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MSS 08-3

The Papers of Earle K. Shawe


Professional files that relate to labor management relations, and personal memorabilia.

1938-2003 [Inclusive]
4 Linear Feet (9 archival boxes, plus some oversized materials.)

Scope & Contents

The papers of Earle K. Shawe consist primarily of memoranda and case briefs from Shawe & Rosenthal, some business and personal correspondence, newspapers clippings, and scrapbooks. Also included are some photographs, date books, and address book.

The Law Library received and addendum to this collection that consists of letters and postcards that Mr. Shawe sent to his brother while he was a law student at the University of Virginia.

Collection Description

    Biographical / Historical
    Immediate Source of Acquisition
fileCorrespondence - EKS Profile. Correspondence and materials concerning the Sunpapers report conducted by Nick Yangus regarding Earle K. Shawe's background, character and practice of labor law. Included are the names of individuals suggested as references ,MSS 2008-3, Box 1
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Earle K. Shawe [a], 1930-1934MSS 2008-3a, Box 1
file3 postcards and 4 letters addressed to David [sometimes spelled Davey] Schikevitz of Portsmouth, VA, 1930MSS 2008-3a, Box 1
file2 postcards addressed to David Schikevitz and 1 receipt from Jameson Book and Athletic Store, Inc., University, VA, December 1, 1931, 1931MSS 2008-3a, Box 1
fileScott Stadium football ticket for November 24, 1932: University of North Carolina versus University of Virginia, Thanksgiving Day, 1932-11-24MSS 2008-3a, Box 1
file6 letters addressed to David Schikevitz , 1933MSS 2008-3a, Box 1
file23 postcards addressed to Davey Schikevitz, and 1 postcard addresed to P. SchikevitzMSS 2008-3a, Box 1
file4 letters and 6 postcards addressed to David Schikevitz. One postcard addresses to Willie Schikevitz, 1934MSS 2008-3a, Box 1
fileUniversity of Virginia correspondence and 3 promissory notes, 1931-1934, 1943MSS 2008-3a, Box 1
file3 letters to David Schikevitz, and one Liberty National Bank Savings Book [Washington, DC], n.d. [ca. 1930-1934], 1935-1936MSS 2008-3a, Box 1
fileDistrict Court of the US for the District of Columbia certificate of admission, 1937-03-09MSS 2008-3a, Box 1
fileDistrict Court of Maryland certificate of admission of Earl K. Shawe as Attorney and Counselor, Solicitor, Advocate, and Proctor, 1944-12-01MSS 2008-3a, Box 1
fileState of Maryland certificate of admission to the Court of Appeals, 1946-01-29MSS 2008-3a, Box 1
fileWillis, H. A. to Shawe - letter re Shawe’s resignation from the National Labor Relations Board, 1947MSS 2008-3a, Box 1
fileGovernment of the Cayman Islands invitation to Mr. and Mrs. Shawe to a reception in honor of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Includes a photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Shawe meeting the Prince and a newspaper clipping commenting on Mrs. Shawe dress, 1962-04-MSS 2008-3a, Box 1
fileNotes and newspaper clippings from David Schikevitz to Earl K. Shawe when he returned Shawe’s correspondence, 1992, n.d.MSS 2008-3a, Box 1
fileCongratulatory letters upon Shawe’s 100th Birthday from President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, Senator Benjamin L. Cardin, UVA School of Law Dean Paul Mahoney, National Relations Board Regional Manager Wayne Gold, College of Labor and EmploMSS 2008-3a, Box 1
subseriesOversized itemsMSS 2008-3a, Box 1
itemThe Portsmouth Star, June 9, 1929: “Woodrow Wilson High School Graduating Class of 1929”, 1929-06-09Special Collections Oversized Shelves
itemThe Baltimore Sun, July 9, 2017: “Earle K. Shawe, Tough-minded New Deal labor lawyer represented management of major corporations” Obituary , 2017-07-09Special Collections Oversized Shelves
fileCorrespondence - Earle K. Shawe Re: Newspaper Submissions & Articles. Correspondence with newspaper editors and clients regarding his article submissions on labor topics, 1989-1990MSS 2008-3, Box 1
fileCorrespondence - Letters of Recommendation. Correspondence regarding letters of recommendation Earle K. Shawe had written, 1990-1991MSS 2008-3, Box 1
fileCorrespondence - Thank you letters from clients for services rendered by Shawe & Rosenthal, 1962-1982MSS 2008-3, Box 1
fileMaterials - EKS Profile. Correspondence and newspaper clippings regarding the 1967 Tug Boat Strike, 1981MSS 2008-3, Box 1
fileCorrespondence - Letters of congratulations, 1962-1985MSS 2008-3, Box 1
fileMaterials - EKS Profile - Miscellaneous. Assorted biographical materials including speeches, articles, and memos regarding Earle K. Shawe's profile and career, 1981MSS 2008-3, Box 1
fileList - Cases in Progress. Lists each case currently being worked on by each attorney in Shawe & Rosenthal, 1982MSS 2008-3, Box 1
fileMaterials - Agendas, Statements, Reports, Pamphlets, Memoranda, Case Filings. [Collection of miscellaneous agendas, statements, reports, pamphlets, memoranda, case filings], 1975 - 2003MSS 2008-3, Box 1
fileMaterials - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Articles, correspondence, and statements by Shawe & Rosenthal regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act and its ramifications , 1991MSS 2008-3, Box 1
fileMaterials - Daniel Keith Ludwig. Newspaper articles regarding Shawe & Rosenthal's client Daniel Keith Ludwig, the world's leading shipping magnate. Included is an article regarding the N.L.R.B.'s dismissal of a case involving bargaining unit elections andMSS 2008-3, Box 1
fileMaterials - MD Commissioner of Labor and Industry Position. Correspondence, resumes, and recommendations by Earle K. Shawe on behalf of Henry Segal to succeed Harvey Epstein as Maryland Commissioner of Labor and Industry, 1983-03MSS 2008-3, Box 1
fileMaterials - Maryland Teachers Labor Negotiations. [Speech and newspaper clippings regarding Maryland Teachers' Labor Contract Negotiations] , 1975-12 - 1976-05MSS 2008-3, Box 1
fileMaterials - Shawe & Rosenthal [Pamphlets, speeches and profiles of the Shawe & Rosenthal Law Firm], 1996, n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 1
fileNewspaper clippings, 1938, 1983MSS 2008-3, Box 2
fileNewspapers - Miscellaneous clippings - Re: Earle K. Shawe / Shawe & Rosenthal, 1947-2004, n. d.MSS 2008-3, Box 2
fileNewspapers - Personal articles of interest, 1963-1992MSS 2008-3, Box 2
fileNewspapers - Miscellaneous clippings - Cases & Laws. [Newspapers clippings regarding legal cases and labor laws], 1976-2003MSS 2008-3, Box 2
fileS & R - Summary of Credentials - Re: Hospitals, etc. Three "Summary of Credentials" documents prepared for Dorchester General Hospital Inc. (2 versions) and Anne Arundel Medical Center (1 version), n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 2
fileMaterials - S & R 30th Anniversary for EKS. [Correspondence, notes, receipts and guest list for Earle K. Shawe's 30th Anniversary Party held at Woodholme County Club on September 24, 1977] , 1977-09-24MSS 2008-3, Box 2
fileShawe Rosenthal LLP 60th Anniversary Celebration Booklet, 2007-09-26MSS 2008-3, Box 2
fileUniversity of Virginia School of Law Foundation. Correspondence primarily re: Earl K. Shawe Labor Award, Law School Foundation Capital Campaign and Earl K. Shawe Research Professorship Fund, 1985-2001MSS 2008-3, Box 2
fileCertificates. [United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit admission as an Attorney and Counselor (12-4-1951); American Bar Association Certificate of Membership (1-6-1956); S. A. M. Society for Advancement of Management membership ( 4-18-1963); MSS 2008-3, Box 2
fileScrapbook: Bermuda Hotel Dispute Inquiry, December 1975 - May 1977. [Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings], 1975-12 - 1977-05MSS 2008-3, Box 3
fileScrapbook: Bermuda Dispute 1979, July 1967, March - April 1979. [Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings regarding the Bermuda Hotel Labor Dispute in 1979], 1967-07, 1979-03 - 1979-04MSS 2008-3, Box 3
fileNewspapers - Bermuda Hotel Dispute March 1979 - July 1979. [Hotel Industry News, May 1979 (multiple copies), June/July 1979; The Workers Voice May 11, 1979, June 8, 1979, July 6, 1979; The Royal Gazette March 15, 1979, March 20, 1979, April 9, 1979, May 1MSS 2008-3, Box 3
fileScrapbook: United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) vs. Local 1975 United Steel Workers of America (AFL-CIO) at The Lebanon Steel Foundry, October 1961 - January 1962. Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings, union literature and companMSS 2008-3, Box 3
fileCollection of date books and address book. 1966- 1980, 1987, 1966-1980, 1987MSS 2008-3, Box 3
