MSS 81-5
Committee on Sexual Assault Reform [COSAR] Files on Criminal Sexual Assault Legislation
This collection of working files of COSAR members Betty Ardus and Ann Washauer contains minutes, correspondence, drafts of legislation, mass mailing materials, news-clippings and printed materials.
Dates |
1976-1981 [Inclusive] |
Extents |
5.7 Cubic Feet (14 archival boxes) |
Scope & Contents
This collection contains the papers of COSAR (Committee on Sexual Assault Reform), a coalition of women's activist organizations instrumental in pressing for reform of Viginia's sexual assault legislation. COSAR met throughout 1976 and 1977, drafting a propsed bill which eventually became the basis for Virginia's 1981 sexual assault law. This record contains minutes of COSAR meetings, drafts of COSAR's proposed bill, mass mailing materials, and clippings relating to the activities of the organization.
For more documentation of COSAR's work as well as the later work of some of its members, see: The Papers of H. Lane Kneedler: Legislative History of Virginia's Criminal Assault Law, 1977 - 1981 [COSAR], MSS 81-1 and The Joseph V. Gartlan, Jr. Files Concerning Criminal Sexual Assault Legislation, MSS 81-3.
Collection Description
Biographical / Historical
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Materials Specific Details
fileMinutes, drafts, memos and other organizational material, 1976-01 1976-09 | |
seriesCOSAR -Committee on Sexual Assault, 1976-1981 | |
fileMinutes, drafts and other organizational materials, 1976-01 to 1976-09 | MSS 81-5 Box 1 |
fileMinutes, drafts, memos and other organizational material, 1976-09 to 1978-02 | MSS 81-5 Box 1 |
fileMass mailing materials, 1977-1981 | MSS 81-5 Box 1 |
fileNews-clippings, 1977-1981 | MSS 81-5 Box 1 |
fileMinutes, drafts, memos and other organizational material, 1976-09 1978-02 | |
seriesAddendum to COSAR - Committee on Sexual Assault Reform, 1974 - 1981 | |
fileVirginia Revised Code – Copies of Sections Relevant to COSAR study | MSS 81-5 Box 10 |
fileLaw [Preliminary Documents] – notes, correspondence, proposals for revision of the rape statute in Virginia, news releases, news clippings from local Northern Virginia and Maryland newspapers re rape. Included: Government of the District of Columbia Commi | MSS 81-5 Box 2 |
fileVirginia Law Weekly DICTA articles. Hippchen, Leonard J.: “ The Criminal Justice System. The Biochemistry of Criminal Behavior,” VLW vol. 30, no. 1, September 1977; Hague, James L.: “The Criminal Justice System. Issues In Reform of Criminal Law On Rape,” | MSS 81-5 Box 10 |
fileCOSAR Miscellaneous Documents, 1975-1977 [2 folders], 1975 - 1981 | MSS 81-5 Box 2 |
itemA Bill To Amend and reenact sections 18.1-44 to amend, of the Code of Virginia and to add a new section, numbered 18.1-44-1, defining the crime of rape and providing for penalties for the commission thereof,” [undated] | |
itemSummary testimony of C. A. is and letters (C.A. Judges, Def. Att) | |
itemCommonwealth of Virginia, County of Fairfax Memorandum re “Use of Polygraph on Victims in Rape Investigations – Sexual Assault Committee. 1974-06-05. Also correspondence re payment for medical examinations of rape victims, 1975-08 25 | |
itemPublic Hearing on Rape Law Reform. Testimony of Dr. Simon Auster, 1975-11-17 | |
itemSexual Assault Legislation Proposed Reform of Michigan’s 117 Year Old Rape Law | |
itemUrban area, 1975: “case became a feature story in the Washington Post.” | |
