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MSS 90-3

Inventory of the Papers of Neill H. Alford, Jr.


This collection of professional papers reflects Professor Alford's private legal practice and professorship at the UVA School of Law. There is correspondence, records and briefs, speeches and articles, and teaching materials on international law, legal history, trusts and estates, contracts, administrative law, economic warfare, insurance.

1942-1989 [Inclusive]
7 Linear Feet (17 archival boxes)

Scope & Contents

This collection is comprised of personal correspondence, records, and briefs from Alford's private legal practice, speeches and articles, and teaching materials. Materials dealing with Alford's legal practice primarily concern wills and estates. Alford wrote and spoke on a variety of topics, and his articles and speeches fill 45 folders. By far the greatest portion of the collection is devoted to teaching materials, principally for courses in international law, legal history, and trusts and estates.

Collection Description

    Conditions Governing Access
    Preferred Citation
    Biographical / Historical
    Physical Description
fileAdministration of Estates, n.d.MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileAgenda, Plans for Memo, etc., 1942, 1950-1953MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileRena Lou Alford, 1985-09-20MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileAmerican College of Probate Counsel, 1975 - 1976MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileAmerican Legal Institutions, 1951 - 1952MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileAmerican Society for Legal History, 1975 - 1976MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileArcher Anderson, Jr. Memo, n.d.MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileAppointment as Legal Advisor, 1972MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileArmy: Delay Obligors, 1968MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileArmy Records, 1965 - 1967MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileArmy Reserve, 1968MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileAugmented Estate, 1983, 1985MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileJohn Thomas Baker and Charles Maechling, 1975MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileBar, 1972-05-15MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileBar Examiners, 1967MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileBar of Georgia: Admission, 1973 - 1975MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileColonel Paul Benson, Jr., 1986MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileBiographical Information, n.d., 1974, 1983MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileBookbinding, 1977-78, 1980-81MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileBookboxer, 1986MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileJudge John Boyd, 1986-1987MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileBrabson Paper, 1971MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileBridgewater College, 1981 - 1983MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileCalifornia State Bar: Exam Questions, 1974MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileCase Book: 6th Edition, 1978 - 1983MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileCharlottesville-Albemarle Bar Association, 1975MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileCharlottesville Parking Ordinance, n.d.MSS 90-3, Box 1
fileCherokee Law, n.d.MSS 90-3, Box 2
fileCommissions on Specific Legacies, n.d.MSS 90-3, Box 2
fileCommittee for Child Protection, 1972-10-11MSS 90-3, Box 2
fileCommittee on Contractual Relations, 1969 - 1970MSS 90-3, Box 2
fileCommittee on Wills, Trusts and Estates, 1983 - 1986MSS 90-3, Box 2
fileCommittee on Virginia Status, 1975 - 1976MSS 90-3, Box 2
fileCommunications, 1946 - 1948MSS 90-3, Box 2
fileContinuing Legal Education, 1972MSS 90-3, Box 2
fileCorrespondence: Miscellaneous, 1963-64, 1972-74, 1976-79, 1981 [7 folders]MSS 90-3, Box 2
fileWalker Cowen Fund, 1988-12-15MSS 90-3, Box 2
fileRestricted Lawrence Cranberg Case, 1969 - 1970MSS 90-3, Box 2
fileCharles Cullen: Legal History Project, 1971MSS 90-3, Box 2
fileDea Dagen Yves Coty, 1972MSS 90-3, Box 2
fileHardy Cross Dillard, 1971-06-02MSS 90-3, Box 2
fileDavid Dorset, 1986MSS 90-3, Box 2
fileWilliam G. Eckhardt, 1959 - 1965MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileProfessor Eskridge, 1985MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileJohn T. Fey, n.d.MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileFirst Amendment: "Virginia Advocate" Funding, 1989MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileDaniel J. Fleming, III, 1969MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileJames Fletcher: Correspondence, 1958, 1966, 1979MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileFord Transactions, 1965MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileCharles W. Fore: Correspondence, 1972MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileFoundation Press, 1977MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileJack Fox: Will, 1969MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileWilliam P. Francisco, 1971-72, 1977-79, 1985MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileFuture Interests, 1983MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileFunding of Gay Student Union, 1984MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileGeorge Mason