fileShawe & Rosenthal - Memorandum - 3A to 5MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item3(A) - To: Baltimore Gas & Electric Company; Re: The Validity of Imposing No-Solicitation and Distribution Rules upon Employees performing work in areas open to the public, 1978-03MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item3(B) - To: Maryland Cup Corporation; Re: Guidelines for imposing no-solicitation and distribution rules , n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item3(C) - Document titled "Here are the basic rules governing solicitation and distribution of literature on company property" , n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item3(D) - To: Maryland Casualty Company; Re: No-Solicitation Rules in Office Buildings, n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item3(E) - To: NRB; From: AMB; Re: The legality of posting the following No Solicitation rule in a shopping center complex: "Solicitation, trespassing or distribution of literature on this parking lot, premises and sidewalks is prohibited." , n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item3(F) - To: Maryland Hospital Education Institute Seminar; Re: The validity of imposing no-solicitation and distribution rules upon employees performing work in medical facilities: Recent decisions of the National Labor Relations Board and the Courts , 197MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item3(G) - Photocopy of article titled "Solicitation and Distribution on Retail Store Premises" by Larry E. Forrester and Dan T. Carter , n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item3(H) - 1 page notice titled "No Solicitation Rule" , n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item3(I) -"Union Activity on the Employer's Property". [Discusses relevant decisions by the National Labor Relations Board regarding union solicitation on company property], n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item3(J) - To: Williamsburg Hotel & Motel Association; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Memorandum setting forth a uniform, succinct, no-solicitation rule, including the legal background for such a rule , 1979-06-01MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item3(K) - To: All Managers and Assistant Managers; From: Merlin R. Miller, Executive Vice President & General Manager, Read's Inc.; Re: The violation by Local 692 of the no-solicitation rule, 1973-02-06MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item3(L) - To: ; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: No-Solicitation rule in the health care industry. [Discusses the Supreme Court decision Beth Israel Hospital v. National Labor Relations Board] , 1978-08-02MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item4(A) - "Guide for Supervisors" [regarding unionization]. [Discusses how employers should address unionization] , n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item4(B) - "The Organizational Period: The Point of View of Management" by Earle K. Shawe , n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item4(C) - Confidential Memorandum prepared for The Hecht Company; Re: Pertinent Labor Board and court decisions that address lawful employer responses to unionization , 1981-04-07MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item4(D) - To: Hecht Company Associate; Re: Recent attempts by Local 400 of the Retail Clerks Union to unionize the Company's employees , n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item4(E) - The Impact of Extension of the Taft-Harltey Act to Private, Nonprofit Hospitals, 1974-07-23MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item4(F) - To: Winthrop Laboratories, Division of Sterling Drugs, Inc.; Re: Preserving Management Rights: A Summary of Federal Law Governing Company Conduct During Union Organizational Drives , 1975-10-20MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item4(G) - To: Holy Spirit Hospital; From: Shawe & Rosenthal; Re: Legal Position of Private, Non-Profit Hospitals with Respect to Labor Relations , 1973-06-11 - 1973-06-12MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item4(H) - To: Peninsula General Hospital, Salisbury, Maryland; Re: "Guide for Supervisors", 1977-11MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item4(I) - Photocopy of article titled "Perdue and Labor Unions", n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item4(J) - Form letter regarding attempt a year ago to unionize, n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item4(K) - Document discussing unionization and the signing of authorization cards, n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item4(L) - Safeguarding Management's Rights: A Summary of Federal Law Regulating Company Conduct During Union Organizational Drives , n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item4(M) - "Baltimore Gas & Elective Company: Remarks for Supervisory Meetings", n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item4(N) - "Supervisory Meetings with Employees". [Discusses the attempt by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) to unionize employees of the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company] , n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item5 - To: CH; From: JMH; Re: Frick Company (arbitrability of discharge). [Discusses whether a grievance respecting a discharge is arbitrable] , 1981-03-05MSS 2008-3, Box 4
fileShawe & Rosenthal - Memorandum - 6 to 27MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item6 - Recommendations as to Wages, Benefits, and Personnel Policies for Non-Supervisory Employees at the Salisbury, Maryland Facility of Consolidated Diesel Electric Company , 1978-12-18MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item7 - To: Mr. Clyde D. Stevens, Lebanon Chemical Corporation; From: Norman R. Buchsbaum; Re: Purchase of Agrico Chemical Company plant in Danville, Illinois. [Outlines the labor agreement between Agrico Chemical Company and International Union of Allied IndMSS 2008-3, Box 4
item8 - To: Mr. Richard Kronheim, President, Milton S. Kronheim and Company, Inc.; From: William J. Rosenthal; Re: Applicable labor law with respect to the acquisition of the assets of another wholesale liquor distributor. [Issues of successorship and contracMSS 2008-3, Box 4
item9 - To: Mr. Harvey A. Epstein, Commissioner, Department of Licensing and Regulation, Division of Labor and Industry, Occupational Safety and Health; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Case No. L9355-005-79 , 1978-11-01MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item10 - To: WMD; From: AMB; Re: Obligations of Common Carriers under the Interstate Commerce Act, 1973-03-29MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item11 - To: Mr. John Lang, III, Chief, Wage Payment and Collection Division, Department of Licensing and Regulation, Maryland Division of Labor and Industry; From: Patrick M. Pilachowski; Re: Waverly Press. [Regarding the employer's position with respect to MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item12 - To: Mr. Michael Talbert, General Manager, Sheraton – Fountainbleau Inn & Spa; From: Patrick M. Pilachowski; Re: Recommendations regarding wage payment and other practices at the Inn. [Issue regarding what forms of compensation arrangements an employeMSS 2008-3, Box 4
item13 - To: ; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: The E.E.O.C.'s circular "Answers to Questions Often asked by EEO-1 Employers", 1980-06-05MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item14 - 1980 Labor Law Developments; Prepared Exclusively For: Weber County Industrial Development Corporation; By: William J. Rosenthal, 1981-03-26MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item15 - McLean Contracting Company; Guidelines for the Handling of OSHA Inspections, 1981-04-08MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item16 - Labor Relations Seminar; Hershey, Pennsylvania; June 4, 5, and 6, 1979; Guidelines for the Handling of OSHA Inspections , 1979-06-04 - 1979-06-06MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item17 - To: Thomas J. O'Reilly, From: William J. Rosenthal; Memorandum Concerning Legal Considerations Involved in Establishment of Proposed Dynachem Manufacturing Facility at Moss Point, Mississippi. [Regarding Thiokol Corporation Dynachem Division's intereMSS 2008-3, Box 4
item18 - Statement on Behalf of the Industrial Relations Committee of the Maryland Chamber of Commerce Concerning Senate Bill 972 before the Senate Economic Affairs Committee. [Delivered by Michael McGuire; regarding the Maryland Chamber of Commerce's positioMSS 2008-3, Box 4
item19 - Statement on Behalf of the Maryland Chamber of Commerce Concerning Occupational Exposure to Lead, 1980-11-14MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item20 - To: All Attorneys; From: IS; Re: Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. v. Marshall. [Contains photocopy of Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. v. Marshall, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Texas, No. B-80-499-CA, February 12, 1981; blocked off sections and hanMSS 2008-3, Box 4
item21 - To: All Attorneys; From: LRS; Re: New Board Decision Regarding culpability of Union stewards who engage in wildcat walkout. [Discusses Precision Castings Co., 233 NRLB No. 35, 96 LRRM 1540 regarding an employer's right to discipline union shop stewarMSS 2008-3, Box 4
item22 - Hattie R. Daniels v. Westinghouse Electric Corporation, et. al.; Civil Action No. J-77-323; Settlement Agreement and Release, 1980-06-16MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item23 - Mutual Release of William L. Boone from the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company. [Includes copy of Settlement Agreement] , 1981-03-30MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item24 - To: Mr. Alvin Akman, President, Retail Clerks Union, Local 692; From: Harold Goldsmith; Re: Letter of May 13, 1976 regarding wage increases during a National Labor Relations Board election campaign, n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item25 - To: Mr. Stephen R. Evans, Vice President, Industrial Relations, Cambridge Wire Cloth Company; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Internal procedures for ventilating employee grievances and filtering them upward, including the improvement of communication fromMSS 2008-3, Box 4
item26 - Instructions - EEO Statistical Profile; Characteristics of Present Work Force (Form A), n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 4
item27 - To: Ronald Slatkin, Esquire, Acting Director, Office of Appeals, National Labor Relations Board; From: Earle K. Shawe, Warren M. Davison, J. Craig Peyton; Re: Baltimore Building & Construction Trades Council, et. al. (The Whiting-Turner Contracting CMSS 2008-3, Box 4
