MSS 85-13
The Papers of Frank W. McCulloch
Professional papers pertaining to labor law. This collection contains case files and annual reports from Public Review Board of the United Auto Workers (1971-1987); public employee rights; documents on the ILO and the United States S withdrawal from the organization; correspondence, miscellaneous files and published materials.
Dates |
1971-1988 [Bulk] |
Extents |
42 Linear Feet (105 boxes) |
Scope & Contents
This collection of papers documents Frank McCulloch’s extracurricular work in the field of labor law after his retirement from the NLRB. The collection is divided in the four series. Series I, the largest group (boxes 1-46 and 63-70) contains the case files he has kept as a member of the Public Review Board of the United Auto Workers, 1971-1987. Series II is comprised of files which record his work as a member of the Virginia Commission of Public Employee Rights from 1972 to 1976, as well as the aid he gave the Virginia Education Association in its attempt to get collective bargaining powers in the early 1970's. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Migrant Legal Action Program beginning in 1971, and the Series III files concerning that program extend from 1971 to 1984. Finally, in Series IV there are records dating from 1974 to 1983 regarding the Legal Services Corporation.
Collection Description
Biographical / Historical
Immediate Source of Acquisition
seriesThe Papers of Frank W. McCulloch | |
subseriesSub-series I: Public Review Board of the United Automobile Workers (U. A.W.) Labor Relations Review Board (boxes 1-46) | |
file#190: Hopkins--appeals processing of grievance and disposition of charges, 1969 | MSS 85-13, Box 1 |
file#290: Coleman--election complaint, 1973-74 | MSS 85-13, Box 1 |
file#293: Riley--election complaint, 1972 | MSS 85-13, Box 1 |
file#294: Beck--election complaint, 1971-73 | MSS 85-13, Box 1 |
file#295: Dietrich--charges local president with constitution violation, 1972-73 | MSS 85-13, Box 1 |
file#299: Tanzella--transcript of appeal hearing re two grievances, 1972 | MSS 85-13, Box 1 |
file#301: Nickell--appeals handling of grievance re termination, 1973-74 | MSS 85-13, Box 1 |
file#313: Liddell--challenges action of the International Executive Board [IEB] declaring ratified a collective bargaining agreement rejected by skilled trades workers as in contravention of the constitution, 1973-74 | MSS 85-13, Box 1 |
file#322: Badura --appeals settlement of grievance protesting discharge, 1974-76 | MSS 85-13, Box 2 |
file#328: DeLorenzo--appeals termination as International representative, 1974 | MSS 85-13, Box 2 |
file#330: Folts and Boyle--appeals two-year suspension of membership, 1973-74 | MSS 85-13, Box 2 |
file#349: Dawkins--transcript of appeal hearing re grievance concerning a transfer, 1974 | MSS 85-13, Box 2 |
file#350: Myers--appeals Local decision to deny reimbursement for mileage to Union meetings, 1974-75 | MSS 85-13, Box 2 |
file#361: Ferrar--appeals grievance with staff council, 1975 | MSS 85-13, Box 2 |
file#363: Williams--whether member properly pursued his intra-union remedy, 1977 | MSS 85-13, Box 2 |
file#367: Johns--dispute concerning membership as well as proper forum for appeal, 1975 | MSS 85-13, Box 2 |
file#369: Mey and Fulton--appeals denial of election protest, 1975-76 | MSS 85-13, Box 2 |
file#370: Short --election complaint, 1975-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 3 |
file#373: Gonzalez--appeals IEB decision to remove G from position as committeeman, 1975-76 | MSS 85-13, Box 3 |
file#374: White, Larry --appeals decision re challenge of legality of seniority agreement, 1970 | MSS 85-13, Box 3 |
file#376: Jackson and Pettigrew--ethical practices complaint, 1976-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 3 |
file#377 & 378: Hughey, Greenleaf and Del Vecchio--election complaint, 1975-76 | MSS 85-13, Box 3 |
file#379: Sparks--election complaint , 1976 | MSS 85-13, Box 3 |
file#380: Sims--election protest, 1975-76 | MSS 85-13, Box 3 |
file#381: Kibler--challenges withdrawal and settlement of several grievances, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 4 |
file#382: Tanzella--appeals several grievances, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 4 |
file#383: Callaway --appeals rejection of claim that contract between North American Rockwell and UAW violated Union constitution, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 4 |
file#384: Derryberry--election complaint, 1975-76 | MSS 85-13, Box 4 |
file#385: Boyle--appeals conviction on charges of conduct unbecoming a Union member [see also #330], 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 4 |
file#386: Davis, Basil--appeals decision re his charges against another member, 1975-76 | MSS 85-13, Box 4 |
file#387: Fisher--challenges Local procedure used to formulate collective bargaining, 1976 | MSS 85-13, Box 4 |
file#388: Reid--election complain, 1975-76 | MSS 85-13, Box 5 |
file#389: Strong--appeals dismissal of her charges against another member, 1975-76 | MSS 85-13, Box 5 |
file#390: Northrup--appeals removal as health and safety representative and rejection of his charges against Union officers, 1975-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 5 |
file#391: Jongeling--appeals rejection of claim that Local negotiation of new classification discriminated against him, 1974-75 | MSS 85-13, Box 5 |
file#392: Bench--election complaint, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 5 |
file#393: Thomas--election protest, 1975-76 | MSS 85-13, Box 5 |
file#394: Smith--appeals IEB's refusal to allow him simultaneous membership in two locals and challenges action requiring him to verify earnings, 1976 | MSS 85-13, Box 5 |
file#395: Rea--appeals withdrawal of grievances re disciplinary layoff, 1975-76 | MSS 85-13, Box 5 |
file#396: Stevens--appeals rejection of claim that S was improperly barred from candidacy for union position, 1975-76 | MSS 85-13, Box 5 |
file#397: Sponder--appeals conviction for conduct unbecoming a Union member, i.e. working overtime during a membership meeting, 1975-76 | MSS 85-13, Box 5 |
file#398: Anthony--appeals disqualification from candidacy for Local committee, 1976 | MSS 85-13, Box 6 |
file#399: Shalaway--election protest, 1975-76 | MSS 85-13, Box 6 |
file#400: Hedrick--appeals charges of misconduct, 1975-76 | MSS 85-13, Box 6 |
file#401: Theriot--election protest, 1976 | MSS 85-13, Box 6 |
file#402: Bannier--appeals chargers of misconduct, 1976 | MSS 85-13, Box 6 |
file#404: Coleman--appeals withdrawal of grievance protesting discharge, 1974-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 6 |
file#405: Gallagher--appeals decision regarding charges G brought against a Local officer, 1975-76 | MSS 85-13, Box 6 |
file#406: Piper--challenges his removal from position as Local insurance representative, 1975-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 6 |
file#407: Thompson-- election complaint, 1975-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 7 |
file#409: Morris--challenges his collective bargaining agreement re overtime and the resulting impact on his union dues, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 7 |
file#408: Stogner--ethical practices complaint, 1974-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 7 |
file#410: Appeal of Local 658, U.A.W.--jurisdictional dispute with another Local, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 7 |
file#411: Maskey--appeals refusal to arbitrate grievance re reclassification, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 7 |
file#412: Pullman--appeals withdrawal of grievance re discharge, 1975-76 | MSS 85-13, Box 7 |
file#414: Valdiserri--appeals decision that charges of misappropriation of funds V brought against Local president were improper under constitution, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 7 |
file#415: Bennett--appeals denial of grievance re temporary layoffs, 1975-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 8 |
file#416: Sims--appeals decision re S's receiving unauthorized funds from Local, 1975-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 8 |
file#417: Golias--appeals misconduct charges, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 8 |
file#418: Sosnowski--ethical practices complaint, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 8 |
file#419: Balicki--challenges decision that charges brought against Local president were improper under constitution, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 8 |
file#420: Linamen--appeals decision re L's removal as committeeman, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 8 |
file#421: Miller--contests ruling that charges brought against Local officials were improper under constitution, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 8 |
file#422: Sparks--challenges vote of Local membership to stop monthly payments to retirees' chapter, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 8 |
file#423: Berard--challenges decision that charges brought against Local officer were improper under constitution , 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 8 |
file#424: Sosnowski--appeals finding that charges he brought against a committee chairman were improper under constitution, 1977-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 9 |
file#425: Arcaro--appeals decision to set aside his charges against a committeeman, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 9 |
file#426: Mosley--appeals handling of his discharge grievance, 1975-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 9 |
file#427: Lenz--appeals decision of Local to press grievance re promotion, 1971-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 9 |
file#428: Rink--appeals decision re discharge grievance, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 9 |
file#429: Moreland--contests finding that charges brought by M against Local officers violated constitution, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 9 |
file#430: Kibler--challenges decisions re withdrawal and settlements of his 13 grievances, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 9 |
file#431: Murray--ethical practices complaint, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 9 |
file#432: Gammon--challenges constitutionality of procedure for voting on new agreement with management, 1977 | MSS 85-13, Box 9 |
file#433: Valdiserri--appeals decision of IEB that charges brought against Local officer need not go before a trial committee, 1977 | MSS 85-13, Box 9 |
file#434: Spain--protests election, 1977 | MSS 85-13, Box 10 |
file#435: Forte--election complaint, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 10 |
file#436: Fugett--appeals decision not to arbitrate discharge grievance, 1977-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 10 |
file#437: Koren--appeals settlement of grievance alleging improper layoff, 1977 | MSS 85-13, Box 10 |
file#438: Cach--appeals settlement of layoff grievance, 1971-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 10 |
file#439: Billock and Williams--protests withdrawal of grievance re 30 layoffs, 1977-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 10 |
file#440: Sparks--appeals decision that charges filed against Local chairman were improper under constitution, 1977-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 10 |
file#441: Scott--election complaint, 1977-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 11 |
file#442: Davis--protests withdrawal of grievance, 1977-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 11 |
file#443: Wilson--appeals withdrawal of grievance, 1977-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 11 |
file#444: Basoa--contests decision that retired members be allowed to vote in elections, 1977-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 11 |
file#445: Gagnon--election protest, 1973-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 11 |
file#446: Schafke--appeals withdrawal of grievance, 1976-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 11 |