item“In Defense for Ourselves – A Rape Prevention Handbook for Women,” notes | |
itemHouse Bill No. 1342. Offered January 16, 1975. A Bill to Amend the Code of Virginia adding sections numbered 18/1-47.1 through 18.1-47.12, to repeal §§ 18.1-44 through 18.1-47, as severally amended, of the Code of Virginia, the added and repealed sections | |
item“What is …. Criminal Sexual Assault,” signed Betty, undated | |
item“Various COSAR attempts to introduction to our bill – never settled,” undated | |
item“We are concerned with the victims of sexual assault,” COSAR, October 1976 | |
itemStatement of Pamela S. Couch, Chairwoman, Fairfax County Commission on Women Before the House Rules Committee, Richmond, Virginia, 1976-02-21 | |
itemRevised Copy of Definition as of VCOSAR Committee Meeting, 1976-04-19 | |
itemMemorandum from John Vinson to Lane Kneedler re Initial findings, Rape Shield Laws project, 1976-11-23 | |
item“Evaluations,” “Roomates,” “Dialogue,” undated | |
itemMemorandum re “Prior Sexual History: State Statute Reform on the Admissibility of Evidence, 1976-05-12 | |
itemVirginia Committee on Sexual Assault Reform Proposed Comprehensive Bill, 1977, 01-22 | |
item“An attempt at a lay introduction to COSAR Bill,” 1977-04-27 | |
itemUniform Crime Report Total Return of Offenses Known to the Police (January - December 1976 and January – December 1977) | |
item“This is Virginia Justice?,” Virginia COSAR, 1980-01 | |
item“Sexual Assault: Problems with current Virginia Code which can be addressed legislatively,” 1980-05-21 | |
itemGroups and Organizations Endorsing Senate Bill 291,” undated | |
itemAverage Sentences of Felons Committed for Sexual Assault Offenses,” 1977 | |
itemLD0033 A Bill to Amend the Code of Virginia by adding a Chapter 4 of Title 18.2 an Article, numbered 7.1, containing sections numbered 18.2-70.1 through 18.2 -70.18, relating to criminal sexual conduct …., 1977 | |
itemVirginia Women Answer Sexual Assault Questionnaire, Virginia COSAR, July 1977 | |
itemSome suggestions for modifying the Virginia Code: Evidence Collections and Medically-Related Reforms. Charlottesville, undated | |
itemVirginia Committee on Sexual Assault Reform (Virginia COSAR) Membership Listing, September 1978 | |
itemCriminal Assault Fact Sheet, 1978-09 | |
itemHague, James L.: Rape Law Reform Fact Sheet - 1980 | |
itemCode of Virginia Excerpts related to Sexual Assault, undated | |
itemSummary of the Six Public Hearings of the Advisory Task Force to Study Sexual Assault, undated | |
itemA Summary of the Essentials of Michigan’s Rape Law, undated | |
item“Study Confirms Odds on Being Convicted for Rape Are Very Low,” Crime Control Digest, 1978-08-14 | |
itemCriminal Sexual Assault Fact Sheet, 1978 -09 | |
itemVirginia Committee on Sexual Assault Reform (Virginia COSAR) Criminal Assault Legislation. The Proposed Law, undated | |
itemVirginia House Recorded Votes on S.B. 291, 1979 | |
itemVirginia General Assembly (1980) | |
fileFliers: [Alexandria] Rape Victim Companion Program: “Rape. Scream ‘Fire’ not ‘Rape’”; Virginia Committee on Sexual Assault Reform (Virginia COSAR) Criminal Assault Legislation. The Proposed Law, undated; sticker: Gartlan, State Senate; Virginia Legislativ | MSS 81-5 Box 10 |
file[H. R. 14666 A Bill to Amend the Federal Rules for Evidence to Provide for the Protection of Privacy of Rape Victims, 94th Congress, July 1976]. Correspondence sent by Elizabeth Holtzman; press release; witness list; Opening Statement by Rep. Elizabeth Ho | MSS 81-5 Box 2 |
