v. Earl of Eglinton, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 53 |
fileA. Macalester and Tutor v. Duke of Argyll, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileAdam v. Macdougall, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileAndrew Buchanan v. G. and R. Dennistoun and Co., and Trustees, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileArchibald Hunter v. Alexander Duff and others, Trustees of the deceased Major Duff, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileCharles Ferrier v. James Walker and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileDavid Clyne v. Robert Sclater and Others, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileDavid Stewart v. James Murray Grant, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileDonald Robb v. James Forrest, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileDr James Hamilton v. James Bridges, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileDuke of Atholl v. John Stewart, (for the Perth Union Bank), 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileEwen or Grahame v. Grahame, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileFell v. Dunlop, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileFinlayson or Muir v. Stewart, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileGeorge R. Johnston v. Mrs. Greig and Husband, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileHeritors and Kirk-Session of South Leith v. David Scott and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileHowden and Gardner v. Wittchow, Schillow and Diedrick, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileHugh Allan v. The Trustees of Robert Glasgow, Esquire, of Montgreenan, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileHugh Falconer v. Thomas Mansfield, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileHunter v. Napier, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileJ. A. Cheyne v. A. M. Guthrie, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileJ. Pattison Junior, (Blincow's Trustee) v. A. Allan and Company, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileJames Blair Oliphant v. Major General Robertson, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileJames Runciman v. William Craigie, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileJohn Fraser and James Tair v. Edinburgh and Glasgow Union Canal Co. &c., 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileJohn Low v. Archibald Farquharson, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileJohn Mackintosh v. Sir John Peter Grant, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileJohn Minto and John Gavin v. John Kirkpatrick, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileJohn Munro v. John Hogg, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileJohn Robertson, John Robertson, & James Robertson v. Edward Alexander and Alexander Smith, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileJohn Thomson v. The Propietors of the Glasgow Free Press Newspaper, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileJohn Wright and Others v. Archibald Arthur, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileLieut.-Col. Robert Henry v. Alexander M'Ewan, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileMacneil v. Nicolson, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileMary Denovan v. James Johnstone, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileMatthew Atkinson &c. v. Ebenezer Beattie, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileMrs Jane Lowrey or Maxwell v. Colin Dunlop Donald and Dr King, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileMrs Roy and Others v. Thomson, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileMrs. Ann Fraser, &c. (Fraser's Representatives) v. Alexander Urquhart, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileMudie v. Ferrier, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileMurray & Murray v. The Old Gardeners' Fraternity of Aberdeen, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileP. Maclaren v. Marquis of Breadalbane, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
filePentland v. Burns, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
filePeter Scott and John Gifford v. Miller and Kerr, and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
filePetition of William Gardner, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileQuarton v. Mansfield, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileRobert Robin v. Sarah Adam or Robin, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileSandford v. Jardine, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileT. Hall v. Lady Grant, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileThe Dundee and Newtyle Railway Co. v. Haldan and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileThomas Hutcheon v. Andrew Scott, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileThomas Lang v. Alexander Allan and Company, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileThomas Lang v. Archibald Bruce, Trustee on the Sequestrated Estate of John Rennie, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileThomas Paterson v. Thomas Edington and Sons, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileWilliam Cadell, Treasurer to, and for behoof of the Bank of Scotland v. David Cassells and Robert Cassells, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileWilliam Drummond v. John Holliday, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileWilliam Fortune v. James Luke, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileWilliam Paul v. Maitland Wilson Boyd and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileYoung & Co. v. Mansfield, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 54 |
fileAlexander Brown and Co. v. Robert Ure (Scott's Trustee), 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileAlexander Thomson v. George Izat, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileAlexander Williamson, &c. v. William Goldie and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileArchibald Gibson (Lyall and Cargill's Trustee) v. Sir Charles Forbes, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileArchibald v. Bridges, Clerk to the Commissioners for the Improvements within the City of Edinburgh under the Statute 7 & 8 Geo. IV, c. 76, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileBaillie v. Baillie et al, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileBell and Donaldson v. Eadie, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileBlack v. Black, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileCatherine Menzies and John Menzies v. John Menzies, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileChristian Stewart v. John Menzies, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileDavid and Henry Lillie v. Mrs. Lillie or