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MSS 97-4

Inventory of the Papers of Elizabeth N. Tompkins


Collection of letters, diplomas, certificates, and awards (1921-1971) of Elizabeth Tompkins, first woman to graduate from UVA Law School in 1921.

1921-1971 [Inclusive]
.3 Linear Feet (1 archival box)

Scope & Contents

This collection is comprised of letters written by Elizabeth N. Tompkins during and immediately after her years of law study at the University of Virginia, and diplomas, certificates, and awards she received.

Collection Description

    Physical Description
    Conditions Governing Use
    Preferred Citation
    Biographical / Historical
    Immediate Source of Acquisition
    Conditions Governing Access
fileElizabeth N. Tompkins Correspondence (4 letters) , 1921, 1923, 1924MSS 97-4, Box 1
itemCertificate to practice law awarded by the Virginia Board of Law Examiners. Tompkins was the first woman to pass the bar in the state, 1922MSS 97-4, Box 1
itemSix pins for membership, recognition or commemoration, 1957, 1971, n.d.MSS 97-4, Box 1
Class of 1923
itemDiploma for Bachelor of Laws from the University of Virginia School of Law, 1923MSS 97-4, Box 1
itemCertificate of member in the Thomas Jefferson Society of Alumni in recognition of fifty years of service to the University of Virginia, 1973MSS 97-4, Box 1