MSS 85-3
The Papers of Professor Carl McFarland
Professional legal papers that document McFarland's work in administrative law at the Department of Justice, the Hoover Commission, the Virginia Administrative Procedure Act and as President of the University of Montana. There is correspondence, research materials, student notebooks and miscellaneous materials.
Dates |
1927-1986 [Inclusive] |
Extents |
16 Cubic Feet (28 archival boxes, plus photographs and some oversized materials.) |
Scope & Contents
The papers of Carl McFarland, contained in 28 boxes (136 linear ft.), were deposited at the Law Library by his widow, Pat McFarland, on February 1, 1985. Most of the collection had been stored in file cabinets in his study at home.
These papers, which are almost entirely professional, have been arranged in groups corresponding to the stages of McFarland's career. The earliest records originated during his tenure at the Department of Justice in the 1930's, and contain valuable information concerning the Wagner Act, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and other New Deal legislation. McFarland's work as chairman of the American Bar Association's committee on administrative law, which resulted in the 1946 passage of the Administrative Procedure Act, is fully documented, as is his brief term as chairman of the Civil Service Commission's Hearing Examiner Board. While there is little material documenting his term as president of the University of Montana, there are records of his activities on the Hoover Commission, the President's Conference on Administrative Law, and the Virginia Code Commission. McFarland's role as literary executor for former Attorney General Homer S. Cummings is documented in detail.
Later files include many drafts of a proposed casebook, Legislation and Administrative Law, as well as much teaching material, primarily notes and exams from courses taught at the University of Virginia. These files contain many folders of research notes and clippings related to his various professional interests. A list of published material found in the collection is enclosed in the control folder.
McFarland's correspondents include Griffin Bell, Raymond Bice, William J. Brennan, Mortimer Caplin, Tom Clark, Homer S. Cummings, Hardy Dillard, Northcutt Ely, Paul Freund, William Harbaugh, Frank Hereford, William Leuchtenberg, Miles Lord, Pat McCarran, Frank Murphy, Allan Nevins, Monrad Paulsen, Stanley Reed, Jack Ritchie, Franklin Roosevelt, Emerson Spies, Robert F. Wagner, Henry A. Wallace, and Sumner Welles.
McFarland's papers will be of interest to scholars of administrative and legislative law, as well as the New Deal era.
There are no restrictions on the use of the Carl McFarland papers.
Collection Description
Biographical / Historical
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Department of Justice Building, n.d. | |
seriesPapers of Profesor Carl McFarland | |
subseriesDepartment of Justice Files | |
fileAgricultural Adjustment Act, 1936 | MSS 85-3, Box 1 |
fileGeneral correspondence, 1938-89 | MSS 85-3, Box 1 |
fileLands Division: Orders, 1937-79 | MSS 85-3, Box 1 |
fileLands Division: Weekly reports, 1937-79 | MSS 85-3, Box 1 |
file"Little Cabinet" , 1937-38 | MSS 85-3, Box 1 |
fileMiscellany, 1935-36 | MSS 85-3, Box 1 |
fileNational Association of Manufacturers , 1943-44 | MSS 85-3, Box 1 |
fileOfficial correspondence, 1934-37 | MSS 85-3, Box 1 |
fileOfficial history , 1978 | MSS 85-3, Box 1 |
filePetroleum legislation , 1935 | MSS 85-3, Box 1 |
fileResearch outline: Public Lands Division, [1935?] | MSS 85-3, Box 1 |
file"Wagner Labor Bill" [NLRB] , 1935 | MSS 85-3, Box 1 |
subseriesAdministrative Procedure Act [APA] | |
fileReports, Pamphlets, ABA Bulletins, Congressional Record, Proceedings, Articles, Official Prints (2 folders), 1944 - 1945 | MSS 85-3, Box 2 |
itemReport of the Special Committee on Administrative Law, 1943 | |
itemA Bill to Improve the Administration of Justice by Prescribing Fair Administrative Procedure. Proposed Federal Administrative Procedure Act. American Bar Association. March 1944. | |
item"The American Bar Association's Proposals for Fair Administrative Procedures." Paper presented by A. C. Miller, at Seminar on Fair Hearing, November 13, 1944. | |
itemABA Administrative Law Committees Bulletin No. 1, October 1944. | |
itemABA Administrative Law Committees Bulletin No. 2, October 1944. "The Bill." | |
itemABA Administrative Law Committees Bulletin No. 3, November 1944."Resolutions." | |
itemABA Administrative Law Committees Bulletin No. 4, November 1944."Congressional Views." | |
itemABA Administrative Law Committees Bulletin No. 5, December 1944. "79th Congress" | |
