MSS 04-2
Inventory of the Papers of Monroe Leigh
Professional papers related to international disputes and legal issues, the formation of the International Criminal Court (ICC), and ABA Task Force on War Crimes in the Former Yougoslavia. Many of the documents delve with the constitutionality, sovereignty and jurisdiction of international organizations to arbitrate disputes between multiple foreign entities. There is also extensive personal correspondence, Law School teaching materials and his student notebooks.
Dates |
1941 - 2001 [Inclusive] |
Extents |
22.3 Cubic Feet (56 archival boxes) |
Scope & Contents
This collection was donated by the Leigh family in 2003. It is comprised of three major series with numerous subseries, including:
International Criminal Court
Legal Papers
Personal Papers
A primary focus of this collection is Monroe Leigh's work on international disputes and legal issues. Of note are his papers regarding his heavy involvement with the creation of the International Criminal Court, as well as the documents focusing on the ABA Task Force on War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia. Many of the papers delve into legal issues regarding the constitutionality, sovereignty, and jurisdiction of international organizations to arbitrate disputes between multiple foreign entities.
Collection Description
Physical Description
Conditions Governing Access
Conditions Governing Use
Preferred Citation
Biographical / Historical
seriesInternational Criminal Court (ICC) | |
subseriesAmerican Bar Association (ABA) | |
fileConstitutionality: Memorandum from David Stoelting to General Distribution re: ABA House of Delegates Vote on ICC Recommendation (16 sections of material tabbed and attached), 9 February 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileMaterials supporting Report and Recommendation on ICC to ABA House of Delegates -- ABA Recommendations &, Reports from 1998 and 2001, Letters to President Clinton from U.S. Senators, Members of Congress, retired miltary officers, Jerry Shestack, and WICC, | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Draft Memorandum from Monroe Leigh, Maury Shenk, and Galina Smith re: Constitutionality of Proposed International Criminal Court, 15 February 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Nashville, Draft ABA Recommendation 118B by Section of International Law and Practice, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Section of Criminal Justice, Section Individual Rights and Responsiblities, and Standing Committee on | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Email from AdvocacyNet Distribution subject: "On the Record" Vol. 1, Issue 22, 18 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Fax copy of July 23, 1998 Written Statement of Lee A. Casey David B. Rivkin, Jr. Before the Subcommittee of International Operations of The Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, 29 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Handwritten Draft by Monroe Leigh re: ICC and adoption of the Rome treaty, n.d. | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Draft ABA Section of International Law and Practice Recommendation re: ICC, [1998?] | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Copy of In re Yamashita, [1945] | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Statement of David L. Scheffer, Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues and Head of U.S. Delegation to U.N. Diplomatic Conference on Establishment of ICC, 23 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Miscellaneous Articles and Commentary on issues surrounding adoption of ICC, 1998 -1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Miscellaneous photocopies, Scholarly Materials on International Courts, [1943] 1996, [1943] 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Fax copy of Draft by David Stoelting Op-Ed re: Rome Conference on the ICC, 1 July 1998, 1 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: "Against an International Criminal Court" by Lee A. Casey David B. Rivkin, Jr., Commentary, May 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: "Law Without Borders: The Constitutionality of an International Criminal Court" by Paul D. Marquardt, Columbia Journal of Transnatianal Law, 33:73, 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: ABA Recommendation 118B by Section of International Law and Practice, [1998?] | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Emails between Monroe Leigh and Kristen Boon re: memo on constitutionality of U.S. membership in ICC, 13 November 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Memorandum on Constitutionality of Proposed International Criminal Court, 19 June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Memorandum from Galina Smith to Monroe Leigh re: Territorial courts, 25 June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Scholarly articles regarding developments of international criminal court, n.d. | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Report of the Judicial Conference of the United States on the Feasibility and the Relationship to the Federal Judiciary of an International Criminal Court, September 1991 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Draft memoranda between Monroe Leigh and Maury Shenk re: constitutionality and jurisdiction for international criminal court, 4 April 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Draft Memorandum from Galina Smith to Monroe Leigh and Maury Shenk re: Constitutionality of the ICC exercise of judicial power over a defendant who committed a crime in the U.S, 9 June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileConstitutionality: Draft Memorandum from Galina Smith to Monroe Leigh and Maury Shenk re: Constitutionality of the ICC exercise of judicial power over a defendant who committed a crime in the U.S, 1 June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileLetters to Executive Branch: Fax letter from Mark Jennings to Monroe Leigh, 20 May 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileLetters to Executive Branch: Fax from David Stoelting to Monroe Leigh forwarding Australian proposal for ICC Rules of Procedure and Evidence, 4 August 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileLetters to Executive Branch: Letter from Monroe Leigh to Theodor Meron (enclosures), 5 November 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileLetters to Executive Branch: Email from Ambassador Marc Ginsberg to Monroe Leigh re: Gore ,amp, the ICC, 7 October 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileLetters to Executive Branch: letter from Monroe Leigh to Lloyd Cutler (enclosures), 30 September 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileLetters to Executive Branch: Letter from Monroe Leigh to Lisa Brown, Counsel to the Vice President, 27 September 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileLetters to Executive Branch: Letter from Monroe Leigh to Greg Stanton of World Federalist Association, 1 November 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileLetters to Executive Branch: Letter from Monroe Leigh to Samuel Burger, National Security Advisor, 13 October 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileLetters to Executive Branch: Letter from Monroe Leigh to Samuel Burger, National Security Advisor, 12 October 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileLetters to Executive Branch: Letter from David Stoelting to Samuel Burger, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, 5 October 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 1 |
fileLetters to Executive Branch: Fax from Rona R. Mears to Monroe Leigh forwarding email from David Stoelting on ICC, 13 October 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLetters to Ecexutive Branch: Fax to Mark Ginsberg from Monroe Leigh re: ICC, 29 October 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLetters to Executive Branch: Fax cover and confirmation to John Washburn, 29 October 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLetters to Executive Branch: Fax from David Stoelting to Monroe Leigh forwarding letter from Michael A. Cooper to Samuel Burger, 29 October 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLetters to Executive Branch: Letter from Mara E. Rudman, Deputy Assistant to the Preseident for National Security Affairs to Monroe Leigh, 8 November 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLegal Articles: "The Rocky Shoals of International Law" article by David B. Rivkin, Jr. and Lee A. Casey , The National Interest, Winter 2000/01 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLegal Articles: "The United States and the International Criminal Court: The Choices Ahead" aritcle by Sarah Sewall and Carl Kaysen, American Academy of Arts and Sciences Committee on International Security Studies | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLegal Articles: Panel Discussion by Association of American Law Schools Panel on the International Criminal Court, 9 January 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLegal Articles: "Symposium: The United States and the International Criminal Court: Achieving a Wider Consensus Through the 'Ithaca Package' " by Ruth Wedgwood, 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLegal Articles: "The New International Criminal Court: An Uneasy Revolution" by Leila Sadat Wexler and S. Richard Carden, Working Paper No. 99-6-2, Washington University School of Law | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLegal Articles: "The Rome Treaty on the International Criminal Court" ABA Section of International Law and Practice, 10 August 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLegal Articles: "The International Criminal Court: An American View" article by Ruth Wedgwood, European Journal of International Law, 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLegal Articles: "The ICC's Jurisdiction over the Nationals of Non-Party States: A Reply to Ambassador Scheffer" by Michael P. Scharf, presented at ABA Section of International Law and Practice Annual Meeting, 10 August 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLegal Articles: Selected Articles on the International Criminal Court by Ruth Wedgwood, 1995 - 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLegal Articles: Email from Bruce Broomhall to Monroe Leigh re: Diane's memo, 25 August 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLegal Articles: "The ICC's Jurisdiction over the Nationals of Non-Party States: A Reply to Ambassador Scheffer" by Michael P. Scharf, as presented October 28, 1999 at National Security Law in a Changing World: The Ninth Annual Review of the Field, 28 Octo | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLegal Articles: Draft of "High Crimes and Misconceptions: The ICC and Non-Party States" by Madeline Morris, n.d. | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLegal Articles: "U.S. Objections to the Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Brief Response" by Bartram S. Brown, NYU Journal of International Law and Politics, Summer 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLegal Articles: Letter from Monroe Leigh to Lea D. Browning with enclosures, 24 November 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLegal Articles: "The United States and the International Criminal Court: Achieving a Wider Consent through the Ithaca Package" article by Ruth Wedgwood, forthcoming in Cornell International Law Journal | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLegal Articles: Draft "The ICC's New Legal Landscape: The Need to Expand the United States Domestic Jurisdiction to Prosecute Genocide, War Crimes, and Crimes Against Humanity" by Douglass Cassel for Fordham International Law Journal, November 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLegal Articles: "The International Criminal Court: An American View" article by Ruth Wedgwood, European Journal of International Law (1999) AND "A Response to the American View as Presented by Ruth Wedgwood", 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, "Rome Treaty Marks Historic Moment in International Criminal Law" by David Stoelting in the New York Law Journal, 28 August 