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MSS 87-3

Inventory of the Legal Papers of Roger B. Taney


This collection of legal documents concerns Roger B. Taney’s law practice in Frederick, Maryland between 1805 and 1818. Of special note are the cases concerning slaves.

1792, 1805-1818 [Inclusive]
.3 Cubic Feet (1 archival box, 41 items)

Scope & Contents

This collection of legal documents concerns Roger B. Taney's law practice in Frederick, Maryland, between 1805 and 1818. Of special note are the cases concerning enslaved people.

Collection Description

    Physical Description
    Conditions Governing Access
    Conditions Governing Use
    Preferred Citation
    Biographical / Historical
fileNegro Jim v. William Curren: depositions of Robert Fleming, John Scott, Betsey Smith and Thomas Curren , 1792, 1806, n.d.MSS 87-3a, Box 1
The Papers of Roger B. Taney
fileBarton Garrott v. John Garrott, post-1802MSS 87-3a, Box 1
file[Replevin bond?]: signed by John Arnold, Jacob Arnold and Jacob Everhard, 1805 March 1MSS 87-3a, Box 1
fileJacob Kiles v. Joseph Grabill: petition, 1806 August 4MSS 87-3a, Box 1
fileSlips of paper containing names and in some instances notes about cases, 1807-20, n.d.MSS 87-3a, Box 1
fileAbraham Crapster and Abraham Jones v. John L. Lawrence: narrative, ca. 1808MSS 87-3a, Box 1
fileNathaniel Marshall v. Gabriel Mattingly: narrative, post-1808MSS 87-3a, Box 1
fileSworn statement of Anne Taney concerning the status of Robert (Toogood) Patterson, a mulatto, 1810 July 31MSS 87-3a, Box 1
filePeter Shriner v. Peter Boyer: plea, [1811?] Jan. 10MSS 87-3a, Box 1
fileMorrison v. Petticord: petition, 1811 Feb. 11MSS 87-3a, Box 1
fileBrief for James Allson, President and Directors of the Union Bank of Maryland v. Thomas Contee Worthington, 1812 July 22MSS 87-3b, Box 1
fileJacob Winter v. Jonathan Haslett: petition, 1812 July 27MSS 87-3b, Box 1
fileBenjamin Joy v. Carlton Tannehill: petition; subpoena issued for apprentice [debt], 1813 August 2MSS 87-3b, Box 1
filePeter Brengler v. George French: commission and oaths, 1813-14MSS 87-3b, Box 1
fileEly Dorsey v. Sam'l Staners heirs, 1818 October 15MSS 87-3b, Box 1
filePhilberd Greenweal v. Joseph Magruder: case narrative and affidavit, n.d.MSS 87-3b, Box 1
fileList of [clients'?] names and money , n.d.MSS 87-3b, Box 1
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Roger B. Taney [a], 1812 July 22
fileBrief for James Allson, President and Directors of the Union Bank of Maryland v. Thomas Contee Worthington, 1812 July 22MSS 87-3a, Box 1
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Roger B. Taney [b], 1818 October 15
fileEly Dorsey v. Sam'l Staners heirs, 1818 October 15MSS 87-3b, Box 1
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Roger B. Taney [c], 1813 August 2
fileBenjamin Joy v. Carlton Tannehill: petition; subpoena issued for apprentice [& debt], 1813 August 2MSS 87-3c