file#447: Roberts--appeals decision that charges brought against R by fellow members were proper for trial proceedings under constitution, 1975-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 11 |
file#448: Executive Board, Local 230 and Abernathy and Jimenez--appeals decision that charges brought by board against an officer were constitutionally insufficient, 1977-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 11 |
file#449: G.M. Unit of Local 222 v. Local 222, U.A.W.--appeals decision to withdraw Local's policy grievance from arbitration, 1977-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 12 |
file#450: Turner--challenges finding that charges filed against executive board members were constitutionally defective, 1976-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 12 |
file#451: Toth--challenges dismissal of his charges against Local officers, 1977-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 12 |
file#452: Brown--challenges Local's interpretation of bylaws re eligibility for office, 1977-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 12 |
file#453: Hughey--appeals decision that charges brought against fellow board member did not merit trial proceedings, 1977-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 12 |
file#454: Laughery--challenges ruling that a local trial committee's verdict cannot be appealed, 1977-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 12 |
file#455: Petts--challenges ruling that charges brought against Local chairman were improper under constitution, 1978 | MSS 85-13, Box 13 |
file#456: Lanane--appeals rejection of election irregularity claims, 1977-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 13 |
file#457: Goforth and Rush--ethical practices complaint, 1978 | MSS 85-13, Box 13 |
file#458: Slomeana and Haverkate--challenge dismissal of misconduct charges filed against Local officers, 1977-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 13 |
file#459: Leslie--challenges ruling regarding membership's action to increase convention expense allowance, 1978 | MSS 85-13, Box 13 |
file#460: Toth--ethical practices complaint, 1978 | MSS 85-13, Box 13 |
file#461: Mingo--appeals decision of membership to expel him for unbecoming conduct, 1975-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 13 |
file#462: Mc Gill--appeals withdrawal of grievance re discharge, 1978-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 14 |
file#463: Adams--appeals withdrawal of grievance re discharge, 1977-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 14 |
file#464: Kerik--challenges action of Local president sending substitute slate of delegates to council meeting, 1976-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 14 |
file#465: Mc Cue--appeals dismissal of charges against Local president, 1979 | MSS 85-13, Box 14 |
file#467: Jones--election protest, 1978-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 14 |
file#468: Post--election challenge, 1978-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 14 |
file#469: Faggiolo, Shank and Wright--election protest, 1978-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 14 |
file#470: Local 248 v. International Union, U.A.W.--claims members were denied strike benefits, 1978-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 14 |
file#471: Shanklin--election protests, 1979 | MSS 85-13, Box 15 |
file#472: Donovan--election protest, 1978-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 15 |
file#473: Chra--ethical practices complaint, 1978-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 15 |
file#474: Segal--appeals handling of his grievance re discharge, 1977-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 15 |
file#475: Bergez--seeks judgment re withdrawal of grievance concerning termination, 1978-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 15 |
file#477: Ferrell--Local member claims layoff priorities were negotiated by International in violation of constitution, 1979 | MSS 85-13, Box 16 |
file#478: Taylor--question of timely appeal, 1979 | MSS 85-13, Box 16 |
file#479: Conrow--appeals settlement of grievance re recall rights, 1978-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 16 |
file#480: Garrison--appeals withdrawal of grievance re upgrading less senior employee, 1979 | MSS 85-13, Box 16 |
file#481: Laughery, Daum and Thiele--allege unfair election practice, 1979 | MSS 85-13, Box 16 |
file#482: Webster--questions extension of terms of offices for committeemen and stewards, and claims his removal from committee chair was unlawful, 1978-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 16 |
file#484: Marinko--appeals withdrawal of grievance in protest of non-bargaining unit personnel operating certain vehicles, 1978-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 16 |
file#485 and 501: Wilson, Nels--ethical practices complaint and claim of rights violations, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 16 |
file#486: Stare--appeals denial of back pay for lost time while on Union business, 1978-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 16 |
file#487: Valdiserri --appeals decision by leadership not to enforce penalties voted by local membership in misappropriations case, 1978-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 17 |
file#488: Makara--election appeal, 1978-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 17 |
file#489: Wallace--election protest, 1975-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 17 |
file#490: Burke--appeals dismissal for failure to report for work, 1978-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 17 |
file#491: Koma--appeals withdrawal of grievances stemming from his disciplinary leave and eventual dismissal, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 17 |
file#492: Jenkins--appeals withdrawal of grievances stemming from his disciplinary layoff, 1978-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 17 |
file#493: Wagoner--appeals withdrawal of grievance stemming from layoff, 1978-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 17 |
file#494: Vance--election appeal, 1978-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 17 |
file#495: Poole--seeks review of settlement in jurisdictional dispute, 1980 | MSS 85-13, Box 17 |
file#496: Vance--protests removal as alternate committeeman, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 17 |
file#497: Creno--appeals union dismissal of grievance, 1979 | MSS 85-13, Box 18 |
file#498: Sosnowski--challenges local nullification of election for skilled trades delegate, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 18 |
file#499: Bergernon--seeks dismissal of charges against him for conduct unbecoming a union member, involving his photocopying and distribution of another employee's timecard, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 18 |
file#500: Balicki--charges local officials with misuse of funds, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 18 |
file#501: Wilson--charges denial of freedom of speech and right to participate in democratic decisions of the union, 1978-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 18 |
file#502: De Cluett--charges discrimination by local officials in the withdrawal of his grievance regarding overtime, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 18 |
file#503: Trapene --allege violation of Ethical Practices Codes by local union regarding an agreement which divested appellants of re-employment rights, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 18 |
file#504: Corrigan--appeals local's decision to dismiss charges he filed on grounds of untimeliness, 1980-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 18 |
file#505: McCue--charges that local president acted improperly in settling overtime grievance, 1980 | MSS 85-13, Box 18 |
file#506: St. Hilaire --appeals disciplinary action taken over attempts to change shifts, 1979-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 19 |
file#507: Pobanz--appeals withdrawal of grievance regarding his dismissal, which he maintains was due to his medical problems, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 19 |
file#508: Schmidt--charges officials responsible for his dismissal with improprieties, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 19 |
file#509: Local 412, unit 24 --unit appeals that local made a settlement with Chrysler without its consent and adverse to its interests, 1977-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 19 |
file#510: Hadley--appeals withdrawal of grievance for dismissal; he allegedly threatened supervisor, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 20 |
file#511: Darling--appeal of ratification vote, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 20 |
file#512: Crum--appeal of disciplinary layoff, 1979-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 20 |
file#513: Tanzella --election appeal, 1980-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 20 |
file#514: Bott--challenges decision by International to withdraw her grievance over dismissal, 1978-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 20 |
file#515: Salisbury--election appeal, 1980 | MSS 85-13, Box 20 |
file#516: Statuti--election appeal, 1980 | MSS 85-13, Box 20 |
file#517: Scariot--protests his removal as health and safety representative for local, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 20 |
file#518: Bynum--election appeal, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 20 |
file#519: McCue--claims he should be reimbursed for pay lost through change in overtime policy which local president approved, allegedly without authorization from members, 1980-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 21 |
file#520: Lawson--protests withdrawal of grievance over dismissal, 1980 | MSS 85-13, Box 21 |
file#521: Duarte--appeals his removal as benefit plans representative of local, 1974-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 21 |
file#522: Schriber--charges that another union member, whom he assaulted at a meeting, violated regulations by also filing a criminal complaint, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 21 |
file#523: Rivas--protests reprimand given him by union over allegation that he informed foreman that another employee was punching other employees' timecards for them, 1979-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 21 |
file#524: Allen--appeals withdrawal of his dismissal grievance by international; he had allegedly sabotaged the assembly line, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 21 |
file#525: Dew--appeals union's handling of his dismissal grievance; he was dismissed for returning late from lunch, and claims he should not have been classified as a probationary employee, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 21 |
file#526: Acker--alleges improper handling of his grievances, mostly related to how much work he was expected to complete in a day, 1980 | MSS 85-13, Box 21 |
file#527: McCreesh--complains of refusal to pursue grievance protesting the award of an upgrade job to a fellow employee, 1977-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 22 |
file#528: Guard--appeals withdrawal of grievance over his dismissal; he lost job due to refusal to perform assignments, absenteeism, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 22 |
file#529: Cehaich--appellant charges local's Design Staff Unit chairman with neglect of duties for failing to hold monthly meetings, 1980-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 22 |
file#530: Tanzella--election dispute, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 22 |
file#531: Stelmack--appellant, discharged for stealing company property, appeals dismissal of his grievance, 1979-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 22 |
file#532: Burgmayer--appeals withdrawal of grievance; he was given a disciplinary layoff for refusal to perform an assignment, 1978-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 22 |
