MSS 97-3
Memorabilia of Arthur J. Morris
Collection of some correspondence, diplomas, certificates, medal, photographs and other memorabilia that belonged to Arthur J. Morris, Class of 1901.
Dates |
1884-1992 [Inclusive] |
Extents |
2 Cubic Feet |
Scope & Contents
This collection contains a diplomas, certificates, photographs, newspaper clippings, a gold watch and a gold medal, a scrapbook and many other pieces of memorabilia that belonged to Arthur J. Morris, Class of 1901 and a benefactor of the University of Virginia Law Library.
Collection Description
Biographical / Historical
Immediate Source of Acquisition
itemGold Medal presented by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia to Arthur J. Morris, Best Debater, Washington Society, 1899-1900 | MSS 97-3, Box 1 |
Morris, Arthur J. | |
Morris, Arthur J. and Family | |
Morris, Arthur J. at UVA 1952 | |
Oversized - Photograph of First Morris Plan Bankers Convention, 1919 | |
itemGold Watch given to Arthur J. Morris after 18 years of service by Industrial Morris Plan Bank of Detroit, 1938 | MSS 97-3, Box 1 |
fileArthur J. Morris Memorabilia [including a congratulatory letter signed by President Dwight Eisenhower], 1942-1992 | MSS 97-3, Box 1 |
itemScrapbook. Testimonial Dinner to Arthur J. Morris, University Club, New York , 1948 | MSS 97-3, Box 1 |
itemBounded Correspondence "On the 50th Anniversary of Consumer Banking a grateful industry gives humble thanks to Arthur J. Morris its Founder and Champion", 1960 | MSS 97-3, Box 1 |
itemScrapbook Commemorating "The First Fifty Years" of the Morris Plan, 1966 | MSS 97-3, Box 1 |
itemBankers Security Life Insurance Society Hall of Fame Award and Stand, n.d. | MSS 97-3, Box 2 |
itemArthur J. Morris 1987 Laureate Hall of Fame for Business Leadership Junior Achievement of Greater Hampton Roads, Inc, 1987 | MSS 97-3, Box 2 |
itemUniversity of Virginia trophy made by Baccarat , n.d. | MSS 97-3, Box 2 |
itemUVA, The Raven Award, 1972 | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemArthur J. Morris, 1987 Laureate Hall of Fame for Business Leadership, Junior Achievement of Greater Hampton Roads, Inc, 1987 | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemBankers security Life Insurance Hall of Fame Trophy, n.d. | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemThomas Jefferson Society of Patriarchs given by the Alumni Association of UVA in recognition of more than fifty years of service as son active alumnus of the University, n.d. | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemPhi Beta Kappa Associates Fellowship in the Associates in recognition of Qualities and Achievnements, 1940 | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemMounted Newspaper Clipping: "Arthur J. Morris: Banker to the Masses", 1954 | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemThe Raven Award Certificate , 1964 | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemUniversity of Virginia Law School Distinguished Law Alumnus, Eminent Member of the Law School Association's Council, Benefactor of the Law Library, 1969 | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemMounted Newspaper Clipping: "Freedom from Control Urged Consumer Credit" , 1969 | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemMounted Clipping: "The Costumer ...the most important person in this bank". The Morris Plan Industrial Bank of New York , n.d. | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemTwo Copper Plaques Presented by American Industrial Bankers Association to Arthur J. Morris Founder of Morris Plan Banks, for his pioneering in the field of Consumer Instalment Credit, n.d. | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemIAC [Industrial Acceptance Corporation Limited] Resolution recognizing Arthur J. Morris as "The Founder" and "The Father of Consumer Credit", 1969 | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemCertificate of Appreciation of The Washington International Horse Show Association, Ltd , 1974 | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemFramed Version of "The Crow" by Arthur J. Morris. A Parody on "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, n.d. | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemCommittee of One Thousand, Freedom Foundation at Valley Forge, n.d. | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemSchultz, Leslie P.: Bankers Security Life Insurance Society Corporate History 1917-1990 , 1989 | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemPoe, Edgar Allan, The Raven, New York, Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1884. Illustrated by Gustave Dore, 1884 | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemUniversity of Virginia Certificate of Bachelor of Law , 1901, June 12 | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemCertificate that licensed Arthur J. Morris as an Attorney and Counselor at Law , 1901, Sep. 6 | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
