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MSS 2013-01

The Papers of A. E. Dick Howard


Extensive collection of professional, academic and legal papers mainly about Constitutional Law, International Law and Environmental Law.

1970-2007 [Inclusive]
34.5 Cubic Feet (82 archival boxes)

Scope & Contents

The Papers of A. E. Dick Howard reflect his academic and professional endeavors. The archives have received five installments of papers from Professor Howard, plus an entire collection: The Papers of A. E. Dick Howard for the Virginia Commission for Constitutional Revision, received in 1981, MSS 81-4.

Papers related to the nomination of Judge Robert Bork to the Supreme Court: these files consist of some reports and statements in relation to the nomination of Judge Robert H. Bork to the Supreme Court. Professor Howard was a commentator on the McNeil/Lehrer NewsHour during the confirmation hearings. Bill O’Brien, a student assistant, helped him to collect all of the information.

Addendum [a]: Central and Eastern European New Constitutions: these files relate to Howard's involvement on the writing of new constitutions in Central and Eastern Europe at the collapse of the Soviet Union. The files were processed trying to convey their original organization and consist of correspondence, memoranda, working papers and numerous printed materials.

Addendum [b]: Lectures and Speeches: this collection consists of files related to lectures and speeches given by Professor Howard. The files include correspondence, memoranda, programs, notes, and printed materials .

Addendum [c]: consist of campaign materials from the 1970 Referendum on the Constitution of Virginia.

Addendum [d]: consist of files about the [Virginia] Governor Fellows Program; Governor’s Commission on Campaign Finance Reform, Government Accountability, and Ethics (Ethics Commission); Project on Constitution and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe (Please see: Papers of Professor A. E. Dick Howard re Central and Eastern European new constitutions: MSS 2013 – 1a); ERA – Task Force on the Effect of Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment on the Law of Virginia; Miller v. Ayres and Howell v. McAuliffe; Miscellaneous UVA Files related to University of Virginia Committee on Virginia Status of University Students (1972) and Law School lists of reading materials for Prof. Howard’s classes.

Addendum [e]: contains materials that were used to launch a curriculum for a new course on environmental law at the University of Virginia Law School, taught by professors A. E. Dick Howard and Mason Willrich. These papers include correspondence with professors and lawyers at other institutions, research materials for pertinent subjects, and class materials such as syllabi, lectures, and student papers.

Collection Description

    Immediate Source of Acquisition
fileMemorandum of Bill O’Brien to Prof. Howard re Bork materials, 8-28-1987, 1987-08-28MSS 2013-1 Box 1
fileBork File: Statement of Robert H. Bork, n. d.; “The Individual, the State and the First Amendment “, University of Michigan 1977 or 1978; “Foundations of Federalism. Federalism and Gentrification”, The Federalist Society, Yale University, 4-2-1982; ExcerpMSS 2013-1 Box 1
seriesMiscellaneous Papers of Professor A. E. Dick Howard re Robert Bork Nomination to the Supreme Court and Other Materials, 1974, 1977-1987
fileACLU Briefing Book on the Confirmation of Judge Robert H. Bork to the United States Supreme Court, 1987MSS 2013-1 Box 1
fileBork Materials: Statement of Senator Edward M. Kennedy on the Nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court , 6-1-1987; Letters from Senator Dennis DeConcini, 6-24-1987 and 6-31-1987; Remarks of Senator Edward M. Kennedy at the Midwest Academy Retreat (CMSS 2013-1 Box 1
filePeople for the American Way Report: “The Selling of Robert Bork”, 1987MSS 2013-1 Box 1
seriesMiscellaneous Papers of Professor A. E. Dick Howard re Robert Bork Nomination to the Supreme Court and Other Materials, 1977 - 1987
fileNewspaper clippings with some annotations, 1987MSS 2013-1 Box 1
seriesAddendum to The Papers of A. E. Dick Howard [a] - re Central and Eastern European new constitutions, 1986 - 1999
subseriesCentral and Eastern Europe
fileCentral and Eastern Europe American Initiatives – General correspondence with organizations developing initiatives including USIA, Ford Foundation, American and European universities, The National Council for Soviet and Eastern European Research. File incMSS 2013-1a, Box 1
fileThe Delphi International Education and Training, Center for Law and National Security, John Bassett Moore Society of International Law – Visit of East German lawyers to Charlottesville: correspondence, biographical information, list of participants, 1989-MSS 2013-1a, Box 1
fileEastern Europe – general correspondence, memoranda, reports. Includes Quinn, Frederick: “Rule of Law in a New Century” (undated); Warner, Andrew M. “The Role of the Military in a Democratic Society: Conference after Action Report”; Rubin, Alfred P. “RubinMSS 2013-1a, Box 1
fileEastern Europe – general correspondence, memoranda, reports, 1990-1996MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
fileThe Helsinki Follow-up Meeting of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) Helsinki, Finland – correspondence, memoranda, reports. Includes Howard, A.E. Dick: “Report on Activities as a Public Member of the U.S. Delegation at the FourtMSS 2013-1a, Box 2
fileThe Helsinki Follow-up Meeting of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe – Statements by the Representatives, 1992-03-24 - 1992-06-24MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemRemarks by Raffi K. Hovannisian, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Armenia (10 March 1992), 1992-03-10MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemOpening Statement by Raffi K. Hovannisian, (26 March 1992), 1992-03-26MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemStatement by the Representative of the Council of Europe: Hans-Peter-Furrer, Director of Political Affairs (31 March 1992), 1992-03-31MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemPlenary Intervention by the American Representative: Ambassador John C. Kornblum (31 March 1992), 1992-03-31MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemStatement by Ambassador Samuel G. Wise, Delegation of the United States of America for Working Group 3: Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (9-10 April 10, 1992), 1992-04-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemWorking Group Three Intervention by Ambassador Samuel G. Wise, U.S. Delegation, 1992-04-06MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemStatement by Ambassador Samuel G. Wise, Delegation of the United States of America for Working Group 3: Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 1992-04-10 - 1992-04-10MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemStatement for Working Group 3 by Sherwood McGinnis, Delegation of the United States, 1992-04-13MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemStatement by Sherwood McGinnis, Delegation of the United States for Working Group Three: "Relations with International Organizations” (15 April 1992), 1992-04-15MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemDeclaration de M. Christian der Stepanian, Representant de la Republique D’Armenie a la Reunion du Comite des Hauts-Fonctionnaires de la Conference sur la Securite et la Cooperation en Europe” (19 April 1992) , 1992-04-19MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemStatement by the US Representative to the CSCE Ambassador John C. Kornblum to the Meeting in Helsinki of the Committee of Senior Officials (29 April 1992), 1992-04-29MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemWorking Group 3 Intervention by Nancy Ely-Raphel, US Delegation: “Democratic Institutions and the Rule of Law” (4 May 1992), 1992-05-04MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemWorking Group 3 Intervention by Nancy Ely-Raphel, U.S. Delegation: "Tolerance and the CSCE” (5 May 1992), 1992-05-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemCommittee of Senior Officials: Statement of Ambassador John C. Kornblum (6 May 1992), 1992-05-06MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemStatement of the Situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina to the Plenary Session of the Helsinki Follow-Up Meeting by the United States Representative, Ambassador John C. Kornblum (6 May 1992), 1992-05-06MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemIntervention in Working Group 3 by J. Sherwood McGinnis, United States Delegation: "Revenge, Retribution, and Rehabilitation-Making Wrongs Right in Former Communist Countries” (14 May 1992), 1992-05-14MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
item“Free, Independent Media – Democracy’s Lifeblood” by Paula Dobriansky, Associate Director for Policy and Programs, USIA (18 May 1992) , 1992-05-18MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemDeclaration de Christian der Stepanian, Representant de la Republique D’Armenie a la Reunion du Comite des Hauts-Fonctionnaires de la Conference sur la Securite et la Cooperation en Europe” (18 May 1992) , 1992-05-18MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemStatement by David M. Evans, U.S. Delegation: 'Bringing the Central Asian States More Fully into the CSCE Community” (21 May 1992), 1992-05-21MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemStatement by David M. Evans, U.S. Delegation: "Free Elections, Rule of Law and Democratic Society: Some Thoughts on ODIHR Activities” (22 May 1992) , 1992-05-22MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemStatement by J. Sherwood McGinnis, US Delegation to the Helsinki CSCE Follow-Up Meeting Working Group Three (25 May 1992) , 1992-05-25MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemStatement by Ambassador J. Kenneth Blackwell, US Delegation to the Helsinki CSCE Follow-Up Meeting Working Group Three (26 May 1992) , 1992-05-26MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemPlenary Intervention by Adrian Karatnycky, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization (AFL-CIO), US Public Member (27 May 1992) , 1992-05-27MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemStatement by Samuel G. Wise, US Delegation: 'Migrant Workers” (5 June 1992), 1992-06-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemStatement by Raffi K. Hovannisian, Minister of Foreign Affair, Republic of Armenia” (5 June 1992) , 1992-06-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemStatement by Samuel G. Wise, US Delegation: 'Freedom of Movement and Migration” (9 June 1992), 1992-06-09MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemWorking Group III Intervention on the Free Media Seminar by Patricia H. Kushlis (9 June 1992) , 1992-06-09MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemStatement of Samuel G. Wise, US Delegation: "Tolerance and Culture” (11 June 1992), 1992-06-11MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemStatement of Judge Patricia M. Ward, US Delegation: "Democratic Institution Building and Human Rights” (2 June 1992), 1992-06-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemStatement of Samuel G. Wise, US Delegation: "Tolerance” (12 June 1992), 1992-06-12MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
fileThe Helsinki Follow-up Meeting of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, Helsinki, Finland – Working Group 3, 1992-03-24 - 1992-06-24MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemU.S. Comments on Working Group 3 ProposalsMSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegations of Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, the Russian Federation and Sweden: "Rights of Indigenous Populations”MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegation of the Netherlands and Those of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, the Russian Federation and SwMSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegation of the Russian Federation: Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: "The Right to Citizenship"MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegation of the United States of America: "CSCE Project on Tolerance”MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegation of Sweden and those of Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, SMSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegations of Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Romania, the Russian Federation, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey: "Co-operation between the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OHIDR) and the CouMSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegations of Austria, Bulgaria and Switzerland: Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OHIHR): "Assistance in the Field of Censuses”MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegations of Austria, the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, Finland, Hungary, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine: "National Minorities”MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegation of the United Kingdom: "Observance of Human Rights: Codes of Practice”MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegation of Austria: Follow-up to CSCE Missions with Human Dimension Implications”MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegation of Austria: Modalities of Implementation Meetings on Human Dimension Commitment: "Food for Thought”MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegations of Denmark, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands and Portugal: "National Minorities”MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegations of Austria, Croatia, the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, the Russian Federation, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine: "Short Seminar on Examples of SatisfactoMSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegation of the United States of America: "CSCE and Migration”MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegation of Malta and those of Austria, Italy, Norway, Romania and Turkey: "CSCE Co-operation in Combating Illicit Trafficking in Drugs”MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegation of Canada against Racial, Ethnic, and Religious Discrimination (June 3, 1992), 1992-06-03MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegations of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, Poland, Romania and Ukraine: "Co-operation between Local and Regional Communities” (June 4, 1992), 1992-06-04MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegations of Malta, Romania, the Russian Federation and Turkey: "Migrant Workers and Their Families Lawfully Residing in CSCE States” (4 June 1994), 1994-06-04MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegation of the Russian Federation and Those of Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Kyrgyzstan, Romania, Slovenia, Switzerland and Yugoslavia: "Refugees and Displaced Persons” (5 June 1992) , 1992-06-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegations of Austria, the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, Finland, Hungary, Lithuania, Norway, the Russian Federation and Sweden: "Meaningful Involvement of Non-Governmental Organizations” (8 June 1992), 1992-06-08MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegation of Portugal on Behalf of the European Community and Its Member States: "Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights” (9 June 1992) , 1992-06-09MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegation of the United States of America and that of Ukraine: "Seminar on Free Media” (9 June 1992), 1992-06-09MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegations of Austria, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Liechtenstein, Malta, Moldova, Romania, Sweden and Switzerland: "Promotion of Humanitarian Law” (9 June 1992) , 1992-06-09MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegation of Portugal on Behalf of the European Community and its Member States: "Updating the Vienna Human Dimension Mechanism” (10 June 1992) , 1992-06-10MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemProposal Submitted by the Delegations of Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom: "The Enhanced Involvement of Non-Governmental Organizations in the CSCE Process” (15 June 1992) , 1992-06-15MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemWorking Group 3 U.S. Delegation-Human Dimension Decisions: "Chapeau” 10 (June 1992), 1992-06MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemCoordinator’s Personal Ideas-Working Group 3 Part Two: "Enhanced Co-Operation in the Human Dimension” (13 June 1992), 1992-06-13MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemWorking Group 3-Part Three: "Framework for Monitoring the Compliance with Commitments and for Promoting Co-Operation in the Human Dimension” (14 June 1992) , 1992-06-14MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
itemTolerance and Non-Discrimination” (16 June 1992), 1992-06-16MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
item“Humanitarian Law.”MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
file“Constitution Making in Central and Eastern Europe,” American Political Science Association panel (Chicago) – Handwritten notes, 1992-09-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
file15th Tanner Lecture on Human Values, University of Utah (Salt Lake City, Utah) – correspondence and papers. Includes Howard’s lecture “Toward the Open Society in Central and Eastern Europe,” (1994); draft of Prof. Howard’s paper; Webster, David: “BuildingMSS 2013-1a, Box 3
fileABA-CEELI Law Initiatives – Miscellaneous documents, 1990-1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 3
fileABA – CEELI - Technical Legal Assistance Workshop for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina – correspondence and memoranda. File includes the “Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina” (13 March 1994); “Proposed Constitution of the FedeMSS 2013-1a, Box 3
fileABA – CEELI Advisory Board Meeting, 1996-01-24MSS 2013-1a, Box 3
fileCommission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) miscellaneous documents: Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (July 1990); Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (February 1991); The Geneva CSCE Experts Meeting on National MiMSS 2013-1a, Box 4
fileCouncil of Europe: “Declaration Regarding Intolerance – A Threat to Democracy,” adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 14 May 1981, 68th Session; “Recommendation No. R (85) 7 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on Teaching and Learning about MSS 2013-1a, Box 4
fileEastern Europe miscellaneous papers: Murphy, Walter F. “Constitutional Democracy in Eastern Europe,” paper presented at Eötvös Lorànd University Conference on Constitutionalism and Constitutional Change in East Central Europe, Pecs, Hungary (18-20 June 19MSS 2013-1a, Box 4
fileEastern Europe – Papers re democracy: “APSA 1994 Roundtable ‘Central and Eastern Europe’s Democratic Prospects’” (1994); “European Commission for Democracy through Law: Draft Annual Report of Activities for 1993” Council of Europe (1994); Sobolewska-MysliMSS 2013-1a, Box 4
fileResearch Memoranda: Samples of memos written by Prof. Howard’s research assistants about Central and Eastern Europe, 1992-1994MSS 2013-1a, Box 4
fileAlbania – correspondence re draft of Albania Constitution; memorandum from Kimberly Vasconi on “A Discussion of the Albanian Draft Constitution Concerning Individual Rights and Freedoms”; “Report on Mission to Albania,” International Helsinki Federation fMSS 2013-1a, Box 5
fileAlbania – ABA Central and East European Law Initiative (CEELI) – correspondence and memoranda; “Law on the major Constitutional Provisions: The People’s Assembly of the Republic of Albania,” Tirana (May 1991); unofficial translations on the Draft ConstituMSS 2013-1a, Box 5
fileAlbania – CEELI Technical Legal Assistance Workshop on Constitutional Democracy in Albania: "The Judicial Perspective," Tirana, Albania, correspondence and memoranda. Includes Howard, A.E. Dick: “The Courts and the Constitution in Albania,” Constitution LMSS 2013-1a, Box 5
fileAlbania – Constitution. “Amendments Enhancing the Powers of the President, The People’s Assembly of the Republic of Albania” (9 April 1992); “The People’s Assembly of the Republic of Albania: The Organization of Judiciary and the Constitutional Court,” (2MSS 2013-1a, Box 6
fileAlbania – “Constitutional Revolutions in Eastern Europe” Center for the Study of Constitutionalism in Eastern Europe, University of Chicago (18-20 October 1991): Albania , 1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 6
fileAlbania – Report of Judge Robert W. Sweet (USDC NY) and Adele Hall Sweet on their visit to Albania (21 November 21- 12 December 1991) , 1992MSS 2013-1a, Box 6
fileAlbania – Background articles re Albania from the United States Department of State, Bureau of Public Affairs (November 1986); Brown, Elizabeth F. “Marketing in Albania”, Office of Eastern Europe and Soviet Affairs, U.S. Department of Commerce (March 1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 6
fileArmenia – Official Statements of the Government of the Republic of Armenia [regarding Nagorno-Karabagh conflict]; Cox, Caroline: “Human Rights Report on Visit to Nagorno Karabakh, March 12-15, 1992” (17 March 17 1992); “Draft Constitution of the Republic MSS 2013-1a, Box 6
otherlevelBaltic States
fileBaltic States – Council of the Baltic States Resolution on Investigating the Repressive Activities of the Soviet Union in the Baltic States (Tallinn, 11 June 1991); Arnold Rüütel (Chairman Supreme Council of Estonia): “Baltic Road to Independence” (11 JunMSS 2013-1a, Box 6
fileBelarus – Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Belarus (23 April 1992); “Draft of Belorussian Constitution” (6 April 1992), 1992MSS 2013-1a, Box 6
otherlevelBosnia and Herzegovina
fileBosnia and Herzegovina CHRF [Congressional Human Rights Foundation] Project – papers related to research project. Statement of Principles and Recommendations Regarding Human Right and the Rule of Law; Positions of the Bosnian and Herzegovinian Government MSS 2013-1a, Box 6
fileBulgaria – Human Rights in Constitutional and Statutory Development in Bulgaria Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria: correspondence; “Preliminary Report on the Upcoming Bulgarian Elections,” International Human Rights Law Group (May 31, 1990); “Bulgaria in TransiMSS 2013-1a, Box 6
fileBulgaria Constitutional Workshop – correspondence regarding the conference. “Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria, Dŭrzhaven Vestnik 1971, No. 39”; “Draft of Act of Amendments of the Bulgarian Constitution”; “Constitution of Bulgaria: DecembeMSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileBulgaria United States Institute of Peace Project – correspondence with Eugene Tantchev and Craig H. Baab. Howard’s commentaries on “Rule of Law Country Report-Bulgaria: Comment on the Issues, Process of Drafting and Adoption, Status of the Constitution”;MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileBulgaria general correspondence and memoranda; information on the Bulgarian Association for Fair Elections and Civil Rights (BAFECR); Partners for Democratic Change International, 1991-1994MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileBulgaria – Constitution and other official documents: “Draft of Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria”; “Deed #1/1991 of the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria”; “Decision #3 of the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria from April 3 on Deed #30/1991”; “DecisiMSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileBulgaria – NRIIA (National Republican Institute for International Affairs) “Bulgaria: Briefing Material” (Aug. 1, 1991), 1991MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileABA – CEELI Technical Assistance Workshop on Judicial Restructuring in Bulgaria: Reports, comments of Michael Davidson (Senate Legal Counsel), Paul R. Verkuil (College of William and Mary), Herman Schwartz (Washington College of Law), Judge Harry W. Low (MSS 2013-1a, Box 8
fileBulgaria – “The Proper Role of an Intelligence Agency in a Democracy,” an International Conference co-sponsored by the Office of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Center for Democracy and the E.L. Wiegand Foundation, Sofia, Bulgaria (8-10 AprMSS 2013-1a, Box 8
fileBulgaria: Kiuranov, Deyan: “Political Establishment of the Bulgarian Opposition”; Kolarova, Rumyana and Dimitr Dimitrov: “Round Table Talks in Bulgaria”; “The Bulgarian State System at a Crossroads (The problem of the form of government of post-totalitariMSS 2013-1a, Box 8
fileBulgarian printed materials: Bulgarian newspaper; Danevski, Valentin, Political Parties, Movements and Organizations in Bulgaria and their leaders. Sofia, Bulgaria: Sofia Press Publishing House, 1990; The Insider, Bulgarian Digest Monthly, August 1, 1991,MSS 2013-1a, Box 8
fileCroatia: “The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia (22 December 1990); Tudman, Franjo: “We Stand before a Great Historic Test,” (22 December 1990); “European Commission for Democracy through Law: Amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of CroatiMSS 2013-1a, Box 8
fileCzechoslovakia – general correspondence with Czech and Slovak scholars. File includes correspondence with his students and Osborn, John E.: “The Charter 77 Human Rights Movement: Prelude to the Rule of Law in Czechoslovakia?” The Nitze School of Advanced MSS 2013-1a, Box 8
fileCzechoslovakia – Committee on Revision of the Czechoslovak Constitution: correspondence, memoranda, minutes, list of members, photos of participants at Salzburg and Prague seminar by P. Kraft; handwritten notes, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 8
fileCzechoslovakia – Committee on Revision of the Czechoslovak Constitution Working Papers – Constitution Making drafts. Includes “Havel’s draft” and Pavel Rychetsky contributions; list of political parties which are represented in the Federal Assembly, CzechMSS 2013-1a, Box 8
fileCzechoslovakia – Committee on Revision of the Czechoslovak Constitution Working Papers – Bill of Rights. Draft of bill of rights, Howard’s comments on draft; papers on rights and human rights, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 9
fileCzechoslovakia – Committee on Revision of the Czechoslovak Constitution Working Papers – Czechoslovak Constitutional History by Vratislav Pechota, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 9
fileCzechoslovakia – Committee on Revision of the Czechoslovak Constitution Working Papers – Electoral System. Czechoslovak Legislative Elections Systems and Rules memorandum; draft paper on electoral systems and political parties; Czechoslovak Political FinaMSS 2013-1a, Box 9
fileCzechoslovakia – Committee on Revision of the Czechoslovak Constitution Working Papers – Emergency Action, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 9
fileCzechoslovakia – Committee on Revision of the Czechoslovak Constitution Working Papers – Federalism and Foreign Affairs, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 9
fileCzechoslovakia – Committee on Revision of the Czechoslovak Constitution-Working Papers: Judiciary, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 9
fileCzechoslovakia – Committee on Revision of the Czechoslovak Constitution-Working Papers: Property Rights, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 9
fileCzechoslovakia – Committee on Revision of the Czechoslovak Constitution-Working Papers: Separation of Powers, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 9
fileCzechoslovakia – Conference on the Revision of the Czechoslovak Constitution (Salzburg and Prague) – correspondence; memoranda; A. E. Dick Howard: “Constitutionalism” (April 1990); handwritten notes, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 9
fileCzechoslovakia – Bill of Rights Conference at Bratislava [as a part of Committee on Revision of the Czechoslovak Constitution] – correspondence and comments on revision of draft of Bill of Rights by Prof. Howard and Herman Schwarts; handwritten notes, 199MSS 2013-1a, Box 10
fileCzechoslovakia – Working Meeting of Foreign and Czechoslovak Experts on Constitution and Crisis Management, Prague, 1990-11-11MSS 2013-1a, Box 10
fileCzechoslovakia – Invitation to Czech president Vaclav Havel to be keynote speaker at “The Global Impact of the U.S. Bill of Rights” event – correspondence, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 10
fileCzechoslovakia – Workshop on Anglo-American Liberty, Constitutionalism and Free Government: The Federalist Papers, Moravia, Czechoslovakia – correspondence, 1991-06-04 - 1991-06-08MSS 2013-1a, Box 10
fileCzechoslovakia – “Constitutional Preconditions for Economic Reform and a Market Structure in Czechoslovakia” conference at Bratislava, Czechoslovakia –correspondence; list of participants; program schedule; handwritten notes, 1991-06-22 - 1991-06-24MSS 2013-1a, Box 10
fileCzechoslovakia – Draft of the State Treaty between the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic proposed by the Christian-Democratic Movement – notes on the draft; memorandum to officials of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republics, 1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 10
fileCzechoslovakia – Civic Forum; “The First Draft of the New Constitution” proposed by Civic Forum to the Czechoslovak Public and Constitutional Organs of the Republic (1990); notes, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 10
fileCzechoslovakia – Constitutional Act; “Constitution of the Czech Republic: First Working Draft” translated by Slavoŝ Kadečka (15 July 1990); “Constitution of the Slovak Republic: First Working Draft” translated by Ivo Dvoŕák (1990); “Czech Constitution: JuMSS 2013-1a, Box 10
fileCzechoslovakia – Constitutional Act (2): “Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic 373” Draft by the President of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (15 December 1990); President Vaclav Havel “Report on the Draft of the Law on ConstituMSS 2013-1a, Box 10
fileCzechoslovakia – “Decree of the Government of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic of 5 September 1991, concerning the issuance and use of investment coupons” translated by Eric S. Best, 1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 10
fileCzechoslovakia – “How Constitutional Ideas Travel”, lecture given by Prof. Howard at Charles University of Prague – correspondence; “The Czech Legal System in European Context” Charles University in Prague, faculty list, map, 2007-03-06MSS 2013-1a, Box 10
fileCzechoslovakia – “Thomas Jefferson’s Separation of Religion and State” conference at the Archbishop’s Palace, Prague: correspondence, 2007-03-08 - 2007-03-09MSS 2013-1a, Box 10
fileCzechoslovakia miscellaneous printed materials: “The Road to Prosperity” The Civic Democratic Party (undated); “Cesta K Prosperitĕ” Občanská Demokratická Strana (undated); Klause, Václava: “Polemika ohlednĕ reformní strategie” 1991; Dufek, Jaromír and VálMSS 2013-1a, Box 11
fileCzechoslovakia – Tullock, Gordon: “Efficient Federalism” (October 1991), 1991-10MSS 2013-1a, Box 11
fileCzechoslovakia – Futej, Daniel: “Some Legal Aspects of Foreign Investment in Czechoslovakia”, University of Virginia School Law (student paper)MSS 2013-1a, Box 11
fileCzechoslovakia – Thro, William E.: “At this Grave Moment: Czechoslovakia’s Constitutional Heritage and the Proposed New Democratic Constitution” (circa 1990), 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 11
fileEstonia – correspondence and documents. Constitution (unofficial translation) (1991); “Easti Vabariigi Põhiseadus [Estonian Constitution]” (1992); “Russians in Estonia: Problems and Prospects,” a report prepared by the Staff of the Commission on Security MSS 2013-1a, Box 11
fileHungary – miscellaneous correspondence; including email correspondence regarding “How Constitutional Ideas Travel”, lecture given by Prof. Howard at the Institute for Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (13 March 2007), 1992, 1994, 1998-199MSS 2013-1a, Box 11
fileHungarian Delegation Visit to University of Virginia, as a part of USIA “The American Constitution: A Hungarian One-Country Group Project” – correspondence, handwritten notes; tentative schedule; participants’ list; USIA: “The American Constitution: A HunMSS 2013-1a, Box 11
fileInternational Scientific Conference on the Institutional Guarantees of the Safeguarding of Constitutionalism (Budapest) – correspondence; schedule; list of participants; Howard’s handwritten notes. Includes Minister of Justice Kálmán Kulcsár paper on “RefMSS 2013-1a, Box 11
fileHoward, A.E. Dick. “The Safeguards of Constitutionalism” [paper presented at the “Institutional Guarantees of the Safeguarding of Constitutionalism”, Budapest, Hungary, April 1989]: conference papers, handwritten notes, Hungarian translations of paper andMSS 2013-1a, Box 11
fileHungarian Constitution – correspondence and memoranda. Includes correspondence with Senator Daniel P. Moynihan, Representative Owen B. Pickett, scholars and Hungarian diplomats, 1989-1992MSS 2013-1a, Box 12
fileHungarian opposition leaders visit to Charlottesville, VA [as a part of the Visitor Program Service of Meridian House International and USIA] – correspondence; photo of Virginia Governor Douglas Wilder with Hungarian opposition leaders during their visit;MSS 2013-1a, Box 12
file[Hungary] – Student Legal Forum: “Emerging Constitutionalism in Eastern Europe”, talk given by Professor Gabor Hamza of Eotvos Lorand University (Budapest) at UVa Law School – correspondence; syllabus of Howard’s Jurisprudence class of April 11, 1990, 199MSS 2013-1a, Box 12
fileU.S. - Hungarian Military Legal Exchange – trip report on Exchange Visit to Hungary on April 1990. Department of the Army, Office of the Judge Advocate General, 1990-06-12MSS 2013-1a, Box 12
fileHungary – “Democracy and Constitution-Making in Eastern Europe,” conference in Budapest (11-13 October 1990) – correspondence and memoranda; program, report. Includes Howard, A.E. Dick. “The Road to Constitutionalism” and “Szinopszis Az Alkotmanyossaghoz MSS 2013-1a, Box 12
fileConstitution of the Republic of Hungary – working papers and Howard’s handwritten notes. Also “The Constitution of the Republic of Hungary” (translation of the text published in the Magyar Kȍzlȍny, No. 84, August 24, 1990); “The Constitution of the RepublMSS 2013-1a, Box 12
fileHungary – visit of Dr. Peter Paczolai, Chief Counselor, Constitutional Court, Hungary [as a part of his visiting program arranged by Visitor Program Service of Meridian House International, 5 January – 6 February 1991]. Correspondence; program schedule; hMSS 2013-1a, Box 12
fileHungary – The U.S. Judicial System, Single Country Project for Hungary, U.S. Program – [Participants came to Charlottesville and took a two day seminar with Prof. Howard on Constitutional Issues, Prof. David O’Brien on The Structure and Mechanics of the UMSS 2013-1a, Box 12
fileHungary – Text of speech given by Hungarian president Árpád Göncz at the University of Virginia, at the inauguration of “The Bill of Rights” program co-sponsored by the Virginia Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution and The CentMSS 2013-1a, Box 12
fileCorrespondence between Professor Howard and Dr. István Mészáros (Deputy Chairman of Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights, Minorities, and Religion) on the development of Hungary’s constitution. Included are some parliamentary reports and articles in HuMSS 2013-1a, Box 12
file“The Budapest International Consultation on Religious Liberty, Religious Rights, and Ethnic Identity” Journal of Church and State 34 (Summer 1992), 1992MSS 2013-1a, Box 12
fileThe Regulatory Concept of the New Constitution of the Hungarian People’s Republic (Ministry of Justice, Budapest, November 30, 1988), 1988-11-30MSS 2013-1a, Box 13
fileAz Országgyülése [National Assembly Official Report]: No. 59 (17 October 1989); No. 60 (18 October 1989); Expose in the Parliament to the Amendment (17 October 1989) [by Kálmán Kulcsár, Minister of Justice]; Expose in the Parliament to the Amendment (18 OMSS 2013-1a, Box 13
fileMagyar Kȍztársaság Alkotmánybírósága [Constitutional Court of the Hungarian Republic]: Translations of “Act II of 1989 on the Right of Combination”; “Act No. XXXII of 1989 on the Constitutional Court”; “Act No. XXXIII of 1989 on Operation and Economic ActMSS 2013-1a, Box 13
fileMagyar Közlöny [Hungarian Gazette], Budapest, 26 May 1989; Oct. 23, 1989; 1 March 1990; 16 May 1990; 25 June 1990; 11 July 1990; 24 August 1990, 1989-1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 13
fileHungarian Constitutional Court Decisions: No. 2/1990. (II. 18.) AB Resolution; No.8/1990 (IV.23) AB on the invalidation of sentence 2 in para 15 (2) of Law II 1967 on the Labour Code; No. 21/1990 (X.4) AB on the interpretation of Article 70/A of the ConstMSS 2013-1a, Box 13
fileHungarian Constitutional Court: Act II of 1989 on the Right of Combination; Act XXXII of 1989 on the Constitutional Court; Act XXXIII of 1989 on Operation and Economic Activity of the Parties, 1989MSS 2013-1a, Box 13
file“Text of a Resolution Unanimously Passed by a Conference of Lawyers Organized by the International Commission of Jurists”, at The Hague on 2 March 1957 [photocopy], 1957-03-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 13
fileConference programs: “The U.S. Judicial System: Single Country Project for Hungary” (23 March – 24 April 1991) [Prof. Howard is the host for the visit of Hungarian participants at UVa from Mar. 31-Apr. 2, 1991], 1991-03-31 - 1991-04-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 13
fileArticles. István Kovács. “From the Constitutional Law Council to the Constitutional Court,” Budapest (April 1989); Palmer, Mark: “U.S. and Western Policy-New Opportunities for Action”. An East-West Forum Publication (April 1989), reprinted from Kulcsár, KMSS 2013-1a, Box 13
fileNewspaper clippings from Daily News of the Hungarian News Agency MTI/Budapest and pamphlets, 1989MSS 2013-1a, Box 13
fileHungarian printed materials: Declaration of Political Programme: Chronology. Federation of Young Democrats (FIDESZ), Budapest, 1989; FIDESZ News: English Language Journal of FIDESZ, Volume 1, no. 1, Budapest, Hungary, 1989; Chronology 1989 January-SeptembMSS 2013-1a, Box 13