Smith, and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileDavidson v. Murray, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileDonald, Clerk to the Yoker Road Trustees v. The Magistrates of Glasgow and Magistrates of Anderston, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileDr. Shand v. Mrs. Shand, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileEarl of Elgin's Trustees v. James Walls, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileEwen Ross v. Ewen Macpherson and John Macpherson, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileGeorge Taylor v. Mrs. Taylor, or Binnie, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileGordon v. Traill, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileH. A. Douglas and William Thomas, (Stein's Assignees) v. Sir James Gibson-Craig and Walter Brown, (Stein's Trustees), 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileH. Veitch v. C. Cuningham and C. Bell, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileHercules Insurance Company and Robert Salmond v. John Hunter, 1837 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileHugh Bremner, W.S., and Others v. Christopher Kerr, Curator Bonis for Mrs Ann Haliburton or Maxwell, 1837 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileJ. Kirkland and J. F. Sharpe v. Archibald Gibson (Wilson and Sons' Trustee), 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileJames Cleghorn and Others v. Sir William Francis Eliott, Baronet, William Riddell and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileJohn Baird v. William Officer, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileJohn C. Farquharson v. John Thomson (Trustee of Mason, Baird, and Co.), 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileJohn Macarthur Moir v. James Hunter, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileJohn Robertson, John Robertson, & James Robertson v. Edward Alexander and Alexander Smith, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileJohn Young v. A. W. and G. Smart, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileLawson v. Farie, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileLieut.-General Matthew Sharpe v. Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileMiss Isabella Brown and Mandatary v. J. A. Cheyne and J. M'Kean, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileMores' Executors v. Peter Malcolm and Others, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileMrs Henderson's Trustees v. J. Tulloch and D. Ross, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileMrs Lundie or Compton v. J. F. Home, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileMrs. Kirk v. Hotchkis and Meiklejohn, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileMrs. Weatherstone and Others v. Marquis of Tweeddale and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
filePatrick Borthwick, for National Bank v. James Bremner, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileR. and A. Carsewell v. Munn's Trustees, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileRobert Henry v. Henry Hepburn and David Burns, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileRobert Millar v. W. Mills and W. Vary, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileRoss v. M'Leay, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileSir Michael Bruce and Others v. Mrs Jane Bruce and Miss Maria Meadows Bruce, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileWebster v. West, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileWilliam Anderson, Junior v. Mrs Margaret Cation and William Anderson, Her Husband, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileWilliam Downe Gillon v. Archibald Mackinlay and others, for the Edinburgh and Leith Shipping Company, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileWilliam Fraser v. William Tait and James Kerr, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileWilliam Henderson, and Others v. Alexander Reid, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileWilliam Hunter v. P. and W. Creighton, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileWilliam Macdonald v. Mrs. Catharine Farquharson and Others, 1836 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileWilliam Meek v. A. Smith and A. H. Rennie, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileWordie v. Macdonald, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileWorkman v. Smith and Muir, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 55 |
fileA. Keltie v. R. Wilson, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileA. R. Henderson v. John Mackay, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileAlexander Fyffe v. James John Fraser, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileAnderson v. Saunders, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileAndrew Zuill v. Thomas Bryce Buchanan, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileBernard Love v. George Foster, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileBoyd (Provost of Linlithgow) v. Cunningham, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileDavid and Henry Lillie v. Mrs. Lillie or Smith, and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileDavid Clyne v. James Trail and David Hendersson, (Williamson's Trustees), 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileDuckett v. Williams, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileFaculty of Advocates v. Rae, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileForbes, Hunter, and Company v. Edinburgh Life Assurance Company, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileGeorge Binnie v. Neil M'Millan, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileGeorge Crichton v. William Bell and William Downe Gillon, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileGeorge Gordon and Alexander Stewart v. Alexander Lawrence, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileGeorge Taylor v. Mrs. Taylor, or Binnie, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileGordon of Cluny v. John Anderson, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileGordon v. Traill, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileGrays v. Brown, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileHay v. Watson, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileHelen Fergus or M'Leish, and Husband v. Isobel Fergus or Izat, and Husband, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileHon. Mrs Maria Hay Mackenzie and Hugh Munro v. Magistrates of Dingwall and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileJ. J. Hope Vere v. Right Hon. Charles Hope and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileJames Blyth v. Maberly's Assignees, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileJames Donaldson and James Pinkerton v. The Manchester Insurance Company, 1836 