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MSS 83-1

The Papers of James B. McClellan on the Panama Canal Treaty Debates


Collection of briefs, memoranda, pamphlets, manuscript and published materials, pamphlets that document McClellan's tenure as minority counsel to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Separation of Powers, 1977 - 1978.

1977-1978 [Inclusive]
11 Cubic Feet

Scope & Contents

Collection Description

    Biographical / Historical
    Immediate Source of Acquisition
    Separated Materials
fileMemoranda to Hatch, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 1
fileCorrespondence: Constitutional Issues, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 1
fileMcClellan's Canal Package: Defense and Economic, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 1
fileSenate Foreign Relations Committee, n.d.MSS 83-1, Box 1
fileSenator James Allen, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 1
fileHatch's Panama Visit: Packet of Information, 1977, AugustMSS 83-1, Box 1
fileHatch's Articles, 1977, August-SeptemberMSS 83-1, Box 1
fileHatch's Speech in the Senate, 1978, April 3MSS 83-1, Box 1
fileHatch Statements, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 2
fileHatch Speeches, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 2
fileHatch Amendment, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 2
fileHelms Material, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 2
fileAIM: Reed Irvine, 1977MSS 83-1, Box 2
fileAmerican Conservative Union, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 2
fileAmerican Security Council, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 2
fileBackground Papers CON, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 2
fileBanking Interests, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 3
fileBerger: Correspondence and Testimony, 1978, January - FebruaryMSS 83-1, Box 3
fileBrooke Reservation, 1978, 11 MayMSS 83-1, Box 3
fileCanal Modernization, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 3
fileCanal Zonians, 1978, March - JulyMSS 83-1, Box 3
fileCapt. M. P. DuVal, 1978MSS 83-1, Box 3
fileColombia/Costa Rica Privileges, 1977, NovemberMSS 83-1, Box 3
fileCommunist Initiatives, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 3
fileCongressional Research Service, 1977MSS 83-1, Box 3
fileConservative Digest/American Legion Cassette Tape and Correspondence, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 3
fileConservative Caucus, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 3
fileCouncil for Inter-American Security, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 4
fileDefense Aspects, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 4
fileDOS: Response to Amendments, 1977, 22 DecemberMSS 83-1, Box 4
fileDisposal of Property by Treaty, 1978, MarchMSS 83-1, Box 4
fileDrug Traffic in Panama, 1978MSS 83-1, Box 4
fileEconomic Arrangements with Panama: House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 5
fileEconomic Aspects, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 5
fileEnvironmental Aspects, 1977MSS 83-1, Box 5
fileFact Sheets, n.d.MSS 83-1, Box 5
fileFediay Proposal, 1977MSS 83-1, Box 5
fileForeign Policy, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 5
fileGovernors' Disposition, 1977, OctoberMSS 83-1, Box 6
fileHeritage Foundation, 1977, 31 AugustMSS 83-1, Box 6
fileHouse Resolutions, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 6
fileHuman Rights Issues, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 6
fileImplementing Legislation, 1978MSS 83-1, Box 6
fileIntelligence Activities, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 6
fileInterpretations of Treaty, 1977MSS 83-1, Box 6
fileIntersea, 1978, 8 MarchMSS 83-1, Box 6
fileKissinger - Tack Agreement, n.d.MSS 83-1, Box 6
fileLatin American Relations, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 6
fileLawsuit to Stop Treaties, 1978MSS 83-1, Box 6
fileLegal Status of Canal Zone Property, 1978, MarchMSS 83-1, Box 6
fileLibrary of Congress: Treaty Issues, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 6
fileLinowitz - Chile1977-78; Linowitz - Treaty, 1978MSS 83-1, Box 6
fileLucier, Dr. James P, 1977MSS 83-1, Box 6
fileMiscellaneous, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 6
fileNaturalization Amendment, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 7
filePanama - Freedom of the Press, 1978, March-AprilMSS 83-1, Box 7
filePanama - Escobar, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 7
filePanama - Treaty Violations, 1977MSS 83-1, Box 7
filePanama - Constitutions, 1978MSS 83-1, Box 7
filePanama - Interpretations, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 7
filePanamanian Public Reaction, 1977MSS 83-1, Box 7
filePanamanian Plebiscite, 1978MSS 83-1, Box 7
filePanama - Torrijos, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 7
filePollak Exchange, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 7
filePolls, 1978MSS 83-1, Box 7
filePort Reactions, 1977MSS 83-1, Box 7
filePro-Treaty Special Interest Groups, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 7
fileRockefeller, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 7
fileSea Level Canal, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 7
fileSen. Res. 97, 1975MSS 83-1, Box 7
fileSeparation of Powers, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 7
fileSources for Canal Information, 1977MSS 83-1, Box 7
fileSpanish Translation of Treaties, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 7
fileState Department Memoranda, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 7
fileState Legislatures, 1978, 28 MayMSS 83-1, Box 7
fileSuez Parallels, 1977MSS 83-1, Box 8
fileTreaty - Text, 1977MSS 83-1, Box 8
fileTreaty - Hearings, 1977MSS 83-1, Box 8
fileTreaty - Senate Vote, 1978MSS 83-1, Box 8
fileTreaty - International Agreements, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 8
fileTreaty - Post-Ratification, 1978MSS 83-1, Box 8
fileUN Charter, n.d.MSS 83-1, Box 8
fileWhite House, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 8
fileWhitman Analysis, 1978MSS 83-1, Box 8
fileCase Notes: Constitutional Issues, n.d.MSS 83-1, Box 9
fileMagazines/Periodicals, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 9
fileXerox Copies of Relevant Court Cases, n.d.MSS 83-1, Box 9
fileClippings, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 9
fileClippings, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 10
fileXerox of Senate Floor Debate on Constitutional Issues, 1978, MarchMSS 83-1, Box 10
fileIndexed Copies of Xeroxed Pages from the Congressional Record, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 10
fileIndexed Copies of Xeroxed Pages from the Congressional Record, 1977-78MSS 83-1, Box 11