file#533: Richardson--seeks to bypass local and international jurisdiction in making his ethical practices complaint regarding his suspension from local office; notes that he was the only local official suspended, and he was also the only black local official | MSS 85-13, Box 22 |
file#534: Lazaros--appeals settling of his grievance; he was discharged for threatening to kill a fellow employee, 1978-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 22 |
file#535: Dillion--redistricting complaint, 1980-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 22 |
file#536: Coubat--appeals decision not to arbitrate grievance; he was discharged for failure to follow instructions, 1979-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 23 |
file#537: Bruening--protests hiring of new employees while he was laid off, 1980-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 23 |
file#538: Howe--appeals disposition of grievance regarding reduction of his paycheck for alleged absence from his work station, 1980-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 23 |
file#539: Local Union 1520--seeks reimbursement from International for expenses incurred in strike, 1980-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 23 |
file#540: Zajaczkowski--appeals his layoff and allegedly improper transfer, 1979-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 23 |
file#541: Balicki--shift employees appeal that they were denied the representation of a chief steward, 1980-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 23 |
file#542: Brown--appellant charges that International improperly withdrew his grievance; he was denied seniority, 1980-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 23 |
file#543: Lowe--election protest, 1980-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 23 |
file#544: Toth--maintains that local union has set quorum requirements too high, 1980-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 23 |
file#545: Ethical Practices complaint of Frank Toth--charges local officials with spending union funds without authorization, 1977-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 24 |
file#546: Brown--charges International representative with making an unauthorized decision regarding health and welfare improvements, 1979-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 24 |
file#547: Gibbs--election dispute, 1973-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 24 |
file#548: Wirth--alleges local officials made false and malicious statements about him, 1981 | MSS 85-13, Box 24 |
file#549: Resnick --alleges improper handling of grievance; he was discharged for failure to report to work by a specific deadline, and claims local officials were biased against him for political reasons, 1971-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 24 |
file#550: Fletcher--appeals withdrawal of dismissal appeal; company discharged him for habitual tardiness, 1978-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 24 |
file#551: Gardner--charges improper handling of grievance; he was discharged for allegedly attempting to strike a supervisor, 1979-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 25 |
file#552: Smith--protests withdrawal of grievance; he was discharged for failure to report to work after expiration of sick leave, 1976-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 25 |
file#553: Wirth--protests that trial in which he was removed as local vice-president was unfair, 1979-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 25 |
file#554: Toth--charges several local officials with dereliction of duties, 1977-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 25 |
file#555: White--alleges his grievance was improperly withdrawn; he was discharged for fighting with his foreman, 1979-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 25 |
file#556: Burden--appeals his removal from local committee, 1979-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 25 |
file#557: Heams--election protest, 1980-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 25 |
file#558: Hade--charges that International's wrongful refusal to issue a journeyman's card caused him to be laid off, 1978-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 25 |
file#559: Laney--alleges that he and others were denied the right to free speech , 1980-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 26 |
file#560: Tyree--argues that local should have pursued his grievance; he was discharged as physically incapable of performing his job, 1979-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 26 |
file#561: Tanzella--claims local ought to reimburse him for two days lost wages when he was acting as local president, 1975-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 26 |
file#562: Fields--appeals withdrawal of his grievance; new employees were allegedly hired while he was laid off, 1981 | MSS 85-13, Box 26 |
file#563: Beck--protests refusal to arbitrate his grievance; he was suspended for leaving his work station without authorization, 1980-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 26 |
file#564: Harrell--protests refusal to arbitrate his grievance; he was discharged for excessive absence, 1978-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 26 |
file#565: Local Union 699--appeals International Executive Board's actions regarding appeal of Rilous Perkins, 1981-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 26 |
file#566: Kilber--alleges improper handling of his grievance; claimed that company restrained him from performing his duties as a union steward, 1978-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 26 |
file#567: Broder--charges his grievance was improperly withdrawn; he was suspended for allegedly attempting to run over his supervisor with a truck, 1979-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 26 |
file#568: Guncsaga--protests withdrawal of grievance; he had charged that his recall rights had been ignored, 1980-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 27 |
file#569: Jenkins--protests union's refusal to arbitrate grievance; he was suspended by Caterpillar for breaking the lock on a toolbox, 1981-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 27 |
file#570: Keener--charges grievance was improperly withdrawn; he had been discharged for assaulting his supervisor, 1980-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 27 |
file#571: Wiitenen--protests withdrawal of grievance; he was discharged for striking his supervisor, 1981-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 27 |
file#572: Janicki--claims grievance was improperly processed; company officials had allegedly overlooked his seniority in his application for a transfer, 1979-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 27 |
file#573: Slawienski--election appeal, 1982 | MSS 85-13, Box 27 |
file#574: Seal--election dispute, 1981-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 27 |
file#576: Marzac--multiple appelants charge that management violated collective bargaining agreement in hiring a group of journeymen, 1979-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 27 |
file#577: Garrone--protests his removal as shop committeeman-at-large, 1980-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 27 |
file#578: Schmidt--protests withdrawal of grievance; he was discharged for taking tools home while unable to work due to injury, 1979-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 27 |
file#579: Head--appeals withdrawal of grievance; he was demoted for inability to perform at a higher job classification, 1979-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 28 |
file#580: Cox--protests withdrawal of grievance; layoff/seniority case, 1979-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 28 |
file#581: Local 145 v. International Executive Board--local appeals against international's decision to overturn local bylaw amendments, 1981-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 28 |
file#582: Delia--appeal of local trial committee's decision removing him as local president for misappropriation of funds, 1980 | MSS 85-13, Box 28 |
file#583: Schrade --appeal of UAW's decision to resume affiliation with the AFL-CIO, 1983 | MSS 85-13, Box 28 |
file#584: Leflore--election complaint, 1981-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 28 |
file#585: James--protests withdrawal of his grievance; he was terminated for sleeping on the job, 1978-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 29 |
file#586: Ramey --election appeal, 1981-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 29 |
file#587: Young--appeals withdrawal of grievance; he was terminated for failing to report to work within five days of expiration of medical leave, 1968-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 29 |
file#588: Stucker--challenges local's decision not to file a grievance over his layoff, 1982 | MSS 85-13, Box 29 |
file#589: Bagwell--appeal of local's decision to repeat election, although Bagwell won second election as well, 1981-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 29 |
file#590: Frank--appeal of decision not to process fully the grievance of painters' craft that application of whitener to grout should have been done by painters and not sweepers, 1977-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 29 |
file#591: Nestorak--appeal by electricians' craft of decision made in work classification dispute by the National Skilled Trades Department , 1981-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 29 |
file#592: Krajewski--protests withdrawal of grievance; he was discharged for punching other employees' timecards, 1978-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 30 |
file#593: Local Union 1200 v. International Executive Board--local appeals an administratorship imposed on it by the International Executive Board, 1982 | MSS 85-13, Box 30 |
file#594: Griffiths and Johnson --two appeals of one election, 1981-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 30 |
file#595: Local Union 72 v. International Union--appeal of ratification vote, 1981-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 30 |
file#596: Brandrow and Turoski--protests withrawal of grievance; appellants were laid off and allegedly not informed by company that they could take jobs in a lower classification, 1981-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 30 |
file#597: Campbell--appeals withdrawal of grievance; he was terminated for allegedly assaulting his supervisor, 1980-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 31 |
file#598: Rousseau--appeals decision by local to appease a senior employee by removing Rousseau from the skilled trades classification, 1973-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 31 |
file#599: Kollar--protests handling of his layoff grievance by local and international officials, 1973-82 | MSS 85-13, Box 31 |
file#600: Wirth--seeks reimbursement for attorney's fees stemming from his trial by local union on charges of conduct unbecoming a union member, 1980 | MSS 85-13, Box 31 |
file#601: Grubba--multiple appellants charge that UAW Chrysler Department violated their rights when it demanded that the company rescind "add-on compensation" awarded for critical skilled work, 1979-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 31 |
file#602: Jones--appeals dismissal of numerous charges which he pressed against local officials, 1982-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 31 |
file#603: Amman and Linton--charges president of local retired workers' chapter with conduct unbecoming a union member for his handling of an election, 1982-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 31 |
file#604: Taylor --claims compensation for two days he was acting local president , 1982-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 31 |
file#605: Burgwald--multiple appellants protest local's handling of their grievance regarding layoff-related transfers, 1981-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 32 |
file#606: Cameron--challenges the composition of a local unit bargaining committee, 1981-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 32 |