fileFelton, J. A: “Constitutional Development in Hungary”. Independent Research Project (undated)MSS 2013-1a, Box 13
fileLatvia – documents. Fall, Ibrahima. “Summary of the Report on a Fact-Finding Mission to Latvia” (1992); Kalnins, Ojars : “An Analysis of the December 1992 LIFE Magazine article, ‘Soon They Will Come for Us”, Republic of Latvia Embassy (1992); “DeclarationMSS 2013-1a, Box 14
fileLithuania Constitution – ABA CEELI - correspondence, memoranda, documents. “Analysis of the Draft Basic Principles of the Constitution of Lithuania (January 1992); Howard’s “Comments on the Basic Principles of the Constitution of Lithuania” (January 1992)MSS 2013-1a, Box 14
fileMacedonia – “Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia” (1991); ABA – CEELI Analysis of the Law on the Government in the Republic of Macedonia (19 May 1994), 1991, 1994MSS 2013-1a, Box 14
fileMoldova – correspondence; “Draft of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova”; trip report of Justice Robert F. Utter (ret.); Howard’s handwritten notes, 2003MSS 2013-1a, Box 14
filePoland – correspondence with Polish scholar Janusz Justynski and other scholars and students. Działocha, Kazimierz and Leonard Łukaszuk: “Principal trends of changes in the Constitution in Poland,” thesis of the address at the International Scientific ConMSS 2013-1a, Box 15
fileConference on Constitutionalism and Human Rights in Poland, France, and America sponsored by the Rosenstiel Foundation and the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia (Charlottesville) – correspondence and conference materials includMSS 2013-1a, Box 15
fileEmergency Committee for Aid to Poland Report of the 4th Meeting of Private Voluntary Organizations, 1990-05-09MSS 2013-1a, Box 15
fileInternational Conference on the Transition to Democracy in Contemporary Europe, organized by the Senate of Poland, the Center for Democracy, and the Furth Foundation (Warsaw, Poland) – correspondence and statement by Mr. Joern Stegen, Deputy Secretary to MSS 2013-1a, Box 15
fileConference on Transition to Democracy in Poland, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University – correspondence and comments on constitution making and constitutionalism in Poland from Justice Janina Zakrzewska, Constitutional CourtMSS 2013-1a, Box 16
filePolish Constitutions – drafts and published. Konstytucja Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej: Uchwalon przez Sejm Ustawodawczy w dniu 22 lipca 1952 r. Warsawa, Publikowany Konstytucji PRL (1976); “Draft of the New Constitution of the Republic of Poland,” CoMSS 2013-1a, Box 16
filePoland – Commissioner for Civil Rights Protection documents: Commissioner for Civil Rights Protection Annual Report 1988,Warsawa, Biuro (1989); “The Commissioner’s Speech Made at the 24th Session of the Sejm on 24th March 1990”; “Informacja: Biura RzechznMSS 2013-1a, Box 16
filePoland – articles re constitutionalism, human rights, government in Poland, 1989-1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemDziałocha, Kazimierz & Stanislaw Pawela: Modifications in the Scope of Powers of the Constitutional Tribunal (De Lege Lata And De Lege Ferenda), State and Law 64, no. 11 (Nov. 1989), 1989-11MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemFalandysz, Lech: “The Interests of Power and Human Rights in Penal Law of the Polish People’s Republic,” University of Warsaw (undated)MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemGarlicki, Leszek: “The Influence of American Constitutional Ideas on the Development of Constitutionalism in Poland and Eastern Europe” (undated)MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemKański, Lesław: “Human Rights in Poland from a Historical and Comparative Perspective” (undated)MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemKojder, Andrzej: "Dysfunctionalities of Legal Culture: Poland’s Experience," Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1991, 1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemKolodziejczyk, Leszek: “L’Opinion Publique Francaise Face A La Constitution Polonaise Du 3 Mai 1791,” Institut d’Histoire de la Révolution Française (undated)MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemŁętowski, Janusz: “Reforms and Attempts at Modernization of Administration in Poland,” Warsaw, Poland (1990), 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemŁętowski, Janusz: “The Judge’s Position in the Modern System of Government,” Warsaw, Poland (undated)MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemLudwikowski, Rett R.: “The Main Principles of the May 3, 1791 Polish Constitution in a Comparative Perspective,” Catholic University of America (undated)MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemMalec, Jan: “Crucial Problems of Carrying out of Imprisonment Penalty in Poland: Against a Background of Complaints to Commissioner for Citizens Rights) (undated)MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemMalec, Jan: “Observance of Rights of Persons Detained in Citizen’s Militia Custody” (1989), 1989MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemSzubert, Wacław: “Reflections on Labour Law Models,” State and Law 64, no. 10. (Oct. 1989), 1989-10MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemSabbat-Swidlicka, Anna: Poland: The End of Solidarity Era RFE/RL 3 (7 January 1994), 1994-01-07MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemSeidler, G.L.: Parliamentary Versus Constitutional Responsibility, State and Law 64, no. 12 (Dec. 1989), 1989-12MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemU. Drobnig: “The Changing Role of Comparison between West and East European Laws” (undated)MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemSenate in Poland (undated)MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemLojko, Elżbieta: “The Role of Local Self-Government in Post-Communist Poland”, Paper 1991, 1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemCywiński, Zbigniew & Wieslaw Staśkiewicz: “The Influence of Legal Ideologies on Attitudes towards Law: Experience of Soviet Russia” (Draft), University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law, Department of Sociology and Law, 1991, 1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
item“Constitutional Revolutions in Eastern Europe” Center for the Study of Constitutionalism in Eastern Europe, University of Chicago (Oct. 18-20, 1991), 1991-10-18 - 10-20-1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemBrzezinski, Mark: “The Blossoming of Judicial Review in Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland” (15 July 1992), 1992-15-07MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemReisky de Dubnic, Vladimir: “Stanislaw August Poniatowski, The Polish Constitution of 1791, and the American Connection,” a paper to be presented at the Warsaw University Conference on European and American Constitutionalism of the 18th Century (20-22 MayMSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemGobethner, Stanisław. “The System of Government of the Republic of Poland According to the Constitutional Act of October 17, 1992” (undated), 1992-10-17MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemNew Constitution – the First Approach, An Interview with Bronislaw Geremek for Rzeczpospolita (July 2, 1990); Transcript of Mac Neil/Lehrer Newshour with Wojciech Jaruzelski, President of Poland, New York (18 September 1989), 1989-09-18MSS 2013-1a, Box 16
itemPolish printed materials: Zmiany W Konstytucji Społeczne Reakcje I Odczucia, ["Changes in Social Constitution reactions and feelings”] Centrum Badania oinii Społecznej (1990); Jaskiernia, Jerzy: Zasada pluralizmu politycznego w projektach nowej konstytucjMSS 2013-1a, Box 16
filePoland – UVa Law School Jurisprudence class. Recommended reading materials from Mark Brzezinski on Polish constitutionalism – correspondence. Brzezinski: “An analysis of the constitutional tradition of Poland, of the collision in Poland between totalitariMSS 2013-1a, Box 17
filePolish pins: “Unia Demokratyczna” and pamphlets: Stolarski, Mieczyslaw, ed. Parliamentarism in Poland. Warsaw: Polish Agency InterpressMSS 2013-1a, Box 17
fileFree Romania Fund Washington Chapter – Correspondence; Proposal for a Systematic, Regional Program of Eastern European Visiting Scholars, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 17
fileFree Romania Fund Washington Chapter – correspondence and working papers of meeting with the Romanian Parliament Committee on Drafting the Constitution; “Theses for the Draft Constitution of Romania”; “Decree-Law for the Election of Romania’s Parliament aMSS 2013-1a, Box 17
fileCEELI Technical Assistance Workshop on Romania’s Draft Constitution –correspondence and memoranda. Includes “Buletin Informativ Remarks against the Draft for the Constitution,” Lega Apararii Drepturilor Omului (July 1991); Fisher, Louis: “Comments on DrafMSS 2013-1a, Box 17
fileRomania – Constitution Drafting: “The Constitution of Romania (Draft)” (1991); “The Constitution of Romania” (1991); Dumitrescu, Gabriel: “Comments to Theses for the Draft Constitution of Romania” (Feb. 11, 1991); Gionea, Vasile: “Quelques Aspects ConcernMSS 2013-1a, Box 17
fileRomania – “Report on the Romanian Campaign for President and Parliament,” prepared by the International Human Rights Law Group April Delegation to Romania and the law firm of Covington & Burling (May 9, 1990), 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 18
fileRomania – “Constitutional Revolutions in Eastern Europe” Center for the Study of Constitutionalism in Eastern Europe, University of Chicago (Oct. 18-20, 1991): Romania, 1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 18
fileRomania – ABA - CEELI: “Judicial Restructuring in Romania: A Summary Report,” Bucharest, Romania (12-19 April 1991); “Comments on Romania’s Proposed Legislation on Organization of the Judiciary” (19 June 1991); “A Review of the Draft Law on the Election oMSS 2013-1a, Box 18
fileRomania – The Democratic Union of Roma-Gypsies in Romania, The Ethnic Federation of Roma, Nicolae Gheorghe: “Escalation of Racial Violence against Roma in Romania,” Statement for the International Conference on Ethnic Conflict Resolution under Rule of LawMSS 2013-1a, Box 18
filePhotographsMSS 2013-1a, Box 18
fileE. Dick Howard with members of Committee on Drafting the Constitution of Romania. Romanian Parliament Senate (May 1991). [Moved to photograph collection], 1991-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 18
fileRussia – correspondence, comments, memoranda, testimonies, reports. Howard’s memorandum to Oleg G. Rumyantsev (Secretary of the Constitutional Commission) (3 December 1990); “Constitution of the Russian Federation (Draft)” (21 February 1991); Provisional MSS 2013-1a, Box 18
fileSerbia – documents. “Transcript of Mac Neil/Lehrer Newshour Show #4470,” [History of Unrest in former Yugoslavia] (Oct. 6, 1992); “Peace With Justice,” transcript of a speech given by the Prime Minister, the Rt Hon John Major, MP, at the opening of the LoMSS 2013-1a, Box 18
fileSlovakia – correspondence and documents. The Constitution of the Slovak Republic (1992); “Slovakia Constitutional Court,” (May 1 - August 31, 1994); “Slovakia Constitutional Court,” (January 1 – April 30, 1995); “Human Rights and Democratization in SlovakMSS 2013-1a, Box 18
otherlevelSoviet Union
fileSoviet Rule of Law Project – USSR Rule of Law Seminar sponsored by the Department of State – Correspondence and memoranda with Department of State and Department of Justice officials, Prof. John Norton Moore, Prof. Paul Stephan. Howard, Dick A.E. “ConstitMSS 2013-1a, Box 19
fileConference on Legal Aspects of Recent Developments in the USSR and Eastern Europe, (Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law, Columbia University, 2-3 March 1990); papers presented by Madl, F.: "New Forms of Foreign Trade and Investments in Hungary"; MSS 2013-1a, Box 19
fileCorrespondence and memoranda re Soviet Union. Includes correspondence with scholars and UVA law students; some correspondence with Prof. John Norton Moore; Howard’s notes for "Briefing for Senior Editors, Voice of America" (13 April 13 1990); Memorandum rMSS 2013-1a, Box 19
fileJoint Symposium on the Russian Constitution (Washington, D.C) Telecast - Correspondence regarding the symposium and “Draft Constitution of the Russian Federation, 1990,” drafted by a working group a of experts of the RSFSR Constitutional Commission, with MSS 2013-1a, Box 20
fileManifesto of the Green Party of Ukraine [ca. 1990-1992]; Constitution of Ukraine. Draft prepared by the working group of the Constitutional Commission of the Parliament of Ukraine. Kiev, Ukraine. (Jan. 1992), undated, 1992MSS 2013-1a, Box 20
fileRussian Religions Law Drafters (Meeting in Charlottesville, Va.) - Howard’s handwritten notes, 1993MSS 2013-1a, Box 20
fileCourse Syllabus: History, Theory and Practice of Human Rights. Syllabus devised by Department of Human Rights of the All-Union Legal Institute. Responsible Editor-Professor B.L. Nazarov, (Moscow, 1988), 1988MSS 2013-1a, Box 20
fileRussian printed materials: чеповек и закон ежемесячный научно-популрный журнал министерства юстиции ссср, No. 1 (229) 1991 [Ministers of Justice of the USSR and the United States first meeting. Chepovek and Law, Moscow, USSR Ministry of Justice, 1991); prMSS 2013-1a, Box 20
fileCorrespondence; International Symposium on the Draft Constitution of Ukraine, Kiev (20-22 June, 1993: submissions of the constitution, 1993 – 1996MSS 2013-1a, Box 20
fileRevolutions in Eastern Europe”, Center for the Study of Constitutionalism in Eastern Europe, University of Chicago, The Law School (18 - 20 October 1991) :Yugoslavia; some correspondence, 1991-1992MSS 2013-1a, Box 20
otherlevelConference on Security and Cooperation in Europe [CSCE] Files
fileCSCE – general correspondence and memoranda, 1991, 1995MSS 2013-1a, Box 20
fileFourth CSCE Follow-Up Meeting – correspondence and memoranda; Howard’s report on his activities as member of the U.S. Delegation at the Fourth CSCE Follow-Up Meeting, Helsinki (June 1992); statement, remarks and “Constitutions and Constitutionalism in CenMSS 2013-1a, Box 20
fileCSCE Meeting of Experts on National Minorities (Geneva) – Howard’s paper: “Race, nationality, and ethnicity in American Law” (July 1991) and personal notes, 1991-07-01 - 1991-07-19MSS 2013-1a, Box 20
fileCSCE documents re protection of minorities – Proposal for a European Convention for the Protection of Minorities CDL (91)7 (8 February 1991); The Rights of Minorities, Case Law of the European Commission and Court of Human Rights, Memorandum prepared by tMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
fileConference on the Human Dimension, Copenhagen CSCE/CHDC.1-43. The following documents that have been digitized and are available upon request, 1990-06-05 - 1990-06-27MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.1 Proposal Submitted by the Delegations of Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Liechtenstein, Malta, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, and Yugoslavia 6/5/1990, 1990-06-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.2 Proposal Submitted by the Delegations of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Canada on Free and Fair Elections 6/5/1990, 1990-06-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.3 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Canada (Addition of Rapporteurs to the Human Dimension Mechanism) 6/5/1990, 1990-06-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.4/Rev.1 Proposal Submitted by the Delegations of Canada, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Italy and Sponsored by the Delegations of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Norway (Elimination of Hate Propaganda) 6/14/1990, 1990-06-14MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.5 Proposal Submitted by the Delegations of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Italy and Yugoslavia on National Minorities 6/5/1990, 1990-06-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.6 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Romania (Declaration on the rights of persons belonging to ethnic, national or religious minorities and on the protection of their identity) 6/5/1990, 1990-06-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.7 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Romania (Common approach to issues concerning ethnic minorities) 6/5/1990, 1990-06-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.8 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Denmark on the Establishment of a Committee on the Human Dimension of the CSCE 6/6/1990, 1990-06-06MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.9 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Canada (Co-operation in the development of democratic institutions) 6/6/1990, 1990-06-06MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.10 Proposal Submitted by the Delegations of Yugoslavia, Poland and Turkey (Human dimension of the CSCE and protection of the rights of migrant workers) 6/6/1990, 1990-06-06MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.11 Proposal Submitted by the Delegations of Canada, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Netherlands on Minorities 6/7/1990, 1990-06-07MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.12 Proposal Submitted by the Delegations of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic 6/7/1990, 1990-06-07MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.13 Proposal Submitted by the Delegations of Austria, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden (Abolition of the death penalty) 6/8/1990, 1990-06-08MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.14/Rev.1 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Canada and those of Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, and San Marino (Right of everyone to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country) 6/13/1990, 1990-06-13MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.15 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Canada and Those of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland (The right to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms) 6/8/1990, 1990-06-08MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.16 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Ireland, in the Name of the Twelve Participating States Members of the European Community, and the Delegations of Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Finland, German Democratic Republic, Hungary,MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.17/Rev.1 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Bulgaria and Those of Denmark, the German Democratic Republic and the United Kingdom 6/22/1990, 1990-06-22MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.18 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Portugal and those of Belgium, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, France, the German Democratic Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, RomaniMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.19 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Norway (Expert meeting on democratic institutions) 6/13/1990 , 1990-06-13MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.20 Proposal Submitted by the Delegations of Poland, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Yugoslavia 6/13/1990, 1990-06-13MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.21 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Norway (Strengthening of independent national institutions in the area of human rights and the rule of law) 6/13/1990, 1990-06-13MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.22 Proposal Submitted by the Delegations of Spain and Portugal (Nationalities and national minorities) 6/14/1990, 1990-06-14MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.23 Proposal Submitted by the Delegations of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg and those of Portugal, San Marino and Yugoslavia on Strengthening the Implementation of Commitments in the Human Dimension of the CSCE 6/14/1990, 1990-06-14MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.24 Proposal Submitted by the Delegations of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg and those of Canada, Czechoslovakia, Portugal, San Marino and Yugoslavia on Limitations on the Application of the State Emergency 6/14/1990, 1990-06-14MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.25 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Switzerland and the Delegations of Finland, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Sweden, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United Kingdom for an Extraordinary CSCE Meeting on National Minorities in 199MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.26 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 6/14/1990, 1990-06-14MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.27 Proposal Submitted by the Delegations of France and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and those of Austria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Poland, RomaniMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.28 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Sweden for a CSCE Representative on National Minorities 6/14/1990, 1990-06-14MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.29 Proposal Submitted by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Meeting of experts on consular matters) 6/15/1990, 1990-06-15MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.30 Proposal Submitted by the Delegations of Ireland, on behalf of the Twelve Participating States, Members of the European Community, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Norway, Poland, San Marino and Yugoslavia (Transfer of Sentenced Persons) 6/15/1990, 1MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.31 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Ireland, on behalf of the Twelve Participating States Members of the European Community, and the Delegations of Bulgaria, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Finland, the German Democratic Republic, Poland, San MarMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.32 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Ireland, on behalf of the Twelve Participating States Members of the European Community, and the Delegations of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, San Marino, Switzerland, Turkey, the union of Soviet SocMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.33 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Denmark and those of Czechoslovakia, San Marino and Yugoslavia (Criminal Proceedings) 6/18/1990, 1990-06-18MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.34 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Greece (Convening of an Expert Meeting on Minorities) 6/19/1990, 1990-06-19MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.35 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Czechoslovakia (Abolition of visas for young people) 6/19/1990, 1990-06-19MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.36 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Czechoslovakia (Abolition of visas for journalists) 6/19/1990, 1990-06-19MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.37 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Czechoslovakia (Multiple Visas) 6/19/1990, 1990-06-19MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.38 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of the German Democratic Republic on Social Security 6/19/1990, 1990-06-19MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.39 Proposal Submitted by the Delegations of Belgium, Canada and France and those of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Spain, SMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.40/Rev.1 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of San Marino and those of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Yugoslavia (CounciMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.41 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of Cyprus Concerning Improvement of the Effectiveness of the Mechanism of the Human Dimension 6/22/1990, 1990-06-22MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.42 Proposal Submitted by the Delegation of the United States of America on the Human Dimension Mechanism 6/27/1990, 1990-06-27MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.43.1 Proposal Submitted by the Delegations of Austria, Finland, Hungary and Switzerland 6/27/1990, 1990-06-27MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/CHDC.43.2 Document of the Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE 6/29/1990, 1990-06-29MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemThe Paris Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe May 30 - June 23, 1989 (A report prepared by the staff of the CSCE July 1989) 7/1/1989, 1989-07-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemThe White House Office of the Press Secretary (Statement by the President) 6/29/1990, 1990-06-29MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemThe Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe 5 June - 29 June 1990 (A report prepared by the staff of the CSCE August 1990) 8/1/1990, 1990-08-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemPlenary Remarks by the Honorable Max M. Kampelman Head of the U.S. Delegation to the Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference of the Human Dimension Plenary 6/11/1990, 1990-06-11MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemPlenary Remarks by the Honorable Max M. Kampelman Head of the U.S. Delegation to the Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension Plenary, June 18, 1990, 1990-06-18MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemPlenary Remarks by the Honorable Max M. Kampelman Head of the U.S. Delegation to the Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension Plenary, June 22, 1990, 1990-06-22MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemPlenary Remarks by the Honorable Max. M. Kampelman Head of the U.S. Delegation to the Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension Plenary, June 29, 1990, 1990-06-29MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemDocument of the Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE and the Rule of Law (undated)MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemThe Copenhagen CSCE Meeting: a New Public Order for Europe (c. 1990), c. 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemGuidance for U.S. Participation at the CSCE Human Dimension Implementation Review Meeting, 9/27-10/15, 9/27-10/15MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemDocument of the Moscow Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
fileCSCE Meeting of Experts on National Minorities – correspondence, memoranda, proposals and documents (3 folders). The following documents that have been digitized and are available upon request, 1991-07-01 - 1991-07-19MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemContribution of the Council of Europe to the CSCE Meeting of Experts on National Minorities. Speech by Catherine Lalumière, Secretary General, 7/1-2/1991, 1991-07-01 - 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemIntroductory Statement by Head of the Albanian Delegation P. Pojani at the CSCE Meeting on National Minorities, Geneva, 7/1-19/1991, 1991-07-01 - 1991-07-19MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by the Representative of Denmark Ambassador Martin Kofod, Agenda Item 2, Geneva, 7/1-19/1991, 1991-07-01 - 1991-07-19MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemOpening Statement by H.E. Dr. Riza Turmen, Ambassador, Head of Turkish Delegation, Geneva, 1991, 1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemIntervención del Jefe de la Delegación Española en la Reunión de Expertos CSCE sobre las minorías nacionales, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemDéclaration d’ouverture de S.E. Mgr Justo Mullor au nom de la Délégation du Saint-Siège, 7/1/1991, 1991-07-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemAddress of Ambassador Traian Chebeleu, Head of the Delegation of Romania, 7/1/1991, 1991-07-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by Ambassador Kjartan Jóhannsson, Head of the Icelandic Delegation, 7/1/1991, 1991-07-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemDiscours D'Overture de M. Werner Bauwens, Chef de la Delegation Belge, 7/1/1991, 1991-07-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemOpening Remarks in Plenary by Sir John Robson, Head of UK Delegation, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement of the Delegation of the Republic of Bulgaria at the Plenary Meeting, 7/1/1991, 1991-07-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemSpeech by the Minister for Home Affairs of the Netherlands, Ms. C. I. Dales on behalf of the European Community and its Member States, 7/1/1991Opening Statement by Ambassador Vladislav Jovanovic, Head of Yugoslav Delegation, 7/1/1991, 1991-07-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemSpeech of Federal Councillor René Felber, Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs [Switzerland], 7/1/1991, 1991-07-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemPlenary Remarks by Max M. Kampelman, Head of the U.S. Delegation, 7/1/1991, 1991-07-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement delivered by Mr. Géza Entz, Head of the Hungarian Delegation, 7/2/1991, 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by Ambassador Haakon B. Hjelde, Head of the Norwegian Delegation, 7/2/1991, 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemErklärun des Fürstentums Liechtenstein am KSZE Expertentreffen über nationale Minderheiten, 7/2/1991, 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemRemarks by Ambassador Seppo Kauppila, Head of the Delegation of Finland, 7/2/1991, 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemDiscours D'Overture de Monsieur Bernard Dejean de la Batie, Chef de la Delegation Francaise, 7/2/1991, 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement of Mr. G. Tarazevitch, MP, Head of the USSR Delegation, Chairman of the Commission on Nationalities Policy and Inter-Ethnic Relations of the USSR Supreme Soviet, 7/2/1992 (Unofficial Translation), 1992-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemExposé du Chef de la delegation Suisse en séance plénière de la Réunion d’Experts sur le Minorités, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemEröffnungserklärung der Österreichischen Delegation Gesandte Dr. Edda Weiss in der Plenarsitzung des KSZE-Expertentreffens über nationale Minderheiten in Genf, 7/2/1991, 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemOpening Statement by H. E. Ambassador Stefanos Stathatos, Head of the Greek Delegation, 7/2/1991, 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by Ambassador Charles Vella (Agenda Item 2), Delegation of Malta, 7/2/1991, 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemIntervention of the Delegation of Canada to the CSCE Experts Meeting on National Minorities, Mr. Philip Mackinnon, Head of the Delegation, 7/2/1991, 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemEröffnungserklärung des Vorsitzenden der Delegation der Republik Polen, Dr. Jan Barcz, Expertentreffen über nationale Minderheiten, Genf, 7/2/1991, 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemOpening Statement by Dr. Jan Barcz, Head of the Polish Delegation, 7/2/1991 (translation), 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by the head of the delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany, undated (translation)MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement of Dr. Garrido Serra head of the Delegation of Portugal, 7/2/1991, 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemIntervento dell' Ambasciatore Francesco Mezzalama, Capo della Delegazione Italiana, 7/2/1991, 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemIntervention de S. E. L'Ambassadeur Francesco Mezzalama Chef de la Delegation Italianne, 7/2/1991, 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemIntervention d'ouverture du chef de la delegation de la Republique Federative Tcheque et Slovaque ambassador Dr. Juraj Kralik, 7/2/1991, 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by the Delegation of Ireland, 7/2/1991, 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by Ambassador Lars Norberg, Delegation of Sweden, 7/2/1991, 1991-07-02MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemIntervention by Mr. Petter Wille, Delegation of Norway, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemText of the intervention by the Head of the Netherlands Delegation in Working Group A, 7/3/1991, 1991-07-03MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemRemarks by Mr. Peter Stenlund, representative of Finland, (Subsidiary Working Body A), 7/3/1991, 1991-07-03MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by Samuel G. Wise, U.S. Delegation, SWB-B [Subsidiary Working Body B], 7/4/1991, 1991-07-04MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by Mr. Mihail Ivanov, Presidential Advise on Ethnic Matters, Delegation of the Republic of Bulgaria (Subsidiary Working Body A), 7/4/1991, 1991-07-04MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
item[Statement re minorities living in Turkey], undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemRemarks of Kenneth Blackwell, U.S. Representative to the United Commission on Human Rights, 7/4/1991, 1991-07-04MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement of Mr. Jacek Czaputowicz, Delegation of Poland (SWB "A"), 7/5/1991, 1991-07-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemIntervention de M. Kadri Cenko, Chargé d’ Affaires de la République d’ Albanie, 7/5/1991, 1991-07-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by William H. Hill, Deputy Head, U.S. Legislation Against Hate Crimes, 7/5/1991, 1991-07-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
item[Russian Document] (subsidiary Working Body – A), 7/5/1991, 1991-07-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemRemarks of the delegation of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic at the meeting of the SWB A, 7/5/1991, 1991-07-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemOutline of the presentation given by Paul Widmer, Deputy of the Swiss Delegation. Proposal by the N+N Countries on the Further Development of the Human Dimension Mechanism, 7/5/1991, 1991-07-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemIntervention by H.E. Mr. Riza Turmen, Ambassador , Head of the Turkish Delegation [Subsidiary Working Body B], 7/8/1991, 1991-07-08MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemIntervention of the Head of the delegation of the Netherlands Ambassador P. Buwalda, in SWG B, 7/8/1991, 1991-07-08MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by Prof. Zdzislaw Kedzia, member of the Polish Delegation (Plenary Session), 7/8/1991, 1991-07-08MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by Ambassador Max Kampelman, Head U.S. Delegation (Plenary Session), 7/8/1991, 1991-07-08MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
item[Spanish document], Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Conferencia sobre la Seguridad y Cooperación en Europa, untitled, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemRight of Reply Ambassador Vladislav Jovanovic, Yugoslavia, 7/8/1991, 1991-07-08MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by Samuel G. Wise, U.S. Delegation, 7/9/1991, 1991-07-09MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement delivered by Mr. Kalin Mitrev, Deputy Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Bulgaria (Subsidiary Working Body A), 7/10/1991, 1991-07-10MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemSWB A: Community Relations Policy in Northern Ireland, presentation by Mrs. Julie Mapstone, UK Delegation, 7/10/1991, 1991-07-10MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemSWB A: Exchange of views on practical experience, presentation by Mr. Phillips, Minority Rights Group, 7/10/1991, 1991-07-10MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement delivered by Ambassador Traian Chebeleu, Head of the Delegation of Romania in the SWB C, 7/10/1991, 1991-07-10MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemYugoslavia [ECOSOC\91-07-09.DOC 4], 7/10/1991, 1991-07-10MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemIntroductory Statement on the Joint Hungarian-French Contribution on National Minorities by Mr. Geza Entz, Head of the Hungarian Delegation, 7/10/1991, 1991-07-10MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemAnswer by the representative of the Council of Europe to the request for clarification formulated by Sweden, 7/9/1991, 1991-07-09MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemErklärung des Leiters der Delegation der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Botschafter Dr. von Studnitz, 7/11/1991, 1991-07-11MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by the Representative of Denmark Ambassador Martin Kofod, Agenda Item 4a, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by the Representative of Denmark Ambassador Martin Kofod, Agenda Item 4b, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemDie Delegation des Königreichs Dänemark un die deutsche Delegation haben in kurzem Beiträgen bereits Situation und Probleme der jeweiligen Minderheit im deutsch-dänischen Grenzgebiet dargestellt. Ich möchte noch einmal auf wesentliche Punkte dieses BeispiMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by the Council of Europe representative. Answer to the request for clarification from the Polish Delegation, 7/11/1991, 1991-07-11MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by Elena Zamfirescu, Romania's Delegation, 7/11/1991, 1991-07-11MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemRemarks by the Head of the Netherlands delegation, Ambassador P. Buwalda to introduce the proposal by the twelve Participating States Members of the EC, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemItalienische Delegation zum Genfer KSZE-Treffen über nationale Minderheiten by Huber Frasnelli, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemRemarks by the Delegation of Czech and Slovak Federal Republic SWB C, 7/11/1991, 1991-07-11MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemRede des Botschfaters Dr. Atanas Nastev, Leiter der Delegation der Republik Bulgarien, 7/11/1991, 1991-07-11MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by Ambassador Atanas Nastev, Head of the Bulgarian Delegation delivered in Working Group C, 7/11/1991, 1991-07-11MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement delivered by Mr. Emil Golemanov, of the Republic of Bulgaria, (Subsidiary Working Body B), 7/11/1991, 1991-07-11MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemDelegation Hellenique, 7/10/1991, 1991-07-10MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemRemarks by the Czechoslovak delegation, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by David M. Evans, U.S. Delegation, 7/12/1991, 1991-07-12MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemIntervento dell Professore Giovanni Barberini, Esperto della Delegazione Italiana SWB B, 7/12/1991, 1991-07-12MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemBasic Information on National Minorities in Czechoslovakia, Czechoslovak Delegation, 7/12/1991, 1991-07-12MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemIntervento dell' Ambasciatore Francesco Mezzalama Capo della Delegazione Italiana, 7/12/1991, 1991-07-12MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement delivered by Dr. Rudolf Yossifov, Deputy Head of Delegation of Republic of Bulgaria (Subsidiary Working Body C), 7/12/1991, 1991-07-12MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement of Elena Zamfirescu, member of the Delegation of Romania in SWB C, 7/15/1991, 1991-07-15MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemIreland (statement delivered in SWB B), 7/15/1991, 1991-07-15MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by Ambassador Traian Chebeleu, Head of the Delegation of Romania, in SWB B, 7/15/1991, 1991-07-15MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by Istvan Zalatnay, Delegation of Hungary, SWB B: Review of Implementation, 7/15/1991, 1991-07-15MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by David M. Evans, U.S. Delegation, SWB B, 7/15/1991, 1991-07-15MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by Mr. Anders Rönquist (Sweden), First Secretary in SWB B, 7/15/1991, 1991-07-15MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemYugoslavia [CSCE\91-07-13.DOC\3], 7/15/1991, 1991-07-15MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemYugoslavia [CSCE\91-07-16.DOC\1] Mr. Miodrag Perisic, 7/16/1991, 1991-07-16MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemRemarks of the Czechoslovak Delegation SWB B, 7/16/1991, 1991-07-16MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemList des Participants, 7/10/1991, 1991-07-10MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemDelegation of Romania Information Circular No. 1, Circular No. 2, Circular No. 3, 7/1991, 1991-07MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
