MSS 93-1
Papers of Frances Farmer
This collection (1930-1992) contains professional papers primarily related to Law Library and personal files. There is correspondence, speeches, memorabilia and photographs.
Dates |
1930-1992 [Inclusive] |
Extents |
2.4 Linear Feet (6 archival boxes) |
Scope & Contents
The papers of Frances Farmer have received minimal organization to make them readily accessible. Her files labeled "personal correspondence" are arranged chronologically (1931-1992), and concern both personal and professional matters. Other files that were organized by subject remain as they were. These documents are primarily administrative regarding the Law Library. There are also copies of her speeches, memorabilia, numerous copies of newspaper clippings, awards, and resolutions. Finally, there is an extensive collection of photographs of Farmer, her family, and members of the Law School community.
Collection Description
Physical Description
Conditions Governing Access
Conditions Governing Use
Preferred Citation
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Biographical / Historical
itemThe Woodrow Wilson Reader, 1956 | MSS 93-1, Box 4 |
AALL Law Librarians at Rotunda | |
AALL n. d. | |
Alumni Association Members of the Council | |
Class of 1928 with Wives in 1963 [Law Day] | |
Farmer Frances with unidentified students [reading guide staff] 1952 | |
Farmer, Florence Womack [F.F. Mother] | |
Farmer, Frances. | |
Farmer, Frances et al. | |
Farmer, Frances and Knox Turnbull. Aug. 1968. | |
Farmer, Frances at Cambridge, England. 1972 | |
Farmer, Frances John Marshall High School Class 1927 in 1980. | |
Farmer, Frances surprise party. Dec. 5, 1967 | |
Farmer, Frances taking art class in Ch'ville. 1940s. | |
Farmer, Frances with a group at Versailles | |
Farmer, Frances with Ralph Feil, early 1980s | |
Farmer, Frances with some Law LIbrary Staff, Clark Hall, ca. 1940s | |
Farmer, Frances with unidentified friends, 1940s | |
Farmer, Frances with unidentified [students?] [ca. early 1950s] | |
Farmer, Frances with [Bill] and Trudie Schrader, Miss Oates | |
Farmer, Frances [1910-1913?] [as a little girl] | |
Farmer, Frances. Univ. of Richmond | |
Howard, A.E. Dick, 1972-1973 | |
Jefferson, Thomas. | |
Kennedy, Edward 1979 | |
Law Day 1963 a | |
Law Day 1963 b | |
Law Day 1963 c | |
Law Day 1964 | |
Law Day 1964 Folder A | |
Law Day 1964 Folder C | |
Law Day 1964 Folder_AClas | |
Law Day 1964 Folder_B | |
Law Day 1964 Folder_D | |
Law Day 1964 Folder_E | |
Law Day 1965 b | |
Law Day 1966 | |
Law Day 1966 [Alumni] | |
Law Day 1968 Banquet [Alumni] | |
Law Day 1969 [Alumni] | |
Law Day Alumni_Group | |
Law Day [ca. 1960s?] Alumni Group | |
Law Day1965 a | |
Law Day1965 b | |
Law Day1965 c | |
Law school faculty session of 1960-61 [Faculty] | |
Law School Faculty - 1968 | |
Law School Faculty 1945-1946 | |
Libel Show F.F. 1965 | |
Libel Show Late 1950s? | |
Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon | |
Oversized - Photograph of American Association of Law Libraries 57th Annual Banquet, 1964 | |
Oversized - Photograph of American Association of Law Libraries Annual Banquets, 1953, 1956, 1959 | |
The Arthur J. Morris Law Library Dedication Nov. 15, 1974 | |
Virginia Law Review. Student Staff [ca. 1951] | |
Virginia Law Weekly Photos, Various | |
Womack Family (1907?) | |
Law Day 1969 | |
Law School Building on North Grounds. 1974 | |
AALL Miscellaneous Groups, ca. 1940s-1960s | |
itemF.F.'s Will, 1982 | MSS 93-1, Box 4 |
seriesMiscellaneous Materials | |
item7 framed portraits of F.F. and her parents | MSS 93-1, Box 5 |
item1 framed note from Hardy C. Dillard | MSS 93-1, Box 5 |
item1 gold medallion for Best Graduate in T.C. Williams School of Law | MSS 93-1, Box 5 |
itemRobert Kennedy framed photograph dedicated to FF., n .d. | MSS 93-1, Box 5 |
item1 framed portrait of Florence Farmer | MSS 93-1, Box 6 |
itemVarious address books | MSS 93-1, Box 6 |
itemOne rubber stamp | MSS 93-1, Box 6 |
itemF.F.'s academic hood | MSS 93-1, Box 6 |
itemBroun, E. Fontaine: Resolution Upon His death, 1982 | MSS 93-1, Box 7 |