file#607: Thompson--protests imposition of an administratorship on local, 1982-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 32 |
file#608: Manford--challenges withdrawal of grievance over back pay, 1977-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 32 |
file#609: Dorash--election dispute involving alleged misuse of local union newspaper, 1979-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 32 |
file#610: Burns--election appeal, 1981-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 32 |
file#611: Conway--election dispute involving absentee ballots, 1983 | MSS 85-13, Box 32 |
file#612: Farrar--protests the dismissal of charges filed by him against local president for failure to enforce local bylaws and for improperly removing Farrar as chairman of the bylaws committee, 1982-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 32 |
file#613: Jones--election appeal, 1982-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 32 |
file#614: Kelsey--challenges propriety of article appearing in local union newspaper, 1982-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 32 |
file#615: Mullins--concerns timeliness of charges made by appellant against another union member, 1982-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 32 |
file#616: Berry and Berry--charge that local seniority agreement discriminates against tool machine operators, 1976-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 33 |
file#617: Farrar, Gromacki and Martin--appeal dismissal of charges they filed against local president for allowing items criticizing them to be published in the local union newspaper, 1982-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 33 |
file#619: Coffey--appeals withdrawal of grievance; he was dismissed for allegedly stealing company property, 1981-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 33 |
file#620: Solano--protests withdrawal of grievance; he was dismissed for sleeping on the job, 1980-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 33 |
file#621: Longworthy--election dispute, 1981-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 33 |
file#622: Mc Cormick--multiple appellants challenge local union's interpretation of layoff/seniority agreement, 1983 | MSS 85-13, Box 33 |
file#623: Mc Kenzie--complaint that other union member was given special treatment in seniority question without the approval of the local union, 1976-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 33 |
file#624: Martin--charges local president with conduct unbecoming a union member in connection with his refusal to process election grievance, 1982-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 33 |
file#625: Thompson--challenges the prohibition of the issuance of pamphlets as part of an agreement which removed an administratorship from the local union [see #607 above], 1982-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 33 |
file#626: Drake--protests handling of her grievance; she was discharged for failing to report to work punctually after a layoff, 1959-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 34 |
file#627: Barber--multiple appellants challenge disposition of grievance in which they questioned the qualifications of several employees classified as journeymen, 1974-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 34 |
file#628: Null--claims charges he made of misappropriation of union funds should have been submitted to a local trial committee, 1982-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 34 |
file#629: Toth--challenges withdrawal of his grievance; he was suspended for leaving work early, 1979-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 34 |
file#630: Uhelski--appeals that his resignation from local shop committee should be rescinded, as it was not submitted to the membership for a vote, 1982-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 34 |
file#631: Vicola, et. al.--appeal their removal from offices in local union after a merger of zones due to a reduction in force, 1972-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 34 |
file#632: Miller--multiple appellants claim that layoff/recall procedure for skilled trades was not properly adopted or, if so, was later rescinded, 1980-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 34 |
file#634: Foreman--charges local executive board member with improperly attacking him in a pamphlet; at issue is whether these charges are proper under the International Constitution, 1983-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 34 |
file#635: Patrick --claims that when a merger of zones takes place due to a reduction in force, new shop stewards should have been democratically elected, not appointed. Considered with #631, above, 1982-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 35 |
file#636: Lowhorn--alleges overtime grievance was improperly referred to International after it was upheld by local membership, 1982-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 35 |
file#637: Trimm--charges local recording secretary failed to bring to membership's attention important correspondence from International Executive Board, 1982-83 | MSS 85-13, Box 35 |
file#638: Styler--appeals redistricting plan, 1981-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 35 |
file#639: Waegele--challenges his removal from and future disqualification for any Union office due to alleged misappropriation of funds, 1982-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 35 |
file#641: Compton--appeals dismissal of charges he made against local governing board for its refusal to order local skilled trades representative to hold proper skilled trades meetings, 1982-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 35 |
file#642: Helsel--appeals sanctions imposed for his alleged refusal to obey orders, 1981-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 35 |
file#643: Cooper--protests the withdrawal of his grievance protesting the promotion of a less senior employee, 1975-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 36 |
file#644: Beacham--same claim as #643, above, 1980-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 36 |
file#645: Damron--same claim as #643, above, 1980-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 36 |
file#646: Mc Natt and Smith--appeal settlement of grievance regarding the selection of new employees to man a new hot forming unit, 1980-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 36 |
file#647: Iyun--appeals dismissal of charges he filed against local president and another member; charges related to their actions in removing him as local EEO coordinator, 1983-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 36 |
file#648: Norman--charges local financial secretary with improperly hiring his son to work on a union Fun Fest, 1982-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 36 |
file#649: Buford--appeals disposition of grievance; he was fired for making several fraudulent applications for bereavement pay, 1944; 1983-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 36 |
file#650: Bullock--appeals disposition of grievance; he was reassigned to a different type of machine when his old machine was removed from plant, 1981 | MSS 85-13, Box 36 |
file#652: Smith--seniority dispute, 1982-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 36 |
file#653: Crouch--claims he was improperly removed as elected committeeman when local adopted a redistricting agreement, 1983-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 36 |
file#654: Alli--appeals his dismissal from union office due to alleged misappropriation of funds, 1978-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 37 |
file#655: Guthridge--appeals his dismissal from union office due to alleged misappropriation of funds, 1983-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 37 |
file#656: Bowers--appeals his dismissal from union office due to alleged misappropriation of funds, 1980-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 37 |
file#657: Tripp--appeals decision requiring him to reimburse union $1,014.41 for excess compensation he had received, 1980-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 37 |
file#658: Miller--election dispute, 1983-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 37 |
file#659: Toth--protests withdrawal of his grievance; he was suspended for leaving plant early, 1982-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 37 |
file#660: Carstensen--election dispute, 1983-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 37 |
file#661: Golden--claims his protest of his dismissal was improperly withdrawn; he was dismissed for leaving early and repeatedly driving against the flow of traffic in the plant area, 1981-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 38 |
file#662: Acker and Scarlett--the pair protest the withdrawal of their appeal concerning assignment of overtime work, 1982-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 38 |
fileCase #633: Acker--appeals settlement of his grievance; he had wanted foreman dismissed for insulting him when Acker refused to shake his hand, 1982-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 38 |
file#665: Pitts--protests withdrawal of his discharge grievance; he was fired for refusing to return to work after his sick leave ended, 1984 | MSS 85-13, Box 38 |
file#666: Boldt--dispute over new holiday scheme in 1982 agreement with International Harvester, 1981-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 38 |
file#667: McClain--protests amount of compensation he received for being bypassed for union office, 1980-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 38 |
file#668: Day--protests financial settlement of his grievance; he was discharged and later reinstated for allegedly lying on his job application, 1978-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 38 |
file#669: Hall--appeals dismissal of her discharge grievance; she was fired for failure to report to work on time after an illness, 1982-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 38 |
file#670: Ford --appeals his dismissal from union office due to alleged misappropriation of funds. This appeal was considered along with #654, 655, 656, and 657, 1980-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 39 |
fileMaterial re cases #654, 655, 656, 657, 670, 1984 | MSS 85-13, Box 39 |
file#671 and 672: Hudson --dispute over hiring of another, allegedly less qualified, employee as an air compressor attendant, 1983-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 40 |
file#673: Barnett--appeals decision to withdraw his termination grievance; he was fired for not reporting to work soon enough after finger surgery, 1978-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 40 |
file#674: Gaw --dispute over whether UAW-Chrysler seniority agreements still applied vis-a-vis plants [and their employees] which had been bought by General Dynamics | MSS 85-13, Box 40 |
file#675: Lilly--election dispute, 1983-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 40 |
file#676: Carriveau--election dispute, 1983-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 40 |
file#677: Howze--challenges settlement of his grievance; he was fired for unauthorized absence and repeated violations of safety rules, 1981-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 41 |
file#679: Martin--appeals withdrawal of grievance; supervisor had agreed, then retracted agreement, to pay him for one-half hour one month in which he had not worked in order to preserve his insurance benefits, 1981-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 41 |
file#680: Jenkins--president of a local, he protests decision by international executive board to put his local under administratorship, 1983-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 41 |
file#681: Betts--protests his removal from a local bargaining committee due to his alleged involvement in a union decertification effort, 1983-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 41 |