itemPublic Forum of the Federal Bar Association on Administrative Law and Procedure. "Should a Uniform Administrative Procedure Be Prescribed by Statute for All Federal Agencies?," Opening Remarks by the President of the Federal Bar Association Tom C. Clark, | |
itemPound, Roscoe: Administrative Agencies and the Law. Address delivered on the McCarran-Sumners Bill to Improve the Administration of Justice by Prescribing Fair Administrative Procedure, on April 6, 1945, in New York Coty, under the auspices of the Nationa | |
itemSimmons, David A.: "Law and Administrative Government." Reprint from 28 Journal of the American Judicature Society 133-137 (February, 1945) | |
itemGovernment According to Law. Shall We Have It? Proposed Federal Administrative Statute S.7 and H. R. 4941 79th Congress. ABA, Administrative Law Committees, December 1945 | |
itemAdministrative Law Committees Directory of Regional and State Chairmen, January 1945 | |
itemAdministrative Procedure Act. Report of the Committee on the Judiciary on S. 7. A bill to Improve the Administration of Justice by Prescribing Fair Administrative Procedure. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1945 | |
itemAdministrative Procedure. Hearings before the Committee on the Judiciary. House of Representatives, on the Subject of Federal Administrative Procedure and on the Following Bills H. R. 184, H. R. 339, H. R. 1117, H. R. 1203, H. R. 1206, and H. R. 2602, Jun | |
item"Small Business Needs Administrative Law Reform. Extension of Remarks of Hon. James E. Murray of Montana, in the Senate of the United States, Friday, March 16, 1945 | |
itemFederal Administrative Procedure. Administrative Procedure Act with Explanation. For Members of the American Bar Association. New York, Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 1946 | |
itemAdministrative Procedure Act with Explanation Approved June 11, 1946. CCH Federal Administrative Procedure Edition. New York, Commercial Clearing House, 1946. | |
itemAdministrative Procedure Act Legislative History. 79th Congress. 1944-46. Presented by Mr. McCarran, July 26, 1946 | |
item(S. 7) Administrative Procedure Bill. Full text of the bill as finally passed by Congress and sent to the President of the United States for approval. New York, Commerce Clearing House | |
itemShall We Have Government Under Law? The Proposed Federal Administrative Procedure Act. S. 7 (McCarran), H. R. (Sumners), H. R. 5988 (Walter), April 1946 | |
itemAdministrative Procedure Act. Report of the Committee on the Judiciary. House of Representatives on S. 7, a Bill to Improve the Administrative Procedure. May 3, 1946 - Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to | |
itemAdministrative Procedure Act. Proceedings in the House of Representatives May 24 and 25, 1946 and Proceedings in the Senate of the United States, March 12 and May 27, 1946. | |
fileS. 7 -- Committee prints, 1945 | MSS 85-3, Box 2 |
fileS. 7 -- Committee reports, 1945 | MSS 85-3, Box 2 |
itemS. 323 (January 11, 1943) | |
itemS. 324 (January 11, 1943) | |
itemS. 325 (January 11, 1943) | |
itemH. R. 673 (January 6, 1943 | |
itemH. R. 816 (January 7, 1943) | |
itemAnalysis. Smith Bill. Attorney General Committee Report Recommendation. American Bar Association Bill (H. R. 5081 and S. 2030) | |
item[Public Law 404 - 79th Congress] [Chapter 324 - 2d Session] [S. 7] An Act to improve the administration of justice prescribing fair administrative procedure. | |
itemAdministrative Procedure. A Handbook of Law and Procedure before Federal Agencies. New York, Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 1946 | |
itemVanderbilt, Arthur T.: Administrative Law. Reprint from 1942 Annual Survey of American Law. | |
itemABA Special Committee on Administrative Law. Legislative Proposal on Federal Administrative Procedure. 1944 | |
itemSmith, Willis: "Drafting the Proposed Federal Administrative Procedure Act," reprint from Journal of the American Judicature Society, February 1946 | |
fileCongressional Record debates, 1946 | MSS 85-3, Box 2 |
fileHomer S. Cummings, 1938-41 | MSS 85-3, Box 2 |
fileDrafts of Bill , [1943?] | MSS 85-3, Box 2 |
fileAPA Printed Drafts of Bill - Broadside Text of Revised S. 7 (79th Congress) Omitting Sections on Title, Definitions, and Construction; Hearing Examiner Regulations Promulgated Under Section 11 of the Administrative Procedure Act (1951); Public Law 404 - 7 | MSS 85-3, Box 2 |
file"[Committee Print] S. 7" - [McFarland's copy of text of S. 7 with handwritten notes] | MSS 85-3, Box 2 |
fileWalter-Logan Bill and other bills, 1941 | MSS 85-3, Box 3 |
fileWalter-Logan and other bills: Documents, 1937-41 | MSS 85-3, Box 3 |
fileRevision of APA: Board of Consultants, 1964-67 | MSS 85-3, Box 3 |
fileRevision of APA: Committee hearings, 1964-65 | MSS 85-3, Box 3 |
