MSS 2005-03
Papers of George Gilmer,1936-1977
This collection (1936-1977) consists of correspondence, memorabilia and letters of condolence acknowledging Gilmer's life.
Dates |
Extents |
.3 Cubic Feet (1 archival box, 10 folders.) |
Scope & Contents
Collection Description
Biographical / Historical
Physical Location
Immediate Source of Acquisition
fileMiscellaneous documents, 1936-1951 | MSS 2005-03, Box 1 |
fileDiagram of the United States Supreme Court seating arrangement, 1936 | MSS 2005-03, Box 1 |
filePledge letter from The University of Virginia Alumni Fund, 1941-04-16 | MSS 2005-03, Box 1 |
fileGeorge Gilmer’s Application for Supplemental Gasoline Ration Books, 1942 | MSS 2005-03, Box 1 |
fileThank you note from John S. Battle, Governor of Virginia | MSS 2005-03, Box 1 |
fileRecognition from the Alumni Association of The University of Virginia for fifty years of service, 1960-06-11 | MSS 2005-03, Box 1 |
fileVirginia State Bar Certificate of Appreciation for Fifty Years of Service, 1969-05-17 | MSS 2005-03, Box 1 |
fileCharlottesville-Albemarle Bar Association Certificate of Appreciation, 1970-10-07 | MSS 2005-03, Box 1 |
fileUniversity of Virginia School of Medicine. Citation and letters of recognition for gifts, 1973-1974, 1982-1983 | MSS 2005-03, Box 1 |
fileGeorge Gilmer’s letter of resignation as County of Albemarle attorney for collection of delinquent taxes, 1976-07-14 | MSS 2005-03, Box 1 |
fileUnited States Honor Certificate to George Gilmer signed by President Jimmy Carter, 1977 | MSS 2005-03, Box 1 |
fileResolutions upon George Gilmer’s death, 1977, 1980 | MSS 2005-03, Box 1 |
fileLetters of condolence, 1977 | MSS 2005-03, Box 1 |