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: 10 articles from October/November 2001 printed via LexisNexis search, 28 November 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, "The Pitfalls of Global Justice" by Ruth Wedgwood, New York Times Op-Ed, 10 June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, "A Worldwide Criminal Court", the Washington Post, 12 June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileClipping, "U.N. Conference to Draft War Crimes Treaty" by Charles Trueheart, Washington Post, 14 June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, "Arrest Refines Task of U.N. Conference" by Charles Trueheart, Washington Post, 16 June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, "China: War Crimes Court Should Be Limited", brief, Washington Post, 17 June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Email from Lea Browning to Monroe Leigh and others re: ICC Opposistion [sic]: Ashcroft, 15 June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Email from Lea Browning to Monroe Leigh and others re: ICC -- Rape as war crime, 15 June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Email from Lea Browning blind-copied to Monroe Leigh re: ICC -- The Economist, 12 June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopies, "Drive Opens for International Criminal Court" by James Blitz and "Beyond Nuremberg" by Kofi Annan for Financial Times Mandate, 16 June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Press Briefing by USG for Legal Affairs and UN Legal Counsel, 18 May 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopies of New York Times articles from, 18 June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopies of Washington Post articles from, 18 June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Fax from Patricia M. Hanrahan/David Stoelting to Monroe Leigh re: Jesse Helms, 1 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, "Semantics Stall Pact Labeling Rape as War Crime" by Alessandra Stanley, New York Times, 9 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: "U.S. Cool to War Crimes Panel" by Charles Trueheart, Washington Post, 10 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopies of New York Times articles from, 15 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopies of Washington Post briefs, 16 and 17 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Press Release "Italian Foreign Minister Urges Conference Not to Let Chance to Set Up International Criminal Court Slip from Its Grasp" UN L/ROM/18, 14 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Articles by IPS-Inter Press Service, TerraViva, July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, "A Turn in the Road" by Anthony Lewis, New York Times, 20 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopies of Financial Times Mandate articles from, 16, 18, &,amp, 20 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, "A New Court Without the U.S.", Washington Post, 21 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, "Nations Create War-Crimes Court Despite U.S. Protest" by Neil King, Jr., Wall Street Journal, 20 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, Letters to the Editor, "U.S. Is Wrong on War Crimes Court", New York Times, 22 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, "Don't Buy U.S. Excuse on Global Criminal Court" by William Pfaff, International Hearld Tribue, 23 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: "A New Court Without the U.S.", Washington Post, 21 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: From the Washington Post, 26 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, "War Crimes Approval Gives U.S. a Dilemma" by Thomas W. Lippman, Washington Post, 23 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, briefs from the Economist, 25 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, brief, "A Weak International Court", New York Times, 27 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Fax from Phil Barringer to Monroe Leigh re: International Criminal Court, 28 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Clipping and photocopy, "No Frankenstein's Court" by Diane F. Orentlicher, Washington Post, 31 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, letter to the editor, "We Need an International Court" by Kenneth Roth, Wall Street Journal, 18 August 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Email from Lea Browning blind-copy to Monroe Leigh re: ICC -- Financial Times, 1 September 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Letter from Monroe Leigh to Fred Hiatt, Washington Post, regarding July 11, 1999 article, 13 July 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: "An International Criminal Court" letter to the editor by Kenneth Roth, Washington Post, 7 July 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, "Departing War Crimes Tribunal Chief Assails U.N. Inaction" by Colum Lynch, Washington Post, 9 November 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: "Kosovo Inquiry Confirms U.S. Fears of War Crimes Court" by Seven Lee Myers, New York Times, 3 January 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, "Yes, A World Court" by Kenneth Roth, Washington Post, 27 June 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
filePress Clippings: Photocopy, "A World Apart?" by T.R. Goldman, Legal Times, 8 June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 2 |
fileLetters to Washington Post: Fax from Monroe Leigh to Edison Dick re: Letter to Hiatt opposing Helm's bill, 8 September 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileLetters to Washington Post: Fax to Fred Hiatt from Monroe Leigh re: inaccuracies in July 11, 1999 Washington Post article, 13 July 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileLetters to Washington Post: Email from Kristi Gaines to Monroe Leigh re: Lobby Visits on Aug. 29th, 22 August 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileLetters to Washington Post: Clipping, "Nato's Good Fight" by Fred Hiatt, Washington Post, 11 July 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileLetters to Washington Post: Draft "For the ICC", 16 March 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileLetters to Washington Post: Letter from Monroe Leigh to Fred Hiatt regarding July 11, 1999 article, 13 July 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileLetters to Washington Post: Draft, Letter to editor, re: critics of proposed ICC (not sent) 965 words, 3 August 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileLetters to Washington Post: Letter from Fred Hiatt to Monroe Leigh, re: Leigh's letter/thoughts on ICC, 10 January 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileLetters to Washington Post: Correspondence between Hiatt and Leigh re: articles on ICC in Washington Post, 5 January 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
file"Report of the Task Force on an International Criminal Court of the American Bar Association" Benjamin R. Civiletti, Chair, John F. Murphy, Reporter, Alaire Bretz Rieffel, Editor, 1 August 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileLetters to Editors: Submissions for "Toward an International Criminal Court" by Monroe Leigh, June - July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes: Letter from Samuel R. Burger, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs to Jerome J. Shestack, Chairman, Committee on Conscience, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, 16 January 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes: Letter from Jerome J. Shestack, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum to President William Clinton, 28 December 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes: Press release "Helms on Clinton ICC Signature: 'This Decision Will Not Stand'" with letters attached, 31 December 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes: Letter from 18 U.S. Senators to President William J. Clinton, 21 December 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes: Letter to President William J. Clinton from several representatives of religious organizations and faith-based groups, 20 December 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes: Letter to President Clinton from 30 Congressmen, 15 December 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes: Letter to President Clinton from Washington Working Group on the ICC, 20 December 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes: Letter to President Clinton from Committee of Former Nuremberg Prosecutors for A Permanent International Criminal Court, In re: Rome Treaty for International Criminal Court, 6 December 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes: Letter to President Clinton from Recipients of the Eleanor Roosevelt Award, 20 December 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes: Letter from the National Council of Women's Organizations, November 30, 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes: Letter to President Clinton from senior retired military officers, 22 December 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes: Statement of Senator Leahy before the Senate re: the International Criminal Court, 15 December 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes: Agenda for Washington Working Group on the ICC, 16 January 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes: Copy of Subtitle C, Sec. 821 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 2000 and 2001, 2000 - 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes: Materials pertaining to the right to a trial by Jury in the US Military Courts, 2000 [1982, 1992, 1998] | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes: Correspondence and drafts edits for report to ABA's Section of International Law and Practice re: ICC, September - October 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Official Correspondence re: ICC and Rome Treaty, October 1999 - December 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Draft Statement and ABA Recommendation re: US agreeing to Rome Treaty of ICC, 29 November &,amp, 8 December 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Correspondence re: appointments for working group on ICC, Nov. 17, 1999 &,amp, July 19, 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Handwritten comments re: WICC agenda, resolutions, op-eds, 14 December 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Clippings, photocopies, articles re: the ICC, February 1999 - December 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: "Working Group on International Criminal Court Procedures", 26 April 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Correspondence re: ICC with Australian Representatives, June - July 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 3 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Document Drafts, June 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 4 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Correspondence re: Proposed Rules of Procedure and Evidence, 2 &,amp, 9 June 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 4 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Proposed Paragraphs for Section of Criminal Justice and International Law and Practice | MSS 04-2, Box 4 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Drafts: Part 7. Rules of Evidence (multiple versions), 28 May 1999 - 11 June 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 4 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Draft Documents, Apr - Oct 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 4 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Correspondence, April, July, November 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 4 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Notes / Articles, July 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 4 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Documents, Sept &,amp, Dec 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 4 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Correspondence, Sep - Nov 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 4 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Drafts, 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 4 