MSS 97-1
Papers of Richard B. Lillich
Professional and private practice files (1957-1996) related to international issues: claims, human rights, nationalizations, refugees, Iran -U.S. Claims Tribunal, organ transplantation. Also Law School and case files.
Dates |
1957-1996 [Bulk] |
Extents |
31 Cubic Feet (76 archival boxes) |
Scope & Contents
The collection is arranged in five series based upon Lillich's own arrangements: general professional files; Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal; Sokol Colloquium; published articles; and organ transplantation, lump sum, and miscellaneous files. There is also a small collection of photographs.
Collection Description
Physical Description
Conditions Governing Access
Conditions Governing Use
Preferred Citation
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Biographical / Historical
Lillich, Richard B. 1971, 1994-1996 | |
Lillich, Richard B. (with human rights activists?) 1991 | |
Sokol Colloquium IV | |
United States Naval War College International Law Study | |
seriesPapers of Richard B. Lillich, 1957 - 1996 | |
subseriesGeneral Professional Files | |
fileAJIL [American Journal of International Law], 1969-1981 | MSS 97-1, Box 1 |
fileAJIL-African Distribution, 1989-1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 1 |
fileAJIL-Committee on the Tenure of the Board of Visitors, 1984-1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 1 |
fileAJIL-Correspondence, Reviews, 1987-1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 1 |
fileAmerican Society of International Law Panel of State Responsibility, 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 1 |
fileAvram Claim [Trans-Continental Banking Corporation, Ltd.], 1957-1965 | MSS 97-1, Box 1 |
file[Blasphemy and Prior Restraint] Lillich's Consultation, 1993 | MSS 97-1, Box 2 |
fileBook Review: British Claims, 1968 | MSS 97-1, Box 2 |
fileBook Review: International Claims: Their Adjudication by National Commissions, 1962-1963 | MSS 97-1, Box 2 |
fileBook Review: The Protection of Foreign Investment: Six Procedural Studies, 1965-1967 | MSS 97-1, Box 2 |
fileBook Review: Valuation of Nationalized Property in International Law, 1973 | MSS 97-1, Box 2 |
fileBook Reviews, 1981-1990 | MSS 97-1, Box 2 |
fileCertification of Questions to the Court of Appeals, 1983-1984 | MSS 97-1, Box 2 |
fileCeylon Petroleum Corporation, 1964 | MSS 97-1, Box 2 |
fileClaims. Rumanian Claims, 1963 | MSS 97-1, Box 3 |
fileColgate Palmolive Case, 1968-1970 | MSS 97-1, Box 3 |
fileCorrespondence A-Z, 1986-1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 4 |
fileCorrespondence with Naval War College, 1972-1985 | MSS 97-1, Box 4 |
fileCzech Claims , 1964-1981 | MSS 97-1, Box 4 |
fileDepartment of Justice. Human Rights Project , 1926-1971 | MSS 97-1, Box 5 |
fileDepartment of Justice. Human Rights Project II. Texts of Statutes, Executive Orders, Regulations, Guidelines, Interagency Agreements, 1961-1968 | MSS 97-1, Box 5 |
fileDepartment of Justice. Human Rights Project. Civil Rights Decision. Memoranda, 1975-1976 | MSS 97-1, Box 5 |
fileDepartment of State. Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, 1977-1983 | MSS 97-1, Box 5 |
fileDepartment of State. Gut Dam Claims, 1963-1965 | MSS 97-1, Box 5 |
fileDepartment of State. International Claims, 1975-1981 | MSS 97-1, Box 6 |
subseriesDillard's Papers, 1982-1984 | MSS 97-1, Box 6 |
subseriesDomestic Courts. Reference Materials, 1971-1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 6 |
fileExxon v. USA (Claims Court 235-79T) Related to Cuba, 1984 | MSS 97-1, Box 7 |
fileExtradition. Michele Sindona Requested Extradition by the Republic of Italy, 1977 | MSS 97-1, Box 8 |
fileExtradition. USA v. Mulette, et al, 1978 | MSS 97-1, Box 8 |
fileFestschrift, Bernhart [Human Rights, Zimbabwe, Jamaica], 1984-1994 | MSS 97-1, Box 8 |
fileFiji, 1990-1991 | MSS 97-1, Box 8 |
fileFord Foundation, 1981-1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 8 |
fileForeign Claims Settlement Commission, 1992-1993 | MSS 97-1, Box 8 |
fileFoundation of Japanese Honorary Debts [Stichting Japanese Ereschulden]. Correspondence with Dr. Gerard Junslager and Theo van Boven, 1995-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 11 |
