MSS 98-1
The Papers of David A. Martin
This collection of professional and academic papers relate to Martin's expertise as an international law and immigration lawyer, professor of International Law at the University of Virginia School of Law, as an author, researcher and public servant.
Dates |
Extents |
42 Cubic Feet (96 archival boxes) |
Scope & Contents
Collection Description
Biographical / Historical
seriesMSS 98-1, The Papers of David A. Martin, 1986 - 1995 | |
fileAALS Immigration Section. Martin’s Chairmanship, 1986-1989 | MSS 98-1, Box 1 |
fileAALS Immigration Law Conference, Albuquerque, NM, 1994 | MSS 98-1, Box 1 |
fileAJIL [American Journal of International Law] - Gibney Book Review, 1990 | MSS 98-1, Box 1 |
fileAliens Conference - Max Plank Institute. Heidelberg, Germany, 1985 | MSS 98-1, Box 1 |
fileAPA [American Psychiatry Association] - Medvid Project, 1985-1986 | MSS 98-1, Box 1 |
fileMedvid Inquiry, 1987 | MSS 98-1, Box 1 |
fileAppointments Committee, 1985 | MSS 98-1, Box 1 |
fileAppointments Committee, 1987 | MSS 98-1, Box 1 |
fileAppointments: International Law [possible candidates], 1987 | MSS 98-1, Box 1 |
fileASIL [American Society of International Law] Annual Meeting. [”Widespread Migration: The Role of International Law and Institutions], 1992 | MSS 98-1, Box 1 |
fileASIL [Contemporary International Law Issues: Conflicts and Convergence], 1995 | MSS 98-1, Box 1 |
fileASIL - Internally Displaced Persons Project, 1994 | MSS 98-1, Box 1 |
fileAspen Institute Seminar for Federal Judges, 1984 | MSS 98-1, Box 1 |
fileAspen Institute Seminar for Federal Judges on International Human Rights Law, 1982 | MSS 98-1, Box 2 |
fileBienne Seminar - Walter Kalin. [Asylum Seekers in the Western Democracies: A Comparative Overview], 1990 | MSS 98-1, Box 2 |
fileBoard of Immigration Appeals Candidate Screening, 1995 | MSS 98-1, Box 2 |
fileBrookings Program, 1994 | MSS 98-1, Box 2 |
fileBrookings SES Program. [Martin’s talk on refugee policy], 1992 | MSS 98-1, Box 2 |
fileCarnegie Endowment Address, 1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 2 |
fileCarnegie Endowment for International Peace - Meeting on Haiti, 1992 | MSS 98-1, Box 2 |
file9th Circuit Judicial Workshop, 1988 | MSS 98-1, Box 2 |
fileCitizen w/o Consent. Book Review of Peter Schuck and Rogers M. Smith, 1986 | MSS 98-1, Box 2 |
fileCMS [Center for Migration Studies] Conference. [National Legal Conference on Immigration and Refugee Policy], 1995 | MSS 98-1, Box 2 |
fileColumbia University. The American Assembly. [Threatened Peoples Threatened Borders: World Migration and U.S. Policy], 1994 | MSS 98-1, Box 2 |
fileCommission on Legal Immigration Reform, 1991 | MSS 98-1, Box 2 |
fileCommission on Immigration Reform. Includes Meetings of Dec. 13-14, 1994, 1994 | MSS 98-1, Box 2 |
fileCommittee on Comparative Study of Individual and Society, 1989 - 1990 | MSS 98-1, Box 2 |
file“Conceptual Scope of Refugee Status” Project. York University Centre for Refugee Studies, 1993-1994 | MSS 98-1, Box 3 |
fileCongressional Contacts, 1979 | MSS 98-1, Box 3 |
fileCongressional Staff Forum, 1992 | MSS 98-1, Box 3 |
fileControlling Illegal Immigration. Conference Center for U.S. - Mexican Studies, San Diego, 1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 3 |
fileCornell Symposium on Refugee Law, 1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 3 |
fileCorrespondence, 1980-1982 | MSS 98-1, Box 3 |
fileCorrespondence , 1982-1995 | MSS 98-1, Box 4 |
fileCorrespondence - Law School Internal Correspondence, 1982 | MSS 98-1, Box 7 |
fileCorrespondence - Andrew E. Shacknove, 1983 | MSS 98-1, Box 7 |
fileCorrespondence - Tetsumi Takara (Visiting Scholar), 1989 | MSS 98-1, Box 7 |
fileCouncil on Foreign Relations Seminar Talk. [Political Asylum in the West: Dying or Recuperating?], 1994 | MSS 98-1, Box 7 |
fileCounterpoint to John Bolton, 1994 | MSS 98-1, Box 7 |
fileCuban/Haitian Program, 1980 | MSS 98-1, Box 7 |
fileCubans/Haitians - International Papers, 1980 | MSS 98-1, Box 7 |
fileCurriculum Planning Committee, 1986-1987 | MSS 98-1, Box 7 |
fileCurriculum Planning Committee, 1987-1988 | MSS 98-1, Box 8 |
fileCurriculum Planning - Placement Questionnaire, 1988 | MSS 98-1, Box 8 |
fileDavila Case. [Immigration Law Aspects], 1988-1990 | MSS 98-1, Box 8 |
file[Department of State. Bureau of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs] - Martin’s Chronology , 1978-1979 | MSS 98-1, Box 8 |
file[Department of State. Bureau of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs]. Martin’s Chronology [folders 3-6], 1980 | MSS 98-1, Box 9 |
fileDeterring Humanitarian Law Violations Conference, 1994 | MSS 98-1, Box 9 |
fileDitchley Foundations Conference. [Political and Economic Refugees: Problems of Migration, Asylum and Re-Settlement], 1989 | MSS 98-1, Box 10 |
fileDuke Moot Court Intro Lecture, 1984 | MSS 98-1, Box 10 |
fileECRU [European Consultation on Refugees and Exiles] General Meeting, Berlin, 1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 10 |
fileFaculty Senate, 1989 - 1992 | MSS 98-1, Box 10 |
fileFaculty Senate - Committee on the Faculty Relations Committee, 1990 | MSS 98-1, Box 10 |
fileFaculty Senate - Task Force on Faculty Role in University Issues and Commission on Faculty Representation on the Board of Visitors, 1991 | MSS 98-1, Box 10 |
fileFlorida State Lecture [Interdiction and Intervention: New Frontiers for Refugee Policy?], 1992 | MSS 98-1, Box 10 |
fileFord Foundation Grant in Public International Law, 1990-1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 11 |
fileFriedman Conference [The Interamerican Refugee Crisis: In Search of International Legal Solutions], 1981 | MSS 98-1, Box 11 |
fileFSI [Foreign Service Institute] Project, 1980-1981 | MSS 98-1, Box 11 |
fileThe Future of the U. S. Refugee Program. Carnegie Endowment, 1994 | MSS 98-1, Box 11 |
fileGerman American Academic Council. Berlin Lecture. [America’s Migration and Refugee Policy: Of Backlash and Balance], 1994 | MSS 98-1, Box 11 |
fileGerman Marshall Conference on Immigration and Refugee Policies, 1983 | MSS 98-1, Box 11 |
fileGraduate Committee, 1993-1994 | MSS 98-1, Box 11 |
fileHaitian Assistance Project. John Bassett Moore Society of International Law, 1992-1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 12 |
fileHolocaust Conference, Richmond, Va, 1988 | MSS 98-1, Box 12 |
fileHonor System Committee, 1983 | MSS 98-1, Box 12 |
fileHRC [Haitian Refugee Center] v. Civiletti, 1980 | MSS 98-1, Box 12 |
fileHouse Judiciary Committee Testimony, 1982 | MSS 98-1, Box 12 |
fileHuman Rights Pro-Bono Project. John Bassett Moore Society of International Law, 1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 12 |
fileHuman Rights Quarterly - Book Review, 1986 | MSS 98-1, Box 12 |
fileILA [International Law Association] Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1994 | MSS 98-1, Box 12 |
fileILA Conference, Cairo, Egypt, 1992 | MSS 98-1, Box 13 |
fileILA Meetings, 1992 | MSS 98-1, Box 13 |
fileIMR [International Migration Review] Conference, 1988 | MSS 98-1, Box 13 |
fileIMR - Final Draft [Effects of International Law on Migration Policy and Practice: The Uses of Hypocrisy], 1988 | MSS 98-1, Box 13 |
fileImmigration Law Course Family Histories, 1987-1989 | MSS 98-1, Box 13 |
fileInternational Human Rights Law Group - Doe v. Plyer, 1979 | MSS 98-1, Box 13 |
fileInternational Human Rights Law Group of the Procedural Aspects of International Law Institute. “U.S. Ratification of the Human Rights Treaties: With or Without Reservations”, 1979 | MSS 98-1, Box 13 |
fileInternational Journal of Legal Information - Book Review, 1983 | MSS 98-1, Box 13 |
fileInternational Law Weekend [Miscellaneous Papers], 1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 14 |
fileInternational Law Weekend - Opening Panel, Budget and Administration, 1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 14 |
fileInternational Law Weekend - Program Committee and General Correspondence, 1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 14 |
fileInternational Law Weekend - Publicity, Schedules and Notes, 1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 14 |
fileJRS [Journal of Refugees Studies] - Book Review, 1990 | MSS 98-1, Box 14 |
fileJTPA Meeting, Baltimore, Md. [Department of Labor Employment and training Administration Division of Farmworkers Programs: Maximizing Quality. Organizational and Operational Changes for the 90s], 1992 | MSS 98-1, Box 14 |
fileLAS [Legal Assistance Society] Legalization Efforts, 1986-1989 | MSS 98-1, Box 14 |
fileLAS Migrant Farmworkers Program, 1988-1990 | MSS 98-1, Box 14 |
fileLaw School Alumni Magazine - Farmworkers Article | MSS 98-1, Box 15 |
fileLaw School - Course Sequence Memo, 1987 | MSS 98-1, Box 15 |
fileLaw School Information, 1993-1995 | MSS 98-1, Box 15 |
fileLaw School Memoranda, 1985-1988 | MSS 98-1, Box 15 |
fileLaw School and UVA Memos, 1981-1982 | MSS 98-1, Box 15 |
fileLaw School and UVA Memos , 1988-1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 15 |
fileLegalization Project, 1986-1988 | MSS 98-1, Box 16 |
file“Legislative Veto Decision and Congressional Response”. David A. Martin Statement before the Committee of Foreign Affairs, 1983 | MSS 98-1, Box 16 |
fileLegislative Veto Article. Notes and Miscellaneous Materials, [1982] | MSS 98-1, Box 16 |
fileLetters of Recommendation, 1987-1991 | MSS 98-1, Box 16 |
fileLibrary Services, 1984 | MSS 98-1, Box 17 |
fileMeeting with McNamara (Snowed Out), 1995 | MSS 98-1, Box 17 |
fileMigration Dialogue, 1994-1995 | MSS 98-1, Box 17 |
fileMigration Dialogue - (GMF), Including Nurnberg Meeting, 1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 17 |
file[Miscellaneous Papers: Continuing Education Program, UVA; PVCC Talk; International Asylum Judges Meeting], 1994-1995 | MSS 98-1, Box 17 |
file[Miscellaneous Papers: Farmwork and Migrant Advocacy Center; Moore Society of International Law Opportunities Volume; Law Weekly Letter, Van der Westhuizen Visit], 1992 | MSS 98-1, Box 17 |
fileMoore Society of International Law Conference, 1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 17 |
fileMoore Society of International Law Symposium on Immigration, 1981 | MSS 98-1, Box 17 |
fileNational Endowment for the Humanities Research Proposal, 1983 | MSS 98-1, Box 17 |
fileNational Security Law Program, 1995 | MSS 98-1, Box 17 |
fileNon-Traditional Students Committee, 1994-1995 | MSS 98-1, Box 17 |
fileOttawa Trip, 1987 | MSS 98-1, Box 17 |
filePH.D. Candidates: Alan Parra, Rebecca Moore, Candice Bredbenner, n.d. | MSS 98-1, Box 18 |
filePhone Notes, 1981-1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 18 |
filePiper and Macbury Seminar and Charlottesville Chamber of Commerce, 1987 | MSS 98-1, Box 18 |
fileProposed Asylum Rules, 1987-1988 | MSS 98-1, Box 18 |
fileRAND Seminar: The Rights of Foreigners, 1995 | MSS 98-1, Box 18 |
fileRefugee Act Article, Michigan Journal of International Law Studies, 1982 | MSS 98-1, Box 18 |
fileRefugee Act of 1979 - Key Documents, 1979 | MSS 98-1, Box 18 |
fileRefugee Act of 1980 Legal History, 1973-1980 | MSS 98-1, Box 18 |
fileRefugee Law - Comparative Materials, 1982, 1984 | MSS 98-1, Box 19 |
fileRefugee Law [includes proposition to establish a Refugee Law Center at UVA], 1989 | MSS 98-1, Box 19 |
fileRefugee Policy Group, 1983-1989 | MSS 98-1, Box 19 |
file[Refugees], 1992 | MSS 98-1, Box 19 |
file[Refugees and the Right of Asylum in France and the United States] Columbia University Conferences, 1985 | MSS 98-1, Box 19 |
fileSan Diego: Controlling Immigration, 1994 | MSS 98-1, Box 19 |
fileSan Remo Roundtable: Large Numbers of Asylum Seekers, 1981 | MSS 98-1, Box 19 |
fileSelf-Determination Conference, Staunton, Va, 1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 19 |
fileSenior Center Talk [Great Decisions 1995- Immigration: An End to Open Doors?], 1995 | MSS 98-1, Box 19 |
fileSesqui - Advisory Committee. [Political Asylum and Other Forms of Refuge in Selected European Countries], 1984 | MSS 98-1, Box 20 |
fileSesqui - European Study, 1984-1985 | MSS 98-1, Box 20 |
fileSesqui - Geneva Office, 1983-1984 | MSS 98-1, Box 20 |
fileSesquicentennial Associateship, 1984-1985 | MSS 98-1, Box 20 |
fileSJD Program. David Chen, Robert F. Turner, Jeff Adicott, Ibrahim Wani, Thomas K. Plofchan, Jr, 1990-1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 20 |
fileSmithsonian - Federal Judicial Center Program, 1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 20 |
fileSokol IX - Fact Finding Before International Tribunals, 1990 | MSS 98-1, Box 20 |
fileSouth Africa - Miscellaneous Materials including UVA Policy, 1985 | MSS 98-1, Box 20 |
fileState Department Open Forum [Asylum Reform Seminar], 1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 20 |
fileStevic, Predag Article. Briefs and unfinished article, 1982 | MSS 98-1, Box 20 |
fileTemporary Refuge - Group of Experts, 1981 | MSS 98-1, Box 21 |
fileTrier Conference - Comparative Asylum Law, 1991 | MSS 98-1, Box 21 |
fileTucker Reply Article, 1990 | MSS 98-1, Box 21 |
fileUVA - International Relations Group Talk. [Haiti], 1994 | MSS 98-1, Box 21 |
fileUVA - Virginia Status Committee, 1988-1990 | MSS 98-1, Box 21 |
fileUVA - Virginia Status Committee (Bonnie’s Official Status Files), 1988-1990 | MSS 98-1, Box 22 |
fileUniversity of Pittsburgh Symposium - Due Process and the Treatment of Refugees, 1982 | MSS 98-1, Box 22 |
fileUniversity of Washington Conference [International Influences], 1995 | MSS 98-1, Box 22 |
file[Virginia] Education Section Meeting - (Jim Mingle). [Undocumented Aliens Issue], 1990 | MSS 98-1, Box 22 |
fileVJIL [Virginia Journal of International Law], 1988 | MSS 98-1, Box 22 |
fileVJIL Conference [Immigration Law and the New Century: The Developing Regime], 1995 | MSS 98-1, Box 22 |
fileVJIL - Refugee Panel, 1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 23 |
fileVisiting Scholars: Robert Turk, Krzysztof Wojtowicz, 1991-1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 23 |
fileWar Crimes, 1993-1995 | MSS 98-1, Box 23 |
fileWar Crimes - VJIL Essay, 1994 | MSS 98-1, Box 23 |
fileWar Crimes Panel. International Law Weekend, 1993 | MSS 98-1, Box 23 |
fileYork University Conference. [Refugee Policy: A Comparison of Canada and the USA], 1990 | MSS 98-1, Box 24 |
itemInternational Law Weekend 15 Audio cassettes, 1993, October 23 | MSS 98-1 |
itemEvarts One, 1993, October 23 | MSS 98-1 |
itemEvarts Three, 1993, October 23 | MSS 98-1 |
itemEvarts II/ One, 1993, October 23 | MSS 98-1 |
itemEvarts II/ Three, 1993, October 23 | MSS 98-1 |
itemEvarts II/ Five, 1993, October 23 | MSS 98-1 |
itemFailed States One, 1993, October 23 | MSS 98-1 |
itemFailed States Three, 1993, October 23 | MSS 98-1 |
itemStimson, 1993, October 23 | MSS 98-1 |
itemStimson One, 1993, October 23 | MSS 98-1 |
itemStimson Three, 1993, October 23 | MSS 98-1 |
itemTweed One, 1993, October 23 | MSS 98-1 |
itemTweed Three, 1993, October 23 | MSS 98-1 |
itemTweed Five, 1993-10-23 | MSS 98-1 |
itemWar Crimes One, 1993, October 23 | MSS 98-1 |
itemWar Crimes Three, 1993, October 23 | MSS 98-1 |
seriesMSS 98-1a, Addendum to the Papers of David A. Martin, bulk: 1990 - 1994, 1974 - 1994 | |
fileAsylum. Budget and Statistics, 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 1 |
fileAsylum: Comprehensive Reform. Discussion memos-successive drafts, 1993, Aug. | MSS 98-1a, Box 1 |
fileAsylum: Comprehensive Asylum Reform Proposal, 1993, Sep. 30 | MSS 98-1a, Box 1 |
fileAsylum Counsel Issues. [Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project], 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 1 |
fileAsylum: Deportation and Removal Task Force, 1993-1994 | MSS 98-1a, Box 1 |