itemOral History of the Law School. Correspondence with alumni and faculty. , 1981 - 1986 | MSS 93-1, Box 7 |
itemRobert, Alexander Stuart Jr. Resolution upon his death., 1983 | MSS 93-1, Box 7 |
itemFrances Farmer Outgoing Correspondence with Arthur J. Morris re Law Library. [Folder found with Alumni Memorabilia in 2013 and transferred to the Frances Farmer Papers]., 1969 - 1975 | MSS 93-1, Box 7 |
itemTelegram from Miles O. Price, Law Librarian at Columbia to Frances Farmer , 1959-09-02 | MSS 93-1, Box 7 |
itemMemorabilia. Includes Annual Banquet Richmond Brand American Association of University Women Program; Annual Dinner of Phi Beta Kappa and Epsilon Chapter of Virginia Program; 3 notes from Prof. Leslie H. Buckler and his wife Elize; printed thank you note | MSS 93-1, Box 7 |
itemAALL. Papers concerning Frances Farmer term as President of the American Association of Law Libraries, 1959 - 1960 | MSS 93-1, Box 7 |
itemLaw Librarians Workshop, Lagos, Nigeria. Scrapbook with letters, photos, memorabilia., 1975 | MSS 93-1, Box 7 |
itemLetter from Wallace M. McClure to Frances Farmer re: presenting membership card in Woodrow Wilson Club at Harvard University to the Library, 1970 | MSS 93-1, Box 7 |
itemDiary: notebook and file, 1975 - 1976 | MSS 93-1, Box 8 |
itemFamily Records: two handwritten pages with names of births, [1816-1863] | MSS 93-1, Box 8 |
itemLetter to Bernard Chamberlain and Fontaine Brown re purchase of FF house, 1967 | MSS 93-1, Box 8 |
itemPhi Beta Kappa Certificate, 1956 | MSS 93-1, Box 8 |
itemOrder of the Coif, 1968 | MSS 93-1, Box 8 |
itemU. C. Davis Informatics Withit Award, 1966 | MSS 93-1, Box 8 |
itemUniversity Extension, University of California Certificate , 1966 | MSS 93-1, Box 8 |
itemVirginia State Bar Certificate for Fifty Years of Service., 1984 | MSS 93-1, Box 8 |
itemThe Virginia Selection of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs; from the Most Approved Authors. Richmond, Va, A. Morris (pocket book), 1852 | MSS 93-1, Box 8 |
itemThe New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, London, Cambridge University Press. Presented to FF Sunday, 1921-03-27 | MSS 93-1, Box 8 |
itemArthur T. Vanderbilt Hall Dedicates to Freedom and Justice Through Law Medal, 1951-09-15 | MSS 93-1, Box 8 |
itemFF small silver plate (engraved FF) | MSS 93-1, Box 8 |
itemBracelet | MSS 93-1, Box 8 |
itemMiscellaneous printed material | MSS 93-1, Box 4 |
seriesPhotographs | |
itemA.A.L.L., n.d. | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemBattle, John Governor with Senator Kennedy and John Parker. First Law Day, 1958 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemCarlyle, Irving E., President of the Law School Association, 1953-1954 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemClass of '24. Law Day, 1964 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemClass of '28. Law Day, 1963 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemClass of '29. Law Day, 1964 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemClass of '30. Law Day, 1963? | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemClass of '30. Law Day, 1965 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemClass of '50. Law Day, 1965 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemClass of '48 and '49 at picnic, n.d. | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemFarmer, Florence Womack, ca. 1900 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. as a little girl, ca. 1910-1913 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. and Arthur Morris, 1969 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. and Bernard Chamberlain at Law Day Committee Meeting, ca. 1974 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. and Larry Pheers[?] at Old Fort Comfort, VA, ca. 1930 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. and Peggy Van Cise. First years in Charlottesville., ca. 1942 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, 1956 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. and unidentified college friends, ca. 1930s | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. and unidentified