fileRevision of APA: Text of bill , 1964-65 | MSS 85-3, Box 3 |
fileUniform Administrative Rules: APA (S. 17) , 1946-55 | MSS 85-3, Box 3 |
subseriesPrivate Practice - Cummings and Stanley | |
fileMexican Treaty: Boulder Dam, 1929-46 | MSS 85-3, Box 4 |
fileReader's Digest , 1944-45 | MSS 85-3, Box 4 |
fileStanolind Oil and Gas Co , 1942-44 | MSS 85-3, Box 4 |
subseriesCivil Service Commission Hearing Examiner Board | |
fileAdvisory Committee, 1946-47 | MSS 85-3, Box 4 |
fileAdvisory Committee: Correspondence , 1946-47 | MSS 85-3, Box 4 |
fileAgency files, A - I , 1949 | MSS 85-3, Box 4 |
fileAppointment, 1948 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileBoard associates, 1950 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileBoard forms and associates , 1950 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileClippings, 1950 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileCongress , 1948 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileDepartment of Justice, 1948 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileFirst report, 1949 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileGeneral correspondence , 1949-50 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileGrading chart of agency , 1949 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileIncumbents, 1948 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileLabor department, 1949 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileMcFarland's notes, 1948 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileMaritime Commission, 1948-49 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileMatthew's cases , 1948-49 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileMiller's cases , 1948-49 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileMinutes of meetings, 1948 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileNational Labor Relations Board, 1949 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileOutside applicants , 1948-49 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
filePredecessors of the CSC, 1942-46 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileProposed rules of practice, 1949 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileRating factors, 1949 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileRegulations and releases , 1945-50 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileSecond report and resignation, 1949 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileSecurities Exchange Commission, 1948-49 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
fileTreasury, 1948-49 | MSS 85-3, Box 5 |
subseriesVirginia Administrative Procedure Act | |
fileAnnotated draft and committee minutes, 1974 | MSS 85-3, Box 6 |
fileAnnotation, 1974 | MSS 85-3, Box 6 |
fileCode Commission , 1971-72 | MSS 85-3, Box 6 |
fileCode Commission: Changes, 1974 | MSS 85-3, Box 6 |
fileCommittee correspondence , 1972-73 | MSS 85-3, Box 6 |
fileCommittee to Revise AAA, 1973 | MSS 85-3, Box 6 |
fileDrafts and revisions, 1974 | MSS 85-3, Box 6 |
fileGeneral, 1974-79 | MSS 85-3, Box 7 |
fileReview actions , 1974 | MSS 85-3, Box 7 |
fileSimilar state and federal statutes , 1972 | MSS 85-3, Box 7 |
fileVirginia Register: Correspondence , 1972-73 | MSS 85-3, Box 7 |
fileVirginia Register: Notes , 1975 | MSS 85-3, Box 7 |
fileVirginia Register: Public access , 1972 | MSS 85-3, Box 7 |
fileVirginia Register: Publication of regulations, 1975 | MSS 85-3, Box 8 |
subseriesMiscellaneous Projects | |
fileAdministrative Conference of the U.S, 1962-64 | MSS 85-3, Box 8 |
fileAdministrative Court , 1949-53 | MSS 85-3, Box 8 |
fileAdministrative Procedure and the Public Lands, 1969 | MSS 85-3, Box 8 |
fileCommission on Constitutional Revision , 1968-69 | MSS 85-3, Box 9 |
fileDelaware APA Drafting Project , 1973 | MSS 85-3, Box 9 |
fileHoover Commission: Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch, 1955 | MSS 85-3, Box 9 |
filePresident's Conference on Administrative Procedure , 1953-54 | MSS 85-3, Box 10 |
file"Simplification of Order Procedure and Administration" (Milk Industry) , 1951-52 | MSS 85-3, Box 10 |
fileVirginia Bar Association: Administrative Law Committee , 1971-78 | MSS 85-3, Box 10 |
subseriesMiscellaneous Correspondence | |