fileShawe & Rosenthal - Memorandum - 28 to 50MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item28 - To: ; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Adler v. American Standard Corporation, 1981-07-31MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item29 - To: Mr. Frank J. Cunnane, Vice President, Industrial Relations, Thiokol; From: William J. Rosenthal; Re: Interest in acquiring American Aniline. [Issues of successorship and contract assumption], 1975-06-18MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item30 - To: ; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, 248 NLRB No. 86 (1980), 1980-04-23MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item31 - Memorandum Concerning Recent Maryland Legislation on Pregnancy Benefits; Maryland Legislature S. B. 774 and S. B. 775, 1977-06MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item32 - To: From: Earle K. Shaw; Re: Teamsters Local No. 115 intent to picket on the premises of a health care institution, 1976-11-18MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item33 - To: Harry Wald; From: William J. Rosenthal; Re: Fiduciary Responsibility for Pension Plan Deficiencies in the Event of a Default on Loans Made by the Fund's Trustees. [Memorandum regarding the Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ( "E.R.MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item34 - To: Thomas Rodney, Director of Personnel, Franklin Square Hospital; From: Bruce S. Harrison; Re: Applicability of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 to Medial Residents' Departmental Files , 1981-02-06MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item35 - To: SDS, AMB; From: JMH; Re: Reemployment rights of veterans with respect to compensation under Section 2021 of the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, 1980-09-17MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item36 - Prepared for Westinghouse Electric Corporation; Memorandum Concerning the Labor Relations Environment and Prevailing Wage and Benefit Levels on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, 1980-04-02MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item37 - Port-East; Status of Owner-Operators as "Independent Contractors" Under the National Labor Relations Act. [Cases referenced include N.L.R.B. v United Insurance Co., 390 U.S. 254 (1968); Gold Medal Baking Co., 199 NLRB 132 (1972); Frito-Lay, Inc. v. NMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item38 - Agency Processing of Charges Alleging Discriminatory Employment Practices. [Concerning the State of Maryland and jurisdiction between the State Commission versus the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission], 1976-12-22MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item39 - To:; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Recent collective bargaining negotiations, strike and court proceedings involving the Midtown Nursing Home in Baltimore , 1978-11-15MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item40 - The Bermuda Experiment; Address of Earle K. Shawe before the Committee on International Labor Law, Section of Labor Relations Law, American Bar Association, 1978-03-10MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item41 - To: BSH; From: JMM; Re: Coldwater Memo dealing with Abuse of Process and Malicious Use of Process, n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item42 - The Labor - Management Spirit for '76 OR What to Expect in the Bicentennial Year. [Prepared exclusively for: Conference of Personnel Officers of the Food Service and Lodging Industries, Colorado Springs, Colorado, September 30, 1975; By: Shawe & RoseMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item43 - Release of Dr. Kent E. Robinson from employment by the Sheppard & Enoch Pratt Hospital. [Includes copies of a Memorandum of Agreement, the Contract, a Letter, and a Memorandum], 1980-04-07MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item44 - Memorandum: Boycotting and Picketing Problems in a Shopping Center Locale; Prepared exclusively for: Monumental Properties, Inc, 1975-11-03MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item45 - To: Ms. Anna Mary Noble, Director of Personnel, The National Lutheran Home; From: Patrick M. Pilachowski; Re: Overtime Requirements of Federal and Local Wage and Hour Laws. [Concerning Section 7 (j) of the Fair Labor Standards Act], 1979-08-08MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item46 - The NLRB and "Plant Clericals". [Regarding the Taft-Hartley Act, how it does not specifically exclude office clerical employees from units of production and maintenance employees, and how the NLRB addresses the issue], n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item47 - To:; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Recent decision by the California Supreme Court, IWC v. Kern County Superior Court, ___ Cal. 3d. ___, 24 WH Cases 866 (1980). [Decision upheld the validity of the 1980 revised orders of the California Industrial WelfareMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item48 - To: Mr. Edward A. Burchell, Vice President and Comptroller, Medical Services Corporation; From: Carrol Hament; Re: Medical Services Corporation's implementation of a profit-sharing retirement program. [Discusses how the National Labor Relations Act pMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item49 - To: EKS; From: LRS; Re: Address of November 1, 1979, Hunt Valley Inn; Topic: "N.L.R.B. and N.L.R.A. Administration", n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item50 - To: Robert L. Pfann, Director of Industrial Relations, Howmet Corporation, Aluminum Operations; From: Patrick M. Pilachowski; Re: Summary of the law applicable to the computation of overtime pay, 1977-05-17MSS 2008-3, Box 5
fileShawe & Rosenthal - Memorandum - 51 to 80MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item51: To: Mr. Charles Scheeler, President, C. J. Langenfelder & Son, Inc.; From: Stephen D. Shawe; Re: Proposed Joint Venture with Browning-Ferris. [Discusses obligations under the Company's National Agreement with the International Union of Operating EnginMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item52: To: Mr. Michael Talbert, General Manager, Sheraton-Fontainebleau Inn; From: Arthur M. Brewer; Re: Analysis of the legal and practical issues presented by the current salary administration practices of the Inn, including recommendations for achieving fMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item53: Reprinted article from January 1980 Issue of Labor Law Journal titled "Preparation for the Arbitration Hearing" by Earle K. Shawe, 1980-01MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item54: To: Mr. Nick Rajacich, Executive Vice President, The Memorial Hospital at Easton, MD, Inc.; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Medicare Reimbursement of Costs Incurred Relative to Union Activities, 1980-11-14MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item55: To: Mr. Michael Savage, Beebe Hospital; From: Patrick M. Pilachowski; Re: "Twenty-Four Hour Rule" of the Fair Labor Standards Act. [Short memo explaining the source and applicability of the "Twenty-Four Hour Rule" that requires hospitals and other heaMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item56: To: Mr. David Johnson, Grimes Poultry Processing Corp; From: Warren M. Davison; Re: The Company's intention to subcontract its night cleaning services to an outside contractor and legal restrictions due to the union, 1978-09-28MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item57: "Recent Developments in Pennsylvania Law Regarding Employee's Rights to Inspect Their Personnel Records", 1979-06-04MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item58: To: Mr. Ernest C. Muth, Director of Personnel, Waverly Press, Inc.; From: Patrick M. Pilachowski; Re: Wage and Hour Exemptions. [Explains which job classifications in the Company are exempt from overtime pay requirements of the Fair Labor Standards AcMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item59: To: SDS; From: JMH; Re: Wavery Press, Inc. - Question concerning the power of a management representative to legally bind his employer into recognizing a union as the exclusive bargaining representative of his employees, 1981-03-30MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item60: To: All Attorneys; From: JMM; Photocopy of article titled "The Freedom of Information Act: An Important Discovery Aid in Labor Law Cases" by Joseph Z. Fleming from the Summer 1980 issue of LABOR, Summer 1980MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item61: Prepared for: Hedwin Corporation, Management Meeting , December 3, 1980, Baltimore, Maryland; By: Shawe & Rosenthal; Re: Significant Trends and Developments in Equal Employment Opportunity and Labor Law 1980, 1980-12-03MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item62: To: Mr. Stephen Cook, Assistant Business Manager, Laborers' International Union of N. A., Local No. 1311; From: Carrol Hament; Re: American National Rubber Co. [Writing on behalf of Wally Reynolds to provide Local No. 1131 with the basis for the CompaMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item63: To: SDS; From: PMP; Re: Deductions From Wages. [Discusses the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law, Article 100, Section 94(d) and the limitations Joe Zamoiski faces regarding deductions from employee wages, 1977-04-06MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item64: Subject: Current considerations in respect to appropriate bargaining unit or units of employees at Calvert Cliffs Station and in particular in relation to the decision of the National Labor Relations Board, Case No. 206 NLRB No. 33, 1973, 1979/12/13MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item65: To: Earle K. Shawe; From: Carrol Hament, Warren M. Davison and Arthur M. Brewer; Re: Appropriate Units in the Utility Industry. [Provides an overview and discussion of the applicable cases to the issue of the IBEW filing a petition with the Labor BoarMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item66: Memorandum: Requirements of Section 211 [of Pub. L. 95-507 that amends the Small Business Act and the Small Business Investment Act of 1958] as interpreted by the recently issued temporary regulations , 1980-02-06MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item67: To: William J. Rosenthal; From: Arthur M. Brewer; Re: The authority of the N.L.R.B. to direct Globe elections where only one union is petitioning for a group of employees, 1973-08-13MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item68: Port East - Local Wage Trends in Trucking Industry, n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item69: Cross-Section of Eastern Shore National Labor Relations Board Elections, Involving Companies Represented by Shawe & Rosenthal, n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item70: To: Mr. R. F. Rogers, Executive Vice President, The Polymer Corporation; From: Carrol Hament; Re: The pitfalls of acquiring a small unionized company, 1971-08-27MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item71: To: Fellow Employees; From: Alan G. Matthews , Vice President of Manufacturing, The Pfaltzgraff Co., Stoneware Division; Re: How the union organizers try to deceive employees , 1973-02-02MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item72: To: All Employees; From: John M. Quinn, President, Lebanon Steel Foundry; Re: Recent meetings with the Union bargaining committee. [Handwritten comment states "see series of letters in file"], 1969-02-27MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item73: To: Mr. Frank O. Hill, Vice President and Manager Industrial Relations, Lebanon Steel Foundry; From: Carrol Hament; Re: Problems arising from contracting expansion work with a non-union contractor, including if the plant becomes the object of a picketMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item74: To: Mr. Max Hempt, President, Hempt Bros., Inc.; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Industry practice with respect to both length of vacation and employers' rights to schedule such vacation, 1978-08-08MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item75: To: Mr. William Wagenmann, Jr., Personnel Officer, Bank of Pennsylvania; From: Carrol Hament; Re: Comments and suggestions on proposed Employees Manual, 1971-05-11MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item76: To: Mr. David Levi, Personnel Manager, Maryland Cup Corporation; From: Bruce S. Harrison; Re: outline of the record retention requirements of the various employment discrimination laws, regulations and orders issued by Congress and enforcement agencieMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item77: To: WJR; From: JMM; Re: Recent memo regarding Caesars Hotel. [Discusses jurisdiction and restitution claims], 1980-11-24MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item78: To: Mr. Ernest Levering, President, Marine Packing Co., Inc.; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Possibility of opening a second operation in order to perform crating and related work preparatory to the shipment of goods, principally of ships and how this affeMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item79: To: Whiting-Turner Contracting Company; From: Joseph A. Aronica; Re: "Repeat Violations" of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item80: Prepared for: Eastern Shore Personnel Association, Seminar on Labor Relations and Equal Employment Opportunity; By: Shawe & Rosenthal; Re: Significant Trends and Developments in Labor-Management Relations 1977-1978 , 1978-11-09MSS 2008-3, Box 5
fileShawe & Rosenthal - Memoranudm - 81 to 109MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item81 - Memorandum Concerning Hew Regulations on Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap. [Regarding new regulations by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare implementing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 794)], 1977-07MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item82 - To: USF&G File; From: Eric Hemmendinger; Re: Option to produce records/duty to to compile under FRCP Rule 33 ( c ), n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item83 - Vacation and Holiday Pay Entitlements of Returning Cambridge Wire Cloth Employees Issues regarding whether the strike period must be computed for purposes of seniority and other benefits, 1978-08-02MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item84 - Memorandum Prepared for Eastern Stainless Steel Company I. The Labor Implications of Withdrawal from Mutli-Employer Bargaining; II. The History and Present Status of the Experimental Negotiating Agreement , 1980-07-11MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item85 - To: Mr. Michael Savage, Beebe Hospital; From: Patrick M. Pilachowski; Re: Overtime of the Wage and Hour Laws pertaining to Hospital Employees, 1978-08-31MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item86 - Pre-Employment Interview and Application Inquiries Under Federal and State Anti-Discrimination Cases. [Discusses common pre-employment inquiries which have been found to violate Federal or State anti-discrimination laws and provides practical guideliMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item87 - The Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Standards Regarding Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records (29 C.F.R. § 1910.20). [Regarding the recently published OSHA standards], n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item88 - To: From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Salary requirements issued by the United States Department of Labor during the Carter Administration, 1981-01-22MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item89 - Confidential Memorandum; Strike Guidelines; Prepared for District Hotel Supply Company, 1980-07-30MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item90 - To: Mr. Joseph H. McLure, Jr., Employee Relations Counsel, The Coca-Cola Bottling Company; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Enforcement of Senate Bill 774, "An Act Concerning Employment - Disability Benefits for Pregnancy", 1977-08-16MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item91 - Labor Law Checklist for Corporate Counsel, Major Federal and State Laws Affecting Employer-Employee Relations. [Prepared by: Jane H. Guy, Esq., Venable, Baetjer & Howard, Baltimore, Maryland], 1980-03MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item92 - To:; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Southern Maryland Hospital Center. [Discusses the decision by the Regional Director for the National Labor Relations Board's Fifth Region in Baltimore regarding the Southern Maryland Hospital Center] , 1978-11-02MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item93 - To: Bruce S. Harrison; From: Marc Tarlow; Re: Standing Under Rule 23 (a) (4) , n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item94 - Struksnes Construction Co., 165 NLRB No. 102 - 1062, n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item95 - To: Mr. J. Stevenson Peck, President, Mr. James F. McLaughlin, Vice President, Union Trust Company of Maryland; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Impact on banking of Wyandotte [Michigan] Savings Bank (245 NLRB 120) and the October 26, 1979 contract settlemeMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item96 - To: Gloria Brown; From: William J. Rosenthal; Re: Applicability of Pregnancy Anti-Discrimination Law to Caesars Palace employees who are in frequent Contact with the Public , n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item97 - To: ; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: 1978 Amendments to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Federal Government's issuance of Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's adoption of AffirMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item98 - An Employee's Right to Union Representation at an Investigatory Interview. [Discusses N.L.R.B. v. Weingarten, Inc., 420 U.S. 251 (1975)], n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item99 - Memorandum Concerning the Decision of the United States Supreme Court in Whirlpool Corporation v. Marshall, 1980-04MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item100 - To:; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: N.L.R.B. v. Anne Arundel General Hospital and Powhatan Nursing Home, 1977-09-29MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item101 - Early Strategy in Secondary Boycott Situations By: Shawe & Rosenthal; Sun Life Building; Charles Center; Baltimore, MD 21201; (301) 752-1040, 1981-02-25MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item102 - To: SDS, AMB, BSH, LRS, PMP, EH, JMM; From: JMH; Re: Dobry, et al. v. Eastern Stainless Steel; Subj: Right to Discovery of statistical studies; Techniques and data (Regression analysis), n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item103 - To: Mr. Winslow H. Parker, Jr., President, The Parker Metal Decorating Co., Howard & Ostend Streets; From: Norman R. Buchsbaum; Re: Possible consequences to the Company flowing from increases in orders due to the current strike at Sheet Metal DiscusMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item104 - To: Mr. Ralph P. Pass, Jr., Vice President, The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company; From: Norman R. Bauchsbaum; RE: Plant Expansion at Schlitz Tampa Plant. [Contains edits and handwritten comments] , 1973-11-20MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item105 - To: Gloria Brown; From: William J. Rosenthal; Re: Pregnancy Leave Policy. [Proposed hotel policy with respect to pregnancy leave, taking into account the new amendment to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting discrimination because oMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item106 - To:; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Growing tendency for courts to infer that employers have enforceable contractual obligations vis-à-vis their employees. [Mentions the employment application statement used by Sears, Roebuck & Company to successfully deMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item107 - To: ; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Growing number of decisions holidng that an employer's personnel policies may be construed as contractual in nature. [Discusses Toussaint v. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Michigan and Novosel v. Sears, Roebuck & CompanyMSS 2008-3, Box 5
item108 - Employee Inspection of their Personnel Files Discusses Pennsylvania Act 286 which becomes effective on January 23, 1979 and allows employees to inspect their individual personnel files. , n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 5
item109 - Test Applicable to Appropriateness of Employee Discipline; Proposal by Shawe & Rosenthal. [Contains numerous edits and handwritten revisions], n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 5
fileShawe & Rosenthal - Memorandum - 110 to 137MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item110: From: Earle K. Shawe Re: Recent revision to Government regulations regarding construction contractors receiving more than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) in direct federal contracts or federally assisted Government construction contracts, 1980-10-27MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item111: To: Mr. Brad J. Hansen, Manager, Sales Personnel Services, Maryland Cup Corporation; From: Bruce S. Harrison; Re: Possible improper inquiries on the Company's application for sales employees, 1981-08-07MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item112: Confidential Memorandum: Labor Relations History of Black & Decker (U.S.), Inc, n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item113: To: Mr. Bernhard J. Welle, Area Director, Industrial Relations, Ryder Truck Rental, Inc.; From: Warren M. Davison; Re: Concerning the apparently abortive organization effort by District Lodge No. 67 of the Machinists Union among the employees at RydeMSS 2008-3, Box 6
item114: From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Recent questions from the Nursing Homes represented by Shawe & Rosenthal concerning federal minimum wage regulations as they pertain to uniform maintenance payments by employees, n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item115: Prepared for: Personnel Association of Greater Baltimore; From: Shawe & Rosenthal; Re: Significant Trends and Developments in Labor-Management Relations 1975 - 1976, 1977-01-12MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item116: To: Mr. Frank O. Hill, Vice President - Industrial Relations, Lebanon Steel Foundry; From: J. Michael McGuire; Re: Lebanon Steel Foundry OSHA Inspection Procedures, 1979-09-25MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item117: To: Mr. Benjamin L. Green, B. Green & Co., Inc.; From: Stephen D. Shawe; Re: Recent wage and hour inquiry concerning overtime pay to computer programmers, 1980-02-05MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item118: To: Mr. Albert E. Edwards, Vice President, Textile Machine Works; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Problems involved in continuing to bargain with an incumbent union after a rival petition for recognition has been filed with the National Labor Relations BoaMSS 2008-3, Box 6
item119: To: Mr. D. L. Quick, Field Personnel Manager, Western Auto; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Common Carrier's Duty to Serve Shippers and Consignees Involved in Labor Dispute, 1969-04-01MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item120: To: ; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Recent developments concerning the obligation of an employer to comply with written and unwritten employment policies. [Discusses lawsuits based on the theory that employment policies are contractual in nature and, if MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item121: To: Mr. Gregory Murphy, Director of Personnel, The Memorial Hospital at Easton, MD, Inc.; From: J. Craig Peyton; Re: Overtime Provisions of Section 7, Fair Labor Standards Act, 1981-03-02MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item122: To: Vivian Ross, Esquire, McDonald's Corporation; From: Bruce S. Harrison; Re: Recent telephone conversation regarding workmen's compensation, 1979-01-16MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item123: To: Mr. James F. McLaughlin, Jr., Vice President, Personnel, Union Trust Company of Maryland; From: Patrick M. Pilachowski; Re: Bank's potential exposure to liability arising out of an employee's death following the annual Christmas party, 1981-01-14MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item124: Prepared for McCormick & Co., Inc., Hunt Valley Maryland; By: Shawe & Rosenthal; Re: Appropriate Unit Criteria Applicable to McCormick & Co., Inc.'s Baltimore-Hunt Valley Facilities, 1976-10-29MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item125: Confidential Memorandum: The Labor and Antitrust Law Implications of the Proposed Agreement Between the Atlantic City Casino Association and the Atlantic City Service and Trades Council, n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item126: To: Mr. Robert P. Maul, Vice President & Secretary, McLean Contracting Company; From: Carrol Hament; Re: The Operation and application of prevailing wage legislation and the utilization of apprentices when preforming work under public contracts in BaMSS 2008-3, Box 6
item127: To: Mr. S. James Campbell, Harry T. Campbell Sons' Co.; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: An Analysis of the legal issues raised by Harry T. Campbell Sons' proposed refusal to deal with the customers of Arundel Corporation in the event that the Teamsters LocMSS 2008-3, Box 6
item128: To: Mr. Charles E. Scott, Director of Personnel, The Sheppard & Enoch Pratt Hospital; From: Carrol Hament; Re: The continued operation of the Hospital's Employee Council in light of the recent congressional extension of the National Labor Relations AMSS 2008-3, Box 6
item129: Prepared for: Labor-Management Relations Seminar for Chief Executive Officers; Re: Employee Contract Lawsuits - A New Challenge to Management's Rights to Discharge Employees, 1981-05-14 - 1981-05-16MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item130: To: Mr. C. E. Utermohle, Chairman of the Board, Baltimore Gas & Electric Company; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Recent movement in the Senate to resurrect the ill-fated Labor Law Reform Act, 1978-10-05MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item131: To: ; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Pregnancy disability amendment to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended Amendment designed to overcome the effect of the Supreme Court's decision in General Electric Co. v. Gilbert, 429 U.S. 125 (1976),MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item132: To: Mr. Richard Dean, Director of Industrial Relations, Crowell Collier and MacMillan, Inc.; From: Daniel P. Dooley; Re: Brentano's Inc. Case No. 2-RC-15088 regarding the problems involved in continuing to bargain with an incumbent union (the Retail MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item133: To: William C. Humphrey, Esquire, Regional Director, Region 5, National Labor Relations Board; From: Shawe & Rosenthal: Earle K. Shawe, Warren M. Davison, Schnader, Harrison, Segal & Lewis: John H. Leddy; Re: Safeway Trails, Inc. Case No. 5-CA-5875 rMSS 2008-3, Box 6
item134: "Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Interrogatories Used in Discharge Cases", n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item135: For: Release in AM Papers; From: National Labor Relations Board, Washington, D.C.; Re: NLRB Statistical Summary for the Three-Month Period January through March 1980, 1981-03-19MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item136: Prepared for: Thiokol Corporation; By: Shawe & Rosenthal; Re: Significant Trends and Developments in Equal Employment Opportunity and Labor Law 1979 - 1980, 1980-08-02MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item137: To: Ms. Jane M. Selway, Employment Supervisor, The Pfaltzgraff Company; From: Carrol Hament; Re: Content, Retention and Inspection of Employee Records, 1979-09-04MSS 2008-3, Box 6