fileFairfax County Commission on Women – Northern Virginia and Metro Area Rape Material, 1976 | MSS 81-5 Box 2 |
item“Privacy of Rape Victims.” Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice of the Committee on the Judiciary. House of Representatives 94th Cong., 2nd. Session on H. R. 14666 and Other Bills to Amend the Federal Rules of Evidence to Provide for the Pr | MSS 81-5 Box 10 |
fileVCOSAR [Virginia COSAR – Monthly minutes of meetings of groups in Richmond, Charlottesville, Tidewater and Northern Virginia. Also agenda, chart, reports, notes, 1976 - 1980 | MSS 81-5 Box 2 |
itemServices to Youthful Offenders. Revision of the Juvenile Code. Report of the Virginia Advisory Legislative Council to Governor and The General Assembly of Virginia. Senate Document No. 19. Richmond, Commonwealth of Virginia, 1976 | MSS 81-5 Box 10 |
fileMiscellaneous documents re sexual assault reform. [Ann Warshauer files] (2 folders). Includes: “Rape Law Reform. A Report on the Public Hearing with the Recommendations for Actions to be Taken within Fairfax County.” Also memoranda, background materials, | MSS 81-5 Box 3 |
item1974 Annual Report of the Virginia State Crime Commission | MSS 81-5 Box 10 |
fileCorrespondence, memoranda, reports, documents re Commission Task Force to Study Criminal Sexual Assault, 1976 – 1981 (2 folders). [Betty Ardus files]. Contain correspondence with members of the task force and members of the Joint Committee to work on Virg | MSS 81-5 Box 3 |
item1976 Annual Report of the Virginia State Crime Commission | MSS 81-5 Box 10 |
file[COSAR Bill] – Memorandum of Boulden Griffith to Virginia State Crime Commission Task Force on Criminal Assault re: Proposed Virginia Criminal Assault Statute §18.2-70.12 – Proposed Rules Governing the Admissibility of Evidence of Victim’s Past Sexual Con | MSS 81-5 Box 3 |
item1977 Annual Report of the Virginia State Crime Commission | MSS 81-5 Box 10 |
fileCOSAR – [Virginia] S.B. 291 General Assembly. Working papers that include extensive documentation, memoranda, some correspondence, cases, news-clippings, notes (folders 1-2), 1977 - 1979 | MSS 81-5 Box 3 |
itemWomen’s Rights Law Reporter. A Rutgers University Law School Publication, Spring 1978, vol. 4, no. 3 | MSS 81-5 Box 10 |
itemCrater, Flora; Brickey, Carolyn and Meg Williams: The Almanac of Virginia Politics 1977. The State Senators and Delegates – their records and districts. Charlottesville, Virginia, A Woman Activist Book, Papercraft, Inc., [1977] | MSS 81-5 Box 10 |
fileCOSAR – [Virginia] S.B. 291 General Assembly. Working papers that include extensive documentation, memoranda, some correspondence, cases, news-clippings, notes (folder 3), 1977 - 1979 | MSS 81-5 Box 4 |
itemVirginia Legislative Directory 1977, 1980, 1981 | MSS 81-5 Box 10 |
fileCOSAR – memoranda, correspondence, drafts of bills, news-clippings (2 folders), 1979 - 1980 | MSS 81-5 Box 4 |
fileCOSAR – mailing lists, 1979 - 1980 | MSS 81-5 Box 4 |
fileVirginia [Research Materials] – Code of Virginia photocopies of sections | MSS 81-5 Box 10 |
fileCOSAR – mailouts, 1979 - 1981 | MSS 81-5 Box 4 |
fileCrothers, Nancy: “Rape Law in Virginia: Women and Policy Making at the State Level,” – [paper[?], Women and Public Policy, 1981-08-19 | MSS 81-5 Box 5 |
fileLeg [sic] – news-clippings from local and national newspapers (7 folders), 1975 - 1981 | MSS 81-5 Box 5 |
fileThe Blue Lantern, A New Woman’s Journal. Charlottesville, VA, vols. 1, 3, 1977 | MSS 81-5 Box 5 |