item[Documento] del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores (España), undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemDelegazione Italiana alla Reunione CSCE di Gineva sulle Mineranze Nazienali: Les Minorites Linguistiques en Italie, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemMyntii, Kristian: The protection of persons belonging to national minorities in Finland. Survey request of the Advisiry Board for International Human Rights Affairs of the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 6/1/1991, 1991-06-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemMinorities and the Canadian experience. Demography, Legislation, Programs. Background paper prepared for the CSCE meeting of experts on National Minorities, 7/1/1991, 1991-07-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemMinorities and the Canadian experience. Education. Background paper for the CSCE meeting of experts on National Minorities; Collective Interests in Canadian and International Law), 7/1/1991, 1991-07-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemThe Copenhagen - Bonn Declarations of 1955, 3/29/1955, 1955-03-29MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemÖsterreichische Delegation zum Genfer KSZE - Treffen über nationale Minderheiten; Subsidiäres Arbeitsorgan A; Volksgruppensprachen als Amtssprachen, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE\91-07-15\1; National Minorities in Yugoslavia SWBA - Exchange of views on practical experience, Dr. Miodrag Mitic, Delegation of Yugoslavia, 7/15/1991, 1991-07-15MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemThe Status and Treatment of National Minorities in the Republic of Lithuania. Report circulated by the U.S. Delegation, at the request of the representative of Lithuania, 7/1/1991, 1991-07-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemIntervention de Monsieur L'Ambassadeur Buwalda, Chef de la Delegation des Pays-Bas au nom de la Communaute et des ses Etats Members, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemErklärung von Dr. Jenö Kaltenbach, Delegationsmitglied von Ungarn am KSZE - Expertentreffen über Nationale Minderheiten, 7/10/1991, 1991-07-10MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemRussian Document, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemRemarks by Mr. Lauri Lehtimaja (Finland) in SWB B, (review of the implementation of the relevant CSCE commitments and consideration of the scope for the improvement of relevant standards), 7/1/1991, 1991-07-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemDeclaration on Human rights adopted by the European Council on July 29, 1991, 7/4/1991, 1991-07-04MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemTreaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland on Good-Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation (translation), undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemWhite Paper on the Rights of the Persons Belonging to Ethnic, Linguistic or Religious Minorities in Romania, 6/1/1991, 1991-06-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemAlbania demands the Commitment of the CSCE, the Big Powers and of the Whole International Community to Halt a Probable Conflict in Kosova, 7/8/1991, 1991-07-08MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemMotion by the CDU/CSU, SPD and FDP Parliamentary Groups and the Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen Group, 7/1/1991, 1991-07-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemDraft Law on the Rights of National and Ethnic Minorities. Common proposal of the State Office for the National and Ethnic Minorities and the Round Table of Minority Organizations, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemThe situation of the Gypsies in Hungary (with the compliment of the Hungarian Delegation), undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemConceptional questions of the law concerning the rights of national and ethnic minorities in Hungary, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemThe Geneva CSCE Experts Meeting on National Minorities. A Report prepared by the staff of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 8/1991, 1991-08MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCDL (91) 7, Council of Europe Proposal for a European Convention for the Protection of Minorities, 3/4/1991, 1991-03-04MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemLaw on Ethnic Minorities, Republic of Lithuania, 11/23/1989, 1989-11-23MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE Meeting of Experts on National Minorities. The Netherlands Government's Minorities Policy, 6/13/1905, 1905-06-13MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCouncil of Europe Contribution to the CSCE Meeting of Experts on National Minorities, 7/1/1991, 1991-07-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCSCE/REMN.20, Proposal submitted by the delegations of Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, The Netherlands-European Community, Norway, Portugal, Spain Turkey, The United Kingdom and the United States of AMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemDeclaration on the principles of co-operation between the Republic of Hungary and the Ukranian Soviet Socialist Republic in Guaranteeing the Rights of the National Minorities, 6/11/1991, 1991-06-11MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemCVT/1991/INF.2, UNESCO's activities relating to the protection of minorities. Paris, 6/21/1991, 1991-06-21MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemStatement by the Federal Chancellor Dr. Franz Vranitzky in the Austrian Parliament, 7/8/1991, 1991-07-08MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemE/CN.4.1991/53; Report of the Working Group on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National, Ethnic, Religious and Linguistics Minorities, 3/5/1991, 1991-03-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemProposal by the Romani International Union, Roma Parliament of Hungary and Ethnic Federation of Roma, Romania, on the Protection and Promotion of the Human Rights of Roma-Gypsies Persons and Minority, within the CSCE Process, 7/15/1991, 1991-07-15MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemAS/Jur (43) 19; Council of Europe, Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, Report Presented by Florence Benoit-Rohmer, 10/31/1991, 1991-10-31MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemOffizielleb Statement des Vertreters der Zyprischen Delegation Prof. Dr. Chr. Yiallouridis am KSZE-Expertentreffen ueber Nationale Mindeheiten, 7/1/1991, 1991-07-01MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemIntervento del Rappresentante Della Repubblica Di San Marino Alla Riunione D'Esperti Della CSCE Sulle Minoranze Nazionali (Italian document), undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
itemDiscours Prononcé à la Réunion d'experts sur les minorités nationales par le représentant du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, undatedMSS 2013-1a, Box 21
fileConference of European Churches – Vienna. “The Churches and the Helsinki Final Act”; “Religious Identity and National Minorities”; European Churches and National Minorities”; “The Churches and the Helsinki (CSCE) Process”, 1991-05MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
otherlevelUS Institute for Peace Project
fileUS Institute for Peace Rule of Law Engagement Initiative– miscellaneous correspondence and handwritten notes re publication. Extract of Howard’s Democracy’s Dawn, A Directory of American Initiatives on Constitutionalism, Democracy, and the Rule of Law in MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
fileUS Institute for Peace Roundtable – memoranda, 1990-09-12MSS 2013-1a, Box 21
fileUS Institute for Peace – Project on Constitutionalism and Democracy, University of Virginia. American Initiatives on Democracy, Constitutionalism, and the Rule of Law in Central and Eastern Europe, Vols. I and II, 1990-09MSS 2013-1a, Box 22
fileUS Institute for Peace Survey – correspondence and memoranda. “Prospects for conflict or peace in Central and Eastern Europe”, Report of a Study Group, May 1990; Commencement Address at the University of South Carolina by President George H. W. Bush (May MSS 2013-1a, Box 22
fileUS Institute for Peace Survey – Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, Institute for East-West Securities Studies, Delphi International, Ford Foundation Report of the Soviet and East European Study Group; CIES [Council for International Exchange Scholars]; FMSS 2013-1a, Box 23
fileUS Institute for Peace Survey – Charter 77 Foundation; CATO Institute Report; American University School of Law; ABA – CEELI correspondence, reports, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 23
fileUS Institute for Peace Survey – American Council of Learned Societies; Carnegie Foundation for International Peace: “Western proposal for assistance to Poland and Hungary: An evolving catalog” (1989) correspondence, reports, handwritten notes, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 23
fileUS Institute for Peace Survey – Center for Democracy East-West Democratic Dialogue conference papers, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 23
fileUS Institute for Peace Survey Miscellaneous Papers – directories, correspondence; Memorandum on the significance of the Vienna and Helsinki agreements to the conviction of Vaclav Havel for violating sections 164 and 156 (a) of the Penal Code of CzechoslovMSS 2013-1a, Box 23
fileUS Institute for Peace Survey – White Burkett Miller Center of Public Affairs; UVA Center for Russian and Eastern European Studies correspondence, memoranda, brochure, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 23
fileUS Institute for Peace Survey – correspondence and internal memoranda with Howard’s research assistants, 1990-1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 23
fileUS Institute for Peace Survey World Without War Council – correspondence and working materials, 1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 23
otherlevelNon Eastern European Constitutionalism files
fileBrazil: Symposium on the American Constitutional Experience cosponsored by ABA and Instituto dos Advogados Brasileiros [Institute of Brazilian Lawyers] – A. E. Dick Howard: “As Raízes Dos Princípios Constitucionais Norte-Americanos”; handwritten notes, coMSS 2013-1a, Box 24
fileHong Kong: Howard’s visit to the Department of Law of the University of Hong Kong as part of the Academic Specialist Program of USIA – correspondence, memoranda and related materials. Includes extensive handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, Hong Kong AfMSS 2013-1a, Box 24
fileMongolia Constitution – correspondence with members of the Congressional Human Rights Foundation, 1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 24
fileNepal – “Toward a new constitution of Nepal.” International Norms and Constitutional Options. A Report of the International Human Rights Group. Draft, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 24
filePhilippines International Conference on Constitutional Principles and Issues in Honor of the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution and the First Anniversary of the Constitution of the Philippines – Howard’s visit as part of the Academic SpecialisMSS 2013-1a, Box 25
filePhilippines International Conference on Constitutional Principles – correspondence, program, Howard’s handwritten notes, 1988-02-17 - 1988-02-20MSS 2013-1a, Box 25
fileSouth Africa – South African Law Commission proposal for a Bill of Rights – correspondence with Piet Koornhof, Ambassador of South Africa; South African Law Commission Working Paper 25, Project 58: Group and Human Rights (August 1989); working papers, hanMSS 2013-1a, Box 25
fileSouth Africa Constitutional Developments – correspondence and Bill or Rights documents; Opening Address by State President, F W De Klerk, DMS, at the federal congress of the National Party (4 September 1991); African National Congress Constitution; ReportMSS 2013-1a, Box 26
fileWestern Sahara (Mozambique, Namibia, Angola) – correspondence, working papers; John Norton Moore report of trip to Namibia to observe the drafting of the constitution; Statement of American Constitutional Scholars on the Historic Occasion of the Framing oMSS 2013-1a, Box 26
otherlevelMiscellaneous Documents
fileACLS [American Council of Learned Societies] Working Papers: “Latin American Regional Institute on Comparative Constitutionalism,” working papers prepared for the Latin American Regional Institute of the American Council of Learned Societies Comparative CMSS 2013-1a, Box 26
fileACLS – Asian Regional Institute on Comparative Constitutionalism,” working papers prepared for the Asian Regional Institute of the American Council of Learned Societies Comparative Constitutionalism Project, held in collaboration with the Law and Society MSS 2013-1a, Box 26
fileACLS – “African Regional Institute on Comparative Constitutionalism,” working papers prepared for the African Regional Institute of the American Council of Learned Societies Comparative Constitutionalism Project, held in collaboration with the Southern AfMSS 2013-1a, Box 27
fileCentral and Eastern Europe Constitution-Making - Howard’s notes for Briefing for Senior Editors, Voice of America (4 May 1990); “The Rule of Law in Eastern Europe”, Opening Address by Dick Thornburgh, Attorney General of the US to the Fourth Annual LawyerMSS 2013-1a, Box 27
fileCorrespondence, 1986-1994MSS 2013-1a, Box 27
fileCitizenship and Rights in Multicultural Societies, Fullbright Conference, University of Bologna, (Italy) – Howard’s handwritten notes; Kőchler, Hans: “The Concept of the Nation and the Question of Nationalism: The Traditional ‘national state’ versus a mulMSS 2013-1a, Box 27
fileGroup Rights – Howard’s handwritten notes and correspondence with German scholar Christian Blocker, 1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 28
fileJurisprudence Seminar at Law School, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 28
fileLetter, Douglas (Appellate litigation Counsel, Civil Division, USDOJ): The Principle of Separated Powers, and the System of Checks and Balances in the Constitution of the United States, March 1990. [This paper was found with the Soviet Union papers] , 199MSS 2013-1a, Box 28
fileJ. B. Moore Society of International Law: Constitutional Change in South Africa and the Bill of Rights Debate [Brown bag lunch at Law School], 1990-10-15MSS 2013-1a, Box 28
fileLaw School correspondence and memoranda, 1989, 1991-1992, 1994MSS 2013-1a, Box 28
fileScheppele, Kim Lane. “Crating Constitutional Consciousness in Post-Communist Society,” proposal to the National Science Foundation Global Perspectives on SocioLegal Studies, (undated)MSS 2013-1a, Box 28
fileVirginia Law Review note requirement by Darius Ogloza, 1992MSS 2013-1a, Box 28
itemInternational Forum for Democratic Studies and George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies; Civil-Military Relations and the Consolidation of Democracy Conference Report (undated)MSS 2013-1a, Box 28
itemHoward, A.E. Dick: Toward Constitutionalism and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe. Papers from a Symposium held at the University of Virginia June 10 & 11, 1991. The Virginia Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, The UnivMSS 2013-1a, Box 28
itemPolitics and Political Science in Hungary. Budapest, Institute for Social Sciences, 1982, 1982MSS 2013-1a, Box 28
itemConstitution of the Republic of Slovenia. [Translated by Sherill O’Connor Šraj, Garry Moore; edited by Miro Cerar, Janez Kranjc]. Ljubljana: Uradni list Republike Slovenije, 1993, 1993MSS 2013-1a, Box 28
itemEmberi jogok hazánkban [Human Right in Our Country], Budapest 1988, 1988MSS 2013-1a, Box 28
itemKlaus, Václav: A Road to Market Economy: Selected Articles, Speeches and Lectures Held Abroad, Praha: Top Agency, 1991, 1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 28
itemKálmán, Kulcsár: A Büntető Törvénnykönyv és Büntető eljarás módosításáról, 11 Magyar Jog, XXXVI Évfolyam, 1989 November, 1989-11MSS 2013-1a, Box 28
itemKálmán, Kulcsár: Systemic Change in East Central Europe (Political Problems in Transition: the Lessons of the Hungarian Case, Államtudimányi Kutatóközpont, Budapest,1991, 1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 28
itemMagyar Kȍztársaság Alkotmánybírósága [Constitutional Court of the Hungarian Republic]: Translations of “Act II of 1989 on the Right of Combination”; “Act No. XXXII of 1989 on the Constitutional Court”; “Act No. XXXIII of 1989 on Operation and Economic ActMSS 2013-1a, Box 28
itemFrank, John P.: Eastern Europe: 1990, 1990MSS 2013-1a, Box 28
itemRange, Peter Ross: “When walls come tumbling down: covering the East German Revolution”, Media Studies Project Occasional Paper Number 9, Washington, Woodrow Wilson Center, August 1991, 1991-08MSS 2013-1a, Box 28
itemThe Battle for Slovenia [English Translation], Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, 1991, 1991MSS 2013-1a, Box 28
otherlevelPhotographs in Special Collections photo collection
itemHoward, A. E. Dick at the Salzburg Seminar. Conference on “The New Czechoslovak Federal Constitution”. April 19-22 1990, 1990-04-19 - 1990-04-22Law Special Collections photographs cabinet
itemHoward, A. E. Dick at the International Conference on “The Transition to Democracy in Contemporary Europe” Poland. May 30 – June 2 1990Law Special Collections photographs cabinet
itemHoward, A. E. Dick with members of the Committee on Drafting the Constitution of Romania at the Romanian Parliament, Senate. May 1991, 1991-05Law Special Collections photographs cabinet
fileBenchmark: The Judicial Record of Judge Robert H. Bork, 1987MSS 2013-1 Box 1
seriesAddendum to The Papers of A. E. Dick Howard [b] - Lectures and Speeches, bulk: 1985 - 2007
fileHanover Courthouse 250th Anniversary Ceremony– correspondence and notes, 1985-05-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileAmerican Bar Association, National Law-related Education Leadership Seminar – correspondence and convention packets, 1985-11-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileLongwood College, Francis Butler Simkins Lecture - correspondence and newspaper clipping, 1986-03-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileRichmond First Club, Good Government Award Luncheon- correspondence, programs, and notes, 1986-03-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileCollege of William and Mary, Marshall-Wythe School of Law: 'Religion and the State Third Annual Bill or Rights Symposium' - correspondence, programs, and notes, 1986-04-04 - 1986-04-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileVirginia Jefferson Association Metropolitan Richmond Chapter - correspondence and minutes, 1986-05-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileVirginia Commonwealth University, First Amendment Seminar - correspondence and agenda, 1986-05-15MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileVirginia Wesleyan College, Seventeenth Commencement Address - correspondence, programs, and notes, 1986-05-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileSt. Lukes: 'The Old Brick Church' - Annual Pilgrimage address – correspondence, programs, and notes, 1986-05-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileFourth Circuit 56th Judicial Conference – correspondence and pamphlets. Includes correspondence with Judges Samuel W. Phillips, Robert F. Chapman, and Harrison L. Winter, 1986-06-25 -1986-06-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileAcademy for Education Development – correspondence, 1986-07-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileAPSA [American Political Science Association] Convention: 'Beyond the New Judicial Federalism' - correspondence, lists of participants, and notes, 1986-08-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileRoanoke Bar Association Luncheon Address – correspondence, 1986-09-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileThirteenth Annual Meeting of the Friends of Independence National Historical Park, The Louise S. Shanis Memorial Speaker: 'The Challenge of the Constitutions Bicentennial' – correspondence and programs, 1986-09-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileUniversity of South Carolina School of Law, A One and One-Half Day Symposium: 'The Federal Courts the Next 100 years Symposium' - correspondence, schedule, and news clippings, 1986-09-19 - 1986-09-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileGeorge Washington University, National Law Center Enrichment Program – correspondence and pamphlet, 1986-09-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileThe Albemarle County Courthouse and Office Building Rededication – correspondence, agenda, and programs, 1986-09-26MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileBicentennial Event Conference at UVA – schedule, agenda, notes and correspondence. Includes correspondence with UVA President Robert M. ONeil; and correspondence between ONeil and Governor Gerald L. Baliles, 1986-09-30MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileCollege of William and Mary: 'Jefferson Meeting on the Constitution' - correspondence, notes, and pamphlets, 1986-10-17 - 1986-10-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileThe Henrico County Court Days Forum: 'State Constitutions and the U.S. Constitution: Should State Judges Become Judicial Activists' - correspondence and pamphlets, 1986-10-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileVirginia Bar Association Town Hall Meeting, Forum on Abortion - correspondence and news clippings, 1986-10-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileThe National Conference for Religious Freedom – correspondence, agenda and programs. Includes correspondence with Arthur J. Goldberg, 1986-10-23 - 1986-10-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileDelaware State Bar Association Speaking Engagement - newsletter and correspondence with James Conaway Jr, 1986-10-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileWilliam O. Douglass Institute, Jefferson Bicentennial Symposium - correspondence and agenda, 1986-11-05 - 1986-11-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileNorthern Virginia Studies Conference: 'The Potomac: Headwaters of the Constitution' - correspondence, agenda, and list of participants, 1986-11-07 - 1986-11-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileMiller & Rhoads, Program of the 38th Virginia Womans Forum: 'Horizons 86' - correspondence and programs, 1986-11-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileNational Council for the Social Studies, 66th Annual Meeting: 'American Heritage: The Diverse Roots of Our Common Experience' - correspondence, notes, and program, 1986-11-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileUniversity of Maryland, Fifth Gannett Foundation Editorial Seminar: 'The Constitution: 200 Years of Evolution'– correspondence, participants lists, and agenda, 1986-12-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileSmithsonian Institution and The Center for Democracy of Boston University: 'Governance in Space Project' – correspondence and list of participants, 1986-12-04 - 1986-12-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileMiscellaneous Documents – correspondence and agenda, 1986MSS 2013-1b, Box 1
fileAALS [Association of American Law Schools] State Constitutional Law Roundtable - agenda, annotated article, and correspondence. Includes annotated article, Robert C. Palmer, 'Liberties as Constitutional Provisions', 1987-01-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileVirginia Bar Association, Young Lawyers Section, 97th Annual Meeting - correspondence, agenda, and notes. Includes remarks by Kate Ellis: 'Between The Preamble and the Bill of Rights', 1987-01-09 - 1987-01-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileBoston Public Library, Magna Carta Exhibit - correspondence, agenda, and notes, 1987-01-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileNewsday - letter, 1987-01-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileCharlottesville Albemarle Bar Association, Luncheon Meeting - correspondence and agenda, 1987-01-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileOhio State Law Forum Lectures (1986-1987): '200 Years of American Constitutionalism: various perspectives' - correspondence and pamphlets, 1987-01-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileCollege of William and Mary, Marshall-Wythe School of Law, The Institute of Bill of Rights Law Marshall, Distinguished Lee Fellow - correspondence with Timothy J. Sullivan and programs, 1987-02-03 - 1987-02-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileVirginia Institute for Law and Citizenship Studies, Regional Conferences - correspondence and pamphlet, 1987-02-10 - 1987-02-26MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileThe University of Nevada - Reno, Senator Alan Bible Center for Applied Research and the Office of Academic Affairs: 'Nevada and the Federal Government: A Constitutional Bicentennial Review' - correspondence and program outlines, 1987-02-19 - 1987-02-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileSons of the Revolution in the State of Virginia, Washingtons Birthday Dinner - correspondence and programs, 1987-02-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileCommission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution - correspondence and agenda, 1987-02-27 - 1987-02-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileVirginia Foundation for the Humanities and Public Policy and Local Institutions Statewide: 'The Supreme Court, The Bill of Rights and the Law' - correspondence and programs, 1987-03-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileThe National Conference of Christian and Jews, INC: 'Religious Freedom in a Land of Liberty – 'How Separate Is the Separation of Church and State?' - correspondence, programs, and poster, 1987-03-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileWake Forest University School of Law, SPICE [Special Programs in Citizenship Education] II - correspondence, certificate, agenda, and pamphlets, 1987-03-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileVirginia Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution and the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Montpelier, Virginia: 'James Madisons Birthday' - correspondence, agenda, notes, and remarks, 1987-03-15MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileTemple University, State Constitutional Law in the Third Century of American Federalism: New Developments and Possibilities conference: 'The Role of State Constitutional Law American Federal System' - notes, correspondence, and program. Includes corresponMSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileCollege of William & Mary, Marshall-Wythe School of Law: '1787- Constitution in Perspective' - correspondence, programs, and notes, 1987-03-27 - 1987-03-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileAmerican Judges Association – Benchmark, notes, and correspondence with Barbara T. Yanick, President of AJA, 1987-04-03MSS 2013-1a, Box 2
fileCommission on Bicentennial U.S. Constitution Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference - correspondence, agenda, and notes, 1987-04-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileUnited States Information Agency, World Net - correspondence and script notes, 1987-04-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileThe Constitution Senior Fulbright Scholars Conference - correspondence, list of participants, and agenda, 1987-04-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileRadio Smithsonian: 'The Constitution: Youth and Justice' – agenda and notes, 1987-04-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileMary Baldwin College – invitations and letters, 1987-04-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileUniversity of North Carolina: 'To Endure for Ages to Come a Bicentennial View of the Constitution' - correspondence, programs, and notes, 1987-04-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileNew American Realities (NAR) – correspondence, 1987-04-13 - 1987-11-30MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileVirginia Federation of Womens Clubs: 'Let Freedom Right Day Ceremony in Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of Constitution of the United States' – printed materials, correspondence, and notes, 1987-04-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 2
fileBundezentrale Für Politische Bildung, Strassburg, Germany - correspondence, receipts, and agenda, 1987-04-26 - 1987-05-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileDisplay of Magna Carta in Philadelphia – letter to Edward R. Becker, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, 1987-05-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileVirginia Retail Merchants Association the Voice of Free Enterprise- correspondence with Honorable Warren E. Burger, Supreme Court of the United States, 1987-05-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileThe Washington Journalism Center Conference - correspondence, list of participants, and pamphlets, 1987-05-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileWe the People 200: 'All Roads Lead to Philadelphia', Conference of the Delegations of the 13 Original States- programs, correspondence, poster, and notes, 1987-05-24 - 1987-05-25MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
filePhiladelphia Bar Association: 'The Future and the Constitution – The Structure of Government and Federalism' – correspondence, 1987-05-26MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileVirginia Day in Philadelphia Independence Square: 'All Aboard the Constitution Train' - pamphlets, correspondence, and notes, 1987-05-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileUniversity of Virginia, Phi Theta Kappa 20th Honors Institute: 'The U.S Constitution: Assuring Continuity through Controversy' - correspondence and pamphlets, 1987-06-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileNational Trust for Historic Preservation Montpelier, Bill of Rights Series - news release and agenda, 1987-06-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileUnited States Information Agency, World Net - correspondence, telegram, and script notes, 1987-06-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileCongressional Staff Club of the United States Congress: 'Celebration of the Bicentennial of Our Constitution'– correspondence, article on remarks, and agenda, 1987-06-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileUnited States Information Agency, Foreign Press Center - correspondence and pamphlet, 1987-06-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileThe Brookings Institution, Center for Public Policy, Conference on Outlook on Issues in Science and Technology - correspondence, agenda, and packet, 1987-06-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileAmerican Studies Center, Conference on Judicial Interpretation of the Constitution – correspondence and brochures. Includes correspondence with James C. Roberts, President of American Studies Center, and Senator Orrin G. Hatch, 1987-06-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileNJCRAC (National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council) – correspondence, agenda, and Howards article: 'The Wall of Separation: The Supreme Court as Uncertain Stonemason'. Includes correspondence with NJCRAC Chair, Michael A. Pelavin, 1987-06-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileVirginia Judges Institute, Trial Judges Seminar: 'State Constitutional Law' – correspondence and agenda. Includes correspondence with UVA Law Professor, Kent Sinclair, 1987-06-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileVirginia State Bar, 49th Annual Meeting – correspondence and programs, 1987-06-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileThe Homestead, 57th Judicial Conference United States Circuit and District Courts for the Fourth Circuit – correspondence and programs, 1987-06-24 - 1987-06-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileGeorge Washington University, National Law Center: 'Crossroads in comparative Constitutional Law Development International Association of Law Libraries' – correspondence, programs, and speech, 1987-07-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileThe Monticello Foundation, Summer Seminar for Teachers – correspondence and agenda, 1987-07-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileNational Committee on United States China Relations, Scholar Orientation Program in Law – correspondence, 1987-07-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileVirginia Bar Association, 97th Summer Meeting – correspondence, agenda, and program, 1987-07-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileUniversity of Virginia Curry School of Education, Fourteenth Taft Institute for Teachers: 'The Living Constitution' - correspondence and agenda, 1987-07-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileUnited States Information Agency, Multi-Regional Project on Federalism: 'American Federalism' - correspondence and list of participants, 1987-07-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileAssociation for Preservation of Virginia Antiquities and the United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service: 'Ceremonies Honoring the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution Commemorating the 386th Anniversary of the Beginning of RMSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileJames Madison University, Summer Institute on James Madison and the Constitution – correspondence and proposal overview, 1987-08-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileAmerican Bar Association, Division for Public Education, Ross Essay Panel: 'The Future of the Past: The Founders Views of a Citizens Responsibility' – correspondence, 1987-08-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 3
