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MSS 79-12

Miscellaneous English and American Legal Documents


17th and 18th century English and American miscellaneous legal documents.

1559 - 1847 [Bulk]
2 Linear Feet (32 oversize documents )

Scope & Contents

Miscellaneous English and American documents that include indentures, wills, deeds, land titles and financial records. These documents span the years 1559 through 1847

Collection Description

    Immediate Source of Acquisition
seriesMiscellaneous English Legal Documents
itemOrnamented English Document [Recovery of Lands in the Parish of Elnig?], 1549 – 1559MSS 79-12
itemOriginal Lease of the Great Farm called [Elsons?] between John Dingley and Roger [Mitchell], 1575MSS 79-12
itemIndenture between Thomas Flemyng and Edward Skymer, 1614MSS 79-12
itemIndenture between Thomas Bodingfield and Thomas WItherdon , 1643MSS 79-12
itemIndenture between Flint and Woodie, 1674MSS 79-12
itemBedford Deed between Charles Smith and Robert Earl of Suderland, 1676MSS 79-12
itemIndenture signed by Henry Heylun and Lewis Dalton, 1678MSS 79-12
itemUnidentified document recorded by William Bolton , 1679MSS 79-12
itemIndenture between Joseph Dod and Samuel Chamblett , 1684MSS 79-12
itemBill of Exchange between Mathias Jones (London Merchant) and J. James Dunnidge (Notary) to John Goodwin (January 4th), 1709MSS 79-12
itemWill of Magdalen Lovett , 1712MSS 79-12
item[Acquittance?] signed by Will Soley , 1717MSS 79-12
itemIndenture between Edmund Skinner and James Evers , 1720MSS 79-12
itemDocument regarding tobacco; Quadripartite Indenture between Thomas Hubbard, Thomas Spring, Simon Thomas and William Dix , 1729MSS 79-12
itemIndenture between Edmund Skinner and James Evers , 1731MSS 79-12
itemDocument concerning Thomas Gooch , 1735MSS 79-12
itemWill of Martha Noble , 1762MSS 79-12
itemSale of Trust Account , 1763MSS 79-12
itemDocument regarding William and Elizabeth Davison , 1765MSS 79-12
itemAccount of Robert Conway, Exor. [Winder Kenner] with William Harcum , 1774 – 1777MSS 79-12
itemRent records for the manors of Kingshall, Bendhall, Rowehall and Wascolies, 1779MSS 79-12
itemFinancial Record, 1783MSS 79-12
itemPolicy of assurance for Schooner Sally taken by Nicholas Welzerd , 1798MSS 79-12
itemDocument for Tarleton v. Holland and Burzon v. Staples , 1815MSS 79-12
seriesMiscellaneous American Legal Documents
itemDeclaration of Independence [Copy], 1776MSS 79-12
itemIndenture. Sarah Malcolm and others to John Wilson, J. Wilson Deed [Used by Professor Dillard in his classes], 1804MSS 79-12
itemDeed of Chalkley Gillingham’s wife to Thomas Wedmesley, 1833MSS 79-12
itemIndenture of Thomas Nalmesley and Fernandez and Rebecca Woodington to George W. Mills, 1837MSS 79-12
itemIndenture of George W. and Catherine Mills to Patrick McNally, 1839MSS 79-12
itemTitle of Land granted to James Skaggs. Signed by Thomas M. Randolph, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1847MSS 79-12