fileAsylum Legislation, 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 1 |
fileAsylum: Martin's Personal Notes re Asylum Reform, 1993-1994 | MSS 98-1a, Box 2 |
fileAsylum Miscellaneous Papers: studies, drafts, reports, memos, correspondence notes, newspaper clippings [6 folders], 1990-1994 | MSS 98-1a, Box 2 |
fileAsylum [President Clinton Immigration Initiatives] Package, 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 2 |
fileAsylum: Principles of Possible Asylum Reform, 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 2 |
fileAsylum Regulations, 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 4 |
fileAsylum - State Department Open Forum, 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 4 |
fileAsylum Project: Gregg A. Beers’s Papers - Background, 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 4 |
fileAsylum Project: State Department. Office of Asylum Affairs, 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 4 |
fileAsylum Reform: Media Stories and Mail Campaign (Fair). [Newspaper clippings], 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 4 |
fileAsylum Reform: Presentation, 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 4 |
fileAsylum Reform: Recommendations, Memoranda and Commentaries, 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 4 |
fileAsylum Reform: Seminar and Later Meetings, 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 4 |
fileAsylum Reform Project: David Martin’s Key Documents (including unused decision memo), 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 4 |
fileAsylum Reform Project: David Martin’s Personal Notes, 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 4 |
fileINS - JMD [Justice Management Decision] Report: Management Review of Affirmative Asylum Processing, 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 4 |
fileINS - Inter Agency Seminar on Asylum Reform and Departmental Meetings, 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 4 |
fileINS - The Asylum Backlog: Options for Resolution, 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 4 |
fileINS: Regulation on Asylum Reform Final Draft, 1994, Aug. | MSS 98-1a, Box 5 |
fileIOM [International Organization for Migration]: Policies, Voluntary Return, Migration Rules, 1992-1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 5 |
fileUNHCDR - CDR [United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees]: Database, 1992 | MSS 98-1a, Box 5 |
fileUNHCDR Info, 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 5 |
fileACUS [Administrative Conference of the United States] Farmworkers Conference, 1989-1992 | MSS 98-1a, Box 5 |
fileCouncil on Foreign Relations. Nomination of David A. Martin, Correspondence, 1978-1983 | MSS 98-1a, Box 5 |
fileILA [International Law Association] Refugee Committee: Reports and Documents, 1993-1994 | MSS 98-1a, Box 6 |
fileILA Committee on Refugee Procedures: Correspondence and Reports, 1992-1995 | MSS 98-1a, Box 6 |
fileILA Committee on Refugee Procedures: Meeting at University of Konstanz, Germany, 1993 | MSS 98-1a, Box 6 |
fileILA Committee on Refugee Procedures: Minutes of Meetings, 1992-1994 | MSS 98-1a, Box 6 |
fileNational Commission of Migrant Education Testimonies, 1991, April 29 | MSS 98-1a, Box 6 |
fileACUS [Administrative Conference of the United States] Migrant Project, California Trip. Miscellaneous Documents and Martin=s Personal Notes., 1991 | MSS 98-1a, Box 7 |
fileACUS Migrant Project - Coordinating Entity. [Buffalo Commission Hearings]. Working Papers and Martin's Personal Notes., 1990-1991 | MSS 98-1a, Box 7 |
fileACUS Migrant Project - Coordinating Entity. [Correspondence and research materials], 1990-1994 | MSS 98-1a, Box 7 |
fileACUS Migrant Project – D.C. Notes. [Study on Regulatory Barriers to Coordinating Programs that Provide Benefits to Migrant Workers], 1991 | MSS 98-1a, Box 7 |
fileACUS Migrant Project - Del Marva Trip and Albermarle. Memoranda, Martin's Personal Notes, 1990-1991 | MSS 98-1a, Box 7 |
fileACUS Migrant Project - Florida. Miscellaneous Papers and newspaper clippings, 1991 | MSS 98-1a, Box 7 |
fileACUS Migrant Project General. Standards, Reports, Articles, Testimonies, Newsletters, 1984-1991 | MSS 98-1a, Box 7 |
fileACUS Migrant Project - Indiana. Migrant Farmworkers. Report, Miscellaneous Documents and Martin's Personal Notes., 1990 | MSS 98-1a, Box 8 |
fileACUS Migrant Project - Job Training Partnership Act (Farmworkers Programs), 1974-1991 | MSS 98-1a, Box 8 |
fileACUS Migrant Project. Key Documents and Correspondence, 1990-1994 | MSS 98-1a, Box 8 |
fileACUS Migrant Project - Migrant Education. Reports, Newsletter and Notes, 1991 | MSS 98-1a, Box 8 |
fileACUS Migrant Project - Migrant Head Start, 1970-1991 | MSS 98-1a, Box 9 |
fileACUS Migrant Project - Migrant Health Miscellaneous Documents, 1991 | MSS 98-1a, Box 9 |
fileACUS Migrant Project Miscellaneous Notes, 1991, 1994 | MSS 98-1a, Box 9 |
fileVirginia Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers Board. Memoranda and Farmworkers Legal Services Booklet, 1994 | MSS 98-1a, Box 9 |
seriesMSS 98-1b, Addendum to the Papers of David A. Martin, 1984 - 2005 | |
fileABC News – Nightline May 25, 2000 [Transcript of Nightline story about an illegal Haitian immigrant; correspondence, notes]., 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 1 |
fileAdministrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) Asylum Adjudication Reform Cost Estimates [correspondence, note, outline of discussion points], 1989 | MSS 98-1b, Box 1 |
fileACUS – “Bad Prescription for Asylum Public Policy” [note, correspondence, newsletters re: Martin’s letter to editor of the National Law Journal], 1989 | MSS 98-1b, Box 1 |
fileACUS: “The Coast of Bohemia [prepared by David A. Martin for the INS Training for Designated Asylum Officers”] – General – [interview memoranda; research; news articles; Martin’s Report on Asylum to ACUS]; correspondence, 1987-1991 | MSS 98-1b, Box 1 |
fileACUS – Committee on Rulemaking Asylum Adjudication Study [memoranda; revisions and recommendations on Asylum Adjudication Procedures], 1989 | MSS 98-1b, Box 1 |
fileACUS – Committee on Rulemaking [Martin’s notes on meetings], 1989 | MSS 98-1b, Box 1 |
fileACUS – correspondence, notes [re meetings with INS officials and immigration attorneys in Florida and San Diego, CA], 1985-1987 | MSS 98-1b, Box 1 |
fileACUS – correspondence [re asylum procedures], 1987-1989 | MSS 98-1b, Box 1 |
fileACUS – correspondence [and memoranda; Martin’s Report on Asylum Procedures], 1988-1989 | MSS 98-1b, Box 1 |
fileACUS – correspondence and notes from interviews of INS officials and Lawyers Committee for Human Rights in New York, 1988 | MSS 98-1b, Box 1 |
fileACUS – Canada Visit. [Correspondence re Martin’s trip, notes, meeting agenda], 1988-1989 | MSS 98-1b, Box 1 |
fileACUS Information on Administrative Law Judges [Jeffrey S. Lubbers, Federal Agency Adjudication: Trying to See the Forest and the Trees, 31 Fed B. News & J. 383; Martin’s notes], 1983-1986 | MSS 98-1b, Box 1 |
fileACUS – Martin’s interviews notes and summaries [with Department of Justice, INS, Department of State, and UNHCR officials re: asylum and immigration], 1985-1989 | MSS 98-1b, Box 1 |
fileACUS – [Martin’s] notes for talks and remarks, 1989 | MSS 98-1b, Box 1 |
fileACUS – Official Notice Supreme Court Precedent [notes, memoranda], 1989 | MSS 98-1b, Box 1 |
fileACUS Plenary Session [memorandum, agenda, notes, recommendation, ACUS membership list], 1989 | MSS 98-1b, Box 1 |
fileACUS – Reforming Asylum Adjudication Report – Comments and Critiques [correspondence with representatives of American Immigration Lawyers Association, Department of State, DOJ, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, ABA, UN High Commissioner for Refugees; no | MSS 98-1b, Box 1 |
fileACUS – Study of Asylum Procedures, notes, and outline, 1988-1989 | MSS 98-1b, Box 2 |
fileACUS 2 Farmworkers [notes, correspondence re: The Endless Quest and Coordination of Migrant Seasonal Farmworker Service Programs], 1992-1994 | MSS 98-1b, Box 2 |
fileACUS Work Authorization Changes since 1984 [Memorandum re: Asylum Procedures and Adjustment Status], 1984-1985 | MSS 98-1b, Box 2 |
fileACUS Miscellaneous Records and Files for 1989 ACUS Project and “Coast of Bohemia” article – [letter to Sen. Edward Kennedy signed by Martin and Aleinikoff to propose amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act (March 15, 1988); working and research | MSS 98-1b, Box 2 |
fileACUS Project – Denmark and miscellaneous [documents related to asylum practices in Denmark and other European countries. Includes translation of The Aliens Act, Danish Act No. 226 (June 8, 1983); correspondence with the Danish Refugee Council, reports on | MSS 98-1b, Box 2 |
fileACUS Project – Germany [research materials on immigration and asylum law in Germany; newspaper, magazine, and journal articles; handwritten notes. Includes: “Survey of the Policy and Law Concerning Foreigners in the Federal Republic of Germany” (July 1993 | MSS 98-1b, Box 3 |
fileACUS Project – Netherlands [research materials, memoranda and official Dutch documents. Includes: General Information on the New Asylum Procedure in the Netherlands (1982); Quota for Resettlement of Refugees in the Netherlands Policy (1984); asylum brochu | MSS 98-1b, Box 5 |
fileACUS Project – Switzerland [research materials, memoranda and Swiss government asylum and immigration documents; notes, correspondence with Urz Bolz, brochures. Juan M. Bracete, “The Acquisition by Aliens of the Right to Reside after Entry in France and S | MSS 98-1b, Box 5 |
fileACUS – Draft: “Reforming Asylum Adjudication: On Navigating the Coast of Bohemia” [Report authored by Professor Martin], 1989 | MSS 98-1b, Box 7 |
file[Undocumented Alien Tuition, Immigration Law Compliance Update Memorandum (Sep. 5, 2002) – Martin’s review of memorandum for Virginia Governor Mark Warner’s Office. [E-mail correspondence], 2002-2003 | MSS 98-1b, Box 7 |
fileAliens and Due Process Paper – notes and correspondence, 1982-1983 | MSS 98-1b, Box 7 |
fileAmerican Academy of Arts & Sciences (AAAS) “Countries of Immigration” Conference [Martin’s note, conference information; correspondence, memorandum] , 1992-1993 | MSS 98-1b, Box 7 |
fileAmerican Bar Association (ABA) [Martin served as Co-Chair of Immigration and Naturalization Committee. Manual, correspondence, notes], 1998 - 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 8 |
fileAmerican Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) Global Immigration Summit Oct. 1-2, 2004 [conference information, notes], 2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 8 |
fileAmerican Journal of International Law (AJIL) – “Temporary Refuge and the Large-Scale Influx of Refugees” by G.J.L. Coles (1981) [Australian proposal]; provisional agenda and documents, 1981 | MSS 98-1b, Box 8 |
fileAJIL – “Large Scale Migrations of Asylum Seekers” [correspondence related to publication of paper. File includes the International Institute of Humanitarian Law Report of the Round Table on the Problems Arising from Large Numbers of Asylum Seekers (San Re | MSS 98-1b, Box 8 |
fileAJIL Submission Review [book reviews by Martin for AJIL; correspondence, notes], 1993 | MSS 98-1b, Box 8 |
fileAmerica Society of International Law (ASIL) – ASIL Judiciary Outreach Program Advisory Board (Oct. 31, 2003) [Martin’s address to board; notes, meeting outline; e-mail correspondence; memorandum], 2003 | MSS 98-1b, Box 8 |
fileASIL Project on the Role of the UN in the International Legal Order (UNILO) – [correspondence, agenda; “Refugees and Migration”, Martin’s chapter in ASIL book], 1989-1994 | MSS 98-1b, Box 8 |
fileASIL Annual Book Award Committee [correspondence, e-mails, fax, notes], 1998-1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 8 |
fileASIL Annual Meeting April 1-4, 1998 [conference information, correspondence], 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 8 |
fileASIL Annual Meeting March 24-27, 1999 [correspondence, notes], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 8 |
fileASIL Annual Meeting April 5-8, 2000 [correspondence, e-mails, minutes of October meeting; Paul Wolfson: “Treaty? What Treaty?”; notes], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 8 |
fileASIL 95th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. April 4 - 7 – “The Visible College of International Law”. [Martin’s notes, conference materials], 2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 9 |
fileASIL 98th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. March 31 - April 3 – “Mapping New Boundaries: Shifting Norms in International Law.” [Martin’s paper: “The Need for Balance” for panel on “Protection or Control,” notes, minutes, report.], 2003-2005 | MSS 98-1b, Box 9 |
fileASIL 99th Annual Meeting, March 30 - April 2 – “New World Order or a World in Disorder.” [Minutes, agenda, program], 2005 | MSS 98-1b, Box 9 |
fileASIL Executive Council, March – [reports; roll call; draft agenda; capital campaign information], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 9 |
fileASIL Executive Council Meeting, Washington, D.C., Nov. 1 – [minutes, correspondence re: Martin’s nomination to Council; notes], 2003 | MSS 98-1b, Box 9 |
fileASIL Executive Committee – [minutes of meetings, correspondence, reports], 2002-2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 9 |
fileASIL – Federal Judiciary Center (FJC), New Orleans Feb. 26-28, 2002 [National Workshop for District Judges III; notes, conference information; correspondence], 2001-2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 9 |
fileASIL Nominating Committee 2000-01 [ASIL Executive Committee nominations; e-mails, correspondence, notes]. [2 folders]., 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 9 |
fileASIL Nominating Committee 2000-01 [ASIL Executive Committee nominations; e-mails, correspondence, notes]., 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 9 |
fileASIL Nominating Committee 2001 [correspondence, notes], 2000-2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 9 |
fileASIL Panel: “The War on Terrorism”, Washington, Nov. 1 [notes, invitation], 2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 9 |
fileASIL – ASIL Judges Handbook, Fall 2002 - Summer 2003 – draft, 2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 9 |
fileAmnesty International Newsletter, January 1985, vol. xv, no.1, 1985 | MSS 98-1b, Box 10 |
fileAmnesty International Play, Live Arts Production, “Kiss of the Spider Woman”, Dec. 10, 1998 [notes, Martin’s Washington Post Article, “How Rhetoric Became Rights”], 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 10 |
fileAssociation of American Law Schools (AALS) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Jan. 2-6, 2002 [notes and correspondence], 2001-2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 10 |
fileAALS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, correspondence, notes [Prof. Martin spoke at the meeting on Immigration Law.], 2000-2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 10 |
fileAALS Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Jan. 2-5, 2004 [correspondence, schedule, notes], 2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 10 |
fileAsylum Article Notes, c. 1983 | MSS 98-1b, Box 10 |
fileAsylum and Refugee Regulations Draft Guidelines for Processing of Refugee Applications by Consular Officers document; notes, 1980 | MSS 98-1b, Box 10 |
fileAsylum Representation Workshop, Georgetown University Institute for the Study of International Migration, May 22 – [correspondence, workshop information; notes, e-mail], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 10 |
fileBeepers and Privacy Cases and Research – [notes], c. 1980 | MSS 98-1b, Box 10 |