fileAmericanJudicature Society: 'Federal Courts since 1787-Stability and Change in 200 years' – correspondence, program, and newsletter, 1987-08-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileAmerican Bar Association, Bicentennial Salute: 'We the People'– program and notes, 1987-08-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileAmerican Bar Association: 'Contract, Commerce, and the Constitution- Economic Liberties and Judiciary' – correspondence, notes, and packets, 1987-08-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileAmerican Bar Association, Annual Meeting and Bicentennial Showcase – Section of Urban, State and Local Government – correspondence, agenda, memorandum, and programs, 1987-08-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileUnited States Information Agency, WorldNet: Egyptian TV – correspondence and notes, 1987-08-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileNational Defense University, The United States Armys Lecture Series on the Bicentennial of the Constitution: 'The Constitution Today and Tomorrow' – correspondence, notes, and pamphlets, 1987-08-25MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileUniversity of Virginia School of Law, Student Legal Forum, Constitutions Bicentennial panel: 'Why a Constitution?' – correspondence and agenda, 1987-08-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileChesterfield County Public Schools, Professional Development for Secondary Social Studies Teachers, United States Constitution Bicentennial: 'The Challenge of the Constitutions Bicentennial' – programs and correspondence, 1987-08-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileConversations at Oatlands: 'James Madison and the Constitution' - correspondence, program, and agenda, 1987-08-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileRichmond Rotary Club, Constitution address: 'The Living Constitution: Mr. Madison meet Mr. Bork' - correspondence and news clipping, 1987-09-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileFairfax County Public Schools, Donald Lacey Instructional Center, presentation to teachers prior to schools opening - correspondence and agenda, 1987-09-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileFulbright Bicentennial Conference – The U.S. Constitution the First 200 Years: 'Constitutionalism in America' – correspondence, notes, program, 1987-09-04 - 1987-09-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileUnited States Information Agency and Academy for Educational Development: 'American Studies and The Constitution' – correspondence and list of participants, 1987-09-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileShenandoah College and Conservatory, Winchester Bill of Rights Series: 'The Supreme Court, the Bill of Rights, and the Law' – correspondence, 1987-09-15MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileSt. Stephens Church, Family Forum: 'The Constitution & Religion in America' – correspondence, pamphlets, and notes, 1987-09-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileAlbemarle County Historical Society: 'The Thrill of Whitewater: Virginia and the Constitution' – correspondence, 1987-09-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileFauquier County Bicentennial of the United States Constitution – correspondence and program. Includes correspondence with Mrs. Arthur J. Goldberg, 1987-09-26MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileHollins College, Bill of Rights Talk – correspondence, 1987-09-26MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileUniversity of Richmond, 'The Supreme Court, the Bill of Rights and the Law: Old Wine, New Bottles: How Rights Evolve' – correspondence, agenda, and pamphlet, 1987-10-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileNational Trust for Historic Preservation, Honor Awards Presentation – correspondence and agenda, 1987-10-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileJudge Advocate Generals Conference and Annual Continuing Legal Education Program – correspondence, 1987-10-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileChristopher Newport College, Newport News Commission on the Bicentennial of the Constitution – correspondence, 1987-10-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileUniversity of Virginia School of Law: guest lecturer 'Court in Church and State' - correspondence and agenda, 1987-10-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileVirginia Commonwealth University, Honors Assembly: 'The Constitution: Ancient Blueprints, Modern Tastes' – correspondence and program, 1987-10-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
file11th Annual International Conference of The Friendship Force (Richmond, Virginia) – correspondence and agenda, 1987-10-29 - 1987-11-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileUniversity of Virginia, School of Law, Lawn Society Constitutional Symposium– correspondence, notes, and agenda, 1987-11-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileHistoric Alexandria, Bill of Rights Series – correspondence and agenda, 1987-11-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileCharles County (MD) Board of Education – correspondence and agenda, 1987-11-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileMarshall University, John Marshall Symposium – correspondence and posters, 1987-11-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileThe Eleventh Annual Dinner of the American Enterprise Institute – correspondence, notes, and program, 1987-11-30 - 1987-12-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileCultural Laureate Society, Annual Meeting – correspondence, newsletter, and agenda, 1987-12-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileRadford University, Visiting Lecturer – correspondence and note, 1987-12-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileNational Association of Attorneys General Winter Meeting – correspondence, agenda, and programs. Includes correspondence with W. J. Michael Cody, Dave Frohmayer, and Stephen E. Merrill, 1987-12-10 - 1987-12-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 4
fileMiscellaneous Documents – correspondence, agendas, and programs, 1987MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileAssociation of American Law Schools – newsletter, 1988-01-06 - 1988-01-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileFairfax Chamber of Commerce – correspondence, 1988-01-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileUniversity of North Carolina at Greensboro (Harriet Elliot Lecture) – correspondence and pamphlet, 1988-02-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileThe Williamsburg Charter Survey on Religion and Public Life – packet and correspondence, 1988-02-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileFederal Bicentennial Commission – agenda, correspondence, and memorandum, 1988-02-05 - 1988-02-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileFairfax County Public Schools – correspondence, 1988-02-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileConference of State Bank Supervisors – correspondence and agenda, 1988-02-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileConference of Chief Justices – correspondence, 1988-02-23 - 1988-03-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileBridgewater College, Religion Symposium – pamphlet, news clipping, and correspondence, 1988-03-03 - 1988-03-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileNational Association of Attorneys General – correspondence, agenda, and Bulletin. Includes correspondence with Douglass Ross, Supreme Court Counsel, 1988-03-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileDillard Fellows Seminar – agenda and correspondence, 1988-03-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileVirginia Military Institute – pamphlets and correspondence, 1988-03-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileVirginia Social Science Association – correspondence and packet, 1988-04-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileVirginia General Assembly: 'The Quest for Community in a National Republic: A Bicentennial Reappraisal' – articles, correspondence, and program. Includes correspondence with judge, General District Lydia Taylor, 1988-04-08 - 1988-04-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileWilliamsburg Charter Foundation – correspondence, program, and agenda, 1988-04-11 - 1988-04-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileSmithsonian Institution, Federal Republic of Germany 40th Constitutional Anniversary celebration – correspondence, pamphlets, and essays, 1988-04-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileWilson Center, Federal Republic of Germany – correspondence, itinerary and notes, 1988-04-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileCultural Laureates – correspondence, agenda, and notes, 1998-04-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileRoanoke Bar Association, Law Day – correspondence, agenda, and notes, 1988-05-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileUniversity of Virginia Alumni Association, Roanoke Valley Chapter – correspondence and speeches, 1988-05-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 5
fileJudicial Conference of Virginia – program, correspondence, list of participants. Includes correspondence with J.M.H. Willis, 1988-05-25MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileAmerican Bar Association – correspondence and notes, 1988-06-02 - 1988-06-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileSantiago, Chile: 'Constitutionalism and Society' Seminar – correspondence, agenda, and packet, 1988-06-06 - 1988-06-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileWilson Center: 'Liberty of Expression' – agenda, notes, correspondence, and essays, 1988-06-10 - 1988-06-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
filePatrick Henry Dinner – correspondence, pamphlet, and agenda, 1988-06-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileLiberty Fund Series: 'Magna Carta' – correspondence, agenda, speech, and notes, 1988-06-14 - 1988-06-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileNorthern Ireland visit to American Embassy – agenda and correspondence, 1988-06-20 - 1988-06-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileWilliamsburg Charter: 'First Liberty Summit' – programs and correspondence, 1988-06-24 - 1988-06-25MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileThe 200th Anniversary of Virginias Ratification of the Constitution and 175th Anniversary of the Executive Mansion – correspondence, programs, and agenda. Includes correspondence with Senator Anderson, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, Governor Gerald LMSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileVirginia Law and Government Project – correspondence, program, and agenda. Includes correspondence with Virginia Supreme Court Justice John Charles Thomas, 1988-06-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileUnited States Constitution Council – memorandum, 1988-06-19 - 1988-06-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileSixth Circuit Judicial Conference – correspondence, 1988-07-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileVoice of America – Briefing for Senior Editors – news clipping and agenda, 1988-07-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileSenior Executive Institute – photo, correspondence, and notes. Photo of Dick Howard , Patrick Henry Dinner, Jefferson Hotel Richmond, 1988-07-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileVirginia Bar Association – correspondence and program, 1988-07-21 - 1988-07-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileTAFT Seminar for Teachers – 'The Living Constitution' - correspondence and agenda, 1988-07-25MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileAmerican Academy of Judicial Education – correspondence and agenda, 1988-07-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileStudent Legal Forum: 'Ratifying the Constitution' – correspondence and agenda, 1988-08-25MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileGeorgetown University, lunch in Washington, D.C. – correspondence, 1988-09-01 - 1988-09-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileNew York State Commission on Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution – correspondence, program, and agenda. Includes correspondence with the Secretary of State Gail S. Shaffer and Chief Judge of the State of New York the Sol Wachtler, 1988-09-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileRotary Club: 'Supreme Court after Reagan' – correspondence and newsletter, 1988-09-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileAcademy for State and Local Government – correspondence, agenda, and notes, 1988-09-29 - 1988-09-30MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileMcNeil, Lehrer Report – correspondence, 1988-10-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileAdvisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations: 'State Constitutional Law' – correspondence, 1988-10-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileVirginia Bicentennial Commission Meeting – agenda and correspondence, 1988-10-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileCollege of William and Mary, Marshall-Wythe School of Law: 'Fundamentalist Religion and the Secular State' – program, correspondence, and notes, 1988-10-20 - 1988-10-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileBoston College: 'The Federal Courts' – program, correspondence, and notes, 1988-10-21 - 1988-10-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 6
fileVirginia Cultural Laureates Ceremony – correspondence, news clippings, and programs, 1988-10-26MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileGerman Constitutionalism Symposium – correspondence and program, 1988-11-01MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileNews 'Today' show – correspondence and notes, 1988-11-04MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileWomans Club – correspondence, 1988-11-07MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileTextron Lawyers Meeting – correspondence and agenda, 1988-11-08MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileNorth Carolina Baptist Men, Church/State Conference – correspondence and articles, 1988-11-11MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileVirginia Association of Counties – correspondence, agenda, and news clipping, 1988-11-14MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileRhodes Scholarship Dinner for Sir Anthony Kenny, English Philosopher – correspondence, 1988-12-02MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileRhodes Scholarship Interviews – correspondence, 1988-12-06 - 1988-12-07MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileEagleton Institute: 'The Courts – Sharing and Separating Powers' – correspondence and agenda, 1988-12-15MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileMiscellaneous Documents – program, correspondence, and program, 1988MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileThe Linen Hall Library, Bicentennial Festival – program, brochure, news clipping, and notes, 1988MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileConstitutional Conventions, Testimony before Senate Rules Committee – correspondence and notes, 1989-01-13MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileOklahoma City University, Faculty Seminar – correspondence and agenda. Includes correspondence with Robert H. Henry, Attorney General, State of Oklahoma, 1989-03-20MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileOklahoma Constitution Review Commission – correspondence, notes, and news clipping, 1989-03-21MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileWashington and Lee University: 'Future of the Supreme Court' – correspondence, 1989-03-27MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileMonticello, 246th Anniversary of Jeffersons Birthday – correspondence, agenda, and notes, 1989-04-13MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileShenandoah College: 'George Washington' – correspondence, 1989-04-21 - 1989-04-22MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileAcademy for Educational Development – correspondence, program, and list of participant, 1989-05-26MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileUnited States information Agency: 'Living Constitution' – correspondence and packet, 1989-06-03 - 1989-06-30MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileNational Trust, Virginia Commission Bicentennial: 'Birth of the Nation' – agenda, notes, and program, 1989-06-08MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileDelphi International Education and Training: 'The Living Constitution' – correspondence, program, and list of participants, 1989-06-09MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileBrookings Institution – correspondence, program, and list of participants, 1989-06-12MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileJefferson Symposium: 'Jefferson and the Constitution' – correspondence, program, and notes, 1989-06-15MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileToday Show Interview – correspondence and news clippings, 1989-06-16MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileNational Trust for Historic Preservation: 'The Madison Conference' – correspondence, pamphlets and agenda, 1989-06-26 - 1989-06-27MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileThe National Trust for Historic Preservation, Master Class for Teachers – pamphlets, certificate, correspondence, and agenda, 1989-06-27MSS 2013-1b Box 7
fileCenter For Public Service: 'Fate Populaire' – correspondence, 1989-07-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileSenior Executive Institute – correspondence and list of participants, 1989-07-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileCenter for Research and Development in Law-related Education: 'The Living Constitution' – correspondence and agenda, 1989-07-31MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileUniversity of Virginia, Local Government Officials Conference – pamphlets, correspondence, notes, and agenda, 1989-08-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileVisit to UVA Professor Laszlo Tokai (Hungary) – correspondence and notes, 1989-08-24 - 1989-09-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileDelegation from the Congress of Peoples Deputies – news clipping, correspondence, and agenda. Includes correspondence with Justice Sandra Day OConnor and Justice Antonin Scalia, 1989-08-26MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileConseil dEtat – correspondence, pamphlet, agenda, and brochure, 1989-09-03 - 1989-09-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileVirginia Bicentennial Commission – agenda, correspondence, and notes, 1989-09-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileMedical Center Hour, 'The Court and Webster: Ethics, Politics, and Abortion' – correspondence, 1989-09-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileMount Vernon: 'George Washington and American Presidency' – correspondence and program, 1989-09-14 - 1989-09-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileAmericans United, Seminar on Church and State – program, correspondence, and agenda, 1989-09-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileUniversity of Richmond: 'The Rehnquist Court' – correspondence, 1989-09-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileThe Academy for State and Local Government, State Local Legal Center, Advisory Board – agenda, correspondence, and notes, 1989-10-05 - 1989-10-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileVirginia Foundation for the Humanities: 'America and Religious Freedom' – correspondence and agenda, 1989-10-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileBrown/Hermitage Lecture – program, correspondence, and news clipping, 1989-10-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileDelphi International Education and Training, Visit of East German – correspondence, 1989-10-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileVirginia Film Festival – correspondence, programs notes, and news clipping, 1989-11-02 - 1989-11-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileVirginia Commonwealth University, Virginia Bicentennial Commission: 'Virginia and the Constitution' – correspondence, programs, and agenda, 1989-11-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileConference for Social Studies Educators – correspondence and programs, 1989-11-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileUnited States Information Agency – correspondence and agenda, 1989-11-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileNational Association of Women Judges, Panel – programs, correspondence, and notes, 1989-11-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileUniversity of Virginia, School of Law, 'Federalist Society: Judicial Review: France and America' – correspondence, notes, and programs, 1989-11-10 - 1989-11-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileWilson Center, French Revolution Conference – correspondence, program, and agenda, 1989-11-13 - 1989-11-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileUniversity of Montana, Montana Committee for the Humanities: 'Pleasure Domes and Sunless Seas: Americas State Constitutions' – correspondence, program, notes, and agenda, 1989-11-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileProfessor John Norton Moore Seminar in Contemporary Legal Thought – memorandum and agenda, 1989-11-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 8
fileVirginia Assembly, 'On the Future of the Courts: an issue for the Commonwealth' – correspondence and agenda. Includes correspondence with Chief Justice Harry L. Carrico, 1989-11-30 - 1989-12-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileChristopher Newport College – 'The Road from Monticello: Religious Freedom in America' – correspondence and agenda, 1989-12-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileAmerican Historical Association: 'Differing Approaches to Supreme Court History' – correspondence and agenda, 1989-12-27 - 1989-12-30MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileMiscellaneous Documents – correspondence, programs, and agendas, 1989MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileBrookings Institution: 'The Rehnquist Court' – correspondence and agenda, 1990-01-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileCumberland School of Law: 'The Rehnquist Court' – correspondence and programs, 1990-02-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileAlabama Bar Association: 'The Idea of Rights' – correspondence, program, and agenda, 1990-02-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileAmerican Jewish Congress, 'Court, Reform in Israel' – correspondence and notes, 1990-02-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileAmerican Association of Rhodes Scholars – correspondence and agenda, 1990-02-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileVisit of West German Officials Charlottesville, Va– correspondence with General Robert Arter, Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Army for the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution; Dr. Kurt Rebmann, Attorney General of Federal Republic of MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileUniversity of South Carolina: 'The Rehnquist Court' – programs, 1990-04-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileDelphi, United States Information Agency, Multi-regional group – correspondence and list of participants, 1990-04-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileGeorge Mason University: 'Bill of Rights' – programs and agenda, 1990-04-26 - 1990-04-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileUniversity of Virginia Alumni Association, Jefferson Scholars program: 'Constitution-Making in Eastern Europe' – correspondence and brochure, 1990-05-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileWashington D.C., State and Local Legal Center: 'Creative Remedies' – correspondence and list of participants, 1990-05-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileBrookings Institution, PRC Senior Management Program: 'The Role of the Judiciary in the American Political System' - correspondence and program, 1990-05-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileUnited States Information Agency, Moscow debriefing – correspondence, 1990-05-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileUniversity of Virginia, Jefferson Symposium: 'Constitution making in Eastern Europe' – agenda and news clipping, 1990-06-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileSoviet Visitors to UVA – agenda, notes, and correspondence, 1990-06-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileMarshall Foundation, Teachers Institute: 'State Courts' – correspondence and agenda, 1990-06-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileSenior Executive Institute: 'Constitutional Change in Eastern Europe' – agenda and list of participants, 1990-07-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileTenth Circuit Judicial Conference – programs, correspondence, and agenda. Includes correspondence with John L. Kane, Jr.; Lewis T. Babcock; John P. Moore, 1990-07-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileU.S. Information Agency, Visitors Program, University of Bourgogne, Dijon, Dean Jean-Pierre Dubois visits Washington D.C. – agenda and correspondence, 1990-08-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileVirginia Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, Governors Press Conference – packet, agenda, and photo of Republic of Hungry President, Arpád Göncz, 1990-09-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileUniversity of Virginia School of Law, European Alumni, Bruges Reunion, – correspondence, agenda, and news clipping, 1990-09-07 - 1990-09-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
filePreserving a Nations Constitutional Heritage Through Education An International Symposium, Montpelier, Virginia, Arpád Göncz Visit – pamphlets, correspondence, and agenda, 1990-09-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileConversation with Hungarian President Arpád Göncz at Monticello – correspondence and notes, 1990-09-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileVirginia Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution and the Center for Democracy, Dinner for President Arpád Göncz at the Rotunda – correspondence, agenda, photos, and programs. Includes correspondence with His Excellency the AmbassaMSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileNational Trust for Historic Preservation, James Madison Constitutional Hertiage Award to President Arpad Goncz, Constitution Ball – photos, correspondence, and agenda. Photos of Dick Howard, 1990-09-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
filePublic Address by President Arpád Göncz – agenda, correspondence, and notes, 1990-09-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileTenth Circuit Judicial Conference – correspondence and agenda. Includes correspondence with Lewis F. Powell, Jr., Supreme Court of the United States; Sam J. Ervin, III, Chief Judge United States Court of Appeals, 1990-09-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 9
fileFederal Commission, National Bicentennial Leadership Conference: 'The Bill of Rights and Beyond' – programs and correspondence, 1990-09-21 - 1990-09-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileAmericans United for Separation of Church and State, 43rd Student Seminar – agenda and correspondence, 1990-09-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileStudent Legal Forum Picnic – correspondence, 1990-09-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileU.S. Institute of Peace, Board of Directors – correspondence, 1990-09-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileFederal Judicial Center, Egyptians judges – correspondence, 1990-10-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileNational Religious Liberty Conference – correspondence, notes, and newsletter, 1990-10-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileBrookings Institution, Senior Executive Seminar – correspondence, agenda, and list of participants, 1990-10-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
file10th Annual Monticello Bacchanalian Feast and Monticello Wine & Food Festival – correspondence and programs, 1990-10-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileInternational Foundation for Human Sciences: 'Human Rights' – correspondence, 1990-10-25 - 1990-10-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileProfessor John Norton Moores Legal Education Seminar – correspondence, 1990-11-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileUSIA [United States Information Agency], WorldNet – correspondence, 1990-11-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileUVA Federalist Society Symposium: 'Legal Systems in Transition' – correspondence, pamphlets, and notes, 1990-11-30 - 1990-12-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileRhodes scholarship, Richmond, Virginia – correspondence and notes, 1990-12-04 - 1990-12-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileRhodes scholarship, Atlanta, Georgia – correspondence and notes, 1990-12-07 - 1990-12-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileABA Journal, Panel on Justice Brennan – correspondence and news clipping, 1990-12-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileCouncil for Americas First Freedom – correspondence, 1990-10 - 1990-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileMiscellaneous Documents – correspondence, 1990MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileAssociation of American Law Schools, Annual Meeting: 'Making Constitutions Work' - programs and correspondence, 1991-01-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileWoodrow Wilson Center, Evening Dialogue – correspondence and agenda, 1991-01-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileBirdwood Retreat – memorandum and correspondence, 1991-01-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileUniversity of Mississippi, McClure Lecture – correspondence with Dean David E. Shipley, 1991-01-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileVirginia Beach Bicentennial Commission, Bill of Rights Forum – programs, news clippings, and correspondence with President Paul R. Verkuil, 1991-01-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileCollege of William and Mary, Charter Day – news clippings, program, and correspondence, 1991-02-01 - 1991-02-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileWoodberry Forest University, Eastern Europe Lecture – correspondence, 1991-02-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileThe Road from Runnymede, Howards interview– correspondence, notes, and memorandum, 1991-02-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileWorldNet, to Zambia – program log and correspondence, 1991-02-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileUVA Law School, Center for National Security Law: 'Rule of Law' – programs, correspondence, and notes, 1991-02-22 - 1991-02-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileUniversity of Virginia, The Bill of Rights Bicentennial Conference: 'Freedom of Religion' – agenda and notes, 1991-02-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileVirginia Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution – program and list of participants, 1991-02-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileNational Parents and Teachers Association Legislative Conference: 'Church, State & Schools' – correspondence, 1991-03-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileNational Museum of American History – programs and correspondence, 1991-03-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileGeorge Washington University: 'Eastern European Minorities: A comparison' – correspondence and agenda, 1991-03-25MSS 2013-1b, Box 10
fileDillard Scholars, Seminar and Dinner – correspondence and list of participants, 1991-03-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileUniversity of Virginia, Visit of Hungarian Jurists: 'American Judiciary Seminar' – news clipping, agenda, and correspondence, 1991-04-01 - 1991-04-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileUnited States Information Agency – correspondence and notes, 1991-04-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileRichmond Bar Association, Law Day Luncheon – newsletter and correspondence, 1991-05-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileJennings Randolph Forum, Howards Keynote Address – programs, booklet, and correspondence, 1991-05-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileUniversity of Virginia School of Law, Law Alumni Weekend – agenda, programs, and correspondence, 1991-05-03 - 1991-05-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileAmerican Enterprise Institute: 'Is the Supreme Court the Guardian of the Constitution?' – correspondence, programs, and notes, 1991-05-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
filePhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, A Bicentennial Conference on The Status of the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment: 'Religion in Public Life' – notes, correspondence, and agenda, 1991-05-30 - 1991-06-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileThe Brookings Institution, Federal Executive Conference – correspondence, agenda, and list of participants, 1991-06-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileCollege of Notre Dame, MD, Bill of Rights Institute – brochure and correspondence, 1991-06-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileNorth Carolina Bar Association – correspondence and programs, 1991-06-20 - 1991-06-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileAmerican Committee on Czechoslovak Constitution – correspondence, 1991-06-22 - 1991-06-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileMontpelier Master Class – correspondence, 1991-06-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileCommission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Geneva – correspondence and program, 1991-07-01 - 1991-07-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileVirginia Bankers Association – correspondence and program, 1991-08-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileFourth Amendment Program, Screening of Odyssey movie– correspondence, 1991-08-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileSalzburg, Austria Seminar: 'Rule of Law in Eastern Europe' – correspondence and program, 1991-08-08 - 1991-08-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
filea discussion with Prime Minister of Slovenia Lojze Peterle Charlottesville, Va – correspondence, agenda, notes, and photo. Photo of Dick Howard and panelist, 1991-09-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileAmerican Bar Association, Jaworshi Symposium – program and correspondence, 1991-09-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileUniversity of Virginia Alumni Chapter: 'Supreme Court' – correspondence and notes, 1991-09-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileSoviet Delegations visit to UVA– correspondence and agenda, 1991-09-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileIndependence National Historic Park – correspondence, agenda, and notes, 1991-09-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileUnited States Information Television and Film Service, WorldNet – correspondence, 1991-09-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileVirginia State Fair – programs, correspondence, and agenda. Includes correspondence with Lewis F. Powell, Associate Justice, of the Supreme Court, 1991-09-19 - 1991-09-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileBrookings Institute, Seminar for Federal Executives: 'Executive Leadership in a changing Policy Environment' – agenda, correspondence, and packet, 1991-09-25MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileDitchley Foundation: 'Federal State' – correspondence, notes, newsletter, and program, 1991-09-27 - 1991-09-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 11
fileAmerican Bar Association, Appellate Judges Seminar – agenda, notes, correspondence, and faculty handbook, 1991-09-30MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileAmerican Bar Association, Center for National Security Law: 'Rule of Law' – programs and correspondence, 1991-10-10 - 1991-10-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileNBC Television, Clarence Thomas Nomination – note, 1991-10-14 - 1991-10-15MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileDHIAC [Desarrollo Humano Integral y Accion Ciudadana]: 'Constitution and Freedom' Seminar – correspondence and agenda, 1991-10-17 - 1991-10-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileUnited States Information Agency, Conference for Federal Judiciary – correspondence and agenda, 1991-10-20 - 1991-10-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileWinchester Bill of Rights Series, keynote address – programs and correspondence, 1991-10-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileState Farm: 'Changing Face of the Supreme Court' – program and correspondence, 1991-10-25MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileFirst Amendment Congress: 'Religion in the Public Domain: Resolving Current Controversies Surrounding the Separation of Church and State'– program and correspondence, 1991-10-27 - 1991-10-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileFredericksburg Bill of Right Series: 'State Constitutions and State Bills of Rights' – programs and correspondence, 1991-10-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileFifth Colonial Williamsburg History Forum: 'Rights, Liberty, and Law in Early America' - programs, correspondence, and notes, 1991-10-31 - 1991-11-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileBill of Rights Conference: 'Representative Self-Government in Eastern Europe: The Relevance of the Bill of Rights and American Constitutional Models' - programs and correspondence, 1991-11-01 - 1991-11-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileU.S. Office of Personal Management, The Federal Executive Institute – agenda, 1991-11-03 - 1991-11-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileJohn Norton Moore Seminar: 'Global Democratic Changes: Constitutionalism Rule of Law' – correspondence, 1991-11-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileJames Madison Memorial Foundation Fellowship – agenda and expenses, 1991-11-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileDelphi International Education and Training: 'Evolution of Constitution and Bill of Rights' – correspondence and biographical information, 1991-11-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileGinter Park Presbyterian Church, Bill of Rights – correspondence, agenda, and program, 1991-12-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