file#682: Holland--appeals decision by his local executive to toss out charges he made against a committeeperson for riotous behavior at a meeting, 1983-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 41 |
file#683: Early--challenges grievance settlement; he had complained that equal classification employees with less seniority were promoted above him, 1982-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 41 |
file#684: Todd--appeals withdrawal of his grievance; he was dismissed for purchasing property stolen from the company, 1983-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 41 |
file#685: Fowler--election dispute, 1984 | MSS 85-13, Box 41 |
file#686: Compton--complains union has not adequately acted on his charges against local skilled trades representative, 1983-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 41 |
file#687: Trnka--election dispute, 1984-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 42 |
file#688: Adams--she and 797 others challenge charges levied against them by local union members for crossing picket lines, 1984-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 42 |
file#689: Perry--she appeals dismissal of charges she filed against her local president, 1984-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 43 |
file#690: Gagnon--election dispute, 1984-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 43 |
file#691: Ali--protests withdrawal of his grievances; he was dismissed for attempted fraud, 1980-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 43 |
file#692: Stephens --he protests alleged transfer of work to another plant after the plant at which he worked was closed transfer, 1983-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 43 |
file#693: Hite --election dispute, 1984-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 44 |
file#694: Lefebvre--election dispute, 1983-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 44 |
file#695: Robinson--protests handling of his grievance; he felt he was not assigned as many overtime hours as he ought to have been, 1981-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 44 |
file#696: Smith--election dispute, 1981-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 44 |
file#698: Brove--election dispute, 1983-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 44 |
file#699: Acker--protests withdrawal of various grievances with management over his taking community college classes, having his pay cut, allegedly having to work in an unsafe environment, and being disciplined for wasting time and having someone else punch h | MSS 85-13, Box 44 |
file#700: Ryan--appeals for reimbursement of wages lost when he was wrongfully removed from union office, 1983-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 45 |
file#701: Snider--election dispute, 1984-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 45 |
file#702: West--protests withdrawal of her grievance; she was laid off and claimed she should have been later recalled when others were, 1977-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 45 |
file#703: Stone--claims his grievance was settled irrationally; he was fired for fighting and then reinstated without back pay, 1980-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 45 |
file#704: Rizok--election dispute, 1980-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 45 |
file#705: Ford--various ethical practices charges against Owen Bieber and other international officials, 1983-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 45 |
file#706: Borrusch--appeals decision not to pursue his grievance; he was fired for using abusive language while already on probationary status for habitual tardiness, 1981-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 45 |
fileCase #707: Bromm--appeals whether irregularities affected the outcome of the grievance commiteeperson election, 1984-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 46 |
fileCase #708: Goold--whether he made a timely appeal of International Representative Al Bucci's decision to withdraw his grievance in protest of his layoff and whether the President's ruling on the timeliness of his appeal was an interpretation of the Intern | MSS 85-13, Box 46 |
fileCase #711: Mc Guffin--whether the Local 44, presidential election should be rerun because the retired members were prohibited from voting for the office of president, 1984-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 46 |
subseriesUndocketed Appeals: | |
fileToth: undocketed ethical practices complaint, 1974-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 46 |
fileKucyk: undocketed assignment of incorrect seniority date grievance, 1975-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 46 |
fileConrad: whether he has filed a timely claim against his Union in protest of its disposition of grievance filed following his discharge by Jeep Corporation, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 46 |
fileSojka: undocketed appeal for the limited purpose of determining whether appelant has presented a claim cognizable by the Constitution of the Union, 1979-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 46 |
fileMattas: undocketed appeal whether a Local Union member may appeal to the Public Review Board a decision of the UAW Credentials Committee denying his protest to a Local election for delegates to the Constitutional Convention, 1980-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 46 |
fileToth: whether he may appeal his Local Union's enactment of a bylaw increasing the quorum requirements for Local membership, 1980-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 46 |
fileLaney undocketed appeal: whether the Public Review Board may intervene to delay the processing of a collective bargaining grievance, 1982 | MSS 85-13, Box 46 |
fileNassar and Sykes v. Watkins: undocketed ethical practices complaint, 1983 | MSS 85-13, Box 46 |
fileUnited States of America before the National Labor Relations Board, 1978-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 46 |
subseriesSub-series II: Collective Bargaining for Virginia Education Association | |
fileSpeech and miscellaneous material V.E.A. conference, 1975 | MSS 85-13, Box 47 |
fileConference at U. Va, 1975 | MSS 85-13, Box 47 |
fileOutlines for speeches delivered at Williamsburg and Blacksburg, 1971-73 | MSS 85-13, Box 47 |
subgrpPublic Employees Rights Commission | |
fileMeeting notes and other materials, 1972-74 | MSS 85-13, Box 47 |
fileDraft and final report of the commission, 1972-74 | MSS 85-13, Box 47 |
fileGrievance Procedure Subcommittee notes and documents, 1974-75 | MSS 85-13, Box 48 |
fileCorrespondence and drafts of legislation, 1972-75 | MSS 85-13, Box 49 |
fileMiscellaneous correspondence, notes, etc, 1972-86; n.d. | MSS 85-13, Box 49 |
file"Government Manpower in Virginia", 1970 | MSS 85-13, Box 49 |
file"Collective Bargaining", 1972 | MSS 85-13, Box 49 |
fileVirginia state laws and miscellaneous information, 1971-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 50 |
fileStatistical information re the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, 1971 | MSS 85-13, Box 50 |
fileGeneral material re state labor laws, 1970-71 | MSS 85-13, Box 50 |
fileLabor relations in Illinois, Michigan, New York City, and Pennsylvania, 1970-73 | MSS 85-13, Box 51 |
fileMiscellaneous papers, n.d. | MSS 85-13, Box 51 |
fileCollective bargaining experience and organization, 1971-72 | MSS 85-13, Box 53 |
filePublic employees and collective bargaining, 1972-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 53 |
fileMiscellaneous articles and bulletins, 1972-75 | MSS 85-13, Box 53 |
fileClippings , n.d. | MSS 85-13, Box 53 |
subseriesSub-series III: Migrant Legal Action Program | |
fileMinutes of organization meeting, 1971 | MSS 85-13, Box 54 |
fileOperation and composition of M.L.A.P, n.d. | MSS 85-13, Box 54 |
fileAgenda for Board meeting, 1976 | MSS 85-13, Box 54 |
fileBoard meetings, 1976-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 54 |
fileProgram account budgets, 1971-72 | MSS 85-13, Box 56 |
fileUnaudited financial statements, 1975 | MSS 85-13, Box 56 |
fileMaterial re refunding of M.L.A.P, 1976 | MSS 85-13, Box 56 |
fileFinancial statements and C.P.A. reports, 1975-78 | MSS 85-13, Box 56 |
fileFinancial statements, C.P.A. reports and cash flow analysis, 1980-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 56 |
fileLitigation and legislation reports, 1971-80 | MSS 85-13, Box 56 |
fileCorrespondence, 1971-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 56 |
fileMemoranda and minutes of meetings, 1971-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 57 |
filePetition re Farm Labor Service, 1971 | MSS 85-13, Box 57 |
fileProposed resolutions, 1972 | MSS 85-13, Box 57 |
filePress releases, 1973 | MSS 85-13, Box 57 |
fileReport of the suport center of M.L.A.P, 1975 | MSS 85-13, Box 57 |
fileM.L.A.P. workplan, 1979 | MSS 85-13, Box 57 |
fileM.L.A.P. by-laws and board nominations, 1980 | MSS 85-13, Box 57 |
fileClark v. Department of Labor, 1983 | MSS 85-13, Box 57 |
fileCase summaries, n.d. | MSS 85-13, Box 57 |
fileResolutions, n.d. | MSS 85-13, Box 57 |
fileOrientation material for community workers, 1974 | MSS 85-13, Box 57 |
fileFarmworker legal projects, 1977 | MSS 85-13, Box 57 |
fileInformation booklet re status of illegal aliens, n.d. | MSS 85-13, Box 57 |
file"Earthbond", 1975-77 | MSS 85-13, Box 57 |
file"Capital Developments"; "Monthly Reports", 1973-74 | MSS 85-13, Box 59 |
file"Field Memos" [numbered] and indexes, 1979-85 | MSS 85-13, Box 59 |
fileDraft analysis of Agricultural Labor Relations, 1971 | MSS 85-13, Box 60 |
fileLegal Assistance for Migrant Farm Workers in Michigan, 1971 | MSS 85-13, Box 60 |
fileAgricultural Labor Relations Bill in New York, 1971 | MSS 85-13, Box 60 |
file"Peonage: The American System of Migratory Farm Labor" by Gary S. Goodpastor, 1970 | MSS 85-13, Box 60 |
fileAgricultural Labor Relations in Oregon, 1971 | MSS 85-13, Box 60 |
file"Public Regulation of Working Conditions in Agriculture" by Gary S. Goodpastor, 1971 | MSS 85-13, Box 60 |
file"An Advocacy Center for Farm Labor Programs and Related Rural Interests", n.d. | MSS 85-13, Box 60 |
file"Proposal for Accomack County Agri-business Study" by Susan De Marco, 1971 | MSS 85-13, Box 60 |
file"Legal Strategies and tactics of Representing Migrant Workers" by L.J. Sherman, 1972 | MSS 85-13, Box 60 |
file"The Paraprofessional" by A. B. Delgado, 1972 | MSS 85-13, Box 60 |
fileMaterial re agricultural relations in Colorado 611972, "Practice Manual for Representing Migrant Farm Workers" by T. R. Ewald, 1972 | MSS 85-13, Box 60 |
fileA.F.L.-C.I.O. material, 1975 | MSS 85-13, Box 60 |
fileAmerican Farmworker Housing Program, 1978-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 60 |
file"Foreign Workers in U.S. Agriculture" by H. M. Semler, 1982 | MSS 85-13, Box 60 |
filePaper re migrant and seasonal farmworkers, n.d. | MSS 85-13, Box 60 |
file"Mexican-Americans in Transition" --Michigan State University, 1969 | MSS 85-13, Box 60 |
fileEducation of migrant workers' children, 1972 | MSS 85-13, Box 60 |
fileFarmworker Justice Fund , 1981 | MSS 85-13, Box 61 |
fileSocial welfare and law, n.d. | MSS 85-13, Box 61 |
fileMiscellaneous papers and published material, 1971-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 61 |
fileComparison of O.S.H.A.'s temporary labor camp standard and the existing one, n.d. | MSS 85-13, Box 61 |
fileNotes, n.d. | MSS 85-13, Box 61 |
fileClippings, n.d. | MSS 85-13, Box 61 |
subseriesSub-series IV: Legal Services Corporation | |
fileOperations, 1974-79 | MSS 85-13, Box 62 |
fileMemoranda, 1978-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 62 |
filePaper re the purpose of legal services, 1976 | MSS 85-13, Box 62 |
fileProposed contact with support centers, 1976 | MSS 85-13, Box 62 |
fileReport re operations, 1983-84 | MSS 85-13, Box 62 |
fileAnnual reports, 1979-81 | MSS 85-13, Box 62 |
fileNewsletters, 1978-80 | MSS 85-13a, Box 63 |
fileLegislation summaries, 1983 | MSS 85-13a, Box 63 |
fileResource Center for Consumers of Legal Services, 1975 | MSS 85-13a, Box 63 |
filePaper re support needs of L.S.C, n.d. | MSS 85-13a, Box 63 |