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Documents, 1998 - 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 4 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Articles / Press, June 1994 - 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 4 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Correspondence, January 1998 - July 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 5 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Legal Cases, 1995-1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 5 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Notes, 2000-2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 5 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: ABA Criminal Justice Section Council Meeting Agenda Book, 18 - 19 November 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 5 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Memo from Brian Newquiest to Monroe Leigh "Original Signatories" to the Rome Treaty, 29 September 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 5 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Correspondence re: Rome Treaty, June 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 5 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group: Relevant Articles of Rome Treaty, n.d. | MSS 04-2, Box 5 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group Defence Unit: Travel plans and Conference agendas, September - December, 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 5 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group Defence Unit: Draft Proposals, 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 5 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group Defence Unit: Statements ,amp, Documents, 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 5 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group FSIA: Articles on FSIA in historical perspective, n.d. | MSS 04-2, Box 5 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group FSIA: Congressional Materials, 1994 - 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 5 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group FSIA: Memoranda re: Amendments, 1995, 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 6 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group FSIA: Reports from the Working Group, 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 6 |
fileWar Crimes Working Group FSIA: Historical Cases and Precedence, [1789] 1984 | MSS 04-2, Box 6 |
fileWar Crimes San Diego Meeting: Correspondence, January - March, 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 6 |
fileWar Crimes San Diego Meeting: Documents, November 2000 - March 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 6 |
fileWar Crimes San Diego Meeting: Congressional Correspondence ,amp, Remarks, January - March 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 6 |
fileWar Crimes San Diego Meeting: Press opinion and articles, Dec 2000 - February 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 6 |
fileWar Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Draft letter re: Helms Senate hearings on ICC, 14 June 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileWar Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Press release and materials re: Helms position on Americans and the UN Court, 14 June 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileWar Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Senate Bill S. 2726 106th Congress 2d Session, 14 June 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileWar Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Summary of the "American Servicemen's Protection Act" of 2000, 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileWar Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Memo to Monroe Leigh from Lee Caplin re: Legislative History of the NATO Status of Forces Agreement Indicating the Application of a Distinct Legal Regime in Time of War, 8 July 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileWar Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Fax from Robinson Everett to Monroe Leigh re: "American Servicemembers and the ICC" (document markup), 20 June 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileWar Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Photocopy "Agreement Between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Regarding the Status of Their Forces" signed 4 April 1949, [1949] | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileWar Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Testimonies from Jeremy Rabkin and Ruth Wegwood re: The ICC and the American Servicemen's Protection Act, 14 June 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileWar Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Emails to re: ICC Legislation, 14 - 19 June 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileWar Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Email from Jeffrey Pryce to Monroe Leigh re: FW: article, 13 June 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileWar Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Excerpt from email: "Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions" on S. 2726, 15 June 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileWar Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Photocopy "Committee on Foreign Relations", Senate, 1999 Congressional Staff Directory, 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileWar Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Press releases from Human Rights Watch re: ICC, June 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileWar Crimes Senate Foreign Relations Hearing: Fax from Monroe Leigh to Louis Henkin re: Outline of Compromise on the ICC, 15 June 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileSenate Foreign Relations Hearing: Email from Lean Browning to re: W. Pace - Paris Meeting on Victims' Access, 5 May 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileSenate Foreign Relations Hearing: Press release from Human Rights Watch "Stop threatening international court, U.S. officials told", July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileSenate Foreign Relations Hearing: Statement of John R. Bolton before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, on the International Criminal Court, 23 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileSenate Foreign Relations Hearing: Handwritten notes re: SFR Committee hearing, 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileSection of International Law ,amp, Practice: Draft Rules of Procedure and Evidence for the International Criminal Court, 10 February 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileSection of International Law ,amp, Practice: Recommendation: Resolved, That the American Bar Association recommends that the United States Government accede to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileRecs to US House of Reps: American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section Report to the House of Delegates Recommendation, 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileRecs to US House of Reps: Fax to Monroe Leigh from Cynthia Price re: Report with Recommendation (instructions), 20 September 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileRecommendation 105 (C): Letter to Major General Keithe E. Nelson from Gen. Counsel of Dept. of Defense re: ABA Recommendation 105 (C) concerning the International Criminal Court, 14 February 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileRe HR 4654: "Report to Section" (duplicate of part 2 of Monroe Leigh's statement on behalf of the ABA submitted to the Committee on International Relations US House Representatives regarding HR 4654, American Servicemembers' Protection Act, 25 July 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileMonroe Leigh Articles: Handwritten name list to whom copies should be sent | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileMonroe Leigh Articles: "The United States and the Statute of Rome" by Monroe Leigh in The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 95, No. 1, January 2001 (pp. 124 - 131), January 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileCriminal Justice Section: Correspondence and edits regarding Reports ,amp, Recommendations 113B and 300, May - July 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileCriminal Justice Section: Email from Cynthia Price to Monroe Leigh re: Leigh Memo to SILP Council re CJS ICC Recommendation, 28 December 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileCriminal Justice Section: Correspondence, December 2000 - January 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileCriminal Justice Section: Press, November 1999 and November 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileCriminal Justice Section: Reports, January - February 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileRe HR 4654: Draft Letter to NY Times from current ,amp, former Presidents of the American Society of International Law supporting Treaty of Rome, 7 February 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileRe HR 4654: Statement of Monroe Leigh on behalf of the American Bar Association submitted to the Committee on International Relations US House of Representatives regarding HR 4654, American Servicemembers' Protection Act, 25 July 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileRe HR 4654: Letter to Tom DeLay from former US Cabinet members re: support for HR 4654, the American Servicemembers' Protection Act of 2000, 29 November 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileRe HR 4654: Letter to Henry Hyde (Feb. 21, 2001) and copy faxed toSean Moore of Barbara Boxer's office (Mar. 26, 2001) re: HR 4654, Misconceptions about the Proposed International Criminal Court, 13 February 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileRe HR 4654: Letter from Monroe Leigh re: American Servicemembers Protection Act, 18 August 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 7 |
fileRe HR 4654: Fax from Kristi Gaines to Jan Kinney re: letter to Benjamin A. Gilman re: ML statement for hearing on HR 4654, 17 July 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
fileRe HR 4654: Handwritten notes and actual letter to John Washburn re: statement on HR 4654,, 19 July 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
fileRe HR 4654: Fax from Barbara Stone to Monroe Leigh re: op ed draft (on ICC for Wa Post), 18 July 2000, 18 July 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
fileRe HR 4654: Statements before the House International Relations Committee, 25 - 26 July 2006 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
fileRe HR 4654: Emails to re: ICC Legislation, August - September, 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
fileRe HR 4654: Email from Franklin Berman to Monroe Leigh re: ICC (Helms bill ,amp, legislation), 8 August 2000, 8 August 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
fileRe HR 4654: "To protect United States Military personnel and other elected and appointed officials of the United States Government against criminal prosecution by an international criminal court to which the United States is not a partry." (also known as | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
fileRe HR 4654: Materials related to 2000 Washington Working Group meeting on the ICC, 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
fileRe HR 4654: Lobbying materials on Congressional positions, 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
fileRe HR 4654: "The International Criminal Court and US National Security" Agenda, American University, Washington College of Law, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Committee on International Security Studies, 14 September 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
fileRe HR 4654: WICC - The International Criminal Court: the Unlikely Path to an American on Trial, 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
fileRe HR 4654: "In the National Interest" 2000 Human Rights Policies for the Next Administration, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, International Criminal Court, 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
