MSS 81-1
The Papers of H. Lane Kneedler: Legislative History of Virginia's Criminal Assault Law
The Papers of H. Lane Kneedler (1977-1981) provide a legislative history of Virginia's first criminal sexual assault legislation and include correspondence, drafts of bills, research material, and audiotapes of planning sessions.
Dates |
1977-1981 [Inclusive] |
Extents |
11 Cubic Feet |
Scope & Contents
This collection includes Kneedler's correspondence, notes, and memoranda; minutes, agenda, and memoranda written by the Task Force members; audio cassette tapes of initial drafting sessions for the bill; correspondence from COSAR leaders; research papers written by Kneedler's assistants, and secondary material, such as photocopies of case material; drafts of S. B. 291 and 258, as well as several alternatives; and newsclippings about the topic of rape and about the progress of the legislation through four sessions in the General Assembly.
Collection Description
Physical Description
Conditions Governing Access
Conditions Governing Use
Preferred Citation
Biographical / Historical
fileH. Lane Kneedler's Notes, 1976-1981, n.d. | MSS 81-1, Box 1 |
fileHLK's Correspondence, 1977 - 1981 | MSS 81-1, Box 1 |
fileHLK's Speeches on S. B. 291, 1977 - 1981 | MSS 81-1, Box 1 |
file"Sexual Assault Law Reform in Virginia"-Law Review Article by HLK and A. Gordon; handwritten draft, [1980?] | MSS 81-1, Box 2 |
file"Sexual Assault Law Reform in Virginia"-Law Review Article by HLK and A. Gordon; typewritten copies with editors' changes, [1980?] | MSS 81-1, Box 2 |
fileALI Model Penal Code Section 213, written by Peter Low and John Jeffries, 1978 | MSS 81-1, Box 2 |
fileCommittee on Sexual Assault Reform (COSAR)-newsletters and memos, 1979 - 1981 | MSS 81-1, Box 2 |
fileCOSAR-Comprehensive Bill, 1977 | MSS 81-1, Box 2 |
fileMemos to CSA (Committee on Sexual Assault) Task Force Members, 1976 - 1980 | MSS 81-1, Box 2 |
fileAgenda, Statements, Notes, etc. from Public Hearings Held by CSA Task Force, 1977 - 1980 | MSS 81-1, Box 2 |
fileTask Force Subcommittee Reports, 1977 | MSS 81-1, Box 3 |
fileTask Force Background Materials on Sexual Assault, 1976 | MSS 81-1, Box 3 |
fileInterim Report of the Advisory Task Force to Study Criminal Sexual Assault for the Virginia Crime Commission, 1978 | MSS 81-1, Box 3 |
fileAnnual Reports of the Virginia Crime Commission, 1976, 1977 | MSS 81-1, Box 3 |
fileCommonwealth's Attorneys Association--HLKs' notes included, 1979 - 1980 | MSS 81-1, Box 3 |
fileSpeech by Stanley Walker for Commonwealth's Attorneys, 1978 Aug 3 | MSS 81-1, Box 3 |
fileParkerson Study Committee, 1979 | MSS 81-1, Box 3 |
fileLists of Names of People Involved in the CSA Legislation, 1980 - 1981 | MSS 81-1, Box 3 |
fileMemos Prepared by Research Assistants for the Task Force, 1977 - 1979 | MSS 81-1, Box 3 |
fileMemos Prepared for Senate and House Committees, 1978 - 1979 | MSS 81-1, Box 4 |
fileMiscellaneous Research Material Gathered by Assistants, 1976 - 1980 | MSS 81-1, Box 4 |
fileResearch Assistants' Work and Billing, 1977, 1980 | MSS 81-1, Box 4 |
filePublished Secondary Articles, 1979 | MSS 81-1, Box 4 |
fileUnpublished Secondary Articles, 1976 - 1979 | MSS 81-1, Box 5 |
fileMiscellaneous Printed Secondary Material, n.d. | MSS 81-1, Box 5 |
fileNational Criminal Justice Referral Service: Battered Women, 1978 | MSS 81-1, Box 5 |
fileNational Criminal Justice Reference Service: Rape, 1979 | MSS 81-1, Box 6 |
fileNational Criminal Justice Referrence Service: Child Abuse, 1979 | MSS 81-1, Box 6 |
