MSS 91-6
The Papers of Emerson G. Spies, 1955-1990
Professional, administrative and personal papers (1936-1992) of Emerson G. Spies. The collection includes institutional records from his tenure as Law School dean, dean of admissions and his involment with the Law School Foundation and the Alumni Council. There is also personal correspondence.
Dates |
1936-1992 [Inclusive] |
Extents |
31 Cubic Feet |
Scope & Contents
The Papers of Emerson Spies consists of 31 boxes (13 linear feet) of material and spans 1955 to 1990. The collection is arranged in alphabetical order; however, it can be subdivided into three primary categories: Law School-related material, personal correspondence and lectures, and records concerning activity outside the realm of the Law School.
Included among materials related to the Law School are records from Spies' time as Dean of Admissions and his involvement with the Admissions Committee. Also included are materials stemming from his service on the Appointments Committee with are sparse in places but cover 1966 to 1983. Spies' involvement with the Law School Foundation and Alumni Council is documented for his years of service after leaving the deanship, from 1980 to 1990. The collection contains 13 folders of personal correspondence. Lecture notes are also included, primarily for speeches given outside the Law School. The third subdivision of this collection is a variety of materials documenting Spies' involvement with associations outside of the Law School. There are materials from the American Association of Law Schools, particularly concerning the Nominations and Pre-Legal Education Committees. There is an extensive amount of material concerning the Law School Admission Council and the development and administration of the Law School Admission Test. Finally in this category is material concerning the American Bar Association and the Virginia State Bar.
Spies' deanship is documented in the Records of the Dean's Office, RG 100-88.
Collection Description
Biographical / Historical
Immediate Source of Acquisition
fileAdministration, 1975-76 | MSS 91-6, Box 1 |
fileAdmissions: Law School, 1980-90 | MSS 91-6, Box 1 |
fileAdmissions: Talk to Alumni, 1973 | MSS 91-6, Box 1 |
fileAdmissions Committee, 1969-73 | MSS 91-6, Box 1 |
fileAmerican Bar Association (ABA), 1980-88 | MSS 91-6, Box 1 |
fileABA: Virginia Fellows, 1980-88 | MSS 91-6, Box 1 |
fileAnglo-American Property Institute , 1981-84 | MSS 91-6, Box 1 |
fileAssociation of American Law Schools (AALS): Appointments , 1968-69 | MSS 91-6, Box 2 |
fileAALS: Financial Statements and Independent Auditors' Report, 1987-88 | MSS 91-6, Box 2 |
fileAALS: Investment Policy Materials, 1985-88 | MSS 91-6, Box 2 |
fileAALS: Nominations Committee, 1979-83 | MSS 91-6, Box 2 |
fileAALS: Pre-Legal Education Committee , 1982-85 | MSS 91-6, Box 3 |
fileBar Examiners: Alaska, 1983 | MSS 91-6, Box 9 |
fileBar Examiners: California, 1982-88 | MSS 91-6, Box 9 |
fileBar Examiners: Minnesota, 1967-88 | MSS 91-6, Box 9 |
fileBar Examiners: Virginia , 1980-90 | MSS 91-6, Box 9 |
fileContinuing Legal Education, 1957-62 | MSS 91-6, Box 10 |