filePhillip Morris Opening of Bill of Rights Exhibit – correspondence and agenda, 1991-12-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileVirginia State Library, Bill of Rights Lecture: 'From Montpelier to Moscow: The International Legacy of the Bill of Rights' – programs and correspondence, 1991-12-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileNational Taxpayers Union, Prosperity and Rule of Law Conference – correspondence and agenda, 1991-12-12 - 1991-12-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileWestfield Conference Center – memorandum and correspondence, 1991-12-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileAmerican Bar Association, Bill of Rights 200th Conference, 'Constitutional Roots, Rights, and Responsibilities: The Bill of Rights at Home and Abroad' - program and correspondence with Governor L. Douglass Wilder, 1991-12-15MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileThe Pew Charitable Trusts: 'Strengthening Constitutionalism in Central Europe' – agenda and correspondence, 1991-12-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileMiscellaneous Documents – correspondence and agenda, 1991MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileWake-Forest University Constitutional Law Lecture Series: 'The Changing Face of the Supreme Court' – correspondence and programs, 1992-01-23 - 1992-01-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileStetson University College of Law, Stetson Law Review – correspondence, programs, and agenda, 1992-02-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileVirginia Foundation for the Humanities and Public Policy, 'Bill of Rights, The Courts, and the Law' – correspondence and agenda, 1992-02-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileSmith College: 'Constitutionalism in Control and Eastern Europe' – correspondence, 1992-05-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileCenter for National Security Law, Federal Judges Seminars – correspondence, programs, and agenda, 1992-03-25MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileAdvisory Board Company, Young Presidents Organization – correspondence, 1992-03-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileUniversity of Virginia, Arnold Kollers, Head of the Federal Department of Justice and Police in Switzerland, Visit – correspondence, notes, and invitation, 1992-03-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileOrganization of American Historians – program, correspondence, and notes, 1992-04-02 - 1992-04-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
filePrinceton University, Walter Murphys Seminar – correspondence and agenda, 1992-04-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 12
fileJefferson Society, Banquet Address – correspondence, notes, and pamphlets, 1992-04-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileUnited States Information Agency, Seminar for Foreign Service Officers – correspondence, 1992-04-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileAmerican Bar Association, Global Themes – correspondence and notes, 1992-04-25MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileBrookings Institution, Executive Seminar – correspondence and agenda, 1992-05-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileRichmond Association of Legal Assistants, Law Day – correspondence, 1992-05-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileWilson Center, Local Government in Central and Government Europe – correspondence, agenda, and notes, 1992-05-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileUniversity of Virginia collaboration with Universite de France: 'Exploring New Pathways for Collaboration in International High Education' – correspondence and agenda, 1992-05-28 - 1992-05-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileUniversity of Virginia, Jefferson Symposium – correspondence, programs, and agenda, 1992-06-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileNational Security Law Center, Promoting Constitutionalism & Rule of Law conference – correspondence and agenda, 1992-06-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileJohn Marshall Teachers Institute, Grand Rapids Argument: 'Arguing a Case before the U.S. Supreme Court' – correspondence, 1992-06-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileFederal Executive Institute, Alumni Program: 'Special Forum: Toward Constitutionalism and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe' – agenda, program, and correspondence, 1992-07-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileAmerican Trial Lawyers Association, Constitutional Litigation – agenda, correspondence, and notes, 1992-07-26MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileSummer Institute at Montpelier: 'The U.S. Constitution: A model for the World'– correspondence, 1992-07-26MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileAmerican Political Science Association, Panel on Eastern Europe – correspondence, program, and notes, 1992-09-02 - 1992-09-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileCardozo School of Law, 'Federalism for the New Europe'– correspondence, notes, and agenda, 1992-09-10 - 1992-09-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileTextron, in-house lawyers meeting: 'Toward Constitutionalism and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe' – correspondence and agenda, 1992-09-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileAmericans United, Religious Liberty Conference, 'The Supreme Court and Church State Separation: A post-Weisman Assessment' – correspondence, program, and agenda, 1992-09-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileBrookings Institution – agenda and correspondence, 1992-09-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileCouncil of Independent Colleges – correspondence, 1992-09-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileWilson Center European Alumni – correspondence, notes, and agenda, 1992-10-04 - 1992-10-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileFlorida Conference of District Court of Appeals Judge, Annual Education Meeting: 'Church and States/Privacy' – correspondence and agenda, 1992-10-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileVisit to the Supreme Court – correspondence and list of participants. Includes correspondence with Justice David H. Souter, 1992-11-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileUVA Society of Fellows: 'Present at the Creation: Toward Constitutional Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe' – correspondence, 1992-11-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileProfessor Moores Seminar, Constitutionalism – correspondence, 1992-11-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileTemple University, Federalism and Rights Conference – notes and agenda, 1992-11-14 - 1992-11-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileRhodes Scholarships Trust, Selection Committee, Richmond, Virginia – correspondence and notes, 1992-12-01 - 1992-12-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileNorthern Virginia American Civil Liberties Union, Awards Dinner – correspondence and notes, 1992-12-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileRhodes Scholarships Trust, Atlanta – correspondence and notes, 1992-12-04 - 1992-12-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileCosmos Club, Legal Affairs Committee Dinner – correspondence, 1992-12-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileRenaissance Weekend, Hilton Head – correspondence, agenda, and notes, 1992-12-29 - 1993-01-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileMiscellaneous Documents – correspondence and notes, 1992MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileFederal Executive Institute, Rehnquist Court lecture – correspondence and agenda, 1993-01-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileWashington D.C., Council for Americas First Freedom, National Religious Freedom Day – program and paper, 1993-01-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileJames Madison Memorial Foundation – correspondence, agenda, and notes, 1993-02-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileRichmond Womens Club: 'Supreme Court' – correspondence and agenda, 1993-02-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileCenter For Civic Education – correspondence and list of participants, 1993-02-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileFederal Executive Institute: 'Supreme Court' – agenda and correspondence, 1993-02-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileVirginia Local Government Managers: 'The Road From Monticello: Jeffersonian Ideals at Home and Abroad' – correspondence, program, and agenda, 1993-02-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileUniversity of London: 'Beyond the First 100 Days: What the Clinton Administration must do' - program, notes, and correspondence, 1993-03-11 - 1993-03-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileFocus Club, 'Toward Constitutionalism and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe' – correspondence, 1993-03-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileChattanooga Historical Museum, Livingood Lecture – correspondence, brochures, agenda, and notes, 1993-04-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileUnited States Information Agency, Roundtable on Democracy Abroad – correspondence, 1993-04-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileFulbright Colloquium, Citizenship & Rights in Multicultural Societies – correspondence and program, 1993-04-15 - 1993-04-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileProfessor Robert M. ONeils Church and State Class – correspondence and agenda, 1993-04-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileUniversity of Virginia, Alumni Reception – correspondence and program, 1993-04-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 13
fileCommission on Security and Cooperation in Europe: 'The CSCE and the Turbulent New Europe' conference - correspondence and notes, 1993-05-03 - 1993-05-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileUniversity of Virginia Associates: 'American Democracy and Changing World Order' – correspondence and agenda, 1993-05-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileFEI (Federal Executive Institute): 'The Supreme Court, Leadership for Democratic Party' – correspondence and agenda, 1993-05-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileVirginia Baptist Historical Society – correspondence, news clipping, and programs, 1993-05-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileCenter for Civic Education, Advisory Committee – correspondence and agenda, 1993-05-13 - 1993-05-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileWashington and Lee University: 'New Constitutions for New Democracies in Eastern Europe' Seminar – correspondence, 1993-05-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileFederal Judges Association, 3rd National Conference Tri-Annual Meeting: 'Judicial Selection' – correspondence, notes, and programs. Includes correspondence with E. Grady Jolly, judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, 1993-05-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileBrookings Institution: 'Role of Judiciary in National Policymaking' – agenda and correspondence, 1993-05-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileWilson Center, Federalism Seminar – correspondence, notes, and agenda, 1993-06-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
file250th Sons of the American Revolution, Anniversary of Jefferson's Birthday – correspondence, 1993-06-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileUniversity of Virginia, Polish City Manager visit – correspondence, 1993-06-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileReunion of North American Rhodes Scholars – programs correspondence, and agenda, 1993-06-11 - 1993-06-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileNational Security Law Institute: 'Promoting Constitutionalism & the Role of Law Abroad' – correspondence, agenda, and programs, 1993-06-15MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileMonacan High School, Commencement Address – correspondence, notes, and programs, 1993-06-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileUVA Summer on the Lawn, 'The Russian Experience: Triumphs and Trials' – correspondence and agenda, 1993-06-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileA Presidential Classroom For Young Americans Inc., Senior High School Program – correspondence and agenda, 1993-06-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileFederal Executive Institute, Supreme Court Conference – correspondence and agenda, 1993-06-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileCenter for Civic Education – correspondence, agenda, and notes, 1993-06-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileAmerican University and the American Political Science Association, Summer Institute – correspondence and agenda, 1993-07-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileSeventeen Magazine, Staff Workshop – correspondence, 1993-08-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileDelaware Bar Association, Supreme Court Conference – correspondence and program, 1993-08-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileAmerican Political Science Association – correspondence, 1993-09-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileFederal Executive Institute, Supreme Court Conference – correspondence and agenda, 1993-09-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileCouncil on Religion Freedom – correspondence and program, 1993-09-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileMontpelier Foundation, Constitution Day – memoranda and agenda, 1993-09-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileBrookings Institution – memorandum, agenda, and correspondence, 1993-09-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileDrager Foundation: 'Germany & Its Basic Law' – correspondence and agenda, 1993-09-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileUniversity of Virginia, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Charles Francis Adam Lecture Series - correspondence, agenda, and news clipping, 1993-11-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileProfessor John Norton Moores Contemporary Legal Thought Class – correspondence, 1993-11-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileSt. Thomas University School of Law Distinguish Lecture – correspondence and agenda, 1993-11-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileUniversity of London, 'Thomas Jefferson Legacy of Liberty' conference – correspondence, agenda, and program, 1993-11-22 - 1993-11-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileOxford University Alistair Buchan Club – correspondence and notes, 1993-11-25MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileRhodes Scholarship Interviews, Richmond – correspondence and notes, 1993-11-30 - 1993-12-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileCenter for National Security Law, Democracy & Rule of Law – correspondence, notes, and program, 1993-12-02 - 1993-12-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileRenaissance Weekend – correspondence, agenda, program, and notes, 1993-12-28 - 1994-01-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileMiscellaneous Documents – correspondence and agenda, 1993MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileFederal Executive Institute, 200 Program Leadership for a Democratic Society – agenda and program, 1994-01-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileVirginia Bar Association, Annual Meeting – correspondence and agenda, 1994-01-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileNational Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council: 'Civil Liberties in an Uncivil Society' – correspondence, 1994-02-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileCharlotte World Affairs Council, Providing Leadership For Global Thinking – correspondence, program, and agenda, 1994-03-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileUVA Federalist Society Annual Symposium – correspondence and program, 1994-03-04 - 1994-03-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileClinton Dinner, White House – correspondence, menu, invitation, and napkin, 1994-04-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileWashington and Lee University: 'Emerging Constitution' – correspondence and program, 18 April 1994MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileVisit of President of Switzerland Otto Stich – correspondence and agenda, 1994-04-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileReunion of Crew of S.S. Fellowship Richmond, Va – correspondence and program, 1994-05-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileBrookings Institution: 'Role of Judiciary' – correspondence and agenda, 1994-05-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileNational Security Summer Institute - correspondence and agenda, 1994-06-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 14
fileCenter for Civic Education – correspondence, 1994-06-21 - 1994-06-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
file64th Annual Fourth Circuit Judicial Conference – correspondence and program, 1994-06-30 - 1994-07-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileCouncil for Americas First Freedom – correspondence and agenda, 1994-07-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileColonial Williamsburg, Eastern Europe Project – correspondence and agenda, 1994-07-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileGeorgetown University, Orientation in U.S. Legal System conference – correspondence and agenda, 1994-07-13 - 1994-07-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileJames Madison Memorial Foundation – correspondence and agenda, 1994-07-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileFederal Executive Institute: 'The Supreme Court and Comparative Constitutions' – correspondence and agenda, 1994-07-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileFederal Executive Institute: 'Leadership for a Democratic Society' – agenda, 1994-07-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileBrookings Institution: 'Russian Parliamentarians' – correspondence and agenda, 1994-08-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileAmerican Bar Association, Annual Meeting – correspondence, program, and notes, 1994-08-04 - 1994-08-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileFederal Executive Institute – correspondence and agenda, 1994-08-31MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileAmerican Political Science Association – notes, correspondence, and agenda, 1994-09-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileJ.B Moore Society of International Law, BBQ – correspondence and agenda, 1994-09-15 - 1994-09-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileBrookings Institution – correspondence and agenda, 1994-09-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileForeign Service Institute, Senior Seminar – correspondence and agenda, 1994-09-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileKennedy Fundraiser Mclean, Virginia – program and correspondence, 1994-09-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileWilson Center, European Alumni – correspondence and agenda, 1994-10-01 - 1994-10-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileUniversity of Louisville, John Marshall Harlan Lecture – correspondence, programs, and notes, 1994-10-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileFederal Executive Institute – correspondence and agenda, 1994-10-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileUniversity of Virginia School of Law, 'Thomas Jefferson: World Citizen' symposium – correspondence and agenda, 1994-10-20 - 1994-10-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileCSCE [Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe], Budapest – correspondence, 1994-10 - 1994-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileDitchley Foundation, Individual and Minority Rights in democratic system: options and implications conference – correspondence and program, 1994-11-04 - 1994-11-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileReunion of Justice Blacks Law Clerks – correspondence, brochure, and program, 1994-11-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileWilson Center: 'Ethnic Conflict in Latin America' – agenda and correspondence, 1994-11-15MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileCenter For Civic Education, Press Conference – correspondence and notes, 1994-11-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileFederal Executive Institute – correspondence and agenda, 1994-11-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileProfessor John N. Moores Seminar on 'Rule of Law' – correspondence and agenda, 1994-11-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileRhodes Scholarships Trust – correspondence, notes, and agenda, 1994-12-06 - 1994-12-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileRhodes Scholarships (Atlanta) – correspondence and program, 1994-12-09 - 1994-12-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileSouthern Association of College and Schools Forum – correspondence and agenda, 1994-12-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileMiscellaneous Documents – correspondence, 1994MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileHilton Head, Renaissance Weekend – program and notes, 1995-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileCEELI [Central and East European Law Initiative], Advisory Board – correspondence and agenda, 1995-01-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileFederal Executive Institute – correspondence and agenda, 1995-02-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileEnglish Speaking Union: 'Magna Carta' – correspondence, 1995-03-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars – correspondence and agenda, 1995-03-10 - 1995-03-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileVirginia Governors Fellows Interviews – correspondence and agenda, 1995-03-31 - 1995-04-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileLloyd Cutler, White House Counsel, visit to University of Virginia's Law School – correspondence and notes, 1995-04-11 - 1995-04-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 15
fileBrookings Institution: 'National Policymaking' – correspondence, 1995-04-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileNational Endowment for Democracy – programs and correspondence, 1995-05-01 - 1995-05-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileConstitutional Rights Foundation, Banquet – program and correspondence, 1995-05-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileCivitas – program, notes, correspondence, and agenda, 1995-06-02 - 1995-06-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileBrookings Institution: 'National Policymaking' – correspondence and agenda, 1995-06-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileKentucky Bar Association – program, correspondence, and agenda, 1995-06-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileNational Workshop for Judges, Supreme Court Panel – program, correspondence, and notes. Includes correspondence with the Deanell Tacha, U.S. Circuit Judge San Diego, California, 1995-06-21 - 1995-06-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileAmerican Political System Summer Institute – correspondence and notes, 1995-07-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileMadison Scholars Meeting, Montpelier – agenda and correspondence, 1995-09-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileBrookings Institution – correspondence and agenda, 1995-09-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileSir Thomas Legg Permanent Secretary– agenda and correspondence, 1995-09-16 - 1995-09-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars – correspondence, notes, and pamphlets, 1995-09-26MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileMontpelier, Virginia Retreat – correspondence, 1995-10-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileThe University Press of Virginia, Capital Campaign – correspondence, 1995-10-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileCouncil for Americas First Freedom, National Conversation – program, correspondence, and agenda, 1995-10-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileRichmond Kiwanis Club – correspondence and notes, 1995-10-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileCentral and East European Law Initiative Advisory Board – correspondence and agenda, 1995-10-25MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileInstitute of U.S. Studies: 'Common Law Roots of American Constitutionalism' – correspondence and notes, 1995-11-09 - 1995-11-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileThomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression, First Amendment Conference –agenda and correspondence, 1995-11-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileCosmos Club: 'Changing Face of the Supreme Court' – correspondence, programs, and agenda, 1995-11-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileVisit of Bosnian Delegation to Charlottesville, Va – correspondence, 1995-11-27 - 1995-11-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileProfessor John Moores 'Rule of Law' Class – correspondence and agenda, 1995-11-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileDefenders of Wildlife, Constitutional Amendment dinner – correspondence, 1995-12-01 - 1995-12-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileParliamentary Human Rights Foundation – correspondence, 1995-12-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileRhodes Scholarships Trust, Virginia Committee – correspondence, notes, and programs, 1995-12-05 - 1995-12-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileThe Rhodes Scholarships Trust, Southern District – correspondence and notes, 1995-12-08 - 1995-12-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileRenaissance Weekend – correspondence, agenda, and notes, 1995-12-28 - 1996-01-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileMiscellaneous Documents – correspondence, 1995MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
filePublic Affairs Institute – correspondence, notes, and program, 1996-01-07 - 1996-01-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileReligious Freedom Day – correspondence, notes, and programs, 1996-01-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileFederal Executive Institute, Curriculum Discussion – correspondence and agenda, 1996-01-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileCentral and East European Law Initiative – agenda and correspondence, 1996-01-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileFederal Executive, 'Supreme Court' - correspondence and agenda, 1996-02-15MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileInstitute of the United States Studies, Advisory Board – correspondence and program, 1996-02-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileUniversity of Missouri – correspondence and notes, 1996-03-07 - 1996-03-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 16
fileBar Association of City of New York, Central and East Europe Law Initiative – correspondence, 1996-03-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileMentor Group, Supreme Court Dinner – correspondence, 1996-04-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileFederal Executive Institute: 'Supreme Court' – correspondence and agenda, 1996-05-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileNational Security Law Summer Training Institute – programs and correspondence, 1996-06-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileFederal Executive Institute – 'Supreme Court' – correspondence, 1996-06-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileInternational Academy for Freedom of Religion, Board of Directors Meeting – agenda, 1996-06-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
file66th Fourth Circuit Judicial Conference, The Greenbrier – correspondence and program. Includes correspondence with J. Harvie Wilkinson III, 1996-06-27 - 1996-06-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileInternational Law Institute, Orientation in US Legal System – correspondence and notes, 1996-07-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileUVA Judges Program, Central & Eastern Europe Law Initiative – correspondence, 1996-07-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileMonticello: 'Jefferson and Religious Freedom' – correspondence, agenda, and program, 1996-07-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileBohemian Grove 1996 Midsummer Encampment – correspondence, notes, programs, 1996-07-24 - 1996-07-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileFederal Executive Institute: 'Supreme Court' – correspondence, 1996-08-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileUniversity of Virginia, Capital Campaign– correspondence, notes, and pamphlets, 1996-09-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileCharlottesville Rotary Club, Democratic Change in post-communist Europe – complete title correspondence, 1996-09-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileAmerican University: 'Constitutional Revolution' – correspondence, notes, and programs, 1996-09-26 - 1996-09-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileJamestown Yorktown Foundation Educational Trust – correspondence, program, and agenda, 1996-10-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars, Board Meeting – correspondence, 1996-10-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileState Department, Senior Seminar – correspondence and agenda, 1996-10-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileCentral and East European Law Initiative, Advisory Board Meeting – correspondence, agenda, and program, 1996-10-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileThe Catholic University of America, Machette Lecture – correspondence and agenda, 1996-10-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileBaptist Joint Committee, 60th Anniversary Conference – correspondence, agenda, and programs, 1996-10-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileRichmond Womens Club: 'New Directions in the Supreme Court' – correspondence, 1996-10-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileVirginia Tech University, Virginia Governors Fellows Program - correspondence, agenda, and notes, 1996-10-27 - 1996-10-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileProfessor John Norton Moores Rule of Law Seminar, guest lecturer – correspondence and packet, 1996-11-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileAmerican Bar Association, Inside the Law a public affairs television program – report, correspondence, and agenda, 1996-11-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileFederal Executive Institute: 'Supreme Court' – correspondence and agenda, 1996-11-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileThe Rhodes Scholarships Trust – correspondence and agenda, 1996-12-03 - 1996-12-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileMiscellaneous Documents – correspondence and invitations, 1996MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileFederal Executive Institute: 'Leadership for a Democratic Society' – agendas, 1996-2003MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileRenaissance Weekend – correspondence, notes, and programs, 1996-12-28 - 1997-01-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileThe English Speaking Union- correspondence and notes, 1997-01-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileThe 53rd Inauguration of the President of the United States – correspondence, agenda, and programs, 1997-01-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileBriefing for Ken Burns 'Thomas Jefferson' Film Event and Dinner – correspondence, agenda, and notes, 1997-02-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileCenter for Civic Education International Committee – correspondence, 1997-03-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
filePhi Beta Kappa, Initiation Dinner Address – correspondence, 1997-03-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileNational Religious Freedom Day, Welcome Remarks - correspondence and program, 1997-03-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileUniversity of Richmond, 'People Lectureship' – correspondence, notes, and news clippings. Includes correspondence with Hullihen William Moore, 1997-03-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileUVA Continuing Education: 'Democracy in Russia & America' – correspondence and program, 1997-04-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileEnglish-Speaking Union, Region IV Meeting – correspondence, 1997-04-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileThe Oxford Society of Florida, Cambridge Boat Race Dinner – correspondence, 1997-04-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileProfessor Robert M. ONeil Church and State Class – correspondence, 1997-04-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileUVA Law School, Atlanta Alumni – correspondence, 1997-04-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars, Board of Directors – correspondence and programs, 1997-04-25MSS 2013-1b, Box 17
fileUniversity of Richmond Alumni Awards Dinner – correspondence, certificate, notes, and programs, 1997-05-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileFederal Executive Institute, 51st Annual Oxford-Cambridge Dinner - correspondence and agenda, 1997-05-30MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileDelaware Bench and Bar Association – correspondence and program. Includes correspondence with Randy J. Holland and Governor Pierre S. du Pont, 1997-06-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileNational Law Security Law Training Institute – correspondence, 1997-06-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileFederal Executive Institute: 'Supreme Court and Comparative Constitution' - correspondence and program, 1997-06-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileFederal Executive Institute: 'The Supreme Court & U.S. Constitutional Issues' – correspondence and program, 1997-06-30MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileMonticello Foundation, Gilder Lehrman Institute: 'Jefferson and Religious Freedom' – correspondence and agenda, 1997-07-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileAmerican Enterprise Institute, Bill of Rights – correspondence and notes, 1997-07-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileFederal Executive Institute: 'Special Forum: The Supreme Court and Comparative Constitutions' – program, 1997-07-31MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileFederal Executive Institute: 'Supreme Court and Comparative Constitutions' – program, 1997-08-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileCosmos Club, Supreme Court Dinner Talk: 'This Term of the Supreme Court: Trends and Issues'– correspondence, 1997-09-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileOhio State University, Comparative Constitutionalism Seminar – correspondence, 1997-10-09 - 1997-10-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileVirginia Tech University, Honors Lecture – correspondence, 1997-11-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileFederal Executive Institute: 'Special Forum: The Supreme Court' – program, 1997-11-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileThe Rhodes Scholarship Trust, Virginia Selection Committee – correspondence, notes, and agenda, 1997-12-02 - 1997-12-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileGeneral Correspondence from Canceled Events, 1997MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileThe Federal Executive Institute, Workshop for Leaders and Speakers - correspondence and program, 1998-01-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileProfessor Robert M. ONeils Church and State Class – correspondence, 1998-02-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileEnglish-Speaking, Union Charleston Branch– correspondence, programs, and notes. Includes correspondence with Karen J. Williams, judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, 1998-03-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileUniversity of North Carolina, William P. Murphy Distinguished Speaker Endowment Lecture 'The Supreme on Court: From Warren to Rehnquist' – correspondence and agenda, 1998-04-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileGovernment and Foreign Affairs Department, Visit of Michael Wladimiroff member of the Bar at the Supreme Court of the Netherlands – correspondence, 1998-04-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileUniversity of Virginia, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation Award in Law was awarded to Senator Alan K. Simpson– correspondence and agenda, 1998-04-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileRhodes Scholarships Interviews- correspondence. Includes correspondence with Lydia C. Taylor, 1998-04-30MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileUniversity of Virginia Alumni, Richmond Reception – correspondence, 1998-05-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileCenter for National Security Law Summer Training Institute for Professors and Practitioners – correspondence and programs, 1998-06-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileOxford University Press Luncheon: 'A celebration of Politics, Punishment, and populism'. Includes correspondence with the Lord Windlesham, 1998-07-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileFederal Executive Institute, Constitutional Literacy Seminar: 'Values and the Constitution' – correspondence, 1998-07-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileJames Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation Board of Trustees Meeting – minutes and syllabus, 1998-07-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileMonticello, Jefferson Seminar – correspondence and agenda, 1998-07-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileAmerican Board of Trial Advocates– correspondence, agenda and brochure, 1998-07-25MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileInternational Political Science Association, 94th Annual Meeting and Exhibition – correspondence, agenda, and program, 1998-08-30 - 1998-09-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileCenter for Civic Education, Education for Democracy - correspondence and agenda, 1998-09-25 - 1998-09-26MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileAmerican University, Second Biennial Symposium: 'Constitutional ‘Revolution in the Ex-Communist World: The Rule of Law' – correspondence, program, and notes, 1998-09-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars, Quadrennial Meeting of Members – correspondence, 1998-09-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileThe University of South Carolina School of Law, Constitutional Law Resource Center: The Third James Madison Memorial Lecture – correspondence and program. Includes correspondence with Joseph F. Anderson, 1998-10-29 - 1998-10-30MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileThe University of Virginia School of Law, Fall Convocation/ Family Day – correspondence, 1998-10-30MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileVirginia State Bar, 26th Annual Legal Seminar – correspondence, program, and agenda, 1998-11-05 - 1998-11-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileUnited States Association of Constitutional Law, International Association of Constitutional Law in Conjunction with Cardozo, Columbia and New York University Law Schools: 'A Roundtable on Constitutionalism, Constitutional Rights & Changing Civil Society'MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