fileRe HR 4654: Letter from Monroe Leigh to Ted Meron (Counselor on International Law, Dept. of State) re: statement on HR 4654, 17 August 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
fileRe HR 4654: Request for Messenger Servicer slips, 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
fileRe HR 4654: Correspondence re: ABA resolutions, 25 July 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
fileRe: HR 4654: Statement of Monroe Leigh on behalf of the American Bar Association submitted to the Committee on International Relations US House of Representatives regarding HR 4654, American Servicemembers' Protection Act, v, 25 July 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
fileRe HR 4654: Transcript: Sheffer ,amp, Slocombe testimony, 25 July 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
fileRe HR 4654: Statement of Monroe Leigh on behalf of the ABA submitted to the Committee of International Relations, U.S. House of Representatives re: H.R. 4654, American Servicemembers' Protection Act, 25 July 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
filePrepcom: Correspondence re: group, news, participants, Siracusa, November 1998 - June 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
filePrepcom: Correspondence re: drafts ,amp, edits, Siracusa, December 1998 - June 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
filePrepcom: Fax from Jay Vogelson re: Prepcom ,amp, copy of Proceedings of Prepcom at 2nd session, 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
filePrepcom: War Crimes Working Group Reports ,amp, Statutes, 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 8 |
filePrepcom: Photographs, Business Cards, Notes, News, 25 February 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 9 |
filePrepcom: Correspondence, 25 February 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 9 |
filePrepcom: Programs and Statutes, 25 February 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 9 |
filePrepcom: Proceedings of the Preparatory Commission at its first, second and third sessions (16 - 26 February, 26 - 13 July August and 29 November - 17 December 1999), 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 9 |
filePrepcom III: Memo from David Stoelting to Monroe Leigh (et al) re: Preparatory Commission - Third Session Documents, 17 December 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 9 |
filePrepcom IV: Email from Heather Hamilton to re: information alert: Sec. Albright ICC letter, 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 9 |
filePrepcom IV: Correspondence re: Preparatory Commission on the International Criminal Court, Report of PrepCom, June - July 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 9 |
filePrepcom V: Finalized Draft Text of ICC Rules and Elements, Proposals on Crime of Aggression, 21 - 30 June 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 9 |
filePrepcom VI: Drafts: Agreement on Privileges ,amp, Immunities of the ICC, Relationship Agreement between the UN ,amp, the ICC, Financial Regulations of the ICC, July - August 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 9 |
filePrepcom XIII: Preparatory Commission for the Internatioanl Criminal Court, Proceedings of the Preparatory Commission at its Fourth Session, 13 - 31 March 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 9 |
fileRome Conference: Correspondence re: ICC and Rome Conference,, 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 10 |
fileRome Conference: Official printed documents re: Rome Statute of ICC, 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 10 |
fileRome Conference: News, notes ,amp, conference info, 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 10 |
fileRules of Procedure ,amp, Evidence: Draft Rules of Procedure and Evidence for the International Criminal Court, 10 February 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 10 |
fileRules of Procedure ,amp, Evidence: Correspondence, December 1998 - March 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 10 |
fileRules of Procedure ,amp, Evidence: Drafts / Statutes, January - February 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 10 |
fileRules of Procedure ,amp, Evidence: Draft / Meeting materials, December 1998 - February 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 10 |
fileRules of Procedure ,amp, Evidence: International Criminal Court Society, ICC Preparatory Commission, Compilation, Footnotes Relevant to the Rules of Procedure and Evidence by David Donat-Catlin [including ICC Working Group on Procedural Matters, A/Conf.18 | MSS 04-2, Box 10 |
fileRules of Procedure ,amp, Evidence, 9 - 10 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 10 |
fileRules of Procedure ,amp, Evidence: UN Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Est. of an ICC, Draft Statute, 16 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 10 |
fileRules of Procedure ,amp, Evidence: Rules of Procedure ,amp, Evidence: ABA Proposed Rules fo Procedure ,amp, Evidence for the ICC, Draft(s), December 1999 - January 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 10 |
fileICC: Report of the Intersessional Meeting from 19 to 30 January in Zutphen, the Netherlands, 19 - 20 January 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 11 |
fileICC: Correspondence / Revisions to ICC Text, September - November 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 11 |
fileICC: Correspondence / Recommendations re: ICC, October - November 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 11 |
fileICC: Articles re: Establishment of ICC, November 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 11 |
fileICC: Articles / Press about ICC, 1990 - 1994, 1998 - January 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 11 |
fileICC: Federal Testimony / Papers / Legislation advocating for ICC, 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 11 |
fileICC: Drafts / Reports / Resolutions re: ICC, 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 11 |
fileICC: Correspondence re: ICC, 1994, 1996, 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 11 |
fileICC: Correspondence re: ICC,, November 1994 - February 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 11 |
fileICC: UN Sixth Committee and Committee on International Criminal Court Meetings,, Oct 1993, April 1995, August 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 11 |
fileICC: Reports re: ICC, 1993 - 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 11 |
fileICC: Press and Articles re: ICC, 1993 - 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 12 |
fileICC: Washington Working Group on the ICC Materials, 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 12 |
fileICC: Materials related to May 18, 1995 Meeting, 18 May 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 12 |
fileICC: Correspondence ,amp, Notes re: establishment of ICC, 1993 - 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 12 |
fileICC: Resolutions / Reports from UN ,amp, ABA, 1992 - 1993 | MSS 04-2, Box 12 |
subseriesABA War Crimes Task Force - Yugoslavia | |
fileContact information, 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 12 |
file1.1 Index of Files, 2002 | MSS 04-2, Box 12 |
file1.2 Bulletin, 1996 - 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 12 |
file1.3 CEELI, 1995 - 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 12 |
file1.4 United Nations, Aug 1995 - Feb 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 12 |
file1.5 US Law, 1994 - 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 12 |
file1.6 Press, 1997 - 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 13 |
file1.7 Procedural Rules (a - Correspondence Materials), 1993 - 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 13 |
file1.7 Procedural Rules (b - Correspondence General/Meeting), 1993 - 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 13 |
file1.7 Procedural Rules (c - Proposed revisions/drafts), 1993 - 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 13 |
file1.7 Procedural Rules (d - Final Reports), 1993 - 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 14 |
file1.8 Staffing of the Tribunal, 1993 - 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 14 |
file1.9 State Dept. Briefings, 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 14 |
file1.10 Podgers Interview, 1995 - 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 14 |
file1.11 CBC - MacQuarrie, n.d. | MSS 04-2, Box 14 |
file1.12 Coalition for International Justice, 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 14 |
file2.1 Task Force Report | MSS 04-2, Box 14 |
file2. 2 Successive Drafts (a) - Proposed Final Draft, 21 June 1993 | MSS 04-2, Box 14 |
file2. 2 Successive Drafts (b) - Proposed Final Draft t, 21 June 1993 | MSS 04-2, Box 14 |
file2.2 Successive Drafts (c) - Proposed Final Draft t, 21 June 1993 | MSS 04-2, Box 15 |
file2.2 Successive Drafts (d) - Final Draft, 30 June 1993 | MSS 04-2, Box 15 |
file2.2 Successive Drafts (e) - Final Draft, 5 July 1993 | MSS 04-2, Box 15 |
file3.0 Amicus Brief | MSS 04-2, Box 15 |
file4.1 General Correspondence, 1993 | MSS 04-2, Box 15 |
file4.2 General Correspondence, 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 15 |
file4.3 General Correspondence, 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 15 |
file4.4 General Correspondence, 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 16 |
file4.5 General Correspondence, 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 16 |
file4.6 General Correspondence, 1998 - 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 16 |
file4.7 Goldstone Correspondence, November 1995 - September 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 16 |
file4.8 Letters re Ramadan Gashi, November 1997 - June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 16 |
file4.9 Correspondence with Cristian DeFrancia | MSS 04-2, Box 16 |
file5.1 Indictments (a) - Applications, Hearings and Decisions, 1995 - 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 16 |
file5.1 Indictments (b) - Indictments, 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 16 |
file5.1 Indictments (c) - Media / Press clippings, 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 16 |
file5.2 Tadic Full Case documents Vol. 1, 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 17 |
file5.2.Tadi Full Case documents Vol. 11,, 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 17 |
file5.2.1 Tadic Transcript | MSS 04-2, Box 17 |
file5.2.2 Tadic Opinion& ,amp, Judgment (a),, 7 May 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 17 |
file5.2.2 Tadic Opinion& ,amp, Judgment (b),, 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 17 |
file5.2.2 Tadic Opinion &, amp, Judgment (c), 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 18 |
file5.2.2 Tadic Opinion& ,amp, Judgment (d), 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 18 |
file5.3 Tadic Appeals - Tadic Appellate Decision (ICTY), 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 18 |
file5.3 Tadic Appeals - Decision on the Defence Motion for Interocutory Appeal on Jurisdiction, 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 18 |
file6.1 Prosecutor v. Karadzic, 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 18 |
file6.2 In the Matter of the Surrender of Elizaphan Ntakirutimana, 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 18 |
file7.0 Legal Research (A) Memorandum and Reports, 1972, 1990 - 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 19 |
file7.0 Legal Research (B) Relevant Court Cases, 1984, 1995, 1997, 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 19 |
file7.0 Legal Research (C) Regina v. Finta decisions and appeals, 1989 - 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 19 |
file8.0 Foreign Sovereign Immunity - Doe v. Karadzic, 1993 - 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 19 |
file9.0 Response to Professor Chinkin (A) Relevant Proposals and Cases, 1994 - 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 20 |
file9.0 Response to Professor Chinkin (B) Background Articles, Briefs, 1994 - 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 20 |
file9.0 Response to Professor Chinkin (C) Draft responses, 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 20 |
