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MSS 86-1

Inventory of the Papers of Park Elliott Dietz for the Attorney General's Commission on Pornography


Official and personal files related to the Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography (Meese Commission) that studied the effects of pornography in the United States (1985-1986).

1973-1986 [Bulk]
6.7 Linear Feet

Scope & Contents

This collection of 16 boxes (6.7 linear feet), contains material dating as far back as 1973, and as recently as 1988, but most of it was produced during the AGCP's tenure in 1985-86, and includes commission memoranda, correspondence, transcripts of testimony, reports prepared for the commission, and various drafts of portions of the final report written by the commissioners themselves. Approximately three-quarters of these papers came to the library unfoldered.

In processing, a distinction has been made between official AGCP materials and Dietz's personal files, most of which related to the commission's work as well. This distinction was at times hard to maintain, but in general the papers in containers 1-10 are either material distributed to all commissioners as part of the AGCP's official business, or correspondence between the commissioners and with outsiders relating to the commission's work. The submissions and testimony from the various public hearings are particularly voluminous, as are the reports concerning the role played by organized crime in the distribution of pornography.

The first four folders in container 11 relate to the reaction generated by the report and the commission's deliberations, primarily from those opposed. The rest of container 11 and the remainder of the collection comprises material collected by Dietz, but not necessarily sent to all commissioners or even related to the commission's work. These include correspondence of Dietz and his wife Laura, particularly after the AGCP report had been released, and materials relating to the ongoing campaign against pornography in which Laura Dietz appears to have taken a special interest. The last two folders in container 15 and all of container 16 hold clippings, some specifically relating to the commission or its report, and some more generally related to pornography.