fileShawe & Rosenthal - Memorandum - 138 to 171MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item138: To: All Attorneys; From: IS; Re: Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. v. Marshall. [Attachment includes a court decision that affects Government contractors' obligations to establish goals and timetables for minority and female utilization], 1981-03-06MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item139: To: Mr. E. C. Alcantara, President, Eastern Stainless Steel Company; From: Bruce S. Harrison; Re: Concerning the impact of the recent Supreme Court decision in Texas Dept. of Community Affiars v. Burdine on individual discrimination cases, 1981-04-06MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item140: Prepared for: Weber County Industrial Development Corporation; By: Bruce S. Harrison; Re: "1980 Equal Employment Opportunity Developments", 1981-03-26MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item141: To: Mr. Jack Guilfoyle, Personnel Manager, Hedwin Corporation; From: Patrick M. Pilachowski; Re: Maryland Workmen's Compensation Statute (Article 101, §51 of the Annotated Code of Maryland) as well as various statutory requirements for retention of eMSS 2008-3, Box 6
item142: "Overview of Equal Employment Opportunity Law" and " Record Retention Guidelines", n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item143: To: Mr. Jack L. Coleman, Personnel Director, Rubatex Corporation; From: Carrol Hament; Re: Section 503 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and its relevance concerning whether the Company may properly deny a handicapped applicant employment becMSS 2008-3, Box 6
item144: To: WJR; From: AMB; Re: The Applicability of The Bethlehem Steel Decision to the Current Situation at Thiokol Corporation's Moss Point Facility, n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item145: To: Mr. Edward A. Gallagher, IV, President, George Transfer and Rigging Company; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Changes regarding equal employment opportunity law including the 1978 Amendment to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Federal GovernMSS 2008-3, Box 6
item146: Prepared for: Maryland Hotel & Motor Inn Association; Re: Pre-Employment Interview and Application Inquiries Under Federal and State Anti-Discrimination Cases, n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item147: To: Mr. Edward J. Robinson, Director of Personnel, Nanticoke Memorial Hospital, Inc.; From: Patrick M. Pilachowski; Re: Comments and recommendations on current Company personnel policies, 1980-12-16MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item148: To: Ms. Anna Mary Noble, National Lutheran Home; From: Patrick M. Pilachowski; Re: Comments and recommendations on current Company Employee Handbook, especially in light of employee discrimination laws, 1980-12-19MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item149: To: Ms. Kathryn F. Constance, Personnel, The Plasticoid Company; From: Bruce S. Harrison; Re: Comments on two proposed Company application forms. [Written in light of employment discrimination laws, comments on the General Cable Corporation ApplicatiMSS 2008-3, Box 6
item150: To: Mr. Ernest Muths, Waverly Press, Inc.; From: Patrick M. Pilachowski; Re: EEO Inquiries from Federal Government Contractors concerning inquiry on the applicability of federal regulations on employing handicapped individuals. Discusses Section 503 MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item151: Prepared for the Labor Relations Seminar, Hershey, Pennsylvania, June 4, 5, and 5, 1979; "A Guide to Conducting Lawful Pre-Employment Inquiries", 1979-06-04 - 1979-06-06MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item152: "Union Trust Guidelines to Forstall Sexual Harassment Claims", n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item153: To: Mr. Jack L. Coleman, Personnel Director, Rubatex Corporation; From: Carrol Hament; Re: Comments on the Bondtex employment application form, 1977-09-09MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item154: To: SDS; From: LRS; Re: Airpax documents requested by E.E.O.C. concerning charges filed by a Ms. Camper, a charging party alleging discrimination based on sex. At issue is the extreme delay between the charge-filing date and the commencement of the EMSS 2008-3, Box 6
item155: To: Mr. P. Randell Kleinert, Employee Relations Manager, Union Memorial Hospital; From: Stephen D. Shawe; Re: Recent Amendments to Age Discrimination in Employment Act that take effect January 1, 1979 Concerning current practice of requiring employeeMSS 2008-3, Box 6
item156: To: Mr. W. J. Zook, Executive Vice President, Wooster Brush Company; From: William J. Rosenthal; Re: Comments on proposed employee handbook with recommendations for the areas concerning the solicitation rule and the maternity leave policy, 1972-09-08MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item157: Handout from Venable, Baetjer and Howard, Baltimore, Maryland; By: Jane Howard, Esquire; Re: "Employer Checklist to Ensure Compliance with Sexual Harassment Guidelines". [Handwritten notation "[illegible] out at Seminar 1/22/81"], 1981-01-22MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item158: To: Mr. R. G. Schubert, Executive Vice President - Administrative Services Commonwealth National Bank; From: Bruce S. Harrison; Re: Bank Dress Code for employees, 1981-03-25MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item159: "Affirmative Action Program for Employment of the Handicapped", n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item160: To: Mrs. Gloria Brown, Personnel Director, Caesars Palace; From: William J. Rosenthal; Re: Applicability of Pregnancy Anti-Discrimination Law to Certain Employees of Caesars Palace, 1979-03-19MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item161: To: McDonald's Corporation; Re: Whether McDonald's Corporation can maintain an action to prevent the Office of Federal Contract Compliance from releasing corporation E.E.O.-1 forms, 1978-03-15MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item162: To: Reverend Floyd Meisenhelter, Lutheran Social Services, South Region; From: Patrick M. Pilachowski; Re: General overview of EEO considerations that Company personnel should be conscious of in the recruiting, interviewing, hiring and assigning of jMSS 2008-3, Box 6
item163: Prepared for: Nevada Resort Association, Las Vegas, Nevada; By: Shawe & Rosenthal; Re: Significant Developments in Employment Discrimination Law and Enforcement in Recent Years, 1975MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item164: To: Mr. Robert T. Maul, Executive Vice President, McLean Contracting Company; From: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Comments regarding proposed Employment Application, 1979-08-14MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item165: To: Mr. Mario Francioli, Director of Industrial Relations, Eastern Stainless Steel Co.; From: Eric Hemmendinger; Re: Response to Mr. Richard Holloway's inquiry requesting opinion as to the legal and practical considerations concerning Eastern StainleMSS 2008-3, Box 6
item166: "Equal Employment Opportunity Seminar, Tuesday, November 25, 1975, Reading Pennsylvania", 1975-11-25MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item167: To: Mr. John Hopkins; From: Ira Sherman; Re: Inquiry concerning the obligations of MSC to complete and submit an EEO-1 form, 1981-03-30MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item168: To: Mr. P. Randell Kleinert, Employee Relations Manager, The Union Memorial Hospital; From: Stephen D. Shawe; Re: Whether or not the Hospital should, for purposes of its internal grievance procedure, treat as special cases grievance raising equal empMSS 2008-3, Box 6
item169: To: All supervisors and members of management; Re: "Company Guidelines to Forestall Sexual Harassment Claims", n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item170: To: Thomas J. O'Reilly; From: William J. Rosenthal; Re: Memorandum Concerning Legal Considerations Involved in Establishment of Proposed Dynachem Manufacturing Facility at Moss Point, Mississippi, n.d.MSS 2008-3, Box 6
item171: Prepared for: The Cambridge Wire Cloth Company; By: Earle K. Shawe; Re: Memorandum Concerning Current Status of Union Representation Proceedings and a Summary of Alternative Company Approaches, 1981-09-18MSS 2008-3, Box 6
fileShawe & Rosenthal - Master Campaign FileMSS 2008-3, Box 6
itemA: Guides to Supervisors Concerning Proper Conduct During Union Organizational Activities. [1. Harry T. Campbell Sons Company's Guide for Supervisory Personnel; 2. Thiokol Corporation, Supervisors' Do's and Don'ts; 3. Guide for Supervisors; 4. SafeguardinMSS 2008-3, Box 6
itemB: Union Authorization Cards. [1. Leaflet: Would You Sign a Blank Check?; 2. Speeches to Employees on Signing Union Authorization Cards]MSS 2008-3, Box 6
itemC: Company Response to Union Demand for RecognitionMSS 2008-3, Box 6
itemD: Company Response to Filing of Union Petition for Representation Election with the National Labor Relations Board.[1. High Steel Structures, Inc., Notice to Employees; 2. Mid-Atlantic Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Notice to Employees; 3. Plaza Manor NursiMSS 2008-3, Box 6
itemE: Company Notices to Employees Regarding Election Details. [1. Giant Food, Letter to Employees; 2. Caesars Boardwalk Regency, Notice to Employees; 3. Cambridge Wire Cloth Company, Notice to Employees; 4. Grenoble Mills, Inc., Notice to Employees]MSS 2008-3, Box 6
itemF: Campaign Schedules. [1. Model Schedule; 2. The Hecht Company; 3. Grenoble Mills, Inc.; 4. High Steel Structures, Inc.; 5. The Macke Company – Harrisburg]MSS 2008-3, Box 6
itemG: Special Materials for Supervisors During Election Campaigns. [1. High Steel Structures, Inc., Supervisors' Responses to Stock Union Arguments; 2. Summary of Themes to be Used During Campaign; 3. Giant Food, Question and Answer Fact Sheet for SupervisorMSS 2008-3, Box 6