fileGriffin B. Bell, 1977 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileBritannica Encyclopaedia, 1960 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileClippings (Personal) , ca. 1930-70 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileContracts for Cases, Text, and Materials on Legislative and Administrative Law , 1947-66 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileCosmos Club , 1977 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileHomer S. Cummings: Alderman Library , 1975-76 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileHSC: Inquiries to McFarland , 1956-69 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileHSC: Letters, readings , 1937-58 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileHSC: Miscellany, n.d. | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileHSC: Pinehurst Golf Tournament, 1942-59 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileThomas S. Currier, 1969-72 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileDistrict of Columbia Bar , 1972 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileWilliam D. Ferguson , 1966-74 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileJohn S. Field , 1970-77 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileA.E. Dick Howard , 1973 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileStephen Koslow , 1969-78 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileDan Meador , 1976-77 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileJohn McCoid, 1975 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileMiscellaneous correspondence (Dillard, Reed) , 1949-69 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileMontana Bar , 1975 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileNYU: Administrative workshop, 1962 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileMyron Nordquist , 1971-72 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileMonrad Paulsen , 1970-76 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileRecording for the Blind , 1974-76 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileReview of Cooper's State Administrative Law, 1965-66 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileReview of Friendly's Holmes Lectures , 1963 | MSS 85-3, Box 11 |
fileAntonin Scalia , 1971-76 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileJ.G. Sourwine (Senate Judiciary Committee) , 1963-77 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileStudent Assistants , 1976 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileUniversity of Virginia Center for Oceans Law and Policy , 1971-75 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileU.Va.: Correspondence (mostly F.D.G. Ribble) , 1948-75 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileU.Va.: Faculty , 1960-76 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileU.Va.: Former students , 1949-78 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileU.Va.: Honor system, 1974-75 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileU.Va.: Loans , 1967-68 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileU.Va.: Oceanic Education Committee , 1974 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileU.Va.: Parking , 1970-78 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileU.Va.: Professorship , 1958-76 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileU.Va.: Publications Committee, 1976 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileU.Va.: Recommendations for clerkships , 1977 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileU.Va.: School of Public Affairs, 1971-72 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileU.Va.: Self-study , 1964 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileU.Va.: Size Committee, 1964 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileVirginia Law Review , 1977 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
fileVirginia State Bar , 1967-77 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
file"The Unique Role of Discretion in Public Land Law" , 1970-71 | MSS 85-3, Box 12 |
subseriesTeaching Material | |
fileAdministrative law, 1959-74 | MSS 85-3, Box 13 |
fileMiscellaneous, 1958-75 | MSS 85-3, Box 15 |
subseriesCasebook | |
fileLegislation and Administrative Law: Drafts, 1959-75, n.d. | MSS 85-3, Box 16 |
subseriesResearch Notes and Clippings | |
fileAdministrative law , 1950-70, n.d. | MSS 85-3, Box 23 |
file"Analyses of Others" , [1971?] | MSS 85-3, Box 23 |
fileAnnotations , n.d. | MSS 85-3, Box 23 |
fileBibliography , 1963-64, 1971 | MSS 85-3, Box 23 |
fileCase lists, 1959-70 | MSS 85-3, Box 23 |
fileClippings -- annotated , 1986, 1953 | MSS 85-3, Box 23 |
fileColonial statutes , n.d. | MSS 85-3, Box 23 |
fileConstitutions , 1961 | MSS 85-3, Box 23 |
fileContract and property, [1970's] | MSS 85-3, Box 23 |
fileEarly administrative regulation, n.d. | MSS 85-3, Box 23 |
fileFederal Register, 1970 | MSS 85-3, Box 23 |
fileHughes and other opinions, n.d. | MSS 85-3, Box 23 |
file"Independent work", 1971-72 | MSS 85-3, Box 23 |
fileLand cases, n.d. | MSS 85-3, Box 24 |
fileLegal usage, 1950-70 | MSS 85-3, Box 24 |
fileLegislation, 1950-75 | MSS 85-3, Box 24 |