file9.0 Response to Professor Chinkin (D) Relevant Constitutional Provisions from individual US States re: Victim's Rights | MSS 04-2, Box 20 |
file9.0 Response to Professor Chinkin Vol. II (A) - Article &,amp, Speech Drafts, 1996 - 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 20 |
file9.0 Response to Professor Chinkin Vol. II (B) - Correspondence &,amp, Notes, 1995 - 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 20 |
file9.0 Response to Professor Chinkin Vol. II (C) - Press Releases, Articles &,amp, Speeches, multiple dates, multiple dates | MSS 04-2, Box 21 |
file10.0 In Absentia Trials, Fall 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 21 |
file11.0 Law Review Articles, 1988 - 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 21 |
file12.0 Anonymous Witnesses (A) - Memorandum / Briefs, 1995 - 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 21 |
file12.0 Anonymous Witnesses (B) - Supporting Documents / Articles, 1966 - 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 21 |
file12.0 Anonymous Witnesses (C) - Relevant Cases, 1931 - 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 22 |
file12.0 Anonymous Witnesses (D) - Country Constitutions, 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 22 |
file13.0 European Court &,amp, Commission on Human Rights cases, 1990 - 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 22 |
file14.0 Dayton Peace Talks, 1995 - 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 22 |
file15.0 Serb Reports of War Crimes, 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 23 |
file16.0 Meeting with Justice Louise Arbour, 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 23 |
file17.1 Stringer Letter to Lutz, 11 February 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 23 |
file17.2 ABA Year in Review, 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 23 |
file18.0 Articles on Criminal Sanctions and Truth Commissions, 1991 - 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 23 |
file18.2 Implementing Legislation - US - Elizaphan Case,, 1997 - 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 23 |
file19.0 20th Century Fund, 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 23 |
file20.0 Kosovo - Doherty Report, 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 23 |
fileReport to the Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate: Former Yugoslavia, War Crimes Truibunal's Workload Exceeds Capacity (GAO/NSIAD-98-134), June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 23 |
fileReport: The Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milosevic et al., Case No. IT-99-37-I (ICTY), 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 24 |
fileReport: Bringing War Criminals to Justice: Obligations, Options, Recommendations by the Public International Law and Policy Group, Balkan Institute, and University of Dayton, 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 24 |
fileReport of the Century Foundation / Twentieth Century Fund Task Force on Apprehending Indicted War Criminals: Making Justice Work, 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 24 |
fileReport on the International Tribunal to Adjudicate War Crimes Committed in Former Yugoslavia, July 8, 1993. AUTHORITIES Volume I (A), 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 24 |
fileReport on the International Tribunal to Adjudicate War Crimes Committed in Former Yugoslavia, July 8, 1993. AUTHORITIES Volume I (B), 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 24 |
fileReport on the International Tribunal to Adjudicate War Crimes Committed in Former Yugoslavia, July 8, 1993. AUTHORITIES Volume I (C), 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 24 |
fileReport on the International Tribunal to Adjudicate War Crimes Committed in Former Yugoslavia, July 8, 1993. AUTHORITIES Volume II (A), 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 24 |
fileReport on the International Tribunal to Adjudicate War Crimes Committed in Former Yugoslavia, July 8, 1993. AUTHORITIES Volume II (B), 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 25 |
fileReport on the International Tribunal to Adjudicate War Crimes Committed in Former Yugoslavia, July 8, 1993. AUTHORITIES Volume II (C), 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 25 |
fileReport on the International Tribunal to Adjudicate War Crimes Committed in Former Yugoslavia, July 8, 1993. AUTHORITIES Volume III (A), 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 25 |
fileReport on the International Tribunal to Adjudicate War Crimes Committed in Former Yugoslavia, July 8, 1993. AUTHORITIES Volume III (B), 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 25 |
fileReport on the International Tribunal to Adjudicate War Crimes Committed in Former Yugoslavia, July 8, 1993. AUTHORITIES Volume IV (A), 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 25 |
fileReport on the International Tribunal to Adjudicate War Crimes Committed in Former Yugoslavia, July 8, 1993. AUTHORITIES Volume IV (B), 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 25 |
fileArticles re: Task Force on War Crimes in Yugoslavia, 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 26 |
fileUN Security Council: Letter Dated 24 May 1994 from the Secretary - General to the President of the Security Council, S/1994/674, 27 May 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 26 |
fileCongressional Resolutions re: NATO, Kosovo, Yugoslavia, 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 26 |
fileTreaty Interpretation, the Constitution and the Rule of Law" by John Norton Moore, 15 November 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 26 |
fileKostovski v. Netherlands Criminal Proceedings, anonymous witnesses (Series A, No 166 Application No 11454/85), 20 November 1989 | MSS 04-2, Box 26 |
fileLooseleaf Notes re: Verdict and Appeal, [1997?] | MSS 04-2, Box 26 |
fileMonroe Leigh Notebooks Vol. 1, including Index, [1993] | MSS 04-2, Box 26 |
fileMonroe Leigh Notebooks Vol. 2, [1993] | MSS 04-2, Box 26 |
fileMonroe Leigh Notebooks Vol. 3, [1993] | MSS 04-2, Box 26 |
fileMonroe Leigh Notebooks Vol. 4, [1993] | MSS 04-2, Box 27 |
fileTask Force Resumes, 1991 - 1993 | MSS 04-2, Box 27 |
subseriesUnited Nations (UN) | |
fileILC: "Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its Forty-Sixth Session", 1 May - 22 July 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 27 |
fileILC: "Report of the International Law Commission on the Work of its Forty-Sixth Session", 1 September 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 27 |
fileReport of the Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court including A/Conf.183/2/Add.1 (Part 2 of report) | MSS 04-2, Box 27 |
fileCommission of Experts established pursuant to Security Council Resolution 780 (1992), s/1994/674, 27 May 1994 ,amp, Annexes: Volume 1 - Final Report ,amp, Annexes I through V, 10 February 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 27 |
fileFax to Sharon McHale from Monroe Leigh, contains Leigh Bio and Resume, 8 February 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
fileDraft Statute: "United Nations Diplomatic Conference of the Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court", 16 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
file"Statute at a Glance" printout: "On the Record gives you a quick guide to the highlights in the ICC statute" | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
fileRome Treaty: Letter to Samuel Burger, National Security Advisor re: Clinton Administration's support for the UN's Rome Treaty establishing the ICC, 13 October 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
fileRome Treaty: Letter to Henry A. Kissinger from Monroe Leigh Re: UN Rome Treaty est. ICC, 4 January 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
fileRome Treaty: Newspaper photocopies regarding Clinton Administration and the UN's proposed ICC, 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
subseriesSovereign Immunity | |
fileSovereign Immunity Acts (photocopies), 1976, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
fileILC Project: Report of the Working Group on jurisdictional immunities of States and their property - photocopy and note from Stephen M. Schwebel, 1978-07-28 | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
fileArticles: On Sovereign Immunity Acts, 1980, 1982 | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
fileArticles: "Foreign States Sued for Their Acts Abroad: A Uniform Analysis Under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act" by Gregory Haworth, Rutgers Law Review, Vol. 34, No. 3, Spring 1982, pp. 538 - 566, 1982 | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
fileArticles: "State Immunity: Law and Practice in the United States and Europe" Proceedings of Conference held on November 17, 1978 at the University of London. International Law Assocation, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
fileArticles: "Suing Foreign Governments in American Courts: the United States Foreign Sovereign Immuniites Act in Practice" by Beverly May Carl, Southwestern Law Journal, Vol. 33, No. 4, November 1979, pp. 1010 - 1077, November 1979 | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
fileArticles: "Sovereign Immunity and Act of State: Correlative or Conflicting Policies?" by Harold G. Maier, University of Cincinnati Law Review, Vol. 35, 1966, pp. 556 - 577, 1966 | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
fileArticles: "The Attachment of Iranian Assets in West Germany - An Outline of the German Pre-judgement Procedure and the Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity" by Dr. Reinhard Dallmayr, Academy Review (International and Comparative Law Center), No. 5, January 1981 | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
fileArticles: "The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976: Some Suggested Amendments" by Myres S. McDougal and Robin-Eve Jasper, Speech given to the Southwestern Legal Foundation, June 1981 | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
fileArticles: "Are Only 'Friendly' Foreign Governments Entitled to Sovereign Immunity?" by Gaylen J. Byker, International Practitioner's Notebook, No. 13, January 1981, pp. 1 - 4, January 1981 | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
fileArticles: "Immunity and Jurisdiction: Toward a Uniform Body of Law in Actions Against Foreign States" by George Kahale, III and Matias A. Vega, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, 18:211, 1979, pp. 211 - ?, 1979 | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
fileArticles: "The State Immunity Act of 1978: An English Update" by Stephan Bird, International Lawyer, n.d.? | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
fileArticles: "Swiss Law and Practice in Relation to Measures of Execution Against the Property of a Foreign State," by Jean-Flavien Lalive, n.d.? | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
fileArticles: [Manuscript] "Execution of Judgments and Foreign Sovereign Immunity" by James Crawford, American Journal of International Law, 29 December 1980 | MSS 04-2, Box 28 |