fileCorrespondence: Miscellaneous, 1975-76 | MSS 91-6, Box 10 |
fileDean's Day: Law Day Week, 1988 | MSS 91-6, Box 10 |
fileDean's Report, 1970 | MSS 91-6, Box 10 |
fileEbenstein Litigation, 1968-69 | MSS 91-6, Box 10 |
fileEbenstein Litigation: Dillard, 1968 | MSS 91-6, Box 10 |
fileEducational Policy Committee, 1975, 1976 | MSS 91-6, Box 10 |
fileEmployment Opportunities for Students, 1980-81 | MSS 91-6, Box 11 |
fileEnergy Proposal, 1978-80 | MSS 91-6, Box 11 |
fileFinancial Resources and Institutional Planning Committee, 1984-85 | MSS 91-6, Box 11 |
fileFoundation and Alumni Council, 1980-89 | MSS 91-6, Box 11 |
fileFoundation and Alumni Council: Law School, 1987-90 | MSS 91-6, Box 11 |
fileFoundation Board of Trustees, 1982-88 | MSS 91-6, Box 12 |
fileFoundation: Harrison Foundation, 1985-87 | MSS 91-6, Box 12 |
fileGary Gannon, 1974 | MSS 91-6, Box 13 |
fileGeneral, 1974-77 | MSS 91-6, Box 13 |
fileGrade Committee, 1968-71 | MSS 91-6, Box 13 |
fileGregory, Charles v. Highway Department, 1963-65 | MSS 91-6, Box 13 |
fileHobart College, 1969-70 | MSS 91-6, Box 13 |
fileHobart College Committee File, 1970-72 | MSS 91-6, Box 14 |
fileHonor System Committee (Ad Hoc) , 1983-85 | MSS 91-6, Box 14 |
fileJag Papers, 1936-46 | MSS 91-6, Box 14 |
fileJustice Lewis F. Powell Jr. Fund, 1981 | MSS 91-6, Box 14 |
fileStacy Juul-Nielsen, 1974-76 | MSS 91-6, Box 14 |
fileJudiciary Graduate Degree Program (LLM), 1979-92 | MSS 91-6, Box 14 |
fileLLM Thesis: Joseph Doyle, 1990 | MSS 91-6, Box 15 |
fileLaw School Admission Council (LSAC): Annual Business Meeting, 1984 | MSS 91-6, Box 15 |
fileLSAC: Annual Report, 1983 | MSS 91-6, Box 15 |
fileLSAC: Correspondence, 1980-85 | MSS 91-6, Box 16 |
fileLSAC: Finance Committee Meeting, 1983, 1984 | MSS 91-6, Box 18 |
fileLaw School Admission Test (LSAT): Ad Hoc Committee, 1966 | MSS 91-6, Box 18 |
fileLSAT: Admissions Seminar, 1963 | MSS 91-6, Box 18 |
fileLSAT: Annual Council Meeting , 1963-66, 1968 | MSS 91-6, Box 18 |
fileLSAT: Annual Council Report, 1968 | MSS 91-6, Box 19 |
fileLSAT: Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Admission to the Bar, 1979-81 | MSS 91-6, Box 19 |
fileLSAT: AALS Bar Exam Study Project , 1970 | MSS 91-6, Box 19 |
fileLSAT: AALS Committee, 1962-64 | MSS 91-6, Box 19 |
fileLSAT: AALS Pre-Legal Education and Admission , 1969-70 | MSS 91-6, Box 19 |
fileLSAT: Bar Examinations, 1976-81 | MSS 91-6, Box 19 |
fileLSAT: Board of Trustees , 1969-73 | MSS 91-6, Box 20 |
fileLSAT: Collens Bar Review , 1969-71 | MSS 91-6, Box 20 |
fileLSAT: Council, 1964-66 | MSS 91-6, Box 20 |
fileLSAT: Council, Educational Testing Service (ETS) , 1963-64 | MSS 91-6, Box 20 |
fileLSAT: Development and Research Committee, 1962-65 | MSS 91-6, Box 20 |
fileLSAT: ETS Executive Committee, 1963-65 | MSS 91-6, Box 20 |
fileLSAT: ETS Finance Committee, 1967-71 | MSS 91-6, Box 21 |
fileLSAT: ETS General File, 1965-66 | MSS 91-6, Box 21 |
fileLSAT: ETS Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1963-64 | MSS 91-6, Box 21 |
fileLSAT: ETS Statistical Reports , 1964 | MSS 91-6, Box 21 |
fileLSAT: Executive Committee, 1965 | MSS 91-6, Box 22 |
fileLSAT: Finance Council, 1963-65 | MSS 91-6, Box 22 |
