MSS 78-11
The Papers of John Ritchie III
Collection of miscellaneous professional papers, mainly of correspondence concerning legal education and the publication of his texts on Decedents’ States and Trusts and the history of the University of Virginia School of Law: The One Hundred Years. Also, there are files related to his deanships at Washington University in St. Louis, the University of Wisconsin, Northwestern University, and some memorabilia.
Dates |
Extents |
8.5 Cubic Feet (22 archival boxes) |
Scope & Contents
The Papers of John Ritchie document his years at Virginia from 1972 until his death in 1988. His files reflect the range and intensity of his work after his official retirement. Predominant are the manuscripts and correspondence for Decedents' Estates and Trusts, editions five, six, and seven of The First Hundred Years, as well as correspondence files concerning publications of The Foundation Press and committee activities of the Virginia Bar Association. The largest group of files is comprised of miscellaneous professional correspondence. There are no restrictions on the use of these papers.
Collection Description
Biographical / Historical
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Gilmore, James Houston, Undated |
Graves, Charles A. (Law Prof. 1899-1927) |
Law School Clark Memorial Hall |
Lomax, John Tayloe (portrait in Law School) |
Minor, John Barbee (portrait of, in Law School) |
Minor, Raleigh Colston |
Portrait of Armistead Mason Dobie (located in the Law School) |
Ribble Frederick Dean G. |
Southall, Stephen Osborne (portrait of, located in Law School) |