filePresident Clintons impeachment – correspondence, 1998-12-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileCouncil for Americas First Freedom, National Religious Freedom Day Weekend, 213th Anniversary of the Passage of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom – correspondence, brochure, and notes, 1999-01-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileVirginia Opera, Evening of Amias and Duets – correspondence and agenda, 1999-02-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileThe Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression, Professor ONeil Church and State Class – correspondence and agenda, 1999-02-15MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileAmerican Constitutional Law Seminar – correspondence, agenda, and program, 1999-02-18 - 1999-02-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileUniversity of Virginia Law Alumni – correspondence and post cards, 1999-03-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars – correspondence and agenda, 1999-03-20 - 1999-03-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 18
fileBeloff, Michael, President of Trinity College, Oxford, visit to the University of Virginia – correspondence and notes, 1999-03-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileDunne, Michael, University of Sussex – correspondence re visit to Law School. Also paper presented to the 125th Anniversary Conference, Notre Dame Law School: "A footing of Equality?: National Rights and Privileges in American Adherence to the World CourtMSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileJones, Elaine recipient of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation Award in Law – correspondence and notes re her visit to the Law School, 1999-04-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileUniversity of Virginia School of Law Piano Dedication in Memory of Melanie Macaronis Brown – correspondence and Howard's remarks, 1999-05-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileVirginia Citizenship Institute - correspondence, 1999-05-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileUniversity of Virginia Continuing Education Center for University Programs, 19th Annual Summer on the Lawn: Democracy: America, the World, the Future -correspondence, program, bios of participants, 1999-06-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileDräger- Stiftung, 50 Years of German Basic Law: 'The New Departure for Germany' – correspondence, agenda, and notes, 1999-06-10 - 1999-06-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileThe Ninth Annual National Security Law Institute to Professors and Practitioners – correspondence and agenda, 1999-06-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileMontpelier, National Trust for Historic Preservation, 2001 Madison Birthday Planning Committee, – correspondence and agenda, 1999-07-21 - 1999-07-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars – correspondence and agenda, 1999 - 2000MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileVirginia Tech - correspondence related to Rhodes scholarships and Howard's lecture, 1999-10-03 - 1999-10-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileJefferson-Madison Regional Library, Virginia Foundation for the Humanities and Public Policy: 'The Bill of Rights, the Courts, and the Law' - correspondence and programs, 1999-10-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileUniversity of Virginia School of Law, Library Family Day - agenda and correspondence, 1999-10-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileRenaissance Weekend – notes, agenda, and correspondence, 1999-12-28 - 2000-01-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileSmithsonian Institution Americas Millennium, 'Millennium on the Mall Traditions & Tomorrows' - correspondence and brochure, 2000-01-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileNational Religious Freedom Day Presented by the Council for America's First Freedom in celebration of the 214th anniversary of the passage of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom by the Virginia General Assembly on January 16, 1786 – agenda, brochurMSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileMontpelier Foundation, National Trust for Historic Preservation, 250th Anniversary of the Birth of the Father of the Constitution - agenda and program, 2000-03-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileCentral and East European Law Initiative, Advisory Board – correspondence, 2000-03-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileDemocracy and the Rule of Law in a Changing World Order. An International Symposium Co-sponsored by the Library of Congress and the New York University School of Law - agenda and brochure, 2000-03-07 - 2000-03-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileThe University of Oxford, North American Reunion in New York - program and correspondence, 2000-04-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileCairns, John Rt. Rev., Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland visit to the United States - correspondence with Cairns and Herbert A. Kerrigan Q.C. , 2000-04-10 - 2000-04-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileCentral and East European Law Initiative - memorandum and agenda, 2000-04-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileCharlottesville City Council Elections - general information on candidates, correspondence, flyers, and news clippings, 2000-05-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileWake Forest University Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws to A. E. Dick Howard – correspondence, agenda, and brochures, 2000-05-14 - 2000-05-15MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileThe Church of Scotland General Assembly - Howard's visit to Scotland. Correspondence, programs, and agenda. Includes invitation from Prince Charles, Duke of Rothesay Lord High Commissioner of General Assembly of the Church of Scotland to a party at HolyroMSS 2013-1b, Box 19
file10th Annual National Security Law Institute for Professors and Practitioners - correspondence, program, participant list, 2000-06-04 - 2000-06-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileFederal Executive Institute, 260th Program: 'Leadership for a Democratic Society' – agenda and invoice, 2000-06-04 - 2000-06-30MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileNational Religious Freedom Weekend, 214th Anniversary of the Passage of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom - agenda, brochures, programs, and notes, 2000-06-14 - 2000-06-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
file"Thomas Jefferson and the Foundations of American Democracy," Sponsored by the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History at The International Center for Jefferson Studies at Monticello and the University of Virginia - correspondence and agenda, 2000-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileWoodrow Wilson Center, European Alumni Association Conference: 'Challenges to European Stability' – correspondence, notes, and speech, 2000-09-15 - 2000-09-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars – Bon Voyage Events and Board Meeting – correspondence and agenda, 2000-09-23 - 2000-09-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileProfessor Robert M. O'Neill's Church and State Class – correspondence and agenda, 2000-10-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileWake Forest University School of Law Presidential Election Symposium – correspondence, agenda, and program, 2000-10-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileCentral and East European Law Initiative, Executive Board Meeting – correspondence, memorandum, and notes, 2000-10-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileVirginia Tech, Honor Lectures – correspondence and agenda, 2000-11-02 - 2000-11-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileWake Forest University School of Law. The 28th Annual Partners' Banquet – correspondence, agenda, and program, 2000-11-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileAmerican Ditchley Foundation, Fall Luncheon – correspondence, agenda, and program, 2000-11-30MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileCouncil for Americas First Freedom, Committee Meeting – agenda and correspondence. Includes correspondence with Richmond's Mayor Tim Kaine, 2000-12-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 19
fileFederal Executive Institute, workshop on Comparative Constitutional Law – programs, 1998-2000MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileGeneral Correspondence from Canceled Events, 1998-2000MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileRenaissance Weekend – correspondence and notes, 2000-12-28 - 2001-01-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileThe Montpelier Foundation and the Library of Congress, 250th Birthday of James Madison – agenda, correspondence, and invitation, 2001-03-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars, Board of Trustees Meetings – correspondence and agenda, 2001-03-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileEnglish-Speaking Union, Dinner – correspondence and agenda, 2001-03-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileUniversity of Virginia School of Law, Dillard Fellows Seminar – correspondence and agenda, 2001-04-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileUniversity of Virginia School of Law, Cookout for First-year Students – correspondence, 2001-04-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileUniversity of Virginia Conference, 'Polish Transformation: A Process Completed or Still in Progress' – correspondence, notes, and articles, 2001-05-03 - 2001-05-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileUniversity of Virginia School of Law, Class of 1961 Reunion/ Law Weekend – correspondence, agenda, and program, 2001-05-04 - 2001-05-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileAmerican Ditchley Foundation, Board Meeting – correspondence and agenda, 2001-05-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileBavarian American Academy – correspondence, agenda, pamphlet, and programs, 2001-05-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileUniversity of Virginia, Commencement Exercises – program, 2001-05-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileOpera in the Vineyards, Barboursville – correspondence and program, 2001-06-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileFederal Executive Institute, U.S. Office of Personnel Management Conference – correspondence and agenda, 2001-06-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileVirginia Historical Society – correspondence, agenda, and newsletter, 2001-06-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileCarolyn Tanner Irish and Frederick Quinn Wedding – correspondence and program, 2001-06-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileAmerican Ditchley Foundation, Annual Meeting/Budapest – correspondence, 2001-07-11 - 2001-07-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileGilder Lehrman Institute, Teachers Seminar – correspondence and agenda, 2001-07-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileVirginia Society Sons of the American Revolution, Semi-Annual Meeting – correspondence and certificate, 2001-09-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileJ.B. Moore Society of International Law, Fall Picnic – correspondence, 2001-09-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars, Bon Voyage Weekend – correspondence and agenda, 2001-09-22 - 2001-09-26MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileUniversity of Virginia Alumni Reception – correspondence and alumni list, 2001-10-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileGeorgia State University, Miller Lecture – correspondence, agenda, and programs, 2001-10-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 20
fileBlackberry Farm, retreat – correspondence, invitations, and brochures, 2001-10-07 - 2001-10-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileTuckahoe Womans Club, 'The Changing Face of the Supreme Court' – correspondence, yearbook, notes, and invitation, 2001-10-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileEnglish- Speaking Union, Catherwood Dinner – correspondence and notes, 2001-10-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileJames Madisons Montpelier Foundation and the Montpelier Steeplechase and Equestrian Foundation, 67th Running of the Montpelier Hunt Races, Hunt Breakfast – correspondence, brochure, and invitation, 2001-11-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileVirginia Tech, Honors Program – correspondence and notes, 2001-11-08 - 2001-11-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileInstitute of United States Studies: 'America and the Enlightenment: Constitutionalism in the 21st Century' conference – correspondence, brochures, notes, and poster, 2001-11-15 - 2001-11-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileThe Rhodes Trust, Oxford – correspondence and notes, 2001-11-18 - 2001-11-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileAmerican Ditchley Foundation, Board Meeting – correspondence, 2001-12-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileCanceled Events Correspondence, 2001MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileMiscellaneous Documents – correspondence, 2001MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileCouncil for Americas First Freedom, National Religious Freedom Day – correspondence, agenda, and program, 2002-01-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileVirginia Electoral Board, Annual Meeting – correspondence and notes, 2002-03-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars, Board Meeting – correspondence and agenda, 2002-03-15MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileOxford North American Reunion of alumni – correspondence and program, 2002-03-15 - 2002-03-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileDillard Fellowship Candidates, Seminar – correspondence and agenda, 2002-04-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileThe Montpelier Foundation, Board of Directors meeting – correspondence, agenda, and brochure, 2002-04-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileSphex Club of Lynchburg, Annual Meeting – correspondence and agenda, 2002-05-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileUniversity of Virginia, Commonwealth Lecture – correspondence and agenda, 2002-05-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileAmerican Ditchley Foundation, Annual Meeting – correspondence, agenda, and newsletter, 2002-05-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileUniversity of Virginia School of Law Graduation – program and agenda, 2002-05-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileVirginia Opera, Opera in the Vineyard – correspondence and agenda, 2002-06-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileJames Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, Board Meeting – correspondence and agenda, 2002-07-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileThomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, Summer Seminar – correspondence and agenda, 2002-07-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileThe Montpelier Foundation, Board of Directors – correspondence, agenda, and financial report, 2002-07-26MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileAmerican Bar Association, UVA Law Alumni reception – correspondence, agenda, and invitation, 2002-08-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileStudent Legal Forum, Review of the 2001-2002 Supreme Court Term – correspondence and flyer, 2002-09-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileSorensen Institute for Political Leadership: 'Separation of Church and State' Class – correspondence, 2002-09-13MSS 2013-1a, Box 22
fileCato Institute, symposium – correspondence and agenda, 2002-09-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileThe Peter Gruber Foundation, The Justice Prize – correspondence, notes, program, and invitation, 2002-09-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileBrookings Institution, Executive Leadership in a Changing Environment – correspondence and agenda, 2002-09-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars, Bon Voyage Weekend – correspondence, agenda, and invitation, 2002-09-28 - 2002-10-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileWorld Presidents Organization, presentation – correspondence, 2002-10-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileUVA Cornerstone Society: 'President and Court' – correspondence and invitation, 2002-10-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 21
fileCEELI (Central European and Eurasian Law Initiative), Advisory Board – correspondence, agenda, and annual report, 2002-10-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileFarmington Country Club, Distinguished Speaker Series - letter, program, and invitation, 2002-11-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileMiscellaneous documents – correspondence and agendas, 2002MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileRenaissance Institute, Weekend – correspondence and program, 2002-12-28 - 2003-01-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileCouncil for Americas First Freedom, National Religious Freedom Day – agenda and correspondence, 2003-01-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileRhodes Trust, Reunion – correspondence and program, 2003-01-25 - 2003-02-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileUnited States Institute of Peace, Constitution-making working group (Brazil) – correspondence, 2003-02-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileVirginia Electoral Board Association Annual Meeting – correspondence, agenda, and program, 2003-03-07 - 2003-03-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileRutgers University, Theme Development Conference: 'Constitutional Origins, Structure, and Change in Federal Democracies' – agenda and conference, 2003-03-21 - 2003-03-23MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileBrookings Institution, Program – correspondence and agenda, 2003-03-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileEleventh Cosmos Symposium: 'Justice in America' – correspondence, agenda, notes, and program, 2003-03-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileBill of Rights Institute, Weekend – agenda and correspondence, 2003-04-03 - 2003-04-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars, Board of Directions – correspondence, 2003-04-04 - 2003-04-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileBrookings Institution, Program for the Internal Revenue Service – correspondence and agenda, 2003-04-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileDillard Fellowship Candidates Seminar – correspondence and agenda, 2003-04-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileSupreme Court 1962 Clerks Reunion – correspondence, agenda, and program, 2003-04-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileCentral European and Eurasian Law Initiative, Board Meeting – correspondence and agenda, 2003-05-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileThe Montpelier Foundation, Board Meeting – correspondence and agenda, 2003-05-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileUniversity of Virginia School of Law Graduation – correspondence, agenda, and invitation, 2003-05-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileVirginia Opera, Annual Meeting – correspondence, 2003-05-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileThe Montpelier Foundation, Board Meeting – correspondence, 2003-06-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileCouncil on Foreign Relations, National Conference – correspondence, program, and notes, 2003-06-05 - 2003-06-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileAmerican Ditchley Foundations, Conference – correspondence and agenda, 2003-06-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileRhodes Trust, Reunion – correspondence, notes, program, and agenda, 2003-07-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileAmerican Ditchley Foundation- Annual Meeting – correspondence, notes, and annual report, 2003-07-11 - 2003-07-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileJamestown 2007 Steering Committee, Future of Democracy Conference – correspondence and agenda, 2003-08-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileBrookings Institution, Meeting – correspondence, 2003-09-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileJ.B Moore Society of International Law, Annual Fall Picnic – correspondence and invitation. Unify all J.B. Moore titles, 2003-09-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileCato Institution, Supreme Court Review – correspondence and program, 2003-09-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars, Bon Voyage Weekend – correspondence and program, 2003-09-28 - 2003-10-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileJohn F. Kennedy Institute, Willi Paul Adams Memorial Conference – correspondence and program, 2003-10-03 - 2003-10-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileEnglish-Speaking Union, Dinner with John Kula - correspondence, 2003-10-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileBrandeis University, new constitution for Iraq – correspondence and notes, 2003-10-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileUniversity of Virginia Cornerstone Society, reception – correspondence and invitation, 2003-10-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileMontpelier Foundation, Board of Directors – correspondence and agenda, 2003-10-31MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileJamestown Yorktown Foundation, Meeting – agenda and correspondence, 2003-11-17 - 2003-11-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileBrookings Institution: 'Public Leadership 21C' program – correspondence and agenda, 2003-12-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 22
fileMiscellaneous Documents – agenda and correspondence, 2003MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileCouncil of Americas First Freedom Symposium – correspondence, 2004-01-15MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileCEELI (Central European and Eurasian Law Initiative), Advisory Board Meeting – correspondence and agenda, 2004-02-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileProfessor ONeils Church and State Class – correspondence and agenda, 2004-03-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileJ.B Moore Society of International Law, International Law and Practice in American Constitutionalism– correspondence, notes, and program, 2004-03-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileAmerican Association of Rhodes Scholars Board Meeting – correspondence and program, 2004-04-16 - 2004-04-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileAmerican Ditchley Foundation, Conference – correspondence and agenda, 2004-06-11 - 2004-06-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileFederal Executive Institute, sessions – correspondence, 2004-07-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileCollegiate School, visiting faculty – correspondence, notes, and program, 2004-09-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileThe Brookings Institution, program – correspondence and agenda, 2004-09-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileUS Military Academy at West Point, Howards visit – correspondence, notes, and program, 2004-09-14 - 2004-09-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars, Board Meeting – correspondence, agenda, and program, 2004-09-26 - 2004-09-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileWorld Affairs Council, Richmond dinner – correspondence, agenda, notes, and program, 2004-10-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileUniversity of Richmond, Jepson School Lecture – correspondence, notes, and invitation, 2004-10-15MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileJames Madison Montpelier, Board of Directors Meeting – agenda and correspondence, 2004-11-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileFederal Executive Institute, 'The Supreme Court and the Living Constitution' Session – correspondence, 2004-11-10MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileAmerican Ditchley Foundation, Dinner – correspondence and agenda, 2004-11-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileUniversity of Virginia, Sorensen Institute – correspondence, newsletter, notes, and program, 2004-12-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileMiscellaneous Documents – correspondence, agendas, and program, 2004MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileNational Security Court, comparative study – abstract and notes, 2005-03-01MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileGunston Halls Annual Liberty Lecture Series: 'American Democracy At Home & Abroad' – correspondence, agenda, and postcard, 2005-03-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileDillard Scholars Seminar, Scholar-selection Weekend – correspondence and list of recipients, 2005-03-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars, board of direction meeting – correspondence and minutes, 2005-04-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars, Bon Voyage Weekend – correspondence and agenda, 2005-04-01 - 2005-04-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileNorfolk and Portsmouth Bar Association, Bench/Bar Conference – correspondence and agenda, 2005-04-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileBrookings Institution: 'Executive Leadership in a Changing Environment' – correspondence, 2005-04-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileThe Madison Cabinet Weekend, Board Meeting – correspondence, agenda, notes, and programs, 2005-04-29 - 2005-04-30MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileCEELI, Advisory Board Meeting – correspondence and notes, 2005-05-09MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileJamestown-Yorktown Foundation, Inc., Board Meeting – correspondence, agenda, and annual report, 2005-05-19 - 2005-05-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileCouncil for Americas First Freedom, National Advisory Board – agenda and list of board members, 2005-05-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileEnglish-Speaking Union, Garden Party – invitation, correspondence, and agenda, 2005-05-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileUniversity of Virginia Law School, Faculty Enrichment Seminar – correspondence and agenda, 2005-05-30 - 2005-06-03MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileUniversity of Virginia, School of Law, Center for National Security Law – correspondence, agenda, and notes, 2005-06-13MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileCAFF [Council for Americas First Freedom], Selection Panel – correspondence, 2005-06-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileRhodes Scholars Centennial Reunion – correspondence, agenda, and programs, 2005-07-14 - 2005-07-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileThe Brookings Institution: 'The Constitution and the Courts' – correspondence, agenda, and notes, 2005-07-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileAmerican Bar Association, Iraq Constitution Panel – correspondence and list of panelist, 2005-07-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileFederal Executive Institute, Leadership for a Democratic Society conference – correspondence and agenda, 2005-07-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 23
fileJapanese Ambassador, Ryozo Kato invitation to Washington D.C.– correspondence, agenda, and invitation, 2005-09-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileNational Archives of the United States, Magna Carta Press Conference – correspondence, 2005-09-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileAmerican Association of Rhodes Scholars – correspondence, 2005-09-24 - 2005-09-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileUniversity of Virginia: 'Engaging the Mind Lecture' – correspondence and list of invitees, 2005-10-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileUniversity of Virginia, School of Law, DC Alumni Donor Recognition Reception – correspondence and notes, 2005-10-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileVirginia Bar Association, Boyd Graves Conference – correspondence, 2005-10-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileNational Security Conference: 'National Security Law in A Changed World: The fifteenth Annual Review of the Field' – correspondence, notes, and program, 2005-11-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileMontpelier Foundation, Board Meeting – correspondence and report, 2005-11-04 - 2005-11-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileAmerican Ditchley Foundation, Board Meeting – correspondence, agenda, and notes, 2005-11-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileJamestown-Yorktown Foundation, Board of Trustees Meeting – correspondence and agenda, 2005-11-21 - 2005-11-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileMiscellaneous Documents – correspondence and agenda, 2005MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileCouncil For Americas First Freedom, Award Dinner – correspondence, agenda, and program, 2006-01-18MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileChannel 13 [PBS], PBS Supreme Court Series – correspondence, 2006-01-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileVirginia Society of Fellows, Supreme Court – correspondence and letter, 2006-02-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileVilla Vigoni Conference, Modern Constitutionalism – correspondence, 2006-03-08 - 2006-03-12MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileDillard Scholars, Honor Scholarship Selection – correspondence and agenda, 2006-03-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileCollege of William and Mary, investiture/ inauguration events – correspondence, 2006-04-07MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileEnglish-Speaking Union, Walter Hine Page Chapter – correspondence, 2006-04-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileMontpelier Foundation, Madison Cabinet Weekend – correspondence and agenda, 2006-04-28 - 2006-04-30MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileUniversity of Virginia Law School, Law Alumni Weekend – correspondence and agenda, 2006-05-05 - 2006-05-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileEnglish-Speaking Union, Garden Party – correspondence and agenda, 2006-05-28MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileJamestown Yorktown Foundation – correspondence and agenda, 2006-05-25 - 2006-05-26MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileVirginia Congressional Delegation, Seminar on Constitution – correspondence, 2006-05-31MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileGilder Lehrman Institute of America History: 'The Worlds of Thomas Jefferson' – agenda and correspondence, 2006-07-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileMontpelier, Hunt Weekend – correspondence and invitation, 2006-11-03 - 2006-11-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileJamestown Yorktown Foundation – correspondence and agenda, 2006-11-20 - 2006-11-21MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileMiscellaneous Documents – agenda, 2006MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileProfessor Robert M. ONeils Church and State Class – correspondence and agenda, 2007-02-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileWake Forest University, School of Law, Distinguished Constitutional Law Lecture Series – correspondence, agenda, and notes, 2007-03-22MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileCatholic University of America: 'Constitutionalism and Human Rights in Europe and America: Continuity and New Development' – correspondence, notes, and programs, 2007-03-28 - 2007-03-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileJamestown Yorktown Foundation, Joint Board Meeting – correspondence and agenda, 2007-04-23 - 2007-04-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileHistoric Jamestowne, Majesty Queen Elizabeth II visit – correspondence, 2007-05-03 - 2007-05-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileUVA Law Class of 1962, Banquet Address – correspondence and notes, 2007-05-04MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileSorensen Institute for Political Leadership, UVA conference– agenda and notes, 2007-06-08MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileUniversity of Virginia School of Law, National Security Law Institute – agenda and correspondence, 2007-06-11MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileAmerican Ditchley Foundation, 50th Anniversary Appeal – agenda, correspondence, and brochure, 2007-06-14MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileUniversity of Virginia School of Law, James Madison Memorial Foundation conference – correspondence and notes, 2007-07-06MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileGeorge Washington University, Law and Leadership Program – program and outline, 2007-07-16MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileFirst Freedom Center, 2008 International Award nomination – correspondence, 2007-07-17MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileGilder Lehrman Institute of American History: 'The Worlds of Thomas Jefferson' – correspondence and agenda, 2007-07-26MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars, Bon Voyage- correspondence and programs, 2007-09-22 - 2007-09-26MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars, Board Meeting – correspondence, reports, and invitations, 2007-09-23 - 2007-09-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars, Honor Roll- correspondence, programs, and notes, 2007-09-25MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileFederal Executive Institute, LDS programs – correspondence, 2007-09-27MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileUniversity of Virginia School of Law, Micah J. Schwartzman Church and State Class – correspondence and agenda, 2007-10-24MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileThe Womans Club, Supreme Court – correspondence and notes, 2007-10-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileThe Montpelier Foundation, Center for Constitution, Constitutionalism in America – correspondence, agenda, and newsletter, 2007-11-02MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileJamestown Yorktown Foundation, Board Meeting – correspondence and agenda, 2007-11-19 - 2007-11-20MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileAssociation of American Rhodes Scholars, Visit of Sir Colin Lucas – correspondence, 2007-12-04 - 2007-12-05MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileCouncil for Americas First Freedom – correspondence and agenda, 2007-12-19MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileUniversity of Richmond, Charlottesville/Shenandoah Valley Alumni – correspondence and invitation, 2007-11-29MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileMiscellaneous Correspondence, 2006-2007MSS 2013-1b, Box 24
fileCampaign Materials from the 1970 reference on the Constitution of Virginia – Notes for Speakers on the Revised Constitution of Virginia (18 August 1970); Summary of the Proposed Constitutional Amendments Approved by the General Assembly of Virginia at itsMSS 2013-1b, Box 24
itemSenior Executive Institute, Patrick Henry Dinner at the Jefferson Hotel, Richmond, VA, 1988-07-20Law Special Collections photographs cabinet
itemVirginia Commission on the Bicentennial of the Constitution and the Center for Democracy, Dinner for President Arpád Göncz , 1990-09-16Law Special Collections photographs cabinet
item"Preserving a Nations Constitutional Heritage through Education" an International Symposium, President Arpád Göncz visit to Montpelier, Virginia, 1990-06-16Law Special Collections photographs cabinet
itemNational Trust for Historic Preservation, James Madison Constitutional Heritage Award to President Arpád Göncz, 1990-09-17Law Special Collections photographs cabinet
fileWhite House Congressional Liaison Office: Bork Nomination General Overview. Press release of 7-1-1987; Remarks of President Reagan, 1987-07MSS 2013-1 Box 1
seriesAddendum to the Papers of A. E. Dick Howard [c] re 1970 Referendum on the Constitution of Virginia
file1970; Campaign Materials from the 1970 referendum on the Constitution of Virginia – Notes for Speakers on the Revised Constitution of Virginia (18 August 1970); Summary of the Proposed Constitutional Amendments Approved by the General Assembly of Virginia
fileDepartment of Justice, Office of Legal Counsel Materials on Robert H. Bork, 1987-07MSS 2013-1 Box 1
seriesAddendum to the Papers of A. E. Dick Howard [d], bulk: 1970 - 2016
subseriesGovernor Fellows Program , 1978 - 1994
fileGovernor’s Fellows Program – correspondence and memoranda re internship program for college students, 1978 - 1981MSS 2013-1d Box 1
fileGovernor’s Fellows Program – printed materials sent by J. Michael Luttig re internship program, 1982MSS 2013-1d Box 1
fileGovernor’s Fellow Program – correspondence, memoranda, press release, newspaper clippings and related documents re planning and instituting a summer program Included are numerous handwritten notes and critiques about the program, 1982MSS 2013-1d Box 1
fileGovernor’s Fellow Program – correspondence, memoranda, press releases, newspaper clippings and related documents re planning and instituting a summer program, 1982 - 1983MSS 2013-1d Box 1
fileGovernor’s Fellow Program – correspondence, memoranda, evaluations, 1982 - 1983MSS 2013-1d Box 2
fileGovernor’s Fellow Program – correspondence, memoranda, press release, newspaper clippings and related documents re planning and instituting a summer program, 1984MSS 2013-1d Box 2