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileJames Lockhart v. John Cathcart, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileJames Stewart v. Alexander Scot, 1836 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileJanet Kyle and Her Trustees v. William Allan, Adam White and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileJohn C. Farquharson v. John Thomson (Trustee of Mason, Baird, and Co.), 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileJohn Court, S.S.C., Common Agent v. Mrs Tierney, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileJohn Miller, &c. v. Mrs A. Moodie or Anderson, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileJohn Minto and John Gavin v. John Kirkpatrick, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileLee Allen and Andrew Elder v. Elder and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileLord Provost and Magistrates of Edinburgh v. Brown, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileM. M'Kenzie v. C. Mackintosh, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileMackie's Trustees v. Andrew Reekie, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileMiss Isabella Brown and Mandatary v. J. A. Cheyne and J. M'Kean, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileMiss Margaret Littlejohn, and Others v. James Hamilton, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileMrs A. V. S. T. Anderson v. John Anderson, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileMrs Elizabeth Ralston, or Allison v. Joseph Rowat, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileMrs Henderson's Trustees v. J. Tulloch and D. Ross, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileMrs Jane Lowrey or Maxwell v. Colin Dunlop Donald and Dr King, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileMrs Weatherstone and Others v. Marquis of Tweedale and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileMrs. Crawford & Others v. Bennett, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileMurdo Mackenzie of Ardross v. Thomas Houston of Creich, 1831 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileRemington, Crawford, and Company, and Others v. Mrs. and Miss Bruce and Sir Michael Bruce and Others, 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileRev. Peter Brydie v. James Johnstone and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileRobert Henry v. William Watt and Others, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileRobert Wark v. William Wotherspoon, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileSir James Boswell v. Alexander Hamilton, 1837 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileSir T. J. Inglis Cochrane v. Bogle and Company, 1849 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileSkinner v. Bell, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileT. Mansfield (Stuart's Trustee) v. Walker's Trustees, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileThe Right Honourable Lord Elibank and Others v. Patrick Murray, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileThe Trustees of the late Robert Vans Agnew v. Mrs Frances Dunlop or Agnew & Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileThomas Thorburn v. Thomas Ranken, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileWilliam Gilmour and Others v. William Finnie and Benjamin Greig, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileWilliam Stewart v. Mrs. Garland or Pirie and James Pirie, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileWilliam Yeats v. Alexander Thomson and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileWilliamson v. Hay, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 56 |
fileAgnes Hyslop and Others v. Maxwell's Trustees, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileAinger v. Duprez, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileAlexander Sinclair v. Peter Sinclair, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileAllan Purves v. James Home, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileAndrew Moffat v. His Creditors, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileAnthony Dixon and Others v. Allan Fullarton, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileArchibald Gibson (Lyall and Cargill's Trustee) v. Sir Charles Forbes, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileBalfour & Co. v. Robertson & Co., 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileBuchanan, Watson, and Co. v. James G. Adam, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileCarrick Brown and Co. v. William Henry Rainsford, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileCatherine Menzies and John Menzies v. John Menzies, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileCranstoun, Anderson, and Trotter, W.S., trust-assignees of Sir William Forbes and Company v. Robert Cunninghame Bontine Esq. of Ardoch, and William Cunninghame Cunninghame Graham Esq., of Gartmore and Finlaystone, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileCurrie or Cunningham v. Cunningham, 1840 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileDavid Clyne v. George Dunnet, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileDonald Lindsay v. Sir Windham Carmichael Anstruther, Bart., 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileForbes's Trustees v. The Edinburgh and Glasgow Union Canal Company, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileGeorge Johnston v. Edinburgh and Glasgow Union Canal Company, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileGeorge Pentland, (Glass's Trustee) v. Dr. Hare and Others, (Glass's Trustees), 1829 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileHenry Gardner v. Alexander Grant, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileHis Majesty's Advocate v. Roberton, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJ. Baugh and A. D. Baugh v. James Murray, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJames Cowan, Senior, and Others v. James Farnie and Others, 1836 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJames Grant v. James Gordon and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJames Inglis v. William Lane and Co., 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJames Joseph Hope Vere v. The Right Honourable Charles Hope and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJames Walker v. Kelty's Trustee and Others, 1839 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJean Ferrier v. Heritors and Kirk-Session and Magistrates of Lanark, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJohn Adamson v. Walter Adamson, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJohn C. Farquharson v. John Thomson (Trustee of Mason, Baird, and Co.), 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJohn Duff Dingwall and Curator v. Mrs Charlotte Duff, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJohn Hunter & Co. v. John