filePublications: "Immunity of State Property from Execution in the Yugoslav Legal System" by T. Varady, Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, Vol. X, 1979, pp. 85 - 95, 1979 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: Swedish and International Arbitration. Yearbook of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, 1982 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "Arbitration and Choice-of-Law Clauses as Waivers of Jurisdictional Immunity" by George Kahale, III. New York University Journal of International Law and Politics. Vol. 14, No. 1, Fall 1981. pp. 29 - 63, 1981 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "Government and Industry in the Federal Republic of Germany" by Georg Ress. The International Law Quarterly, January 1980, pp. 87 - 111, January 1980 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "H.R. 11315 - The Revised State-Justice Bill on Foreign Sovereign Immunity: Time for Action" by Timothy Atkeson, Samuel Perkins, and Michael Wyatt. Reprinted from the American Journal fo International Law, Vol. 70, No. 2, April 1976, pp. 297 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: Decisions of the British Courts articles by James Crawford for the British Year Book of International Law, 1974 - 1982 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "The Contribution of Professor D. P. O'Connell to the Discipline of International Law" by James Crawford, The British Year Book of International Law, Fifty-First Year of Issue, 1982 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "Execution of Judgments and Foreign Sovereign Immunity" by James Crawford. Reprinted from the American Journal of International Law, Vol. 75, No. 4, October 1981. pp. 820 - 869, 1981 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "A Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act for Australia?" by James Crawford and Letter, 16 September 1981 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: Working Paper No. 1: "Pre-Judgment attachment of State property: the law in some Commonwealth jurisdictions." International Law Association (Australian Branch), Committee on Sovereign Immunity, August 1980 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "Recent Developments in the Dynamics of Sovereign Immunity" by Gamal Moursi Badr. The American Journal of Comparative Law. Vol 30, 1982. pp.678 - 683, 1982 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "Jurisdiction Over Organs and Officials of States. The Holy See and Intergovernmental Organisations" by Finn Seyersted. Reprinted from The International and Comparative Law Quarterly. January - April 1965. pp. 33 - 80 and 493 - 527, 1965 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "Immunity from Attachment and Execution" by Michael Brandon. Reprinted from International Financial Law Review | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "Fifth Report on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and their Property" by Mr. Sompong Sucharitkul. UN, International Law Commission, 35th Session, Geneva, May 3 - July 22, 1983, A/CN.4/363, 22 March 1983 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "Report of the International Law commission on the work of its thirty-fifth session" 3 May - 22 July 1983, General Assembly, Official Records: Thirty-Eighth Session Supplement No. 10 (A/38/10), 1983 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "Jurisdictional Immunities of States and their Property. Information and materials submitted by Governments. Addendum." UN, International Law Commission Thirty-third session, 4 May - 24 July, 1981, (A/CN.4/343/Add.3), 5 May 1981 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "Jurisdictional Immunities of States and their Property. Information and materials submitted by Governments. Addendum." UN, International Law Commission Thirty-third session, 4 May - 24 July, 1981, (A/CN.4/343/Add.1), 16 April 1981 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "Jurisdictional Immunities of States and their Property. Information and materials submitted by Governments." UN, International Law Commission, Thirty-third session, 4 May - 24 July 1981, (A/CN.4/343), 14 April 1981 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "Fourth Report on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and their Property" by Sompong Sucharitkul, UN, International Law Commission, 34th Session, Geneva, 3 May - 23 July 1982 (A/CN.4/357),, 31 March 1982 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "Third Report on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and their Property" by Sompong Sucharitkul. UN, International Law Commission, Thirty-third session, Geneva, 4 May - 24 July 1981. (A/CN.4/340), 27 March 1981 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "Second Report on Jursidtional Immunities of States and their Property" by Sompong Sucharitkul. Addendum. UN, International Law Commission, Thirty-second session, Geneva, 5 May - 25 July 1980. (A/CN.4/331/Add.1), 9 June 1980 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
filePublications: "Second Report on Jursidtional Immunities of States and their Property" by Sompong Sucharitkul. UN, International Law Commission, Thirty-second session, Geneva, 5 May - 25 July 1980. (A/CN.4/331), 11 April 1980 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
fileSignificant Cases: Materials related to Maritime International Nominees Establishment v. The Republic of Guinea, 1982 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
fileSignificant Cases: Materials related to Banks v. Sheikh Allal Al-Fassi, 1982 | MSS 04-2, Box 29 |
fileSignificant Cases: Materials related to International Association of Machinists vs. OPEC, 1979 | MSS 04-2, Box 30 |
fileSignificant Cases: Materials related to uranium antitrust litigation, 1979 | MSS 04-2, Box 30 |
fileSignificant Cases: Materials related to Shell Petroleum, 1983 - 1984 | MSS 04-2, Box 30 |
fileSignificant Cases: Materials related to Margaret Hitchcock &,amp, Wilber Hitchcock v. United States, 1979 | MSS 04-2, Box 30 |
fileSignificant Cases: Materials related to various cases, 1979 - 1982 | MSS 04-2, Box 30 |
fileEaglet Corp. v. Central Bank of Nicaragua: United States Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, 94-7043, Apellate papers, 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 30 |
subseriesInternational Law Association Committee on State Immunity | |
fileHeidelberg Meeting - Correspondence from Professor Dr. Georg Ress to members of the International Committee on State Immunity of the International Law Association re conference, 1989-05, 1989-07, 1989-11 | MSS 04-2, Box 30 |
fileHeidelberg Meeting - meeting materials related to the participants, agenda, and draft of sitting arrangements [handwritten], 1989-10 | MSS 04-2, Box 30 |
fileHeidelberg Meeting: Reports, September 1989 and June 1988 | MSS 04-2, Box 30 |
fileHeidelberg Meeting: Summaries, Findings, Memoranda, July and October 1989 | MSS 04-2, Box 30 |
fileHeidelberg Meeting: Reports, 1989 | MSS 04-2, Box 30 |
fileHeidelberg Meeting: ILA Warsaw Conference (1988) Interim Report of the Committee on State Immunity, 1988 | MSS 04-2, Box 30 |
fileHeidelburg Meeting: October 13, 1989, Meeting Materials, 13 October 1989 | MSS 04-2, Box 30 |
fileSaarbrucken Meeting - April: Conference / Travel Information, 1991 | MSS 04-2, Box 31 |
fileSaarbrucken Meeting - April: Program materials, 1989 | MSS 04-2, Box 31 |
fileSaarbrucken Meeting - April: Articles re: State Immunity, n.d. | MSS 04-2, Box 31 |
fileSaarbrucken Meeting - April: Papers for the Conference on State Immunity of the International Law Association in Saarbrucken (October 21-23, 1993) Professor Georg Ress (Rapporteur), 21 - 23 October 1993 | MSS 04-2, Box 31 |
fileSaarbrucken Meeting - October: Conference / Travel Information, 1993 | MSS 04-2, Box 31 |
fileSaarbrucken Meeting - October: Articles re: Conference topic, 1961, 1990, 1993 | MSS 04-2, Box 31 |
fileSaarbrucken Meeting - October: Materials re: Conference, Sept - Oct. 1993 | MSS 04-2, Box 31 |
fileSaarbrucken Meeting - October: Handwritten notes, 1993 | MSS 04-2, Box 31 |
fileSaarbrucken Meeting - October: Correspondence re: Conference, Aug - Oct 1993 | MSS 04-2, Box 31 |
fileVol. I: Correspondence, 1987 - 1988 | MSS 04-2, Box 31 |
fileVol. I: Meeting Materials - Warsaw, 1988 | MSS 04-2, Box 31 |
fileVol. I: Drafts &,amp, Draft Materials, 1987 - 1988 | MSS 04-2, Box 31 |
fileVol. I: Reports &,amp, Articles, 1982, 1987 | MSS 04-2, Box 31 |
fileVol. II: Correspondence, 1989 - 1990 | MSS 04-2, Box 31 |
fileVol. II: Resolutions / Draft Articles, 27 October 1989 and 3 August 1990 | MSS 04-2, Box 31 |
fileVol. II: Reports, 1989 - 1990 | MSS 04-2, Box 31 |
fileVol. II: Meeting Materials - Queensland Conference, August 19 - 26, 1990 | MSS 04-2, Box 31 |
fileVol. III: Correspondence, January - April, 1991 | MSS 04-2, Box 32 |
fileVol. III: Meeting Materials, March - April 1991 | MSS 04-2, Box 32 |
fileVol. III: Drafts of Articles and Reports, March - April 1991 | MSS 04-2, Box 32 |
fileVol. III: Articles and Court Decisions about State Immunity, 1990 - 1991 | MSS 04-2, Box 32 |
fileVol. III: Handwritten Notes, Saarbrucken Meeting, 5 - 6 April 1991 | MSS 04-2, Box 32 |
fileVol. IV: Meeting Materials, 1991 | MSS 04-2, Box 32 |
fileVol. IV: Correspondence, 1991 - 1992 | MSS 04-2, Box 32 |
fileVol. IV: Reports / Draft Articles, 1991 - 1992 | MSS 04-2, Box 32 |
fileVol. V: Meeting Materials, 1992 - 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 32 |
fileVol. V: Articles ,amp, Papers on Immunity, 1992 - 1993 | MSS 04-2, Box 32 |
fileVol. V: Correspondence, 1992 - 1993 | MSS 04-2, Box 32 |
fileVol. VI: Correspondence, Jan 1994 - June 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 32 |
fileVol. VI: Materials re: Committee, 1994, June 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 32 |
fileVol. VI: Drafts re: proposed publication on immunity, May and June 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 32 |
fileShadow Committee - American Branch: Correspondence Journal articles, 1985, 1990 - 1991 | MSS 04-2, Box 32 |
subseriesSiracusa Conference - 17 to 21 September 1997 | |
fileJournal Publications and Articles, 1994 - 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 33 |
fileMaterials for Attendees of the Siracusa Impunity Conference, November 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 33 |
file"Accountability for International Crimes" Issue of Law and Contemporary Problems Journal, Vol. 59, No. 4, Autumn 1996, Durham, NC, 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 33 |
fileDocuments &,amp, Reports related to International Conference Reigning in Impunity for International Crimes and Serious Violations of Fundamental Human Rights, 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 33 |
fileDocuments about Conference, August - September 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 33 |
filePress / Articles / Correspondence, 1994 &,amp, August 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 33 |
fileReports / Background materials re: ICC establishment &, amp, precedent, 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 33 |
subseriesGeneva Conventions | |
fileBackground Papers, 1955 | MSS 04-2, Box 33 |
fileAnalysis: Wounded and Sick (in Field) Convention, 1949 | MSS 04-2, Box 33 |
fileAnalysis: Wounded and Sick (at Sea) Convention, 1949 | MSS 04-2, Box 33 |
fileAnalysis: Civilians Convention - Analysis, 1949 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAnalysis: Prisoners of War Convention, 1955 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
subseriesMixed Articles, Statements, Symposia | |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Fax from Monroe Leigh to Anna Ascher of edited article "The United States and the Statute of Rome", 31 January 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Email from Monroe Leigh to attaching ICC editorial comment, 23 January 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Email from to Monroe Leigh attaching edited editorial, 18 January 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Editorial Comment by Jonathan I. Charney "International Criminal Law and the Role of Domestic Courts" | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Email from Mieke J. Clincy, Managing Editor, AJIL to Mornoe Leigh re: AJIL Editorial with cover, 6 February 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Copy of The Schooner Exchange v. McFaddon and others, [Feb'y 1812] | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Fax from Anna Ascher to Monroe Leigh re: Edits to AJIL Editorial Comment, 18 January 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Email from Monroe Leigh to re: Memo for Messrs. Charney and Reisman, 14 November 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Email from Monroe Leigh to and re: Editorial Comment, 8 December 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Email from Jonathan Charney to Monroe Leigh, copy to and AJIL re: MM171 - Editorial Comment, 6 December 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Email from to Monroe Leigh, copy to Jonathan Charney and AJIL re: Editorial -- AJIL MM171, 27 November 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Email from Jonathan Charney to Monroe Leigh copy to re: MM171 - Editorial Comment, 29 November 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Redlined draft of "Editorial Comment: The United States and the Statute of Rome", [2000?] | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Handwritten cover letter and draft of editorial comment, [2000?] | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Draft of "Editorial Comment: The United States and the Statute of Rome", [2000?] | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: "Editorial Comment: Progress in International Criminal Law?" by Jonathan Charney, The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 93, pp. 452-464, 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: "Developments in International Criminal Law: Foreword" by David J. Scheffer, The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 93, pp.1 - 22, 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Testimony of David L. Scheffer, Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues and Head of U.S. Delegation to U.N. Diplomatic Conference on Developments at Rome Treaty Conference, 23 July 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Address at Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law by David Scheffer, Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues, 26 March 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Articles from Vol. 93:22 of the American Journal of International Law, 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Fax from David Stoelting to Monroe Leigh attaching U.S. Statement Before the U.N. General Assembly Sixth Committee, The Rome Treaty on the International Criminal Court, 20 November 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 34 |