fileGovernor’s Fellow Program – correspondence, 1984 - 1985MSS 2013-1d Box 2
fileGovernor’s Fellow Program – correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings and related documents re planning and instituting a summer program, evaluations, 1984 - 1985MSS 2013-1d Box 2
fileGovernor’s Fellow Program – correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings and related documents re summer program. Included are numerous handwritten notes and critiques about the program. , 1985 - 1986MSS 2013-1d Box 3
fileGovernor’s Fellows Program - correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings and related documents re planning summer program. Handwritten notes, 1987MSS 2013-1d Box 3
fileGovernor’s Fellows Program - correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings and related documents re planning and instituting the summer program. Handwritten notes, 1988MSS 2013-1d Box 3
fileGovernor’s Fellows Program - correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings and related documents re planning and instituting the program. Handwritten notes, 1989MSS 2013-1d Box 4
fileGovernor’s Fellows Program - correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings and related documents re planning and instituting the program. Handwritten notes, 1989 - 1990MSS 2013-1d Box 4
fileGovernor’s Fellows Program - correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings and related documents re planning and instituting the program. Handwritten notes, 1991MSS 2013-1d Box 4
fileGovernor’s Fellows Program - correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings and related documents re planning and instituting the program. Handwritten notes, 1991 - 1992MSS 2013-1d Box 4
fileGovernor’s Fellows Program - correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings and related documents re planning and instituting the program. Handwritten notes. Reports, 1993MSS 2013-1d Box 4
fileGovernor’s Fellows Program - correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings and related documents re planning and instituting the program. Handwritten notes, 1994MSS 2013-1d Box 4
subseriesGovernor's Commission on Campaign Finance reform, Government Accountability, and Ethics, 1992
fileEthics Commission – correspondence, memoranda, notes, recommendations, newspaper clippings and related documents. [Included are: Under the Gold Dome, Money and Politics in West Virginia, 1986-1990. A Research Report by the Coalition to Revitalize DemocracMSS 2013-1d Box 5
fileEthics Commission – consultants, 1992MSS 2013-1d Box 5
fileEthics Commission General Information Package sent to A. E. Dick Howard. [Package includes minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Lobbying Subcommittee on Campaign Finance Reform (1992); public hearings testimonies; newspapers clippings and related articles]MSS 2013-1d Box 5
fileEthics Commission – Campaign Finance Subcommittee – minutes, report draft, 1992MSS 2013-1d Box 5
fileEthics Commission – Ethics and Accountability Subcommittee – minutes, report drafts, memoranda, Proposals for Consideration: Major Issues and Options for Public Accountability and Conflict of Interest (1992-06), 1992MSS 2013-1d Box 5
fileEthics Commission – Executive Order Number Forty Six (92) (Revised); memoranda, correspondence, biographies, 1992MSS 2013-1d Box 5
fileEthics Commission – Testimony, Public Hearings at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, 1992-07-23MSS 2013-1d Box 5
fileEthics Commission – Lobbying Subcommittee – Proposals for Consideration, Virginia Society of Association Executives comments; correspondence, memoranda, notes, 1992-06MSS 2013-1d Box 6
fileEthics Commission – Public Hearings Howard’s notes, 1992-06MSS 2013-1d Box 6
fileEthics Commission – Statements. [Statements from individuals and organizations. Included: Lobbyists Disclosure Report], 1992-07MSS 2013-1d Box 6
fileEthics Commission – Statements. [Statements from individuals and organizations. Included: Lobbyists Disclosure Report], 1992-07 - 1992-08MSS 2013-1d Box 6
fileEthics Commission – Statement of Claude “Brad” Bradshaw to the Commission.  [Files contain attachments], 1992-07-30MSS 2013-1d Box 6
fileEthics Commission – Legislation. Correspondence and statement , 1992MSS 2013-1d Box 6
fileReport of The Governor’s Advisory Commission on the Dillon Rule and Local Government by J. Granger, Chairman. Submitted to Lawrence Douglas Wilder, Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia, November 1, 1992; Suggestions Offered at the Public Hearings of the GovMSS 2013-1d Box 6
fileEthics Commission Draft Report, 1992-11-17MSS 2013-1d Box 6
fileEthics Commission Miscellaneous Documents: “A Model Ethics Law for State Government,” Common Cause, January 1989; “Who Pays the Piper,” April 1989; “Special Interests, Campaign Contributions, Disclosure, Record Keeping and the 1989 Virginia Gubernatorial MSS 2013-1d Box 7
itemHall, Robert.: The West Virginia Governmental Ethics Act: Text and Commentary, Charleston West Virginia, Mountain State Press, 1989MSS 2013-1d Box 7
subseriesConference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) Files , 1992 - 1993
fileCSCE Implementation Meeting, Warsaw – correspondence and notes, 1993-05 - 1993-10MSS 2013-1d Box 7
fileCSCE Implementation Meeting, Warsaw – Briefing Materials, 1993-10MSS 2013-1d Box 7
fileCSCE Implementation Meeting, Warsaw – information materials, memoranda, statements, recommendations [f. 1-2 of 3 folders] , 1993-10MSS 2013-1d Box 7
fileCSCE Implementation Meeting, Warsaw - information materials, memoranda, statements, recommendations [f. 3 of 3 folders], 1993-10MSS 2013-1d Box 8
fileImplementation of the Helsinki Act, Text of President’s 31st CSCE Report, April 1, 1992 – March 31, 1993 Submitted to Congress in June 2, 1993; Report on the U. S. Helsinki Commission Delegation to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania and Turkey (Codel DeConcini),MSS 2013-1d Box 8
fileCSCE Seminar on Early Warning, Warsaw, Poland, 1994-01-19MSS 2013-1d Box 8
fileWorld Conference on Human Rights, Vienna – correspondence, Howard’s notes, 1993-06MSS 2013-1d Box 8
fileHuman Rights Reference Handbook, 1993-06MSS 2013-1d Box 8
fileCouncil of Europe: The European Social Charter, Strasbourg, 1992; Lodging an Application with the European Commission of Human Rights, Questions and Answers, Strasbourg, 1992; The Council of Europe Achievements and Activities, May 1993.MSS 2013-1d Box 8
subseriesCentral and Eastern European Project on Constitutionalism and Democracy Files
fileUSIA [United States Information Agency] Education Reform in Eastern Europe: A Strategy for Selected Countries – proposals for education reform in Central and Eastern Europe, 1994MSS 2013-1d Box 9
fileCEE – Human Rights Agenda – [package sent by John Shattuck, Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor to Howard], 1995MSS 2013-1d Box 9
fileSlaughter, Anne-Marie: “International Law in a World of Liberal States,” Workshop, undatedMSS 2013-1d Box 9
fileThe Atlantic Council of the United States: “Ethnic Conflicts: Old Challenges, New Dimensions,” Policy Paper, June 1995MSS 2013-1d Box 9
fileCEE Project on Constitutionalism and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe – student researcher projects, some correspondence, Howard’s notes, 1998 - 2000MSS 2013-1d Box 9
subseriesEqual Rights Amendment Task Force ERA)
fileERA – materials sent to A. E. Dick Howard from John Towers office. [Documents included are: Testimony of Thomas I. Emerson, on the Women’s Equal Rights Amendment before the Senate Judiciary Committee (1970 – 09-15); Gutwillig, Jacqueline G.: “The Equal RiMSS 2013-1d Box 10
fileERA – Library of Congress Reports, 1971 - 1972MSS 2013-1d Box 10
fileERA – “Toward Elimination of Sex-Based Discrimination: Constitutional Aspects – Outline” by Prof. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Columbia University, 1972-10-25MSS 2013-1d Box 10
fileERA Task Force – Additional Amendments Relating to Gender [correspondence], 1972 - 1973MSS 2013-1d Box 10
fileERA Task Force [Position] Statements, 1993MSS 2013-1d Box 10
fileERA news clippings , 1972 - 1974MSS 2013-1d Box 10
fileERA – Harold G. Wren (T. C. Williams School of Law) – correspondence, 1973MSS 2013-1d Box 10
fileERA – correspondence, memoranda, printed materials, 1973 - 1974MSS 2013-1d Box 11
fileERA – General Assembly Task force on Ratification of the Proposed Equal Rights Amendment on the Law of Virginia. Report, 1994MSS 2013-1d Box 11
fileERA – General Assembly Task force on Ratification of the Proposed Equal Rights Amendment on the Law of Virginia. Report, 1974MSS 2013-1d Box 11
fileERA – Howard – Kay Peaslee, Virginia ERA Ratification Council, correspondence, 1975 - 1976MSS 2013-1d Box 11
fileERA - correspondence and printed materials, 1976 - 1977MSS 2013-1d Box 11
fileERA Extension – statements, 1977 - 1978MSS 2013-1d Box 11
fileERA Extension – NOW [National Organization for Women] – correspondence, testimony, statements, 1977 - 1978MSS 2013-1d Box 11
subseriesCase File: Miller v. Ayres
fileMiller v. Ayres, 213 Va. 251 (1972) and Miller v. Ayres, 214 Va. 271 (1973) – correspondence and briefs, 1972 - 1973MSS 2013-1d Box 12
subseriesMiscellaneous UVA Files
fileUniversity of Virginia Committee on Virginia Status of University Students – legal, interpretive and administrative materials, 1972MSS 2013-1d Box 13
fileLaw School – lists of reading materials for Prof. Howard’s classes, 2014, 2016MSS 2013-1d Box 13
fileSpecial Interests Groups on Bork: National Women’s Law Center, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, 1987-08MSS 2013-1 Box 1
seriesAddendum to the Papers of A. E. Dick Howard [e], 1969 - 1974
fileAgriculture: National Aerial Applicators Association, 1969 - 1970MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileAirplanes: Airplane Jet Emissions - Correspondence and newspaper clippings , 1970MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileAir Pollution Control Board: Virginia Regulations and Law, 1970 - 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileAir Pollution: National Air Quality Standards Act- Correspondence and newspaper clippings, 1970MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileAirports: Everglades- Jetport, Florida: The Everglades Jetport Pact and newspaper clippings, 1970MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileAmerican Trial Lawyers Association prize in Environmental Law - correspondence, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileAtomic Energy Licensing and Regulation: Ali-Aba course of studyMSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileAutomobiles: Combustion bill - Correspondence, printed materials, and newspaper clippings, 1970 - 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileBillboard Law - newspaper clippings, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileBusiness: newspaper clippings, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileCanals: Sea Level - news clipping, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileCases and Materials on Environmental Law: Correspondence, 1970 - 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileChesapeake Bay: Anti-Pollution efforts - newspaper clippings, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileCitizens’ Suits: Public Participation - EPA Citizen’s Bulletin, 1973MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileClass Actions: Zahn v. International Paper Company; Rucker v. Willis; James River v. RMA; Harlem Valley v. Stafford, 1973MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileClimate Change: Man Made Climate Changes - newspaper clippings, 1968-1970MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileCoastline Legislation: Correspondence and newspaper clippings, 1970-1971MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileConservation Council of Virginia: Population Control Paper, 1970MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileConservation Foundation: Report on Environmental Issues, 1969-1970MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileConservation Foundation: Twin Cities area planning, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 1
fileCorrespondence A-W [Howard correspondence organized in alphabetical order] [1969-1974]MSS 2013-1e Box 2
fileConstitutional Issues: Federal and State cases, undatedMSS 2013-1e Box 2
fileCouncil on Environmental Quality: newspaper clippings, Conservation Foundation Report, 1970-1971MSS 2013-1e Box 2
fileDams: newspaper clippings, 1970-1971MSS 2013-1e Box 2
fileDemocrats: Correspondence, 1970MSS 2013-1e Box 2
fileDetergents: The Soap and Detergent Association v. the City of Akron, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 2
fileDick A.E. Howard: Environmental Law Project: Proposal to TMI, 1970-1973MSS 2013-1e Box 2
fileDismal Swamp: newspaper clippings, 1973MSS 2013-1e Box 2
fileEcology: Ship Canals and Aquatic Ecosystems, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 2
fileEconomics: Pollution Control, printed materials, 1970-1971MSS 2013-1e Box 2
fileEly et al v. Velde et al: No. 459-70-R: Eastern District Court of Virginia, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 2
fileEnergy Crisis: Conservation Foundation report and newspaper clippings, 1973-1974MSS 2013-1e Box 2
fileElectric Power: Electricity and the Environment- Correspondence and newspaper clippings, 1970-1972MSS 2013-1e Box 2
fileEnvironmental Action: newspaper clippings, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 2
fileEnvironment and the Law: class materials, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 2
fileEnvironmental Defense Fund v. Corps of Engineers: No. 1395-71: printed materials and correspondence, 1971-1972MSS 2013-1e Box 2
fileEnvironmental Education: Correspondence, Prof. Willrich address, printed materials, newspaper clippings, 1970-1971MSS 2013-1e Box 2
fileEnvironment and the Law: Environmental Quality Act of 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 3
fileEnvironment and the Law: Class materials: Clean Air Amendments, NEPA, Solid Waste Recovery, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 3
fileEnvironment and the Law: Class materials: Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 1974MSS 2013-1e Box 3
fileEnvironment and the Law Class Materials: Virginia Wetlands Study Commission; economic aspects of environmental quality; citizens’ suits, exam copy, 1972-1974MSS 2013-1e Box 3
fileEnvironment and the Law: Class materials: opening lecture, judicial review, Sierra Club decisionMSS 2013-1e Box 3
fileEnvironment and the Law : class materials: correspondence, Public Conservation Trust, 1976MSS 2013-1e Box 3
fileEnvironment and the Law: "Constitutional basis of environmental law and citizens’ suits”MSS 2013-1e Box 3
fileEnvironment and the Law: NEPA and environmental impact statements - printed materials, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 3
fileEnvironment and the Law: NEPA lecture- outline and reading materials, 1973MSS 2013-1e Box 3
fileEnvironmental Talent Bank - Governor’s Council; Dennis Barnes list of environmental talent in higher education in Virginia, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 3
fileForeign: International Conferences - correspondence and printed materials, 1971-1972MSS 2013-1e Box 3
fileForests: Legislation - newspaper clippings, 1970-1971MSS 2013-1e Box 3
fileFreedom at Issue: A philosophy of education for a time of ecological crisis, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 3
fileGeneral: newspaper clippings, 1970MSS 2013-1e Box 3
fileGeneral Research Materials: 2 folders, 1970-1973MSS 2013-1e Box 4
fileGovernor’s Council on the Environment: correspondence, printed materials, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 4
fileGovernor’s Council on the Environment: Energy and Power Plant Siting Task ForceMSS 2013-1e Box 4
fileGreat Britain: Pollution, newspaper clippings, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 4
fileGrowth and Development: newspaper clippings, printed materials, 1971-1972MSS 2013-1e Box 4
fileHighways: Report on Environmental Issues: newspaper clippings, 1971 - 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 4
fileHistoric Green Springs Committee: correspondence, newspaper clippings, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 4
fileHistoric Preservation: National Symposium on State Environmental Legislation, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 4
fileHolton Administration: correspondence, newspaper clippings, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 4
fileHumor: comics, newspaper clippings, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 4
fileImpact Statement of the National Environmental Policy Act: correspondence and printed materials, 1971 - 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 4
fileIndustrialization: newspaper clippings, 1970MSS 2013-1e Box 4
fileInternational: Stockholm, newspaper clippings, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 4
fileJames River: pollution - correspondence, newspaper clippings, 1965 - 1970MSS 2013-1e Box 4
fileLand Use: Virginia Task Force Report: Outdoor recreation commission, printed materials, and newspaper clippings, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileLaw and Politics of Environmental Protection: Syllabus: Political Science 357 Class Outline, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileLegal Environment Group at UVA to the Governor’s Council on the Environment, various subjects on state of Virginia Environment, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileLegal Environment Group at UVA: The Virginia Air Pollution Control Law, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileLegal Remedies for Pollution Abatement: Science, Vol. 175, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileLitigation: Michigan Environmental Protection Act: printed materials and newspaper clippings, 1969 - 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileManassas Park Rezoning, 1973MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileMason Neck Northern Virginia National Park Authority, 1973MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileMiscellaneous Conservation Materials: Correspondence, annotated articles, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileMining: West Virginia Legislature: Correspondence, Conservation Foundation report, newspaper clippings, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileNational Environmental Policy Act: Conservation Foundation Report, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileNational Trust for Historic Preservation: Correspondence and Printed Materials, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileNational Science Foundation: correspondence and proposals, 1969MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileNature Conservancy: Richmond Times Dispatch newspaper clippings, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileNatural Resources Defense Council INC.: newsletter, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileNatural Resources Defense Council: DES Case: Correspondence and newsletter, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileNixon Administration: Presidential Report on Environmental Quality: Conservation Foundation Reports and newspaper clippings, 1970 - 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileNoise Pollution: Virginians for Dulles v. John Volpe: No. 507-70-A, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 5
fileOceans: United States v. Maine et al: summary and newspaper clippings, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 6
fileOil Spills: American Petroleum Institute: Alaska Pipeline, 1970 - 1973MSS 2013-1e Box 6
fileParks Petition for Certiorari in Rainbow Bridge: Correspondence, Conservation Foundation Report, newspaper clippings, 1973MSS 2013-1e Box 6
filePesticides: Legislative Action: newspaper clippings, 1970MSS 2013-1e Box 6
filePopulation Limitation: Science journal articles and newspaper clippings, 1970-1972MSS 2013-1e Box 6
filePolitics: The Politics of Ecology: Science, Vol, 170 and newspaper clippings, 1970-1972MSS 2013-1e Box 6
filePotomac River Project: Correspondence and newspaper clippings, 1965 - 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 6
filePresident’s Council on Recreation and Natural Beauty - correspondence, 1970MSS 2013-1e Box 6
filePublic Land Law Review Commission - research program manuscripts, newspaper clippings, 1970MSS 2013-1e Box 6
fileRadiation: Nuclear Waste: Science Vol. 172 and newspaper clippings, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 6
fileRecommendations for Improving Agency NEPA Procedures: Council on Environmental Quality Executive Office of the President, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 6
fileResearch: National Science Foundation: printed materials and newspaper clippings, 1969MSS 2013-1e Box 6
fileRetaining Open Spaces in Maryland: Bureau of Business and Economic Research University of Maryland, 1971 - 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 6
fileRivers and Harbors Act: Environmental Protection Agency, 1970 - 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 6
fileRivers: Preservation: newspaper clippings, 1970MSS 2013-1e Box 6
fileSeminar and Workshop in Environmental Rights and Remedies: Class Outline, undatedMSS 2013-1e Box 6
fileSierra Club et. al v. Cliff et. al No. S-2408, 1973MSS 2013-1e Box 6
fileSummary of Statement to Governor’s Council on Environment, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 6
fileSupersonic Transports: newspaper clippings, 1970-1971MSS 2013-1e Box 6
fileUniversity of Virginia Center for the Study of Science, Technology and Public Policy: Reports, 1970 - 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 6
fileUVA Legal Environment Group Newsletter, 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 7
fileVirginia Constitution and the Environment, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 7
fileVALC Study on Consolidation of Environment Agencies: Correspondence, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 7
fileVirginia Lawyer’s Section on Environmental Law: correspondence, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 7
fileVirginia Lawyer’s Section on Environmental Law: Correspondence, 1972MSS 2013-1e Box 7
fileVirginia Outdoor Plan: Correspondence and newspaper clippings, 1966 - 1970MSS 2013-1e Box 7
fileVirginia Outdoor Recreation Commission: Correspondence and printed materials, 1966 - 1971MSS 2013-1e Box 7
fileStudents papers: A - H, 1971 - 1973MSS 2013-1e Box 7
fileStudent papers: I - W, 1970 - 1973MSS 2013-1e Box 8
otherlevelPrinted MaterialsMSS 2013-1e Box 9
itemALI-ABA. Course of Study: Environmental Law Study Materials. January 28, 29, and 30, 1971
fileALI-ABA. Course of Study: Environmental Law Study Materials. September 10 and 11, 1971
itemAmerican Association of University Women. A Resource Guide on Pollution Control: Federal, State, and Local Agencies and Organizations that Deal with Environmental Problems. 1970
itemBerkman, Richard L et al. Damming the West. Center for Study of Responsive Law, 1971
itemBritish Information Services. Malawi. April 1964
file“Can Law Reclaim Man’s Environment?”. Trial. 1969.
itemClean Air Act Amendments of 1970. 91st Congress, 2d Session, No. 91-1146
itemClean Air Act Amendments of 1970. 91st Congress, 2d Session, No. 91-1783
itemThe Conference Board. Corporate Organization For Pollution Control. The Conference Board, New York, 1970
itemCommittee on Public Works. Laws of the United States Relating to Water Pollution Control and Environmental Quality. 91st Congress 2d Session, No. 91-33. July 1970
itemCommonwealth of Virginia Commission of Outdoor Recreation. The Virginia Outdoors Plan, 1970: Virginia’s Outdoor Recreation Resources.Vol. I. 1970. Commonwealth of Virginia. Commission of Outdoor Recreation. The Virginia Outdoors Plan, 1970: The Demand and
itemCommission of Outdoor Recreation. The Virginia Outdoors Plan, 1970: Assistance Programs, Policies, and Responsibilities of Federal, State, and Private Agencies Concerned with Outdoor Recreation and Environmental Quality. Vol. III. 1970. Commonwealth of Vi
itemCommission of Outdoor Recreation. The Virginia Outdoors Plan, 1970: A Plan for meeting Virginia’s Recreational Needs and Conserving an Outdoor Environment. Vol. IV. 1970
itemThe Constitution and Rules of the Kenya African Democratic Union, Kenya
otherlevelPrinted MaterialsMSS 2013-1e Box 10
itemCouncil on Environmental Quality (US). Environmental Quality: The Second Annual Report of the Council On Environmental Quality. [Executive Office of the President, Council on Environmental Quality], For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O, 1970
itemCouncil on Environmental Quality (US). Environmental Quality: The Third Annual Report of the Council On Environmental Quality. [Executive Office of the President, Council on Environmental Quality], For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O, 1970
itemThe Council of State Governments. Environmental Quality and State Government. December 1970
itemElliott, Osborn, “The Ravaged Environment”. Newsweek, 1970
itemThe Environment: A National Mission for the Seventies. Harper & Row, 1970. [Newspaper clippings attached]
itemThe Environmental Law Institute. Primer for the Practice of Federal Environmental Law. Environmental law Reporter. Volume I, No. 1, January 1971
itemEnvironmental Protection Agency office of Research and Development. Alternative Futures and Environmental Quality. 1973
itemFreilich, Robert. “The Legal Basis for a Growth Control System in Fairfax County, Virginia”. PLUS Program Research Paper 2. 1973
itemGovernor’s Council on the Environment. The State of Virginia’s Environment: An Analysis and Recommendation by the Governor’s Council on the Environment, undated
itemGroups that can Help: A Directory of Environmental Organizations
itemHafner, Everett et al. "Environmental Education 1970". Scientist's Institute For Public Information, 1970
itemHornig, Roberta, and Welsh, James. “A World in Danger”. The Washington Star, 1970
itemHoward, Dick A.E. “After Communism: Devolution in Central and Eastern Europe”. South Texas Law Review. Vol. 40, No. 3. 1999
itemHoward, Dick A.E. Toward the Open Society in Central and Eastern Europe. The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, Vol. 16. 1995
itemKenyatta, Jomo. The Kanu Manifesto for Independence, Social Democracy and Stability, undated
otherlevelPrinted MaterialsMSS 2013-1e Box 11
itemLawyers Committee for Human Rights. Between Ruler and Ruled: Freedom of Association in the Russian Federation. Freedom of Association Briefing Paper, New York, 1994
subseriesLuce, Henry. "The Emerging Science Of Survival". Time, 2018
itemMan and His Environment: A View Toward Survival. 13th National Conference of the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO. 1969
itemMeyers, Charles, and Tarlock, Dan A. Selected Legal and Economic Aspects of Environmental Protection. Foundation Press. 1971
itemThe Mitre Corporation. Economics of a Clean Environment. 1974
itemMunro, J. Richard. “The Last Chance- Now”. Sports Illustrated, 1970
itemNational Wildlife Federation. “America is in Trouble” EQ Index. 1970
itemRitter, Ira. Obscenity And Ecology: Environmental Quality, 1972
itemStarck, Christian. Studies in German Constitutionalism. 1995
itemState Council of Higher Education for Virginia. “Environmental Policy for Virginia: Roles for Higher Education”. National Science Foundation Office of Intergovernmental Science Programs. October 1971
itemState of New York. Conservation Bill of Rights. 1970
itemThant, U et al. “Ecology Excellence”. The Humanist, XXX, no. 6, 1970
itemUnited States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce. Subcommittee on the Environment. Environmental Protection Act of 1971: Hearings, Ninety-Second Congress, First Session, On S. 1032. U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1971
itemVirginia. Council on the Environment. Energy and Power Plant Siting Task Force. Power Plant Siting Task Force Report. Commonwealth of Virginia, Governor's Council on the Environment, 1972
itemWass, Marvin, and Thomas Wright. Coastal Wetlands of Virginia: Interim Report. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, 1969
itemWilliam J. Howell, et al. v. Terrence R. McAuliffe: Brief on Behalf of Law Professors as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents. No. 160784. June 27, 2016
filePublic Citizen Litigation Group. The Judicial Record of Judge Robert H. Bork, 1987-08MSS 2013-1, Box 2
seriesAddendum to the Papers of A. E. Dick Howard [f] - Student Notebooks, Clerkship Files, Teaching Files, Case Files, Counselor to Governor Charles Robb Files and Other State of Virginia Miscellaneous Files, 1956 - 2001
subseriesStudent Notes
fileAdministrative Law [Prof. Carl McFarland], January Exam, 1961MSS 2013-1f Box 1
fileAgency and Partnership [Prof. Laurens Rhinelander] (1 folder, 1 binder), 1961MSS 2013-1f Box 1
fileCivil Rights (Elective Course) – Mr. Charles A. Horsky (Lecturer), 1961MSS 2013-1f Box 1
fileComparative Law (Elective Course) – Mr. Percy Corbett (Lecturer) – 1961 (2 folders, 1 binder, 1961MSS 2013-1f Box 1
fileConstitutional Law Seminar – Prof. Frederick Deane Goodwin Ribble [1957-58] (1 folder, 1 binder)MSS 2013-1f Box 1
fileContracts – Prof. Hardy C. Dillard, undated (1 folder, 1 binder)MSS 2013-1f Box 1
fileCorporation Law – Prof. A. J. Gustin Priest (1 folder, 1 binder), 1957 - 1958MSS 2013-1f Box 2
fileCriminal Law – [Prof. Charles Killian Woltz or Prof. Kenneth Robert Redden], (1 folder, 1 binder), 1958MSS 2013-1f Box 2
fileEquitable Remedies (Elective Course) – [Prof. Kenneth Robert Redden] (1 folder, 1 binder), undatedMSS 2013-1f Box 2
fileEstate Planning - notes, undated [1956-1961]MSS 2013-1f Box 2
fileEstate Tax – notes, [1957] (1 folder, 1 binder)MSS 2013-1f Box 2
fileFederal Civil Procedure – notes, undated (1 folder, 1 binder)MSS 2013-1f Box 2
fileFederal Income Tax – [Prof. Mortimer Caplin] (1 folder, 1 binder), 1957 - 1958MSS 2013-1f Box 2
fileGift Tax, undatedMSS 2013-1f Box 2
fileFederal Courts (Elective Course) – [Prof. Lindsey Cowen or Prof. Meador], 1961MSS 2013-1f Box 3
fileIntellectual Property (Seminar) – [Mr. W. Brown Morton, Jr.] (Lecturer), (1 folder, 1 binder), 1961MSS 2013-1f Box 3
fileInternational Law (Elective) – Marion Knight Kellogg (Lecturer), (1 folder, 1 binder), 1961MSS 2013-1f Box 3
fileLabor Law (Elective) – Prof. Charles O. Gregory, (1 folder, 1 binder), 1961MSS 2013-1f Box 3
fileLaw and Foreign Policy Seminar – Notes and Howard’s Report on the Committee on Foreign Relations. Also included a letter of Walter Sterling Surrey to Secretary of State re patent in Puerto Rico (1960-07-25) and letter from Samuel V. Goekjian to Professor MSS 2013-1f Box 3
fileLegal Philosophy – examination and paper (Prof. Mearns), undatedMSS 2013-1f Box 3
fileNegotiable Instruments – Prof. Charles Killian Woltz, (1 folder, 1 binder), 1961MSS 2013-1f Box 3
fileProcedure, undatedMSS 2013-1f Box 3
fileProfessional Ethics, undatedMSS 2013-1f Box 3
fileProperty – Prof. Emerson G. Spies, (1 folder, 1 binder, 1959MSS 2013-1f Box 3
fileTorts – Prof. Charles O. Gregory, (1 folder, 1 binder), 1959MSS 2013-1f Box 4
fileTrust and Estates I (Wills) (Elective) – Prof. Neill Herbert Alford, (1 folder, 1 binder), 1959MSS 2013-1f Box 4
fileTrusts and Estates II (Trusts) (Elective) – Prof. Neill Herbert Alford, 1960MSS 2013-1f Box 4
fileVirginia Procedure (Elective) – Prof. Munford T. Boyd, 1959 - 1960MSS 2013-1f Box 4
fileVirginia Procedure Cases, Vols. I – II – Prof. Munford T. Boyd, 1958MSS 2013-1f Box 4
subseriesMiscellaneous Law School Notes and Other Files
fileBriefs [black binder], undatedMSS 2013-1f Box 5
fileAntitrust: Relevant “MKT” – notes, undatedMSS 2013-1f Box 5
fileBolivian Seminar – Tour of Bolivian Seminar attendees to Richmond, 1961-05-10 - 1961-05-11MSS 2013-1f Box 5
fileA.E. Dick Howard: “The Connolly Amendment,” 2 Journal of the John Bassett Moore Society of International Law, v. 11, no. 1, 1961 [article and research]MSS 2013-1f Box 5
file“Freedom of Religion, The Atheist, and the Torcaso Case” – notes [1960]MSS 2013-1f Box 5
filePassports – Right to Travel notes, undatedMSS 2013-1f Box 5
file[“Political Science 142: Legislatures and Legislation] – papers and notes, 1961MSS 2013-1f Box 5
fileLibel Show Programs, 1957, 1958, 1961MSS 2013-1f Box 6
file[Moot Court?] – Intro Orndorff – briefs, 1956 - 1957MSS 2013-1f Box 6
fileReading Guide: book review written by Howard, 1960MSS 2013-1f Box 6
fileRobinson – Patman Act, notes, undatedMSS 2013-1f Box 6
fileStudent Advisory Council Handbook for First Year Students and “From Lay Student to Law Student,” by Seymour Horwitz and F. Ward Harkrader, Jr. (1954-55), 1956MSS 2013-1f Box 6
fileSupreme Court Review – notes, 1960MSS 2013-1f Box 6
fileThesis Preparation [paper re hints, purpose, etc.], undatedMSS 2013-1f Box 6
fileVirginia Law Review Information Sheet, Screening, Operation Procedure, Style Sheet, Composition in Note-writing, 1960 - 1961MSS 2013-1f Box 6
file[Will Contest] – Virginia Trust Company 1958 Will Draftsmanship Contest Zoning notes, undated , 1958MSS 2013-1f Box 6
fileZoning notes, undatedMSS 2013-1f Box 6
fileNFL – Counsel. Copy of Summary of Proceedings. Meeting of Counsel, Plaza Hotel,, 1961-11-01MSS 2013-1f Box 6
fileNFL – Memorandum from Howard to Charlie Heavens with Chart of NFL salaries in 1959, 1962MSS 2013-1f Box 6
fileNFL – [research], 1960MSS 2013-1f Box 6
fileNFL – AFL Players (AFL case) – Players Summaries (2 folders), undatedMSS 2013-1f Box 6
fileNational Football League 1961 Yearbook; The American Football League Record and Press Manual, 1961; American Football League v. National Football League Decision of Judge Thomsen, Civil No. 12559 (1962) Handbooks and Opinion of Judge Thomsen,, 1962MSS 2013-1f Box 6
subseriesHugo Black Files
fileHugo Black – Articles about him, 1956-1972, undatedMSS 2013-1f Box 7
fileHugo Black – Articles and newspaper clippings upon his death, 1971MSS 2013-1f Box 7
fileHugo Black – Bell v. Maryland. Original Black’s handwritten draft of the opinion, [1964]MSS 2013-1f Box 7
fileHugo Black – Correspondence re about books, 1964 - 1974MSS 2013-1f Box 7
file“Federal Aid to the States for the Support of Public Schools.” Report. [Black from the Committee on Educational Labor]. 75th Cong., 1st Sess., Report No. 217, Calendar 224MSS 2013-1f Box 7
fileHugo Black – Howard’s articles on Justice Black [drafts and copies], , 1966 - 1971MSS 2013-1f Box 7
fileHugo Black – Howard’s handwritten notes, undatedMSS 2013-1f Box 7
fileHugo Black letter to anonymous re “ Federal Government does have to assess taxes for the “general welfare”” (1936-01-18); Memorandum from Harlan F. Stone to the Court re right to dissent (1944-01-13); correspondence with Doctor Sachar, President of BrandeMSS 2013-1f Box 7
fileHugo Black – Law clerks reunions, 1977-1978MSS 2013-1f Box 7
fileHugo Black – copies of some opinionsMSS 2013-1f Box 7
fileHugo Black Speeches, 1928 - 1937MSS 2013-1f Box 8
item“Muscle Shoals Should Be Used In the Interest of the Farmers of this Nation Through the Manufacture of Cheap Fertilizer. The Farmers Need Cheap Fertilizer More Than They Need Power,” Speech by Hon. Hugo L. Black of Alabama in the United States Senate, Mar
item“Use Muscle Shoals for the Farmer,” Speech of Hon. Hugo Black of Alabama In the Senate of The United States, Friday October 4, 1929. Congressional Record 75th Congress, 1st Session
item“Mergers, Trusts, Food Monopolies, and Chain-Store Monopolies Are Dangerous,” Speech of Hon. Hugo L. Black of Alabama In the Senate of the United States, Wednesday, January 8, 1930
item"Big-Four Meat Packers Make Effort to Start a Food Trust,” Remarks of Hon. Hugo L. Black of Alabama In the Senate of the United States, May 22, 1930
item“Muscle Shoals – Veto Message,” Speech of Hon. Hugo L. Black of Alabama In the Senate of the United States, Tuesday March 31, 1931
item"Emergency Relief – It Should be Administered by the People, Not by Bureaus,” Speech of Hon. Hugo L. Black of Alabama In the Senate of the United States, Tuesday, February 16, 1932
itemExcerpts from Speech of Senator Black in United States Senate on April 3, 1933, Defending the Constitutionality of His Bill to Limit Working Hours to Thirty Hours a Week
item“Those U. S. Mail Contracts,” Speech of Hon. Hugo L. Black of Alabama Arranged by The Washington Star And Broadcast Over a Nation-Wide Network of The National Broadcasting Company, Wednesday Night, January 24, 1934
item“Senator Hugo Black Discusses “Aviation and Air Mail Contracts” over CBS,” Address from the Studios of WJSV, Columbia’s station for the nation capital, February 16, 1934
itemAddress Delivered by , Senator Hugo L. Black of Alabama on December 15, 1934, Before the American Association for Social Security in New York City
itemThe 30-Hour Week Radio Address of Hon. Hugo L. Black of Alabama, February 5, 1935
itemAddress by Senator Hugo L. Black of Alabama, made over a National Broadcasting Company Network, Tuesday, March 9th, 1935
item“Lobby Investigation,” Speech of Hon. Hugo L. Black of Alabama Arranged by The Washington Star and Broadcast Over a Nation-Wide Network of The National Broadcasting Company, Thursday Night, August 8, 1935
item“The Utilities of Lobby. The Whispering Campaign,” Radio Address and Speech of Hon. Hugo L. Black of Alabama in the Senate of the United States, August 8 and 23, 1935
itemAddress by Senator Hugo L. Black of Alabama, made over a National Broadcasting Company network, Monday, March 9th, 1936, on subject “Burned Evidence Smokes Out Liberty League.”
item"Inspection and Alleged Seizure of Telegrams, etc.,” Speech of Hon. Hugo L. Black of Alabama in the Senate of the United States, March 20, 1936. Congressional record, 74th Cong. 2nd Session
item"Digest of Data from the Files of a Special Committee to Investigate Lobbying Activities,” United States Senate 74th Cong. 2nd Session Pursuant to S. Res. 165 and S. Res. 184, Resolutions Providing for an Investigation of Lobbying Activities and Propagand
itemRadio Address of Senator Hugo L. Black, of Alabama, Over the Mutual Broadcasting System, from Station WOL. Washington, D. C., February 23, 1937
item“Hours and Wages,” Speech of Senator Hugo L. Black United States Senator of Alabama, Arranged by The Washington Star, Broadcast Over a Nation-Wide Network of The National Broadcasting Company, Monday Night, June 7, 1937
item"Senators Black and Capper Discuss The New Deal Balance Sheet,” over CBS, from Columbia Broadcasting System, Saturday May 16, 1936
item“Reorganization of Federal Judiciary,” Address by Hon. Higo L. Black of Alabama at New York City, on March 24, 1937. Congressional record, 75th Cong., 1st Sess.
