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MSS 82-6

Inventory of the Papers of the United Nations Conferences on the Law of the Sea at the University of Virginia


Large collection of official United Nations documents and personal papers related to the United Nations Conferences on the Law of the Sea at the University of Virginia (1967-1995).

1967-1995 [Inclusive]
81.6 Linear Feet (204 archival boxes )

Scope & Contents

The Collection of official and personal papers documenting the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III) at the University of Virginia Law School Library was established in the early 1980's. The first collections of documents acquired were from United States delegates to the United Nations Conference on Law of the Sea III (UNCLOS III) who were also friends of the Law School’s Center for Oceans Law and Policy. In the early spring of 1982, letters were sent to heads and deputy heads of all the delegations to the Conference, and to members of the U. S. Delegation below the top ranks. The letters requested copies of official unclassified delegation reports, statements or proposals, and delegates’ personal records of the Conference. The response from within the United States has been good. Other states’ delegation heads who responded wrote they have turned over our request to their governments, but few documents have come in. Not only are many governments reluctant to release these materials to an American institution, but the planning and logistics for copying and sending them are time consuming and expensive. A list of contributors follows the introduction.


List of Contributors:

Commander John Bennett

Peter Bernhardt

Patricia Birnie

Robert Blumberg

Marjorie Browne

Mrs. G. Winthrop Haight

Michael Hardy

Commander John Henrikson

Robert B. Krueger

Stuart McIntyre

Barbara Moore

John Norton Moore

Ambassador Satya Nandan (Fiji Delegation)

Myron Nordquist

Dolliver Nelson

Julia Reardon

Ambassador Shabtai Rosenne (Israeli Delegation)