fileBerne Initiative, Geneva, May 23-25, 2002 [Switzerland International Symposium on Migration. Includes: Walter Kälin, Limits to Expulsion Under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; European Court of Human Rights documents; Martin’s pap | MSS 98-1b, Box 10 |
fileBerne Initiative Papers [Switzerland International Symposium on Migration; Articles for Symposium] – David Fisher, et al, Migration and Security; Vitit Muntarbhorn, Combating Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Persons, especially Women: The Normative Fr | MSS 98-1b, Box 10 |
file“Best Practices for Migrant Workers”, Migrant Worker Conference, University of California, Davis, April 26-28 – [David A. Martin, Consistency in Law Enforcement: Best Practices; Mark Silverman, Paper on Best Practices for Migrant Workers: Focusing on Immi | MSS 98-1b, Box 10 |
fileBlue Ridge English as a Second Language Council, Book and Author Luncheon, Oct. 22; notes; UVA Talk on “A Trade Off Between Security and Liberty?”; J.B. Moore Society of International Law event: “Responses to September 11: Immigration Controls and Civil L | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileDepartment of Justice Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) Staff Attorney Conference, Arlington, VA, Oct. 24, [correspondence, e-mails, notes, conference information. Includes Margaret J. Perry, “Asylum, Withholding of Deportation and Withholding of Removal | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileBNA Reporter Article, June 15, 1998 [“Matter of Collado: Two Views”], 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileCAPPS Luncheon: Talk on Immigration, Feb. 21, 2001 [Remarks to Presbyterian Ministers Lunch], 2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileCarnegie Endowment for International Peace, Cooperative Citizenship Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2-5 [correspondence, e-mail], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileCarnegie Endowment for International Peace Briefing: “Elián Gonzalez Case” [Transcript of Elián Gonzalez Asylum Claim Meeting. Prof. Martin’s comments are in the transcript.], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileCarnegie Endowment for International Peace, International Migration Policy Program, Advisory Meeting on Issues in Refugee Protection, June 13 [meeting agenda; Alexander Aleinikoff, “Membership in a Particular Social Group, A Prolegomon to a Study” paper], | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileCBS Interview – Mary Murphy, March 9: IRA Members Deportation Cases [Includes DOJ memoranda re summary to amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) (Jan. 17, 1997, May 6, 1997); DOJ Questions and Answers sheet (Sep 10, 1997); Talking Points | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileCenter for Migration Studies (CMS) 22nd National Legal Conference on Immigration and Refugee Policy March 25-26 – [correspondence, conference information, Martin’s notes re “Expedited Removal and the Future Agenda for Asylum Processing”], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileCMS 23rd National Legal Conference on Immigration and Refugee Policy March 30-31 – [correspondence, e-mail; conference information], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileCMS 24th National Legal Conference on Immigration and Refugee Policy, April 5-6 – correspondence, notes, newsletter, program. Draft of Martin’s paper: “The United States and Dual Nationality: Past and Future”], 2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileCMS National 25th Legal Conference on Immigration and Refugee Policy, March 21-22 [correspondence, conference materials, newspaper clippings, newsletter. Includes draft of Martin’s “Terrorism and Immigration Control: Time for Some Hard thinking”], 2001-20 | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileChurch World Service (CWS)\Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) Joint National Conference, Feb. 4, 2005 [e-mail; conference information], 2004-2005 | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileJules Coleman, “Contemporary Jurisprudence Course” (June 14-18) [notes], 2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileColumbia Law School, Friedman Conference, [Martin] keynote address: “Legal Solutions to Refugee Crises: Tragic Choices”, 1981 | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileColumbia University Seminar, Legal and Illegal Migration: Ethics, Economics and Law, Readings on Border Enforcement, March 11, 2003 – [notes, compilation of Martin’s suggested readings on migration with his handwritten notes], 2002-2003 | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileComité Européan Pour la Défense des Réfugiés et Immigrés (C.E.D.R.I.) [Second Congress of C.E.D.R.I. programme; correspondence, C.E.D.R.I. information. Includes Report on the Present Human Rights Situation in Turkey], 1983-1985 | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileCommission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) Human Dimension Seminar on Migration, Including Refugees and Displaced Persons, Warsaw, 20-23 April – [correspondence, notes. File includes: Opening Statement by the Community; Arthur C. Helton, "Cur | MSS 98-1b, Box 11 |
fileComparative Citizen Project, June 4-7 Meeting [e-mail], 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 12 |
fileFourth Annual Conference of the Library of International Relations at Chicago - Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology, Oct. 9: “International Refugee Law and U.S. Asylum Policy – [correspondence, conference information; notes], 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 12 |
fileConference on Nationality, Immigration and Integration in Europe and the USA, Paris, June 25-27 [CEPIC and German Marshall Fund supported conference; e-mails; correspondence, conference information], 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 12 |
fileConference on Terrorism and Aliens Law, University of San Diego, March 5 [notes, conference information; Martin’s paper “The Use of US Immigration Enforcement and ‘Enemy Combatant’ Designations after the September 11 Attacks”; Anja Klug, “Refugees and Asy | MSS 98-1b, Box 12 |
fileMeeting with Sen. John Cornyn’s (Texas) Staff on Comprehensive Enforcement and Immigration Reform Act of 2005, Washington, D.C. June 14 [e-mail correspondence; notes], 2005 | MSS 98-1b, Box 12 |
fileCorrespondence – [miscellaneous correspondence with former students, UVA law professors and legal field associates], 1995-2005 | MSS 98-1b, Box 12 |
fileCorrespondence – Foreign [related to Martin’s time in Europe], 1984-1987 | MSS 98-1b, Box 12 |
fileCorrespondence – Foreign, 1992-1993 | MSS 98-1b, Box 12 |
fileCorrespondence – Foreign, 1994-1995 | MSS 98-1b, Box 12 |
fileCorrespondence – Foreign, 1998-2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 12 |
fileCorrespondence – U.S. [Letters from colleagues at other law schools and invitations to law seminars]., 1998 - 2003 | MSS 98-1b, Box 12 |
fileCriminal Justice Institute of Harvard Law School: “U.S. Immigration Policy at the Millennium: with Liberty and Justice for All?” – [correspondence, conference information, notes, e-mails; Martin was a panelist on two panels on immigration], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 12 |
fileCouncil of Europe and European Community – [Council of Europe Recommendations re: Asylum; research notations, newsclippings], ca. 1985-1987 | MSS 98-1b, Box 12 |
fileCouncil on Foreign Relations Roundtable on: Bush Administration’s Immigration Proposals” May 7 – [correspondence, e-mails; Daniel Griswold, “A Sympathetic Look at President Bush’s Proposal for Immigration Reform”; Jagdish Bhagwati, “Immigration Policy: Bu | MSS 98-1b, Box 13 |
fileDuke University Workshop on Citizenship, Oct. 30 - Nov. 1 [David A. Hollinger, “Civic Nationality and Communities of Descent in the United States in the 1990s”; Peter J. Spiro, “Dual Nationality and the Meaning of Citizenship”; Paul Donnelly: Bipartisan C | MSS 98-1b, Box 13 |
fileEthiopian Community Development Council (EDDC) 10th National Conference: “African Refugees: Reexamining Practices, Partnerships and Possibilities,” Arlington, VA May 24-26 [correspondence, notes, conference literature and information; Martin served as a p | MSS 98-1b, Box 13 |
fileEuropean Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) Participants Meeting, March – [Country reports from the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden and United Kingdom], 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 13 |
fileEuropean Council – US Cooperative Programme on Migration and Asylum, Georgetown University, Nov. 8 – [e-mail correspondence; agenda] | MSS 98-1b, Box 13 |
fileThe Expedited Removal Study: Report on the First Two Years of Implementation , 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 13 |
fileFederal Judicial Center National Symposium for United States Court of Appeals Judges Oct. 21 -22 [Martin presentation notes and articles, memorandum, e-mails, correspondence], 2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 13 |
fileFirst Colloquium on Challenges in International Refugee Law, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor April 8-10 [correspondence, notes, background materials; Martin’s comments on a draft paper, “The Internal Protection Alternative in International Refugee Law”] | MSS 98-1b, Box 13 |
fileGerman Marshall Fund Project on Dual Nationality, Mexico City Meeting – Feb. 17-19; German Marshall Fund Project on Dual Nationality, Istanbul, Turkey Oct. 19-22, 2000 [agendas and summaries of panels and discussions], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 14 |
fileGerman Marshall Fund Project on Dual Nationality Meetings, Berlin and Vienna Oct. 7-9, (also D.C. Oct. 22) [Included are: Carnagie Comparative Citizenship Project: Citizenship Policies for an Age of Migration; Rainer Bauböck and Dilek Cinar, Nationality L | MSS 98-1b, Box 14 |
fileGerman Marshall Fund Immigration Program Review – correspondence, notes. [Includes Martin: “Political Asylum and Other Forms of Refuge in Selected European Countries: A Comparative Study. Project description for the German Marshall Fund Research Fellowshi | MSS 98-1b, Box 14 |
fileGerman Marshall Fund of the United States , Agence de Dévelopment des Relations Interculturelles Intergovernmental Conference on Immigration and Refugee Issues, Apr. 16-17 – [agenda, French documents re migrants and refugees, policies], 1984 | MSS 98-1b, Box 14 |
fileGerman Marshall Fund, German - American Symposium on Immigration Control and Human Rights, Berlin, June 29-30 [correspondence, e-mails; notes, presentations summaries of Prof. Walter Kälin, Juliane Kokott, Susan Martin and Andy Schoenholtz; conference inf | MSS 98-1b, Box 14 |
fileGerman Marshall Fund Conference “Visa, Policy, Inspection and Exit Controls: Transatlantic Perspectives on Migration Management,” Paris Sept. 25-28 [correspondence, e-mails; conference information, notes], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 14 |
fileHaitian Centers Council v. McNary Amicus Brief – correspondence, 1992-1993 | MSS 98-1b, Box 14 |
fileHeritage Foundation Anti-Terrorism Project [Martin served as an “expert” on Dan Fisk, Top Priorities for Improving Intelligence and Law Enforcement Capabilities, A Report of the Working group on Intelligence and Law Enforcement; note, e-mail; research mat | MSS 98-1b, Box 14 |
fileHouse Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims Hearing on Religious Persecution Act, March 13, 24, 1998 (declined), 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 14 |
fileImmigration & Naturalization Service (INS) Symposium: 5th Anniversary of Asylum Reform; Refugee UVA Law Class Field Trip – Feb. 1, 2000. [Correspondence, notes. Draft of Martin’s paper “Asylum Reform: A Global Perspective”], 1999-2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 14 |
fileImmigration Judges Conference, New York, June 25-26 – correspondence, conference materials. [File includes Martin’s paper "Gender-Related Asylum Cases: Confronting the Doubts and Questions"; Edward R. Grant, Lauren R. Mathon, W. Wayne Stogner: "How Stream | MSS 98-1b, Box 14 |
fileImmigration Law Teachers Workshop 2002, Loyola University, New Orleans, May 30-June 1 – [conference information, correspondence, e-mails, memorandum, Martin’s: “Roundtable on the Future of Immigration Law Scholarship Thoughts in Response to Introductory Q | MSS 98-1b, Box 15 |
fileImmigration Law Teachers Workshop 2004, Loyola University, June 3-4 [conference information; e-mail; correspondence; Human Rights Watch: “Documenting Rape as a War Crime”], 2003-2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 15 |
fileInstitute for Communitarian Policy Studies, GWU, Diversity Within Unity Conference, Brussels, Nov. 1-2 [conference information; notes, correspondence], 2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 15 |
fileInstitute for the Study of International Migration, Georgetown University, Workshop on Visa Policy, Inspection and Exit Controls: Transatlantic Perspective on Migration Management, March 27-29 [correspondence, e-mail; workshop information], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 15 |
fileInstitute for the Study of International Migration, Transatlantic Workshop on Human Smuggling, Georgetown University, June 4-5 [correspondence, workshop information; e-mail; notes], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 15 |
fileInstitute for the Study of International Migration, Georgetown University, Transatlantic Dialogue on Terrorism and International Migration Washington, D.C., Dec. 3-4 [invitation, draft of participants], 2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 15 |
fileInter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) Public Hearing on Terrorism and Human Rights – March [correspondence re IACHR study, notes], 2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 15 |
fileInternational Association of Refugee Law Judges Conference: The Changing Nature of Persecution, Berne, Switzerland, Oct. 25-28 [conference agenda; e-mail, notes, Prof. Martin was on the Female Asylum Seekers and Refugees panel], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 15 |
fileInternational Law Association (ILA) 63rd International Law Conference, Warsaw, Poland, Aug. 21-27 [notes, correspondence. Ian Brownlie, The Human Right for Food, Study for the Commonwealth Secretariat (1987); Report on “Irregular Movement” submitted by th | MSS 98-1b, Box 15 |
fileILA – extensive correspondence, agenda, reports, resolutions. [Report of the Committee on Human Rights; Report Human Rights Committee, American Branch; Draft Declaration of Principles of International Law on Compensation to Refugees (1992); Otto Kimminich | MSS 98-1b, Box 15 |