friends at Jack Dempsey's Broadway Bar. New York City, ca. 1938-1939 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. at Columbia Library School with unidentified friends., 1938-1939 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. at her desk, ca. 1970s | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. at home, ca. 1970 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. at a hotel in Minneapolis, when she was President of the AALL., 1959-1960 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. birthday party and Christmas tree, ca. 1970s | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. Christmas with unidentified friends., 1976 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. first year in Charlottesville, ca. 1942-1943 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. in her office at UVA., ca. 1942-1944 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. graduation portrait. Westhampton College, Richmond Va., 1931 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. in AALL meeting in Michigan., ca. 1942 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. in her house, 1970 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F.'s house and garden, n.d. | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. in her last years, ca. 1980s-1990s | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F.'s paternal grandfather?, ca. 1890-1900 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. photo proofs., ca. 1970 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. portrait at the Law School, ca. 1976 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. various portraits, 1930s-1970s | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. Presentation of Charles T. Norman Award for Best All-around law graduate of 1933 from the University of Richmond School of Law., 1974 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. at class reunion at Westhampton College., 1933 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. speaking [at AALL dinner?], ca. 1953 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. taking art class in Charlottesville., 1940s | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. with unidentified family and friends, 1940s | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. with Barbara Murphy and Janet Camillo at new Lexis terminal., 1976 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. with Dr. Taslim O. Elias. Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. February-March., 1975 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. with Hardy C. Dillard and Dean Ribble, 1960s | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. with Justice Stanley F. Reed. Presentation of the Law Library's 100,000th volume, 1953 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. with Senator John Warner and Elizabeth Taylor, 1977 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. with Waller Barrett (member of the Board of Visitors), Frank L. Hereford, (President of UVA), B.F.D. Runk, William L. Duren and Lewis Hammond. Named Professor Emeritus, 1976 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemF.F. with some Law Library staff, ca. 1942 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemFarmer, Horatio Weldon, Florence Womack and Frances, ca. 1911 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemFarmer, Horatio W. [F.F.'s father], ca. 1900 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemFarmer, Horatio W. and Florence Womack, ca. 1900 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemGlenn, Garrard. Dinner. Dedication of his portrait., [1947] | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemGrotius (Huig De Groot) signed D. Mytens. Photograph of famous portrait, 1937 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemHoward, Dick with Charles S. Robb (President of the Student Legal Forum) and Spiro T. Agnew., ca. 1972-1973 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemInnamorati, Ginna and Mathew. Christmas cards. F.F.'s relatives, 1984-1986 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemKennedy, Edward, Jacqueline, John and Robert. First Law Day, 1959-03 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemKuhn, Bowie, Commissioner of Baseball, 1977 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