Ambassador John R. Stevenson

Louis B. Sohn

Collection Description

    Immediate Source of Acquisition
seriesMiscellaneous Seabed Documents
fileInformal Consultations - Informal Drafting Group (from Michael Hardy), 1970, June -Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileLegal Sub-committee Working Paper Suggested by the Informal Working Group, 1970, Mar. 26MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileSuggestions by Delegations [for Legal Seabed. Committee.], 1970, Mar.MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileDraft Declaration of Principles submitted by various delegations, 1970, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileDraft proposals by states re SC-I issues, 1968, 1970-71MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileDraft proposals by states re SC-II issues, 1971-1973MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileDraft proposals by states re SC-III issues, 1972MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileStatements by delegations, 1968-1969MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileStatements (in plenary) by delegations, 1971-1973MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileStatements by delegations in SCI , 1971-1972MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileStatements by delegations in SCII, 1972MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileStatements by delegations in SCIII, 1972MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileStatements by delegations in SCI, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileStatements by delegations on SCII, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileStatements by delegations in SCIII, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileList of Seabed Committee documents and “Lists of Subjects and Issues Relating to LOS [Law of the Sea]”, 1871-1972MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileMiscellaneous Seabed Committee documents, 1967-1974MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileMiscellaneous UN (United Nations) Documents re Outer Space, 1971-1973MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/AC.138/INF.1 and Adds, 1969MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/AC.138/INF, 1971-1973MSS 82-6, Box 1
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/AC.138 Inf. 8-Rev. 1, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileA/AC.138/S.C. II/WG/Paper No. 1 and list of documents, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/6850/Add.2; A/6851/Add.2; A/7622; A/7854; A/8000; A/8097/Corr. 2, 1969-1970MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/8065/Add.1; A/8627; A/8708/Add.25; A/8760; A/8976, 1970-1971MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/RES/2222; A/RES/2930, 1967, 1972MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/RES/2560; A/RES/2569, 1970MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/C.1/PV. 1651; A/C.1/PV. 1719, 1969MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/C.1/998; A/C.1/1006, 1970MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/C.1/1022; A/C.1/1023; A/C.1/1035, 1972-1973MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/C.1/410; 430; 433; 434; 437; 473, /Rev.1-2; 474, /Add.1-2, /Rev.1, /Rev.1 Add.1-2; 475/Rev.1, Rev. 2-3; 476, /Rev.1; 477, /Add.1, 3; 478, /Rev.1, /Rev.1/Add.1; 481; 482; 484, Add.1; 496, 1967-1968MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/C.1/L.536, /Rev. 1; 539,5 42-545, 551, /Rev.1; 553-557, 561-565, 586/Rev. 1; 590/Rev.2; 598/Add. 1; 599/Rev. 1, 1970-1971MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/C.1/600-603, 621, 622, 631-639, 641-643, 646, 647/Rev. 1, 1971-1973MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/C.2/L.1133/Rev.1, 1970MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/C.2L.1272/Rev.1, 1972MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/C.5/1288; A/C.5/1030, 1969MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/C.5/1085; A/C.5/1496; A/C.51541, 1968, 1970-1972MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/AC.105 Miscellaneous Documents, 1972-1973MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: A/Conf. 39/11, Rules of Procedure for UN Conferences on Treaties, 1968MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: E/AC. 54/L.40, 1971MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: SCI/WGI/Doc. 1/ Rev. 1, 1972MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileUnited Nations General Assembly: SCI/WGI/ Pinto Draft and Docs. 2 and 3 (in several versions), 1972-1973MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileSCI/WGI/ Doc. 4, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileSCI/WGI/ Docs. 5 and 6, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileSCII/WG Papers No. 2 and 4, [1973]MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileSCII/WGIII/WG2 Papers 1-9, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileSeabed Committee: Suggestions by the Chairman, 1969, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileWorking Group I/D. P. 3, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileWorking Group of the Whole: Conference Room Papers, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 2
fileSC Dispute Settlement Group 1-7, 1974MSS 82-6, Box 2
subseriesUNCLOS III Miscellaneous Plenary Documents
filePlenary Addresses [PA] by Delegates to Caracas, 1974, Jun.MSS 82-6, Box 3
filePlenary Addresses 4-69. [Incomplete], 1974, Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 3
filePA/I/1, 2, 4, 5, 15, 1974, JulMSS 82-6, Box 3
filePA/II/1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 1974, Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 3
filePA/III/ 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 1973, Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 3
fileA/Conf. 62/Inf. 1-17 [incomplete], 1973-1983MSS 82-6, Box 3
fileA/Conf. 62/ Background Paper I, 1976, Aug. 6MSS 82-6, Box 3
fileA/Conf. 62/ Bur. 4-14/ Rev. 1, 14, 1976-1980MSS 82-6, Box 3
fileA/Conf. 62/BUR/SR. 14-32, 34 - 44, 47, 51 - 55, 57 - 63, 1976-1981MSS 82-6, Box 3
file[Part XIV] 1982; A/Conf. 62/122/Corr. 3 - 11, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 4
file[XIV] 1976-1982; L. 14, L. 14/Add.1, L. 86/Corr.1, L.93/Corr.1, L. 109/Corr.2, L. 112*, L. 117/Corr.1, L. 132/Add.1/Corr. 1, 1976-1982MSS 82-6, Box 4
file[?] 1974; A/CONF. 62/W.P. 1; 8/Part II: Informal single negotiating text Part II Documents. Contains text presented by the Chairman of the 2nd Committee. Note by the President of the Committee (7 May 1975) [annotated version with Hodgron comments], 1974MSS 82-6, Box 4
file[?] 1978; A/CONF. 62/RCNG/1: Reports of the Committees and Negotiating Groups on negotiations at the Seventh Session contained in a single document both for the purposes of record and for the convenience of delegations 1. [Heavily annotated by John NortonMSS 82-6, Box 4
file[III] 1980; Preamble 1, 2MSS 82-6, Box 4
file[XII] 1978-1980; SD/1 - 4, 1978-1980MSS 82-6, Box 4
file[XII] 1980; GP 1 - 11MSS 82-6, Box 4
file[XII] 1979-1980; GLE/FC/1 - 18, 1979-1980MSS 82-6, Box 4
file[XII] 1980; PC/1, 2, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 4
file[XII]1981; DEL/1, 2, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 4
file[XII]1979-1981; FC/1 - 31, 1979-1981MSS 82-6, Box 4
file[XII]1982; TPIC/ 1 - 8, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 4
fileA/Conf. 89/13, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 4
fileS/11972, S/11972, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 4
fileA/AC.159/1, 1974MSS 82-6, Box 4
fileA/34/479, A/34/611, A/35/500, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 4
file“Provisional Corrigendum”, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 4
fileMiscellaneous LOS Documents (no UN classification), 1977, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 4
fileUNCLOS III Miscellaneous Information about the UN and specifically LOS, 1971-1975MSS 82-6, Box 4
fileUNCLOS III Journal, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 4
fileJournal of the United Nations. [Incomplete], 1972-1983MSS 82-6, Box 4
fileMiscellaneous press releases (not from UNCLOS III), 1967-1976MSS 82-6, Box 4
fileUNCLOS III Miscellaneous Information about the UN and specifically LOS, 1971-1975MSS 82-6, Box 4
fileUNCLOS III Journal, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 4
fileJournal of the United Nations. [Incomplete], 1972-1983MSS 82-6, Box 4
fileMiscellaneous press releases (not from UNCLOS III) , 1967-1976MSS 82-6, Box 4
fileUN Press Releases, 1974-1983MSS 82-6, Box 5
subseriesUNCLOS III Miscellaneous Committee Documents
fileA/Conf. 62/C. 1/L. 1-14. [Fist Committee Proposals Platzöder volumes: OCEANS 25-55 .U578d 1973, vol. VI, pp. 427-468], 1974-1975MSS 82-6, Box 6
fileA/Conf. 62/C. 1/L. 15-25. [Fist Committee Proposals. Platzöder volumes: OCEANS 25-55 .U578d 1973, vol. VI, pp. 468-526], 1975-1979MSS 82-6, Box 6
fileA/Conf. 62/C. 1/L. 26-28. [Fist Committee Proposals Platzöder volumes: OCEANS 25-55 .U578d 1973, vol. VI, pp. 538; vol. VII pp. 1-3], 1976MSS 82-6, Box 6
fileA/Conf. 62/C.1/WR 1-5 [Weekly and Final Report by the Co-chairmen on the Activities of the Workshop]. Platzöder volumes: OCEANS 25-55 .U578d 1973, vol. VI, pp. 166-169], 1976MSS 82-6, Box 6
file[C. I] CP/WP. No. 1-4, 1975MSS 82-6, Box 6
fileCP/Cab. 9/Add. 1, 10, 11, 12MSS 82-6, Box 6
fileC. 1/CRP. 3, -5/Add. 1-2; 6-8. [First Committee Working Group. Proposals Regarding Conditions of Exploration and Exploitation. Platzöder volumes: OCEANS 25-55 .U578d 1973, vol. V, pp. 487], 1974MSS 82-6, Box 6
fileReport to Plenary on the Negotiations in C. 1 by PBE, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 6
file[XII 1980]; [C. 1] GLE/3-4, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 6
fileC. 1 Informal Documents: PBE/2-7 and C. 1/PBE 2-5, 8-11, 13-14, [16?]-17. [First Committee Chairmen Proposal. Description of Prospecting General Survey, Exploration and Exploitation; Basic Conditions of Prospecting, Exploration and Exploitation; SelectionMSS 82-6, Box 6
file[IX] 1978-1979; NG 1/1-12; 13/Add. 1; 15-18, 1978-1979MSS 82-6, Box 6
file[IX] 1978; NG 2/1-12 Corr. 2, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 6
file[IX] 1978; NG 3/1-6, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 6
fileNG 1 Informal Consultations on the EEZ, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 6
fileNG 1 Informal Meetings, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 6
fileNG 2 Informal Meetings, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 6
fileNG 2 Informal Meetings re Right of Access for Landlocked States, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 6
fileNG 2 Informal Conference Room Document, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 6
fileNG 3 Informal Meetings, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 6
fileNG 3 Informal Consultations on Continental Margins and Revenue-Sharing, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 6
fileNG 3 Notes of Informal Consultations on the Definition of the Outer Edge of the Continental Margin and Revenue-Sharing; also Explanation of the Irish Proposal, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 6
fileC. 1 Miscellaneous Documents, 1977-80MSS 82-6, Box 6
fileA/Conf. 62/C. 2/ L. 1-40. [Second Committee Proposals. Platzöder volumes: OCEANS 25-55 .U578d 1973, vol. V, pp. 81-162], 1974MSS 82-6, Box 7
fileA/Conf. 62/C.2/ L.45-99. [Second Committee Proposals. Platzöder volumes: OCEANS 25-55 .U578d 1973, vol. V, pp. 164- 208], 1974MSS 82-6, Box 7
fileA/Conf. 62/C.2/WP.1: Main Trends. [Platzöder volumes: OCEANS 25-55 .U578d 1973, vol. IV, pp. 4], 1974MSS 82-6, Box 7
file[IV?] 1974; A/Conf. 62/WP.1: Sources, 1974MSS 82-6, Box 7
file[III?] 1974; A/Conf. 62/C. 2/Inf./WP. 1/Rev. 1-13/Rev. 1, 1974MSS 82-6, Box 7
file[1974]; [C. II] - Annotated Sections of Main Trends, 1974MSS 82-6, Box 7
file[IX] 1976-1978; NG 4/1-11, 1976-1978MSS 82-6, Box 7
file[IX] 1978; NG 5/ 1-18, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 7
file[IX] 1979; NG 6/1-19, 21, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 7
file[IX] 1978-1979; NG 7/1-45, 1978-1979MSS 82-6, Box 7
fileNG 4 Notes of informal meetings on navigation through straits, 1976, Sept.MSS 82-6, Box 7
fileNG 4 Notes of discussions, 1978, Apr.-MayMSS 82-6, Box 7
fileC. 2/ Second Committee Blue Papers 1-14.[Platzöder volumes: OCEANS 25-55 .U578d 1973, vol. IV, pp. 121-160], 1975, Mar.- MayMSS 82-6, Box 7
fileC.2/Second Committee Informal Meetings 1-65. [Platzöder volumes: OCEANS 25-55 .U578d 1973, vol. V, pp. 3-178], 1978-1980MSS 82-6, Box 7
fileC.2/Informal Reference Notes/Meetings 1-59. [Platzöder volumes: OCEANS 25-55 .U578d 1973, vol. V], 1974-1976MSS 82-6, Box 7
fileC.2/Informal Reference Notes/Meetings 60-69, 70-79, 80-84, 87-96; 107-117, 1976-1978MSS 82-6, Box 8
fileC.2 Informal Consultative Groups on Baselines; Historic Bays; Historic Waters; Contiguous Zones; Delimitations; High Seas; Innocent Passage; LL/GDS; Continental Shelf; Economic Zone; Innocent Passage; Straits; Semi-enclosed Areas; Islands; Archipelagoes, MSS 82-6, Box 8
file[C. 2] Proposals re Marine Environmental Protection, 1975-1976MSS 82-6, Box 8
fileC. 2 Draft Articles on Archipelagoes, High Seas, International Navigation, and Landlocked States, [1975]MSS 82-6, Box 8
file[C. 2} EEC’s Proposals on Fisheries, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 8
file[C. 2] - States’ Draft Proposals re LL/GDS, 200 Mile Zone, Scientific Research, Living Resources, High Seas, Marine Environment, Continental Shelf, Innocent Passage, Baselines, 1976, Mar. - MayMSS 82-6, Box 8
fileC. 2 Draft Proposals Prepared by Various Delegations and Interest Groups, 1975MSS 82-6, Box 8
fileC. 2 Proposals from Evensen Group and various states re EEZ, 1975-1976MSS 82-6, Box 8
fileC. 2 Draft Articles re Continental Shelf, Highly Migratory Species, Territorial Sea, Straits for International Navigation, n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 8
fileDrafts of Castaneda Text, 1977MSS 82-6, Box 8
fileComputer Study of C. 2 Issues and States’ Views, n. d.MSS 82-6, Box 9
fileC. 2: Article by article list of proceedings, 1976, Mar.MSS 82-6, Box 9
fileInternational Ocean Institute: Statement by Arvid Pardo and highlights of discussion by Planning Council, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 9
file[XI] 1974; A/Conf. 62/C. 3/L. 1-34, 1974MSS 82-6, Box 9
file[X] 1978-1980; C. 3/MSR/1-3, 5-9, /Add. 1 [missing], 1978-1980MSS 82-6, Box 9
file[X] 1978, Apr. 27; C. 3/TT/1 [Development and Transfer of Marine Technology], Pakistan, New Article 295 bis, 1978, Apr. 27MSS 82-6, Box 9
file[X] 1978-1979; C. 3/MP/1-24, 27-31 [Protection and preservation of marine environment], 1978-1979MSS 82-6, Box 9
fileC. 3/CRP/MP [marine pollution], 1975MSS 82-6, Box 9
file[X] 1975; C. 3/CRP/Sc. Res [marine scientific research]MSS 82-6, Box 9
fileC. 3/Rep 1: Report by the Chairman of the Third Committee Ambassador A. Yankov (Bulgaria), 1978, Sep. 13MSS 82-6, Box 9
fileC. 3 Miscellaneous Documents, n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 9
subseriesOther Groups Documents
fileA/CONF.62/C. III/L.1-34: The Helsinki Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area; Brazil, Ecuador, Egypt, Iran, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Senegal, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, UMSS 82-6, Box 9
fileGroup of 21: Statement by Chairman Nandan and Text on Articles 58-60 for Consideration of Group, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 9
fileSD/1-4: Informal suggestions by the Netherlands and Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Note by the President on Conciliation Provisions in Part XV on the Settlement of Disputes, 1978-80MSS 82-6, Box 9
fileSettlement of Disputes Group: proposals, drafts, etc. including SD Gp/2nd Session/No. 1/Rev. 5, [Xii] 1974-1975MSS 82-6, Box 9
fileInformal Plenary on Settlement of Disputes: Informal Reference Notes. (Source?), 1976, Aug. – Sep.MSS 82-6, Box 9
fileWG 21/1 , 2, 2/Add.1, 3; 3/Add. 2, 3/Corr. 1, 4, 5. [First Committee Working Group 21: Informal Paper Concerning the Composition of the Council; Negotiations Relating to Production Policies; Suggesting a New Wording for Articles 6 and 7 of Annex II (Anti-MSS 82-6, Box 9
fileWG 21/Informal Papers 1-23. [First Committee Working Group 21. Platzöder volumes: OCEANS 25-55 .U578d 1973, vol. VI, pp. 183-316], 1972-1982MSS 82-6, Box 9
fileGroup of 77 [G77] on the Law of the Sea. Statements by Chairmen: C. W. Pinto, Sri Lanka, (1974); Statement declaring the position of the Group of 77on Unilateral Legislation Affecting the Resources of the Deep Seabed (1978); Statement of the Chairman of tMSS 82-6, Box 9
fileG. 77 Contact Group: Drafts on the Economic Zone, 1975MSS 82-6, Box 9
fileG. 77 Contact Group: Proposals on Transfer of Technology, 1977MSS 82-6, Box 9
fileG. 77 Drafts re the Enterprise, 1977, n. d.MSS 82-6, Box 9
subseriesEvensen Group Documents
fileEvenson Group: Tentative Draft Articles for the Convention., 1974, Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileSecond Revision of Draft Articles on the Territorial Sea, Fisheries and Economic Zone, 1974, Aug., Oct.MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileFirst Revision of Tentative Draft Articles of the Convention and of the Economic Zone, 1974, Jul. 2, 4, n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileThird Revision of Draft Articles on the Economic Zone, 1975, Jan. 31MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileThird Revision of Draft Articles on the Continental Shelf, [1975]MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileFourth Revision of Draft on Economic Zone and Continental Shelf, 1975, Apr. 13MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileFifth Revision of Draft on Economic Zone, 1975, Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileSixth Revision of Draft on Economic Zone, 1975, Apr. 16MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileDraft Articles on Economic Zone, 1975, Apr. 24MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileDiscussion of Juridical Experts on Economic Zone and Marine Environment, 1975, Feb. 10-21MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileDiscussion of Juridical Experts on Economic Zone and Marine Environment, 1975, Mar. 18- Apr. 14MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileDiscussion of Juridical Experts on Economic Zone and Marine Environment, 1975, Apr. 15 - May 6MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileHandwritten Notes of Discussion of Juridical Experts on Economic Zone and Continental Shelf, 1975, Apr. 1 - May 8MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileDraft Articles on Economic Zone, 1975, MayMSS 82-6, Box 10
fileInformal Group of Juridical Experts’ Group, 1975, Mar. 18MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileMinutes of Meetings, 1975, Nov. - Dec.MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileDiscussion of Juridical Experts on Continental Shelf, Revenue Sharing and Marine Environment, 1975, Dec. 1-11MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileMinutes of Consultative Meetings, 1976, Feb.MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileFifth Revision [Economic Zone], n. d.MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileSuggested Compromise Formula [Highly Migratory Species], n. d.MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileSuggested Compromise Formula. [C. I], n. d.MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileDraft Proposals re Marine Environment, 1975MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileDiscussion of Juridical Experts on Marine Pollution and scientific research [handwritten notes of Bob Blumberg], 1975, Aug. 25 - Sep. 5MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileDraft Articles re Scientific Research, 1975MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileThird Revision of Draft on Marine Environment, Economic Zone and Fisheries, 1975, FebMSS 82-6, Box 10
fileFourth Revision (Preliminary) of Draft on Marine Environment, 1975, Mar.MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileFifth Revision of Draft on Marine Environment and Living Resources, 1975, Apr., n. d.MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileSuggested Compromise Formula, 1977, Apr. - JunMSS 82-6, Box 10
fileRevisions of drafts and other miscellaneous proposals re scientific research and continental shelf [U.S. Documents?], n. d.MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileCombined SNT and Evenson Texts C. III Pollution, n. d.MSS 82-6, Box 10
fileDiscussion from Consultative Meeting and Written Amendments re LL/GDS, Marine Environment and Scientific Research, 1976, Feb. 23-25MSS 82-6, Box 11
fileThird Revision [of Draft Articles on the Area (Part XI)], 1977, Jun. 11MSS 82-6, Box 11
fileRevised Blue Paper: Articles 57- 59, 1976; Apr. 27MSS 82-6, Box 11
fileHandwritten Notes of Discussion of Juridical Experts on LL/GDS [handwritten notes of Bob Blumberg], 1976, Feb. 23-25MSS 82-6, Box 11
fileMinutes of Consultative Meetings and List of Juridical Experts, 1976, Feb. 23-25MSS 82-6, Box 11
fileTentative Re-draft Informal Paper, 1976, Feb. 2MSS 82-6, Box 11
fileInformal Paper Based on the Discussions of the Juridical Experts on Scientific Research and Marine Pollution [handwritten notes of Bob Blumberg], 1976, Jan. 12MSS 82-6, Box 11
fileDiscussion of the Juridical Experts on Scientific Research and Marine Pollution, 1976, Jan. 29 - Feb. 2MSS 82-6, Box 11
fileDiscussion of Marine Pollution and Scientific Research, 1976, Jan. 26 - Feb. 1MSS 82-6, Box 11
fileDraft Articles on Scientific Research, 1975, Aug, - Sep. - 1976, Jan.;MSS 82-6, Box 11
fileDiscussion of Juridical Experts on Scientific Research, 1975, Aug. - Oct.MSS 82-6, Box 11
subseriesIrish Delegation Documents