Collection Description

    Physical Description
    Conditions Governing Access
    Conditions Governing Use
    Preferred Citation
    Biographical / Historical
    Immediate Source of Acquisition
seriesFiles of the Attorney General's Commission on Pornography1-11
fileAttorney General’s Commission on Pornography [AGCP] – AGCP Memoranda to Commissioners [mainly from Alan Sears, Executive Director of the Commission; there are some draft recommendations], 1985-86MSS 86-1a, Box 1
fileCorrespondence to Commission: letters from attorneys, organizations and interested individuals; includes some testimonies and petitions, 1985-86MSS 86-1a, Box 1
file[Correspondence within Commission], 1985-86MSS 86-1a, Box 1
file[Correspondence: Miscellaneous], 1985-86MSS 86-1a, Box 1
file[Correspondence from Citizens], 1985-86MSS 86-1a, Box 1
file[Member Lists, Expenses], 1985-86MSS 86-1a, Box 1
filePre-Washington, D.C. [June 1985] Materials, 1985MSS 86-1a, Box 1
file[Press Conferences], 1986MSS 86-1a, Box 1
filePress Instructions,, 1985MSS 86-1a, Box 1
file[Work Session Agendae], 1986MSS 86-1a, Box 1
file[Washington, D.C. Hearing]: Statements and testimonies of Lois Haight Herrington, Assistant Attorney General; Barry W. Lynn, Legislative Council ACLU; Ingrid Horton; Richard W. Miller, Associate Commissioner of Customs; Isabelle Katz Pinzler, Director WomMSS 86-1, Box 2
fileWashington, D.C. Meeting: agenda and notes, 1985-06MSS 86-1, Box 2
fileChicago Meeting [Dietz absent]: Summary of Witness Testimonies, agenda, 1985, July 24-25MSS 86-1, Box 2
fileHouston Hearings: Questions for consideration; summaries of hearings; notes; some correspondence; agenda; newspaper clippings. Testimonies, reports, statements of Dr. John H. Court, Spectrum Psychological & Counselling Centre, Adelaide, S. Australia; MaryMSS 86-1, Box 2
fileLos Angeles Hearings, 1985, OctoberMSS 86-1, Box 3
fileMiami Hearings: Summaries of testimonies of Detective William Dworin, Los Angeles Police Department Sexually Exploited Child Unit and Lt. Tom Rodgers, Indianapolis Police Department; submitted written statements [summaries] of Joseph Burton and D. James KMSS 86-1, Box 4
fileNew York City Hearings: Statements, presentations, remarks of Andrea Dworkin: “Pornography is a Civil Rights Issue for Women”; Homer E. Young, retired FBI agent; Carl M. Shoffler and Ledra G. Brady, Metropolitan Police Department; Marilyn B. Sommers, MiddMSS 86-1, Box 4
file[Ancillary Materials for NYC Meeting: copies of letters from religious groups addressed to Alan Sears, Executive Director of the Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography. Includes some pastoral statements], 1986MSS 86-1, Box 5
fileScottsdale Hearings: Transcript of Proceedings of Public Meeting of the Commissioners (27 February 1986) [seems that we are missing the first part], 1986, FebruaryMSS 86-1, Box 5
fileChild Pornography: recommendations by Deanne Tilton, California Consortium of Child Abuse Council (CCCC) president, and draft of chapter, 1986MSS 86-1, Box 5
file[Court Decisions]: copies of appeals and opinions, 1985-86MSS 86-1, Box 5
file1986 Data Collected by Police and draft, 1986MSS 86-1, Box 6
fileDial-a-Porn: newspaper clippings and Klein, Lloyd: “Sexual encounters of the Fantasy Kind: Telephone Sex and Criminal Justice System”, 1985MSS 86-1, Box 6
file[FBI Tape Transcript], 1979MSS 86-1, Box 6
file[Miscellaneous Reports, Testimony]: Columbus Ohio The Mayor’s Commission on Pornography (May 1987); Background on the Fraser report of Canada and The Williams report of England. England’s Committee on Obscenity and Film Censorship; Testimony of Daryl F. GMSS 86-1, Box 6
file[Pornography Research Papers, Reports, some printed materials]: Report on “Pornographic Sales at Military Bases”; Judy Goldsmith, National Organization for Women (12 September 1984); Kenneth V. Lanning: “Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis for Law EnfoMSS 86-1, Box 7
file[Organized Crime]: reports, printed materials, copies of court documents and transcriptions of taped interviews, 1977-81, 1984-85, n.d.MSS 86-1, Boxes 7, 8
file[Prosecutions: Material from Marcella Cohen, Special Attorney in the Criminal Division of the US Department of Justice Organized Crime and Racketeering Section]: statement to the AGCP and court documents , 1984-86MSS 86-1, Box 8
