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MSS 98-4

The Papers of Ellen V. Nash (1953-1990)


This collection document her career as a solo practitioner in Charlottesville. The files consist of case files and law practice ledgers (1935-1990) and some miscellaneous personal papers.

1935-1990 [Inclusive]
11.3 Cubic Feet (27 archival boxes)

Scope & Contents

These papers document Ellen V. Nash's career as a solo practitioner. Her legal work consisted primarily of trust and estates, insurance, divorce, adoptions, and real estate. (“I really enjoy real estate work...its really interesting to see the history of the land enfolding back to the time of Jefferson”. Daily Progress, Dec. 12, 1971). Apparently, she worked by herself almost all her life, but had a partner, Alvin D. Edelson, in the 1970's and worked close to Bernard Chamberlain, lawyer and UVA alumni.

Some of these papers suffered extensive water and mildew damage; in fact, a portion of the papers were so badly damaged that were not transfered to the library.

Collection Description

    Biographical / Historical
    Immediate Source of Acquisition
Frankfurter, Felix
Nash, Ellen V.
Nash, Ellen V. Family Photographs
seriesSeries II: Miscellaneous files
fileAppointment Calendar (1971) and Personal Ledger (1986-87), 1971; 1986-1987MSS 98-4, Box 24
fileBoard of Supervisors for Scottsville Campaign. Front File and Press Campaign, 1980MSS 98-4, Box 24
fileBoard of Supervisors for Scottsville District. Scrapbook, Newsspaper Articles, Press Releases, 1979-1983MSS 98-4, Box 24
fileE.W. Nash, Building Co. No. 1506, 1972-1973MSS 98-4, Box 24
fileKenwood Estate-Correspondence with University re cutting timber, 1972-1973MSS 98-4, Box 24
fileLatey Land Company. No. 2091, 1978-1981MSS 98-4, Box 24
fileLatey Land Company. Abstract of Titles. Nos. A-9468, A-9467, A-9462, ca. 1966?MSS 98-4, Box 24
fileLatey Land Company Accounting to Family. No. 2091, 1972-1977MSS 98-4, Box 24
fileLatey Land Company Correspondence. No. 2091, 1948-1977MSS 98-4, Box 25
fileLatey Land Company. Deeds Litigation Memoranda to Heirs. NP. 2091, 1959, 1974, 1978MSS 98-4, Box 26
fileLatey Land Company Litigation. No. 2091, 1973-1974MSS 98-4, Box 26
fileLatey Land Company Plats and Old Photographs. No. 2091, ca. 1870?MSS 98-4, Box 26
fileLatey Land Company Real Property Tax Receipts . No. 2091, 1977-1983MSS 98-4, Box 26
fileLatey Land Company Reimbursements. No. 2091, 1973-1976MSS 98-4, Box 26
fileLatey Land Company. Reports and Correspondence. No. 2091, 1981-1986MSS 98-4, Box 26
fileLatey Land Company. Taxes. No. 2091, 1955-1961MSS 98-4, Box 26
fileLatey Land Company. Warranty Deeds from Late Heirs to Late Co. No. 2091, 1966MSS 98-4, Box 26
fileLedger [Home and Office Maintenance], 1987-1988MSS 98-4, Box 27
fileLevy Opera House. No. 1718, 1978-1981MSS 98-4, Box 27
fileNash, Edward W. Estate. No. 1776, 1974-1975MSS 98-4, Box 27
fileCross-Stiched Rotunda. Signed by FNC, 1981MSS 98-4, Box 27
itemNash’s Family in Europe [Seven black and white photographs of Ellen V. Nash and E. W. Nash in Geneva]., ca. 1928-1929Law Special Collections photographs cabinet
itemEllen V. Nash Family Photographs [as a child?]. Six photographs, n.d. Law Special Collections photographs cabinet
itemEllen V. Nash and Kenwood Photos, 1968-1969 Law Special Collections photographs cabinet
itemUnidentified Photographs, 1950-1981 Law Special Collections photographs cabinet
itemPhoto portrait of Felix Frankfurter inscribed to Edward Nash [brother of EVN], n.d. Law Special Collections photographs cabinet