fileStatements, Proposed Amendments before Plenary, 1974 - 1975, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileStatements re C. I Matters, 1974, 1977MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileStatements re C. II Matters, 1974-1981MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileStatements re C. III Matters, 1974-1975MSS 82-6, Box 12
subseriesIsraeli Delegation Documents
fileStatements before Plenary, 1974-1982MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileStatements before Informal Plenary, 1976- 1982MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileStatements before C. I, 1974-1981MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileStatements before C. II, 1974-1982MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileStatements before C. III, 1974, 1976-1981MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileStatement by Shabtai Rosenne at the Informal Consultations re NG 1, 3, 4, and 7 Issues, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileStatements before NG 2, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileStatements before NG 5, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileStatements before NG 7, 1978, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileStatements before Group of Legal Experts on C. I Matters, 1979, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileStatements before Group of Legal Experts re Final Clauses, 1979-1980MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileStatements at Second Session and at Evensen Consultations in 1977, 1974, 1977MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileStatements re Settlement of Disputes before Informal Working Group and others, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileStatements before English Language Group of Drafting Committee, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 12
subseriesUkrainian Delegation Documents
fileOfficial UN Statements by Ukrainian SSR Delegation, 1974, 1981-1983MSS 82-6, Box 12
subseriesUnited States Delegation Committee
fileU.S. Delegation Report of UNCLOS I and II, 1958, 1960MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileU.S. Delegation Reports, 1973-82MSS 82-6, Box 12
fileList of Foreign Delegates to LOS [6 Seabed Committee Sessions, New York], 1973-74MSS 82-6, Box 12A
fileLOS Conference A/CONF.13/C.I (Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone., Geneva , 1958MSS 82-6, Box 12A
fileRecord of the International Technical Conference for the Conservation of the Living Resources of the Sea, Rome, Apr. – May, 1955MSS 82-6, Box 12A
fileSummary of Replies to the Secretary General (SYG) regarding RES 2574A, 1970MSS 82-6, Box 12A
subseriesUnited States Delegation Documents Collected by Stuart McIntyre
fileU. S. Delegation Correspondence and Memoranda. Chronological files, 1966-1975, n. d.MSS 82-6, Box 13
fileDelegation Correspondence and Memoranda and miscellaneous undated documents. Chronological files, 1975, n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 16
fileDaily Schedules for J. N. Moore and Ambassador J. R. Stevenson; Agenda and “Orders of the Day”, 1971-74MSS 82-6, Box 16
fileU. S. Delegation: Assorted Reports, 1968-75MSS 82-6, Box 16
fileBriefing Books for Seabed Committee and Caracas Session , 1971, 1974MSS 82-6, Box 16
fileU. S. Delegation: Interagency Memoranda, 1967-1974MSS 82-6, Box 17
fileU. S. Delegation: Copies of statements in non-LOS Conferences, 1967-1974MSS 82-6, Box 17
fileU. S. Delegation: Lists of Names, Agenda, etc, 1970-1975MSS 82-6, Box 17
fileU. S. Delegation: Testimonies before Congressional Committees by Administration Representatives, 1969MSS 82-6, Box 17
fileU. S. Delegation: Testimonies before Congressional Committees by Representatives of DOS and DOD, 1970-1975MSS 82-6, Box 17
fileU. S. Delegation: Testimonies before Congressional Committees by Private Organizations re Ocean Minerals, 1969-1970MSS 82-6, Box 17
fileU. S. Delegation: Testimonies before Congressional Committees by Private Organizations re Tuna, 1974MSS 82-6, Box 18
fileU. S. Delegation: Proposals before Seabed Committee, 1970-1974MSS 82-6, Box 18
fileU. S. Delegation: Working Papers re U. S. Views on LOS Issues, 1966-1973MSS 82-6, Box 18
fileU. S. Delegation: Working Papers re U. S. Views on LOS , 1974-1975, n. d.MSS 82-6, Box 19
fileU. S. Delegation: Environmental Impact Studies Prepared by Government Agencies, 1973-1974MSS 82-6, Box 19
fileStudies Prepared for the Interregional Seminar on Development of the Mineral Resources of the Continental Shelf , 1971MSS 82-6, Box 19
fileU. S. Delegation: General Policy Statements from DOS and White House, 1970-1975MSS 82-6, Box 20
fileU. S. Delegation: Draft proposals and articles with related working papers for UNCLOS III, 1974MSS 82-6, Box 20
fileU. S. Delegation: Summaries of Geneva 1975 Negotiations, 1975MSS 82-6, Box 20
fileVarious delegations’ drafts proposals and related working papers for UNCLOS III, 1974-1975MSS 82-6, Box 20
fileViews from other governments re LOS issues, 1970-1974MSS 82-6, Box 20
fileStatements and studies by private industry, 1970-1974MSS 82-6, Box 21
fileReports of Special Commissions, 1954, 1969, 1974MSS 82-6, Box 21
fileAfrican-Asian Legal Consultative Committee and Indian Society of International Law, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 21
fileMiscellaneous documents from regional or like-minded states’ meetings, 1969-1974MSS 82-6, Box 21
filePacem in Maribus III, IV and V , 1972-1974MSS 82-6, Box 21
fileStudent papers, 1972-1975MSS 82-6, Box 21
subseriesUnited States Delegation Documents Collected by John Norton Moore
fileU. S. Delegation Correspondence , 1968-1981MSS 82-6, Box 22
fileDOS Working Papers re 200 mile EEZ , 1974-1976MSS 82-6, Box 24
fileUS/CLS/SP/21 Effect of the Application of the International Law Commission’s Proposed Articles on the Law of the Sea on Certain Bays, Straits, and Other Water Areas of the World. [Papers and Maps prepared under the direction of the Rear Admiral Chester WaMSS 82-6, Box 24A
fileUS/CLS/LEG.1958 Documentation : Law of the Sea. Book 1, Article 1-5, 1958MSS 82-6, Box 24B
fileUS/CLS/LEG. 1958 Commentary on I. L. C. Articles 6-14 [T. S. Bays, Ports, Roadsteads, Islands, etc, 1958MSS 82-6, Box 24B
fileUS/CLS/LEG. 1958 Commentary on I. L. C. Articles 15-25 (Innocent Passage) and Article 66 (Contig. Zone), 1958MSS 82-6, Box 24B
fileUS/CLS/LEG. 1958 Commentary on I. L. C. Articles 46-48; 61-65 [High Seas]; Articles 49-60 [Conservation], 1958MSS 82-6, Box 24B
fileUS/CLS/LEG. 1958 Commentary on I. L. C. Articles 67-73 (Continental Shelf), 1958MSS 82-6, Box 24B
fileU. S. Delegation: Draft Proposals for UNCLOS III, 1973-1978MSS 82-6, Box 25
fileDiscussions and proposals with other countries re deep seabed mining, 1976-1978MSS 82-6, Box 25
fileMiscellaneous proposals by delegations [missing], 1961, 1977, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 25
filePacem in Maribus II, 1971MSS 82-6, Box 25
fileMiscellaneous proposed articles from various sources, 1973-1977MSS 82-6, Box 25
fileStudies made by industry or private organizations, 1973, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 25
fileGovernment studies, 1974-1978MSS 82-6, Box 25
fileSubcommittee II [missing], 1973MSS 82-6, Box 25
fileCongressional Testimony, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 25
fileCongressional Testimony, 1975-1978MSS 82-6, Box 26
fileFish facts, n. d.MSS 82-6, Box 26
fileMiscellaneous Arctic Materials, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 26
fileArctic Management, 1976, MarchMSS 82-6, Box 26
fileAlaska Hearings, 1975, AugustMSS 82-6, Box 26
fileMiscellaneous Statements re LOS Issues, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 26
fileCorrespondence with, and articles by Gary Knight, 1974-1975MSS 82-6, Box 26
fileJohn N. Moore at various conferences, 1972-1975MSS 82-6, Box 26
fileCongressional memoranda, statements, etc, 1973-1976MSS 82-6, Box 26
fileTelephone lists, 1973-1975MSS 82-6, Box 26
subseriesUnited States Delegation Documents Collected by Myron Nordquist
fileSeabed Committee: Working Paper Submitted by U. S, 1970MSS 82-6, Box 27
file“Summer Session - Geneva - Law of the Sea”, 1971MSS 82-6, Box 27
fileHandwritten research notes pertaining to documents prepared by Seabed Committee groups, n. d.MSS 82-6, Box 27
fileU. S. Delegation Briefing Book, 1975MSS 82-6, Box 27
fileU. S. Delegation Position on Main Trends, 1975MSS 82-6, Box 27
fileProposed Amendment to the C. I SNT, 1975, DecemberMSS 82-6, Box 27
fileU. S. Delegation Proposed Amendment to SNT, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 27
fileU. S. Delegation Deep Seabed Negotiating Documents, 1975MSS 82-6, Box 27
fileU. S. Delegation Comments on Administration Proposed Amendments to Annex II of ICNT, 1978, AugustMSS 82-6, Box 27
fileTopical Comparative Table of the Informal Composite Negotiating Text, [Post 1977, July]MSS 82-6, Box 27
fileHandwritten Notes by Myron Nordquist, 1976, Mar.-Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 27
fileU. S. Delegation: Orders of the Day, 1976, Mar.-Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 27
fileU. S. Delegation: Working Documents of C. I Team, 1976, Mar. - 1978, Sep., n. d.MSS 82-6, Box 28
fileU. S. Delegation: Working Documents of C. II Team , 1957, 1973-1978, n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 28
fileU. S. Delegation: C. II Summary Proceedings and U. S. Report , [1976?]MSS 82-6, Box 28
fileU. S. Delegation: C. II Working Papers; mostly proposals by others, 1975-1977MSS 82-6, Box 28
fileU. S. Delegation: Collection of Documents accumulated and listed by Myron Nordquist (list included), 1970MSS 82-6, Box 28
fileU. S. Delegation: Collection of Documents accumulated and listed by Myron Nordquist, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 29
fileU. S. Delegation: Offshore Resources, 1972-1973MSS 82-6, Box 29
fileU. S. Delegation: Miscellaneous Working Files, 1973-1976MSS 82-6, Box 29
fileU. S. Delegation: Miscellaneous Working Files, 1977-1979MSS 82-6, Box 30
fileConference of Soviet and American Jurists on LOS - papers presented by U. S. jurists, 1975, JuneMSS 82-6, Box 30
fileDepartment of State Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Third U. N. Law of the Sea Conference, [1984]MSS 82-6, Box 30
fileDocuments from various international/intergovernmental groups, 1972-1981MSS 82-6, Box 30
fileTentative Drafts of Suggested Amendments to the ICNT of 20 July 1977 for a Balanced Development System, 1978, Jan.-Feb.MSS 82-6, Box 30
fileProposed U.S. Amendments to ICNT, [Post 1977, Jul.]MSS 82-6, Box 30
fileU. S. Delegation: Advisory Committee on the Law, 1977-1979MSS 82-6, Box 30
fileU. S. Delegation: Dispute Settlement Team, 1975, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 30
fileFederal Republic of Germany Delegation Documents, n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 30
fileCanadian Delegation Documents, 1973-1974MSS 82-6, Box 30
fileAustralian Delegation Report on the Fifth Session of UNCLOS III, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 30
fileUnited Kingdom Delegation Working Paper, 1970MSS 82-6, Box 30
fileC. II proposals by other delegations re articles 132, 133 and 134, 1976, Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 30
fileFiji Delegation Report on Sixth Session of UNCLOS III, 1977MSS 82-6, Box 30
fileBrazil Delegation Proposal re Part XIII, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 30
fileU. S. Delegation: Article by article commentary on the articles proposed by the International Law Commission in 1858, 1958MSS 82-6, Box 30
fileU. S. Delegation: Effect of the Application of the I. L. C.’s Proposed Articles on the Law of the Sea on Certain Bays, Straits and other Water areas of the World; numerous maps and charts included, 1968MSS 82-6, Box 30
subseriesUnited States Delegation Documents from the Center for Oceans Law and Policy
fileOceans bibliographies produced by the UN, 1974-1975MSS 82-6, Box 31
fileAssorted documents with notes by Peter Bernhardt, 1978-1979MSS 82-6, Box 31
fileCollection of documents setting forth U. S. Policy (with complete list of documents), 1966-1970MSS 82-6, Box 31
file[ U. S. Delegation: Draft proposals to present to UNCLOS III/], 1973MSS 82-6, Box 31
fileU. S. Delegation: Miscellaneous working files, 1973-1975MSS 82-6, Box 31
fileStatements before Congressional Committees by Representatives of the Executive Branch, 1975MSS 82-6, Box 31
file“Global Fisheries Systems and Their Resource Management Implications - An Environmental Impact Statement”, 1974MSS 82-6, Box 31
filePresidential Proclamation on the EEZ, 1983, Mar. 10MSS 82-6, Box 31
fileLetter from Center for Law and Social Policy to Department of Interior re Lease Sale of Polymetallic Sulfides on Gorda Ridge, 1983, Dec.MSS 82-6, Box 31
subseriesUnited States Delegation Documents from the Department of State
fileInternational Protests (12 mile limits), 1964-1981MSS 82-6, Box 32
fileStatements and proposals by foreign delegations, 1971, 1980-1982, n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 32
fileGeneva- Seabed Committee, 1973, Jul. -Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 32
fileCaracas-Statements by others, 1974, Jun.-Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 32
fileCaracas-Conference Delegations, 1974, Jun.-Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 32
fileCables, 1974, Jun.-Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 32
fileCaracas-Miscellaneous, 1974, Jun.-Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 32
fileWhite House Statements on Fisheries Conservation and Deep Seabed Mining, 1975, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 32
fileGeneva - Administration, 1975, Mar.-MayMSS 82-6, Box 32
fileGeneva - Miscellaneous, 1975, Mar.-MayMSS 82-6, Box 32
fileGeneva - UN Documents, 1975, Mar.-MayMSS 82-6, Box 32
fileGeneva - Miscellaneous Cables, 1975, Mar.-MayMSS 82-6, Box 32
fileGeneva - Press and Public Statements, 1975, Mar.-MayMSS 82-6, Box 32
fileGeneva – Committees I - IV , 1975, Mar.-MayMSS 82-6, Box 32
fileGeneva - Conference Delegations, 1975, Mar.-MayMSS 82-6, Box 32
fileGeneva - Unclassified Weekly Reports, 1975, Mar.-MayMSS 82-6, Box 33
fileInter-sessional Period, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 33
fileNew York - Press and Public Statements, 1976, Mar. - MayMSS 82-6, Box 33
fileNew York - Airgrams, 1976, Mar. - MayMSS 82-6, Box 33
fileNew York - Miscellaneous Cables, 1976, Mar. - MayMSS 82-6, Box 33
fileNew York - UN Documents, 1976, Mar. - MayMSS 82-6, Box 33
fileNew York - Conference Delegates, 1976, Mar. - MayMSS 82-6, Box 33
fileNew York - Miscellaneous, 1976, Mar. - MayMSS 82-6, Box 33
fileNew York - Unclassified Weekly Reports, 1976, Mar. - Sept.MSS 82-6, Box 33
fileNew York - Press Statements, 1976, Mar. - Sept.MSS 82-6, Box 33
fileNew York -Miscellaneous, 1976, Mar. - Sept.MSS 82-6, Box 33
fileNew York - Kissinger’s Visit, 1976, Mar. - Sept.MSS 82-6, Box 33
fileNew York - Miscellaneous Cables, 1976, Mar. - Sept.MSS 82-6, Box 33
fileNew York - C. II and C. III, 1976, Mar. - Sept.MSS 82-6, Box 33
fileNew York - U. S. Statements, 1976, Mar. - Sept.MSS 82-6, Box 33
fileNew York - Statements by Others, 1976, Mar. - Sept.MSS 82-6, Box 33
fileNew York - Conference Delegates, 1976, Mar. - Sept.MSS 82-6, Box 33
fileNew York - Oil Spills and Pollution, 1976, Mar. - Sept.MSS 82-6, Box 33
fileLandlocked/ Geographically Disadvantaged States (Group of 21), 1976-1978MSS 82-6, Box 33
fileMarine Scientific Research, 1977MSS 82-6, Box 34
fileU. S. Amendments to Part III of RSNT (MSR), 1977, Apr. -MayMSS 82-6, Box 34
fileMarine Pollution, 1977, Apr.- MayMSS 82-6, Box 34
fileNew York - C. I, II, and IV , 1977, May-Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 34
fileNew York - Secretariat Documents, 1977, May-Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 34
fileNew York - Conference Delegates, 1977, May-Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 34
fileNew York - Unclassified Weekly Reports, 1977, May-Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 34
fileNew York - U. S. Working Documents re C. I, 1977, May-Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 34
fileNew York - U. S. Statements, 1977, May-Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 34
fileNew York - Statements by Others, 1977, May-Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 34
fileNew York - Miscellaneous, 1977, May-Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 34
fileMarine Scientific Research (Blumberg’s Notes), 1977, Sep.MSS 82-6, Box 34
fileMarine Pollution, 1977-78MSS 82-6, Box 34
fileMarine Pollution, 1977-78MSS 82-6, Box 35
fileMarine Scientific Research, 1977-78MSS 82-6, Box 35
fileCompulsory Dispute Settlement, 1977-1981MSS 82-6, Box 35
fileGeneva- Cables, other posts, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 35
fileGeneva - Legislation, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 35
fileAmerasinghe President Question, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 35
fileBulgaria: Most Favored Nation Status, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 35
fileGeneva - Dispute Settlement, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 35
fileGeneva - Final Clauses, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 35
fileElliot Richardon’s Letters, 1978, Jan. - Mar.MSS 82-6, Box 35
fileGroup of 77, 1978, Mar.MSS 82-6, Box 35
fileGeneva- Weekly Reports, 1978, Mar.-MayMSS 82-6, Box 35
fileGeneva- MemCons, 1978, Mar. -MayMSS 82-6, Box 35
fileGeneva - Conference Delegations, 1978, Mar.-MayMSS 82-6, Box 35
fileGeneva - 7th Session Procedures; paper by Bernard Zuleta on Procedures, 1978, Mar.-MayMSS 82-6, Box 35
fileGeneva C. I and II, 1978, Mar.-MayMSS 82-6, Box 35
fileGeneva C. III, 1978, Mar.-MayMSS 82-6, Box 36
fileGeneva - C. III (MSR): contains Yankov Report for 1979, 1978, Apr.- Mar. 1980MSS 82-6, Box 36
fileGeneva - Marine Scientific Research, 1978, Apr.- MayMSS 82-6, Box 36
fileGeneva - Pollution, 1978, Apr.- MayMSS 82-6, Box 36
fileBlumberg’s Notes on Pollution, 1978, Apr. - MayMSS 82-6, Box 36
fileGeneva - Packet, 1978, Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 36
fileU. S. Delegation Memoranda, 1978, Apr.- Jul. 1979MSS 82-6, Box 36
fileGeneva - Cables, 1978, Apr. - MayMSS 82-6, Box 36
fileNew York - 7th Session, 1978, May- Jun.MSS 82-6, Box 36
fileMarine Scientific Research - Bilateral Negotiation Proposal, 1978, Jun. - JulyMSS 82-6, Box 36
fileNew York - U. S. Legislation, 1978, Jul. - Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 36
fileNew York - Miscellaneous, 1978; Jul. - Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 36
fileU. S. Delegation Memoranda, 1978, Aug. - Sep. 1979MSS 82-6, Box 36
fileNew York - Statements by Others, 1978, Aug. - Sep.MSS 82-6, Box 37
fileNew York - Press Coverage, 1978, Aug. - Sep.MSS 82-6, Box 37
fileNew York - Weekly Reports, 1978, Aug. - Sep.MSS 82-6, Box 37
fileNew York - Conference Delegates, 1978, Aug. - Sep.MSS 82-6, Box 37
fileNew York - C. I, II and III, 1978, Aug. - Sep.MSS 82-6, Box 37
fileNew York - Drafting Committee, 1978, Aug. - Sep.MSS 82-6, Box 37
fileNew York - Drafting Committee - English Group, 1978, Aug. - Sep.MSS 82-6, Box 37
fileNew York - Pollution - Blumberg’s Notes, 1978, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 37
fileNew York - MSR - Blumberg’s Notes, 1978, Sep. -Oct.MSS 82-6, Box 37
fileMarine Scientific Research, 1978, Sep.MSS 82-6, Box 37
fileC. II, 1978-80MSS 82-6, Box 37
fileIMCO, 1978-1979MSS 82-6, Box 37
fileStudies by Private Organizations or Industry, 1978-80MSS 82-6, Box 37
fileForeign Views, 1978-79MSS 82-6, Box 37
filePublic Views on DSM, 1978-80MSS 82-6, Box 37
fileC. II - NG 6, 1978-80MSS 82-6, Box 37
fileU. S. Delegation Miscellaneous Working Files, 1978-79MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileTechnology Transfer, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileNew York - MSR, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileWatt’s and Fitzgerald’s Files on Drafting Committee, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileGeneva - Marine Pollution, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileLOS: Navigation and Over-flight, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileNG 2, Financial Arrangements, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileConference Delegations, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileOxman’s English Language Group, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileCongressional Packet, 1979, Mar. Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileStatements by Others, 1979, Mar. Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileD/LOS Chronological File, 1979, Mar. Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileNG 7/27 (Sohn’s Paper on Maritime Boundary Disputes), 1979, Mar.MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileSecretariat, 1979, Mar. Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileTraining, 1979, Mar. Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileGeneva - Miscellaneous Cables, 1979, Mar. Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileC. II, 1979, Mar. Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileC. IV (Dispute Settlement), 1979, Mar. Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileU. S. Delegation Administration, 1979, Mar. Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileGeneva - MSR Blumberg’s Notes, 1979, Mar. Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 38