fileS. B. 258 Criminal Sexual Assault – list of speakers in support, endorsements for the Crime Commission’s Task Force; Summary of Senate Bill 258; Materials Presented to the Courts of Justice of the House of Delegates for the Public Hearing on SB 258, 1980- | MSS 81-5 Box 5 |
fileNational League of Cities, United States Conference of Mayors: Rape. 2nd printing, November 1974 | MSS 81-5 Box 6 |
fileRape in Marriage – National Center on Women and Family Law: Marital Rape Exemption, undated; “Rape in Marriage. Is it Legal?,” Feminist Alliance Against Rape Newsletter, July/August 1976; news-clippings, 1977 - 1978 | MSS 81-5 Box 6 |
fileRape – Medical Protocols for Medical Exam (3 folders). Files include policies, guidelines, instructions, articles, notes, forms, questionnaires. Turner, Janne and Norman A. Harding: Rape. Medical and Legal Information for Richmond, December 1979; Virginia | MSS 81-5 Box 6 |
fileRape – Treatment of Rape Victims in the Metropolitan Washington Area – draft and published material, 1976 | MSS 81-5 Box 6 |
fileRegistered Sex Offender Information - Report of the Subcommittee to Study Sentencing for Virginia State Crime Commission, May 1977, 1977 - 1979 | MSS 81-5 Box 6 |
file[Rules of Evidence in Rape Cases] – Statement by President Jimmy Carter; Library of Congress Congressional Research Service: Fifty State Survey of Statutory Rules of Evidence in Rape Cases, 1977-10-25 | MSS 81-5 Box 6 |
fileSex Offenders Rehabilitation (3 folders) – Correspondence sent to Ann Warshauer re Sex Offender Rehabilitation Programs. Notes; testimonies; research materials; articles; papers; news-clippings. Includes: Jewett, M. Kathryn: “Sex Offenses in Virginia: A S | MSS 81-5 Box 7 |
fileSex Offenders Rehabilitation – Virginia State Crime Commission Treatment Subcommittee minutes, correspondence, news-clippings. Draft Report: Treatment, Rehabilitation, and Punishment Committee. Report of the Virginia State Crime Commission to the Governor | MSS 81-5 Box 7 |
fileSex Offenses – Largen, Mary Ann: Sex Offense Statutes by State,” New Responses, Inc., 1978 | MSS 81-5 Box 7 |
fileSex Offense Statutes – Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, [c. 1976] | MSS 81-5 Box 7 |
fileSexual Assault of Children – research materials, 1977 | MSS 81-5 Box 8 |
fileSexual Assault Legislation – documents of the Legislation and Court Process Subcommittees. Minutes, research materials, memoranda, 1977 | MSS 81-5 Box 8 |
fileVirginia, County of Fairfax Public Hearing on Media Policy Affecting Rape Victims – [public hearing re editorial of the Northern Virginia Sun plan to publish names, age, and addresses of rape complainants], 1978 | MSS 81-5 Box 8 |
fileVirginia Department of Corrections Evaluation and Monitoring Unit: “The Sexually Aggressive Offender Component of the House of Thought Therapeutic Community, Powhatan Correctional Center. A Monitoring Report,” 1981-01 | MSS 81-5 Box 8 |
fileVirginia State Crime Commission Advisory Task Force [VACSATF] to Study Sexual Assault – Student research memoranda for proposed Virginia criminal sexual assault statutes, 1977 - 1978 | MSS 81-5 Box 8 |
fileVACSATF Public Hearings – includes notes taken at Charlottesville Public Hearing on Sexual Assault, 1976, 1978 | MSS 81-5 Box 8 |
fileVACSATF – meetings and public hearings (2 folders). Files include statements, agendas, minutes of meetings, resolutions, handwritten notes. Statement of Linda Golodner, Fairfax County Commission for Women, undated; VACSATF: “Background materials on Sexual | MSS 81-5 Box 9 |