fileWashington-based representation on behalf of eligible legal services corporations, 1978 | MSS 85-13a, Box 63 |
fileMiscellaneous printed material, 1972-80 | MSS 85-13a, Box 63 |
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Frank W. McCulloch [a] | |
fileCase #709: Scott--claims that local presidential election should be rerun by reason of "allegedly false" propaganda, 1985 | MSS 85-13a, Box 63 |
fileCase #712: Weston--whether charges against the Local 1070 bargaining committee satisfy the requirements of Article 31, 3 of the International Constitution, 1985 | MSS 85-13a, Box 63 |
fileCase #713: Scarlett--whether his appeals were effectively withdrawn as a result of his failure to appear at hearings schedule by the Appeals Committee of the International Executive Board, 1985 | MSS 85-13a, Box 63 |
fileCase #714: Benton--appeals the handling and ultimate disposition by Local Union of her grievances, 1985-86 | MSS 85-13a, Box 63 |
fileCase #715: Reynolds--whether an agreement made by an International representative in settlement of grievances filed by crib attendants at General Dynamics had a rational basis, 1985 | MSS 85-13a, Box 63 |
fileCase #716: Lawson--whether the settlement of his grievances was devoid of any rational basis, 1985 | MSS 85-13a, Box 63 |
fileCase #717: Obenauf et al--whether they were improperly removed from their positions, 1985-86 | MSS 85-13a, Box 63 |
fileCase #718 and 719: Sands and Quinn--whether the Local 652 shop committeeperson's decision to withdraw various line of demarcation grievances was without rational basis, 1985-86 | MSS 85-13a, Box 64 |
fileCase #720: McKellery--whether the decision to withdraw his grievances was without rational basis, 1985-86 | MSS 85-13a, Box 64 |
fileCase #722: Henderson--claims that improprieties affected the outcome of the election of the G.M.W.D.D. Unit of Local 659, 1985-86 | MSS 85-13a, Box 64 |
fileCase #723: Newton--whether the settlement of his his grievance protesting a disciplinary layoff was devoid of any rational basis, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 64 |
fileCase #725 and 726: Dennis and Price [3 folders]--concern whether Dennis was improperly assigned to District #1 following the negotiation of a redistricting agreement; whether a committeeperson-at-large should have been designated for the first shift; and | MSS 85-13a, Box 64 |
fileCase #728: Roger T. Smith--appeals Local Union's decision to withdraw his grievance, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 64 |
fileCase #731: Acker--appeals the withdrawals of his grievances, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 64 |
fileCase #734: Brove--whether his appeal from a decision of the IEB ruling that charges against him were proper and should proceed to trial has been rendered moot of his acquittal, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 64 |
fileCase #735: Local Union 677 v. UAW Mack Truck Dept.--claims that Article 19, 2 of the Constitution requires that a committee from Local 677 should have been permitted to participate in settlement of negotiations of grievances; and that article 19,3 of the | MSS 85-13a, Box 65 |
fileCase #736: Schriber--whether improprieties affected the outcome of the Local election for shop committee person, 1986-87 | MSS 85-13a, Box 65 |
fileCase #737: Appeal of Clapp in matter of Tomczak--whether charges filed by Clapp against Tomczak satisfied the requirements of Article 31, 3 of the International Constitution, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 65 |
fileCase #738: Meisinger--appeals settlement of overtime distribution grievance, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 65 |
fileCase #739: Welch--appeals to have been improperly deprived of overtime opportunity, 1986-87 | MSS 85-13a, Box 65 |
fileCase #740: Foster--appeals disposition of his grievance, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 65 |
fileCase #741: Taylor et al--claim they were improperly displaced by skilled tradesmen, 1986-87 | MSS 85-13a, Box 66 |
fileCase #742: Englund--whether the requirements of Local Union 699 bylaws were satisfied by the nomination procedure followed prior to the 1985 general elections, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 66 |
fileCase #743: Woodward--appeals the disposition of her grievance and challenges the disposition of certain other grievances filed on her behalf, 1986-87 | MSS 85-13a, Box 66 |
fileCase #744: Dennis--whether he was improperly assigned following the negotiation of a redistricting agreement; whether the redistricting agreement violated Article 10 of the Local Union bylaws by its failure to provide for a committeeperson-at-large positi | MSS 85-13a, Box 66 |
fileCase #745: Snider--claims his grievance protesting his layoff was withdrawn without any rational basis, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 67 |
fileCase #746: Hein--appeals the settlement of his grievance, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 67 |
fileCase #747: Green--appeals a decision to withdraw his grievance challenging his termination, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 67 |
fileCase #748: Patterson--appeals decision to withdraw his termination grievance, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 67 |
fileCase #749: Bradley et al--whether charges filed sufficiently satisfy requirements of Article 31, 3 of the International Constitution so as to require their submission to a Local Trial committee, 1986-87 | MSS 85-13a, Box 67 |
fileCase #751: Tarrence--appeals the settlement of his grievance challenging the failure of his employer to assign him work, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 67 |
fileCase #752: Collins--appeals the withdrawal of her grievance submitted in protest of her termination, 1986-87 | MSS 85-13a, Box 67 |
fileCase #753: Garza--appeals the withdrawal of his grievance over his discharge, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 67 |
fileCase #754: Sawitski--whether charges filed against Joseph LeMay were proper, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 68 |
fileCase #755 Keliipo--whether charges filed against the Local shop committee Chairman satisfy the requirements of Article 31, 3 of the International Constitution, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 68 |
fileCase #756: George--challenges the disposition of her grievance, filed in protest of her discharge, 1986-87 | MSS 85-13a, Box 68 |
fileCase #757: Eutsey--challenges the withdrawal of his grievance submitted in protest of his accepting a voluntary quit in connection with a theft investigation, 1986-87 | MSS 85-13a, Box 68 |
fileCase #758: Paladino--appeals the withdrawal of his grievance over General Motors' refusal to place him in its Employee-in Training program, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 68 |
fileCase #759: Gettings and Fazio--appeal the decision to withdraw their grievances protesting and adjustment of the seniority date of fellow employee, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 68 |
fileCase #760: Layton--appeals the withdrawal of her grievance in protest of her termination, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 68 |
fileCase #762 and 793: Tucker--appeals the decisions of the IEB to dismiss his appeals on the basis of their having been considered withdrawn by reason of his failure to appear at hearings, 1987 | MSS 85-13a, Box 68 |
fileCase #763: Dwyer and Erro--claim they are entitled to have a "red circled" rate restored to them, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 69 |
fileCase #764: Ulmer--appeals the withdrawal of his grievance submitted in protest of his discharge, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 69 |
fileCase #765: Vermett--appeals the decision to withdraw his grievance, 1986-87 | MSS 85-13a, Box 69 |
fileCase #767: Steltenpohl--appeals the decision to withdraw his grievance, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 69 |
fileCase #768: Gomez--appeals the decision to withdraw his grievance, 1986-87 | MSS 85-13a, Box 69 |
fileCase #769: Copeland--appeals the settlement of his grievance submitted in protest of his termination, pursuant to which he was reinstated, 1986-87 | MSS 85-13a, Box 69 |
fileCase #770: King--seeks to challenge a ruling of International President Owen Bieber that Local funds could be spent to send distinguished guests to the 28th UAW Convention, 1986 | MSS 85-13a, Box 69 |
fileCase #771: Toth--appeals whether charges filed against Les Burnett were improper, 1986-87 | MSS 85-13a, Box 69 |
fileCase #772: Fiolek--appeals the decision to withdraw his grievance in protest of his discharge, 1986-87 | MSS 85-13a, Box 70 |
fileCase #773: Chakonis--argues that he was improperly removed from office, 1986-87 | MSS 85-13a, Box 70 |
fileCase #774: Zajaczkowski--whether Local Union violated its Local Union bylaws and the International Constitution in the conduct of special elections, 1986-87 | MSS 85-13a, Box 70 |
fileCase #775: Humphrey--appeals withdrawal of grievance submitted in protest of her termination, 1986-87 | MSS 85-13a, Box 70 |
fileCase #776: Torres--challenges the settlement of her disciplinary penalty, 1986-87 | MSS 85-13a, Box 70 |
fileCase #777: Buscher--appeals decision to withdraw his grievance, 1987 | MSS 85-13a, Box 70 |
fileCase #779: Bailey--appeals decision to withdraw his grievance protesting his termination, 1987 | MSS 85-13a, Box 70 |
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Frank W. McCulloch [b] | |
subseriesPublic Review Board of the United Auto Workers | |
file#721: Tulgetske--contesting grievance settlement, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 7 |
file#766: Clark-- complaint against decision to withdraw grievance, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 7 |
file#778: Sneath--whether local president improperly revoked S's seniority status with employing company, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 7 |
file#780: Kimberly--appeals decision to withdraw grievance in protest of dismissal, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 7 |
file#781: Eckerle--protests decision to withdraw grievance re lack of overtime opportunities, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 7 |
file#782: Podunavac--appeals settlement of grievance protesting another employee's job performance, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 7 |
file#783: McCabe--whether charges filed by McC against local officers satisfy requirements of constitution, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 7 |
file#784: Wood--election complaint, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 72 |
file#785: Espinosa--election complaint, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 72 |
file#788: Bertoluzzi--protests disposition of grievance re pay rate, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 72 |
file#789: Narang--protests dismissal of grievance re job classification, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 72 |
file#790: Trimm--appeals decision not to file grievance, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 72 |
file#791: Kurtz--complaint concerns refusal to file grievance protesting transfer of less senior employee, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 72 |
file#792: Ford--seeks to have membership privileges restored, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 72 |
file#794: Whaley--appeals decision to withdraw grievance protesting reduction in classification, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 72 |
file#795: Morgan--election complaint, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 72 |
file#797: Crane--protests withdrawal of grievance, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 72 |
file#798: Brown--appeals withdrawal of grievance re the filling of a job she had previously refused, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 73 |
file#799: Thrower--whether current appeal is untimely and whether decision to withdraw grievance was without rational basis, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 73 |