fileC. I Environmental Amendments, 1979, Jun.- Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileU. S./USSR Expert Meeting, 1979, Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileNew York - Miscellaneous, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileWeekly Reports, 1979, Jul. - Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileOthers’ Statements, 1979, Jul. - Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileNew York - Press Coverage, 1979, Jul. - Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileNew York - C. III, 1979, Jul. - Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileNew York - Dispute Settlement, 1979, Jul. - Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileNew York - Drafting Committee, 1979, Jul. - Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileC. III - Blumberg’s Notes, 1979, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileCDS/MSR - Blumberg’s Notes, 1979, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileC. I Voting in Council: Organs of Authority, 1979-1980MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileNew York - U. S. Statements, 1979, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileUnclassified Weekly Reports, 1979, Mar. - Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileP. I. P, 1979-80MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileC. I , 1979-80MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileNG 7 - Defining Maritime Boundaries, 1979-80MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileView of Industry, 1979-80MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileDelegation Working Files - Administrative and Substantive, 1979-81MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileElliot Richardson’s File on C. I, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileRichardson’s File on Signature of Treaty, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileRichardson’s File on PIP, Letter to G-77, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileGeneva - General, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileGeneva - Daily Reports, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileFinal Clauses, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileNew York - U. S. Statements, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileC. I, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 39
fileC. I , 1980MSS 82-6, Box 40
fileC. II, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 40
fileC. III, 1980, Jan. - Mar.MSS 82-6, Box 40
fileU. S. /USSR Bilateral, 1980, Jan.MSS 82-6, Box 40
fileNew York - Press Coverage, 1980, Feb. - MarMSS 82-6, Box 40
fileNew York - Miscellaneous, 1980, Feb. - Mar.MSS 82-6, Box 40
fileNew York - Procedures, 1980, Feb. - MarMSS 82-6, Box 40
fileC. III Weekly Reports, 1980, Mar.MSS 82-6, Box 40
fileGeneva Cables, 1980, Mar.MSS 82-6, Box 40
fileConference Delegations, 1980, Mar.MSS 82-6, Box 40
filePlenary, 1980, Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 40
filePress, 1980, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 40
fileReciprocating States Regime, 1980, Aug. - Nov.MSS 82-6, Box 40
fileNew York - PIP, 1980-81MSS 82-6, Box 40
fileNSC Instructions and Directives (DOS Organization), 1980-81MSS 82-6, Box 40
fileProposals by Other Delegations and G-77, 1980-81MSS 82-6, Box 40
fileMiscellaneous Files re Other Delegations, 1980-81MSS 82-6, Box 40
fileDiplomatic Protests, 1980-81MSS 82-6, Box 40
fileMiscellaneous Working Files, 1980-81MSS 82-6, Box 40
fileInformal Plenary (Blumberg’s Notes), 1981, Feb. Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 41
fileNew York - General, 1981, Mar.MSS 82-6, Box 41
fileGeneva - Administrative Files, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 41
fileDraft Resolutions - Nodules, 1982, Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 41
fileMiscellaneous Working Files, N.d.MSS 82-6, Box 41
fileDOS Reporting Cables re LOS, 1962-1980, n. d.MSS 82-6, Box 42
subseriesUnited States Delegation Documents Collected by Julia Reardon
fileU. S. Delegation Working Files, 1982, Mar.-Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 47
fileU. S. Press Releases, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 47
fileU. S. Delegation and Others’ Statements before Plenary, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 47
fileDocuments re U. S. - Canada Treaties on Fisheries, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 47
fileDOS - Liaison with Congress on LOS Issues, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 47
fileTestimony before Congressional Committees re LOS Issues, 1981-1982MSS 82-6, Box 47
fileClipping Files, 1981-1982MSS 82-6, Box 47
subseriesUnited States Delegation Documents Collected by Commanders John Henrickson and John Bennett at the Department of Defense
fileUN Documents, 1968-1974MSS 82-6, Box 48
fileBibliography of LOS Documents Prepared by Luis García, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 48
fileU. S. Delegation Working Files maintained by delegates from DOD, 1961-1983, n. d.MSS 82-6, Box 48
fileNews clippings, 1972-1977MSS 82-6, Box 48
fileIMCO Documents, 1973-1975MSS 82-6, Box 48
fileCongressional Testimony re the deep seabed mining bill, 1975-1976MSS 82-6, Box 48
subseriesUnited States Delegation Documents Collected by G. Winthrop Haight
fileLOS Advisory Committee, 1972-1982MSS 82-6, Box 51
fileU. S. Delegation Working Files , 1966-1982, n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 51
fileStatements by Group or States other than U. S, [?]MSS 82-6, Box 54
fileDraft articles by other states, 1965, 1970-1981, n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 56
fileDraft Proposals from Unknown Sources , n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 57
fileCongressional Testimony, primarily on Deep Sea Bed Mining , 1960-1982MSS 82-6, Box 57
subseriesUnited States Delegation Documents Collected by Robert Krueger
fileLOS Advisory Committee , 1971-1985MSS 82-6, Box 58
fileU.S. Delegation Working Files, 1973-1982MSS 82-6, Box 61
subseriesUnited States Delegates’ Statements and News Releases Collected from Various Sources
fileStatements by John Albers, Charles Brower, Philip Handler, Howard Pollock and Russell Train, 1973, 1975MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatements by General George S. Brown, Stuart French, Admiral James L. Holloway, John Lehman, Max Morris, and Paul Riley, 1974, 1977, 1981, n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatements by Thomas A. Clingan, 1975MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatements by Marne Dubs, 1975-1981MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatement by Arthur J. Goldberg, 1965MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatements by Henry A. Kissinger, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatements by Theodore G. Kronmiller and Otho E. Eskin, 1981-1982MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatements by T. Vincent Learson, 1976-1977MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatements by James L. Malone, 1981-1982MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatements by Carlyle E. Maw, 1974-1975MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatements by Vincent McKelvey, 1969-1972MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatements by Donald L. McKernan, 1971-1973MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatements by Leonard C. Meeker, 1968MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatements by Patsy T. Mink and Julius L. Katz, 1977-1978MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatements by John Norton Moore, 1973-1976MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatement by Richard Nixon, 1970MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatements by Bernard H. Oxman, 1971-1975MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatements by Christopher H. Phillips, 1969-1972MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatements by David H. Popper, 1968-1969MSS 82-6, Box 62
fileStatements by Leigh H. Ratiner, 1969-1982, n. d.MSS 82-6, Box 63
fileStatements by Elliot L. Richardson, 1970-1981MSS 82-6, Box 63
fileText of Letter by William P. Rogers, 1970MSS 82-6, Box 63
fileStatements by John R. Stevenson, 1969-1973MSS 82-6, Box 63
fileStatements by John R. Stevenson, 1973-1977MSS 82-6, Box 64
fileStatements by Senators Symington, Pell, and Case. And Congressmen Murphy and McCloskey, 1968-1978MSS 82-6, Box 64
fileStatements re mining, marine pollution and research, and fisheries, 1972-1981, n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 64
itemTwo Three Ring NotebooksMSS 82-6, Box 64
fileStatements by U. S. Representatives, 1970-1974MSS 82-6, Box 64
fileU. S. Press Releases re LOS, 1969-1976MSS 82-6, Box 65
fileNews clippings re LOS by subject or date, 1970-1981, n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 66
subseriesFiji Delegation Working Papers and Personal Files of Ambassador Satya Nandan
fileReports on various meetings and conferences, 1975MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileDocuments re UN Mission Administration, 1975MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileDelegation Reports and Notes, 1972-1976MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileInformal Inter-Sessional Negotiations - Special Group on Item 2, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileInformal Consultative Group on EEZ; other documents re EEZ, 1974-1977MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileCorrespondence re Archipelagoes, 1973-1976MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileStatements re Archipelagoes, 1972-1975MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileProposals and amendments re Archipelagoes, n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileRevised draft articles on navigation through the Territorial Sea . . ., n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileStatements by Nandan re Site of Authority, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileMeeting of Commonwealth Law Ministers, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileMinutes of Informal Meetings (99th, 100th, and 102nd ), 1977MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileNG 2 and Informal Consultative Group on Continental Margin, 1977MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileMiscellaneous Documents , 1972-1978, n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 69
subseriesMiscellaneous Documents Obtained from Michael Hardy
fileAmerasinghe Note and Draft Declaration of Principles, 1970MSS 82-6, Box 69
file“Anonymous Draft” with comments, 1970MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileU. S. Draft Proposal for Organization of UNCLOS III, 1970MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileSC. III - “Note on Marine Pollution”, 1971MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileWorking Papers re A/AC.138/SC.I/L.7, 1971MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileSenegal- Miscellaneous Documents, 1971-1972MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileAgenda for the Reunion of the Latin American Group, 1972MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileCanada - Working Paper on Preservation of the Marine Environment, 1972MSS 82-6, Box 69
file“Request for a study . . . by the Representative of Singapore”, [1972]MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileWorking Group I, Doc. 2/rev. 2, 1972MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileEgypt - Drafts re Fisheries, 1972, n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileArgentina - Draft articles re Territorial Sea, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileSC. II/WG/Paper No. 1, 1973MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileFirst Committee Workshop Papers 1-3, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileFederal Republic of Germany Opening Statement in NG 1, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileUSSR - Statement in NG 1, 1978MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileMiscellaneous Unidentified Documents, 1972-82MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileNorway- Draft Resolution, n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 69
subseriesDocuments of the Drafting Committee
fileLanguage Group Papers (LGDC)MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileDC Papers on PartsMSS 82-6, Box 69
fileDC Papers on AnnexesMSS 82-6, Box 69
fileDC Papers on Pending ItemsMSS 82-6, Box 69
fileDC Papers on the ResolutionsMSS 82-6, Box 69
fileDC/General RecommendationsMSS 82-6, Box 69
fileInformal Plenary/DC/1MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileIC PapersMSS 82-6, Box 69
fileReports of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee (L.Doc’s)MSS 82-6, Box 69
fileLGDC/1 - 1978, Sep. 21; Preliminary report of the English language Group on Informal Paper 2. (English), 1978, Sep. 21MSS 82-6, Box 70
fileLGDC/1/Add.1- 1978, Sep. 21; Preliminary Report of the Spanish Language Group on Informal Paper 2. (Spanish, lack Russian), 1978, Sep. 21MSS 82-6, Box 70
fileLGDC/1/Add.1/Supp.1 - 1979, Apr. 3; Preliminary Report of the Spanish Language Group on Informal Paper 2. Conclusion. (Spanish), 1979, Apr. 3MSS 82-6, Box 70
fileLGDC/1/Add.2 - 1978, Sep. 21; Conclusions of the French Language Group on Informal paper 2 of the Drafting Committee dated 8 Aug. 1978. (French, have English), 1978, Sep. 21MSS 82-6, Box 70
fileLGDC/1/Add.2/Rev.1 1979, Apr. 5; Revised Conclusions of the French Language Group concerning Informal Paper 2 of the Drafting Committee date 8 Aug. 1978. (French, lack English and French/), 1979, Apr. 5MSS 82-6, Box 70
fileLGDC/1/Add.3 1979, Mar. 28; Preliminary Conclusions on the Questions rose in Informal Paper 2 in respect of the Russian text. (Russian and English), 1979, Mar. 28MSS 82-6, Box 70
filePreliminary Report of the Chinese Language Group on the text of the ICNT and Informal Paper 2. (Chinese, English), 1979, Apr. 3MSS 82-6, Box 70
filePreliminary Report of the Arabic Language Group on Informal Paper 2; Annex II - Preliminary corrections to Informal Paper 2 submitted by the Drafting Committee (Arabic), 1979, Sep. 18MSS 82-6, Box 70
fileRemarks of the Drafting Committee on “Sub-regional, Regional and Global Organizations.” (English), 1979, Mar. 26MSS 82-6, Box 70
fileListe des expressions francais basees sur le document officieux du 12 Mai 1978. (French), 1979, Apr. 5MSS 82-6, Box 70
subseriesArabic Language Group Papers (ALGDC)
fileALGDC/1-66 1979, Dec. 17 - 16 Aug. 1982; [Reports, changes, proposals, observations, suggestions of the Arabic Language Group (ALGDC)], 1979, Dec. 17 - 16 Aug. 1982MSS 82-6, Box 70
subseriesChinese Language Group Papers (CLGDC)
file[Preliminary observations, recommendations, suggestions, changes, by the Chinese Language Group (CLGDC)], 1979, Aug. 15 - Aug. 16, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 70
subseriesEnglish Language Group Papers (ELGDC)
fileELGDC/1-24 1979, May 11 - 28 Jul. 1981; [Summaries and recommendations of the English Language Group (ELGDC)], 1979, May 11 - 28 Jul. 1981MSS 82-6, Box 70
fileELGDC/25-80 1981, Jul. 30 - 19 Aug. 1982; [Recommendations of the ELGDC], 1981, Jul. 30 - 19 Aug. 1982MSS 82-6, Box 71
subseriesFrench Language Group Papers (FLGDC)
fileFLGDC/1-78 1979, May 11 - 19 Aug. 1982; [Conclusions, reports, proposals of the FLGDC], 1979, May 11 - 19 Aug. 1982MSS 82-6, Box 71
subseriesRussian Language Group Papers (RLGDC)
fileRLGDC/1-23 1979, Aug. 20 - 23 Apr. 1982; [Observations, comments, editorial comments, drafting changes, drafting suggestions, drafting proposals of the RLGDC], 1979, Aug. 20 - 23 Apr. 1982MSS 82-6, Box 71
subseriesSpanish Language Group Papers (SLGDC)
fileSLGDC/1-16 1979, May 11 - 13 Feb. 1981; [Preliminary report, decisions, reports, suggested changes, suggested amendments of the SLGDC], 1979, May 11 - 13 Feb. 1981MSS 82-6, Box 71
fileSLGDC/17-67 1981, Feb. 9 - 17 Aug. 1982; [Suggested amendments, observations, suggestions of the SLGDC], 1981, Feb. 9 - 17 Aug. 1982MSS 82-6, Box 72
subseriesDC Papers
fileDC/Preamble; DC/Part1/Article 1; DC/Part1/Article 1 bis - 1982, Apr. 9; Aug. 17, 19. DC Papers on Part I, New York, Geneva, 1982, Apr. 9; Aug. 17, 19.MSS 82-6, Box 72
fileDC/Part II/Articles 2, 6,7-10, 12-19, 21, 24-33 - 1981; DC Papers on Part II, New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 72
fileDC/Part III/ Articles 34-45 - 1981; DC Papers on Part III, New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 72
fileDC/Part IV/Articles 46-49,51-56, 58-67, 69-75 - 1981; DC Papers on Part IV, New York and Geneva, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 72
fileDC/ Part V/Articles 55-56, 58-67, 69-75 - 1981; DC Papers on Part V, New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 72
fileDC/Part VI/Articles 76-79, 81-85 - 1981; DC Papers on Part VI, New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 72
fileDC/Part VII/Sections 1-2 - 1981; DC Papers on Part VII, Title, New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 72
fileDC/Part VII/Arts. 86-120 - 1981; DC Papers on Part VII, New York and Geneva, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 72
fileDC/Part IX/Arts. 122-123 - 1981; DC Papers on Part IX, New York and Geneva, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 72
fileDC/Part X/Arts. 124-126,129 132 - 1981; DC Papers on Part X, New York and Geneva, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 72
fileDC/Part XI - 1981, Apr. 7; DC Papers on Part XI, General Recommendations, New York, 1981, Apr. 7MSS 82-6, Box 72
fileDC/Part XI/Arts. 133-135,137-149 - 1981-1982; DC Papers on Part XI, New York, 1981-1982MSS 82-6, Box 72
fileDC/Part XI/Section 3, Title - 1981; DC Papers on Part XI, New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 72
fileDC/Part XI/Arts. 150-165 - 1981; DC Papers on Part XI, New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 72
fileDC/Part XI/Arts. 166-191 - 1981; DC Papers on Part XI, New York and Geneva, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XI - [1981?]; General Recommendations, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XI/Section 6 - [1981?]; Title., 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XII/Arts.193-203 - 1981, 1982; New York, Geneva, 1981, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XII/Section 4/Title - 1981 , 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XII/Arts. 204-206 - 1981; New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XII/Section 5/Title - 1981, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XII/Arts. 207-212 - 1981; New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XII/Sections 6-8 - 1981, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XII/Arts. 213-234 - 1981, 1982; New York, Geneva, 1981, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XII/Section 9/Title - 1981; New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XII/Art.235 - 1981, 1982; New York, Geneva, 1981, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XII/Section 10/Title - 1981; New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XII/Art.236 - 1981, 1982; New York, Geneva, 1981, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XII/Section 11/Title - 1981; New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XII/Arts.237 - 1981; New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XIII/Arts.238-241 - 1981, 1982; New York, Geneva, 1981, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XIII/Section 2/Title - 1981; New York , 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XIII/Arts. 242-257 - 1981, 1982; New York, Geneva, 1981, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XIII/Section 4/Title - 1981; New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fondsDC/Part XIII/Arts.258-262 - 1981, 1982; New York, Geneva, 1981, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XIII/Section 5/Title - 1981; New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XIII/Arts.262-265 - 1981, 1982; New York, Geneva, 1981, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XIV/Title - 1981; New York , 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XIV/Arts.266-277 - 1981; New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XIV/Section 4/ Title - 1981; New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XIV/Art. 278 - 1981; New York , 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XV/Section 1MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XV/Section 1/Title - 1981, Jul.; Geneva, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XV/Arts.279-285 - 1981, Jul.; Geneva, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XV/Section 2/Title - 1981, Jul.; Geneva, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XV/Arts.286-296 - 1981, Jul. - Aug.; Geneva, 1981, Jul. - Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XV/Section 3/Title - 1981, Jul; Geneva, 1981, JulMSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XV/Arts.297-299 - 1981, Jul. - Aug.; Geneva, 1981, Jul. - Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XVI/Arts. 300-304 - 1982, Apr.; New York, 1982, Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Part XVII/Arts. 305-308, 312-319 - 1982, Apr., Jul.; Geneva, New York, 1982, Apr., Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Annex I - 1981, 1982; New York, Geneva, 1981, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Annex II/Arts. 1-5, 7-9 - 1981; New York, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Annex III/Arts. 1-6 - 1982; New York, Geneva, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 73
fileDC/Annex III/Arts. 7-19, 21-22 - 1982; New York, Geneva, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Annex IV/Arts. 1-13 - 1982, Jul.; Geneva, 1982, Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Annex V/Title - 1981, Aug.; Geneva, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Annex V/Section 1/Title - 1981, Aug.; Geneva, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Annex V/Arts. 1-14 - 1981, Aug.; Geneva, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Annex VI/Title - 1981, Aug.; Geneva, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Annex VI/Art. 1 - 1981, Aug.; Geneva, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Annex VI/Section 1/Title - 1981, Aug.; Geneva, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Annex VI/Arts. 2-19 - 1981, Aug.; Geneva, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Annex VI/Section 2/Title - 1981, Aug.; Geneva, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Annex VI/Arts. 20-34 - 1981, Aug.; Geneva, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Annex VI/Section 4/Title - 1981, Aug.; Geneva, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Annex VI/Arts. 35-40 - 1981, Aug. Geneva, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Annex VI/Section 5/Title - 1981, Aug.; Geneva, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Annex VI/Arts. 41-42 - 1981, Aug.; Geneva, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Annex VII/Title - 1982, Jul.; Geneva, 1982, Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Annex VII/Arts. 1-11 - 1982, Jul.; Geneva, 1982, Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Annex IX/Arts. 1-8 - 1982; New York, Geneva, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 74