Mitchell and David Robertson, (Tait's Trustee), 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJohn M'Farlane v. Thomas Whitson, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJohn Macmaster & Others v. Mrs Grace Dickson or Stewart & Others, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJohn Mactaggart, jun., and Others v. William Watson, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJohn Murray v. Alexander Murray and Robert Murray, 1839 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJohn Napier v. Miss Xaveria Glendonwyn and Others, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJohn Neil and James Glover v. James Inglis and Company, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJohn Sharp v. Alexander Balfour, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileJohn Tod and Others v. John Wauchope and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileLady Don v. Don & Tutor, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileLee Allen and Andrew Elder v. Elder and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileLord Duffus v. William Petrie, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileM'Michael v. Cleland, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileM'Phail v. Sutherland, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileMacdougall v. Stevenson, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileMethven v. Tod, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileMiss Margaret Littlejohn, and Others v. James Hamilton, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileMrs Agnes Wright or Clark and Husband v. Mrs Mary Wright or Burns and Husband and Mrs Diana Wright or Stewart and Husband, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileMrs Jackson and Others v. The Trustees of Thomas Jackson Senior, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileMrs Taylor or Bryson and Husband v. William Crawford, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileNapier v. M'Lean and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileOswald's Trustees v. Walter Dickson, W.S., 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
filePatrick Borthwick, for National Bank v. James Bremner, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
filePeter Brown v. John Hutton Syme, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
filePeter Hill and Peter M'Craw v. Charles Cuningham, (Factor for Propietors of Waterloo Hotel), 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
filePetition of Mrs Scott, &c., 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileR. Downie and Coll Macdonald v. Dugald Stewart, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileRobert Ferrie and Others v. Mrs Jane Baird or Jackson, and Trustees, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileRobert Hamilton v. Lady Mary Montgomerie and Husband, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileRobert Laidlaw v. John Smith, (Garden's Trustee), 1838 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileRobertson v. Niven, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileRoss v. Duguid's Trustees, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileSir Henry Jardine v. Sir Norman M'Donald Lockhart, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileSir Patrick Murray and Others v. Presbytery of Glasgow and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileSir William Baillie, and Others (Clyne's Trustees) v. Robert Sclater, and Others, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileStewart Jolly v. Francis Grahame, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileThomas Earl of Elgin and his Trustees v. Sir Charles Halkett Baronet, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileThomas Paton, Trustee for George Pentland, and the said George Pentland v. William Renny, Common Agent in the Ranking and Sale of the Estates of Walter Stirling Glas, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileThomson v. Reid, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileWilliam Burn Callander v. Mrs. Laidlaw, or Anderson, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileWilliam Clark v. George Lewis, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileWilliam Horne v. Marquis of Breadalbane's Trustees and Right Hon. Sir John Sinclair, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileWilliam King Hunter v. William F. Home and Others, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileWilliam Macdonald and Alexander Robertson v. John M'Intosh and Patrick Small, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileWilliam Macdonald v. Mrs Catharine Farquharson and Others, 1836 | MSS 2015-01, Box 57 |
fileA. Mackinlay and Others v. W. D. Gillon, 1830 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileAgnes Hyslop and Others v. Maxwell's Trustees, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileAllan Fullerton (Judicial Factor on Dumbarton Glass Work Company) v. Archibald Grahame and Mandatary, 1836 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileAllan Menzies, W.S. v. Ralston Caldwell, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileAndrew Aitken v. Finlay and Neilson, and Alexander Barlas, 1837 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileAndrew Coventry v. Rev. George Coventry, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileCampbell v. M'Neill, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileChristian Stewart v. John Menzies, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileD. Macra v. T. M'Kenzie, 1828 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileDinning and Others v. Ferguson, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileEarl of Stair v. Earl of Stair's Trustees, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileGardner v. Macdowall and Others, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileGeddes v. Lang, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileGeorge Johnston junior, Esquire v. The Edinburgh and Glasgow Union Canal Company, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileGeorge Sligo v. Dr Haldane and Others, (of St Mary's College of St Andrew's), 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileGordon and Fraser v. Stewart, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileGye and Company v. S. J. Hallam, 1832 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileHarry Bain and Others, Feuars in Wick, Provost and Magistrates of Wick, and William Horne v. Lord Duffus, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileHowden's Trustee v. George Dunlop and Company, and Others, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileHunter and Company v. Mitchell and Robertson, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileJ. Johnston and Others v. John Scott, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileJames Barrie v. Andrew Zuill, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileJames Charles Macrae, Esq. v. Mrs Hyndman, 1836 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileJames Hamilton v. Miss Margaret Littlejohn, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileJames Lang v. His Creditors, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileJames Martin v. Isabella Brash, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileJames Stewart v. William M'Kenzie and Others, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileJessie Darling or Wilson and Others v. James Adamson, 1841 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileJohn Guthrie v. Mrs Eliza Hardman or Rouget and H. A. Hardman and Others, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileJohn Martin and Others, (Trustees for Guardian Assurance Company) v. Archibald Watson Goldie, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileJohn Pringle v. Tate and Others (Cleugh's Assignees), 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileLachlan Mackintosh v. Affleck Fraser, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileLady Ramsay and Others v. Alexander Cowan and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileM. Malcolmson and Others v. R. Heddle, 1827 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileM'Lean v. M'Lennan and Morrison, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileMacmillan v. Binnie, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileMagistrates of Edinburgh v. Walter Horsburgh (Common agent in ranking, &c. Sibbald's Estate), 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileMiss Euphemia Kerr v. Alexander Cochran, 1836 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileMrs A. V. S. Torry Anderson v. John Anderson, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileMrs Dickson and Others v. John M'Master and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
filePatrick Borthwick, for National Bank v. James Bremner, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileReid v. Cameron, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileRobert M'Laren v. James Ramsay, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileSaint Ann's Distillery Company v. Douglas's Trustees, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileShotton Malcolm and Co., and Mandatary v. Malcolm M'Neill and Trustee, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileSir George Warrender v. Honourable Dame Anne Warrender or Boscawen, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileSir William Baillie, and Others (Clyne's Trustees) v. Robert Sclater, and Others, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileThistle Friendly Society of Aberdeen v. Alexander Garden and William Knox, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileViscountess of Strathallan, and Others v. Duke of Northumberland, and Others, 1837 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileWalker's Executors v. Speirs, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileWilliam Duncan, W.S. v. James Cunningham, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileWilliam Harvie v. R. Haldane and Bank of Scotland, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileWilliam Horne v. Marquis of Breadalbane's Trustees and Right Hon. Sir John Sinclair, 1835 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileWilliam Kelly v. James Stuart and Others, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileWilliam Low (Blincow's Trustee) v. Alexander Allan and Company, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileWilliam M'Kay v. Hugh Cogan and Others, Magistrates of Glasgow and Glasgow Commissioners of Police, 1834 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileWilliam Macdonald and Alexander Robertson v. John M'Intosh and Patrick Small, 1833 | MSS 2015-01, Box 58 |
fileCunningham v. Grieve, 1803 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileThomas Hay Marshall v. Rose Anderson, 1798 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileSyme v. Murray, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileGordon v. Trustees of Late Earl of Fife, 1805 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileSmith and Others v. Forsyth & Co., 1806 | MSS 2015-01, Box 18 |
fileMackenzie v. Ross, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileGraham v. Smith, 1807 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileM'Culloch v. Lord Glenlee's Interlocutor, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileLords of the Treasury v. Archibald Todd, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileCameron v. Cameron, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileRae v. Rae, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 19 |
fileAbernethy v. Farquhar, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileFindlater v. Lord Armadale's Interlocutor, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileKerr v. M'Neil's Trustees, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileM'Naughton v. M'Coll, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileEdmondstone v. Lanark Twist Company, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileCadell & Co. and James Smith v. Andrew Thomson and William Bell, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileInnes v. Shaw, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileFraser v. Bannerman, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileDawson v. Allardyce and Others, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileGibsone v. Inner-House Interlocutor, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileWebster v. Lord Meadowbank's Interlocutor, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileThorburn v. Lord Armadale's Interlocutor, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileGranger v. Clark, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileJunor v. Young, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileJamieson v. Campbell, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 20 |
fileCalder v. Downie, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileFindlater v. Findlater, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileM'Kinnel v. Gordon, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileCameron v. Cameron, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileEarl of Aboyne v. Ogg, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileGibsone v. Scoon, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 27 |
fileLaing v. Henderson, 1825 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileMrs. Mary Milne or Smith, and Husband v. John Milne and Others, 1826 | MSS 2015-01, Box 40 |
fileCity of Edinburgh v. Thomson and Craig, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileDove v. Thomson, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileMarshall v. Hamilton, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 31 |