itemH: Campaign Letters to Employees (In Complete Sets). [1(a) - 1(c). Grenoble Mills, Inc. (July 15, 1981 Election); 2(a) - 2(e). High Steel Structures, Inc. (September 12, 1980 Election); 3(a) - 3(e). The Hecht Company (May 21, 1981 Election); 4(a) - 4(c). MSS 2008-3, Box 6
itemI: Campaign Speeches to Employees. [1(a) - 1(c). Grenoble Mills, Inc. (Set of three speeches); 2(a) - 2(d). High Steel Structures, Inc. (Set of four speeches); 3. Baltimore Gas & Electric Company (September 19, 1962 Election); 4. Congoleum Corporation; 5.MSS 2008-3, Box 6
itemJ: Miscellaneous Campaign Materials to Employees and to Unions on Specific Campaign Issues. [1. Peninsula General Hostpital, Letter to Employees regarding Union offer to Debate with Management; 2. Thurmont Shoe Company, Telegram to Union Refusing to PartiMSS 2008-3, Box 6
itemK: Campaign Leaflets. [1. "Our Employees Want to Know" (Q & A Leaflet); 2(a) - 2(b). "Your Vote is Absolutely Secret" (Leaflets; two versions); 3(a) - 3(e). "Union Promises" (Leaflets; five versions); 4. "Watch Out for the Union Trap" (Leaflet); 5(a) - 5(MSS 2008-3, Box 6
itemL: Payroll Stuffers. [1. Maryland Cup Corporation, Fact & Fiction; 2. Wiley Manufacturing Company, Here Are The Facts; 3. Tiffiny Uniform, Inc., Warranty Coupons: Get Them in Writing; 4. "Union Taxes?"; 5. "Blow on This Spot . . ."; 6(a) - 6(c). "This is MSS 2008-3, Box 6
itemM: Election Day Checklist for SupervisorsMSS 2008-3, Box 6
itemN: Notice to Employees Thanking Them for Rejecting UnionMSS 2008-3, Box 6
fileShawe & Rosenthal - Case Briefs - B-1 to B-6MSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-1: Allegheny Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company, Inc., Employer and General Teamsters & Allied Workers, Local Union No. 992, a/w International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-10090; National MSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-2: Koppers Company, Inc., Employer and Salaried Employees Association, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-9488; National Labor Relations Board Fifth Region; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared by Earle K. Shawe, Carrol Hament and Arthur M. Brewer, 1975-11-MSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-3: Drug Fair, Inc., Employer and Retail Store Employees Union Local 400, a/w Retail Clerks' International Association, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-10110; National Labor Relations Board Fifth Region; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepare by EarMSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-4: The Cambridge Wire Cloth Company, Inc., Employer and United Steelworkers of America, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-10138; National Labor Relations Board Fifth Region; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared by Earle K. Shawe, Carrol Hament andMSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-5: Buehler Food Markets, Incorporated, Employer and Retail Clerks International Association, Local No. 698, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 8-RC-10794; National Labor Relations Board Eighth Region; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared by Earle K. ShaMSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-6: Boardwalk Regency Corp., Employer and Local40-B, International Brotherhood of Law Enforcement & Security Officers, Petitioner; Case No. 4-RC-13845; National Labor Relations Board; Opposition of Boardwalk Regency Corp. To Petitioner's Request for ReviMSS 2008-3, Box 7
fileShawe & Rosenthal - Case Briefs - B-7 to B-12MSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-7: Thiokol Corporation/Wasatch Division, Employer and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 217, AFL-CIO; Case Nos. 27-RC-5332 and 27-RC-5333; National Labor Relations Board Twenty-Seventh Region; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; PreparMSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-8: Security Inn Associates, a limited partnership, T/A Ramada Inn Beltway, Employer and Bartenders, Hotel, Restaurant And Cafeteria Employees' Union Local 36, affiliated with Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union, AFL-CIO, PeMSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-9: The Maryland School for the Blind, Employer and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 67, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-9615; National Labor Relations Board Fifth Region; Brief on Behalf of the Maryland School forMSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-10: Southern Maryland Hospital Center, Employer v. International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 99-99A-99C, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-10595; National Labor Relations Board; Brief on Behalf of Employer, Prepared by Earle K. Shawe, Warren M.MSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-11: Missouri Portland Cement Company, Employer and United Cement, Lime and Gypsum Workers International Union, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 17-RC-8699; National Labor Relations Board Seventeenth Region; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared by CarrMSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-12: Maryland Cup Corporation, Employer and Freight Drivers and Helpers Local Union 577, affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers of America, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-10788; National Labor RelatioMSS 2008-3, Box 7
fileShawe & Rosenthal - Case Briefs - B-13 to B-22MSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-13: Drug Fair, Inc., Employer and Hotel & Restaurant Employees Local 25, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-10813; National Labor Relations Board, Region 5; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared by Stephen D. Shawe and Leslie R. Stellman, 1979-06-18MSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-14: Allegheny Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company, Employer and Locals 430,764,771,776 and 992, A/W International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Joint Petitioners; Case No. 4-RC-11213; National Labor Relations Board; MSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-15: Allegheny Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company, Inc., Employer and General Teamsters and Allied Workers, Local Union No. 992, a/w International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-11378; NationMSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-16: Allegheny Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company (Baltimore Division) and Federation of Employees, Local 1027 and Local Union No. 937, a/w IBT; Case No. 5-RC-10886; National Labor Relations Board Region Five; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared by WilliaMSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-17: Allegheny Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company, Employer and Amalgamated Meatcutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, Local 117, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-9486; National Labor Relations Board Fifth Region; Brief on Behald of the Employer; PrepaMSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-18: Monumental Life Insurance Corporation, Employer and Kay E. Zerkle, Petitioner and Insurance Workers International Union AFL-CIO, Intervenor; Case No. 5-RD-604; National Labor Relations Board Region 5; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared by EriMSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-19: Lenmar, Inc., Employer and International Molders and Allied Workers, AFL-CIO, Local 19, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-11471; National Labor Relations Board Fifth Region; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared by Leslie R. Stellman, 1981-04-17MSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-20: Hamburg Knitting Mills Company, Employer and International Ladies Garment Workers' Union, AFL-CIO, Local 93, Petitioner; Case No. 4-RC-13213; National Labor Relations Board; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared by Earle K. Shawe and Warren M. DMSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-21: Hedwin Corporation, Employer and Local 190 Aluminum Workers International Union, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 25-RC-6157; National Labor Relations Board Twenty-Fifth Region; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared by Earle K. Shawe, William J. RoMSS 2008-3, Box 7
itemB-22: The Hecht Company, A Division of May Department Stores Company, Employer and Retail Store Employees Union, Local 400, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-10904; National Labor Relations Board Fifth Region; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared byMSS 2008-3, Box 7