fileDC/Pending items 1-2 - 1982, Aug.; Geneva, 1982, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 74
subseriesDC Papers on the Resolutions
fileDC/Draft Decision _ 1982, Apr. 11; New York, 1982, Apr. 11MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileDC/Draft Resolution I - 1982; Apr. 10; New York , 1982; Apr. 10MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileDC/Resolution I - 1982; Aug.; Geneva, 1982; Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileDC/Draft Resolution II - 1982, Apr.; New York, 1982, Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileDC/Resolution II/Operative, Paragraph 1-4, 7-14 - 1982, Aug.; Geneva, 1982, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileDC/Draft Resolution III - 1982, Apr.; New York, 1982, Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileDC/General Recommendations/1-6 - 1982, Jul. -Aug.; Geneva, 1982, Jul. -Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileInformal Plenary/DC/1 - 1981, Apr. 15; New York. [Some items deferred by the Informal Plenary for further consideration by the Drafting Committee, 1981, Apr. 15MSS 82-6, Box 75
subseriesIC Papers
fileIC/1 - 1982, Feb. 25; New York. (Arabic). Proposals for informal consultations, 1982, Feb. 25MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileIC/2 - 1982, Mar.; Proposals for informal consultations, 1982, Mar.MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileIC/7 - 1982; Aug. Resultats de consulations officieuses sur la redation des Anneses III et IV, 1982; Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 75
subseriesInformal Papers of the Drafting Committee
fileInformal Paper 1 - 1978, May - Aug.; (English). References in the Informal Composite Negotiating Text. [And Informal Paper 1, Rev.1, Add.1-3], 1978, May - Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileInformal Paper 2 - 1978-1979; (English). Preliminary list of recurring words and expressions in the Informal Composite Negotiating Text which may be harmonized. [And Informal Paper 2, Add.1 and Corr. 1], 1978-1979MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileInformal Paper 3 - 1979; (English). Notes on the structure of the proposed Convention, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileInformal Paper 4; Informal Paper 4/Rev.2 - 1979; (English) Some notes on the preliminary reports of the Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish Language Groups. Revisions, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileInformal Paper 5; Informal Paper 5/Rev.2 - 1979; Preliminary conclusions on certain internal references in the Informal Composite Negotiating Text. Revisions, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileInformal Paper 6 - 1979; Changes to the Informal Composite Negotiating Text, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileInformal Paper 7 - 1979; (English). References to Marine Scientific Research in the ICNT/Rev.1, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileInformal Paper 8 - 1979; (English). A progress report on the work of the Drafting Committee on Informal Paper 2, 1979MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileInformal Paper 9 - 1980; (English). Informal Composite Negotiating Text/Revision 1, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileInformal Paper 10 - 1980; (English). Sections 8-15 of Informal Paper 2/Add.1 revised, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileInformal Paper 11 - 1980; (English). Deferred items on Informal Paper 2/Add.1, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileInformal Paper 12 - 1980; (English). Revised list of recurring words and expressions in Informal Paper 2 and Informal Paper 2/Add.1 which have been deferred, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileInformal Paper 13 - 1980; (English). Recommendations of the coordinators of the language groups on the deferred items in Informal Paper 2, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileInformal Paper 13/Rev. 1 - 1980; (English). Draft recommendations of the coordinators of the language groups for the purposes of consideration in the language groups, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileInformal Paper 14 - 1980; (English). Recommendations of the Drafting Committee on Informal Paper 2 and Informal Paper 2/Add.1 which have not been yet incorporated in the Informal Composite Negotiating Text, 1980MSS 82-6, Box 75
fileInformal Paper 15 - 1981; (English). Draft recommendations of the coordinators of the language groups for the purpose of consideration in the language groups. /Add.1 1980; Section 20. “International rules and standards.” and Rev.1, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileInformal Paper 16; Informal Paper 16/Add.1-2 - 1981; Section 20. “International rules and standards.”1981; The equivalents of certain words and expressions in the various language versions of the Draft Convention on the Law of the Sea (Informal Text) A/COMSS 82-6, Box 76
fileInformal Paper 17 - 1981; (English). Informal observations of a drafting nature relating to A/CONF.62/WP.10/Rev.3, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileInformal Paper 18 - 1981; (English). Specific items still under consideration by the Drafting Committee, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileInformal Paper 19; Informal Paper/Corr.1 - 1981; Informal observations of a drafting nature relating to Part XI of A/CONF.62/WP.10/Rev.3, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileInformal Paper 20 - 1981, Jan. 19; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee on Informal Paper 2 and Informal Paper 2/Add.1 which have not yet been incorporated on the Draft Convention on the Law of the Sea (Informal Text) - A/CONF.62/WP.10/Rev.3, 1981, JMSS 82-6, Box 76
fileInformal Paper 21 - 1981, Jan. 22; Suggestions re: subparagraphs and capital letters; use of conjunctions, etc, 1981, Jan. 22MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileInformal Paper 22 - 1981; Suggestions accepted by the Drafting Committee which are not incorporated in the CG/WP series, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileInformal Papers 23-24 - 1981, Jun.; The equivalents of certain words and expressions in the various language versions of the Draft Convention on the Law of the Sea (Informal Text) A/CONF.62/WP.10/Rev.3, Parts XV-XVII, Annexes V-VIII. And informal observatMSS 82-6, Box 76
fileInformal Paper 25 - 1982, Mar.; Part XI - (Incorporating recommendations of the Drafting Committee accepted by the Informal Plenary), 1982, Mar.MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileInformal Paper 27 - 1982, Apr.; Pending items with relevant DC Papers - Second Committee, 1982, Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileInformal Paper 28 - 1982, Apr.; Pending items with relevant DC Papers - Third Committee, 1982, Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileInformal Paper 29 - 1982, Jun; Additions to articles already reviewed by the Drafting Committee and suggestions of a drafting nature submitted by the Secretariat, 1982, Jun.MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileInformal Paper 30 - 1982, Jul; Resolution II (with suggestions by the Secretariat, including changes already accepted by the Drafting Committee in its textual review and changes which would seem to affect only one language.), 1982, Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileInformal Paper 31 - 1982, Jul; Annex III - Art. 6, paragraph 3, chapeau (A/CONF.62/L.14/Add.1, page 2) and suggestions of a drafting nature submitted by the Secretariat, 1982, Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 76
subseriesCG/WP Papers (Coordinators Working Papers)
fileCG/WP.1 - 1979, Aug. 6; Provisional Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups on Informal Paper 4, 1979, Aug. 6MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.2; CG/WP.2/Rev.1 - 1980, Mar., Aug.; [Reports of the Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish Language Groups on Informal Paper 2/Add.1, 1980, Mar., Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.3 - 1980, Mar. 13; Suggested formula to be used in Arts. 31, 32,96, 102, 107, 111, paragraph 5, 224,236 and 298, paragraph 1(b), 1980, Mar. 13MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.4 - 1981, Jan.30; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Parts II, III and IV, Arts. 1-53, 1981, Jan.30MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.5; CG/WP.5/Rev.1 - 1981, Feb.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part V, Arts. 55-75, 1981, Feb.MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.6 - 1981, Feb. 5; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part VI, Arts. 76-84, Annexes I-II, 1981, Feb. 5MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.7 - 1981, Feb.6; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part VII, Arts. 86-120, 1981, Feb.6MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.8 - 1981, Feb. 9; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Parts VIII-IX, Arts. 122-131, 1981, Feb. 9MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.9 - 1981; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part XIII, Arts. 193-210, 1981MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.10-12 - 1981, Feb. 25-26; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part XII, Arts. 211-217, 218-220, 221-237, 1981, Feb. 25-26MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.13 - 1981, Feb. 26; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part XIII, Arts. 238-265, 1981, Feb. 26MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.14 - 1981, Feb. 27; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part XIV, Arts. 266-278, 1981, Feb. 27MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.15-16 - 1981, Apr.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part XI, Arts. 135-140, 133-146, 1981, Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.17-18 - 1981, Jul; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part XV, Arts. 279-285, 286-296, 1981, Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.19 - 1981, Jul; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part XI, Arts. 186-189, 1981, Jul.MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.20; CG/WP.20/Corr.1 - 1981, Jul. - Aug.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part XV, Section 3, Art. 297, 1981, Jul. - Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.21 - 1981, Aug.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part XV, Arts. 298-299, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.22; CG/WP.22/Add.1; CG/WP.22/Add.2 - 1981, Aug.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Annex V, Sections 1-2, Arts. 1-3, 4-10, 11-14, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.23; CG/WP.23/Corr.1 - 1981, Aug.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part XV, Arts. 290, 292, 294, 296, 297-299; Annex V, Arts. 1, 8, 13, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.24; CG/WP.24/Add.1 - 1981, Aug.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part XV, Art. 298; V, Arts. 3 and 10, 1981, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.25-28; CG/WP.25-27/Corr.1 - 1981-1982; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part XI, Arts. 147-149, 150-151, 152-155, 156-160, 1981-1982MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.30; CG/WP.30/Corr.1 - 1982, Feb.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part XI, Art. 162, 1982, Feb.MSS 82-6, Box 76
fileCG/WP.32-33 - 1982, Feb.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part XI, Arts. 165, 167-175, 1982, Feb.MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP.34 - 1982, Apr.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Draft Resolution I (based on A/CONF.62/L.94), 1982, Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP.35 - 1982, Apr.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Draft Resolution I, Arts. 10-15; Draft Resolution III (based on A/CONF.62/L.94), 1982, Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP.36 - [Missing from original guide]MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP.37 - 1982, Apr.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Arts. 217, 222, 242, 305-308, 319 (based on A/CONF.62/L.93), 1982, Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP.38 - 1982, Apr.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Arts. 1-4 of Annex III, 1982, Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP.39 - [Missing from original guide]MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP.40; CG/WP.40/Add.1; CG/WP.40/Corr. 1-2 - 1982, Jun.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part I bis; Annex IX, Arts. 1-4, 5-6, (based on A/CONF.62/L.93); Russian and Spanish; Spanish only, 1982, JunMSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP.47-50 - 1982, Aug.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Annex III, Arts. 14-16, 18-20, 17, 1982, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP.52; CG/WP.52/Corr.1 - 1982, Aug.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part XVI, Arts. 300-304; Arabic only, 1982, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP.53-56 - 1982, Aug.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Annex IV, Arts. 5-6, 8-10, 12-13, 7-11, 1982, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP.57 - 1982, Aug.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Resolution II, 1982, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP.59 - 1982, Aug.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Annex VII, Arts. 1-23, 1982, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP.62-67 - 1982, Aug.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Annex III, Art. 13, Paragraphs 2 - 6 (a); 6 (d)- 6(f); 6 (g) - 6(i); 6 (j) - 6 (m); 6 (n) - 7(b); 8-15, 1982, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP.68 - 1982, Aug.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Annex VI, Arts. 1-41, 1982, Aug.MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP.69 - 1982, Sep.; Recommendation of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Preamble; Part I - Art. 1; Part II - Arts. 10, 19, 22, 26; Part IV - Art. 47; Part V - Arts. 61-66, 69, 70, 71, 74; Part VI - Arts. 76, 77, 79, 83MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP. 70 - 1982, Sep.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part IX, Arts. 133, 137, 138, 142, 144, 150, 151, 156, 160 -162, 168, 171, 188, 189, 1982, Sep.MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP.71 - 1982, Sep.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Part XII - Arts. 194, 200-202, 208, 211-212, 216-221, 223, 230-232, 235-236; Part XIII - Arts. 240-241, 244, 246, 249, 252-254, 261, 263; Part XIMSS 82-6, Box 77
fileCG/WP. 72 - 1982, Sep.; Recommendations of the Coordinators of the Language Groups to the Drafting Committee - Annex I, Annex II - Arts. 2, 3, 5-6; Annex III - Arts. 1-7, 9, 13, 17, 19; Annex IV - Arts. 5-6, 11-12; Annex V - Arts. 2-3; Annex VIII - Art. 5MSS 82-6, Box 77
subseriesReports of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee
fileA/CONF.62/L.40; A/CONF.62/L.40/Corr.2 - 1979, Aug. 22; Report to the Plenary by Ambassador J. Alan Beesley (Canada), Chairman of the Drafting Committee (Resumed 8th Session), 1979, Aug. 22MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileA/CONF.62/L. 57; A/CONF.62/L.57.Rev.1 - 1980, Jun. 26, Jul. 17, Aug. 1; (Inter-sessional of the DC). Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary, 1980, Jun. 26, Jul. 17, Aug. 1MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileA/CONF.62/L.63/Rev.1; A/CONF.62/L.63/Rev.1/Corr.1 - 1980, Oct. 22, Dec. 17; Report of the Drafting Committee (Resumed 9th Session), 1980, Oct. 22, Dec. 17MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileA/CONF.62/L.67; A/CONF.62/L.67/Rev.1; A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.1; A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.1/Rev.1/Corr.1; A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.1/Rev.1/Corr.2 - 1981, Feb. 26, Mar. 5, Mar. 25, Apr. 14; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee; Addendum; Recommendations of the MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileA/CONF.62/L.67/Add.2; A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.2/Corr.1 - 1981, Feb. 27, Mar. 2; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee - Addendum; List of informal papers and recommendations of the language groups, 1981, Feb. 27, Mar. 2MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileA/CONF.62/L.67/Add.3; A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.3/Corr.1-3 - 1981, Mar. 6,29, 24, Apr.14; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary: Annex I; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Part V, 1981, Mar. 6,29, 24, Apr.14MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileA/CONF.62/L.67/Add.4; A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.4/Corr.1-5 - 1981, Mar.9, 24, Apr. 15; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary: Annex I; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee: Part VI, Arts. 76-84, Annexes I -II, 1981, Mar.9, 24, Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 77
fileA/CONF.62/L.67/Add.5; A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.5/Corr.1-3 - 1981, Mar. 9, 19, 24-25; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary: Annex I; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Part VII, Arts. 86-120, 1981, Mar. 9, 19, 24-25MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.67/Add.6; A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.6/Corr.1-2 - 1981, Mar. 10, 19, 26; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary: Annex I; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee: Part VIII, Arts. 122-131, 1981, Mar. 10, 19, 26MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.67/Add.7; A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.7/Corr.1-3 - 1981, Mar. 13, 26, Apr. 14-15; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary: Annex I; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee: Part XII, Arts. 193-210, 1981, Mar. 13, 26, Apr. 14-1MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.67/Add.8; A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.8/Corr.1-3 - 1981, Mar. 13, 26, 31, Apr. 14; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary, Annex I; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee: Part XII, Arts. 211-217, 1981, Mar. 13, 26, 31, Apr.MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.67/Add.9; A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.9/Corr.1 - 1981, Mar. 11, 25; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary, Annex I; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee: Part XII, Arts. 216-220, 1981, Mar. 11, 25MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.67/Add.10; A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.10/Corr.1-2 - 1981, Mar. 26, 31, Apr. 14; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary: Annex I; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee: Part XII, Arts. 221-237, 1981, Mar. 26, 31, Apr. 14MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.67/Add.11; A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.11/Corr.1-2 - 1981, Mar. 12, 25, 31; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary: Annex I; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee: Part XIII, Arts. 238-265, 1981, Mar. 12, 25, 31MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.67/Add.12; A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.12/Corr.1-3 - 1981, Mar. 11, 31, Apr. 13- 14; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary: Annex I; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee: Part XIV, Arts. 266-278, 1981, Mar. 11, 31, Apr. 1MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.67/Add.13; A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.13/Corr.1-3 - 1981, Mar. 13, 26, 31, Apr. 14; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary: Annex I; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee: Part XII, Arts. 211-217, 1981, Mar. 13, 26, 31, ApMSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.67/Add.14 - 1981, Apr. 23; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary: Amendments to the Recommendations of the Drafting Committee (A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.1/Rev.1-Add.13), 1981, Apr. 23MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.67/Add.15 - 1981, Jul. 15; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary: Annex I; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee: Part XI, Arts. 133-140, 1981, Jul. 15MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.67/Add.16; A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.16/Corr.1 - 1981, Aug. 3, 18; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee: Part XI, Arts. 133-146, 1981, Aug. 3, 18MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.72 - 1981, Apr. 23; Report of the President of the Drafting Committee on behalf of the President of the Conference and the Chairmen of the First, Second and Third Committees, 1981, Apr. 23MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.73 - 1981, Jun. 26; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee (10th Session), 1981, Jun. 26MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.74 - 1981, Aug. 3; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee, 