fileILA, American Branch Committee on Refugees [e-mail; documents, reports: Refugees Procedures: Issues and Prospects; Interim Report on Temporary Protection; Summary of Proceedings; memoranda], 1996-1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileILA – International Law Weekend New York Nov. 12-14, [correspondence, e-mail; newsletters; conference information], 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileInternational Migration Review – correspondence, 1991-1992 | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileInternational Rescue Committee (IRC) Board and Overseer Meeting, Washington Apr. 13-15 [PowerPoint presentations, schedule; e-mail, notes], 2005 | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileIRC Washington Visit April 24-25 [memorandum], 2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileRefugee Studies Programme (Oxford University) – correspondence, 1987-1990 | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileLeague of Women Voters of Charlottesville – Albemarle and the Charlottesville Committee on Foreign Relations Town Hall Meeting, Nov. 18-19 [flyer; correspondence, note, e-mail, newspaper article], 2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileLegislative Veto Article – correspondence with Prof. Flinterman Rijke, University Limburg Netherlands], 1983 | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileMigration Dialogue – Philip Martin and Michael Teitelbaum Report of the Seminar on Integration Issues and Immigration Policy Focus on Southern Florida, 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileMigration Dialogue Conference, Istanbul, March 29-31 [e-mail, correspondence], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileMigration Policy Institute (MPI) Panel with Eduardo Aguirre Jr., Tamar Jacoby, Palma Yanni, Sep. 3 [David A. Martin, Immigration Policy and the Homeland Security Act Reorganization, 1 Insight 2003], 2003 | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileMPI, Program on INS and the Department of Homeland Security: A Farewell Tribute – A Look Ahead, Feb. 28 [program, notes, correspondence], 2003 | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileMPI, Council on Foreign Relations: U.S. Refugee Admission Program, D.C., Feb. 13 [notes, correspondence], 2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileMPI Right to Counsel Project [notes, memorandum, Donald Kerwin: “Charitable Legal Programs for Immigrants” (draft)], 2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileMPI Refugee Book Launch, May 6 [notes, Martin’s article: “The US Refugee Program in Transition”; program information, flyer], 2005 | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileJohn T. Morton (Law ’94) Dinner, Oct. 30 [notes], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileNADIR [Lester B. Pearson Canadian International Peacekeeping Training Centre] – Remarks on Pinochet, February 17 [correspondence, note, research], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileNational Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States Hearing on “Security and Liberty”, Washington, D.C., Panel on “Preventive Detention: Use of Immigration Laws and Enemy Combatants Designations to Combat Terrorism” Dec. 8, 2003, Martin’s test | MSS 98-1b, Box 16 |
fileNational Immigration Forum Telephonic Press Briefing, Oct. 2 [notes, e-mail. Prof. Martin served as an expert on Immigration Policy], 2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
fileNational Public Radio (NPR) – Justice Talking, NPR Program: “Secrets or Lies: Immigrants, Terrorism and International Justice,” Feb. 28 [CD of Martin’s appearance on show; correspondence, note, research], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
fileNPR Interview with NPR “Talk of the Nation” re: 50th Anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights Dec. 10 [note, research materials, copy of Prof. Martin’s editorial, “How Rhetoric Became Rights”], 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
fileNguyen Case Interest of Amici Final Brief, April 20., 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
fileNguyen v. INS – Court TV Appearance, July 19 [note, e-mail], 2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
fileNinth Circuit Judicial Conference, San Diego, July 15-18 [correspondence, notes], 2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
fileOffice of Français de Protection des Réfugiés et Apatrides (1952-1993) (OFPRA) – [Description; Statistics; History; Procedures; correspondence], 1993 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
fileOFPRA, Présentation du Système Dactyloscopique, (France) – [Description of the OFPRA Fingerprint system], 1993 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
fileOutlines and Key Quotes [handwritten notes, newspaper articles, printed materials re: asylum and immigration], 1985 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
filePBS – Lehrer News Hour Interview re Iraqi Deportations, Mid-April 1998, 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
filePBS – Miller Center Interview: For the Record, Nov. 17, WHTJ [correpondence, transcript of Martin’s interview on immigration, notes, research], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
filePiedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) Talk: Elián Gonzalez, April 13 [notes], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
filePowell, Justice Lewis Memorial, U.S. Supreme Court, May 18 [invitation, correspondence, program], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
filePrincipaux Textes Législatifs et Réglementaires [French government documents re: refugees], 1993 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
fileReading file and items mailed to Geneva [notes, lists], 1984 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
fileRefugee and Asylum Policy and Practice in Europe and North America, Oxford University, July 1-3, 1999 – [correspondence, e-mail; notes, agenda. OFPRA Rapport d’Activite Année 1998; Nicholas Blake, “In the Matter of the International Human Rights Principle | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
fileRefugee Policy Group (RPG) – The North American-European Dialogue on Politics and Migration [RPG, Emigration, Immigration and Changing East-West Relations, summaries, agenda], 1989-1990 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
fileRefugee Twilight – Book ideas [correspondence, WSJ article], 1989 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
fileSt. James Fellowship, Richmond Dinner Talk, Dec. 14 [notes], 2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
fileSalas, Jose Patrizio Jacome, Petition for Asylum in the UK [British Court Documents re: Salas Asylum application and removal to USA] , 1997-1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 17 |
fileSenate Hearing on Asylum Reform [Martin’s Statement before Subcommittee on Immigration and Refugee Affairs; Statement of Arthur C. Helton, Director, Refugee Project (April 29); Testimony of Michael S. Teitelbaum (Apr. 27, 1993); notes], 1993 | MSS 98-1b, Box 19 |
fileSenate Judiciary Immigration Subcommittee’s Hearing on “Immigration Reform and the Reorganization of Homeland Defense”, June 26 [Transcript of proceedings; statements of Paul W. Virtue, Stephen Yale-Loehr, Paul C. Light, Wendy A. Young, Kathleen Campbell | MSS 98-1b, Box 19 |
fileStanley Foundation Fortieth Strategy for Peace Conference, Warrenton, VA, Arlie Center, Oct. 21-23 [Prof. Martin participated in “The Competition Between Rights in International Politics: Balancing the Rights of Nation States, Groups, and Individuals”; co | MSS 98-1b, Box 19 |
fileState Coordinators of Refugee Resettlement (SCORR) and Refugee Council USA (RCUSA) – Symposium, Washington, DC, June 20-21 [e-mail; correspondence, notes], 2005 | MSS 98-1b, Box 19 |
fileStuttgarter SchloBgespräch – Stuttgart New Palace Conference Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa) June 23-25 – [notes, newspaper clippings. David A. Martin; “Instruments for Structural Integration: The American Experience with Antidiscrimination | MSS 98-1b, Box 19 |
fileTerrorism and Immigration: Our Borders, Security, and Liberties, Sept. 24 [notes], 2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 19 |
fileThird Forum on Migration Policy – Criminal Alien Meeting – Bonn May 8-12, 1998 [Martin’s paper: “Expulsion of Criminal Aliens from the United States”; e-mails; notes, research. Paul Middlebeck: Praxis der Ausweisung und Abschiebung straffälliger Ausländer | MSS 98-1b, Box 19 |
fileUnited Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Consultations on the Arrivals of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Europe, May 28-31 – [UN documents, handwritten notes, news articles. Statements from The Netherlands; Ambassador Niels Boel (Denmark); Jo | MSS 98-1b, Box 19 |
fileUNHCR PACKGRD Papers HCR Consults-EUR [UNHCR memoranda and country reports re: asylum seekers in Europe], 1985 | MSS 98-1b, Box 20 |
fileUNHCR Round Table on Religion-based Refugee Claims, Oct. 30-31 [e-mails; notes, correspondence], 2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 20 |
fileUniversity of California, Berkeley - San Francisco Law Teachers’ Workshop May 28-31, [University of California, Berkeley Immigration Law Workshop; correspondence, notes, e-mails; memoranda], 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 20 |
fileUniversity of Louisville Conference on Immigration Reform, notes, 2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 20 |
fileUniversity of North Carolina (UNC) Symposium: Work, Migration & Identity, Jan. 26, 2002 [correspondence, notes, information], 2001-2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 20 |
fileWestminster Presbyterian Church, Charlottesville – “Front Page Faith” talk Feb. 10, [notes]., 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 20 |
fileWestminster Presbyterian Church, Charlottesville – Remarks on Pinochet, Nov. 14 [handwritten notes], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 20 |
fileWestminster Presbyterian Church, Lenten Series, Adult Education Committee (Charlottesville) – “The Church in the World Today,” March 30 [program, notes, e-mail, correspondence, research], 2003 | MSS 98-1b, Box 20 |
fileCasebooks and Articles: “Asylum Crises in the Western Democracies” [correspondence and article] with Virginia Law Weekly editor, 1991 | MSS 98-1b, Box 20 |
fileCasebooks and Articles: Bellagio Paper – Background documents for “Effect of International Law on Migration Policy and Practice: The Uses of Hypocrisy” – [draft, handwritten notes, correspondence]., 1988 | MSS 98-1b, Box 20 |
fileCasebooks and Articles: Thomas Alexander Aleinikoff and David A. Martin, Immigration: Process and Policy, Casebook – [extensive correspondence between Aleinikoff, Martin, law professors, attorneys, publishers. Reviews, book reviews, notes, newspaper clipp | MSS 98-1b, Box 20 |
fileCorrespondence re: David Martin publications, 1982-1984, 2005 | MSS 98-1b, Box 21 |
file“Family Fairness, Immigration Style: Congress’s Turn” – draft, correspondence., 1990 | MSS 98-1b, Box 21 |
file“Political Asylum in the West: Dying or Recuperating” – correspondence, notes, 1994 | MSS 98-1b, Box 21 |
fileGeorgetown Immigration Law Journal Symposium Nov. 16-17, “Behind the Scenes on a Different Set” [article by Prof. Martin] [note, correspondence, publication authorization], 2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 21 |
file“The Myths that Drive Our Policy on Cuban Refugees” (not published) [opinion re Cuban Refugees], 1993-1994 | MSS 98-1b, Box 21 |
file“In Elián’s Interest?” New York Times, April 21, 2000 [notes, e-mail, correspondence, published article], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 21 |
file“The Refugee Definition: Legal Standards and Tragic Choices” article for International Migration Review (IMR) (not published) - correspondence, 1985 | MSS 98-1b, Box 21 |
fileMajor Issues in Immigration Law – monograph for The Federal Judiciary Center – correspondence, notes, 1985-1991 | MSS 98-1b, Box 21 |
fileDavid A. Martin, The 1995 Asylum Reforms A Historic and Global Perspective, Center for Immigration Studies, May 2000 [Asylum Reform – 5th Anniversary Celebration Paper, notes ], 1999-2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 21 |
fileMichigan J. L. Reform – (Stillborn Article) (Reworked Friedmann Address): “Legal Solutions to Refugee Crises: Tragic Choices” – [draft, notes, correspondence], 1982-1983 | MSS 98-1b, Box 21 |
fileNational Security Law Casebook, Immigration Chapter, 2nd. Ed. 2002 [correspondence, notes], 2000-2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 21 |
file“INS Reorganization,” Legal Times, Sep. 1999 [Op-ed article. Fax, correspondence, notes, copy of letter to Sen. Edward Kennedy re INS reorganization], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 21 |
file“Political Asylum: Don’t Starve the New System” [draft for op-ed in the New York Times. [Notes, correspondence], 1990 | MSS 98-1b, Box 21 |
file“The End of De Facto Asylum” [draft, correspondence], 1987 | MSS 98-1b, Box 21 |
file[Correspondence, notes, publishing contract] for “Reforming Asylum Adjudication”; “Coordination of Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Service Programs: Of Crabgrass and the Philosopher’s Stone”; Philip L. Martin and David A. Martin, The Endless Quest: Helpin | MSS 98-1b, Box 21 |
fileDavid A. Martin and Kay Hailbronner, Rights and Duties of Dual Nationals [correspondence re publication of book, e-mail, project recommendations], 2000-2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
fileZadvydas Article: “Graduated Application of Constitutional Protections for Aliens: The Real Meaning of Zadvydas v. Davis,” Supreme Court Review 2001: 47-137 [correspondence], 2001-2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
file“The United States Refugee Admissions Program: Reforms for a New Era of Refugee Resettlement” [Authored by Prof. Martin for Department of State], 2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
fileVirginia Journal of International Law - [correspondence re article on “expedited removal”], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
subseriesUVA Law School and Teaching Materials Files | |
fileUVA Law School and Teaching Materials Files: Constitutional Law, Spring 1992 Class Notes , 1992 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
fileUVA Law School and Teaching Materials Files: Constitutional Law II – Spring 1988 Class Notes, 1988 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
fileUVA Law School and Teaching Materials Files: Immigration Law Course [course outline, syllabus; notes, course evaluation form], 1983 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
fileUVA Law School and Teaching Materials Files: International Human Rights Seminar Supplemental Materials: Refugee Law, Fall 1981 – [reading materials] , 1981 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
fileUVA Law School and Teaching Materials Files: International Human Rights Law Supplementary Materials, Part 1 Fall 1982, [course material], 1982 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
fileUVA Law School and Teaching Materials Files: International Human Rights Law Supplement: Refugee Law Fall 1982, 1982 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
fileInternational Human Rights Law Supplement: Refugee Law Fall 1985, 1985 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
fileInternational Human Rights Law Supplementary Materials, Part 1 Fall 1986 Mr. Martin [Course Materials], 1986 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
fileInternational Human Rights Fall 1988 Class Notes, 1988 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
fileInternational Human Rights Fall 1992 Class Notes [Includes Professor Richard Lillich International Human Rights Law Syllabus and Course Problems for Fall 1991], 1992 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
fileInternational Human Rights Fall 1999 Class Notes , 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
fileLegislation Class Appearance (Prof. Barbara Armacost), March 5 [notes, research], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
filePresidential Powers, Spring – Class notes, diagram of class , 1991 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
filePresidential Powers, Spring – Class Notes, 1994 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