fileAJIL - Editorial Comment: Email from Leigh Moore to and re: Editorial Comment,, 8 December 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileJBMoore Society: Letter from Monroe Leigh to Cristian DeFrancia, President of the John Bassett Moore Society of International Law, 13 February 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileJBMoore Society: Draft Remarks for Annual Dinner of the John Bassett Moore Society, 22 February 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileJBMoore Society: Draft Introduction of Panel on the Right of Humanitarian Intervention: What is the Law?, 23 February 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileJBMoore Society: Symposium Panel Summaries and Advance Summary Comments, February 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileJBMoore Society: Fax from Cristian DeFrancia to Monroe Leigh forwarding program for J.B. Moore Society Symposium, 21 February 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileJBMoore Society: Letter from Melanie L. Santos, Treasurer of J.B. Moore Society re: Symposium, 24 February 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileVJIL: Email from Cristian DeFrancia to Barbara Stone discussing Virginia Journal of Int'l Law article, 28 September 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileVJIL: Letter from Monroe Leigh to Elizabeth R. Amory, Editor-in-Chief, Virginia Journal of Int'l Law, regarding article, 29 June 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileVJIL: Letter from Elizabeth R. Amory, Editor-in-Chief, Virginia Journal of Int'l Law, regarding article, 21 June 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileVJIL: Fax from Cristian DeFrancia to Monroe Leigh regarding Virginia Journal of Int'l Law article, 22 April 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileVJIL: Draft of Virginia Journal of Int'l Law article, International Law Societies and the Development of International Law, 28 February 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileNATO: Memo to Monroe Leigh from Lee Caplan re: Legislative History of the NATO Status of Forces Agreement Indicating the Application of a Distinct Legal Regime in Time of War, 9 July 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileNATO: Miscellaneous Materials re: ICC, NATO interventions, and consent of states to be bound by a treaty, 1987, 1999, 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileMemorandum from Monroe Leigh to Mohammed Hafez, 31 May 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileIntroduction for panel on ICC and the future of multilateralism, 14 April 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileLetter from Monroe Leigh to Professor Ted Meron forwarding draft of constitutional memo, 12 April 2000 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileLetter from Monroe Leigh to Professor Bartram Brown re: articles, 24 November 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
fileLetter from Bartram S. Brown to Monroe Leigh requesting comments, 10 November 1999 | MSS 04-2, Box 35 |
seriesLegal Papers | |
subseriesState Department Adviser | |
fileAppointment as Legal Adviser to the State Department, 1973 - 75 | MSS 04-2, Box 36 |
fileRe: Legal Adviser Appointment, 1974 - 77 | MSS 04-2, Box 36 |
fileSwearing In, 1975-01-21 | MSS 04-2, Box 36 |
fileCongratulatory Letters re: Appointment as Legal Advisor, Dec. 1974 - Jan. 1975 | MSS 04-2, Box 36 |
fileCongratulatory Letters re: Appointment as Legal Advisor, Feb. 1975 - July 1975 | MSS 04-2, Box 36 |
fileConsultant, 1977 | MSS 04-2, Box 36 |
fileDeparture, 1977 | MSS 04-2, Box 36 |
fileALI Restatement: Pike Committee Materials, 1975 -1976 | MSS 04-2, Box 37 |
fileALI Restatement: Lake v. Ehrlichman, Kissinger - A - News,, Aug 1977 - Apr 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 37 |
fileALI Restatement: Lake v. Ehrlichman, Kissinger - B - Correspondence, 1974 - 1977 | MSS 04-2, Box 37 |
fileALI Restatement: Lake v. Ehrlichman, Kissinger - C - Court Documents, 1974 - 1976 | MSS 04-2, Box 37 |
fileALI Restatement: Henry A. Kissinger v. Reporters for Freedom of the Press et al. [78-1088] Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press et al v. Henry A. Kissinger [78-1217] Materials, 1978 - 1980 | MSS 04-2, Box 37 |
fileALI Restatement: Kissinger Telephone Transcripts - A - Correspondence, 1976 - 1978, 1981 | MSS 04-2, Box 37 |
fileALI Restatement: Kissinger Telephone Transcripts - B - News, 1976 - 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 37 |
fileALI Restatement: Kissinger Telephone Transcripts - C - Miscellanous Documents, 1956 - 1977 | MSS 04-2, Box 37 |
fileALI Restatement: Smith, et al v. Nixon, et al, 18 May 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 38 |
fileALI Restatement: Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press v. Cyrus R. Vance, et al - A - News clippings, bulk: 1978, 1980 | MSS 04-2, Box 38 |
fileALI Restatement: Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press v. Cyrus R. Vance, et al - B - Correspondence and memorandum, bulk: 1978, 1980 | MSS 04-2, Box 38 |
fileALI Restatement: Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press v. Cyrus R. Vance, et al - C - Legal Documents, 1977 - 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 38 |
fileALI Restatement: Correspondence re: terrorism, Nicaragua, bulk: May, July, August, November 1984 | MSS 04-2, Box 38 |
fileALI Restatement: Correspondence re: Nicaragua Case, May - June 1985 | MSS 04-2, Box 38 |
fileALI Restatement: Correspondence re: US - UK extradition agreements, November 1985 | MSS 04-2, Box 38 |
subseriesState Department - Permanent Court of Arbitration | |
fileNews, 1946, 1970, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 38 |
fileOfficial Documents re: precedence, formation, functioning, 1961 - 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 38 |
fileRapport du Conseil Administratif de la Cour Permanente D'Arbitrage, 1976 - 1979 | MSS 04-2, Box 38 |
filePersonal File, 1978 - 1980 | MSS 04-2, Box 38 |
fileDocs Correspondence, 1977 - March 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 38 |
fileDocs Correspondence, April - June 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 39 |
fileDocs Correspondence, July 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 39 |
fileLetter to Vance materials, July 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 39 |
fileAnderson Telecast of 7/28/78, 28 July 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 39 |
fileLetter to Kurt Waldeim, July 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 39 |
filePress Release, 1 August 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 39 |
fileDocs Correspondence, Aug - Sept. 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 39 |
fileDocs Correspondence, Oct 1978 - July 1980 | MSS 04-2, Box 39 |
fileDocs Correspondence, Sept. 1980 - Dec. 1980 | MSS 04-2, Box 39 |
filePerformance Review, 1980 - 1981 | MSS 04-2, Box 39 |
fileStatute, 1907 Constitution, 1899 Constitution, 1978, [1907], [1899], 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Foreign Candidates for Nomination, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Ago, Roberto, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: De Arechaga, Jiminez, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: El-Erian, Abdullah, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Gomez Robledo, Antonio, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Jayewaredene, H. W, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Ignacio-Pinto, Louis, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Manner, Eero J, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Sette Camara, Jose, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: List of United States Candidates, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: The Chief Justice of the United States, 27 June 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: American Bar Association Section of International Law, 21 June 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: American Society of International Law, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: American Branch International Law Association, 30 June 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Association of American Law Schools, 9 June 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Association of the Bar of the City of New York, 1 May 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: American Arbitration Association, 9 May 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Baxter, Richard R., 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Berke, Nathan R, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Dillard, Hardy C, 27 June 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Ely, Walter, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Goldberg, Arthur J, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Gross, Leo, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Henkin, Louis, 30 June 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Maw, Carlyle, 1 May 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: McDougal, Myres S, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: McKay, Robert B, 1 May 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Niles, Russell D, 27 June 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Oliver, Covey T, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Schachter, Oscar, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Segal, Bernard G, 27 June 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Sohn, Louis B, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Spong, William B., Jr, 27 June 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Stevenson, John R, 1 May 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Memorandum and Correspondence, June - July 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Memorandum from Austin Pulle re: American Members of the PCA, 18 July 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Memorandum to Austin Pulle, 15 March 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
fileCourt Composition: Booklet w/overview of PCA and nominations, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 40 |
subseriesRed Cross | |
fileNational Red Cross Societies, 1952 and 18 Oct 1957 | MSS 04-2, Box 41 |
fileXIXth International Conference of the Red Cross - Correspondence / Background Materials, June - Nov 1957 | MSS 04-2, Box 41 |
fileXIXth International Conference of the Red Cross - Programs and Schedules, Oct - Nov 1957 | MSS 04-2, Box 41 |