fileCase Material | MSS 81-1, Box 6 |
fileStates' Rape Laws | MSS 81-1, Box 8 |
fileRecords and Schedules of Votes on S. B. 291 and 258, 1978 - 1981 | MSS 81-1, Box 8 |
fileSenate Joint Resolution 34, 1978-01-26 | MSS 81-1, Box 8 |
fileS. B. 291--Drafts with HLK's annotations, 1978 Feb-1979 Dec and n.d.. | MSS 81-1, Box 8 |
fileS. B. 291--Printed with HLK's annotations, 1978-01 - 1979-01 | MSS 81-1, Box 8 |
fileS. B. 291--Amendments in HLK's hand, n.d. | MSS 81-1, Box 8 |
fileS. B. 291--Commentary, 1978, 1979 | MSS 81-1, Box 8 |
fileS. B. 291--Bound Commentary, 1978 | MSS 81-1, Box 9 |
fileS. B. 258--Drafts with HLK's annotations, 1979-12 - 1980-03 | MSS 81-1, Box 9 |
fileS. B. 258--Printed with HLK's annotations, 1980 Jan, Feb | MSS 81-1, Box 9 |
fileS. B. 258--Amendments in HLK's hand, 1980 - 1981 | MSS 81-1, Box 9 |
fileS. B. 258--Commentary, 1980 - 1981 | MSS 81-1, Box 9 |
fileS. B. 258--Drafts # 1, 2 and 3 with HLK's annotations, 1980-09 | MSS 81-1, Box 9 |
fileS. B. 258--Drafts with HLK's annotations, 1980-11 | MSS 81-1, Box 10 |
fileS. B. 258 Draft unannotated, 1980-12 | MSS 81-1, Box 10 |
fileS. B. 258--Draft with HLK's annotations, 1981-01 | MSS 81-1, Box 10 |
fileS. B. 258-Joint Conference Committee Report, 1981-02-18 | MSS 81-1, Box 10 |
fileS. B. 258--Printed with changes in HLK's hand, 1981 Jan, Feb, Apr | MSS 81-1, Box 10 |
fileH. B. 988 and Commentary, 1978 | MSS 81-1, Box 10 |
fileS. B. 180--Printed, 1978-01 | MSS 81-1, Box 10 |
fileS. B. 157--Printed, 1980-01 | MSS 81-1, Box 10 |
fileH. B. 1551--Printed, [1981] | MSS 81-1, Box 10 |
fileHouse of Delegates Calendars, 1981 Jan 27 and 28 | MSS 81-1, Box 10 |
fileNewsclippings, 1977-1981 and n.d. | MSS 81-1, Box 10 |
otherlevelLegislative and Court Process Subcommittee Tapes, 1977 May-Dec | MSS 81-1, Box 11 |
itemTape 1: CSA - Legislative Sub-Com , 1977-05-27 | |
itemTape 2: CSA - Legislative Sub-Com, 1977-05-27 | |
itemTape 3: CSA - Legislative Sub-Com, 1977-05-27 | |
itemTape 4: CSA - Legislative Sub-Com, 1977-05-27 | |
itemTape 5: CSA - Legislative Sub-Com, 1977-06-15 | |
itemTape 6: CSA - Legislative Sub-Com, 1977-06-15 | |
itemTape 7: CSA - Legislative Sub-Com, 1977-08-17 | |
itemTape 8: CSA - Legislative Sub-Com, 1977-08-17 | |
itemTape 9: CSA - Legislative Sub-Com, 1977-08-29 | |
itemTape 10: CSA - Legislative Sub-Com, 1977-08-29 | |
itemTape 11: CSA - Legislative Sub-Com, 1977-08-29 | |
itemTape 12: CSA - Legislative and Ct. Process, 1977-09-13 | |
itemTape 13: CSA - Legislative and Ct. Process, 1977-09-13 | |
itemTape 14: CSA - Legislative and Ct. Process, 1977-11-10 | |
itemTape 15: CSA - Legislative and Ct. Process, 1977-11-10 | |
itemTape 16: CSA - Legislative and Ct. Process, 1977-11-15 | |
itemTape 17: CSA - Legislative and Ct. Process, 1977-11-15 | |
itemTape 18: CSA - Legislative and Ct. Process, 1977-11-15 | |
itemTape 19: CSA - Legislative and Ct. Process, 1977-11-16 | |
itemTape 20: CSA - Legislative and Ct. Process, 1977-11-16 | |
itemTape 21: CSA - Legislative and Ct. Process, 1977-12-12 | |
itemTape 22: CSA - Legislative and Ct. Process, 1977-12-12 | |
itemTape 23: CSA - Legislative and Ct. Process, 1977-12-12 | |
itemTape 24: H - Courts, 1979-06-19 | |
itemTape 25: Seminar, Tom Andrews: "Substantive Law Reform;" Vivian Burgher: "Evidentiary Law Reform," undated | |
itemTape 26: CSA - Legislative and Ct. Process, 1977-11-28 | |
itemTape 27: CSA - Legislative and Ct. Process, 1977-11-28 | |
itemuntitled tape, undated |