fileProperty II, Spring – Class notes, 1986 | MSS 98-1b, Box 22 |
fileProperty Law Class, Fall – Class notes, 1986 | MSS 98-1b, Box 24 |
fileProperty Law Examinations Instructions, 1980-1986 | MSS 98-1b, Box 24 |
fileRefugees Course Outlines [?], 1985 | MSS 98-1b, Box 24 |
fileRefugee Law Spring 1993 [syllabus and class supplements], 1993 | MSS 98-1b, Box 24 |
fileRefugee Law Spring 1995 Masters I & II, 1995 | MSS 98-1b, Box 24 |
fileRefugee Law Cases and Materials – [notes, correspondence re course and publication], 1993-1995 | MSS 98-1b, Box 24 |
file[Refugee and Asylum Law – Syllabus and course outlines [materials not used], 1995, 1997-1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 24 |
fileWilliam & Mary Lecture April 18, 2005 Marshall-Wythe School of Law [notes, e-mail; lecture flyers], 2004-2005 | MSS 98-1b, Box 24 |
subseriesNobel Peace Laureates Conference and Class | |
fileNobel Peace Laureates Conference and Class: International Law and the Nobel Peace Prize: Central America research, 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 24 |
fileNobel Peace Laureates Conference and Class: International Law and the Noble Peace Prize: Myanmar research, 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 24 |
fileNobel Peace Laureates Conference and Class: International Law and the Noble Peace Prize Seminar: reading materials, questions for discussion [Profs. Martin and John Setear] , 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 24 |
fileInternational Law and the Nobel Peace Prize: Human Rights and Arms Control Seminar [correspondence, notes on development of seminar, notes on class topics; Nobel Peace Laureate Conference brochures and program], 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 25 |
fileInternational Law and the Nobel Peace Prize Seminar [students final papers and comments from Prof. Martin], 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 25 |
fileInternational Law and the Nobel Peace Prize Seminar South Africa [background research on Apartheid], 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 25 |
fileInternational Law and the Nobel Peace Prize Seminar supplementary documents for reading, 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 25 |
fileNobel Peace Laureates Conference, Dr. Oscar Arias Speech: “Embracing a New Peace: The International Code of Conduct on Arms Transfers”, 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 25 |
fileNobel Laureates Conference early background documents [notes, e-mails], 1997-1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 25 |
fileNobel Peace Laureates Conference Educational Series – Speaker Series – correspondence, notes, 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 25 |
fileNobel Peace Laureates Conference – Extras and left over documents and list of removed printed materials. , 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 25 |
fileNobel Peace Laureates Conference UN Declaration of Human Rights at 50 Panel Oct. 8, 1998 [e-mail], 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 25 |
fileAlien Tort Statute After Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain: What Future for International Human Rights Litigation in U.S. Courts,” UVA Law School – notes, event flyer], 2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileLaw Alumni Board – Speech to UVA Law Alumni Board May 1 [handwritten notes], 2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileAmerican Constitution Society (ACS) – letter; “The New World Refugee Resettlement” Brown Bag talk (Nov. 17, 2003) [Outline of Martin’s talk], 2003 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileACS – Brown Bag Session on “Bush’s Temporary Worker Plan,” Feb. 9 [notes], 2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileAnnual Reports [Martin’s Annual Reports to UVA Law School], 1980-1984 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileProposal for a Center for Law & National Security (CLNS), [ca. 1980, 1981] | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileCLNS National Security Law Summer Training Institute, May 31 - June 12 [notes, seminar information, research], 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileCLNS Tenth Annual National Security Law Institute for Professors and Practitioners (June 15 [Prof. Martin lectured on Human Rights; conference agenda and information, e-mail; correspondence], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileCLNS Eleventh National Security Law Institute (June 2-14, 2002) – correspondence, Copy of Martin’s Op/Ed “How Rhetoric Became Rights”, Washington Post, November 1, 1998; outline of courses; list of participants; Martin’s class information], 2001-2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileCommonwealth 2020 Lecture Series (April 26, 2002) [notes, correspondence], 2001-2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileComparative Constitutional Law Workshop, Charlottesville Nov. 6-7, 1999 [correspondence, “A Second Look at Afroyim and Terrazas: The Shortcomings of a Purely Rights-Based Approach to Citizenship,” [draft], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileUVA School of Law Conference on Public Service and the Law, March 3 - 4 – [conference information; notes, e-mails], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileUVA Mortimer Caplin Public Service Center Conference on Public Service and the Law, March 3, 2001 [correspondence, conference information], 2000-2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileUVA School of Law Conference on Public Service and the Law, Feb. 15-16 [notes and conference information], 2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileUVA School of Law Conference on Public Service and the Law, March 14-15 – [conference schedule, notes, e-mail], 2003 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileUVA School of Law Conference on Public Service and the Law, Feb. 11-12 –[correspondence, agenda, notes], 2005 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileCorrespondence – [Miscellaneous correspondence re UVA Law School], 1999-2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileExam Taking Panel Discussion sponsored by Virginia Law Women and Black Law Students Association, Nov. 22 [memorandum], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileLaw Faculty Workshop, Nov. 11 [Curtis A. Bradley, “The Juvenile Death Penalty, International Law, and the Erosion of National Consent,” draft paper, Martin’s notes], 2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileFederalist Society, UVA School of Law, Feb. 8: “Elian, Cuba and the Law” – [program and thank you note], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileFord Foundation Research Proposal – correspondence and proposal, 1983-1984 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileUVA Forum for Contemporary Thought: Discussant on Sassen Paper March 4 – [Martin’s note re Saskia Sassen, “The Participation of States and Citizens in Global Governance” paper], 2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileGerman American Academic Council Foundation Distinguished Lectureship Program Visit of Prof. Dr. Kay Hailbronner to UVA Law School March 20-27, 1999 [correspondence, e-mails, proposal, lectureship grants information], 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
file“The Dilemma of Elian Gonzalez,” UVA Panel on Elian Gonzalez, Feb. 9, Clark Hall [e-mail; Martin’s notes], 2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileInternational Human Rights Roundtable with Gary Haugen at UVA School of Law, Feb. 20, 2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileUVA Graduate Program for Judges Talk on The Elian Gonzalez Case July 21, [notes, correspondence], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileJudge Advocate General (JAG) School Visit Feb. 18 [schedule, notes], 2003 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileHaitian Exodus, Lunchtime Discussion, Aug. 16 – notes, 1994 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileJ.B. Moore Society of International Law – correspondence, 1998-2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileJ.B. Moore Society of International Law - Criminal Aliens Panel [notes], 1998 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileJ.B. Moore Society of International law and Center for National Security Law, “The Crisis Over Kosovo: The Political, Military, Legal, and Humanitarian Dimensions of the Crisis in the Balkans” Panel, April 19 [notes, poster], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileJ.B. Moore Society of International Law Speakers Series Lecture and Guest Lecturer to Prof. Martin’s class – Walter Kaelin Visit, March 2-4 [e-mails, notes], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 26 |
fileJ.B. Moore Society of International Law Faculty Lunch Series Talk on “Dual Nationality” Nov. 16 [notes, research, correspondence], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 27 |
fileJ.B. Moore Society of International Law Directory of career opportunities in international law , draft of Martin’s introductory essay to the directory, March 2001. , 2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 27 |
fileJ.B. Moore of International Law 50th Anniversary Symposium “Contemporary Challenges in International Law and Security: Improving Frameworks for Legal Responsibility,” Feb. 23-24 [notes, abstracts], 2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 27 |
fileJ.B. Moore Society of International Law (Nov. 18): “African Refugees in Guinea,” Nov. 18, 2002 [notes, PowerPoint DVD digitalized]. Also, PVCC (July 3), 2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 27 |
fileJ.B. Moore Society of International Law “Combatting Terrorism: Domestic and International Legal Frameworks After September 11,” March 3 – [conference materials, memorandum], 2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 27 |
fileJ.B. Moore Society of International Law, “Beyond the War on Terrorism: Comparing Domestic Legal Remedies to an International Dilemma,” Feb. 25-26, 2005 [conference information, notes, papers], 2004-2005 | MSS 98-1b, Box 27 |
fileProf. Dennis Lemieux, Laval University, Québec, Canada Visiting Professor Summer 1986 [correspondence], 1986 | MSS 98-1b, Box 27 |
fileMartin’s correspondence re his interest in teaching law – [file Includes Martin’s acceptance of UVA’s Law School offer], 1975-1980 | MSS 98-1b, Box 27 |
fileUVA Miller Center of Public Affairs Forum “Politics, Law, and Immigration: Elian Gonzales and Beyond,” March 7 [e-mail; notes, Forum information], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 27 |
fileUVA School of Law Profiles from Practice, Janet Napolitano (Law ’83), Arizona Attorney General Public Talk “Managing the Southwest Border,” Oct. 4 [agenda, notes], 2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 27 |
fileVisit of Gov. Janet Napolitano April 21 [e-mail; newsclippings], 2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 27 |
fileDavid Scheffer Lecture, Nov. 13 [notes, e-mail], 2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 27 |
fileUVA Sesquicentennial Associateship, European Study – correspondence, project description, report, 1983-1985 | MSS 98-1b, Box 27 |
fileSesquicentennial Associateship – UVA Center for Advanced Studies – correspondence, reports, 1984-1986 | MSS 98-1b, Box 27 |
fileSetear’s International Law Class – Lecture on Human Rights, March 11 [notes, teaching materials], 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 27 |
fileNinth Sokol Colloquium on International Law “The New Asylum Seekers” [correspondence, notes, memoranda], 1986 | MSS 98-1b, Box 27 |
fileSokol [Colloquium] Correspondence, 1985-1988 | MSS 98-1b, Box 28 |
fileSokol [Colloquium] Correspondence [Reviews for The New Asylum Seekers; information on the 10th Sokol Colloquium in 1989], 1986-1989 | MSS 98-1b, Box 28 |
fileUVA Lorna Sundberg International Center, invitation to talk to Suzanne Louis class, March 30 – [Outline, correspondence, e-mails; David A. Martin, “Migrating Toward Trouble”], 2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 28 |
fileUVA School of Law and the Army’s Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School Joint Symposium, “International Law and U.S. Government Actions in the Global War on Terror,” Nov. 5 [notes, e-mail, program. Included is letter to President George W. Bush | MSS 98-1b, Box 28 |
fileUVA-LAJC Immigration Pro Bono Project Orientation Meeting, Sept. 9, [outline, notes], 2004 | MSS 98-1b, Box 28 |
fileUVA Law School Events Miscellaneous [e-mail; outline]., 1987, 2004-2005 | MSS 98-1b, Box 28 |
fileVirginia Journal of International Law 40th Anniversary and Celebration, “Domestic and International Enforcement of Human Rights Norms at the Turn of the Millennium: Pinochet and the International Criminal Court,” March 31-April 1, 2000. Keynote Speaker: A | MSS 98-1b, Box 28 |
fileVirginia 2020 Agenda for the Third Century at the University of Virginia, International Activities Planning Commission – [correspondence, notes, meeting agendas, memoranda, reports, recommendations, 1999-2000 | MSS 98-1b, Box 28 |
fileSeth Waxman Visit, April 11-12 [2002 Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Law Recipient - correspondence], 2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 29 |
fileUVA School of Law, Women of Color Panel on “Trafficking of Women,” April 9 – [notes, e-mail], 2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 29 |
fileWu, Michael C. (Class of 1992): “Canadian Immigration and Citizenship Law” [Wu’s paper for Citizenship and Membership Law Class taught by Prof. Martin], ca. 1992 | MSS 98-1b, Box 29 |
subseriesAsylum and Immigration Research Files | |
fileAsylum and Immigration Research Files: Canada - Background Research Documents re refugees and immigration. [Briefs prepared for the Centre for Refugee Studies, York University re Bill C-86; Immigration Refugee Board, “Guidelines Issued by the Chairperson | MSS 98-1b, Box 29 |
fileAsylum and Immigration Research Files: Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board documents [guidelines, memoranda, training materials; Fiji Country Profile], 1989 | MSS 98-1b, Box 29 |
fileAsylum and Immigration Research Files: Asylum and Immigration Research – statistical tables and documents re refugees and asylum seekers in Europe; World Council of Churches Meeting Minutes; U.N. information; news articles; Joachim Henkel: “Foreign Asylum | MSS 98-1b, Box 29 |
fileCanadian Immigration Law – Correspondence, notes, Canadian documents and drafts on Bill C-86 (1993); Inter-Church Committee for Refugees, The Canadian Council of Churches, Canadian Council for Refugees reports and briefs; printed materials, press releases | MSS 98-1b, Box 30 |
fileCanada Sesqui [Folder contains: “Delays in the Refugee Status Determination Process” (April 20, 1983); Employment and Immigration Canada: Immigration Levels 1983-1985 (November 1, 1982) and documents from the Minister, Employment and Immigration], 1982-19 | MSS 98-1b, Box 30 |
fileVancouver Trip April 4-5, 2003 [Department of Justice Citizenship and Immigration Conference, Vancouver; notes, conference schedule; powerpoint presentation], 2003 | MSS 98-1b, Box 30 |
fileBackground Research on Immigration and Asylum – [Inter-governmental Consultations on Asylum, Refugee and Migration Policies in Europe, North America and Australia documents); journal and news articles, notes] , 1991-1994 | MSS 98-1b, Box 31 |
fileEurope – Trip to Switzerland, Germany and France, July 1988 – Correspondence and notes from conversations with European scholars and officials, 1988 | MSS 98-1b, Box 31 |
fileEurope – General Materials from July 1988 Trip [UNHCR documents Centre for Documentation on Refugees documents; Rapport, Asylum in Europe a Policy Proposal for the New Future Report, Dutch Refugee Council, September 1987; Jonas Widgren, “Asylum Seekers in | MSS 98-1b, Box 31 |
fileEurope and Asylum research – [Academic Group on Immigration –Tampere (AGIT), “Efficient, effective and encompassing approaches to a European Immigration and Asylum Policy” (draft, 1999)], 1990, 1999 | MSS 98-1b, Box 31 |
fileEurope – General [articles, notes, newspaper clippings; Council of Europe documents; statistics. Includes: “Socio-economic Situation of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Austria”; Walter Kälin: “Protection from Forcible Return for De Facto Refugees: Approach | MSS 98-1b, Box 31 |
fileTrip to Europe [to research European refugee law and policy. Notes, correspondence, research materials], 1990 | MSS 98-1b, Box 31 |
fileEuropean Research Trip, Dec. 1-8, 1993 [correspondence, notes, schedule], 1990-1993 | MSS 98-1b, Box 31 |
fileFrance – Martin’s interview notes and documents [notes, correspondence, research materials], 1984-1985 | MSS 98-1b, Box 33 |
fileEurope Asylum – France – Independent Research 1, 1993 | MSS 98-1b, Box 33 |
fileFrance - Background Research Documents on Immigration Laws – [French government documents; journal and newspaper articles re immigration; FTDA France Terre D’ Asile, La Lettre d’ Information, No. 53, 54; Terre D’ Asile documents; L’ Office National d’ Imm | MSS 98-1b, Box 33 |
fileNewspaper clippings and magazine articles re: French asylum immigration laws and issues, 1983-1994 | MSS 98-1b, Box 33 |
fileGermany and Holland Trip, July – Correspondence and interview notes [Martin’s extensive handwritten notes of interviews with German officials and scholars], 1985 | MSS 98-1b, Box 33 |
fileGermany – Detlev, Oelfke [lawyer, Hannover, Germany - correspondence, research, articles], 1985-1986 | MSS 98-1b, Box 34 |
fileGermany – Legal Instruments [German documents, survey. Eckart Schiffer,” The right of asylum in the Federal Republic of Germany” (1984); translation of “Survey of the Policy Law Regarding Aliens in the Federal Republic of Germany” (1984, 1985, 1991)], 196 | MSS 98-1b, Box 34 |
fileGermany – Law on Asylum Procedure as of 26 June 1992, 1992 | MSS 98-1b, Box 34 |
fileGermany – German documents re immigration and asylum [Aufzeichnung zur Ausländerpolitik und zum Ausländerrecht in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (April 1993); Elmar Hönekopp: “The New East-West Migration in Europe” (November 1993)], 1992-1994 | MSS 98-1b, Box 34 |
fileGermany – Martin’s notes and research documents. [Includes translation of Kurt Schelter, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of the Interior before the European Commission in the Federal Republic of Germany on “Current priorities of the German Preside | MSS 98-1b, Box 34 |
fileNetherlands [Martin’s handwritten notes of interviews with Dutch officials and scholars], 1985 | MSS 98-1b, Box 34 |
fileNetherlands – Research Documents, 1993 ca. | MSS 98-1b, Box 34 |
fileSri Lanka [Amnesty International Report: “Sri Lanka: Reports of Recent Violations of Human Rights and Amnesty International’s Opposition to Refoulement of the Tamil Community to Sri Lanka (1985); CERD Report on Sri Lanka; news article], 1985-1986 | MSS 98-1b, Box 34 |
fileSwitzerland – Initiatives and Referendum Relating to Aliens – notes, 1984 | MSS 98-1b, Box 34 |
fileSwitzerland Interview notes and correspondence with Walter Schmid and Walter Kälin, 1985, 1990, 1993 | MSS 98-1b, Box 34 |
fileSwitzerland Laws and Regulations, 1980-1986 | MSS 98-1b, Box 34 |
fileSwitzerland – Background Research Documents [Includes: Federal Council Report on the Swiss Aliens and Refugee Policy (1991); Bericht and den Bundesrat bezüglich Organisationsüberprüfung im Bundesamt für Flüchtlinge (BFF) (1993); Ausgaben BFF (1993); G. Zü | MSS 98-1b, Box 34 |
fileUnited Kingdom Interview Notes – correspondence and handwritten notes, 1990 | MSS 98-1b, Box 35 |
fileUnited Kingdom Background Research Documents on Immigration Law – [notes, and research materials re U.K. immigration system and asylum policies; documents from the Immigration Appeal Tribunal and The British Refugee Council; Refugee Community News newslet | MSS 98-1b, Box 35 |
fileRestricted: UVA Recommendation Letters 2002 [UVA Fellowships] Restricted – Permission to View Required, 2001-2002 | MSS 98-1b, Box 36 |
fileJudge’s Program – Thesis: Hon. Frank Sullivan, Jr. [Permission from Hon. Sullivan must be obtained before viewing his thesis.], 1999-2001 | MSS 98-1b, Box 36 |
fileRestricted: UVA – Human Rights Program Director Search Committee April 2005 [Résumés; Memoranda; note, Correspondence]. Restricted., 2005 | MSS 98-1b, Box 36 |
seriesMSS 98-1c, Addendum to the Papers of David A. Martin, 1982 - 1997 | |
subseriesINS Files | |
fileAEDPA [Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996] Legislative History, Pub. L. 104-132, 110 Stat. 1212 [AEDPA], 1996 | MSS 98-1c, Box 1 |
fileAEDPA Documents – memoranda, correspondence. [HQCOU 50/5.11.1-C: AEDPA Draft Regulations, Forms, and Field Manual and Other Procedural Guidance (8/26/1996); President Clinton Statement Signing Statement of S735, Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty A | MSS 98-1c, Box 2 |
file“Asylum Adjudications: An Evolving Concept and Responsibility for the Immigration and Naturalization Service,” INS, Washington, June 1982 | MSS 98-1c, Box 2 |
fileAsylum Consultations – memoranda: Interbranch Committee on Immigration Reform (11/3/1993); Removals Task Force (1993-11-29); Deportation Reform, Primary Fields for Needed Changes and Preliminary List of Possible Ideas (draft, 1994-07-18); Summary of Immig | MSS 98-1c, Box 2 |
fileAsylum Reform Consulting – administrative file [Includes INS Public Information Handout, Policy Background: Implementing Comprehensive Asylum reform: A Balanced Approach , 1994 | MSS 98-1c, Box 2 |
fileAsylum Reform – In re: Jude Nimesh Winslow (1996-08-06); fact sheets and news releases from INS , 1994, 1996 | MSS 98-1c, Box 2 |
fileBorder Patrol – Legal Analysis of Border Patrol Checkpoints, SDC/COU/PDB revised, 1995-08-01 | MSS 98-1c, Box 2 |
file[Cambodia] – “The Processing of Cambodian Refugees: Second Sentence Aspects,” A Joint Report of The Bureau for Refugee Programs, Department of State and the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Department of Justice , (March 1985) | MSS 98-1c, Box 2 |
fileCorrespondence (Personal) received during tenure as General Counsel of INS, 1995-1997 | MSS 98-1c, Box 2 |
fileCorrespondence (Administrative) re Martin, 1998 | MSS 98-1c, Box 2 |
fileDeportation and Removal Working Group – memoranda, agenda, working papers. Documents included are: Detention and Deportation Program, DDP, 1994 | MSS 98-1c, Box 2 |
file[Deportation of Irish Nationals to Ireland] – Briefing Materials for David Martin, General Counsel , Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service before the Ad Hoc Committee on Irish Affairs concerning the Deportation from the United Stat | MSS 98-1c, Box 3 |
fileDetention and Deportation Program Briefing Book, 1997 | MSS 98-1c, Box 3 |
fileDetention of Aliens, Detention Use Policy (draft, 1997-06-1997); Brad’s Detention “Cheat Sheet”, 1997 | MSS 98-1c, Box 3 |
fileDistrict Counsel Conference, Chicago, Illinois, June 19; 1995. [File contains INS memoranda; Notes; Attorney Advisory Committee Report & Discussion; Tannebaum and Schmidt, “How to choose a leadership pattern,” Harvard Business Review, 1973], 1995, June | MSS 98-1c, Box 3 |
fileDistrict Counsel Conference, San Francisco, California – correspondence and “Remarks for District Counsel Conference: Bernie Braun’s Retirement”, 1997, Dec. | MSS 98-1c, Box 3 |
fileEvents – [File contains Martin’s handwriting notes for varied events where he participated as General Counsel for the INS], 1995-1997 | MSS 98-1c, Box 3 |
fileGeneral Counsel Position, Martin’s Personal File [Restricted], 1994-1998 | MSS 98-1c, Box 3 |
fileIIRIRA [Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996] – Views Letters and Responses. [Included are: Testimony of Doris Meissner, Commissioner, before the Senate Judiciary Committee concerning S. 269, The Immigration Control and Fi | MSS 98-1c, Box 4 |
fileIIRA Documents I and II – drafts, proposed amendments, letters, memoranda, summaries, working papers, news articles re H.R. 2202, Legal Immigration Reform, 1995-1996 | MSS 98-1c, Box 4 |
fileIIRIRA Documents – S. 1664 [Report No. 104-249], 104th Cong. 2d., April 10, 1996; S. 754 To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to more effectively prevent illegal immigration by improving control over the land borders of the United States …, 104th | MSS 98-1c, Box 4 |
fileIIRIRA Documents – S. 1664 [Report No. 104-249], 104th Cong. 2d., April 10, 1996; S. 754 To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to more effectively prevent illegal immigration by improving control over the land borders of the United States …, 104th | MSS 98-1c, Box 5 |
fileIIRIRA – key package used on visits to conferences on IIRIRA: Summary of the FY 97 Budget Amendment to Address the AEDPA (1996-06-03); Special Exclusion in Extraordinary Migration Situations, Sec. 235 (1996-06 and 12 and 26); Proposed Amendments to H.R. 2 | MSS 98-1c, Box 5 |
fileIIRIRA – Briefing Book for the House and Senate Conference on H.R. 2202. Side by Side Comparisons, 1996 | MSS 98-1c, Box 5 |
fileIIRIRA – ITCA [Immigration Technical Corrections Act]. File includes ITCA 97 Amendments to INA and drafts of “A Bill Making technical amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Ac | MSS 98-1c, Box 5 |
fileIIRITA – NACARA [Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act] Memorandum re Interim Guidance and copy of letter from Senators Ted Kennedy Spencer Graham, Subcommittee on Immigration to Janet Reno, ca. 1997-1998 | MSS 98-1c, Box 5 |
fileIIRIRA Implementation – memoranda, drafts, plans, correspondence, comments, 1996-1997 | MSS 98-1c, Box 6 |
fileKasinga Case – In re Fauziya Kasinga, File B A 73 476 695 – Elizabeth (1996-06-03), motions, hearing (1996-05-02); Statement of INS, Martin’s notes; DOJ memoranda, 1996 | MSS 98-1c, Box 6 |
fileINS – Key INS Forms and Questionnaires for Employees. Some Restrictions Apply, 1994-1998 | MSS 98-1c, Box 7 |
fileINS – Legal Immigration Reform Plan. INS Proposal to Attorney General and President for Reagan Administration Legislative Initiative, 1988, April | MSS 98-1c, Box 7 |
fileINS – Martin’s Affidavit for Guadalupe R. Gonzalez v. Janet Reno, Case No. 1:00cv00241, 1998, 2000 | MSS 98-1c, Box 7 |
fileINS – Testimony of David A. Martin, General Counsel, Immigration and Naturalization Service, U. S. Department of Justice before the Senate Committee on the Budget Concerning the Use of Affidavits of Support to Overcome an Alien’s Exclusion as a Likely Pub | MSS 98-1c, Box 7 |
fileINS Immigration related reports, bills and public laws of the 104th Congress [lists], 1994-1995 | MSS 98-1c, Box 7 |
fileINS – Statement of David Martin, General Counsel for the Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service before the House Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims concerning “The Removal of Criminal and Illegal Aliens | MSS 98-1c, Box 7 |
fileINS – Return of Rejected Asylum Seekers [Intergovernmental Consultations on Asylum, Refugee and Migration Policies in Europe, North America and Australia, Meeting on Return and Readmission, Nyon, 16-17 September 1993]. File Documents are: IOM: “Policies a | MSS 98-1c, Box 7 |
fileINS Miscellaneous Documents, some email correspondence, memoranda – Statement of Doris Meissner, Commissioner of the INS on H.R. 2202 (1995-10-25); Follow-up to October 15 Oversight Hearing: Commission on Immigration Reform – Recommendation on Fourth Pref | MSS 98-1c, Box 8 |
fileINS Miscellaneous Documents - DOJ, testimony off Paul Virtue, Acting Executive Associate Commissioner Programs INS regarding The Institutional Hearing Program before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims, House Judiciary Committee (1997-07-15); Repor | MSS 98-1c, Box 8 |
fileINS Miscellaneous Internal - correspondence, 1994, 1997 | MSS 98-1c, Box 8 |
fileINS Miscellaneous Internal Files - printed email correspondence and memoranda. [Includes some documents re Torture Convention], 1996 -1998 | MSS 98-1c, Box 8 |
fileINS and DOJ Miscellaneous Memoranda – Effect of Declaring a Treaty to be Non-Self Executing (1994-08-24); Memorandum for Jamie Gorelick re: Use of Military Force to Enforce Immigration Laws (1994-05-10); Vargas v. Reno, 1997 WL 339938, U.S.D.C. S.D. Cal. | MSS 98-1c, Box 8 |
fileINS Miscellaneous Files – drafts and Martin’s notes re priorities as general counsel, 1996 | MSS 98-1c, Box 8 |
fileINS Miscellaneous Files – Voter Fraud Investigation in Orange County, CA during the 1996 Election Cycle, 1998 | MSS 98-1c, Box 8 |
fileINS – NAS [Naturalization Assistance Services, Inc.] Termination [documents and email correspondence and correspondence, memoranda, Position Paper for Testing of INS English and Civics Requirements (undated); draft of Motion for Stay Pending Appeal, Natur | MSS 98-1c, Box 8 |
fileNaturalization Revocations – documents, Martin’s notes, memoranda. [HQCOU 70/36-P Implementation Guidance: INA §340(h); 8 C. F. R. §340 Standards for Issuance of Notice to Intent to Reopen Naturalization Proceedings (undated); Aggravated Felonies, New Att | MSS 98-1c, Box 8 |
fileNaturalization Revocation Project (1997-12-01), 1997 | MSS 98-1c, Box 9 |
fileNaturalization Revocations – Meeting with Steve Colgate – Standard to Revocations Proceedings (1994-04-14), 1997 | MSS 98-1c, Box 9 |
fileINS Organizational Implementation and Directory, 1995 | MSS 98-1c, Box 9 |
fileINS Personal [David Martin] personal file – postcards, notes, poster, printed emails re farewell from INS, 1997 | MSS 98-1c, Box 9 |
fileINS – In the matter of Pearson, Brian Desmond, File A:72 472 870 [Deportation Proceedings], 1997, Mar | MSS 98-1c, Box 9 |
fileINS Pilot Disclosure Program for Litigants – Power point presentation, 1997, Aug. 15 | MSS 98-1c, Box 9 |
filePLFP [Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Case] - American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee v. Reno, No. CV 87-2107-SVW (C.D. Cal.) – correspondence and memoranda, newspaper clipping, 1995 | MSS 98-1c, Box 9 |
fileINS –Removal Priority General – memoranda reports. [Removals Press Conference (1997-10); Removals by Month reports (1993-1997); Memorandum re Removals Task Force (1993-11-29); Status of County Jail Projects Nationwide; City of New York Department of Corre | MSS 98-1c, Box 9 |
fileINS – Removal Priority General – memoranda, reports. [Memorandum re Proposed Regulation to Implement the Transition Period Custody Rules (undated); file about enquiry on removal arrangements negotiated by Canada with foreign countries (1997); “The Need to | MSS 98-1c, Box 9 |
fileINS – Removal Priority General – memoranda, reports. [DOJ INS Office of Planning Monthly Removals Report March 1998 (1998-04-27); DOJ INS Data Compiled by Detentions and Removals, Office of Field Operations (undated); GAO/T-GGD-97-154: “Criminal Aliens IN | MSS 98-1c, Box 9 |
fileINS Internal – Removals – Memoranda, Data on Voluntary Departures. [Documents, correspondence, notes], 1993, 1997 | MSS 98-1c, Box 9 |
fileINS Internal – Removals – Memoranda: HQCOU 90/22.1 INS Position Regarding Forum in Which an Alien May Raise Constitutional Claims in Light of Session 242(g) of 1he 1996 Act (1996-10-17); HQCOU 90/22.1 Position of INS and EOIR On Options Paper Regarding Fo | MSS 98-1c, Box 10 |