item[Lanning, H. Victor, Lt.?], ca. 1943-1944 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemLaw Alumni Council, 1963, ca. 1977 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemLaw Day, ca. 1960-69 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemLaw Day Auction. Negatives, 1977 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemLaw Library Dedication, 1974 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemLaw School Event, late 1960s | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemLaw School Faculty, 1946, -47, -61, -68 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemLaw School Faculty and Students, ca. 1949-1951 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemLibel Show, 1950s; 1965 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemMoot Court, 1963-66 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemMorris, Arthur J, 1969-70 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemMorris, Arthur and members of his family with Frances Farmer, ca. 1970 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemMorris, Arthur. Banquet in his honor at The Rotunda. December 4th, 1971 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemParker, John C, ca. 1970s | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemPaulsen, Monrad, Dean. Presentation of Law Library's 200,000th volume, 1969 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemPope, W.W. Capt. and Phil. Wedding. Las Vegas, Nevada, 1942 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemPrice, Mr. and Mrs. Miles O., n.d. | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemRibble, Mr. and Mrs. Presentation of the Frederick Deane Goodwin Ribble Bowl, 1963 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemRibble, F.D.G. retirement ceremony, 1963 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemRibble, F.D.G. Seven Society Award, 1963 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemStudent-faculty tea. Law Library cataloging room, 1953 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemSupreme Court of the United States, n.d. | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemVirginia Law Review. Student Staff, ca. 1958 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemVirginia Law Weekly. Student Staff, ca. 1958 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemVirginia Supreme Court of Appeals, n.d. | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemWheeler-Bennett, Sir John and Lady Ruth. Banquet to honor Arthur J. Morris at the Rotunda, 1971 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemWomack, Family. Florence Carter hiding his foot behind Florence's skirt, and unidentified people, ca. 1906 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemWomack, Florence, Linda (girl sitting) and "Papa" with [mother?] and unidentified person, ca. 1900s | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemWomack, Florence and friends, ca. 1900 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemWomack, Mary, Papa, [Carter], Linda, Janie and Florence. F.F. maternal relatives. Keysville, VA, 1907 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemSpeeches and other writings, [1930s?] | MSS 93-1, Box 4 |
seriesOversize Items | |
itemThe Holy Bible, 1962 | MSS 93-1, Box 9 |
itemDirectory of Alumni of the Law School, 1963 | MSS 93-1, Box 9 |
itemFarmer, Frances: The Wilson Reader., 1956 | MSS 93-1, Box 9 |
itemThe Web, 1929-1930, 193, 1951 | MSS 93-1, Box 9 |
itemThe Marshallite, 1927 | MSS 93-1, Box 9 |
itemHigh Tide. Songs of Joy and Vision from the Present-Day Poets of America and Great Britain, 1916 | MSS 93-1, Box 9 |
itemFarmer, Ellery: Descendents of Thomas Farmer who came to Virginia in 1616, n.d. | MSS 93-1, Box 9 |
itemTwo small card files boxes with FF's home furniture lists, and addresses | MSS 93-1, Box 9 |