file#800: Helm--election complaint, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 73 |
file#801: Bugos--election complaint, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 73 |
file#802: Belue and Case--challenges the International Executive Board's [IEB] imposing administration over the local; includes federal district and circuit court briefs, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 73 |
file#803: Scarlett--appeals withdrawal of grievance protesting management's failure to charge fellow employee with overtime, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 74 |
file#804: Grigsby--whether charges filed by G against local president satisfied constitution requirements, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 74 |
file#805: Huntley--protests withdrawal of grievance re discharge, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 74 |
file#806: Woods--appeals withdrawal of grievance protesting discharge, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 74 |
file#807: Archer--election complaint, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 74 |
file#808: Warren--challenges withdrawal of grievance protesting dismissal because of alleged sale of cocaine, 1987-88 | MSS 85-13b, Box 74 |
file#809: Robinson--appeals withdrawal of grievance protesting termination for alleged sale of marijuana, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 74 |
file#812: McGlamory--appeals settlement of grievance re reinstatement with 50% back pay, 1987-88 | MSS 85-13b, Box 74 |
file#813: Mejia--questions legality of local president's relieving M of his duty as service representative and limiting his duties as financial secretary, 1987-88 | MSS 85-13b, Box 75 |
file#814: Stoumbos--protests the settlement of grievance re timeliness of hiring, 1987 | MSS 85-13b, Box 75 |
file#815: Jodlowsky appeals to decision to withdraw his grievance, 1985-1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 75 |
file#816: Braman--claims that local president failed to maintain his membership in good standing, 1987-88 | MSS 85-13b, Box 75 |
file#817: Doyen and Longworth--election protest, 1987-88 | MSS 85-13b, Box 75 |
file#818: Horton, et. al.--election complaint, 1987-88 | MSS 85-13b, Box 76 |
file#819: Kelly--whether K's appeal of the union's decision to withdraw his grievance was untimely, and whether K lost his status as member in good standing, 1987-88 | MSS 85-13b, Box 76 |
file#820: Balester and Smith--election complaint , 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 76 |
file#821: Dombeck--whether charges filed in connection with campaign literature satisfied constitution requirements, 1987-88 | MSS 85-13b, Box 76 |
file#822: Reyes appeals decision to order Local 2250 to rerun its runoff election, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 76 |
file#823: Kelley--election complaint, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 76 |
file#824: Wehr--appeals decision not file grievance, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 76 |
file#825: Potts--election complaint, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 76 |
file#826: Jackson claims irregularities in the conduct of an election for trustee, affected his outcome, 1987-1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 77 |
file#827: Slawienski--election complaint, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 77 |
file#828: Toth--whether charges filed by T satisfied constitution requirements, and whether T's appeal of his election protest determination should be considered with the former, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 77 |
file#830: Scarlett appeals the disposition of his grievance protesting a disciplinary action, 1985-1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 77 |
file#832: Armstrong--whether IEB should have limited its review of A's appeal from dismissal of charges against local president to issue of timeliness, and whether A's charges satisfy constitution requirements, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 77 |
file#833: Goricki appeals the Handling of her grievances, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 77 |
file#834: Boyer et al appeal to consider improprieties of the general election, 1987-1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 77 |
file#836: Pellegrino appeals that charges were incorrectly disqualified, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 77 |
file#838: Kyles appeals settlement grievance for verbal harassment, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 77 |
file#839: Sabin whether language used on strike vote ballot violated his rights, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 78 |
file#840: Van Kleeck et al appeal handling or disposition of an appeal that affected their seniority, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 78 |
file#841: Benchich et al in the matter of Richard C. Abernathy et al appeal whether their charges against members of the Shop Committee were properly disqualified., 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 78 |
file#842: Novack--protests settlement of grievance protesting conditions re return to work from medical leave, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 78 |
file#844: Luksch three appeals: 1] to membership denial of further appeal on her part from decision to remove her; 2] to authority of shop chairman to remove her; 3] to her removal as QWL coordinator, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 78 |
file#845: Lukas appeals decision to withdraw grievance for protest of penalty, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 78 |
file#846: Parker appeals committee person election, 1987-1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 78 |
file#847: McClain appeals to charges improperly disqualified as untimely, 1987-1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 78 |
file#848: Seeback appeals decision to withdraw grievance in protest of his termination, 1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 79 |
file#852: McAuley appeals grievance procedure to challenge his termination, 1987-1988 | MSS 85-13b, Box 79 |
filePublic Review Board Annual Reports, 1970, 1976-86 | MSS 85-13b, Box 79 |
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Frank W. McCulloch [c] | |
subseriesPublic Employee Rights Commission | |
filePublic Employees Rights Commission [PERC]: Related documents and correspondence, 1971-1975 | MSS 85-13c, Box 80 |
filePERC: miscellaneous printed material [annotated], 1975-1976 | MSS 85-13c, Box 80 |
fileUVA Master's Thesis, "Collective Bargaining by Public Employees in Virginia: An Intergovernmental Perspective," by Gwen Williams who interviewed FWM and used some of his papers for her research; correspondence re the thesis, 1986 | MSS 85-13c, Box 80 |
fileP.E.R.C.: Relevant newsclippings, 1971-86 | MSS 85-13c, Box 80 |
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Frank W. McCulloch [d] | |
fileInternational Labor Office [ILO], Articles on the ILO, 1975-1990 | MSS 85-13d, Box 81 |
fileILO-Committee on the Application of Convention and Recommendations [CACR], Committee of Experts Reports in Achieving Observance of the Provisions of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1975-1985 | MSS 85-13d, Box 81 |
fileILO-CACR, Reports, 1975-1977 | MSS 85-13d, Box 81 |
fileILO-CACR, Reports, 1978 | MSS 85-13d, Box 81 |
fileILO-CACR, Reports, 1979-1980 | MSS 85-13d, Box 82 |
fileILO-CACR, Reports, press releases and newspaper clippings, 1981-1982 | MSS 85-13d, Box 82 |
fileILO-CACR, Information and reports, U.S. Delegation report, 1983-1984 | MSS 85-13d, Box 82 |
fileILO-CACR, Reports, 1986 | MSS 85-13d, Box 82 |
fileILO-CACR, Reports, U.S. Delegation Report, 1987 | MSS 85-13d, Box 82 |
fileILO-CACR Reports, 1988-1989 | MSS 85-13d, Box 82 |
fileILO-CACR Reports, 1990-1992 | MSS 85-13d, Box 83 |
fileILO, Commission of Inquiry, Germany, South Africa, Recommendations, 1987 | MSS 85-13d, Box 83 |
fileILO, Commission of Inquiry, Poland, 1984 | MSS 85-13d, Box 83 |
fileILO, Committee of Experts controversy, 1991 | MSS 85-13d, Box 83 |
fileILO, Conference, newspaper clippings, 1983 | MSS 85-13d, Box 83 |
fileILO- Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe [CSCE], Helsinki: 1975, Madrid: 1983, Reports, statements, newspaper clippings, 1975-1985 | MSS 85-13d, Box 83 |
fileILO-CSCE, USSR Forced Labor, Poland situation, newspaper clippings, 1983 | MSS 85-13d, Box 83 |
fileILO Conventions, 1967-1980 | MSS 85-13d, Box 83 |
fileILO Correspondence, 1976 | MSS 85-13d, Box 83 |
fileILO Correspondence and conference evaluations, 1979 | MSS 85-13d, Box 84 |
fileILO Correspondence, U.S Return, Poland erupts, 1980 | MSS 85-13d, Box 84 |
fileILO Correspondence, 1981 | MSS 85-13d, Box 84 |
fileILO Correspondence, 1983 | MSS 85-13d, Box 84 |
fileILO-Council of Europe, Legal questions, 1975-1981 | MSS 85-13d, Box 84 |
fileILO, Eastern Block Attack to ILO Supervision , 1983-1986 | MSS 85-13d, Box 84 |
fileILO, Freedom of Association Committee. Report on complaint v. U.S. on Patco strike, 1981 | MSS 85-13d, Box 84 |
fileFreedom of Association Committee, 1983-1984 | MSS 85-13d, Box 84 |
fileILO, Freedom of Association Committee Documents. Complaint v. U.S. by Capitol Organizing Group [CEOG] and by Norsk Hydro-Aluminium, 1984 | MSS 85-13d, Box 84 |
fileILO, Governing Body Documents, Freedom of Association Committee, 1979-1983 | MSS 85-13d, Box 85 |
fileILO, Governing Body, Non-Observance of the Discrimination (employment and occupation) by Czechoslovakia, 1978 | MSS 85-13d, Box 85 |
fileILO-Greece "emergency", 1981 | MSS 85-13d, Box 85 |
fileILO, Human Rights-Poland, Reports and newspaper clippings, 1988 | MSS 85-13d, Box 85 |
fileILO, International Labor Rights Education and Research Fund, 1987-1993 | MSS 85-13d, Box 85 |
fileILO, Mc Culloch Appointment, 1974 | MSS 85-13d, Box 85 |
fileILO, Mc Culloch's notes on Committee of Experts, 1984 | MSS 85-13d, Box 85 |
fileILO, Mc Culloch resignation, 1985 | MSS 85-13d, Box 86 |
fileILO Miscellaneous documents, 1979-1984 | MSS 85-13d, Box 86 |
fileILO Miscellaneous Reports: Arab Territories, Transport Workers, Czechoslovakia, USA & ILO, etc, 1979 | MSS 85-13d, Box 86 |
fileILO-Poland, Freedom of Association documents, Solidarity Memorandum, Landy Data, 1982 | MSS 85-13d, Box 86 |
fileILO-Poland, Freedom of Association Reports and newspaper clippings, 1984 | MSS 85-13d, Box 86 |
fileILO-Poland, Correspondence and newspaper articles, 1986 | MSS 85-13d, Box 86 |
fileILO-Poland, Correspondence, reports and newspaper clippings, 1982 | MSS 85-13d, Box 87 |
fileILO-Poland, Documents and newspaper clippings, 1980-1989 | MSS 85-13d, Box 87 |
fileILO-Poland, newspaper clippings, 1980-1981, 1989 | MSS 85-13d, Box 87 |
fileILO-Poland, Reports and newspaper clippings, 1987 | MSS 85-13d, Box 87 |
fileILO-Poland, Repression of Polish. Reports and newspaper clippings, 1985 | MSS 85-13d, Box 87 |
fileILO-Poland Reports. Correspondence with Msgr, George G, Higgings, newspaper clippings, 1983 | MSS 85-13d, Box 88 |
fileILO-Poland, Report of the Governing Body to examine the complaints against Poland of the freedom of association and protection. Polish response, 1984 | MSS 85-13d, Box 88 |
fileILO-Poland-U.S., Reports and correspondence, 1984 | MSS 85-13d, Box 88 |
fileILO, Pre-Conference Workshop, 1983 | MSS 85-13d, Box 88 |
fileILO-Tripartite Advisory Panel on International Labor Standards [TAPILS]. Restricted, 1981 | MSS 85-13d, Box 88 |
fileILO-USDL [United States Department of Labor], Preparatory Conference, Leesburg, Va, 1981-1982 | MSS 85-13d, Box 88 |
fileILO-U.S. Ratification, 1976-1991 | MSS 85-13d, Box 89 |
fileILO, U.S. Intent to Withdraw, 1976 | MSS 85-13d, Box 89 |
fileILO, U.S. Intent to Withdraw, working files, 1977 | MSS 85-13d, Box 89 |
fileILO-U.S. Relationship. Official Reports, 1969-1985 | MSS 85-13d, Box 89 |
fileILO-U.S. Withdrawal. Letters against, 1977 | MSS 85-13d, Box 89 |
fileILO-U.S. Withdrawal, newspaper clippings, 1977 | MSS 85-13d, Box 89 |
fileILO-U.S. Withdrawal, correspondence and newspaper clippings, 1978 | MSS 85-13d, Box 89 |
