MSS 85-14
The Papers of James Hoge Ricks
Topical files (1916-1956) related to Judge Ricks service as first judge of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court of Richmond, Virginia, and his involvement in civic affairs and social movements primarily focused on disadvantage children.
Dates |
1916-1956 [Inclusive] |
Extents |
4 Linear Feet |
Scope & Contents
The Ricks Papers, 1916-1956, consist of 4 shelf feet of selected correspondence and records of the first judge of the Richmond Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court. This collection of correspondence files and materials was selected from the much larger main files of the court by graduate student George B. Curtis. In accordance with state law requiring confidentiality of case records, all case materials have been separated and returned to the court.
Collection Description
Physical Description
Conditions Governing Access
Conditions Governing Use
Preferred Citation
Biographical / Historical
Immediate Source of Acquisition
file[Biographical and Legal Notes], 1974, n.d. | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
Richmond Juvenile Court | |
Ricks, J. Hoge, Judge 1926, 1935, 1940 | |
fileAddresses, 1924-1940, n.d. | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
fileAddresses and Historical Material, ca. 1930-1945 | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
fileArticles by Ricks, ca. 1928 | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
fileAmerican Birth Control League, 1925-1938 | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
fileAmerican Crime Study Commission , 1927-1929 | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
fileBootblacks, 1938-1926 | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
fileCadet Corps, 1929-1935 | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
fileCapital Punishment, 1921-1935 | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
fileCharles T. Booth (Charity Fund), 1936-1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
fileBoys Club of Richmond , 1925-1933 | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
fileChild Welfare League of America, 1925-1937 | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
fileChild Welfare Conference, n.d. | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
fileChildren's Memorial Clinic, 1938-1942 | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
fileCity Charter Commission of Richmond, 1947 | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
fileCivil Justices Court, 1926, 1934 | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
fileClippings, 1927, 1941-1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
fileColored Playgrounds Recreation Association, 1925-1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 1 |
fileCommittee on Militarism in Education, 1925-[1934?] | MSS 85-14, Box 2 |
fileCommunity Council of Richmond, 1940-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 2 |
fileCommunity Fund of Richmond, 1943-1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 2 |
fileConfidentiality of Records, 1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 2 |
fileCourt-Miscellaneous, 1944-1945 | MSS 85-14, Box 2 |
fileCrimes-Causes and Effects, 1936-1940 | MSS 85-14, Box 2 |
fileF. Lawton Crutchfield, 1932-1936 | MSS 85-14, Box 2 |
fileJudge John A. Crutchfield, 1930 | MSS 85-14, Box 2 |
fileDepartment of Justice-John W. Andrews, 1946-1947 | MSS 85-14, Box 2 |
fileDetention Home, 1927-1938 | MSS 85-14, Box 2 |
fileDisarmament-Vinson Bill, 1934 | MSS 85-14, Box 2 |
fileFBI-J. Edgar Hoover, 1939-1940 | MSS 85-14, Box 2 |
fileFriends Association of Colored Children, 1944-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 2 |
fileGirl Scouts of Richmond, 1938-1943 | MSS 85-14, Box 2 |
fileGovernor's Conference on Child Labor, 1927-1935 | MSS 85-14, Box 2 |
fileGreek American Association, 1923 | MSS 85-14, Box 2 |
fileInterracial Commission, 1929-1939 | MSS 85-14, Box 2 |
fileJuvenile Court Anniversary, 1941 | MSS 85-14, Box 3 |
fileJuvenile Court Charity Fund, 1929-1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 3 |
fileJuvenile Court Committee-Virginia Conference of Social Work, 1948-1950 | MSS 85-14, Box 3 |
fileJuvenile Court Memoranda, 1942-1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 3 |
fileJuvenile Court-Photos, Building Plan, n.d. | MSS 85-14, Box 3 |
fileJuvenile Court Rules, 1923-1945 | MSS 85-14, Box 3 |
fileJuvenile Domestic Relations Court Judges, 1932-1945 | MSS 85-14, Box 3 |
fileJuvenile Court Survey, 1941 | MSS 85-14, Box 3 |
fileLaw and Court Decisions, 1919-1950, n.d. | MSS 85-14, Box 3 |
fileMayor's Advisory Committee Survey on Juvenile Court, 1940-1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 4 |
fileNational Association of Juvenile Court Judges, 1936-1953 | MSS 85-14, Box 4 |
fileNorfolk Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, 1926-1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 4 |
fileRefresher Course - Juvenile Court Judges, 1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 4 |
fileRoanoke - Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, 1937-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 4 |
fileSurvey-Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, ca. 1925, 1926 | MSS 85-14, Box 4 |
fileVirginia Council of Juvenile Court Judges, 1945-1951 | MSS 85-14, Box 4 |
fileMiscellaneous Juvenile Courts, 1936-1945 | MSS 85-14, Box 4 |
fileJuvenile Delinquency Conference, 1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 5 |
fileJuvenile Protective Association, 1926 | MSS 85-14, Box 5 |
fileA. S. Macfarlane, 1929-1938 | MSS 85-14, Box 5 |
fileMaryland Industrial Training School for Boys, 1923 | MSS 85-14, Box 5 |
fileRe: Joseph T. Martin Dinner, ca. 1933 | MSS 85-14, Box 5 |
fileMellon Foundation, 1949-1952 | MSS 85-14, Box 5 |
fileJoe Mickens Case, 1941-1942 | MSS 85-14, Box 5 |
fileRe: Mothers' Pension, 1927-1936 | MSS 85-14, Box 5 |
fileNational Child Labor Law, 1925-1935 | MSS 85-14, Box 5 |
fileNational Children's Bureau, 1930-1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 5 |
fileNational Committee for Mental Hygiene, 1921-1942 | MSS 85-14, Box 5 |
fileNational Conference of Social Work , 1932-1947 | MSS 85-14, Box 5 |
fileNational Conference on Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, 1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 5 |
fileNational Council for the Prevention of War, 1947-1950 | MSS 85-14, Box 5 |
fileNational Crime Commission, 1927-1932 | MSS 85-14, Box 5 |
fileNational Probation Association, 1930-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 5 |
fileRe: NRA Newspapers Publishers' Codes, 1933 | MSS 85-14, Box 6 |
fileNavy Recruiting, 1932-1940 | MSS 85-14, Box 6 |
fileNegro Crime Commission, 1941 | MSS 85-14, Box 6 |
fileNegro Welfare Survey, 1928-1937 | MSS 85-14, Box 6 |
fileNew Legislation, 1924-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 6 |
fileNew York School of Social Work , 1925-1933 | MSS 85-14, Box 6 |
filePaternity Legislation, 1919-1941 | MSS 85-14, Box 6 |
filePolice Women – Washington , 1926-1928 | MSS 85-14, Box 6 |
fileProbation and Parole , 1938-1942 | MSS 85-14, Box 6 |
fileProbation Bill – Federal, 1934-1941 | MSS 85-14, Box 6 |
fileRe: Prohibition and Liquor Control Law, 1929-1937 | MSS 85-14, Box 6 |
fileRacial Integrity Law and Indians, 1930 | MSS 85-14, Box 6 |
fileReport of medical work completed in two Detention Homes during the month of January, 1946 , 1946-01 | MSS 85-14, Box 6 |
fileRichmond Bar Association, 1937-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 6 |
fileRichmond City Attorney, 1933-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 6 |
fileRichmond City Council Finance Committee, 1932-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 6 |
fileRichmond City Public Schools, 1935-1947 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileFranklin D. Roosevelt, 1933-1935 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileRunaways, 1943 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileShrubbery Hill Parental School, 1925-1927 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
seriesSocial Service Bureau, 1941-1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileTrial Justices Association, 1934-1945 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileVirginia Advisory Council, 1935, 1945, 1949 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileVirginia Conference of Social Work, 1926-1947 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileVirginia Governors - Price, Peery, Pollard, 1932-1941 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileVirginia Governors - Darden and Tuck, 1942-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileVirginia League for Planned Parenthood, 1947 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileVirginia State Bar Association, 1930-1945 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileVisitors, 1940 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileUnited Nations , 1948-1949 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileWPA - General Correspondence, 1939-1941 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileWPA - Probation Project, 1937-1939 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileOrville Lee Whetzel, 1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileYMCA & YWCA, Richmond, Virginia - correspondence, 1945-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileMiscellany – miscellaneous correspondence, 1936-1947 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
filePrinted Materials, 1911-1942 | MSS 85-14, Box 7 |
fileApplications-Deputy Clerk, 1930-1947 | MSS 85-14, Box 8 |
fileApplications - Miscellaneous Positions, 1943-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 8 |
fileApplications – Referee, 1944-1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 8 |
fileApplications – Miscellaneous, ca. 1944-1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 8 |
fileApplications - Chief Probation Officer and Superintendent of Detention Home. Correspondence, 1947 | MSS 85-14, Box 8 |
fileApplications-Intake Officer, 1943-1945 | MSS 85-14, Box 8 |
fileApplications Chief Probation Officer; Supt. of Detention Home, 1943-1945 | MSS 85-14, Box 8 |
fileApplications - Counselor for Negro Children, 1943-1945 | MSS 85-14, Box 8 |
fileApplications-Colored, 1941-1943 | MSS 85-14, Box 8 |
fileApplications, 1940-1945 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileABC [Alcoholic Beverage Control] Board – correspondence, newspaper clippings, 1934-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileAir-rifles and guns – correspondence, 1927-1934 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileBank Statements, 1931-1954 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileBethany Home [of Richmond] – correspondence, 1935-1936 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileBoarding Houses for Children – correspondence; “Concerning the Boarding Home for Babies and Their Mothers” (undated), 1921, 1933-1934 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileBoy Scouts of America – correspondence, directories, 1924-1925 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileBoys' Home-Covington, Virginia- correspondence , 1936-1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileCentral Application Bureau- correspondence , 1939 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileChesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company - correspondence, 1943 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileChildren's Aid Society of Richmond- correspondence , 1940-1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileChildren's Home Society of Virginia - correspondence, 1940-1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileChurch and Social Service Work – correspondence re closer cooperation between Richmond’s churches and the Community Fund , 1937 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileState Council on Social Agencies – correspondence , 1925-1935 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileCrime Prevention Bureau of Richmond – correspondence, 1937-1947 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileDetention Home Medical Reports, 1941-1954 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileDetention Home Rules and Regulations, 1934-1953 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileDetention Home - Staff and Advisory Committee – correspondence and some minutes, 1940-1953 | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileDirectories - Social Workers, Probation Officers – Purcell-Guild, June: Manual for Virginia Social Workers, Richmond, Virginia, Published by The Council of Social Agencies, 1926; Directory of Social Agencies, Richmond, Virginia 1928, Published by The Coun | MSS 85-14, Box 9 |
fileDetention Home Repairs – correspondence , 1940-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 10 |
fileDetention Home - Application for Assistant Matrons, Medical Inspector, 1931-1947 | MSS 85-14, Box 10 |
fileDriver Permits – lists, notes, 1927-1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 10 |
fileEstimates for work to be done to the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court – correspondence, brochures, 1939-1942 | MSS 85-14, Box 10 |
fileExtradition [Uniform Extradition Act] – correspondence; Commonwealth of Virginia Applications for Requisitions for Fugitives from Justice. Requirements and Forms to be Observed and Followed Issued by the Governor’s Office. Richmond, Division of Purchase a | MSS 85-14, Box 10 |
fileFamily Service Society – correspondence , 1942-1947 | MSS 85-14, Box 10 |
fileMrs. Frances H. Fishburne (Charity Fund) – correspondence , 1937-1938 | MSS 85-14, Box 10 |
fileHanover Industrial School - correspondence, 1945-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 10 |
fileHome Owners' Loan Corporation – correspondence, applications forms, brochure: Relief for Distressed Home Owners, An Outline of the nature, purposes and provisions of the “Home Owners” Loan Act of 1933”, 1933-1934 | MSS 85-14, Box 10 |
fileJunius Morris Hord – correspondence re recommendation, 1932-1937 | MSS 85-14, Box 10 |
fileWilliam T. Jones [Richmond police officer, bailiff of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court] – correspondence, newspaper clippings, 1933-1941 | MSS 85-14, Box 10 |
fileJuvenile Court Insurance - correspondence, 1926-1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 10 |
fileJuvenile Court – Automobiles – correspondence and report re court cars , 1929, 1953 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileJuvenile Court Staff-Payroll, 1927-1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileMagistrates – memoranda , 1939-1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileManassas Industrial School for Colored Youth – correspondence and brochure, 1935 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileMarriage Counseling Service – Pre-Marriage and Marriage Counseling Service – correspondence, brochure, 1948-1952 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileMedical College of Virginia – correspondence , 1934-1945 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileMemorial Guidance Clinic – correspondence, by-laws, 1947-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileMemorial Home for Girls - correspondence, 1937-1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileCarroll R. Minor [probation officer] – correspondence , 1936-1937 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileNorfolk Community Fund - correspondence, 1934 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileNational Youth Organization – correspondence , 1936-1943 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileCommittee on Organization of Social Forces – letter and Summary Report on Venereal Diseases in Richmond based on Survey made by the United States Public Health Service , 1937 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileParents' Council – correspondence with George B. Zehmer, director of UVa Extension Division re Parents’ Council of Virginia. Constitution; Memorandum, Minutes of the First Meeting, 1928 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileParental School – correspondence , 1930-1931 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
filePensions - correspondence, 1942-1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
filePrisoners Aid Association of Maryland – correspondence , 1930-1931 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileProbation Officers – Applications and requests – memoranda, correspondence, 1939-1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
filePublic Welfare, Published Monthly by the State Board of Public Welfare, Richmond, Virginia: Vol. 4, No. 3 (March 1927); Vol. 9, No. 4 (April 1931); Vol. 10, No. 8 (August 1932); Vol. 10, No. 12 (December 1932); Vol. 11, No. 8 (August 1933); Vol. 14, No. 1 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileRation Books - correspondence, 1943 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileReading Lists: Alexander, Paul W.: “Rebuilding the Juvenile Court” (undated); “Books selected for children for their special moral qualities”, compiled by The Children’s Department of the St. Louis Public Library (April 1922); “Bibliography for Probation | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileMiscellaneous Receipts, 1944-1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileCommittee on Records and Statistics – correspondence, instructions, 1924, n.d. | MSS 85-14, Box 11 |
fileRequistions, 1941-1943 | MSS 85-14, Box 12 |
fileRetirement System – memorandum, correspondence, 1944-1945 | MSS 85-14, Box 12 |
fileRichmond Building Inspector - correspondence, 1934-1945 | MSS 85-14, Box 12 |
fileRichmond Chief of Police – correspondence , 1943-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 12 |
fileRichmond City Comptroller – correspondence , 1931-1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 12 |
fileRichmond City Council – correspondence , 1931-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 12 |
fileRichmond City Home – correspondence , 1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 12 |
fileRichmond Commonwealth's Attorney T. Gray Haddon – correspondence , 1942-1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 12 |
fileRichmond Council of Churches - letter, 1925 | MSS 85-14, Box 12 |
fileRichmond Council of Social Agencies – correspondence, memoranda, reports, by-laws , 1925-1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 12 |
fileRichmond Curfew Ordinance – correspondence, 1923-1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 12 |
fileRichmond Employment Bureau – correspondence , 1934 | MSS 85-14, Box 12 |
fileRichmond First Club – correspondence, memoranda, 1953-1954 | MSS 85-14, Box 12 |
fileRichmond Home for Boys - correspondence, 1937, 1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 12 |
fileRichmond Mayors – correspondence and proclamations, 1942-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 12 |
fileRichmond Ordinances – correspondence, joint resolutions , 1934-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 12 |
fileRichmond Parks and Playgrounds - correspondence, 1931-1941 | MSS 85-14, Box 12 |
fileRichmond Public Safety – correspondence , 1941-1945 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileRichmond Public Works – correspondence , 1933-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileRichmond Social Service Bureau – correspondence , 1941-1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileRichmond Social Service Exchange - correspondence, 1926-1949 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileRussell Sage Foundation – correspondence, brochures, 1925 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileSalaries - Court Officers – correspondence , 1922-1923 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileSt. Mary's Industrial School for Boys, Baltimore, Maryland – correspondence , 1925-1931 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileSalem Baptist Orphanage – Baptist Orphanage of Virginia, Salem, VA – correspondence, application for admission, 1937 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileSalvation Army – Evangeline Booth Home and Hospital or Salvation Army report, 1925 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileSchool Attendance Officer - Richmond, 1944-1947 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileStockdon, Wallace I. Jr. – correspondence and Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Probation Department Bulletins (1925-1926), 1925-1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileSuperintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. – correspondence and notices re the Government Printing Office, 1935 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileTravelers Aid Society - correspondence, 1933-1943 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileTrial Justices - Counties and Cities , 1937-ca. 1940 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileUnemployment , ca. 1932 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileUnited States Federation of Justice, 1928-1930 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileVenereal Disease Control, 1945 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileVirginia Attorney General , 1931-1947 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileVirginia Auditor of Public Accounts , 1942 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileVirginia - Commissioner of Labor , 1932-1947 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileVirginia – Comptroller, 1939-1943 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileVirginia Conference Orphanage , 1940-1943 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileVirginia Department of Public Welfare, 1944-1948 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileVirginia State Penitentiary, 1936-1942 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileVirginia State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, 1936 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileVirginia Transit Company , 1941-1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileVirginia Unemployment Compensation Commission , 1937-1938 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileVirginia Welfare Council , 1935-1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileVirginia - Western State Hospital, 1935 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileVisiting Teachers , 1932-1933 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileWar Memorial , 1953-1954 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileWilliam Byrd Community House , 1928-1944 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileWilliam and Mary College, 1929-1946 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
fileMiscellaneous, 1920-1949 | MSS 85-14, Box 13 |
seriesAddendum to Judge Ricks Papers [a], 1931-1999 | |
fileVirginia Advisory Legislative Council Report on child welfare (House Doc. No 11) , 1944 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Advisory Legal Council Committee to Study Bill 175, report on child welfare (House Document No. 11), 1944 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Advisory Legal Council, Committee to Study Bill 175, drafts of bill, 1947 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Advisory Legal Council, Committee to Study Bill 175, minutes, 1949 May 6 and 7 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Advisory Legal Council, Committee to Study Bill 175, agenda for public meeting, 1949 Jun. 4 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Advisory Legal Council, Committee to Study Bill 175, minutes, 1949 Aug. 11 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Advisory Legal Council, Committee to Study Bill 175, letter from Judge Paul Alexander, Court of Common Pleas, Division of Domestic Relations and Juvenile Court, Toledo, Ohio, 1949 Mar. 9 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Advisory Legal Council, Committee to Study Bill 175, letter from George Smith, Vice President, National Probation and Parole Association, 1949, May 16 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Advisory Legal Council, Committee to Study Bill 175, letter from Judge W.W. Moore, Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, Danville, Va, 1949 Jun. 1 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Advisory Legal Council, Committee to Study Bill 175, letter from Judge W.W. Moore, Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, Petersburg, Va, 1949 Jun. 13 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Advisory Legal Council, Committee to Study Bill 175, letter from Judge Earl L. Abbott, Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, Clifton Forge, Va, 1949 Jun. 14 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Advisory Legal Council, Committee to Study Bill 175, letter from Roscoe Pound, President, National Probation and Parole Board, 1949 Jul. 5 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Advisory Legal Council, Committee to Study Bill 175, letter from League of Local Welfare Executives, 1949 Aug. 1 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Advisory Legal Council, Committee to Study Bill 175, memo from Charles Baber, 1949 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Advisory Legal Council, Committee to Study Bill 175, redraft memo and notes, 1949 June and July | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Advisory Legal Council, Committee to Study Bill 175, survey, 1949 July 21 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Advisory Legal Council, Committee to Study Bill 175, opinion poll, Virginia Conference on Social Work, 1949 Aug. 1 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Advisory Legal Council, Committee to Study Bill 175, draft report, 1949 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileSpeech or essay, "The Community Fund," undated (3 p.) | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileArticle written for the American Federationist,"The Juvenile Court and its Contribution to Child Welfare," (7 p., single-space, typed), 1931 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia State Bar Association, Committee on Judiciary and Judicial Salaries, letter from W. Coxe, 1949 Jun 9 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileVirginia Department of Welfare Institutions, report, "Commitments to County and City Jails and City Jail Farms," , 1948 Dec | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileProgram, University of Richmond School of Law Symposia Series, "Centennial of the Juvenile Court,", 1999 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |
fileLetter, R. Arnold Ricks to Robert E. Shepherd, T.C. Williams School of Law, 1999 Mar. 24 | MSS 85-14a, Box 1 |