itemSilver Tray Presented at the Testimonial Dinner given by friends and admirers in recognition for his "contribution to the American way of life and the National Economy through the funding of the Morris Plan of Consumer Banking", Feb. 23, 1948 , 1948 | MSS 97-3b, Box 3 |
subgrpPhotographs | |
item23 snapshots and some portraits of Arthur J. Morris with unidentified people, 1940-1960? | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemMorris Testimonial Dinner at the International Club, New York , 1948 | Law School, Basement, Special Collections Storage, Oversized Files Cabinet [Law Oversized Materials] |
itemArthur J. Morris addressing student body of School of Consumer Banking at opening of first resident session August 11, 1952 at University of Virginia, 1952 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
seriesAddendum to the Arthur J. Morrris Collection [a] | |
subseriesContent Description | |
itemTestimonial Dinner in Honor of Arthur J. Morris. February 23, 1948. University Club, New York. Program, February 23, 1948 | |
itemThe Development of Consumer Credit in the United States … a tribute to Arthur J. Morris. A speech given by Mr. Thomas C. Boushall, President of the Bank of Virginia, at the Testimonial Dinner in honor of Artgur J. Morris, University Club, New York, N. | |
itemThe Morris Plan Corporation of America. Annual Report for the year 1955, 1955 | |
itemAddress by Arthur J. Morris to the Law Graduates, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, June 6, 1957, June 6, 1957 | |
itemFifty Years of Consumer Credit and its Potentialities. Address by Arthur J. Morris, Chairman of the Board, Financial General Corporation and Industrial Bank of Commerce at Consumers Bankers Association Annual Convention, White Sulphur Springs, West Virgi | |
itemDedication of the University of Virginia Arthur J. Morris Law Library with a Tribute to Frances Farmer, Law Librarian, November 15, 1974. [Autographed dedicated to Virginia Earle Morris Huschke in memory of her grandfather], November 15, 1974 | |
itemPanoramic photograph of the First Morris Plan Bankers Convention that met in Cleveland, Oh. in October 14-16, 1919 | |
subseriesPhotograph | |
itemArthur J. Morris with Mamie Eisenhower, when he gave the award for the National Horse Show, n. d, n.d. | |
itemFramed First Check of the Morris Plan Bank of Norfolk [n.d.] | |
item"The man that started it all," Forbes, October 15, 1961. Framed article. | |
seriesAddendum to the Arthur J. Morris Collection [b] | |
itemTestimonial Dinner in Honor of Arthur J. Morris. February 23, 1948. University Club, New York. Program. | |
itemThe Development of Consumer Credit in the United States … a tribute to Arthur J. Morris. A speech given by Mr. Thomas C. Boushall, President of the Bank of Virginia, at the Testimonial Dinner in honor of Arthur J. Morris, University Club, New York, N. Y., | |
itemThe Morris Plan Corporation of America. Annual Report for the year 1955. | |
itemAddress by Arthur J. Morris to the Law Graduates, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, June 6, 1957. | |
itemFifty Years of Consumer Credit and its Potentialities. Address by Arthur J. Morris, Chairman of the Board, Financial General Corporation and Industrial Bank of Commerce at Consumers Bankers Association Annual Convention, White Sulphur Springs, West Virgin | |
itemInvitation to attend the dedication of the Arthur J. Morris Law Library, November 1974 | |
itemDedication of the University of Virginia Arthur J. Morris Law Library with a Tribute to Frances Farmer, Law Librarian, November 15, 1974. [Autographed dedicated to Virginia Earle Morris Huschke in memory of her grandfather]. | |
itemPhoto of Arthur J. Morris with Mamie Eisenhower, when he gave the award for the National Horse Show, n. d. | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
seriesAddendum to the Arthur J. Morris Collection | |
itemCommemorative Silver Tray - “On January 20th, 1941, gratefully presented to Arthur J. Morris, founder of the Morris Plan System of Banking by the Morris Plan Bank of Knoxville on the 25th Anniversary, organized January 7th, 1916”, 1941-01-20 |