MSS 95-4
The Papers of Harvey Fireside
Papers (1977-1987) that relate to the APA Committee on International Abuse of Psychiatry. There are case files. Russian manuscripts, photographs
Dates |
1977-1987 [Inclusive] |
Extents |
2.3 Linear Feet (6 archival boxes) |
Scope & Contents
The Harvey Fireside Papers are concerned with the psychiatric abuse of Soviet dissidents between 1979 and 1987. The papers document the efforts of American psychiatrists, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Committee on Abuse of Psychiatry, Amnesty International, the United Nations, and other international organizations, to stop this abuse in the Soviet Union. In addition, there is mention of similar cases in South Africa, Uruguay, Chile, and Argentina.
In particular, as a representative of Amnesty International, Fireside worked very closely with the APA in the effort to free Dr. Anatoly Koryagin, a psychiatrist imprisoned for many years. There is also some documentation of the work of European psychiatrists, principally from Sweden and England. A number of these documents are in Russian. Finally, there are photographs of many of the Soviet dissidents.
Along with the papers of Richard Bonnie, Saleem Shah, and Dr. Loren Roth, this collection is a valuable resource for scholars studying politically based psychiatric abuse.
Collection Description
Biographical / Historical
Immediate Source of Acquisition
file[Abuse of Psychiatry] - miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, agenda, from Amnesty International, World Psychiatric Association, APA Committee on International Abuse of Psychiatry and Psychiatrists, Working Group on the Internment of Dissenters in Ment | MSS 95-4, Box 1 |
fileAmnesty International USA - Vera Lipinskaya case, 1979 | MSS 95-4, Box 1 |
file[Amnesty International, International Association on the Political Abuse of Psychiatry (IAPUP), APA - Psychiatric Abuse] - correspondence, some handwritten notes, printed materials, 1985 | MSS 95-4, Box 1 |
fileAPA Cases - [re referrals of Soviet abuse of psychiatry] - correspondence, memoranda, news clippings, photocopies of articles and official documents, 1981 | MSS 95-4, Box 1 |
fileAPA Committee on International Abuse of Psychiatry - [Amnesty International documents re psychiatric abuse in the Soviet Union (1979); Helsinki Watch document concerning abuse of psychiatry in Yugoslavia (1981); International P.E.N. Writers in Prison Comm | MSS 95-4, Box 1 |
fileAPA Committee on International Abuse of Psychiatry - memoranda, minutes of meetings, correspondence, news-clippings, 1983 | MSS 95-4, Box 1 |
fileAPA Committee on International Abuse of Psychiatry, 1984 | MSS 95-4, Box 2 |
fileAPA Committee on International Abuse of Psychiatry, 1985 | MSS 95-4, Box 2 |
fileAPA Committee on International Abuse of Psychiatry, 1987 | MSS 95-4, Box 2 |
fileAPA - Dissidents. [APA correspondence, memoranda re dissidents; list of human rights cases] , 1981 | MSS 95-4, Box 3 |
fileAPA - [re Soviet Psychiatry] - correspondence, memoranda, statements, Fireside handwritten list of cases, 1982 | MSS 95-4, Box 3 |
fileAPA - [Political Abuse of Psychiatry], 1987 | MSS 95-4, Box 3 |
fileAPA - WPA [World Psychiatry Association] Psychiatry Abuse, 1984 | MSS 95-4, Box 3 |
fileCable Case: Mr. Hoffman [?], 1985 | MSS 95-4, Box 3 |
fileDVpMP [Deutsche Vereinigung Gegen Politischen Missbrauch Der Psychiatrie], 1987 | MSS 95-4, Box 3 |
fileGluzman, Semyon, 1982-1984 | MSS 95-4, Box 3 |
fileInternational Association on Political Use of Psychiatry (IAPUP) - documents and printed photographs of Soviet dissidents. , 1980-1982 | MSS 95-4, Box 3 |
fileIAPUP - Working Group on the Internment of Dissenters in Mental Hospitals, 1981 | MSS 95-4, Box 4 |
fileKoryagin, Anatoly, 1981 | MSS 95-4, Box 4 |
fileKoryagin Trial, 1986 | MSS 95-4, Box 4 |
fileKoryagin [et al.] Biographies. [Some documents in Russian], 1980-1981 | MSS 95-4, Box 4 |
file[Mental Repression in the USSR] Articles, 1986 | MSS 95-4, Box 4 |
fileNewspaper Clippings, 1987 | MSS 95-4, Box 4 |
fileNovikov, Yuri. Grigorenko, Petro , 1979, 1981 | MSS 95-4, Box 4 |
filePhotographs of Irina Grivnina, Anatole Koryagin, S. Serebrov and Olga Ternovskaya. Postal Cards of Semyon Gluzman and Irina Grivnina, 1980-1981 | MSS 95-4, Box 4 |
filePodrabinek, Kiriel [Amnesty International Adopted Prisoner of Conscience], 1977, 1981 | MSS 95-4, Box 4 |
file[Psychiatric Abuses in the USSR and South Africa], 1982 | MSS 95-4, Box 4 |
fileRussian Manuscripts, [1970-1980] | MSS 95-4, Box 5 |
fileSoviet Denials, 1980 | MSS 95-4, Box 5 |
file[Soviet Dissidents at Psychiatric Hospitals], 1982 | MSS 95-4, Box 5 |
fileSoviet Jewry, 1980-1982 | MSS 95-4, Box 5 |
fileSoviet Psychiatry, 1988 | MSS 95-4, Box 5 |
fileSoviet Prisoners. Compiled by Peter Reddaway. [Photographs of Alla and Mark Podrabinek, Ermak Lukyanov, Anna Chertkova], 1982-1984 | MSS 95-4, Box 5 |
fileUN Draft Principles re Mental Patients, 1980-1981 | MSS 95-4, Box 6 |
fileUN on Mental Illness, 1983-1984 | MSS 95-4, Box 6 |
fileWorking Commission to Investigate the Use of Psychiatry for Political Purposes. [Russian Documents] , 1978-1979 | MSS 95-4, Box 6 |
file[Working Group Against Psychiatric Abuse] - Copies of correspondence, statements, printed materials. Documents are from the Working Group on the Internment of Dissenters in Mental Hospitals, IAPUP bulletins No. 4 and No. 6, APA, Koryagin, Anatoly: “autobi | MSS 95-4, Box 6 |
fileWorld Psychiatry Association - Amnesty International. [Dissenters in Mental Hospitals], 1882 | MSS 95-4, Box 6 |