1981, Aug. 3MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.75; A/CONF.62/L.75/Add.1; A/CONF.62/L.75/Add.1/Corr.1 - 1981, Aug. 11; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Part XV, Arts. 279-285, 1981, Aug. 11MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.75/Add.2; A/CONF.62/L.75/Add.2/Corr.1 - 1981, Aug. 11; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Part XV, Arts. 286-296, 1981, Aug. 11MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.75/Add.3-4; A/CONF.62/L.75/Add.4/Corr.1 - 1981, Aug. 11; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Part XI, Section 6, Arts. 186-187, 189; 188, 190-191, 1981, Aug. 11MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.75/Add.5; A/CONF.62/L.75/Add.5/Corr.1 - 1981, Dec. 15; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Part XV, Art. 297, 1981, Dec. 15MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.75/Add.6; A/CONF.62/L.75/Add.6/Corr.1 - 1981, Dec. 15; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Part XV, Arts. 298-299, 1981, Dec. 15MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.75/Add.7; A/CONF.62/L.75/Add.7/Corr.1-2 - 1981, Dec. 15, Aug. 26-27; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Annex V, Arts. 1-3, 1981, Dec. 15, Aug. 26-27MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.75/Add.8; A/CONF.62/L.75/Add.8/Corr.1 - 1981, Dec. 15; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Annex V, Arts. 4-9, 1981, Dec. 15MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.75/Add.10-11; A/CONF.62/L.75/Add.10/Corr.1 - 1981, Dec. 15; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Part XV, Art. 298; Annex V, Arts. 3, 10, 1981, Dec. 15MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.75/Add.12 - 1982, Jan. 11; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Art. 298, 1982, Jan. 11MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.75/Add.13 - 1982, Jan. 11; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Amendments - A/CONF.62/L.67/Add.16 and A/CONF..62/L.67/Adds. 1-4, 1982, Jan. 11MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L85 - 1982, Mar. 5; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee (11th Session), 1982, Mar. 5MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.85/Add.1; A/CONF.62/L.85/Add.1/Corr.1-2 - 1982, Mar. 5, 11-12; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Part XI, Arts. 147-151, 1982, Mar. 5, 11-12MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.85/Add.2-4; A/CONF.62/L.85/Add.2-4/Corr.1 - 1982, Mar. 5, 11; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Part XI, Arts. 152-155, 156-160, 161, 1982, Mar. 5, 11MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.85/Add.5-6; A/CONF.62/L.85/Add.5-6/Corr.1 - 1982, Mar. 5, 11-12; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Part XI, Arts. 162,163, 1982, Mar. 5, 11-12MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.85/Add.7 - 1982, Mar. 8; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Part XI, Arts. 164-166, 1982, Mar. 8MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.85/Add.8; A/CONF.62/L.85/Add.8/Corr.1 - 1982, Mar. 9, 12; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Part XI, Arts. 167-185; Part XVII, Art. 318, 1982, Mar. 9, 12MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.85/Add.9 - 1982, Apr. 6; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Part XI, Arts. 147-151, 1982, Apr. 6MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.88; A/CONF.62/L.88/Corr.1 - 1982, Mar. 9, 12; Letter dated 26 Mar. 1982 from the Chairman of the Third Committee to the President of the Conference and the Chairman of the Drafting Committee (11th Session), 1982, Mar. 9, 12MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.89 - 1982, Mar. 26; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee (11th Session), 1982, Mar. 26MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.90 - 1982, Mar. 26; Report to the Plenary on the recommendations of the Drafting Committee presented by the Chairman of the Drafting Committee on behalf of the President and the Chairman of the First Committee, 1982, Mar. 26MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.142 - 1982, Apr. 29; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee (11th Session), 1982, Apr. 29MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.142/Add.1; A/CONF.62/L.142/Corr.1; A/CONF.62/L.142/Rev.1 - 1982, Apr. 29, 30, May.3; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee - Draft Resolutions I and III (based on A/CONF.62/L.94), Part V: Art 60; Part XI: Arts. 156, 164; Part XII: AMSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.152 - 1982, Sep. 15; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee, 1982, Sep. 15MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.152/Add.1-4 - 1982, Sep. 14, 15; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Annex III, Arts. 1-4, 5, 6, 7-12, 1982, Sep. 14, 15MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.152/Add.5-11 - 1982, Sep. 15; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Annex III, Arts. 13: title and paragraph 1, paragraphs 2-6 [c]; 6 (d-f); 6 (g, I); 6(j, m); 6 (n) - 7(b);MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.152/Add.12-15 - 1982, Sep. 15; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Annex III, Arts. 14-16, 17, 18-20, 21-22, 1982, Sep. 15MSS 82-6, Box 78
fileA/CONF.62/L.152/Add.16-18 - 1982, Sep. 16; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Annex IV, Arts. 1- 6, 7-11, 12-13 , 1982, Sep. 16MSS 82-6, Box 79
fileA/CONF.62/L.152/Add.19; A/CONF.62/L.152/Add.19/Corr.1 - 1982, Sep. 16, 22; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Annex VI, 1982, Sep. 16, 22MSS 82-6, Box 79
fileA/CONF.62/L.152/Add.20 - 1982, Sep. 17; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Annexes VII, VIII, IX, 1982, Sep. 17MSS 82-6, Box 79
fileA/CONF.62/L.152/Add.21 - 1982, Sep. 17; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee: Part I, Art. 1 bis; Part II, Arts. 36-37; Part XVI, Arts. 300-304; Part XVII, Arts. 308-317, 319, 320, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 79
fileA/CONF.62/L.152/Add.22 - 1982, Sep. 17; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee: Resolution II, 1982, Sep. 17MSS 82-6, Box 79
fileA/CONF.62/L.152/Add.23 - 1982, Nov. 4; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee: Preamble; Part I, Art. 1; Part II, Arts. 10, 19, 22 and 26; Part III, Arts. 34, 42, 45; Part IV, Art. 47; PaMSS 82-6, Box 79
fileA/CONF.62/L.152/Add.24 - 1982, Nov. 4; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee: Part XI, Arts. 133, 137, 138, 142, 144, 150, 151, 155-156, 160-162, 168, 171, 199 and 189, 1982, Nov. 4MSS 82-6, Box 79
fileA/CONF.62/L.152/Add.25 - 1982, Nov. 4; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee: Part XII, Arts. 194, 200-202, 208, 211-212, 216, 221, 223, 227, 230-232, 235 and 236; Part XIII, Arts. 240-2MSS 82-6, Box 79
fileA/CONF.62/L.152/Add.26 - 1982, Nov. 4; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary; Recommendations of the Drafting Committee, Annex I; Annex II, Arts. 2-3, 5-6; Annex III, Arts. 1-7, 9, 13, 17, 19; Annex IV, Arts. 5-6, 11-12; Annex V,MSS 82-6, Box 79
fileA/CONF.62/L.152/Add.27 - 1983, Jan. 21; Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to the Plenary: Amendments to Adds. 1-26, Annexes III-IV, VII-VIII, Arts. 36, 311, 313; Resolution II, 1983, Jan. 21MSS 82-6, Box 79
fileList of Convention Signatures, 1982, Dec.MSS 82-6, Box 80
fileDOS – Prepared list of documents, 1984MSS 82-6, Box 80
fileLOS/PCH/4 - 1983, Apr. 8; UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Letter from the USSR Delegation, 1983, Apr. 8MSS 82-6, Box 80
fileLOS/PCN/1984/CRP.1/Rev.1 - 1984, Mar. 20; Organization of Work, 1984, Mar. 20MSS 82-6, Box 80
fileLOS/PCN/1-114 - 1983-1990; UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. [some documents missing], 1983-1990MSS 82-6, Box 80
fileLOS/PCN/L.1-55 - 1984-1987; UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Second Session [some documents missing], 1984-1987MSS 82-6, Box 80
fileLOS/PCN/WP.1-40 - 1983-1984, 1987; UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Working Papers [some documents missing], 1983-1984, 1987MSS 82-6, Box 80
fileLOS/PCN/BUR/INF/R.3; LOS/PCN/INF.1-7; 9 - 1983-1985-, 1987; UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Information concerning the revised aMSS 82-6, Box 80
fileLOS/ PCN/SCN.1/WP.1-10 - 1984-1987; UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. [Basic data and information of relevance to the work of the MSS 82-6, Box 80
fileLOS/PCN/SCN.2/L.2-L.3 - 1983-1984; UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Special Commission 2, 1983-1984MSS 82-6, Box 80
fileLOS/PCN/SCN.2/WP.1-13 - 1984-1987; UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Special Commission 2, Special Commission for the Enterprise MaMSS 82-6, Box 80
fileLOS/PCN/SCN.2/1984/CRP.1-2 - 1984; UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Special Commission 2, 1984MSS 82-6, Box 80
fileLOS/PCN/SCN.3/1984/CRP.1-2 - UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Agenda, Proposals, 1984MSS 82-6, Box 80
fileLOS/PCN/SCN.3/WP.1-7 - UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Special Commission 3MSS 82-6, Box 80
fileLOS/PCN/SCN.3/L.1 - 1984; Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Approval of Work, 1984MSS 82-6, Box 80
fileLOS/PCN/SCN.4/1984/CRP.1-5 - 1984; Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Agebda for Special Commission 4, 1984MSS 82-6, Box 80
fileLOS/PCN/SCN.4/WP.1-2; 4-5 - Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Special Commission 4MSS 82-6, Box 80
fileLOS/PCN/SCN/SCN.4/L.1-4; 8 - Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Special Commission 4 Summary of DiscussionsMSS 82-6, Box 80
subseriesMiscellaneous Documents
fileCorrespondence and other documents between the UN and the government of Jamaica, 1986MSS 82-6, Box 81
fileUN Press releases (with different numbering system), 1982MSS 82-6, Box 81
filePreparatory Commission Miscellaneous Documents, 1983MSS 82-6, Box 81
fileUN Resolutions Adopted by the General Assembly re UNCLOS III, A/RES/38/59-60 - 1983-1984MSS 82-6, Box 81
fileA/38/6/Add.1; A/38/7/Add.17 - 1987; Programme Budget for the Biennium, 1987MSS 82-6, Box 81
fileA/39100 - 1984, Jun. 15; Annotated Preliminary List of Items to be Included in the Provisional Agenda of the 39th Regular Session of the General Assembly, 1984, Jun. 15MSS 82-6, Box 81
fileA/39/647 - 1984; Law of the Sea. Report of the Secretary-General, 1984MSS 82-6, Box 81
fileA/39/PV.99 - n.d.; Report of the Secretary-General (A/39/647 and Corr. 1 and Add.1); Draft Resolution (A/39/L.35); Report of the 5th Committee (A/39/821), n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 81
fileLOS Polar Regions Conference. Seventh Annual Seminar. Center for Oceans Law and Policy. Papers presented, 1987; Mar. 25-28MSS 82-6, Box 81
fileLetters to Rosanne from Vignes, 1982MSS 82-6, Box 82
fileTranscription of Part of the 184th Plenary (UNCLOS III) re: “Title of the Convention.", 1982, Nov. 11MSS 82-6, Box 82
fileLouis Sohn on LOS Negotiations (1 Casette) Restricted. [There is a digital copy saved with UNCLOS III folder guide], 1976MSS 82-6, Box 82
fileOxman on LOS Negotiations Revise. (1 Casette). Restricted, 1976MSS 82-6, Box 82
fileStatement by Ambassador Nandan [Chair Group of 21], 1976; Sep. 8MSS 82-6, Box 82
file[UN “working copy” of Russian Act], n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 83
file[UN “working copy of Chinese Text], n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 83
file[UN “working copy of Arabic Text], n.d.MSS 82-6, Box 83
fileOPOL (Offshore Pollution Liability Agreement), 1992MSS 82-6, Box 83
fileMiscellaneous documents, 1977-1990MSS 82-6, Box 84
fileNOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Office of Oceans Engineering: Deep Sea Mining (Background information), 1971-1977MSS 82-6, Box 84
fileNOAA – Deep Ocean Mining Bill – drafts, 1977MSS 82-6, Box 84
fileNOAA – drafts of legislation, HR and Senate Bills, 1976-1977MSS 82-6, Box 84
fileNOAA – Environment Considerations, 1975-1977MSS 82-6, Box 84
fileNOAA – notes, clippings, 1976-1977MSS 82-6, Box 84
fileNOAA – Ocean Mining Incentive Act, 1976-1977MSS 82-6, Box 84
fileNOAA – Statements before House of Representatives Committees re: Deep Seabed Hard Minerals Act, 1976-1977MSS 82-6, Box 84
fileNOAA – Statements before Senate Committees re: Deep Seabed Hard Minerals Act, 1976-1977MSS 82-6, Box 84
United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea III: Deepsea Miner II
United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea III: Geneva Session (3rd), 1975
seriesThe Papers of Myron Nordquist
fileTreaty Interpretation Project (TIP): Draft of text, [n.d.]MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 1
fileTIP: Negotiating Process. Correspondence with Koh nad Jayakumar, 1977, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 1
fileTIP: Coordination of the project and personnel administrative matters, 1977-1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 1
fileTIP: C. I - Correspondence with Pinto, Wolfrum, others, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 2
fileTIP: C. II - Administrative Matters, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 2
fileTIP: C. III - Correspondence with Yankov, others, 1977-1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 2
fileTIP: C. IV - Correspondence with Sohn, 1977-1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 2
fileTIP: Consultant Forms, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 2
fileTIP: Commentators, 1978-1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 2
fileTIP: Organizational files re C. II work, 1981MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 2
fileNotebooks containing official documents from conferences and U. S. Delegation Documents, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 2
fileTIP: C. II Working Text, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 2
fileTIP: Working Materials, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 2
fileTIP: Working Materials Art. 6-13, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 2
fileRecord of the International Technical Conference . . . (Rome), 1955, Apr. - 18 MayMSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 2
fileSources of the 1958 Convention Articles, 1958MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 2
fileSummary records of UNCLOS I Committee I on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, 1958MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 2
fileU. S. Delegation: Article by Article Commentary on the 1958 Convention (US/CLS/LEG): vol. 1-arts. 1-4; vol. 2-arts. 26-48, 61-65; vol. 5 arts. 67-73, 1958MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 2
fileTIP: Working Materials Art. 14-23, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 3
fileTIP: Final Clauses Draft, Shabti Rosenne, 1981MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 3
fileTIP: Draft of report of MHN[ordquist] of Review Panel Meeting for ICNT Interpretation Project, 1981MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 3
fileNordquist’s writing, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 3
fileMN - Book Review, 1971MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 3
filePhotographs of the DEEPSEA MINER II, and manganese nodules on ocean floor, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 3
fileMiscellaneous ocean related correspondence and other material, 1969-1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 3
fileMiscellaneous ocean related documents, 1975, 1977, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST, Box 4
filePersonal Correspondence re LOS, 1980-1982, n. d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST, Box 4
fileCourse material for International Law Course with D. W. Bowett, 1970MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST, Box 4
fileOCEANA: Agreements and documents from Binder “Oceana Book: U. S.” , n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST, Box 4
fileOCEANA: Agreements and documents from Bunder “Oceana Book: Canada”, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 5
fileOCEANA: Australia - Legislation regarding parks, lands, energy, minerals, and mining, 1973-1977MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 5
fileOCEANA: Panama Canal Treaties and assorted documents, 1977MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 6
fileOCEANA: “New Directions”: Papers, drafts, memos, correspondence, 1977-1979, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 6
fileOCEANA: Tuna Conventions , n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 6
fileOCEANA: Correspondence, 1976-1981MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 6
fileOCEANA: Lists of U. S. Foreign Relations Publications, 1968-1969MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 6
fileOCEANA: Working papers, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 6
fileOCEANA: Correspondence, 1979-1981MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 6
fileM N[ordquist] Correspondence re Oceana Project, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 6
fileOCEANA: Fiji, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 6
fileOCEANA: Outline of project and list of documents, 1980, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 6
fileOCEANA: Papers relating to China - Japan agreements, fisheries and boundaries, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 6
fileOCEANA: Canadian Legislation re land, fisheries, oil, oceans, 1970-1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 7
fileOCEANA: Denmark - Acts pertaining to Greenland fisheries, 1967, 1973-1974MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 7
fileOCEANA: Northern Marianas - Marine Sovereignty Act, Report of Committee on Resources and Development, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 7
fileOCEANA: Agreements and treaties between U. S. and Canada concerning fisheries and pollution, 1930, 1953, 1974, 1977, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 7
fileOCEANA: U. S. - Bilateral Agreements re pollution, fisheries, boundaries, 1973, 1976-1978, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 7
fileOCEANA: U. S. Domestic legislation pertaining to sea law, with summaries and supporting documents, 1945, 1953, 1967, 1972, 1976-1977, 1980, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 7
fileOCEANA: U. S. Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Amendments of 1978, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 7
fileOCEANA: U. S. Bilateral Agreements pertaining the sea law, 1958, 1977, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 7
fileOCEANA: Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 7
fileOCEANA: 1958 and 1964 Conventions on the Continental Shelf, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 7
fileOCEANA: Convention on Fishing and Conservation, 1958MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 7
fileOCEANA: Documents relating to the Argentina - Chile Beagle Channel Arbitration, 1971, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 7
fileOCEANA: Japan - documents with camera-ready commentaries, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 8
fileOCEANA: USSR documents, camera-ready, with outline of project, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 8
fileOCEANA: Philippines and others - proclamations and agreements on pollution and establishment of Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 8
fileOCEANA: South Pacific Maritime notes and documents, 1981MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 8
fileOCEANA: Miscellaneous notes and working papers, 1980, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 8
fileOCEANA: Gilbert Islands Fisheries Law, 1978, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 8
fileOCEANA: Papua Guinea Sea Law, 1972, 1976-1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 8
fileOCEANA: British Salomon Islands, 1972, 1977MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 8
fileOCEANA: Lists and outlines of international agreements concerning LOS, 1981, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 8
fileOCEANA: Text of Japan - USSR Fisheries Agreement, 1977, 1981MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 8
fileOCEANA: Southeast Asian Countries, camera-ready documents, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 8
fileOCEANA: Niue Assembly - 1978 Territorial Seam with EEZ and Correspondence, 1981MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 8
fileOCEANA: Fiji documents and notes, 1967, 1977, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 8
fileOCEANA: Taiwan - documents and camera-ready commentaries, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 8
fileOCEANA: People’s Republic of China - Convention on International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, camera-ready, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileOCEANA: South Korea, camera-ready documents and commentaries, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileOCEANA: Western Samoa, EEZ Act, 1977MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileOCEANA: Bahamas documents, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileOCEANA: China and Japan Fisheries Agreement, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileOCEANA: Bermuda documents, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileOCEANA: Denmark documents, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileOCEANA: Working papers, 1980, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileOCEANA: Miscellaneous working papers, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileOCEANA: Court opinions and summaries concerning offshore lands, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileOCEANA: CNMI Sea Legislation, 1979-1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileOCEANA: Gary Knight outline on LOS, with memorandum, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileOCEANA: Micronesia Fishery Zones Jurisdiction Act, 1977MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileOCEANA: Australia - Continental Shelf Amendment Act, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileOCEANA: Tuvalu - Fisheries Ordinance, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileOCEANA: Tokelau - Territorial Sea and EEZ Act, 1977MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileOCEANA: Cook Islands Act re Territorial Sea Treaty with U. S. On Friendship and Boundaries, 1980, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileNordquist’s PhD Dissertation - Continental Shelf Delimitation - Working Papers, 1969-1970MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 9