fileVirginia State Crime Commission Criminal Sexual Assault Study – Answers to Court Process Law Enforcement Questionnaires, 1977 | MSS 81-5 Box 9 |
fileVirginia State Crime Commission Resolution, 1981-08-25 | MSS 81-5 Box 9 |
fileVirginia State Crime Commission – Criminal Assault Questionnaires for Law Enforcement Agencies, Surveys | MSS 81-5 Box 9 |
fileVirginia State Crime Commission Subcommittee on Law Enforcement – minutes, drafts of recommendations, questionnaire, memoranda, 1976 - 1978 | MSS 81-5 Box 9 |
fileVirginia State Crime Commission Subcommittee on Court Process and Legislative Subcommittee – agenda, memoranda, report, correspondence, minutes, 1976 - 1977 | MSS 81-5 Box 9 |
fileVirginia State Crime Commission Subcommittee on Public Education – minutes, draft of report, report, 1976, 1978 | MSS 81-5 Box 9 |
fileVirginia State Crime Commission Subcommittee on Treatment, Rehabilitation and Punishment – minutes, reports, drafts, correspondence, memoranda, 1976 - 1978 | MSS 81-5 Box 10 |
fileTidewater Rape Information Services, Inc. [TRIS] – report, rehabilitation methods, “Crime prevention curriculum in kindergarten to 12th grade,”; other working documents, 1976, 1978 | MSS 81-5 Box 10 |
subseriesFairfax County Commission on the Status of Women, Alexandria Commission on the Status of Women Rape Victim Companion Program and miscellaneous files | |
fileAlexandria Commission on the Status of Women: Rape Victim Companion Program Manual and loose materials, undated, 1977 (2 folders), 1977 | MSS 85-1 Box 11 |
fileAlexandria Commission for Women – Rape Victim Companion Program Information Manual, 1977-02 | MSS 85-1 Box 11 |
fileAlexandria Commission for Women Rape Victim Companion Program – miscellaneous documents: Speakers Bureau Training Sessions, kits, lists, The Companion Post: June 1978, August 1978, October 1978, September 1982, 1978 - 1982 | MSS 85-1 Box 11 |
fileAlexandria Commission on the Status of Women Court Observer Program – “Sexism in Curriculum an Action Handbook Designed for Alexandria Elementary Schools, Prepared by The Alexandria Commission on the Status of Women, undated; “What Happens if this Man Lea | MSS 85-1 Box 11 |
fileAlexandria Commission on the Status of Women – brochures related to prevention of violence against women, [1976-1978] | MSS 85-1 Box 11 |
fileAlexandria Commission for Women Rape Victim Companion Program Honors Ann Washauer, 1975-1976; news-clippings | MSS 85-1 Box 11 |
fileCOSAR report: Legislation passed relating to sexual assault – effective July 1, 1982 | MSS 85-1 Box 11 |
fileFairfax County Commission on Women Court Observer Program: “The Courts and Sexual Assault, March 1982; Fairfax County Commission on Women Court Observer Program Executive Summary, March 1982; NOVA NOW, A Newsletter for the Northern Virginia Chapter of NOW | MSS 85-1 Box 12 |
fileHandbook for The Court Observer Program miscellaneous documents – guidelines, correspondence, memoranda, forms, press releases, membership lists, Ann Washauer handwritten notes, news-clippings, 1976-1980 (2 folders) | MSS 85-1 Box 12 |
fileHandbook for The Court Observer Program 1978-1979, Sponsored by the Fairfax County Commission for Women with the assistance of the Fairfax County Rape Crisis Program (2 folders), 1978 - 1979 | MSS 85-1 Box 12 |
fileCourt Observer Program – Trained Volunteers observing sexual assault trials [handwritten notes, forms] | MSS 85-1 Box 12 |