fileINS – Monthly Removals Reports October 1997; February, March, June 1998, 1997-1998 | MSS 98-1c, Box 10 |
fileINS Reorganization Proposals, 1997 | MSS 98-1c, Box 10 |
fileINS Restructuring proposal, 2001 | MSS 98-1c, Box 10 |
fileINS [Report?] – re hiring, patrol agents, inspectors, special agents, training, inspections in airports, enforcement, alien removals, naturalization, asylum, implementation of Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, border pat | MSS 98-1c, Box 10 |
fileINS – Retirement Ceremony for David Nixon, 2001 | MSS 98-1c, Box 10 |
fileINS – Ruiz-Massieu, Mario Salvador Deportation Appeal, 1998 | MSS 98-1c, Box 10 |
fileINS – Ruiz-Massieu, Mario v. Janet Reno [Deportation], 1998 | MSS 98-1c, Box 10 |
fileINS – Ruiz-Massieu, Mario Salvador Appeal – No. A74163285 Oral Arguments materials, 1998, May 27 | MSS 98-1c, Box 11 |
fileINS – Selected Policy Memoranda Issued by the Office of the General Counsel since January 1, 1983 (published in September 1997), 1983-1997 | MSS 98-1c, Box 11 |
fileINS Suspension Cap Issues – memoranda, correspondence, drafts of documents re suspension restrictions, suspension issues, 1997 | MSS 98-1c, Box 11 |
fileINS Suspension Legislation – memoranda, correspondence, drafts re new suspension rules, strategies regarding suspension, Immigration Reform Transition Act of 1997, H. R. 2607, suspension of deportation, amendments to H.R. 2107. Includes documents re Nicar | MSS 98-1c, Box 12 |
fileINS United States – Mexico Briefing. XIV Binational Commission, Working Group on Migration and Consular Affairs (1997-05-05), 1997 | MSS 98-1c, Box 12 |
fileINS Zeliff CUSA [Citizen USA] Inquiry – [William H. Zeliff, Jr., Chairman, Subcommittee on National Security, Committee Government Reform Oversight, House of Representatives] Request of information from INS regarding each person naturalized since Aug. 31, | MSS 98-1c, Box 12 |
subseriesProfessional Files | |
file[Action. The Agency for Volunteer Service. The Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program] – Washington Cathedral: “The Vietnam Aftereffects” – correspondence with Rev. Michael P. Hamilton, Canon; draft of John P. Wheeler III: “Theological Reflections on the Vie | MSS 98-1c, Box 13 |
fileAALS [Association of American Law Schools] Conference, Workshop on Poverty, Immigration and Property, 2013, Jun 11 | MSS 98-1c, Box 13 |
fileABA Section of Litigation, Winter Leadership Meeting – Immigration Panel, 2012, Jan. 12-14 | MSS 98-1c, Box 13 |
fileAcebo Leyva v. Holder Amicus Brief, 2014, Feb. | MSS 98-1c, Box 13 |
fileAJIL [American Journal of International Law] Board of Editors – memoranda, 2009 | MSS 98-1c, Box 13 |
fileAJIL Meeting and Report, 2011, Fall | MSS 98-1c, Box 13 |
fileALM Media Webinar on DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals]: “Prosecutorial Discretion from the Government Perspective”, 2012, Nov. | MSS 98-1c, Box 13 |
fileAmerican Constitutional Society for Law and Policy Constitutional Convention: “Comprehensive Immigration Reform: DREAMs, Possibilities, and Obstacles”, 2013; June 13-15 | MSS 98-1c, Box 13 |
fileArizona State University Center for the Study of Race and Democracy: “Barack Obama and American Democracy IV. A National Conference for the Study of President Obama and Contemporary America” – email correspondence, brochure, 2013, Mar. 6-8 | MSS 98-1c, Box 13 |
fileASIL [American Society of International Law] Annual Meeting – correspondence, papers, and Martin’s notes, 2012, Mar. 29 | MSS 98-1c, Box 13 |
fileASIL] Annual Meeting, 2013, Apr. 3-7 | MSS 98-1c, Box 13 |
fileASIL Annual Meeting, 2014, Apr. 9-12 | MSS 98-1c, Box 13 |
fileASIL – Centennial. E-mail correspondence and Martin’s notes, 2004 | MSS 98-1c, Box 13 |
fileWinter; ASIL Executive Director Nominating Committee, 2000-2001 | MSS 98-1c, Box 13 |
fileASIL Executive Director Search, 2001 | MSS 98-1c, Box 13 |
fileASIL Executive Committee – memoranda and some correspondence, 2003-2004 | MSS 98-1c, Box 14 |
fileASIL Executive Director Search, 2005-2006 | MSS 98-1c, Box 14 |
fileASIL Roundtables on International Law and Security – correspondence, papers, documents, news clippings, Martin’s notes. [Includes: Melzer, Nils: “Interpretative Guidance on the Notion of Direct Participation in Hostilities under International Humanitarian | MSS 98-1c, Box 14 |
fileBoston College Sesquicentennial Symposium: “Migration: Past, Present, Future”, 2013, Mar. 21-23 | MSS 98-1c, Box 14 |
fileBoston College Conference on Draft Convention on the Rights of Forcibly Expelled Persons, 2014, May 23 | MSS 98-1c, Box 14 |
fileCharlottesville Committee on Foreign Relations – Justice Richard J. Goldstone (South Africa) Remarks: “International Law and Justice: Challenges and Prospects”, 2013, Mar. 25 | MSS 98-1c, Box 14 |
fileChinese Immigration Officials Lecture at UVA Law School – Martin’s presentation on “The US Immigration System”, 2013, Dec. 5 | MSS 98-1c, Box 14 |
fileConsulting – Senator Michael Bennett (D-CO) re “Border Security Bill” [draft of Comments on Proposed “Outcome-Based Border Security Act of 2013” (2013-03-31), 2013 | MSS 98-1c, Box 14 |
fileCouncil on Foreign Relations Conference: David A. Martin: “Guest Worker Programs and Hasty Legalization Plans: A Skeptical take” (draft), 2004 | MSS 98-1c, Box 14 |
fileCouncil on Foreign Relations Meeting: “Illegal Immigration in the United States”, 2012, Jun. 22 | MSS 98-1c, Box 14 |
fileDarden School of Business Faculty Retreat; Tom Donilon UVA Visit (2013-08-13), 2013, May 15 | MSS 98-1c, Box 14 |
fileDHS [Department of Homeland Security] Five Country Conference, Charlottesville., 2012, Apr. 30 – May 1 | MSS 98-1c, Box 14 |
fileDHS House Staff DC Trip: “Interior Enforcement” – Martin’s notes, correspondence. David A. Martin: “What Would an Unbroken Immigration System Look Like” (Keynote Address, The Miller Center’s Galbraith Conference on Immigration reform: Politics, Policy and | MSS 98-1c, Box 14 |
fileDepartment of Health and Human Services: Cuban/Haitian Entrant Program Operating Manual (1981-03-20), 1981 | MSS 98-1c, Box 15 |
fileDepartment of State – A Report of the Cuban-Haitian Task Force (1980-11-01), 1980 | MSS 98-1c, Box 15 |
fileDuke Journal of Constitutional Law and Public Policy, The Kenan Institute for Ethics, and the Program in Public Law Symposium: “ Perspectives on Migration, Governance, and Citizenship”, 2013, Jan. 10-11 | MSS 98-1c, Box 15 |
fileEdward Bennet Williams Inn of Court: Guantanamo Legal Issues, 2010, Feb. 18 | MSS 98-1c, Box 15 |
fileEuropean Contacts and References – correspondence, directories, cartes de visite, 1983-1990 | MSS 98-1c, Box 15 |
fileEuropean Consultation on Refugees & Exiles: Zeit II Seminar on Restrictive Asylum Policy in Europe – notes, papers, press release, 1984-1985 | MSS 98-1c, Box 15 |
fileGeorgetown University Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM) Conference – reports, notes, some correspondence, 2014, Oct. 6-7 | MSS 98-1c, Box 15 |
fileHailbronner Festschrift in honor of Kay Hailbronner 70th Birthday. Includes: David A. Martin: Dual Citizenship: Reflections of Theodore Roosevelt’s “Self-Evident Absurdity”, 2013, Feb | MSS 98-1c, Box 15 |
fileHofstra University School of Law: Immigration Law Teachers Workshop – DAM handwritten notes, brochure, 2012 | MSS 98-1c, Box 15 |
fileIACL [International Association of Constitutional Law] Conference, Murten, Switzerland – notes, correspondence, remarks, 1984 | MSS 98-1c, Box 15 |
fileInternational Institute of Human Rights Ninth Study Session: Gilbert Jaeger, Status and International Protection of Refugees., 1978 | MSS 98-1c, Box 15 |
fileInternational Institute of Humanitarian Law: Round Table on “Refugees in Orbit,” Florence, Italy, 4-6 June 1979, 1979, June | MSS 98-1c, Box 15 |
fileIRC [International Rescue Committee] – notes, memoranda, reports: 1999, 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2005 | MSS 98-1c, Box 16 |
fileIRC – Mitch Daniels Lunch. Correspondence with Mitchell E. Daniels Jr., Director, US Office of Management and Budget re IRC, 2001 | MSS 98-1c, Box 16 |
fileIRC Security Sub-Committee Meetings of March 14, 2001 and November 6, 2001 – agenda, reports, correspondence, papers, DAM notes. File includes: The Security of National Staff: Toward Good Practices, A Report for InterAction (draft, 2001- 07-09); Antoine B | MSS 98-1c, Box 16 |
fileIRC Security Sub-Committee Meetings of – agenda, reports, correspondence, papers, DAM notes., 2002 | MSS 98-1c, Box 16 |
fileIRC Guinea Trip – correspondence, program, brochure, agenda, minutes, documents related to the trip, DAM handwritten notes. Includes: Priority Tasks for Prevention of and Response to exploitation of Refugee Women and Children; Briefing de Sécurité Kissido | MSS 98-1c, Box 16 |
fileIRC Refugee Admissions Committee Materials, 2003 | MSS 98-1c, Box 17 |
fileIRC Board Meeting – correspondence and materials re security screening process, 2003, Mar. | MSS 98-1c, Box 17 |
fileJAG School – meeting with prosecutors and judges of the Palestinian Authority Security Forces , 2013, May 9 | MSS 98-1c, Box 17 |
fileLetter to Diane Feinstein supporting John Brennan Appointment as CIA Director, 2013, Jan. 22 | MSS 98-1c, Box 17 |
fileMiller Center of Public Affairs Advisory Committee – correspondence, 1988-1989 | MSS 98-1c, Box 17 |
fileMiller Center 2012 Mortimer Caplin Conference on the World Economy – schedule, brochure, papers. Includes: “High-Skilled Immigration: Politics, Economics, and Law” – schedule, brochure, papers. Includes: Jennifer Hunt: “Are Immigrants the Best and Brighte | MSS 98-1c, Box 17 |
fileMiller Center The Rosemary P. and John W. Galbraith Conference on Immigration: Immigration Reform, Politics, Policy and Process – brochure, schedule, papers. Includes: David A. Martin: “What Would an Unbroken Immigration System Look Like?”; Nancy Foner: “ | MSS 98-1c, Box 17 |
fileMiller Center Immigration Debate – correspondence, notes. Includes David A. Martin; “Resolved: the Number of Undocumented Immigrants in the U.S. Must Be Dramatically Reduced Through Greatly Expanded Enforcement – Team Arguing the Negative”, 2014, Sep. 10- | MSS 98-1c, Box 17 |
fileMPI [Migration Policy Institute] Independent Task Force on Immigration and America’s Future – DAM notes, proposals, questionnaire, reports, agendas, memoranda, correspondence, recommendations, charts. Includes the Pew Hispanic Center Report: Jeffrey S. Pa | MSS 98-1c, Box 17 |
fileMPI Nonresident Fellowship, 2008 | MSS 98-1c, Box 17 |
fileMPI Meeting: Border Metrics, 2012, June 25 | MSS 98-1c, Box 18 |
fileNational Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) Meeting: “Governing in Crisis” – correspondence, program, notes, 2011 | MSS 98-1c, Box 18 |
fileNYU, Yale University et al Roundtable on “The President and Immigration Reform.” Includes MPI: “Executive Action for Unauthorized Immigrants: Estimates of the Populations that could Receive Relief” (2014-09-04); news clippings, notes, 2014, Oct. 15 | MSS 98-1c, Box 18 |
filePhone Notes – DAM extensive notes of phono conversations, 1993-2008 | MSS 98-1c, Box 18 |
fileSan Diego Border Visit – [documents from the US Border Patrol, San Diego Border Patrol Sector], 1986 | MSS 98-1c, Box 18 |
fileVisa Project with Susan Ginsburg – correspondence, notes, memorandum, 2007 | MSS 98-1c, Box 18 |
fileWarren, George, Sr. Report: The Development of United States Participation in Intergovernmental Efforts to Resolve Refugee Problems [photocopy], n.d. | MSS 98-1c, Box 18 |
subseriesLaw School Files (Class Notes, Law School Files and Teaching Materials) | |
fileCitizenship and Membership class notes and teaching materials. Includes course outline, correspondence, reading materials, class roster, DAM notes, 1992 | MSS 98-1c, Box 19 |
fileCitizenship and Membership class notes, reading materials and a student paper, 2004 | MSS 98-1c, Box 19 |
fileCitizenship and Membership class notes and teaching materials, 2006 | MSS 98-1c, Box 19 |
fileCitizenship and Membership Examinations, 2006, 2008 | MSS 98-1c, Box 19 |
fileTerm; Citizenship and Membership class notes and teaching materials. Includes course outline, correspondence, reading materials, class roster, DAM notes, 2008, Jan | MSS 98-1c, Box 19 |
fileConstitutional Law I and II Examinations, 1982-2013 | MSS 98-1c, Box 20 |
fileConstitutional Law Course Coverage and Sequencing – correspondence and memoranda, 1987 | MSS 98-1c, Box 20 |
fileImmigration Law Examinations, 1983-2014 | MSS 98-1c, Box 20 |
fileImmigration Law - class notes and teaching materials. Includes course outline, correspondence, reading materials, class roster, DAM notes [includes materials of previous years] , 2002-2014 | MSS 98-1c, Box 20 |
fileImmigration Law – Inadmissibility Exercise [some student papers], 2013, Fall | MSS 98-1c, Box 20 |
fileSeminar in Ethical Values (taught with Prof. John Cannon) - class notes and teaching materials. Includes correspondence, reading materials, class roster, DAM notes, 2002-2003 | MSS 98-1c, Box 21 |
fileInternational Human Rights Law, Fall 1992 – reading materials, 1992 | MSS 98-1c, Box 21 |
fileInternational Human Rights Law - class notes and teaching materials, 1999 | MSS 98-1c, Box 21 |
fileInternational Human Rights Law - class notes and teaching materials. Includes course outline, correspondence, reading materials, class roster, DAM notes, 2000 | MSS 98-1c, Box 21 |
fileInternational Human Rights - class notes and teaching materials. Includes course outline, correspondence, reading materials, class roster, DAM notes, 2005 | MSS 98-1c, Box 22 |
fileInternational Human Rights – materials on detention and interrogation, 2003-2005 | MSS 98-1c, Box 22 |
fileInternational Human Rights Examinations, 1982-2005 | MSS 98-1c, Box 22 |
fileInternational Law Spring 1995 - class notes (includes class notes from 1991 and 1993) and teaching materials. Includes course outline, correspondence, reading materials, class roster, DAM notes , 1995 | MSS 98-1c, Box 23 |
fileInternational Law and the Noble Peace Prize Seminar: reading materials, questions for discussion [Profs. Martin and John Setear], 1998 | MSS 98-1c, Box 23 |
fileInternational Law - class notes and teaching materials. Includes course outline, correspondence, reading materials, class roster, DAM notes, 2008 | MSS 98-1c, Box 23 |
fileInternational Law Examinations and Student Course/ Teacher Evaluations, 1989, 1993, 1998, 2008 and n.d. | MSS 98-1c, Box 23 |
filePresidential Powers – Examinations, 2001-2014 | MSS 98-1c, Box 24 |
filePresidential Powers Fall 2005 – syllabus and teaching materials, 2005 | MSS 98-1c, Box 24 |
filePresidential Powers - class notes and teaching materials. Includes course outline, reading materials, DAM notes, 2011 | MSS 98-1c, Box 24 |
filePresidential Powers - class notes and teaching materials. Includes course outline, correspondence, reading materials, class roster, DAM notes, 2013, Fall | MSS 98-1c, Box 24 |
filePresidential Powers Class Notes - class notes and teaching materials. Includes course outline, correspondence, reading materials, class roster, DAM notes, 2014 | MSS 98-1c, Box 24 |
filePresidential Powers Class Notes - class notes and teaching materials. Includes course outline, correspondence, reading materials, class roster, DAM notes, 2014 | MSS 98-1c, Box 25 |
fileRefugee Law Seminar Spring 1989 - class notes and teaching materials. Includes course outline, reading materials, DAM notes, 1989 | MSS 98-1c, Box 25 |
fileRefugee Law Class Notes and teaching materials, 2008-2013 | MSS 98-1c, Box 25 |
fileRefugee Law Spring 2012 – class notes; “Well Founded Fear” a film by Shari Robertson and Michael Camerini, DVD , correspondence, notes, 2012 | MSS 98-1c, Box 25 |