fileShawe & Rosenthal - Case Briefs - B-23 to B-33MSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-23: The Hecht Company, Employer and Retail Store Employees Union, Local 400, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-10445; National Labor Relations Board Fifth Region; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared by Earle K. Shawe, Carrol Hament, Stephen D. ShMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-24: Schmidt Baking Company, Inc., Employer and Bakery, Laundry, and Allied Sales Drivers, Local Union No. 33, a/w the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-10132; National LaboMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-25: Pennfield Corporation, Employer and Teamsters Local Union No. 771, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Petitioner; Case No. 4-RC-13215; National Labor Relations Board Fourth Region; Brief on BehalMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-26: Vlasic Foods, Inc., Employer and Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-10493; National Labor Relations Board Region Five; Brief for Vlasic Foods, Inc.; Prepared by Carrol Hament and Joseph MSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-27: Vie De France Corporation - Boston Wholesale Division, Company and New England Joint Board, Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 1-RC-16268; National Labor Relations Board First Region; Brief on Behalf of CompanMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-28: Allegheny Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company, Employer and Amalgamated Meat Cutters & Butcher Workmen of North America, Local 117, AFL-CIO; Case No. 5-RC-9005; National Labor Relations Board Fifth Region; Brief on Behalf of Employer; Prepared by William J.MSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-29: Bally's Park Place, Inc., Employer and Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union, Local 54, Petitioner; Case No. 4-RC-14160; National Labor Relations Board Fourth Region; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared by William JMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-30: Bally's Park Place, Inc., Employer and United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 1358, Petitioner; Case No. 4-RC-14513; National Labor Relations Board; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared by William J. Rosenthal and Leslie R. Stellman, 1MSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-31: Resorts International Hotel, Inc., Employer and Local 40-B, International Brotherhood of Law Enforcement and Security Officers, Petitioner; Case No. 4-RC-18911; National Labor Relations Board Fourth Region; Prepared by William J. Rosenthal and LesliMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-32: Modern Communication Corporation, Employer and Iris E. Dawson, Petitioner and Retail Store Employees Local 692, Retail Clerks International Union, AFL-CIO, Union; Case No. 5-RD-653; National Labor Relations Board; Brief on Behalf of Employer; PreparMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-33: Maryland Cup Corporation, Employer and Freight Drivers & Helpers, Local Union 557, affiliated with International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers of America, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-10984; National Labor Relations BoardMSS 2008-3, Box 8
fileShawe & Rosenthal - Case Briefs - B-34 to B-44MSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB34: The Baltimore Spice Company, Employer and General Drivers and Warehousemen, Local 581, Affiliated with International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Petitioner; Case No. 18-RC-10046; Natioanl Labor RelationsMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB35: Western Auto Supply Company, Employer and General Drivers, Warehousemen and Helpers Local Union 745, a/w International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Petitioner; Case No. 16-RC-6942; National Labor RelationMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB36: Western Auto Supply Company, Employer and Drivers, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local No. 71, a/w International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Petitioner; Case No. 11-RC-4135; National Labor RelatiMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB37: Ryder Truck Rental, Inc., Employer and Freight Drivers and Helpers Local 557, affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers of America, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-8892; National Labor Relations Board FiMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB38: The Hecht Company, a Division of May Department Stores Company, Employer and United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 400, U.F.C.W. International Union, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-11515; Natioanl Labor Relations Board Fifth Region; BriMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB39: E. H. Koester Bakery Co., Inc., Employer and American Bakery and Confectionery Workers International Union, Local No. 68, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-3455; National Labor Relations Board, Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared by Earle K. SMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB40: Maryland Paper Box Compan, Employer and International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers, AFL-CIO, Petitioner and United Papermakers and Paperworkers, AFL-CIO, Intervenor and Truckdrivers & Helpers Local No. 355, International BrothMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB41: General Supply and Equipment, Inc., Employer and Construction and Building Material Drivers, Warehousemen and Helpers Local Union 311, I.B.T.C.W. & H. of A., Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-3502; National Labor Relations Board Fifth Region; Brief on BehalfMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB42: Allegheny Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company, Employer and Chauffeurs, Teamsters, Warehousemen & Helpers Local Union 771, a/w International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers of America, Independent, Petitioner; Case No. 4-RC-10888MSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB43: The Cottman Company, Employer and Industrial Union of Marine Shipbuilding Workers of America, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-2554; National Labor Relations Board; Brief on Behalf of the Cottman Company; Prepared by Earle K. Shawe, Sidney J. BarbaMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB44: Central GMC, Inc., Employer and District Lodge No. 67, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-9894; National Labor Relations Board Fifth Region; Brief for the Employer; Prepared by Earle K. SMSS 2008-3, Box 8
fileShawe & Rosenthal - Case Briefs - B-45 to B-52MSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-45: Drug Fair - Community Drug Co., Inc., Employer and Retail Store Employees' Union Local 400, Retail Clerks' International Association, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-6147; National Labor Relations Board Fifth Region; Brief on Behalf of the EmployMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-46: The Black and Deker Manufacturing Company, Employer; and International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehosemen and Helpers of America, Petitioner and District No. 12, International Association of Machinists, AFL-CIO, Intervenor; Case No. 5MSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-47: Benner Box, Inc., Employer and International Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union of North America, AFL, Petitioner; Case No. 10-RC-3269; Miami Paper Board Mills, Inc., Employer and International Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union of North AmeMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-48: A/S/C Corporation, Employer and District No. 12, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO, Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-6811; National Labor Relations Board Fifth Region; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared by Earle MSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-49: Capital Bakers, Inc. and Food Drivers, Salesmen, Dairy and Ice Cream Workers, Local Union No. 765, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, AFL-CIO; Case No. 4-RC-3056; National Labor Relations Board; MSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-50: Stewart & Co., Employer and Warehouse Employees Local Union No. 570, Internationl Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America; Case No. 5-RC-3784; National Labor Relations Board; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; PrepareMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-51: Sutherland Paper Company, Employer and Amalgamated Lithographers of America, Petitioner; Case No. 7-RC-3717; National Labor Relations Board; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared by Earle K. Shawe, Sidney J. Barban and William J. Rosenthal, 1958MSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemB-52: Draper-King Cole, Inc., Company and Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers Local No. 876 Petitioner; Case No. 5-RC-10486; National Labor Relations Board Region 5; Brief on Behalf of the Employer; Prepared by Carrol Hament and Joseph J. Aronica, 1978-0MSS 2008-3, Box 8
fileOctober 1981; Shawe & Rosenthal - Master IndexMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemMemoranda and Briefs. Index to Memoranda Volumes 1 – VIII and Briefs Volumes I – VI. [Memoranda: Labor Relations Index pg. 1, Equal Employment Opportunity Index pg. 22, Wage and Hour Index pg. 32, Synopses of Memoranda (In Sequence) pg. 35; Briefs: SummarMSS 2008-3, Box 8
itemAmerican Bakers Association Annual Convention at the Hotel Sherman in Chicago. Left to right: William A. Browning (Donaldson Baking Company, Columbus, OH); George E. Hall (Capital Bakeries, Inc. Chambersburg, PA); Earl K. Shawe (at microphone); Jack R. DiLaw Special Collections photographs cabinet
itemPortraits of Earl K. Shawe, n.d.Law Special Collections photographs cabinet
itemMiscellaneous photographs of Earl K. Shawe in unknown events, n.d.Law Special Collections photographs cabinet
itemVideo Interview with Mr. Shawe, 2008-08-18 - 2008-08-20Law Special Collections photographs cabinet