fileAnderson v. Forbes, 1808 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileBlakie v. Gillon, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileGray v. Nairne, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileAshburton v. Baillie, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileHill v. Duncan, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileOfficers of State v. Erskine, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileWatson v. Anglianby, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileMoncreiffe v. Moncreiffe, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileJunor v. Young, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileYoung's Trustees v. Anderson and Clark, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileDunlop v. Jameson, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileStephen v. Interlocutor, 1810 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileLieut.-Col. Smythe of Methven and Others, his Commissioners v. George Pentland, coachmaker in Perth, 1809 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileJames Smith v. Robert Anderson, 1771 | MSS 2015-01, Box 2 |
fileArcher v. Donaldson, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileArchibald and James Robertson v. John Laird, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileBallantyne v. Malcolm, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileBayne v. Belshes, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileBenson, &c. v. Stark, &c., 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileBrown v. Dundas, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileBrown v. Sturgeon, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileColvill v. M'Ewan, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileCreditors of David Currie v. William Hannay, 1791 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileCunningham v. Cunningham, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileDavid Hepburn v. William Skirving, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileDonald Campbell v. John Johnston, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileDouglas, Heron, & Company v. William Riddick, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileDu Rouvray v. Mackenzie, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileEaston v. Stodart, Fairbairn, and Company, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileFaculty of Physicians and Surgeons v. Magistrates of Glasgow, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileForbes v. Magistrates of Cannongate, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileForsyth v. Anderson, Leslie and Company, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileFrancis Fraser v. David Middleton, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileFrancis Pinkerton Drummond v. William Abernethy Drummond, &c, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileFraser v. Smollet, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileGeorge Ross, and Others v. Sarah Aglianby, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileGourlay v. Gourlays, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileGraham and Representatives of Campbell v. Stewarts, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileHannay v. Gairdner, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileHenry Peirse and Others v. Mrs Elizabeth Ross, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileHerbertson v. Rattray, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileHill v. Abercromby, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileJames Turnbull and Malcolm Macdonald v. Sir George Home, Baronet, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileJamieson v. Logan, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileJanet and Johanna Sempills v. Hugh Lord Sempill, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileJohn Glass v. The Trustees for the Creditors of Charles Hutton, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileJohn Home, Writer to the Signet, Petitioner, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileJohn Sime and his Attorneys v. The Children of George Simpson, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileKeith v. Forbes et al, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileLang v. Macausland, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileLord Home v. Home or Dundas, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileLupton, Mellin, and Sharpe v. Fulton, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileM'Duff v. Murray, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileMacdonald v. Macausland, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileMackenzie v. Ross, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileMacLean v. MacLean, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileMarion Kilpatrick v. John Macalpine, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileMatthew Comb and Others v. The Magistrates of Edinburgh, 1794 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileMiller, &c. v. Cunningham, &c., 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileMurray v. Suter, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileOgilvie v. Mercer, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
filePringle v. Tod, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileRoss v. Scott, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileRoss v. Skene, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileSmollet v. Telfers, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileSteuart v. Craig, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileStewart v. Anderson, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileThe Incorporated Trades of Aberdeen v. The Magistrates, Council, and Guildry, of said City, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileThe Procurator-Fiscal of the Town of Stirling v. John Gilles and Others, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileThomas Anderson v. John Sproat, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileTod and Stoddart v. The Town of Edinburgh, and the Edinburgh Glass-house Company, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileTrustees of Sir Francis Elliot v. Sir William Elliot, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileViscount of Arbuthnott v. Gilles, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileWallaces v. Brown, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileWilliam M'Dowall and George Houston v. James Hamilton, 1793 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileWilliam Redhead, Tenant in Chatto v. Robert Kerr of Chatto, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |
fileYork-Buildings Company v. Taylor, 1792 | MSS 2015-01, Box 8 |