fileSocial Science Findings [includes correspondence, clippings] -.0 Copies of letters to AGCP Chairman from John Updike, John Irving, Susan Isaacs and other statements. Drafts, 1986MSS 86-1, Box 8
file[Reuben Sturman: Investigative Report and Indictment], 1985MSS 86-1, Box 9
fileTelevision/Radio: includes: Committee on Communications Law: “Content Regulation of Cable television: “Indecent” Cable Programming and the First Amendment”, The Record of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Vol. 41, No. 1; Letter to Dietz MSS 86-1, Box 9
file["Victim's" Testimonials], 1985-86MSS 86-1, Box 9
filePersonal Statement of Park Elliott Dietz for AGCP, 1986MSS 86-1, Box 9
filePersonal Statements of Deanne Tilton Durfee, Judith Becker, Ellen Levine (undated); Personal statement by Fr. Bruce Ritter (15 May 1986); “Pornography and Privacy” submitted by Father Bruce Ritter (15 May 1986); Henry Hudson, Chairman of the GACP; CommissMSS 86-1, Box 9
file[Fred Schauer's Draft Report], 1986MSS 86-1, Box 9
fileSchauer Draft [Annotated], 1986MSS 86-1, Box 9
file[Various Drafts and briefings: Briefings re Civil Rights, Dial-A-Porn, Cable Television, Fair Trade Proposal (draft), Citizen Action Against Pornography, Comments of Diane D. Cusak on Class III Pornography, I.E. Explicit Sexual Activity, Real or SimulatedMSS 86-1, Box 10
fileAGPC Distribution/Reaction [includes correspondence and Memorandum of Comment and Objection in re The Hearings of the US Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography from Penthouse; Covenant House Under 21; testimony of Philip Nobile and Eric Nadler (2 MaMSS 86-1, Box 11
fileMedia Coalition [Critical of Report]: memoranda re Legislative Update; correspondence; Proposal for The Media Coalition on the Issue: The U.S. Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography (11 June 1986); Proposal Anti-censorship Communications Program forMSS 86-1, Box 11
fileAGPC: Opposition Campaign: W.H.I.S.P.E.R Women Hurt in Systems of Prostitution Engaged in Revolt, Statement by Norma Ramos, legal counselor (9 June 1986); ACLU News press release: “ACLU Calls on Americans to Reject Moralizing of Meese Pornography CommissiMSS 86-1, Box 11
file[Playboy, Penthouse Lawsuit] No. 86-1346 (Hon. John Garrett Penn), Playboy Enterprises, Inc, American Booksellers Association, Inc, Council for Periodical Distributors Associations, Inc. and International Periodical Distributors Association, Inc. v. EdwinMSS 86-1, Box 11
seriesDietz' Personal Files Relating Primarily to AGCP Work11-16
fileAmerican Sunbathing Association: brochures and guide, 1985MSS 86-1, Box 11
file[Ancillary Materials: Miscellaneous]: copies of letters addressed to Senator Strom Thurmond, James C. McKinney and Senator Alan Spector; DOJ Obscenity Statistics, 1985MSS 86-1, Box 11
file[Anti-Pornography Groups]: printed materials. The Backlash Times, Feminists Fighting Pornography (Fall 1985); Denver National Conference on Pornography: “The Case of the PEOPLE vs. PORNOGRAPHY Can Be Won” program; Blueprint for Action to Win the Case of tMSS 86-1, Box 11
file[Article Manuscripts and report]: The Family, Preserving America’s Future, A Report of the Working Group on the Family (November 1986); Russell, Diana E. H : Pornography and Rape: A Casual Model (draft); Loken, Gregory: Use of Performers in Commercial PorMSS 86-1, Box 11
fileBible Advocate, January 1985; December 1985, 1985MSS 86-1, Box 11
file[Bradshaw to Dobson: Letters] , 1985MSS 86-1, Box 11
file[Child Pornography: Memorandum from DOJ re Obscenity and Child Pornography Conference; Cr. No. 88-35-E Memorandum of Law], 1988MSS 86-1, Box 12
fileChild Pornography: Case of Glen Foster: newspaper article, 1986MSS 86-1, Box 12
fileChild Pornography and Pedophilia Investigation Report: U.S. Senate, 1986MSS 86-1, Box 12
fileCitizens For Decency Through Law: Submission of Bruce A. Taylor to AGCP (22 January 1986); some correspondence, printed materials , 1986-88MSS 86-1, Box 12
fileClinical Psychology News Interview, 1986MSS 86-1, Box 12
file[Correspondence: to Park Dietz June 1986 and newspaper clippings], 1985-86MSS 86-1, Box 12
file[Correspondence: to Park Dietz after June 1986 re the AGCP report], 1986-87MSS 86-1, Box 12
file[Correspondence: to Laura Dietz re the AGCP], 1986-87MSS 86-1, Box 12
file[Correspondence with Diana Russell], 1987MSS 86-1, Box 12