fileRefugee Law – class notes, teaching materials, DAM notes, 2012 | MSS 98-1c, Box 25 |
fileRefugee Law Examinations, 1995-2012 | MSS 98-1c, Box 26 |
subgrpLaw School Files | |
fileBrower, Charles N. (Iran – United States Claims Tribunal) – correspondence re clerkships , 2004 | MSS 98-1c, Box 26 |
fileCenter for Law and Public Policy – The Lloyd N. Cutler Center for Law and Public Policy [Led to Batten School creation] – proposal, email correspondence, 2005 | MSS 98-1c, Box 26 |
fileClerkship Committee Memoranda , 2006-2009 | MSS 98-1c, Box 26 |
fileCorrespondence with Dean Emerson Spies accepting the faculty position and with Elizabeth Lowe re International Human Rights course [copies], 1980 | MSS 98-1c, Box 26 |
fileCorrespondence – miscellaneous correspondence. Includes email correspondence and thank you notes, 1987- 2015 | MSS 98-1c, Box 26 |
fileCorrespondence related to Law School issues while being General Counsel, INS [includes proposal for an asylum/refugee clinic], 1995-1996 | MSS 98-1c, Box 26 |
fileCuban Adjustment Act – paper presented by Chip Brower (1993-06-24), 1993 | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileCurriculum Committee – file includes Law School Committees 2011-2012; memoranda; e-mail correspondence; DAM notes; Curriculum Committee Report – Fall 2014; agendas, 2011-2015 | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileD’Orsi, Christiano (Visiting Scholar) draft of thesis and some e-mail correspondence, 2007 | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileHuman Rights Clinic – original proposal, candidates, correspondence, 2003-2004 | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileHuman Rights Program 10th Anniversary Event, 2015, Feb. | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileJessup Competition Sessions, 2012 | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileJohn Bassett Moore Society of International Law – correspondence re symposium, 1994 | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileJohn Bassett Moore Society of International Law Symposium: “Immigration and the New Century: the Developing Regime” – poster and brochure, 1995 | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileJohn Bassett Moore Society of International Law and Virginia Journal of International law Symposium: “Conflicts of Interest: Resolving Differences in Global Legal Norms (2012-02-10) – includes brochure, DAM introduction of Harold Hongju Koh, correspondenc | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileJohn Bassett Moore Society of International Law, International Human Rights Program and Center for National Security Law: “A conversation with the Chief Prosecutor, Military Commissions, Brigadier General Mark Martins – introductory remarks, poster, 2015, | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileImmigration Law Program and J. B. Moore Society of International Law: “Arizona v. United States: Implications of the Supreme Court Ruling Panel” – includes e-mail correspondence, poster and David A. Martin: Reading Arizona, 98 Va L. Rev. (2012), 2012, Sep | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileImmigration Law Program and the Journal of Law and Politics: “The Future of Immigration Enforcement,” A Symposium in honor of Professor David Martin, 2014, Oct. 24 | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileIndiana University School of Law Center for International and Comparative Law Advisory Committee, 2002 | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileInternational Human Rights – DAM notes and remarks to Geneva Human Rights classes, 1984-1985 | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileLaw School Faculty Enrichment Committee Seminar Discussion, 2012, Oct. 23 | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileLaw School – Farewell Remarks for Cary Bennett and Martha Ballenger, 2014, May 15 | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileLaw School Miscellaneous Memoranda, 1992, 1995, 2015 | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileMonroe Leigh Fellowship in International Law Selection Committee, 2014 | MSS 98-1c, Box 27 |
fileS.J.D. – Carmen Tiburcio, 1987-2000 | MSS 98-1c, Box 28 |
fileS. J. D. – files, 1998-1999 | MSS 98-1c, Box 28 |
fileNajwa M. Nabti External Research Project, 2000-2001 | MSS 98-1c, Box 28 |
fileLetters of recommendation , 1992-2001 | MSS 98-1c, Box 29 |
fileLetters of recommendation , 2001-2008 | MSS 98-1c, Box 30 |
fileLetters of recommendation , 2009-2013 | MSS 98-1c, Box 31 |
fileStudent Independent Study Papers | MSS 98-1c, Box 32 |
subseriesWriting Projects | |
fileAAAS [American Academy of Arts and Sciences] German-American Project re: Immigration Controls: The Search for Workable Policies in Germany and the United States – correspondence re publication, 1997-1998 | MSS 98-1c, Box 33 |
fileAliens Case Summaries – DAM handwritten notes, c. 1982 | MSS 98-1c, Box 33 |
fileASIL 100 Ways Committee – DAM’s article in International Law: 100 Ways it Shapes Our Lives Project, 2005-2006 | MSS 98-1c, Box 33 |
fileASIL – Agora on Military Commissions Act – [DAM’s Judicial Review and the Military Commissions Act: On Striking the Right Balance] Essay, 2007 | MSS 98-1c, Box 33 |
fileAsylum Case Law Sourcebook – correspondence with publishers, 1991-2007 | MSS 98-1c, Box 33 |
fileAmnesty International Talk and Op-Ed in Daily Progress – Universal Declaration of Human Rights. [Includes flyer of “A Public Vigil” at The Rotunda, December 10, 1988 and Daily Progress Op-Ed of December 18, 1988), 1988 | MSS 98-1c, Box 33 |
fileBrookings Institution, Hoover Institution, Georgetown University Law School Authors Conference: "Building a Long-Term Legal Architecture for the War on Terror" – correspondence, draft of chapter one, news clippings; testimony of Stephen A. "Tony" Edson, D | MSS 98-1c, Box 33 |
fileDemore v. Kim, S. Ct. No 01-1491- briefs, correspondence, notes and David Martin, “Too Many Behind Bars,” n Legal Times, January 27, 2003 | MSS 98-1c, Box 33 |
fileForeign Policy article – David A. Martin and T. Alexander Aleinikoff, Double Ties, “Why Nations Should Learn to Love Dual Nationality,” 80 Foreign Policy (2002) – correspondence, 2002 | MSS 98-1c, Box 34 |
fileGeorgetown University Law Center – The Supreme Court and Immigration and Refugee Law – [Martin’s article: “On Counterintuitive Consequences and Choosing the Right Control Group: A Defense of Reno v. AADC” – correspondence, news-clippings, handwritten note | MSS 98-1c, Box 34 |
fileGlobal Migration Encyclopedia – correspondence and David Martin’s entries, 2001-2005 | MSS 98-1c, Box 34 |
fileImmigration Case Book Working File – correspondence, drafts, 2010 | MSS 98-1c, Box 34 |
fileImmigration and Citizenship Case Book 5th Edition – notes, email correspondence and research for refuge volume, 2003 | MSS 98-1c, Box 34 |
fileImmigration and Citizenship copyright permissions, 2007 | MSS 98-1c, Box 34 |
fileImmigration and Citizenship 7th edition copyright permissions, 2011 | MSS 98-1c, Box 34 |
fileImmigration Stories [book] – contract and key correspondence re publication, 2003-2005 | MSS 98-1c, Box 34 |
file“IOM Migration Manual: The Authority and Responsibility of States,” – draft and correspondence, 2003 | MSS 98-1c, Box 34 |
fileLegal Times Op-Ed – “Waiting for Solutions, Extending the Period of Time for Immigrants to Apply for Green Cards Doesn’t Get at the Real Problem,” , May 28, 2001 | MSS 98-1c, Box 34 |
fileLegal Times Op-Ed – “Fixings? Congress Should Take Some Blame for Our Immigration Woes,”, April 29, 2002 | MSS 98-1c, Box 35 |
fileLegal Times Op-Ed – “Points of View: What Lures Them Here,”, May 29, 2006 | MSS 98-1c, Box 35 |
fileLegal Times Op-Ed – “There Must Be Fifty Ways to Debase Immigration Adjudication” – draft, 2008 | MSS 98-1c, Box 35 |
fileLegal Times Op-Ed – “On Crane v. Napolitano and Yale draft (longer version) – drafts, correspondence, 2012 | MSS 98-1c, Box 35 |
fileMoynihan Bill S. 173 and other “Fix 96” Efforts – notes, correspondence, bill, 1999-2000 | MSS 98-1c, Box 35 |
fileNYU Journal of Legislation and Public Policy Symposium Issue: “Fight Myths About Immigration Enforcement” [vol. 10, 2006-2007, no. 3] – correspondence, research materials, 2006, Oct 26 | MSS 98-1c, Box 35 |
fileRogers, Rosemarie Ed., Towards a New Global Refugee System – Martin’s Chapter: “The Evolution of International Protection” – correspondence, notes, 1993-1994 | MSS 98-1c, Box 35 |
fileResponse in the Immigration Field – miscellaneous drafts of bills and other official documents, press releases, email correspondence. Includes: Memorandum for All United States Attorneys, All Members of the Anti-Terrorism Task Force re Guidelines for the | MSS 98-1c, Box 35 |
fileWake Forest Book Chapter: Getting Immigration Right [Eight Myths About Immigration Enforcement], 2008, Fall | MSS 98-1c, Box 35 |
fileWashington Post Op-Ed talk re 50th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1998, Oct. 8 | MSS 98-1c, Box 35 |
fileWashington Post Op-Ed “Ashcroft’s Immigration Threat” (2002-02-26) and NPR Interview – correspondence and research materials, 2002- 2004 | MSS 98-1c, Box 35 |
fileWashington Post Op-Ed: “Migrating Toward Trouble , (2004-01-11) | MSS 98-1c, Box 35 |
fileWashington Post Op-Ed on DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals], 2012; Jun 24 | MSS 98-1c, Box 35 |
fileWittes Volume on War on Terror – Martin’s Notes, 2007-2008 | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
fileYale Book: Reforming Asylum Adjudication – correspondence, 1990, 1994 | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
fileZadvydas Article. Handwritten notes for Martin’s: “Graduated Application of Constitutional Protections for Aliens. The Real Meaning of Zadvydas v. Davis, Supreme Court review, 2001 | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
fileWriting Projects Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1991, 2002-2004 | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
subseriesEvents and Miscellaneous Files | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
fileLaw Alumni Day – Martin remarks to alumni, notes, research, newspaper clippings, program, 1987, May 1-2 | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
fileLaw School Events and Other Commitments – email correspondence and handwritten notes re speakers. Notes for Al Jazeera TV Appearance (2014-04-04), 2012, 2014 | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
fileLaw School Immigration Law Program and the Student Legal Forum: “Defining the Face of Immigration Enforcement” with John Morton (L ’94), Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement – notes, welcome remarks, poster | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
fileNational Security Law Institute Lectures 11th (June 13, 2002) and 12th (2004-06-18) – notes and some correspondence., 2002, 2004 | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
filePalmer Weber Research Professorship in Civil Liberties and Human Rights – outgoing correspondence, 1992 | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
filePBS News Hour Interview, 2013; Nov. 26 | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
filePoznań Centre for Human Rights Documentation [Human Rights Scientific Documentation and Information Centre, Poland] – correspondence, 1987-1988 | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
fileStanford Conference: “Immigration Reform: Promises, Prospects and Pitfalls”, 2013; Apr. 18 | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
fileUVA Law School 25th Sokol Colloquium on Private International Law: “Foreign Affairs Litigation in United States Courts”, UVA Law School. Includes remarks by Allan I. Mendelsohn. Notes, program, 2012; April 19 | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
fileVirginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law and Immigration Law Program Symposium – Martin’s presentation remarks for Lori Scialabba, 2013 | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
fileVirginia Poll Watcher and Voter Advocate – notes, correspondence and Guidelines for “Authorized Representatives/Pollwatchers Inside the Precinct: For the Authorized representatives,” (Red Hill), 2012, Nov | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
fileU.S. – China Legal Experts Dialogue (Washington and Charlottesville) – email correspondence, program, notes, 2013, Nov. 12-13 | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
fileUniversity of California, Irvine, School of Law Immigration Law Professors Workshop, 2014, May 22-24 | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
fileWoodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, MPI Institute – “U. S. Immigration Policy Since 9/11: Understanding the Stalemate Over Comprehensive Immigration Reform”, 2013; Jun 25 | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
fileYale School Immigration Symposium – “Immigration Reform: the Good, the Bad and the Possible”, 2013, Nov. 1 | MSS 98-1c, Box 36 |
filePersonal Correspondence [includes correspondence with Supreme Court Judge Lewis F. Powell], 1977 – 1983 | MSS 98-1c, Box 37 |
fileReport of the Secretary of State to the Congress of the United States Regarding the Operations and Mandate of the Bureau of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, 1978 | MSS 98-1c, Box 37 |
fileKhmer Review Panel Memorandum re Khmer Review Process Final Report – [refugee applications filed by Cambodians in refugee camps in Thailand from November 19, 1985 to January 29, 1986], 1986 | MSS 98-1c, Box 37 |
fileEmployer Sanctions and the Immigration Reform and Control Act, 1987 | MSS 98-1c, Box 37 |
fileVirginia [Undocumented Students Tuition Bill] – House Bill No. 2339 – correspondence re bill, 2003 | MSS 98-1c, Box 37 |
itemMartin, David A.: “Note. Protecting the Fisc: Executive Impoundment and Congressional Power,” 82 Yale L. J. 1636 , (1973) | MSS 98-1c, Box 38 |
item“Mass Migration of Refugees – Law and Policy,” reprint from Proceedings of the 76th Annual Meeting on the American Society of International Law, April 21-24, 1982 | MSS 98-1c, Box 38 |
itemMartin, David A., Book review of International law and Fact-Finding in the Field of Human Rights, edited by Dr. B. G. Ramcharan. The Hague/Boston/London: Martinus Nujhoff, 1982 in 11 Intl J of Legal Information 289, (1983) | MSS 98-1c, Box 38 |
itemMartin, David A.: “Comparative Policies on Political Asylum: Of Facts and Law”. In Defense of the Alien, Vol. IX, Immigration Reform, Temporary Workers, Supreme Court, Private Sector, Legal Aspects of Detention and Sanctuary Movement, and Comparative Poli | MSS 98-1c, Box 38 |
itemReport to the Administrative Conference of the United States. Reforming Asylum Adjudication by David A. Martin, May 1989 | MSS 98-1c, Box 38 |
itemMartin, David A. and Philip Martin, Coordination of Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Service Programs, Preliminary Draft, Administrative Conference of the United States [Report], 12/2/91 | MSS 98-1c, Box 38 |
itemMartin, David A. and Philip Martin, Coordination of Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Service Programs, Preliminary Draft, Administrative Conference of the United States [Report], April 1992 | MSS 98-1c, Box 38 |
item“USA Refugee Policy: A Human Rights Analysis Update (Mark Gibney, Vanessa Dalton and Mark Vockell) 6 J Refugee Studies 153, (1993) | MSS 98-1c, Box 38 |
item[David A. Martin, Chapter 6: Refugees and Immigration, p. 155] in Joyner, Christopher C.: The United Nations and International Law, [Washington, D.C.]: American Society of International Law; Cambridge [England]: Cambridge University Press,, 1997 | MSS 98-1c, Box 38 |
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