fileNordquist’s SJD Thesis - Drafts, 1978 - 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 10
fileSJD sources of articles check and updates, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 10
fileUNCLOS parallel texts (Evensen, ICNT, RSNT, ICNT), n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 10
fileSJD - sources of 1975 SNT, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 11
fileSJD - completed articles, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 11
fileSJD - C. II Drafts, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 11
fileSJD - C. II, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 11
fileUVA Center for Oceans Law and Policy - Draft Preamble to the LOS Convention, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 11
fileSJD - Part II, Art. 2-33, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 11
fileSJD - Part III, Art. 34-45, drafts, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 11
fileSJD - Part IV, Art. 46-54, drafts, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 11
fileSJD - Part VI, Art. 76-85, drafts, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 11
fileSJD - Part VI, Art. 76-85, continental shelf drafts, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 11
fileSJD - Part VII, Art. 86-100, drafts: high seas, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 12
fileSJD - Part VII, Art. 101-120, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 12
fileSJD - Parts VIII - IX, Art. 121-123, drafts, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 12
fileSJD - Part X, Art. 124-132, drafts, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 12
fileSJD - Art. 134, 143, 148, drafts, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 12
fileSJD - Part XII, Art. 192-237, drafts, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 12
fileSJD - Part XII, Art. 238-257, drafts, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 12
fileSJD - Part XIV, Art. 266-278, drafts, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 12
fileICNT, Part II, Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 13
fileSJD - Miscellaneous articles from draft thesis, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 13
fileSJD - Draft showing requested projections, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 13
filePaper by Linda Caruso, “Source Evaluation and Commentary on Part XIV of ICNT Revision 2", 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 13
fileDraft Commentary on UNCLOS III by Renate Platzoeder, 1980, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 13
fileProcession Plant Study (hereinafter PPS): Research Materials - Studies and Reports, Ocean Mining Administration Economic Evaluation of Mining, 1976MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 14
filePPS: Research Materials - Studies and reports, NOAA description of nodule processing activities, 1977MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 14
filePPS: Research Materials - Report on West Coast Location of Plants, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 14
filePPS: Factual Background Memorandum, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 14
filePPS: Environmental Impact, 1979-1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 15
filePPS: Research Materials - relevant articles, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 15
filePPS: Final Report, 1978-1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 15
filePPS: Draft Progress Report, Phase I, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 15
filePPS: Progress Report, Phase I, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 15
filePPS: Progress Report, Phase II, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 15
filePPS: Draft Final Report, Vol. II, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 15
filePPS: Informal draft, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 16
filePPS: Incomplete draft, report and appendix, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 16
filePPS: Partial draft and comments, 1979-1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 16
file“Study for U. S. Department of Commerce: Seabed Mineral Processing in California, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska”, 1978-1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 16
file[Marine Board]: NOAA - Deep Ocean Mining Environment Study, hereinafter DOMES, Phase I, 1976MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 16
fileDOMES Workshop, Minutes, Papers, Report, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 17
filePPS: Charts and Washington/Oregon Interview Schedule, 1979, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 17
filePPS: Seattle Briefing Working Papers, 1979-1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 17
filePPS: Report, Washington Section, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 17
filePPS: Washington State Permit Information and Working Papers, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 17
filePPS: Washington State Code and Regulations, [1979-1980]MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 17
filePPS: State Application Permit Process Diagrams, [1979]MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 17
filePPS: Coastal Zone Management Info by State, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 17
filePPS: EPA forms and regulations - waste discharge, [1979-1980]MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 17
filePPS: Working papers regarding federal law material, 1979, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 18
filePPS: Federal Environmental Policy, 1976-1979, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 18
filePPS: Relevant federal regulations, 1970, 1978-1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 18
filePPS: Federal Register with relevant regulations, 1978-1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 18
filePPS: Working papers - applicable federal laws, 1978-1979, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 18
filePPS: General working papers, [1979-1980]MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 18
fileNOAA Conferences - working papers, 1979, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 18
filePPS: West Coast Legal Study Briefings notes and charts, [1980]MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 19
filePPS: Working papers - comments on draft report and correspondence, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 19
fileNOAA Study: “Manganese Nodule Processing, Plant Siting.”, 1976, 1978-1979, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 19
filePPS: Business material proposals for study and memos (firm), 1978-1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 19
filePPS: Business material (firm) correspondence and documents re billing, 1976, 1978-1979, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 19
filePPS: Business material correspondence, 1979-1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 19
filePPS: Correspondence and memos, 1978-1980, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 19
filePPS: Alaska correspondence and federal regulations, 1979-1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 19
filePSS: Alaska Statutes, 1979-1980, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 20
filePPS Report - Alaska Section, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 20
filePPS: California Legislation, Memo, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 20
filePPS: California interview schedule and questions, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 20
filePPS: Draft report (incomplete) - California section , n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 21
filePPS: Oregon Regulations and Memos, 1979-1980, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 21
filePPS: Oregon Regulations - 1976 Coastal Management Program, [1979-1980]MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 21
filePPS: Oregon Administrative Regulation, 1978-1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 21
fileMarine Board Study of the Safety of Oil and Gas Operations on the Outer Continental Shelf (hereinafter OCS): Work plan and correspondence re setting up the study, 1979, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Working papers and outside comments on safety of offshore systems, 1979-1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Working papers and membership list of Marine Board Safety Committee, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Methodology - draft papers, working groups I and II, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Working papers, minutes, group assignments, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Correspondence with J. Boller, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Correspondence with Natural Resources Defense Council, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Survey of injuries in offshore operations, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Data status, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Working paper on federal regulations and appendices, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Marine Board working papers, 1980-1981MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Background reports, 1980-1981MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Inquiries on rig injuries, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Working papers, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Research material - equipment design, article and clipping, 1962MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Research material - USGS Study on OCS Safety, 1977MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Research material - previous casualty responses study and memo by Marine Board, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Research Material - NSC occupation injuries statistics, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 22
fileOCS: Research Material - Norwegian offshore safety study, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 23
fileOCS: Research Material - clippings re safety and inspection of offshore facilities, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 23
fileOCS: Research Material - previous Marine Board Study of Offshore Structure and Design, and memo, 1980; 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 23
fileOCS: Research Material - previous Marine Board Report on Deep See Drilling, 1980;1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 23
fileOCS: Research Material - British Offshore Safety Study, 1980; 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 23
fileOCS: Research Materials - Interior Department Offshore Nuclear Power Plant Study, 1972-1973MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 23
fileOCS - Final Report Drafts, 1980-1981MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 24
fileDeep Seabed Mining (hereinafter DSM): Demonstration trial, Court of International Justice, 1977MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 25
fileDSM: Articles, documents, clippings, 1977-1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 25
fileDSM: Sumitomo - articles and clippings, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 25
fileDSM: Consortia - reports, plans, memos, membership lists, 1977-1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 25
fileDSM: International Nickel Correspondence, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 25
fileDSM: Manganese Nodule Resources - location studies, 1977-1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 25
fileDSM: Manganese Nodules - studies of mining costs, 1977-1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 25
fileDSM: NOAA - Technical Memo: “Environmental Conditions and Effects of Mining”, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 25
fileDSM: Manganese Nodules - studies of costs, 1978, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 26
fileDSM: Mining and minerals policy - Annual Interior Department Report, 1977MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 26
fileDSM: List of hearings 1971-1978, [1978]MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 26
fileDSM: Working papers, 1978, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 26
fileDSM: Reports - economic and speeches, 1974, 1977, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 26
fileDSM: Drafts of FRG DSM Legislation, 1978, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 27
fileDSM: HR 3350 - papers and amendments, 1978, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 27
fileDSM: HR 3350 - bill and amendments, 1977-1978, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 27
fileDSM: S. 493 - testimony, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 27
fileDSM: S. 2053 - Bill and committee prints, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 27
fileDSM: S. 2053 - Amendments and responses, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 28
fileDSM: S. 2053 - Testimony before Senate Commerce and Energy Committees, 1977MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 28
fileDSM: S. 2053 - Foreign Relations Committee, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 28
fileDSM: S. 2053 - testimony, 1977-1979, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 28
fileDSM: Speech notes and amendments to HR 2759, 1979, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 28
fileDSM: Legislative documents, 1977-1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 28
fileDSM: Comparison of Ratiner, S. 713, and Hollings Bill, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 29
fileDSM: Weicker bill and comments, 1977MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 29
fileDSM: Testimony on HR 3350, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 29
fileDSM: Committee reports on HR 3350, 1977MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 29
fileDSM: Proposed amendments to HR 3350, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 29
fileDSM: Legislation - memos and correspondence, [1977-1978]MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 29
fileDSM: HR 3350 - Breaux Amendment, debates, memo, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 29
fileDSM: HR 3350 - Senate amendments, 1978, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 29
fileDSM: HR 3350 - comments on foreign delegations to UNCLOS, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 29
fileDSM: Government Studies, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 29
fileDSM: Studies by private organizations or industry, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 29
fileDSM: Government Studies, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 30
fileBest and Safest Technology (hereinafter BAST) - Correspondence and documents relating to the appointment, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 32
fileBAST: Comments by Shell executive on costs of regulation, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 32
fileMarine Board - BAST Panel - Suggested strategy for implementing BAST memo, 1978-1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 32
fileMarine Omnibus Bill - Highlights of major provisions, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 32
fileNOAA - Coastal Zone Management Information Exchange, 1982MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 32
fileHouse of Representatives - Report of Hearings before Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 32
fileMarine Board - Policy Guidance for Federal Agency Standards, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 32
fileMarine Board - Federal radio navigation, 1979-1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 32
fileMarine Board - BAST study and drafts, working papers, 1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 33
fileNational Research Council (hereinafter NRC) Marine Board - Miscellaneous, 1981MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 33
fileNRC Marine Board - Correspondence with Jack W. Boller, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 33
fileNRC Marine Board - OCS Safety Study reviews and comments on draft reports, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 33
fileNRC Marine Board - Draft chapters of report on OCS, 1980, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 33
fileNRC Marine Board - Papers on Coastal Zone Management and Navy Engineering, 1981MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 33
fileEEZ - paper and memo, [1979]MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 34
fileKrueger and Nordquist article re EEZ, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 34
fileEEZ paper, [1979]MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 34
fileInternational Law Association report: 200- mile EEZ, correspondence, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 34
fileDraft Interim Report, 1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 35
fileILA Report: EEZ, 1976-1978, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 35
fileMiscellaneous working papers re 200-mile EEZ, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 35
fileNACOA Sixth Annual Report, 1977MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 35
fileEnergy: miscellany, 1980-1981MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 36
fileFisheries: miscellany, 1975MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 36
fileAntarctic: miscellany, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 36
fileArtificial Islands; opinions, 1968MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 36
fileLOS - Commonwealth Meeting Report, 1976MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 36
fileEEZ Chapters , 1974, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 36
fileUnidentified excerpt of a LOS paper, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 37
fileOTEC liaison - assorted numbers, 1977-1979MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 37
fileDraft of book (author unknown), n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 37
fileMiscellaneous thesis pamphlets, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 37
fileNorth Sea Case reference, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 37
fileCRS - issue brief, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 37
fileASIL, 1971MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 37
fileArticle by Myron Nordquist “ Legal Status of Articles 1-3, Continental Shelf Convention.", n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 37
fileRevisions to Jessup book : “The Law of Territorial Waters and maritime Jurisdiction,” by Lesley Wolf, 1977MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 37
file“The Legal Regime of Hydrospace,” by E. D. Brown, 1971MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 37
fileCosts of USGS Regulations - Study by Arthur D. Little, Inc, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 37
fileCustomary Law Presentation, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 37
file“The New International Order and the LOS,” corrections, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 37
fileU. S. National Committee, world Energy Conference: Minutes of annual meeting, 1980MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 37
fileDecision of the Court of Arbitration - Great Britain and France - “Delimitation of the Continental Shelf.”, 1977MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 37
fileNotebook from Pacific Command (DOD) Legal Conference, 1975MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 38
fileMaterials re Wetland Policies, n.d.MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 38
fileMiscellaneous Nordquist’s Papers Added in 1988, 1973-1985MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 38
fileHard Mineral Consortium Briefing Book, 1985MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 39
fileOceans and Coastal Regulation Vol. I and Vol. II, 1974-1978MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 39
fileSeabed Mining, 1982-1989MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 39
fileCorrespondence, 1983-1984MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 40
fileKennecott Corporation, Ocean Mining Associates, Ocean Minerals Company, Ocean Management, Inc., Arbeitsgemeinschaft Meeretechnisch Gewinnbare and Afernod Agreement, 1983-1984MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 40
fileMiscellaneous Documents, 1983-1985MSS 82-6, NORDQUIST Box 40
seriesThe Papers of Robert B. Krueger
fileNotes, 1972-1981MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 1
fileGeneral Correspondence, 1978-1989MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 1
fileSpeeches, articles, reports, etc, 1974-1980MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 1
fileABA International and Comparative Law Section, 1965-1972MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 1
fileAmerican Society of International Law, 1967-1976MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 1
fileAmerican Society of International Law - Panel on Law of the Sea, 1969-1970MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 2
fileBritish Institute of International and Comparative Law, 1968MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 2