fileLegislative history of the Safety Appliance Act, n.d. | MSS 85-3, Box 24 |
file"Miscellaneous" , n.d. | MSS 85-3, Box 24 |
fileNon-legislative functions, n.d. | MSS 85-3, Box 24 |
file"Notes" [group research project], 1971 | MSS 85-3, Box 24 |
filePrivate remedies, 1971-72 | MSS 85-3, Box 24 |
file"Readings", 1960-75 | MSS 85-3, Box 25 |
fileStatutory construction , n.d. | MSS 85-3, Box 25 |
fileStatutes in litigation, n.d. | MSS 85-3, Box 25 |
fileJustice Joseph Story, n.d. | MSS 85-3, Box 25 |
fileVirginia cases, n.d. | MSS 85-3, Box 25 |
subseriesPhotographs | |
itemClark Hall (oversize), n.d. | Law School, Basement, Special Collections Storage, Oversized Files Cabinet [Law Oversized Materials] |
itemCummings Golf Tournament, Pinehurst, N.C. (8), n.d. | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemCummings, Homer [7 -- 5 oversize], 1937, 1940, n.d. | Law School, Basement, Special Collections Storage, Oversized Files Cabinet [Law Oversized Materials] |
itemDepartment of Justice (5) | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemHarvard Law School Graduate Students (oversize) | Law School, Basement, Special Collections Storage, Oversized Files Cabinet [Law Oversized Materials] |
itemHelena, Montana, State Capitol building [?], n.d. | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemJustice Department's Chief Officers: Robert H. Jackson, Stanley Reed, Homer Cummings, Joseph Keenan, James Morris, Joseph Jackson, Charles Whitaker, Brian McMahon, [Golden?] Bell [5 oversize] , 1937 | Law School, Basement, Special Collections Storage, Oversized Files Cabinet [Law Oversized Materials] |
itemJustice Department luncheon honoring Stanley Reed [oversize – autographed], 1938 | Law School, Basement, Special Collections Storage, Oversized Files Cabinet [Law Oversized Materials] |
itemLaw School faculty, ca. 1950 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemMcFarland, Carl (12), n.d. | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemMcFarland, Carl before a new construction, n.d. | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemMcFarland law office in Helena, Montana n.d. McFarland's snapshot of unidentified luncheon , [1932] | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemMcFarland, Harry Truman, John W. Gwynne, Charles E. Long, Ashley Sellers, Pat McCurran, Tom Clark, Hatton W. Sumners at signing of Administrative Procedure Act (21), 1946 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemSellers, Ashley (law partner of McFarland) , n.d. | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
item[Stephens?], Harold M , n.d. | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemUniversity of Wyoming Library and School of American Studies (2) , n.d. | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
subseriesOversize Items | |
itemBar Admission certificates (3), 1930, 1933, 1948 | Law School, Basement, Special Collections Storage, Oversized Files Cabinet [Law Oversized Materials] |
itemAdministrative Procedure Act text , [ca. 1945] | Law School, Basement, Special Collections Storage, Oversized Files Cabinet [Law Oversized Materials] |
itemDepartment of Justice seal, n.d. | Law School, Basement, Special Collections Storage, Oversized Files Cabinet [Law Oversized Materials] |
itemDiplomas and certificates (26) | Law School, Basement, Special Collections Storage, Oversized Files Cabinet [Law Oversized Materials] |
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Carl McFarland [a] | |
filePersonal Correspondence, 1927-1947 | MSS 85-3a, Box 1 |
fileThesis (carbon), "Administration in State Government in the United States with Special Reference to the Administration of the Central Government of the State of Montana", [1929?] | MSS 85-3a, Box 1 |
fileMemorabilia , 1928-1975 | MSS 85-3a, Box 1 |
fileClippings, 1930's-1970's | MSS 85-3a, Box 1 |
filePhotograph of college group , ca. 1929 | MSS 85-3a, Box 1 |
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Carl McFarland [b] | |
fileNotes from Felix Frankfurter's class in administrative law, 1932 | MSS 85-3b, Box 1 |
fileNotes from Roscoe Pound's lectures in jurisprudence, [early 1930s] | MSS 85-3b, Box 1 |
fileAnalysis of Roscos Pound's lectures in jurisprudence , [early 1930s] | MSS 85-3b, Box 1 |
filePhotograph of McFarland addressing a Congressional Committee (?), n.d. | MSS 85-3b, Box 1 |
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Carl McFarland [c] | |
fileMcFarland Correspondence with Felix Frankfurter and others, 1932-1937, 1940, 1968 | MSS 85-3c, Box 1 |
fileNewspaper Clippings, n.d. | MSS 85-3c, Box 1 |
filePamphlets: Federal Justice, Yale Law Journal Book Review and “Felix Frankfurter. Talks in Tribute”. Harvard Law School Review, 1935, 1965 | MSS 85-3c, Box 1 |