fileILO-U.S., Post-withdrawal correspondence, 1977 | MSS 85-13d, Box 90 |
fileILO-Belgium, Report to Examine the Implementation of International Labor Conditions, 1984 | MSS 85-13d, Box 90 |
fileILO-Puerto Rico, Report of the Fact- Finding and Conciliation Commission on Freedom of Association, 1981 | MSS 85-13d, Box 90 |
fileILO Washington Focus, 1988-1993 | MSS 85-13d, Box 90 |
filePoland, New Polish Labor Laws Reports, newspaper clippings, 1982 | MSS 85-13d, Box 90 |
fileSachs, Jeffrey D.: "Social Conflict and Populist Policies in Latin America", NBER, 1989 | MSS 85-13d, Box 90 |
fileWorking Paper 2897. "Making the Brady Plan Works", May 1989, 1989 | MSS 85-13d, Box 90 |
fileStudents Articles. Lewis, Geoffrey D.: "The International Labor Organization and the Polish Independent Labor Movement". Midraelson (sic) Robert N.: "The Polish Labor Crisis of 1980: An Assessment of the Role of the International Labor Organization", 1981 | MSS 85-13d, Box 90 |
fileUnited Nations Economic and Social Council. Commission on Human Rights, Report on Poland, 1983 | MSS 85-13d, Box 90 |
fileUSDL [U.S. Department of Labor]-IMEC Working Party on Standards, USDL-ILO Standards, 1983 | MSS 85-13d, Box 90 |
fileUSDL, Bureau of International Labor Affairs. Reports, notes, articles. Freedom of Association working papers, 1982 | MSS 85-13d, Box 91 |
fileUSDL-ILO, Forced Labor, Human Rights Assaults, 1982-1984 | MSS 85-13d, Box 91 |
fileUSDL-ILO-TAPILS Meeting1980, USDL-ILO, Tripartite Consultation Convention , 1987, 1989 | MSS 85-13d, Box 91 |
fileUSDL Working papers, 1979 | MSS 85-13d, Box 91 |
fileUSDL Projects, 1984 | MSS 85-13d, Box 91 |
fileUSDL-State Department, USSR Forced Labor, 1982-1983 | MSS 85-13d, Box 91 |
fileUSDL-Tripartite Advisory Panel (re: ratification). U.S.-ILO actions. Restricted, 1980-1981 | MSS 85-13d, Box 91 |
fileWorker Rights Articles, 1987-1988 | MSS 85-13d, Box 91 |
fileWorkers Rights, Trade Laws, newspaper clippings, 1986-1988 | MSS 85-13d, Box 91 |
fileInternational Labor Office Official Bulletin, Vol. LXVI, Series B, 1983 | MSS 85-13d, Box 92 |
fileILO, Freedom of Association, Digest of decisions of the Freedom of Association Committee of the Governing Body of the ILO, 1976 | MSS 85-13d, Box 92 |
fileKruglak, Gregory T.: The Politics of United States Decision-Making in United Nations Specialized Agencies: The Case of the International Labor Organization, 1980 | MSS 85-13d, Box 92 |
fileKaratnycky, Adrian et. al.: Workers Rights, East and West, 1980 | MSS 85-13d, Box 92 |
fileWorkers under Communism a journal of information and analysis, Nos.1-5, 1982-1984 | MSS 85-13d, Box 92 |
fileBernstein, Harry and Joan: Industrial Democracy in 12 Nations, 1979 | MSS 85-13d, Box 92 |
filePuddington, Arch: Are Things Getting Better in Eastern Europe?, 1983 | MSS 85-13d, Box 92 |
fileBulletin, Solidarnosc, Jointly Publish by the Polish Workers Task Force, League for Industrial Democracy and Poland Watch Center, Issues 1-4, 1981-1983 | MSS 85-13d, Box 92 |
fileOffice of International Organizations and Technological Assistance, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, U.S. Department of Labor: Cabinet Level Committee on the ILO, Task Force on International Labor Standards, 1979 | MSS 85-13d, Box 92 |
fileLawyers Committee for International Human Rights: Poland: Three Years After. A Report on Human Rights, 1984 | MSS 85-13d, Box 92 |
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Frank W. McCulloch [e] | |
fileAnglo-American Judicial Exchange Visit. Ditchley Conference, Airlie Return. [See photos], 1969 | MSS 85-13e, Box 93 |
fileNational Labor Relations Board [NLRB] Appointment. Newspaper clippings, 1961 | MSS 85-13e, Box 93 |
fileNLRB Clippings [More extensive collection of papers is deposited at NY State School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University], 1961-1965 | MSS 85-13e, Box 93 |
fileNLRB Congratulatory Letters for Appointment as Chairman, 1961 | MSS 85-13e, Box 93 |
fileNLRB Election - Research Study, 1966-1967 | MSS 85-13e, Box 94 |
fileNLRB Guide Books, Pamphlets, Announcements, etc, n.d. | MSS 85-13e, Box 94 |
fileNLRB Handbook on Racketeering Abuses Under the National Labor Relations Act. Copy No. 93, 1959; 1962 | MSS 85-13e, Box 94 |
fileNLRB Miscellaneous Issues, Afterthoughts, 1982-1986 | MSS 85-13e, Box 94 |
fileNLRB Miscellaneous Personal Correspondence and Newspaper Clippings, 1961-1970 | MSS 85-13e, Box 94 |
fileNLRB Lunch - Farewell, 1970 | MSS 85-13e, Box 95 |
fileNLRB. McCulloch Speeches, Reading Copies, Articles, 1962-1970 | MSS 85-13e, Box 95 |
fileNLRB. Post 1965 Reappointment Clippings, 1965-1970 | MSS 85-13e, Box 96 |
fileNLRB Reappointment. Special Letters, Hearings: Senate and Labor Committee, Swearing Ceremony, Clippings, 1965 | MSS 85-13e, Box 96 |
fileNLRB Remedies, 1967-1968 | MSS 85-13e, Box 96 |
fileRe: Retail Clerks International Association, Local 1625 et al, v. Schermerhorn, et al, 1963 | MSS 85-13e, Box 96 |
fileNLRB Retirement Greetings, 1970 | MSS 85-13e, Box 96 |
fileSupreme Court Decisions [Annotated], 1962-1970 | MSS 85-13e, Box 97 |
fileBrandt, Tucker and AUD Cases and related papers, 1987-1991 | MSS 85-13e, Box 97 |
fileCases. ABA Section of Labor Relations [Bartosic, 1975; Aaron, 1976; Lesnick, 1985], 1975-1976, 1985 | MSS 85-13e, Box 97 |
fileCornell University Master's Thesis, "Management Opposition to the NLRB During the 1960s" by Shelley Ann Coppock who interviewed Prof. McCulloch for her research and used his papers, 1987 | MSS 85-13e, Box 97 |
file[Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service] Arbitrations, 1970-1985 | MSS 85-13e, Box 97 |
fileGeneral Correspondence, 1967-1977 | MSS 85-13e, Box 98 |
fileGould, William B. Statement: "Has Federal Labor Law Failed?" and Address to the ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law: "The Supreme Court's Labor and Employment Docket in the October 1980 Term: Justice Brennan's Term", 1981, 1984 | MSS 85-13e, Box 98 |
fileLabor Law "Organizing Program" Proposition: A Program for Improved Federal Vindication of the Right to Collective Bargaining", 1978 | MSS 85-13e, Box 98 |
fileMcCulloch's Decisions in Georgia disputes over credentials of delegates to Democratic Convention [C.B. King, Julian Bond, Suzanna O'Donnell], 1972 | MSS 85-13e, Box 98 |
fileMcCulloch's Speech: "The Case of Collective Bargaining", 1975 | MSS 85-13e, Box 98 |
fileThe National Labor Relations Board. Reviews of McCulloch's Book, 1974 | MSS 85-13e, Box 98 |
fileOntario Labor Relations Board, 1980 | MSS 85-13e, Box 98 |
fileProblems in Labor Law Seminar. Notes, 1975 | MSS 85-13e, Box 98 |
filePublic Employee Rights Miscellaneous Papers, 1974-1979 | MSS 85-13e, Box 98 |
file[Truesdale, John. NLRB Nomination. Statements, depositions, confirmation, hearings, clippings , 1980 | MSS 85-13e, Box 98 |
fileUAW, Public Review Board International Union Decisions, 1995-1996 | MSS 85-13e, Box 99 |
fileRe: "Wither the Nixon Board?", J. Ralph Beaird Speech, 1973 | MSS 85-13e, Box 99 |
fileWirtz, Willard [Labor Secretary] Speeches, 1962-1963, 1968 | MSS 85-13e, Box 99 |
file2 Tapes: McCulloch Luncheon, 1970 | MSS 85-13e, Box 99 |
file2 Videotape, Labor Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony [54 and 10 minutes duration tapes], 1990 | MSS 85-13e, Box 99 |
subseriesPublications | |
fileFrank W. McCulloch, "New Problems in the Administration of the Labor-Management Relations Act: The Taft-Hartley Injunction", Sw. L.J, [1962] | MSS 85-13e, Box 99 |
fileFrank. W. McCulloch, "The Development of Administrative Remedies", Lab. L.J, 1963 | MSS 85-13e, Box 99 |
fileFrank W. McCulloch, "The Consequences of the NLRB Action on Good Faith Bargaining", NYU Seventeenth Annual Conference on Labor, 1964 | MSS 85-13e, Box 99 |
fileFrank W. McCulloch, "The Arbitration Issue in NLRB Decisions", Arbitration Journal, 1964 | MSS 85-13e, Box 99 |
fileFrank W. McCulloch, "The NLRB and the National Labor Policy", Forensic Quarterly, [1965] | MSS 85-13e, Box 99 |
fileFrank W. McCulloch, "NLRB Trends", Conf. Series II, University of Iowa, Oct. 1967 | MSS 85-13e, Box 99 |
fileFrank W. McCulloch, "Changing Labor Policies and their Impact: the Scope of the Bargaining Obligation", Atlanta Economic Review, 1967 | MSS 85-13e, Box 99 |
fileFrank W. McCulloch, "Past, Present and Future Remedies Under Section 8[a][5] of the NRA", Lab. L.J, 1968 | MSS 85-13e, Box 99 |
fileFrank W. McCulloch, "New Remedies Under the National Labor Relations Act", NYU Twenty-First Annual Conference on Labor, 1969 | MSS 85-13e, Box 99 |
fileFrank. W. McCulloch and Tim Bornstein, "The National Labor Relations Act and the Transportation Industry", Transp. L.J, 1969 | MSS 85-13e, Box 99 |
fileFrank W. McCulloch, "Development and Contribution of National Labor Relations Act", The Alabama Lawyer, 1969 | MSS 85-13e, Box 99 |
fileMcCulloch and Bornstein, The National Labor Relations Board, New York Praeger Publishers, 1974 | MSS 85-13e, Box 99 |
fileILO, 1993 June Convention, 1993 | MSS 85-13e, Box 100 |
fileMiscellaneous Printed Material, 1996 | MSS 85-13e, Box 100 |
filePotter, Edward: Freedom of Association, the Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining. McCulloch's Notes and Commentaries, 1985-1991 | MSS 85-13e, Box 100 |
fileVienna Convention, 1992-1993 | MSS 85-13e, Box 100 |
fileMiscellaneous Printed Materials Annotated by Prof. McCulloch | MSS 85-13e, Box 101 (Carton) |
subseriesOversized Materials | |
fileNewspaper Clippings, 1961 | MSS 85-13e, Box 101 (Carton) |
fileDiplomas and Certificates, 1959-1969 | MSS 85-13e, Box 101 (Carton) |
fileNLRB, Certificate of Service, Jan. 1959 | MSS 85-13e, Box 101 (Carton) |
fileCopy of Certificate of McCulloch's Nomination to NLRB by President Johnson, Aug. 20, 1965 | MSS 85-13e, Box 101 (Carton) |
fileState of Tennessee Honorary Citizenship Certificate, May 3, 1966 | MSS 85-13e, Box 101 (Carton) |
fileState of Oklahoma Honorary Okie, June 3, 1969 | MSS 85-13e, Box 101 (Carton) |
fileNLRB, Certificate of Service, Oct. 1969 | MSS 85-13e, Box 101 (Carton) |
subseriesPhotographs | |
fileFrank W. McCulloch Portrait, 1961 | MSS 85-13e, Box 101 (Carton) |
fileAnglo American Judicial Exchange Visit, June 22-July 7, 1969 | MSS 85-13e, Box 101 (Carton) |
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Frank W. McCulloch [f] | |
fileAFL-CIO and the Press, 1977 | MSS 85-13f, Box 102 |
fileAFL-CIO Promotional (Educational) Materials for Teachers, 1980s | MSS 85-13f, Box 102 |
fileCERD [Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination], 1993 | MSS 85-13f, Box 102 |
fileOECD [Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development], 1965 | MSS 85-13f, Box 102 |
fileILO Brochures, n.d. | MSS 85-13f, Box 102 |
fileILO - Reports of the Director General, 1977-1980, 1984-1985 | MSS 85-13f, Box 102 |
fileMigrant Legal Action Program "Field Memos", 1990-1993 | MSS 85-13f, Box 103 |
fileMiscellaneous Papers, 1965-1989 | MSS 85-13f, Box 103 |
fileNCCLS [National Resource Center for Consumers of Legal Services] Annual Report, 1976-1986 | MSS 85-13f, Box 103 |
fileNCCLS - Prepaid Legal Services, 1973-1975 | MSS 85-13f, Box 104 |
fileNCCLS - Prepaid Legal Services, 1976-1986 | MSS 85-13f, Box 104 |
fileNLRB [National Labor Relations Board], 1966 | MSS 85-13f, Box 105 |
file#640 Public Review Board - UAW. Report of the Public Review Board to the Officers and Membership of the International Union , UAW. Results of the Investigation into Alleged Ethical Practices Code Violations, Region 4, UAW, 1983-1989 | MSS 85-13f, Box 105 |
file#796 Cox, Franklin D. v. International Union UAW. Appeal, 1987 | MSS 85-13f, Box 105 |
file#829. Mois, George E. and Anna Houghton in the matter of Jim Baker, et al. Inland-Livonia Unit (Detroit, MI). Appeal, 1988 | MSS 85-13f, Box 105 |
file#835 Wouster v. Local Union 977 (Marion, In.) Appeal1988; #837 Mois, George and Anna Houghton in the matter of Linda Howell vs. Local Union 174, UAW. Appeal, 1988 | MSS 85-13f, Box 105 |
fileUAW Constitutions, 1972. 1977, 1980, 1983, 1986 | MSS 85-13f, Box 105 |
fileAli, Amir, Work a Photo Portrait, Geneva, International Labor Office, 1989 | MSS 85-13f, Box 105 |