fileFairfax County Incidence of Rape – fact sheets, memoranda, 1980 - 1981 | MSS 85-1 Box 12 |
fileJury instructions – Supreme Court of Virginia jury instructions re rape; Musterman, C. T. et al: “Multiple Lists for Juror Selection: A Case Study for San Diego Supreme Court,” National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, May 1978; news- cl | MSS 85-1 Box 13 |
fileRape Victim Companion Program Jury Questionnaire – memoranda, handwritten notes; Center for Jury Studies Newsletter (1981-1982); A Handbook for Jurors. Prepared for the information of Jurors in the Circuit Courts of the Commonwealth by the Judicial Counci | MSS 85-1 Box 13 |
fileNational Coalition Against Sexual Assault [NCASA] - memoranda; NCASA Statement for the Record Concerning the Omnibus Victims Protection Act of 1982; NCASA Guide to Preventive Health State Block Grants; NCASA Congressional Monitoring Project; NCASA Stateme | MSS 85-1 Box 13 |
file1979 Rape Bill – correspondence and news clippings | MSS 85-1 Box 13 |
fileSexual Assault Speech Information – [Washauer notes and research]. Includes “A Medical Protocol for Treatment of Sexual Assault Victims,” Prepared by the Subcommittee on Treatment of Victims, Study of Criminal Sexual Assault Advisory Committee, Virginia S | MSS 85-1 Box 13 |
fileSpousal Rape – correspondence, memoranda, research materials, news- clippings, 1984 | MSS 85-1 Box 13 |
fileVirginia Council on Social Welfare 79th Annual Conference – correspondence, notes, articles, 1980 - 1981 | MSS 85-1 Box 13 |
file[Virginia] Network – [Lists of women organizations in the State of Virginia], 1978 - 1980 | MSS 85-1 Box 13 |
fileVirginia State Crime Commission Sexual Assault Task Force – Rape Crisis Centers, 1977 - 1980 | MSS 85-1 Box 13 |
fileVirginia Physicians for Choice Mailing Lists, [1980-81] | MSS 85-1 Box 13 |
fileVirginia State Crime Commission Sexual Assault Task Force miscellaneous documents. [Ann Washauer file] – Minutes of the Subcommittees, reports, bills, notes, brochures (2 folders), 1976 - 1980 | MSS 85-1 Box 14 |
fileVirginia Committee on Sexual Assault Reform (VACOSAR) – membership lists and some correspondence, 1977 - 1979 | MSS 85-1 Box 14 |
fileWashauer, Ann – Incoming correspondence from Virginia’s House of Delegates, Virginia’s Senate and women’s organizations, 1978 - 1979 | MSS 85-1 Box 14 |
fileNews-clippings, 1976 - 1980 | MSS 85-1 Box 14 |
fileKneedler, H. Lane: “Sexual Assault Law Reform in Virginia: an Overview,” and “Sexual Assault Law Reform in Virginia: A Legislative History,” drafts and original, 1982 | MSS 85-1 Box 14 |
subseriesPrinted Materials | |
item“Hospital Protocol for Treatment of Sexual Assault Victims,” Prepared by Virginia State Crime Commission, Criminal Sexual Assault Task Force, Subcommittee on Treatment, January 1979 | MSS 85-1 Box 14 |
itemWilliams, Kristen M.: The Prosecution of Sexual Assaults, Washington INSLAW Institute for Law and Social Research, December 1978 | MSS 85-1 Box 14 |
itemWomen’s Rights Law Reporter, A Rutgers Law School Publication. Vol. 3 nos. 3-4 1977; Vol. 6 no. 3 Spring 1980; Vol. 6 no. 3 Summer 1980 | MSS 85-1 Box 14 |
subseriesOther Files | |
fileMondale-Ferraro Campaign Brochures, 1984 | MSS 85-1 Box 14 |
filePhotograph - Alexandria Rape Victim Companion Program Members: Edyth Hearst, companion; Ann Washauer, Founder; Lori Cooper, Action Coordinator (undated), ca. 1977-1980 | |
fileMass mailing materials, 1977-1981 | |
fileClippings, 1977-1981 |