itemFrances Farmer Raven Award bookends, 1983 | MSS 93-1, Box 9 |
itemFarmers’ Institute Award (Law School Foundation), 1976 | MSS 93-1, Box 9 |
itemWheeler, Bennett, John: photograph with dedication to FF, c. 1970 | MSS 93-1, Box 10 |
itemDillard, Hardy C: photograph with dedication to FF | MSS 93-1, Box 10 |
itemBuckler, Leslie: photograph with dedication to FF | MSS 93-1, Box 10 |
itemUniversity of Richmond Alumni Award for Distinguished Service to FF, Class of 1931, 1931 | MSS 93-1, Box 10 |
itemBernard Chamberlain framed photograph | MSS 93-1, Box 10 |
itemFrances Farmer photo at old age | MSS 93-1, Box 10 |
itemLaw Librarians Workshop Lagos, Nigeria , 1975 | MSS 93-1, Box 10 |
itemRichmond A.A.U.W. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings (and photocopies) , 1935 - 1936 | MSS 93-1, Box 4 |
itemPoems and other writings , [ca. 1930s] | MSS 93-1, Box 4 |
itemPhi Beta Kappa. Bicentennial Committee. Beta Chapter, 1975 - 1976 | MSS 93-1, Box 4 |
itemNigeria Trip, 1975 | MSS 93-1, Box 4 |
itemNewspaper Clippings (and photocopies), 1929 - 1976 | MSS 93-1, Box 4 |
itemThe Morris Project. Cataloguing Department, 1968-1969 | MSS 93-1, Box 4 |
itemMiscellaneous programs and other memorabilia, 1921-1981, n.d. | MSS 93-1, Box 4 |
itemMemberships, professional associations, committees, 1948, n.d. | MSS 93-1, Box 4 |
fileLSAA Library Committee - Correspondence, 1967-1969 | MSS 93-1, Box 3 |
fileLexis. Legal Computerization Services, 1974-1976 | MSS 93-1, Box 3 |
fileLaw Library Report, 1975-1976 | MSS 93-1, Box 3 |
subseriesDiplomas, Awards, etc. | |
itemMiscellaneous newspapers clippings, 1929, 1935-1939, 1972, 1992 | MSS 93-1, Box 10 |
itemVirginia State Certificate of Appreciation, 1959 | MSS 93-1, Box 10 |
itemWesthampton College, Bachelor of Arts, 1931 | MSS 93-1, Box 10 |
itemT.C. Williams School of Law, Bachelor of Law, 1933 | MSS 93-1, Box 10 |
itemVirginia Board of Law Examiners, License as an Attorney and Counselor of Law, 1933 | MSS 93-1, Box 10 |
itemResolution of Appreciation from Alumni Association, 1971 | MSS 93-1, Box 10 |
itemResolution, "Unsinkable Fanny Farmer", 1974 | MSS 93-1, Box 10 |
itemHonorary Doctor of Letters, University of Richmond, 1976 | MSS 93-1, Box 10 |
itemPhi Beta Kappa, 1956 | Law School, Basement, Special Collections Storage, Oversized Files Cabinet [Law Oversized Materials] |
itemOrder of the Coif, 1968 | Law School, Basement, Special Collections Storage, Oversized Files Cabinet [Law Oversized Materials] |
itemUniversity Extension, University of California, 1966 | Law School, Basement, Special Collections Storage, Oversized Files Cabinet [Law Oversized Materials] |
fileLaw School Alumni Association, 1975-1978 | MSS 93-1, Box 3 |
fileInformation Handling Services (IHS). Special file, 1975 | MSS 93-1, Box 3 |
fileFamily Correspondence, 1907 - 1958 | MSS 93-1, Box 3 |
fileConferences, articles. Miscellaneous papers, 1959 - 1976 | MSS 93-1, Box 3 |
fileCenter for Oceans Law and Policy: Correspondence, 1977 - 1983 | MSS 93-1, Box 3 |
fileLaw Library Catalogue Project, 1965 - 1966 | MSS 93-1, Box 3 |
fileF.F. Biographical Information, 1909 - 1976 | MSS 93-1, Box 3 |
fileAwards, 1953 - 1974 | MSS 93-1, Box 3 |
fileNotes of condolence upon the death of F.F.'s parents, 1940 | MSS 93-1, Box 2 |
fileFrances Farmer Personal Correspondence, 1931 - 1992 | MSS 93-1, Box 1 |
seriesMiscellaneous Objects | |
subseriesPhotographs Duplicating Those Already Owned by Library | |
itemDillard, Ribble and Ritchie, ca. 1950 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemGlenn, Garrard. Dinner. Presentation of his portrait, 1947 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemLaw School Alumni Association. Meeting at Farmington Country Club, ca. 1950-60 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemLaw School. Clark Memorial Hall Library, n.d. | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemLaw School Faculty, 1952 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemLaw School Faculty, 1964 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemLaw School Faculty, 1977-78 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |