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MSS 84-3

The Papers of Jeffrey O'Connell


This collection includes research materials and clippings, professional and personal correspondence, publishing and editing material for many books, and information on O'Connell's method for public speaking. In the latter category are numerous letters to and from presidential candidates and their staffs, including Jimmy Carter, Edmund Muskie, Michael Dukakis, and Gary Hart.

1951-1987 [Bulk] 1951-1987 [Bulk]
21 Cubic Feet (45 archival boxes, plus 3 cartons) 3 items (Cartons)

Scope & Contents

MSS 84-3 contains the professional papers of Jeffrey O'Connell, Love Professor of Law at the University of Virginia. O'Connell's primary field of research wasis insurance law. In 1964-1965, he was associate director of the Study of Proposed Improvements in the Automobile Personal Injury Claims System at Harvard, where, with Judge Robert E. Keeton, he established the principle of no-fault insurance, the "Basic Protection Plan." O'Connell's more recent projects include applying this principle to other areas of tort law, such as athletic injuries.

Collection Description

    Biographical / Historical
    Immediate Source of Acquisition
fileCorrespondence: A-V , 1979MSS 84-3, Box 1
O'Connell Remembrances
fileCorrespondence: W-Z, 1979MSS 84-3, Box 2
fileCorrespondence: A-Z, 1980MSS 84-3, Box 2
fileCorrespondence: A-C, 1981MSS 84-3, Box 2
fileCorrespondence: D-Z , 1981MSS 84-3, Box 3
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Jeffrey O'Connell [a]
fileAfter Cars Crash [Correspondence], 1967MSS 84-3a, Box 4
fileAgnew Article by JO'C, 1972MSS 84-3a, Box 4
file"Auto Insurance--The Trial Lawyer's Vietnam"--speech, [1972?]MSS 84-3a, Box 4
fileBasic Protection Plan--Harvard Job, 1963-5MSS 84-3a, Box 4
fileBPP--Memos, 1964-8MSS 84-3a, Box 4
fileBPP--Miscellaneous, 1966MSS 84-3a, Box 4
fileBPP--JO'C's Diary , 1964-8MSS 84-3a, Box 4
fileBPP--Outside Conferences, 1963-4MSS 84-3a, Box 4
fileBPP--Statutes, 1964-8MSS 84-3a, Box 5
fileCar Insurance and Consumer Desires--Working Files, 1968-70MSS 84-3a, Box 5
fileConference--University of Illinois, [1969?]MSS 84-3a, Box 5
fileCorrespondence--Carleton Chapman, 1977MSS 84-3a, Box 5
fileCrisis In Car Insurance--Working Files, 1969MSS 84-3a, Box 5
fileEnding Insult to Injury--Working Files, 1973-5MSS 84-3a, Box 5
fileHR 5400 [Health Care Act], 1982-4MSS 84-3a, Box 5
fileThe Injury Industry--Working Files, 1968-9MSS 84-3a, Box 5
fileThe Lawsuit Lottery--Working Files, 1974-9MSS 84-3a, Box 7
fileLibel Insurance, 1966-70MSS 84-3a, Box 8
fileParade Magazine, 1979MSS 84-3a, Box 8
filePayment for Pain and Suffering--Working Files, 1973-6MSS 84-3a, Box 8
filePersonal (University of Illinois), 1964MSS 84-3a, Box 8
file"Plain Talk Policy", 1976-9MSS 84-3a, Box 8
filePracticing Law Institute, 1977-9MSS 84-3a, Box 9
filePress Releases, 1966-79MSS 84-3a, Box 9
fileRuedlinger--Student Insurance, 1983MSS 84-3a, Box 9
fileSole Remedies, 1977MSS 84-3a, Box 9
fileTaming the Automobile (Working File), n.d.MSS 84-3, Box 10
fileTorts--Miscellaneous 1976; Torts--Reform (Article Draft), 1976-7MSS 84-3, Box 10
fileTraffic Safety--Speeches and Press Releases, 1966MSS 84-3, Box 10
fileTraffic Safety--Speeches and Notes, [1960s]MSS 84-3, Box 10
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Jeffrey O'Connell [b]
fileCorrespondence: A-C, 1982MSS 84-3, Box 10
fileCorrespondence: D-F 11, 1982MSS 84-3, Box 10
fileCorrespondence: G-I, 1982MSS 84-3, Box 10
fileCorrespondence: J-L, 1982MSS 84-3, Box 10
fileCorrespondence: M-O, 1982MSS 84-3, Box 10
fileCorrespondence: T.E. O'Connell, 1982MSS 84-3, Box 10
fileCorrespondence: P-R, 1982MSS 84-3b, Box 11
fileCorrespondence: S-U, 1982MSS 84-3b, Box 11
fileCorrespondence: V-Z, 1982MSS 84-3b, Box 11
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Jeffrey O'Connell [c]
fileCorrespondence: A-M, 1976MSS 84-3c, Box 12
fileCorrespondence: Mc-Z, 1976MSS 84-3c, Box 13
fileCorrespondence: A-B, 1977MSS 84-3c, Box 13
fileCorrespondence: C-K, 1977MSS 84-3c, Box 14
fileCorrespondence: L-Z, 1977MSS 84-3c, Box 15
fileCorrespondence: A-L, 1978MSS 84-3c, Box 16
fileCorrespondence: M-Z, 1978MSS 84-3c, Box 17
fileCorrespondence: A-M , 1983MSS 84-3c, Box 18
fileCorrespondence: N-Y, 1983MSS 84-3c, Box 19
fileCorrespondence: A-H, 1984MSS 84-3c, Box 20
fileCorrespondence: Hoff-N, 1984MSS 84-3c, Box 21
fileCorrespondence: O-V, 1984MSS 84-3c, Box 22
fileCorrespondence: W-Z, 1984MSS 84-3c, Box 23
fileCorrespondence: A-D , 1985MSS 84-3c, Box 23
fileCorrespondence: E-I , 1985MSS 84-3c, Box 24
fileCorrespondence: J-O, 1985MSS 84-3c, Box 25
fileCorrespondence: O'Connell-S, 1985MSS 84-3c, Box 26
fileCorrespondence: U-Z, 1985MSS 84-3c, Box 27
fileSpeaking Engagements, 1967-79MSS 84-3c, Box 27
fileSpeaking Fees and Expenses, 1967-79MSS 84-3c, Box 28
fileSpeech Material, 1968-79MSS 84-3c, Box 29
fileNo-Fault Mailing Lists , 1973-74MSS 84-3c, Box 30
fileNo-Fault Public Opinion, 1968-70MSS 84-3c, Box 30
fileNo-Fault--Schemel v. General Motors, 1966MSS 84-3c, Box 31
fileMemorabilia: Clippings, 1955-71MSS 84-3c, Box 31
fileMemorabilia: Miscellaneous, n. d.MSS 84-3c, Box 31
fileMemorabilia: Photographs, n.d.MSS 84-3c, Box 31
fileMiscellaneous: Oxford Course, 1972MSS 84-3c, Box 31
fileMiscellaneous: Readings, 1954-63MSS 84-3c, Box 31
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Jeffrey O'Connell [d]
fileCorrespondence: A-C, 1986MSS 84-3d, Box 32
fileCorrespondence: D-H, 1986MSS 84-3d, Box 33
fileCorrespondence: I-M, 1986MSS 84-3d, Box 34
fileCorrespondence: M-R, 1986MSS 84-3d, Box 35
fileCorrespondence: Ruedlinger-V, 1986MSS 84-3d, Box 36
fileCorrespondence: W-Z, 1986MSS 84-3d, Box 37
fileAirforce: O'Connell , 1951-66MSS 84-3d, Box 37
fileAtiyah Memos and File, 1983-84MSS 84-3d, Box 37
fileBasic Protection Contract, 1966MSS 84-3d, Box 37
fileCongressmen in Cabinet, 1972-3MSS 84-3d, Box 37
fileEvaluations: Illinois, 1967-78MSS 84-3d, Box 38
fileGrover Article: Earlier Drafts, 1986MSS 84-3d, Box 38
fileHALT M/M Brochure, 1986-87MSS 84-3d, Box 38
fileHarper and James MS (galleys), n.d.MSS 84-3d, Box 38
fileSeries of articles re accident compensation in New Zealand and Australia, 1974MSS 84-3d, Box 39
fileSpeaking Engagements: Expenses, 1980-83MSS 84-3d, Box 39
fileSpeaking Engagements, 1985-86MSS 84-3d, Box 39
fileSpeech Coaching, 1972-73MSS 84-3d, Box 39
fileSpeech Coaching Memoranda and Correspondence, 1976-77MSS 84-3d, Box 39
fileVan Yahres, 1983-84MSS 84-3d, Box 39
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Jeffrey O'Connell [e]
fileACOG Handouts: August '85 Meeting, 1985MSS 84-3e, Box 40
fileAerospace Industries Association, 1975-76, 1982MSS 84-3e, Box 40
fileBeech Aircraft, 1977-78MSS 84-3e, Box 40
fileConsultative Panel, 1963-64MSS 84-3e, Box 40
fileCooney Project, 1982MSS 84-3e, Box 41
fileElective No-Fault: Diary, 1972-76MSS 84-3e, Box 41
fileEuropean Travel Expenses, 1970MSS 84-3e, Box 41
fileFaculty Reports re JO'C, 1965-82MSS 84-3e, Box 41
fileJ.K Galbraith Book Review by JO'C, 1971, 1973MSS 84-3e, Box 41
fileGrants, 1979, 1981-82MSS 84-3e, Box 41
fileGuggenheim, 1979-80MSS 84-3e, Box 41
fileHoltom, Robert, 1985-86MSS 84-3e, Box 41
fileHospital Corp. of America [M/M Conference], 1984MSS 84-3e, Box 41
fileHouse of Truth, 1982, 1985-86MSS 84-3e, Box 41
fileThe Injury Industry: Marketing, 1971MSS 84-3e, Box 42
fileThe Injury Industry: UI Press Edition, 1971MSS 84-3e, Box 42
fileIsrael Trip [May 15-26, 1971], 1971MSS 84-3e, Box 42
fileKemper Insurance Co. Workshop and Statements of Expenses, 1966-67MSS 84-3e, Box 42
fileKemper Insurance Companies, 1978MSS 84-3e, Box 42
fileLawsuit Lottery: Free Press Misc, 1958, 1966, 1968, 1977-78MSS 84-3e, Box 42
fileLawsuit Lottery: Marketing, 1971, 1979MSS 84-3e, Box 42
fileLawsuit Lottery: Misc, 1977-78MSS 84-3e, Box 42
fileMarcus, Rudy, 1966MSS 84-3e, Box 42
fileMarsh and McLennan, 1982-83MSS 84-3e, Box 42
fileMedical: J. O'Connell, 1969MSS 84-3e, Box 42
fileMedical Malpractice: Michigan, 1974-78MSS 84-3e, Box 42
fileNewborn Screening MS: ABA, 1984MSS 84-3e, Box 43
fileNo-Fault: Washington Monthly, 1986MSS 84-3e, Box 43
filePain and Suffering History, 1983MSS 84-3e, Box 43
filePennsylvania No-Fault, 1982MSS 84-3e, Box 43
filePress Releases, 1967MSS 84-3e, Box 43
filePress Releases: Offers, 1985MSS 84-3e, Box 43
fileQuebec, 1985-87MSS 84-3e, Box 43
fileRecreational Injuries, 1975, 1977, 1980MSS 84-3e, Box 43
fileRuedlinger: Sports Injuries, Misc, 1981-83MSS 84-3e, Box 43
fileSpeaking Engagements: Expenses, 1985MSS 84-3e, Box 44
fileSpeaking Engagements: Old Material, 1987MSS 84-3e, Box 44
fileToday Show, 1977MSS 84-3e, Box 44
fileTorts Notes, 1973MSS 84-3e, Box 44
fileTorts Notes, Extra Class Notes, 1980MSS 84-3e, Box 44
fileTwo-Year Law School, 1979MSS 84-3e, Box 44
fileTwo-Year Law School [clippings], 1979MSS 84-3e, Box 45
fileUniversity Matters [Illinois], 1964-79MSS 84-3e, Box 45
fileWhite House Ceremony, 1966MSS 84-3e, Box 45
fileWriting Ideas, 1966-78MSS 84-3e, Box 45
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Jeffrey O'Connell [f]
fileCorrespondence: A-D , 1987MSS 84-3f, Box 46
fileCorrespondence: E-H , 1987MSS 84-3f, Box 47
fileCorrespondence: John S. Hoff, 1987MSS 84-3f, Box 47
fileCorrespondence: I-M, 1987MSS 84-3f, Box 48
fileCorrespondence: Richard Merrill, 1987MSS 84-3f, Box 48
fileCorrespondence: N, 1987MSS 84-3f, Box 48
fileCorrespondence: O, 1987MSS 84-3f, Box 49
fileCorrespondence: Brian O'Connell, 1987MSS 84-3f, Box 49
fileCorrespondence: Paul O'Connell, Jr, 1987MSS 84-3f, Box 49
fileCorrespondence: Tom O'Connell, 1987MSS 84-3f, Box 49
fileCorrespondence: Other O'Connells, 1987MSS 84-3f, Box 49
fileCorrespondence: P-R, 1987MSS 84-3f, Box 49
fileCorrespondence: Ruedlinger, 1987MSS 84-3f, Box 49
fileCorrespondence: S, 1987MSS 84-3f, Box 49
fileCorrespondence: T-Z, 1987MSS 84-3f, Box 50
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Jeffrey O'Connell [g]
itemMiscelleneous Correspondence. UnprocessedMSS 84-3g, Carton 1
itemMiscelleneous Correspondence. UnprocessedMSS 84-3g, Carton 2
itemMiscelleneous Correspondence. UnprocessedMSS 84-3g, Carton 3