College, 1972MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileGoals Committee, n.d.MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileW. Clyde Gouldman, 1969MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileGraduate Committee, n.d.MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileRonald E. Gregory, 1989-03-30MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileGene Gressley: Correspondence, 1983-01-31MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileRonald Griffin, 1986-01-28MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileChristine Halphen, 1986MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileDaniel Hartnett, 1969MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileWilliam H. Hinkle, 1972MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileWaller Horsley, 1986MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileHouse Bill 801, 1987MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileLawrence W. I'anson: Testimonial Dinner, 1981-04-11MSS 90-3, Box 3
filePenelope Ideson: Correspondence, 1966-68, 1971-74MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileInheritance Tax Policy, 1980, 1982MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileIntrafamily Transfers for Consideration, 1981MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileJAG (Judge Advocacy General) School, n.d, 1989MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileHerbert Alan Johnson, 1973 - 1975MSS 90-3, Box 3
fileJoint Committee on Continuing Legal Education, 1970-71, 1975MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileJoint Subcommittee of Courts of Justice Committee, 1973MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileRonald Griffith Jones, n.d.MSS 90-3, Box 4
filePeter J. Knop, 1971-05-21MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileRobert Landel: Correspondence, 1974MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileHenry Laurens Papers, 1966MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileLegal Classics Library, 1977, 1982MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileReport to Legislature, n.d.MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileGeoffrey Lester, 1972MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileLetters of Recommendation, 1972-74, 1977-78MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileSteve Levine, 1986, 1988MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileLibraries Committee, 1986MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileLibrary Storage Committee, 1984-1986MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileRutgers School of Law: Sarah Love, 1978MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileLucayan Beach Pirate Treasure, 1960sMSS 90-3, Box 4
fileMadison Hall: Society of Fellows, n.d.MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileDaniel M. Maher, Jr., 1971MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileRalph Main: Director, Housing Division , 1972-05-22MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileProf. Joseph McKnight, 1985MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileJohn C. McCoid, 1972MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileMyres McDougal, 1965 - 1966MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileRegina C. McGranery, 1971 - 1972MSS 90-3, Box 4
filePaul G. McIntire, 1969MSS 90-3, Box 4
seriesD. J. Meador, 1978-79MSS 90-3, Box 4
seriesDean Richard Merrill, 1985-86MSS 90-3, Box 4
seriesRoger Miller, 1968MSS 90-3, Box 4
seriesS. Lee Miller: Motor Vehicle Insurance, n.d.MSS 90-3, Box 4
seriesMinnesota Bar Examiners, 1977-78MSS 90-3, Box 4
fileMinnesota Board of Law Examiners, 1972 - 1976MSS 90-3, Box 5
fileMiscellaneous Notes, n.d.MSS 90-3, Box 5
fileSusan Moore: "The Marriage License as a Raping License", 1984MSS 90-3, Box 5
fileDavid R. Mummery, 1967MSS 90-3, Box 5
fileRobert L. Musick, Jr., 1971MSS 90-3, Box 5
fileNash Memorial, 1982 - 1983MSS 90-3, Box 5
fileNewspaper Clippings, 1966, 1968MSS 90-3, Box 5
fileJames and Judy North: Codicils , 1983MSS 90-3, Box 5
fileGary K. Oldehoff, 1985 - 1986MSS 90-3, Box 5
fileMrs. Oliver, 1972-06-14MSS 90-3, Box 5
fileMrs. Patterson: Tax Returns, 1970MSS 90-3, Box 5
fileRichard F. Pence: Shumate memo, 1978MSS 90-3, Box 5
filePersonal Appointment Letters, 1956, 1962, 1973-76, 1979MSS 90-3, Box 5
filePersonal Files, 1961-62, 1974-77MSS 90-3, Box 5
fileJustice Richard H. Poff, 1978 - 1988MSS 90-3, Box 5
filePractice: Ancell v. Ancell, 1957MSS 90-3, Box 5
filePractice: State of Arizona v. W. A. Coerver, 1966MSS 90-3, Box 5
filePractice: B. Drummond Ayres Case, 1966MSS 90-3, Box 5
filePractice: Battle v. Jessup, 1960, 1963, 1973, 1976-77MSS 90-3, Box 6
filePractice: Beverly v. Turner, 1976MSS 90-3, Box 6
filePractice: Brooks v. Boyd, n.d.MSS 90-3, Box 6
filePractice: John Woodfin Burress Trust, 1972MSS 90-3, Box 6
filePractice: B. F. Dillard Estate, 1959 - 1960MSS 90-3, Box 6
filePractice: Hagemann-Woodward Estate, 1972 - 1975MSS 90-3, Box 6
filePractice: MacConochie Will, 1956 - 1957MSS 90-3, Box 6
filePractice: National Bank and Trust Company v. Nuttycombe, n.d.MSS 90-3, Box 6
fileSmith v. Moore, 1962(?)MSS 90-3, Box 7
filePractice: Smyth v. Anderson, 1977MSS 90-3, Box 7
filePractice: White v. National Bank and Trust Company, 1972MSS 90-3, Box 7
fileProposed Probate Tax Regulations, 1983MSS 90-3, Box 7
file"George Wythe Randolph and the Confederate Elite", 1983-04-01MSS 90-3, Box 7
fileResearch Leave, 1986-06-13MSS 90-3, Box 7
fileRetirement Plans, 1977MSS 90-3, Box 7