fileXIXth International Conference of the Red Cross - Drafts / Resolutions, Oct - Nov 1957 | MSS 04-2, Box 41 |
subseriesInternational Water Rights | |
filePrinciples of Law Governing the Uses of International Rivers and Lakes: Resolution adopted by the Inter-American Bar Association at its Tenth Conference Held in November, 1957, at Buenos Aires, Argentina, together with Papers Submitted to the Association. | MSS 04-2, Box 41 |
filePrinciples of Law and Recommendations on the Uses of International Rivers: Statement of Principles of Law and Recommendations with a Commentary and Supporting Authorities Submitted to the International Committee of the International Law Association by the | MSS 04-2, Box 41 |
file"Pakistan: The Struggle for Irrigation Water - and Existence" pamphlet, 1 November 1953 | MSS 04-2, Box 41 |
file"Apportionment in Indus Basin of Waters Common to Pakistan and India" : For Official Use Only, Confidential, n.d. | MSS 04-2, Box 41 |
fileMemorandum re: [Legal]Arguments to Pakistan in Event Issue Raised as to Legality of Purported Accession by Kashmir to India,", 18 Nov 1949 | MSS 04-2, Box 41 |
fileAnnex G: Selected Treaties, Conventions, and Agreements, [1949] | MSS 04-2, Box 41 |
fileAnnex G deletions: Selected Treaties, Conventions, and Agreements removed from Annex G, July 1949 | MSS 04-2, Box 41 |
fileU.S. Canada and U.S. Great Britain precedents and research, 1949 [1909] | MSS 04-2, Box 41 |
fileMemorandum for File 8619: Canadian-American Approach to Solution of Water Rights Controversy, 1949 | MSS 04-2, Box 42 |
fileMemorandum re: Murray River Research, Feb - March, 1949 [1902] | MSS 04-2, Box 42 |
fileMemorandum re: International Joint Commissions on Lake of the Woods Watershed, 28 March 1949 | MSS 04-2, Box 42 |
fileSt. Lawrence Seaway: Public Law 358, House Report 1215, Senate Report 441, 1953, 1954, 1957 | MSS 04-2, Box 42 |
fileHelmand/Hirmand River Dispute between Iran and Afghanistan - I, [1950] | MSS 04-2, Box 42 |
fileHelmand/Hirmand River Dispute between Iran and Afghanistan - II, [1950] | MSS 04-2, Box 42 |
fileHelmand/Hirmand River Dispute between Iran and Afghanistan - Annex G, [1950] | MSS 04-2, Box 42 |
subseriesCase Files | |
fileShipping Valuation Case Summaries I - III, [1948] | MSS 04-2, Box 42 |
fileShipping Valuation Case Summaries IV - VII, [1948] | MSS 04-2, Box 42 |
fileShipping Valuation Case Summaries VIII - XIV, [1948] | MSS 04-2, Box 42 |
fileJust Compensation - Legislative History, Dec 1948 - Jan 1949 | MSS 04-2, Box 43 |
fileDanish Ships: Just Compensation Data on Five Danish Vessels Requisitioned, 12 July 1941, [1948] | MSS 04-2, Box 43 |
fileDanish Ships: Just Compensation Case Draft, 7 Dec 1949 | MSS 04-2, Box 43 |
fileDanish Ships: Athene, 28 Aug 1948 | MSS 04-2, Box 43 |
fileDanish Ships: Lundby, 11 Sept 1948 | MSS 04-2, Box 43 |
fileDanish Ships: Depositions, 11 Sept 1948 | MSS 04-2, Box 43 |
fileChristiani and Nielsen Visa Matter, 1943 - 1949 | MSS 04-2, Box 43 |
fileFritze Case: Alien Property Custodian, Apr. 1947 - Jan. 1948 | MSS 04-2, Box 43 |
fileRenegotiation Cases Memoranda, 30 Dec 1947 - 7 Apr 1948 | MSS 04-2, Box 43 |
fileAbstracts of Sales Contracts - Chronological, [1948] | MSS 04-2, Box 43 |
fileAbstracts of Sales Contracts - Alphabetical, [1948] | MSS 04-2, Box 43 |
fileFCC - Use of Telephone recording devices, 1948 | MSS 04-2, Box 43 |
fileUnion Underwear Company Memoranda, 31 Jan - 18 June 1948 | MSS 04-2, Box 43 |
fileRichard S. Cors v. the United States - Abstracts and Legislative History, [1948] | MSS 04-2, Box 43 |
fileRichard S. Cors v. the United States - Court Documents, [1948] | MSS 04-2, Box 43 |
fileAccumulation Clause re: Upson Will materials,, 1950 | MSS 04-2, Box 44 |
fileWills, 1950 | MSS 04-2, Box 44 |
fileA. B. Chandler - Unfair Competition jurisdiction, 1950 | MSS 04-2, Box 44 |
fileAmerican Airlines - Mexican Route Case, 1950 | MSS 04-2, Box 44 |
fileBritish Telecom: FedEx receipt and copy of letter to British Telecommunications PLC re: Stratos signature page for the Completion Balance Sheet, 29 June 2001 | MSS 04-2, Box 44 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases Memoranda (1), Mar. - Dec. 1947 | MSS 04-2, Box 44 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases Memoranda (2), Jan - Dec 1948 | MSS 04-2, Box 44 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases Memoranda (3), Jan - Nov 1949 | MSS 04-2, Box 44 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases Memoranda (4), Jan - June 1950 | MSS 04-2, Box 44 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases Memoranda (5), July - Dec 1950 | MSS 04-2, Box 44 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases Memoranda (6), Jan - Mar 1951 | MSS 04-2, Box 44 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases Index Cards, n.d. | MSS 04-2, Box 44 |
seriesPersonal Papers | |
subseriesCorrespondence | |
fileNotes on Cases for London Economist Article, Mar - July 1948 | MSS 04-2, Box 45 |
fileDrafts of London Economist Article, 17745? | MSS 04-2, Box 45 |
fileEphemera, n.d., 1952, 1955 | MSS 04-2, Box 45 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1958 | MSS 04-2, Box 45 |
fileNorman Frauenheim, 1958 - 1971 | MSS 04-2, Box 45 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1959 | MSS 04-2, Box 45 |
filePersonal Correspondence, January - June, 1960 | MSS 04-2, Box 45 |
filePersonal Correspondence, July - December, 1960 | MSS 04-2, Box 45 |
fileGerald Draper Correspondence, 1960 - 1974 | MSS 04-2, Box 46 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1961 | MSS 04-2, Box 46 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1962 | MSS 04-2, Box 46 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1963 | MSS 04-2, Box 46 |
fileGen Kajitani Correspondence, 1963 - 1973 | MSS 04-2, Box 46 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1964 | MSS 04-2, Box 46 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1965 | MSS 04-2, Box 47 |
fileDr. Edwared D. Re Correspondence, 1965 - 1966 | MSS 04-2, Box 47 |
fileGerold Buschlinger Correspondence, 1965 - 1973 | MSS 04-2, Box 47 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1966 | MSS 04-2, Box 47 |
filePersonal Receipts, 1966 | MSS 04-2, Box 47 |
fileTimothy B. Atkeson Correspondence, 1966 - 1973 | MSS 04-2, Box 47 |
filePersonal Correspondence, January - June, 1967 | MSS 04-2, Box 47 |
filePersonal Correspondence, July - December, 1967 | MSS 04-2, Box 47 |
fileCarl and Ellen Norden Foundation, Inc, 1967 - 1971 | MSS 04-2, Box 48 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1969 | MSS 04-2, Box 48 |
fileForeign Investment in Latin America symposium at UVA School of Law, 1969 - 1970 | MSS 04-2, Box 48 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1970 | MSS 04-2, Box 48 |
fileUVA - Conference on Foreign Investments in Latin America, March, 1970 | MSS 04-2, Box 48 |
fileRobert College - Istanbul and Trinity College materials, 1970 - 1974 | MSS 04-2, Box 48 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1971 | MSS 04-2, Box 48 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1972 | MSS 04-2, Box 49 |
fileNugroho Correspondence, 1972 | MSS 04-2, Box 49 |
fileRichard R. Baxter Correspondence, 1972 - 1974 | MSS 04-2, Box 49 |
fileSamuel O. Ruff Correspondence, 1972 - 1974 | MSS 04-2, Box 49 |
fileMiscellaneous Correspondence, Oct 1972 - 1977 | MSS 04-2, Box 49 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1973 | MSS 04-2, Box 49 |
fileProf. Myres S. McDougal, 1973 | MSS 04-2, Box 49 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1974 | MSS 04-2, Box 49 |
fileBiographical Materials, n.d. [1970s?] | MSS 04-2, Box 49 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1980 | MSS 04-2, Box 49 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1981 | MSS 04-2, Box 49 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1982 | MSS 04-2, Box 50 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1983 | MSS 04-2, Box 50 |
filePersonal Correspendence, 1984 | MSS 04-2, Box 50 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1994 | MSS 04-2, Box 50 |
filePersonal Correspondence, Jan - June 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 50 |
filePersonal Correspondence, Aug - Dec 1995 | MSS 04-2, Box 50 |
filePersonal Corresopndence, Jan - June 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 50 |
filePersonal Correspondence, Aug - Dec 1996 | MSS 04-2, Box 51 |
filePersonal Correspondence, Jan - March 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 51 |
filePersonal Correspondence, April - Dec 1997 | MSS 04-2, Box 51 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1998 | MSS 04-2, Box 51 |
subseriesUniversity of Virginia Law School Seminar | |
fileLegal Problems of International Trade, 1964 | MSS 04-2, Box 51 |
fileLegal Problems of Foreign Trade, 1965 | MSS 04-2, Box 51 |
fileLegal Problems of Foreign Trade, 1966 | MSS 04-2, Box 51 |
fileLegal Problems of International Trade, 1967 | MSS 04-2, Box 51 |
fileLegal Problems of International Trade, 1968 | MSS 04-2, Box 52 |
fileLegal Problems of International Trade, 1969 | MSS 04-2, Box 52 |
fileLegal Problems of International Trade, 1970 | MSS 04-2, Box 52 |
fileLegal Problems of International Trade, 1971 | MSS 04-2, Box 52 |
fileLegal Problems of International Trade, 1972 | MSS 04-2, Box 52 |
fileLegal Problems of International Trade, 1973 | MSS 04-2, Box 52 |
fileLegal Problems of International Trade, 1974 | MSS 04-2, Box 52 |
fileLegal Problems of International Trade, 1975 | MSS 04-2, Box 52 |
fileInternational Trade, 1978 | MSS 04-2, Box 52 |
fileInternational Trade, 1979 | MSS 04-2, Box 53 |
fileInternational Trade, 1980 | MSS 04-2, Box 53 |
fileInternational Trade, 1981 | MSS 04-2, Box 53 |
fileInternational Trade, 1982 | MSS 04-2, Box 53 |
subseriesUniversity of Virginia Student Materials, 1941 - 1947, 2001 | |
file[International Law Notebook]?, ca. 1941 - 1947 | MSS 04-2, Box 54 |
fileStudent Notebook - Contracts [Dillard], Quiz and Exam, [Sep - Dec] 1941, 1946 | MSS 04-2, Box 54 |
fileStudent Notebook - Torts 1, Term Paper [Buckler], [Sep - Dec] 1941 | MSS 04-2, Box 54 |
fileLaw Student Notebook - Torts 2, Jan - March 1942 | MSS 04-2, Box 54 |
fileLaw Student Notebook - Equity (Glenn, Virginia Procedure (Nash), [March] - June 1942, March - June 1946 | MSS 04-2, Box 54 |
fileLaw Student Notebook - Criminal Law, Legal History (summer session, Wed - Sat) & Legal History Exam, [1941], July - Sept. 1942 | MSS 04-2, Box 54 |
fileLaw Student Notebook - Contracts [Dillard], Securities [Glenn], 1942, Sep - Oct 21, 1942 | MSS 04-2, Box 55 |
fileLaw Student Notebook - Admiralty [White], Sept - Dec 1942 | MSS 04-2, Box 55 |
fileLaw Student Notebook - Conflict of Laws, Sept - Dec 1942 | MSS 04-2, Box 55 |
fileLaw Student Notebook - Evidence, Feb - June 1946 | MSS 04-2, Box 55 |
fileLaw Student Notebook - Corporate Finance, Legal History, Summer 1946 | MSS 04-2, Box 55 |
fileContracts Paper - In the Supreme Court of the State of Minor Corn Husk Co. v. Universal Pig-Sty Assoc, Dec 1941 - Feb 1942 | MSS 04-2, Box 56 |
fileWarranty Deed, Quitclaim Deed, 1945, 1946 | MSS 04-2, Box 56 |
fileLaw Student Notes - Constitutional Law, ca. 1964 | MSS 04-2, Box 56 |
fileLaw Student Notes - Contracts, Arbitration, ca. 1941 - 1946 | MSS 04-2, Box 56 |
fileLaw Student Notes, [Creditors' Rights], Glenn, ca. 1946 | MSS 04-2, Box 56 |
fileLaw Student Notes - Federal Jurisdiction and Procedure, ca. 1946 | MSS 04-2, Box 56 |
fileLaw Student Notes - Foreign Commercial Transactions, [ca. Sept - Dec] 1946 | MSS 04-2, Box 56 |
fileLaw Student Notes - Virginia Constitution and Statutes RE: Militia, ca. 1946 | MSS 04-2, Box 56 |
fileLectures on Trial Practice Court by Oscar W. Underwood, Jr, 1946 | MSS 04-2, Box 56 |
fileLaw of the Sea Convention, 1994, 1996, 2001 | |
itemMemorandum from Benjamin Ederington to Monroe Leigh re Preliminary report on possible legal questions by the proposed "Draft Agreement" on Part XI of the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, 1994-07-18 | |
itemSupplemental Copy of Most Significant Exhibits to Legal Memorandum: The Legal Status of Middleton and Elizabeth Reefs in International law Following the Entry into Force of the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention , 1996-02-16 | |
itemMemorandum to Monroe Leigh re Jurisdiction for Middleton Reef under ICSID, 2001-06-13 |