fileCorrespondence with Dr. Linnea W. Smith; newspaper clippings, printed materials, 1987MSS 86-1, Box 12
file[Civil Rights Approach Against Pornography: printed materials, 1983-85MSS 86-1, Box 12
file[Criminal Justice Information: printed materials], 1985MSS 86-1, Box 13
fileDietz: Non-Pornography Work], 1973, 1987-88MSS 86-1, Box 13
fileLaura Dietz: Junior League of Richmond: correspondence re consulting, 1986MSS 86-1, Box 13
fileFeminists Against Pornography: printed materials, 1985-86MSS 86-1, Box 13
fileFirst Amendment: Fulmer, Ann D: “Pornography as Discrimination: a First Amendment Issue” Akron Law Review (submitted 28 January 1984); DOJ memorandum re Obscenity (10 December 1984), 1984MSS 86-1, Box 13
file[Freedom of Expression Issues: remarks by Mark S. Fowler before the First Amendment Congress, Leesburg, VA (20 May 1982); “Free the Broadcasting 10 000” address by Mark S. Fowler, Chairman, FCC before the North Carolina Association of Broadcasters (25 OctMSS 86-1, Box 13
file[Justice Department on Missing Children: America’s Missing & Exploit Children, Their Safety and Their Future], 1986MSS 86-1, Box 13
fileKoskoff, Harriet: Film: "The Porning of America": correspondence, 1985-86MSS 86-1, Box 13
file[Magazines: Assorted (3)], 1982, 1984MSS 86-1, Box 13
file[Magazines: Bondage], 1978, 1982, 1984, n.d.MSS 86-1, Box 13
file[Magazines: Playboy],, 1978, 1979, 1983MSS 86-1, Box 14
file[Mail Solicitations], 1985-88MSS 86-1, Box 14
file[Michael McManus: newspaper clippings], 1985-87MSS 86-1, Box 14
file[Dottie Meyer in Penthouse: copies of articles], 1977-78MSS 86-1, Box 14
file[Miscellaneous Notes, etc], n.d.MSS 86-1, Box 14
fileNational Christian Association: brochures and printed materials, 1984-86MSS 86-1, Box 14
file[National Coalition Against Pornography, Inc: correspondence, press releases, fact sheets; Summary of the Final Report of the Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography prepared by Richard E. McLawhorn (July 1986)], 1986MSS 86-1, Box 14
fileNational Conference of State Legislators, New Orleans [May, 1986: materials for the conference. Includes Dietz, Park Elliott: “Pornography, Health, and Human Rights: Legislative Recommendations from the Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography], 1986MSS 86-1, Box 14
file[Ongoing Campaign Against Pornography: handwritten notes], n.d.MSS 86-1, Box 15
file[Playboy Cartoon Studies: Burgess, Ann W: The Playboy cartoon information delivery system and client sexual exploitation by health professionals (25 March 1985)], 1985MSS 86-1, Box 15
filePresentencing, Mann Act: Institute for Youth Advocacy: “Proposed Revision of Mann Act to make it gender neutral” (October 1985); Recommendations regarding the Mann Act. Tentative Proposed Findings of Fact; Recommendations Regarding Rock Music Lyrics; DietMSS 86-1, Box 15
file[Press Releases], 1985-86, 1988MSS 86-1, Box 15
fileReligious Alliance Against Pornography: handwritten notes; letter to the President; Recommendations for Changes in Federal Law, memoranda; statement published in USA Today (26 September 1986), 1986MSS 86-1, Box 15
fileRutledge Hill Press, 1986MSS 86-1, Box 15
file[Schauer, Frederick Articles], 1979MSS 86-1, Box 15
file[Sex Education]: Anchell, Melvin, M.D: “A Psychoanalytic Look at Today’s Sex Education: A Guide for the Perplexed” (1985); Marshall, Robert G: Exposed: Guttmacher Institute Sex Study Flawed, report prepared for American Life Lobby in cooperation with The MSS 86-1, Box 15
fileSpeech: Dietz Lecture delivered before the National Conference of State Legislatures August 5, 1986 in New Orleans on “Pornography, Health, and Human Rights: Legislative Recommendations from the Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography”; also Dietz: PMSS 86-1, Box 15
fileTV Media: notes, 1986MSS 86-1, Box 15
file[Violence and Sex: newspaper clippings and National Coalition on Television Violence newsletters], 1986-88MSS 86-1, Box 15
file[Zewe Case: U.S. Brief]: USDC Pennsylvania Nos. 85-2081, 85-2087, 86-510, 1986-87MSS 86-1, Box 15
file[Assorted Clippings], 1978-(1986-87)-1988MSS 86-1, Box 15
fileNewspaper Clippings/Popular Literature, 1977-85MSS 86-1, Box 16
file[Media Reaction to Report: newspaper clippings], 1986MSS 86-1, Box 16
fileAttorney General’s Commission on Pornography Final Report, July 1986MSS 86-1, Box 17