fileHugo Black Speeches, 1937 - 1960MSS 2013-1f Box 8
itemCopy of text of Justice Black’s Speech on October 1, 1937
item[Interest in human welfare] For Delivery Wednesday Night, November 23, 1938
item"Imperative National Defense,” Address of the President of the United States, Address of Honorable Hugo L. Black, Address of Honorable Frank Murphy, Address of Honorable Alben W. Barkley, Address of Honorable Tom Connally. August 20, 21, and 25, 1941
itemAddress of Mr. Hugo L. Black to Be Delivered Before the Colorado Bar Association at Colorado Springs, September 12, 1941
itemAddress of Honorable Hugo L. Black, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, at a Southern “Win the War” Meeting at Raleigh, North Carolina, on Tuesday, July 14, 1942
itemProceedings on Connection with the Testimonial Dinner Given on December 10. 1942, Washington, D. C., by Hon. Joseph F. Guffey, Senator form Pennsylvania in Honor of Hon. George W. Norris, Retiring Senator from the State of Nebraska, 1942
itemAddress of Hon. Hugo L. Black, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, at Chicago, Illinois, June 19, 1945
itemSalute to World Unity Concert. Souvenir Program, Hollywood Bowl, June 22, 1945
itemAddress of Hon. Hugo L. Black, Associate Justice, United States Supreme Court, Made at Hollywood Bowl, June 22, 1945
itemAddress of Hon. Hugo L. Black, of the United States Supreme Court at the National Citizens Political Action Committee Roosevelt Memorial Dinner, Hotel Commodore, New York, Friday, April 12
itemBlack, Hugo L.: “The Lawyer and Individual Freedom.” 21 Tennessee Law Review, No. 5, 1950
itemAddress delivered by Hugo L. Black, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Einstein Memorial Meeting – Town Hall, May 15, 1955
itemCommencement Address Delivered by Hugo L. Black, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, at Swarthmore College, June 6, 1955
itemBlack, Hugo L.: “The Bill of Rights,” 35, New York University Law Review. No. 4, 1960
fileWilliam Randolph Hearst v. Hugo L. Black, et al: Brief for Appellees, Motion to dismiss Appellant’s General Appeal, Objections to Allowance of Special AppealMSS 2013-1f Box 8
fileA Toast to the “Magnificent Rebel” (With Apologies to Mr. Justice Holmes)MSS 2013-1f Box 8
fileIn Honor of Justice Hugo L. Black. The Unveiling of an historic marker honoring Justice Hugo Lafayette Black by the Society of Professional Journalists Sigma Delta Chi on Friday, April 19, 1974 at the University of Alabama, 1974-04-19MSS 2013-1f Box 8
fileIn Memoriam. Honorable Hugo Lafayette Black. Proceedings of the Bar and Officers of the Supreme Court of the United States. Proceedings Before the Supreme Court of the United States. Washington, D. C., 1972-04-18MSS 2013-1f Box 8
fileDavis, Hazel Black: Uncle Hugo. An Intimate Portrait of Mr. Justice Black. [With signature], 1965MSS 2013-1f Box 8
fileLeuchtenburg, William E.: “A Klansman Joins the Court: The Appointment of Hugo L. Black,” 41 The University of Chicago Law review, No.1, Fall 1973MSS 2013-1f Box 8
fileHugo l. Black Oversized Materials: [In oversized shelves in Special Collections Repository]MSS 2013-1f Box 8
itemPaid Political Advertisement by Hugo L. Black, Birmingham, Ala.: “Principles Advocated by Hugo Black, Candidate for United States Senate,” undated
itemPaid Political Advertisement by the Senate Democratic Campaign Committee: “Senator Hugo L. Black. Sounds Ringing Democratic Appeal,” undated
itemOpening Speech of Hugo L. Black in his campaign for United States Senator of Alabama, Made at His Boyhood Home, Ashland, ALA, March 20, 1926
itemLabor, Alabama Edition, Vol. XIII, No. 41, Tuesday, June 7, 1932
itemSamples of Black's printed opinionsMSS 2013-1f Box 8
subseriesCert Notes
fileCert Notes – Acts of State, Aliens, Alien Property, Admiralty, Antitrust, Attorneys, Bill of Attainder, Arrest, 1962 - 1963MSS 2013-1f Box 9
fileCert Notes – Citizenship, Contempt, Condemnation, Confessions, Communist Organizations, Defamation, Deportation, Diversity, Due Process, Eminent Domain, Equal Protection, 1962 - 1963MSS 2013-1f Box 9
fileCert Notes – Evidence, Excessive Bail, FELA [Federal Employees Liability Act], Federal Courts, FTC [Federal Trade Commission]; Federal Criminal Law; Federal Criminal Procedure, Federal Enclaves, 1962 - 1963MSS 2013-1f Box 9
fileCert Notes – Federal Statutes (by name), First Amendment, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Government Contracts, ICC, Carriers, Immigration, Improvement Districts, Jurisdiction, Jury Trial, Habeas Corpus, 1962 - 1963MSS 2013-1f Box 9
fileCert Notes – Labor, Libel, Liquor, Local Government, Loyalty Oaths, Obligation of Contracts, Obscenity; Outdoor Advertising, Passports, 1962 - 1963MSS 2013-1f Box 9
fileCert Notes – Patents, Political Question, Preemption, Procedure and Jurisdiction, 1962 - 1963MSS 2013-1f Box 9
fileCert Notes – Racial Demonstrations, Racial Discrimination, Reapportionment, Res Judicata, Right to Counsel, 1962 - 1963MSS 2013-1f Box 9
fileCert Notes – Self Incrimination, Search and Seizure, State Employees, State Taxation, Suit Between States, Supremacy Clause, Vagueness, Zoning, 1962 - 1963MSS 2013-1f Box 10
fileCert Notes – Tax, Administrative Law, Arbitration, Bankruptcy, Census, Civil Service, Corporations, Court of Claims, Court Martial, Credit Unions, Customs, Elections, Extradition, Government Employees, Federal Employees, Grand Juries, Highways, Immunity, MSS 2013-1f Box 10
subseriesTeaching Files: Comparative Constitutional Law, Constitutionalism, Jurisprudence, Supreme Court Seminar
fileComparative Constitutional Law, Fall 1991MSS 2013-1f Box 11
fileComparative Constitutional Law, Spring 1993MSS 2013-1f Box 11
fileComparative Constitutional Law, Spring 1994MSS 2013-1f Box 11
fileComparative Constitutional Law, Spring 1995MSS 2013-1f Box 11
fileComparative Constitutional Law, Spring 1996MSS 2013-1f Box 11
fileComparative Constitutional Law, Spring 1997MSS 2013-1f Box 11
fileConstitutional Law Seminar, Spring 1976MSS 2013-1f Box 11
fileConstitutional Law, Fall 1989-1990MSS 2013-1f Box 11
fileConstitutionalism: History and Jurisprudence, Fall 1992MSS 2013-1f Box 11
fileConstitutionalism, Fall 1993MSS 2013-1f Box 11
fileConstitutionalism, Fall 1994MSS 2013-1f Box 11
fileConstitutionalism, Fall 1995MSS 2013-1f Box 11
fileConstitutionalism, Fall 1996MSS 2013-1f Box 12
fileConstitutionalism, Fall 1997MSS 2013-1f Box 12
fileState Constitutional Law (for Con. Law: Federal and State, Fall 1988MSS 2013-1f Box 12
fileJurisprudence, Spring 1976MSS 2013-1f Box 12
fileJurisprudence, Spring 1978MSS 2013-1f Box 12
fileJurisprudence, Spring 1978MSS 2013-1f Box 12
fileJurisprudence, Fall 1979MSS 2013-1f Box 12
fileJurisprudence, Fall 1980MSS 2013-1f Box 12
fileJurisprudence, Fall 1982MSS 2013-1f Box 12
fileJurisprudence, Spring 1984MSS 2013-1f Box 12
fileJurisprudence, Spring 1989MSS 2013-1f Box 12
fileJurisprudence, Spring 1990MSS 2013-1f Box 12
fileJurisprudence – Abortion (includes correspondence with lecturers), 1978-1984MSS 2013-1f Box 13
fileJurisprudence – Affirmative Action (includes Legal Philosophy; “Black Legal Thought and Civil Disobedience Research Topics 1976; and “Blacks and the Law, 1982”) , 1967 - 1982MSS 2013-1f Box 13
fileJurisprudence – Capital Punishment, notes, 1974-1984, 1986MSS 2013-1f Box 13
fileJurisprudence Examinations [includes Hardy C. Dillard exam of 1963], 1963, 1979-1984MSS 2013-1f Box 13
fileJurisprudence – Law and Morality, 1978 - 1990MSS 2013-1f Box 13
fileJurisprudence – Life and Death. [Some correspondence with lecturers], 1967-1999MSS 2013-1f Box 13
file[Jurisprudence] – miscellaneous notes, correspondence, news clippings, 1967 - 1984MSS 2013-1f Box 13
fileJurisprudence – Personhood/Autonomy, 1961 - 1981MSS 2013-1f Box 13
fileLegal Philosophy Examinations, 1961 - 1971MSS 2013-1f Box 13
fileSupreme Court Seminar – Burger Court Seminar, Fall 1975MSS 2013-1f Box 13
fileSupreme Court Seminar, Spring 1978MSS 2013-1f Box 13
fileSupreme Court Seminar, Fall 1978MSS 2013-1f Box 13
fileSupreme Court Seminar, Spring 1979MSS 2013-1f Box 13
fileSupreme Court Seminar – Burger Court Seminar, Fall 1979MSS 2013-1f Box 14
fileSupreme Court Seminar, Spring 1980MSS 2013-1f Box 14
file[Supreme Court Seminar] – Burger Court Seminar, Fall 1980MSS 2013-1f Box 14
fileSupreme Court Seminar, Spring 1981MSS 2013-1f Box 14
file[Supreme Court Seminar] – Burger Court Seminar, Fall 1981MSS 2013-1f Box 14
fileSupreme Court Seminar, Fall 1982MSS 2013-1f Box 14
fileSupreme Court Seminar, Fall 1983MSS 2013-1f Box 14
file[Supreme Court Seminar] – Burger Court Seminar, Fall 1983MSS 2013-1f Box 14
fileSupreme Court Seminar, Spring 1984MSS 2013-1f Box 14
file[Supreme Court Seminar] – The Burger Court Seminar, Fall 1984MSS 2013-1f Box 14
fileSupreme Court Seminar, Spring 1985MSS 2013-1f Box 14
fileSupreme Court Seminar, Fall 1985MSS 2013-1f Box 14
fileSupreme Court Seminar, Fall 1986MSS 2013-1f Box 14
fileSupreme Court Seminar, Spring 1987MSS 2013-1f Box 15
fileSupreme Court Seminar, Fall 1987MSS 2013-1f Box 15
fileSupreme Court Seminar: The Burger and Rehnquist Court, Spring 1991MSS 2013-1f Box 15
fileSupreme Court Seminar: The Burger and Rehnquist Court, Fall 1997MSS 2013-1f Box 15
fileSupreme Court Justices and the Art of Judging, Spring 1998MSS 2013-1f Box 15
fileSupreme Court Seminar: From Warren to Rehnquist. Fall 1998MSS 2013-1f Box 15
fileSupreme Court Justices and the Art of Judging, Spring 1999MSS 2013-1f Box 15
fileThe Supreme Court from Warren to Rehnquist, Fall 1999MSS 2013-1f Box 15
fileBlue Cross of Virginia v. Commonwealth of Virginia [Record No. 7334] – Oral argument (handwritten notes); copy of William H. King oral argument; Outline of arguments in Blue Cross’ appeals from decision of the State Corporation Commission (Howard’s typewrMSS 2013-1f Box 15
fileBoard of Supervisors of Fairfax County, Virginia v. Roy G. Allman, No. 75-388 – correspondence and briefs, 1975MSS 2013-1f Box 15
fileBoyd v. Bulala, No. 88-2055L (USCA 4th Cir.) [Certification Issue] – correspondence and handwritten notes, news clippings, research materials, appeal. (4 folders), 1986 - 1990MSS 2013-1f Box 16
itemBoyd v. Bulala, No. 88-2055L (USCA 4th Cir.) Brief of AppellantsMSS 2013-1f Box 16
itemBoyd v. Bulala, No. 88-2055L (USCA 4th Cir.) Reply Brief of AppellantsMSS 2013-1f Box 16
itemBoyd v. Bulala, No. 88-2055L (USCA 4th Cir.) Brief for the United States as Amicus Curiae in Support of AppellantsMSS 2013-1f Box 16
itemBoyd v. Bulala, No. 88-2055L (USCA 4th Cir.) Brief Amicus Curiae of the Medical Society of VirginiaMSS 2013-1f Box 16
itemBoyd v. Bulala, No. 88-2055L (USCA 4th Cir.) Copy of Brief of the State of Maryland as Amicus CuriaeMSS 2013-1f Box 16
itemBoyd v. Bulala, No. 88-2055L (USCA 4th Cir.) Plaintiffs-Appellees’ Brief in Opposition to the Appeal of R. A. Bulala, M.D.MSS 2013-1f Box 17
itemBoyd v. Bulala, No. 88-2055L (USCA 4th Cir.) Brief of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, Consumer Federation of America, Distressed Parents Together (DPT) as Amicus CuriaeMSS 2013-1f Box 17
itemBoyd v. Bulala, No. 88-2055L (USCA 4th Cir.) Brief of AppellantsMSS 2013-1f Box 17
itemBoyd v. Bulala, No. 88-2055L (USCA 4th Cir.) – Judge James H. Michaels, Jr. Decision on Virginia Malpractice Recovery Statute and supporting background materialsMSS 2013-1f Box 17
fileThe Brink’s Company v. United States (Petition for writ of certiorari) – memoranda, (2 folders), 1996 - 2004MSS 2013-1f Box 17
fileThe Brink’s Company v. United States (Petition for writ of certiorari) – research notes, 1996 - 2004MSS 2013-1f Box 17
fileThe Brink’s Company v. United States (Petition for writ of certiorari) – Brief in Opposition for Respondents Trustees of the UMWA Combined Benefit Fund and UMWA Combined Benefit FundMSS 2013-1f Box 17
itemThe Brink’s Company v. United States (Petition for writ of certiorari) – Brief for the United States in OppositionMSS 2013-1f Box 17
itemThe Brink’s Company v. United States (Petition for writ of certiorari) – Reply Brief of PetitionersMSS 2013-1f Box 17
itemThe Brink’s Company v. United States (Petition for writ of certiorari)MSS 2013-1f Box 17
itemThe Brink’s Company v. United States (Petition for writ of certiorari) – USCA No. 98-2398 published opinionMSS 2013-1f Box 17
fileJames A. Carini v. United States of America, No. 75-1695: Memorandum for the Respondents; Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit; typed Argument 1, Conflict of Circuits, some correspondence, 1975-76,MSS 2013-1f Box 18
fileCity of Charlottesville v. DeHaan (Supreme Court of Virginia) [Vinegar Hill Hotel and Conference Center] - memoranda, Development proposal, Memorandum of Agreement between F. Rodney Lawler and H. Pat Wood and the Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing MSS 2013-1f Box 18
fileFairchild Corporation v. Metropolitan Airport Authority – correspondence, notes, 1999MSS 2013-1f Box 18
fileFairchild Corporation v. Metropolitan Airport Authority – oral argument, 1999MSS 2013-1f Box 18
fileFairchild Corporation v. Metropolitan Airport Authority – correspondence, briefs, 1999 - 2000MSS 2013-1f Box 18
fondsFairfax County Schools v. Gambino – correspondence and copy of published opinion, undatedMSS 2013-1f Box 19
fileFOP [Fraternal Order of Police] Lodge No. 3 v. Baltimore City Police Department – Deposition of A. E. Dick Howard (1994-12-22); correspondence, notes; Declaration of A. E. Dick Howard; Petition of Writ of Certiorari (2 folders), 1994-1995, 1997MSS 2013-1f Box 19
fileGolf Course Rezoning Cases – [Howard’s memorandum: “Thoughts on ‘taking’”], other memoranda and arguments, 1969MSS 2013-1f Box 19
fileHotel Jefferson [Richmond, VA] – Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) Constitutionality – correspondence, Howard’s Memorandum re UDAG Grant Agreement for Renovation of Hotel Jefferson, news clippings, 1980 - 1983MSS 2013-1f Box 19
fileProject One [City of Richmond] – correspondence, Howard’s opinion, news clippings. [Hotel construction plan as part of the Redevelopment Project Number One (the “Plan”) of the City of Richmond, VA], 1982 - 1984MSS 2013-1f Box 19
fileRichmond Renaissance Festival Marketplace (Sixth Street) – correspondence, agreement, news clippings. [Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority], 1982 - 1984MSS 2013-1f Box 19
fileSoft Wood Lumber, [Action Challenging the Constitutionality of the FTA Panel Process and the Lumber Panel and ECC Decisions] – correspondence and handwritten notesMSS 2013-1f Box 19
fileThe School District of the City of Grand Rapids v. Ball, No. 83-990 (U.S. Supreme Court) [First Amendment’s Establishment Clause] – correspondence and opinions, 1984 - 1985MSS 2013-1f Box 20
fileThe School District of the City of Grand Rapids v. Ball, No. 83-990 (U.S. Supreme Court) – notes and standing, 1984 - 1985MSS 2013-1f Box 20
fileThe School District of the City of Grand Rapids v. Ball, No. 83-990 (U.S. Supreme Court) – abstract of cases, briefs, handwritten notes, 1984 - 1985MSS 2013-1f Box 20
fileThe School District of the City of Grand Rapids v. Ball, No. 83-990 (U.S. Supreme Court) – Exhibit, Joint Appendix, handwritten notes, 1084 - 1985MSS 2013-1f Box 20
itemThe School District of the City of Grand Rapids v. Ball, No. 83-990 (U.S. Supreme Court) – On Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, Joint Appendices, Vols. I and IIMSS 2013-1f Box 20
itemThe School District of the City of Grand Rapids v. Ball, No. 83-990 (U.S. Supreme Court) – Brief of RespondentsMSS 2013-1f Box 20
itemThe School District of the City of Grand Rapids v. Ball, No. 83-990 (U.S. Supreme Court) – Brief of Americans United for Separation of Church and State as Amicus CuriaeMSS 2013-1f Box 20
itemThe School District of the City of Grand Rapids v. Ball, No. 83-990 (U.S. Supreme Court) – Brief of the Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs, The National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and the American Jewish Committee as Amicus CuMSS 2013-1f Box 20
itemThe School District of the City of Grand Rapids v. Ball, No. 83-990 (U.S. Supreme Court) – Brief for the National Jewish Commission on Law and Public Affairs (”COLPA”) as Amicus Curiae in Support of CommissionersMSS 2013-1f Box 20
fileGilmore v. Landsidle, No. 961014 – Budget Bill and Governor’s Veto Power [memoranda, correspondence, drafts, motions, EAD Howard’s notes, news clippings (2 folders), 1996MSS 2013-1f Box 21
fileGilmore v. Landsidle, No. 961014 – Virginia Supreme Court Mandamus Action on the Budget, (2 folders), 1996MSS 2013-1f Box 21
fileGilmore v. Landsidle, No. 961014 – Oral Argument [argument docket, AEDH’s notes]MSS 2013-1f Box 21
itemGilmore v. Landsidle, No. 961014 – Memorandum of Respondent Jamerson in Opposition to Petition for Writ of MandamusMSS 2013-1f Box 21
itemGilmore v. Landsidle, No. 961014 – Memorandum of Respondent William E. Landsidle in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss Files by Respondent Bruce E. JamersonMSS 2013-1f Box 21
itemGilmore v. Landsidle, No. 961014 – Memorandum of William E. Landsidle in Response to Petition for Writ of MandamusMSS 2013-1f Box 21
itemGilmore v. Landsidle, No. 961014 – Memorandum of Respondent Jamerson in Reply to Memoranda of Petitioner Attorney General and Respondent Comptroller Opposing Respondent Jamerson’s Motion to DismissMSS 2013-1f Box 21
itemGilmore v. Landsidle, No. 961014 – Petitioner’s Reply MemorandumMSS 2013-1f Box 21
itemGilmore v. Landsidle, No. 961014 – Petitioner’s Memorandum in Opposition tio Motion to Dismiss Petition for Writ of MandamusMSS 2013-1f Box 21
fileGilmore v. Landsidle, No. 961014 – Time SheetsMSS 2013-1f Box 21
subseriesCounselor to Governor Charles S. Robb Files
fileAppointment as Counsel to Governor Robb’s Administration, 1982MSS 2013-1f Box 22
fileAppointments [Suggestions] – correspondence, 1981 - 1982MSS 2013-1f Box 22
fileBalance of Power – “The Changing Balance of Political Power – A Statistical Handbook – Southern Region,” SEARS Strategic Trend Information System, Department 703X (1979- 11); “State and Local Finance: Adjustment in a Changing Economy, Joint Economic CommiMSS 2013-1f Box 22
fileBottle Bill – Virginian’s for Returnables. Advocating a Deposit-Refund Law to Recycle Beverage Containers, 1983MSS 2013-1f Box 22
fileCabinet Meetings – Robb’s Cabinet Meetings – agenda, notes (2 folders), 1982 - 1983MSS 2013-1f Box 22
fileCity Hall re Capitol Development Project, Richmond VA, 1983 - 1984MSS 2013-1f Box 22
fileCoal Slurry Pipeline Bill – memoranda, notes, statements, addresses, testimonies on the Pipeline Bill Act of 1983MSS 2013-1f Box 22
fileCourts – [Need for An Intermediate Court in Virginia] – Report on the Judiciary. Report and Recommendations to the Virginia State Bar Council Relating to the Proposal for Reform of the Appellate Court System (1981-10-31); memoranda from UVA Law professorsMSS 2013-1f Box 23
fileDavis Case – [Hutto v. Davis] re pardon of Roger Trenton Davis. Memoranda, correspondence, 1982MSS 2013-1f Box 23
fileEducation – memoranda and correspondence re school boards, standards of quality, authority of the General Assembly and local schools, teachers salaries. Governor’s Address on the State of the Commonwealth of Virginia (1985-01-09); news clippings, 1982-198MSS 2013-1f Box 23
fileHigher Education Study Committee – memoranda, correspondence, proposed agenda, news clippings; Robb’s Charter Day Address, The College of William and Mary (1983-02-05); Davies, Gordon K.: “The Future of Higher Education: A State Perspective,” Governor’s CMSS 2013-1f Box 23
file[Higher Education] Special Committee to Advise the Governor 1984-1986, Higher Education Budget, May 2, 1983 and June 8, 1983 (2 folders), 1983 - 1986MSS 2013-1f Box 23
fileInaugural (Charles S. Robb) – invitations, address, news clippings, 1982MSS 2013-1f Box 23
fileInaugural (Charles S. Robb) – Address and [copies of previous addresses and Howard’s notes for address. Includes: Virginia Record. Inaugural Commemorative Edition, January-February 1982, 1981-1982MSS 2013-1f Box 24
fileLieutenant Governor Vacancy, 1982MSS 2013-1f Box 24
fileMcBride, David Thomas Petition for Executive Clemency – letters of recommendation, AEDH memorandum (1982-06-25), petition signed by John C. Lowe (1982-08-10), 1982MSS 2013-1f Box 24
fileMenzies Lectures [UVA Law School] – correspondence, 1984 - 1985MSS 2013-1f Box 24
fileMiscellaneous correspondence re [issues during Robb’s governorship] (3 folders), 1982 - 1985MSS 2013-1f Box 24
fileMiscellaneous correspondence with [Dorothy Ulrich Troubetzkoy], 1984MSS 2013-1f Box 24
fileMosteller, David [Petition for Habeas Corpus], , 1982MSS 2013-1f Box 24
filePardoning Power – memoranda to Governor Robb, handwritten notes, 1982 - 1983MSS 2013-1f Box 24
fileNational Governors’ Association Legal Affairs Committee, (2 folders), 1982 - 1984MSS 2013-1f Box 25
fileNews clippings [re Robb’s governorship], 1982 - 1984MSS 2013-1f Box 25
filePeach Bowl Resolution – [Virginia’s General Assembly recognition of UVA’s victory in the Peach Bowl], 1985MSS 2013-1f Box 25
fileReapportionment – [Notes on Reapportionment Bill, House of Delegates; Report of the Subcommittee on Redistricting of the House Committee on Privileges and Elections], 1981MSS 2013-1f Box 25
file[Richmond Beltway/By-Pass Controversy], 1981MSS 2013-1f Box 26
fileRichmond, VA Capital Square Master Plan – correspondence and notes, 1983 - 1984MSS 2013-1f Box 26
fileRichmond, VA Capital Square Master Plan – news clippings, 1983 - 1984MSS 2013-1f Box 26
file[Richmond, VA Capital Square Master Plan] – Robb v. Shockoe Foundation legal documents, (2 folders), 1985MSS 2013-1f Box 26
fileSpeeches [copies of Robb’s speeches], 1982 - 1984MSS 2013-1f Box 26
fileState of the Commonwealth Address – drafts and address, 1983-01-12MSS 2013-1f Box 27
fileState Corporation Commission – [Election of Commissioners], correspondence, memoranda, news clippings, 1985MSS 2013-1f Box 27
fileTax Exemption for Segregated Schools – [printed draft of bill]MSS 2013-1f Box 27
fileTerms of Governor – permitting succession. Statement of AEDH on H. R. J. 196 proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Virginia (Article V, Section 1) permitting the Governor to serve two successive terms of office, 1985-01-30MSS 2013-1f Box 27
fileUniversity of Virginia Commencement Address – Robb’s Commencement Address, notes and address, 1983-05-22MSS 2013-1f Box 27
fileUniversity of Virginia Law Day – Remarks of Governor Charles S. Robb 1979-04-28). Also other Robb’s remarks at the State of Higher Education Executive Officers Meeting in Washington, D. C. (1982-03-25); drafts of speech to College and University Visitors MSS 2013-1f Box 27
fileVirginia Academy of Laureates – correspondence, memoranda, House Joint Resolution No. 12 Commending the Academy of Cultural Laureates, lists of laureates (1977, 1981); report, 1977, 1981-1982MSS 2013-1f Box 27
fileVirginia Forum on Education – Remarks of Governor Charles S. Robb at the State Higher Education Officers Meeting (1982-03-25); at Council of Visitors, George Mason University (1982-04-05); Testimony of Governor Charles S. Robb to the House Subcommittee onMSS 2013-1f Box 27
fileVirginia’s Future, Commission on – [Report of the Governor’s Commission on Virginia’s Future]. Correspondence, handwritten notes. “Toward a New Dominion: Choices for Virginians. Report of the Governor’s Commission on Virginia’s Future. Task Force Reports,MSS 2013-1f Box 27
fileVirginia General Assembly – memoranda, correspondence, news clippings. Virginia Legislative Directory 1982 and 1983MSS 2013-1f Box 27
fileVirginians With Disabilities Act, 1984MSS 2013-1f Box 27
subseriesOther State of Virginia Files
fileBaliles, Gerald L., Governor - Inaugural invitations and memorabilia, 1986-01-11MSS 2013-1f Box 28
fileBaliles, Gerald L. Governor Transition – correspondence and other campaign documents, 1985MSS 2013-1f Box 28
fileRobb, Charles S.: correspondence and news clippings. Also stickers for Robb for President (1988) and two reports on Robb’s initiatives, 1987 - 1988MSS 2013-1f Box 28
file“America After September 11,” Pamplin Lecture, Virginia Tech, November 2001MSS 2013-1f Box 28
fileU. S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Response prepared to White House Analysis of Judge Bork’s Record, 1987-09-02 - 1987-09-03MSS 2013-1, Box 2
fileReport of the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. and People for the American Way Action Fund: “Judge Bork’s views regarding Supreme Court Constitutional Precedents”, 1987-09MSS 2013-1, Box 2
fileACLU Report on the Civil Liberties Record of Judge Robert H. Bork and revision, 1987-09-09MSS 2013-1, Box 2
fileDepartment of Justice, Office of Public Affairs: “A Response to the Critics of Judge Robert H. Bork”, 1987-09-12MSS 2013-1, Box 2
fileSupreme Court Syllabus and Instructions; 1987-1988 Course Offering Directory and Addendum No. 4 (Cumulative), 1987, FallMSS 2013-1, Box 2
fileLetter from Senator Edward Kennedy to Prof. Howard re “pocket veto” clause and Kennedy v. Arthur F. Sampson. Appeal. [No. 73-2121, 73-2122.], 1974-02-15MSS 2013-1, Box 2
filePrinted materialsMSS 2013-1, Box 2
itemCongressional Research Services Report to Congress. The Bork Nomination (Received between July 2nd and July 17th, 1987), 1987-07-02 - 1987-07-17MSS 2013-1, Box 2
itemCongressional Quaterly’s, Supreme Court Nomination, V. 2, No. 6, Aug. 17, 1987, 1987-08-17MSS 2013-1, Box 2
itemStatement Adopted by the AFL-CIO Executive Council on Opposition to the Nomination of Robert H. Bork to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Washington, D.C., August 17, 1987, 1987-08-17MSS 2013-1, Box 2
itemSenior Executive Institute, Patrick Henry Dinner at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond – 1 photo of Dick Howard, 1988-07-20
itemVirginia Commission on the Bicentennial of the Constitution and the Center for Democracy, Dinner for Arpád Göncz President – 6 photos, 1990-09-16
itemPreserving a Nations Constitutional Heritage through Education an International Symposium, President Arpád Göncz visit to Montpelier, Virginia – 2 photos, 1990-09-16
itemNational Trust for Historic Preservation, James Madison Constitutional Heritage Award, to Arpád Göncz, Constitutional Ball – 17 photos, 1990-09-17