fileCenter for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1970-1974MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 2
fileCentre on Transnational Corporations, 1975-1977MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 2
fileClippings and articles, 1969-1977MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 2
fileConference on Seaward Advancement of Industrial Societies, 1974-1978MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 2
fileContinental Shelf and Beyond, 1968-1969MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 3
fileDeep Seabed Hard Minerals Act, 1971-1973MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 3
fileDeep Seabed Mining Legislation, 1977MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 3
fileDeep Seabed Mining Legislation, 1977-1980MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 4
fileDeep Seabed articles, 1967-1976MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 4
fileDeep Seabed Mining: German Legislation, 1978-1980MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 4
fileFisheries, 1977-1979MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 4
fileFisheries (bound volume), 1967-1971MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 5
fileForeign Relations, 1979-1981MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 5
fileGerman Marshall Fund of the United States, 1974-1978MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 5
fileInternational Law Association (American branch), 1967-1978MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 5
fileInternational Law - Jessup Moot Court Competition, 1973-1974MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 6
fileInternational Law - Jessup Moot Court Competition Memorials (bound volume), 1969MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 6
fileInternational Law and Relations Subcommittee, 1973-1981MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 6
fileU. S. C. Course, 1973MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 7
file“Law for the Seas Mineral resources” and “Petroleum Resources Under the Ocean Floor.", 1967-1968MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 7
fileLaw of the Sea Institute, 1966-1980MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 7
fileLaw of the Sea Institute: Workshop in Alternatives in Deep Seabed Mining, 1978-1979MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 8
fileLaw of the Sea news articles, 1977-1982MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 8
fileLockheed (Deep Seabed Mining), 1977-1978MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 9
fileLockheed (Deep Seabed Mining): clippings, 1977-1978MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 9
fileLos Angeles County Bar: International Law Section, 1966-1972MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 9
fileLos Angeles World Affairs Council, 1968-1974MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 9
fileMaritime Industries - Oil spills, 1973-1979MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 9
file“Misc.”, 1977, 1982MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 9
fileMiscellaneous correspondence and documents re Law of the Sea, 1967-1972MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 9
fileMiscellaneous printed materials, 1969, 1973MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 10
file“News” clippings, 1974-1976MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 10
fileOcean Energy Council, 1977-1980MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 10
fileOcean Mining Companies, 1975-1980MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 11
fileOffshore Structures and Other Installations, 1972, 1977MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 11
filePacific Basis Energy Conference, 1974, 1977-1982MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 11
filePacific Basis Energy Conference clippings, 1970, 1977-1981MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 12
fileResearch Materials re Antarctica, 1976-1979MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 12
fileResearch Materials re Australia, 1978-1980MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 12
fileResearch Materials (bound volume) “Canadian Offshore Development (1970-1972)” and “Arctic Region Articles.", 1970, 1972MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 12
fileResearch Materials re Chile, 1970-1973, 1979MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 12
fileResearch Materials re Indonesia, 1980MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 12
fileResearch Material re Latin American Fishing Zones, 1971-1974MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 12
fileResearch Materials re Mexico, 1979MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 13
fileResearch Materials re Micronesia, 1972-1980MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 13
fileResearch Materials re New Zealand, 1971-1977MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 13
fileResearch Materials re North Atlantic, 1972-1976MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 13
fileResearch Materials re Norway, 1972-1978MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 13
fileResearch Materials re South Korea, 1972-1976MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 13
fileResearch Materials re Germany, 1977MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 13
fileTidelands and Submerged Lands (bound volume), 1965-1974MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 13
file“Seabed Mineral Processing ...”, 1978-1979MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 14
fileUN Conference on New and Renewable Energy Resources, 1980-1981MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 14
fileUN Conference on Sciences and technology for Development, 1976-1978, 1979MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 14
fileUN Conference on the Human Environment, 1970-1974MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 14
fileUN Mineral Advisory, 1969-1979MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 14
fileUN Seabed Committee, 1970-1973MSS 82-6, KRUEGER Box 14
seriesThe Papers of G. Winthrop Haight
subseriesHandwritten notes taken at LOS Meetings, 1967-1980MSS 82-6, HAIGHT Box 1
subseriesHandwritten notebooks, 1968 - 1982MSS 82-6, HAIGHT Box 2
fileTypewritten notes, 1967-1977MSS 82-6, HAIGHT Box 3
fileTypewritten notes, 1978-1982MSS 82-6, HAIGHT Box 4
fileArticles and speeches re LOS issues, ca. 1970-1982MSS 82-6, HAIGHT Box 4
fileDocuments annotated in GWH’s hand , 1968-1982MSS 82-6, HAIGHT Box 4
subseriesCorrespondence, bulk: 1953-1982, n.d.MSS 82-6, HAIGHT Box 5
subseriesOcean Minerals Group - Miscellaneous documents, bulk: 1956-1982, n.d.MSS 82-6, HAIGHT Box 9
fileHandwritten notes taken at LOS, 1981-1983, n.d.MSS 82-6, HAIGHT Box 2
fileDocuments received from Irene Winkelman, 1964-1982MSS 82-6, HAIGHT Box 16
fileIntergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) on Marine Pollution Issues , 1971-1974MSS 82-6, HAIGHT Box 17
fileInternational Law Association (ILA) Deep Sea Mining Resources Committee, 1967-1982MSS 82-6, HAIGHT Box 18
fileABA files, 1969-1980, n.d.MSS 82-6, HAIGHT Box 19
fileCitizens for Ocean Law, 1981-1982MSS 82-6, HAIGHT Box 19
fileMiscellaneous LOS related conferences, 1965-1980MSS 82-6, HAIGHT Box 19
seriesThe Papers of John Norton Moore
fileHandwritten notes, n.d.MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 1
fileCorrespondence, 1968-1978, Dec., n.d.MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 1
fileCenter for Oceans Law and Policy, University of Virginia, 1971-1979MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 2
fileASIL, 1975, 1978MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 2
fileNational Oceans Program, 1975-1976MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 2
filePanama, 1971-1978MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 2
fileWhales, 1973-1978MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 3
fileAlaska, 1977MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 3
fileNACOA, 1977MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 3
fileMerchant Marine Conference, 1976MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 3
fileU. S. Navy, 1978MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 3
fileAOO, ICEL, 1977-1978MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 3
fileMining Legislation, 1977-1978MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 3
fileDeep Seabed Mining, 1978, n.d.MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 3
fileMiscellaneous, 1977-1978MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 4
fileProfessional Activities, Faculty Memoranda, etc, 1968-1978MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 4
fileVarious Conferences, 1972-1978MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 4
fileCosmos Club Dinner, 1973MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 4
fileWriting , 1970-1979MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 4
fileWriting, n.d.MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 5
fileTrip to Geneva, 1978MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 5
fileTrip to New York, 1977MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 5
fileNON-LOS Teaching Material, 1977-1978MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 5
fileSyllabi, Bibliographic Teaching Material, 1971-1978MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 5
fileStudent Papers, 1970-1978MSS 82-6, MOORE Box 5
seriesLOS COMMENTARY PROJECT (Neal Grandy Files)
fileBudget and Expense Records, 1983-1986MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 1
fileBurke, William T. Comments on Part V, 1992MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 1
fileCommentary Project Correspondence, 1989-1992MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 1
fileComments on Part V (Original and Consolidated), 1991-1992MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 1
fileComments on Volume II. Amendments by Rosenne and Nandan, 1991MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 1
fileCommittee I Correspondence. Volume III, 1983-1984MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 1
fileCommittee II Correspondence. Volume II, 1981-1984MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 1
fileCommittee III Correspondence. Volume IV, 1981-1984MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 1
fileCommittee IV Correspondence. Volume V, 1981-1984MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 1
fileConsultant Forms - Completed, 1980-1983MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 1
fileCorrespondence, 1981-1983MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 2
fileCorrespondence with UVA, 1980-1983MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 2
fileCopy Editing and Proof Reading, n.d.MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 2
fileCullicott Correspondence, 1983-1984MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 2
fileEiriksson, Gudmundur Correspondence, 1981-1983MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 2
fileFunding Correspondence. Old Sea Grant and Foundations, 1978-1983MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 2
fileFund Raising Correspondence (Grant Proposals, Letters, etc.), 1982-1983MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 2
fileFunds Search, 1981MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 3
fileGeneral Mailings to Authors, Panelists, 1983MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 3
fileGoldie Correspondence, 1981-1985MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 3
fileGrandy, Neal R. Comments on Part VI, 1993MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 3
fileGrandy, Neal R. Notes on Meetings, 1987-1992MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 3
fileHamuro, Kazuchika Comments on Part VI, 1993MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 3
fileHayes, Francis Mahon Comments on Part V, 1992MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 3
fileIguchi, Takeo Correspondence , 1983-1984MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 3
fileIguchi, Takeo Comments on Articles of Second Committee and Part V, 1989MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 3
fileIturriaga, Jose A. de Comments on Part III, n.d.MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 3
fileKoh/Jayakumar, 1980-1981MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 3
fileKwiatkowska, Barbara Comments on Parts II, III, V and VIMSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 4
fileLOS Administration, 1978-1982MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 4
fileLOS Budget, 1979-1980MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 4
fileLOS Commentators, 1978-1979MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 4
fileLOS Coordination. Moore, Nordquist, 1979-1981MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 4
fileLOS Interpretation Project - Background for Introduction, 1983MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 4
fileLOS Interpretation Project Correspondence, 1984-1985MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 4
fileLOS and LOS Project Correspondence IV-7, 1979-1981MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 4
fileLOS Project. General Information, n.d.MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 4
fileLOS Project: Management, Administration (Work Assignments and Schedule), 1982-1986MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 5
fileLupinacci, Julio Cesar Comments on Part V Exclusive Economic Zone, 1990MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 5
fileManner, E. J. Comments on Part III Straits Used for International Navigation and Part IX Enclosed and Semi-Enclosed Seas, 1990MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 5
fileNandan, Satya and Zarine, 1984MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 5
fileNelson, L. D. M. Comments on Parts I and II, 1991MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 5
fileNewspaper Articles re LOS, 1981-1983MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 5
fileNijhoff, Martinus, 1983MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 5
fileNjenga, F. X. Comments on Articles 3, 7, 12, 17, 20, 21, 33, 55. 56, 1989MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 5
fileNordquist Comments on Part III, 1990MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 5
fileNordquist Correspondence, 1982-1985MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 5
fileNovember Meeting, 1984MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 5
filePanelists at Large, 1983MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 5
filePanelists. Letter of Invitation and Acceptance, 1979MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 6
fileProject Outline by Authors, Editors, Volume, 1983MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 6
filePublisher Search, 1982-1983MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 6
fileRosenne, Shabtai Comments on Parts V and VI, 1993MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 6
fileRosenne, Shabtai Correspondence, 1983-1984MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 6
fileRosenne, Shabtai - UVA. Vol. II, 1982-1985MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 6
fileSaiga, Fumiko Comments on Parts I to IV, 1991MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 6
fileSohn, Louis, 1979-1994MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 7
fileThird United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, 1982MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 7
fileVolume I, 1984MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 7
file(May 1986-March 1990); Volume II (& III), 1986-1990MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 7
fileVolume II General Correspondence, 1985MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 7
fileVolume III General Correspondence, 1985MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 7
fileVolume IV General Correspondence, 1985MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 7
fileVolume V General Correspondence, 1985MSS 82-6, COMMENTARY Box 7
seriesAlexander F. Holser Papers (Unprocessed)
fileCorrespondence and memoranda, some labeled “secret” and “confidential”, later unclassified, 1972, 1976-1981MSS 82-6, HOLSER Box 1
fileMiscellaneous documentsMSS 82-6, HOLSER Box 1
fileMiscellaneous documentsMSS 82-6, HOLSER Box 2
seriesSeabed Committee Papers
fileBound Volumes of all documents. See guide in Special CollectionsMSS 82-6, SEABED Box 1 V. 1-8
seriesLOS [Law of the Sea] (Unprocessed)
fileLOS Domestic LegislationMSS 82-6, LOS Carton 1
fileSeabed Committee , 1971-1973MSS 82-6, LOS Carton 2
fileLOS FelandoMSS 82-6, LOS Carton 2
fileLOS Caracas , 1974MSS 82-6, LOS Carton 3
fileGeneva , 1975MSS 82-6, LOS Carton 3
fileLOS FelandoMSS 82-6, LOS Carton 3
fileUS Delegation PapersMSS 82-6, LOS Carton 4
fileStatements of US DelegatesMSS 82-6, LOS Carton 4
fileLOS Advisory CommitteeMSS 82-6, LOS Carton 5
fileLOS FelandoMSS 82-6, LOS Carton 5
fileDOS TelegramsMSS 82-6, LOS Carton 6
fileComplete List of DelegationsMSS 82-6, LOS Carton 6
fileUN Press ReleasesMSS 82-6, LOS Carton 6
fileLOS FelandoMSS 82-6, LOS Carton 6
fileLOS Miscellaneous UNCLOS DocumentsMSS 82-6, LOS Carton 7
fileLOS Felando?MSS 82-6, LOS Carton 7
fileLOS Materials re Organization of LOS ArchivesMSS 82-6, LOS Carton 8
seriesJohnson Papers (Unprocessed)
fileMiscellaneous unprocessed papersMSS 82-6, JOHNSON Box 1
seriesFinlay Papers (Unprocessed)
fileMiscellaneous unprocessed papersMSS 82-6, FINLAY Box 1
seriesMaechling Papers
fileA/RES/2881, 1971-1972MSS 82-6, MAECHLING Box 1
fileCharles Maechling’s writing, 1969-1972MSS 82-6, MAECHLING Box 1
fileLOS Files re Scientific Research and Marine Resources, 1969-1975MSS 82-6, MAECHLING Box 1
fileCaracas Conference, 1974MSS 82-6, MAECHLING Box 1
fileABA Ad Hoc Committee on LOS Related Matters, 1973-1974MSS 82-6, MAECHLING Box 1
fileStudy prepared for Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resources, 1968MSS 82-6, MAECHLING Box 1
fileStudies prepared for The National Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development, 1967MSS 82-6, MAECHLING Box 1
fileProceedings at American Trial Lawyers Association on LOS Institute, 1967MSS 82-6, MAECHLING Box 1
fileStudy prepared for ATLA on LOS Institute, 1967MSS 82-6, MAECHLING Box 1
fileNewspapers clippings and printed materialsMSS 82-6, MAECHLING Box 1
seriesThe Papers of Louis B. Sohn
fileDispute Settlement Working Papers [from now on DSWP]:[ Appendices I-III Redrafts...; Memoranda], Jun. - Jul. 1976MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 1
fileDSWP: [Drafts articles re jurisdiction of Seabed Dispute Chamber primarily if not exclusively from U.S. Delegation], 1974-1978MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 1
fileDSWP: Draft Statutes of the Sea-Bed Tribunal, Apr. 2 - May 1, 1976MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 1
fileDSWP; Galindo Pohl: Abuse of [Section] 296, 1979MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 1
fileDSWP: Group of Legal Experts (GLE) Notes, most in LBS=s hand; NG7 [documents], Mar.- Apr. 12, 1979MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 1
fileDSWP: [GLE official documents], May 1979 - Mar. 1980MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 1
fileDSWP: Informal Composite Negotiating Text historical documents, Jan. - Jul. 1978MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 1
fileDSWP:[Informal Notes, some in LBS hand of Meeting of Disputes Settlement Working Group & miscellaneous documents], Jan. - May., 1976MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 1
fileDSWP: Informal Plenary and Plenary [5th Session of Third Conference., New York], Aug. 5 - Sep. 14, 1976MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 2
fileDSWP: Informal Working Group on Settlement Disputes. List of Participants, Mar. 1976MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 2
fileDSWP: International Law Association Objection, Mar 1978MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 2
fileDSWP: [Notes in LBS hand of meetings of Delegation, G-5 Coordinating Group; Informal Plenary and General Committee], Feb. - Apr. 1980MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 2
fileDSWP: Obligations to Settle Disputes by Peaceful Means; Fidji Amendments, Sep. - Nov. 1976MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 2
fileDSWP: [Plenary of June 6 and Informal Plenary of July 8. Sohn=s Notes], Jun. - Jul. 1977MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 2
fileDSWP: [Proposal of American Branch of International Law Association], Feb. - Mar. 1976MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 2
fileDSWP: [Proposals and Drafting Documents - Various Sources], 1976- May 1977MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 2
fileDSWP:[Proposals and Drafting Documents - Various Sources], Jun. 1977- Nov. 1978MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 2
fileDSWP:[Proposals and Drafting Documents - Various Sources], Mar. 1979- Aug. 1980MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 3
fileDSWP: Statements by delegates, Mar. 18 - Apr. 12, 1976MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 3
fileDSWP: [Transfer of technology Arbitration - draft articles], Mar. 1979; Mar. 1980MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 3
fileDSWP: [UN documents on various arbitration agreements - reference materials], 1974-1978MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 3
fileDSWP: [UNCLOS III: A Commentary correspondence], 1995MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 3
fileDSWP: [Wüsche Group - handwritten notes of meeting], Aug. 1979MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 3
fileDSWP: [Zuleta Group Documents and LBS Notes], Aug. - Sep. 1978MSS 82-6, SOHN Box 3
seriesMiscellaneous Docs
item1 carton [very possible duplicates]MSS 82-6, MISC. Box 1
itemalso some microfilmMSS 82-6, MISC. Box 1