fileLSAT: Greenbriar Conference, 1965 | MSS 91-6, Box 22 |
fileLSAT: Miscellaneous, 1965-68 | MSS 91-6, Box 22 |
fileLSAT: Miscellaneous Correspondence, Committee Meetings , 1963-65 | MSS 91-6, Box 22 |
fileLSAT: Services Committee , 1963-66 | MSS 91-6, Box 22 |
fileLSAT: Symposium Planning Committee, 1959-64 | MSS 91-6, Box 23 |
fileLSAT: Virginia Board Bar Examiners , 1968-73 | MSS 91-6, Box 23 |
fileLaw Day , 1975-76 | MSS 91-6, Box 23 |
fileLaw School: Miscellaneous, 1983-90 | MSS 91-6, Box 23 |
fileLaw School: Mission and Financial Requirements, 1977 | MSS 91-6, Box 24 |
fileLaw Reform, 1971 | MSS 91-6, Box 24 |
fileLecture: Continuing Legal Education , 1966 | MSS 91-6, Box 24 |
fileLecture: Eminent Domain, 1965 | MSS 91-6, Box 24 |
fileLecture: Introductory Property, 1969 | MSS 91-6, Box 24 |
fileLecture: Jointly Owned Property , 1957 | MSS 91-6, Box 24 |
fileLecture: Roanoke Bar Association , 1959 | MSS 91-6, Box 25 |
fileLecture: Samford University, 1981 | MSS 91-6, Box 25 |
fileLecture: Speech File , 1976-77 | MSS 91-6, Box 25 |
fileLetters of condolence sent to the Law School by former students, colleagues and friends of EGS , 1990 | MSS 91-6, Box 25 |
fileLoughran Foundation Seminar , 1978 | MSS 91-6, Box 25 |
fileMiscellaneous , 1975 | MSS 91-6, Box 25 |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1966-85 | MSS 91-6, Box 25 |
fileProfessional Correspondence: Miscellaneous, 1979-82 | MSS 91-6, Box 27 |
fileProperty Reform, 1968-70 | MSS 91-6, Box 29 |
fileRare Book Conference Room: Class of 1950 , 1980-81 | MSS 91-6, Box 29 |
fileReal Estate Textbook, 1966-69 | MSS 91-6, Box 29 |
fileRecent Cases , 1978 | MSS 91-6, Box 29 |
fileRecommendations for Students , 1980-88 | MSS 91-6, Box 29 |
fileResearch Assistants, 1979-82 | MSS 91-6, Box 29 |
fileSelf-Study: University of Virginia, 1984-85 | MSS 91-6, Box 29 |
fileSpeech to the State Bar, 1973 | MSS 91-6, Box 30 |
fileSummer School for Lawyers Committee, 1983-84 | MSS 91-6, Box 30 |
fileTax Program: University of Virginia and Oxford, 1981 | MSS 91-6, Box 30 |
fileTax Study Committee: Albemarle County, 1963-64 | MSS 91-6, Box 30 |
fileTeaching Clinic: Strong, 1969-72 | MSS 91-6, Box 30 |
fileTenure Report: Duren, 1975 | MSS 91-6, Box 30 |
fileThomas Jefferson Award Committee , 1976-87 | MSS 91-6, Box 31 |
fileThomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation Award in Law: Edward Muskie, 1988 | MSS 91-6, Box 31 |
fileThomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation Award in Law: Sandra Day O'Connor , 1987 | MSS 91-6, Box 31 |
fileThomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation Award in Law: William H. Webster, 1986 | MSS 91-6, Box 31 |
fileTouro Law School Materials, 1981 | MSS 91-6, Box 31 |
fileUniversity Athletic Committee , 1974-76 | MSS 91-6, Box 31 |
fileVirginia State Bar: Committee on Estates and Property, 1965 | MSS 91-6, Box 31 |
fileVirginia State Bar: Committee on Legal Education and Admission to the Bar , 1966 | MSS 91-6, Box 31 |
fileVirginia State Bar: Legal Education and Admission to the Bar , 1980-82 | MSS 91-6, Box 31 |
fileVirginia State Bar: Report of Law School Committee , 1955 | MSS 91-6, Box 31 |