fileFSU [Florida State University] Ball Lectures, 1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 11 |
fileFSU Correspondence with Dean Weidner, 1992-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 11 |
fileFSU Correspondence with UVA Dean Robert E. Scott, 1995-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 11 |
fileFSU Correspondence with Dean Donna R. Christie, 1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 11 |
fileFSU Journal of Transnational Law and Policy. Correspondence, 1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 11 |
fileFSU Miscellaneous Papers, 1995-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 11 |
fileFSU Re: Prof. Garcia, 1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 11 |
fileGeorgia. University of Georgia General, 1992 | MSS 97-1, Box 11 |
fileGubbay, Justice A. [Chief Justice of Zimbabwe] Correspondence, 1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 11 |
fileHarpum, Charles Correspondence, 1990-1992 | MSS 97-1, Box 11 |
fileHeidelburg Correspondence, 1990-1993 | MSS 97-1, Box 11 |
fileHong Kong [Bill of Rights], 1992-1993 | MSS 97-1, Box 11 |
fileHuman Rights. American Convention on Human Rights, 1994 | MSS 97-1, Box 12 |
fileHuman Rights. Annotated Miscellaneous Human Rights Cases, 1980s | MSS 97-1, Box 12 |
fileHuman Rights. Botswana. In the matter between Unity Dow and the Attorney General of Botswana. Brief of the Urban Morgan Institute for Human Rights, University of Cincinnati College of Law, 1990 | MSS 97-1, Box 12 |
fileHuman Rights. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, 1980, 1994 | MSS 97-1, Box 12 |
fileHuman Rights. Daugherty, Scarlet et al v. Terry A. Wallace. Brief of the Urban Morgan Institute for Human Rights, University of Cincinnati College of Law as Amicus Curiae, 1992 | MSS 97-1, Box 12 |
fileHuman Rights. Dellums, Ronald V, Eleanor Ginsberg, Myrna Cunnighmam v. William French Smith, individually and in his official capacity as Attorney General of the U.S. [U.S. Government Officials Violation of the Neutrality Act], 1983 | MSS 97-1, Box 12 |
fileHuman Rights. European Court of Human Rights. Peter Michaels Lingens against Austria, 1984-1985 | MSS 97-1, Box 12 |
fileHuman Rights. Re: Extradition of John Demjanjuk. Brief of Amicus Curiae. The International Human Rights Law Group [Israel], 1984 | MSS 97-1, Box 12 |
fileHuman Rights. Fernandez-Roque, Rafael et al v. William French Smith; Moises Garcia-Mir, et al v. William French Smith; Chao-Estrada, Orlando v. William French Smith, 1985 | MSS 97-1, Box 13 |
fileHuman Rights. Filartiga v. Pena-Irala [Paraguay] , 1979-1981 | MSS 97-1, Box 13 |
fileHuman Rights. Garza, Jasper et al v. Billy Reagan, et al. Brief of the International Human Rights Group as Amicus Curiae in Support of Plaintiffs. [Re: Denial of Free Public Education to Illegal Children], 1979 | MSS 97-1, Box 14 |
fileHuman Rights. Human Rights of Aliens, 1980-1983 | MSS 97-1, Box 14 |
fileHuman Rights. Jean, Marie Lucie et al v. Alan C. Nelson, et al, 1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 14 |
fileHuman Rights. International Human Rights Treaties and Agreement Report, 1979 | MSS 97-1, Box 14 |
fileHuman Rights. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 15 |
fileHuman Rights. Marcos, [Ferdinand A., Philippines] Cases: Sison, Trajano, Hilao, Ortigas, Clemente, 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 15 |
fileHuman Rights Miscellaneous Annotated Articles, n.d. | MSS 97-1, Box 15 |
fileHuman Rights Miscellaneous Cases, 1984-1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 16 |
fileHuman Rights. In the matter of The New York Times Co. v. The New York Commission of Human Rights and American Committee on Africa, African Heritage Studies Association, One Hundred Black Men, Inc. and William Booth, 1993 | MSS 97-1, Box 16 |
fileHuman Rights. Otto Preminger Institut v. Austria, 1993 | MSS 97-1, Box 16 |
fileHuman Rights. Race Convention, 1994 | MSS 97-1, Box 16 |
fileHuman Rights. Rodriguez Fernandez, Pedro v. George C. Wilkinson, 1980-1981 | MSS 97-1, Box 16 |
fileHuman Rights. Hanock Tel-Oren , et al v. Libyan Arab Republic, et al, 1981-1984 | MSS 97-1, Box 16 |
fileHuman Rights. The Torture Victim Protection Act of 1985 Briefing Book, 1985 | MSS 97-1, Box 16 |
fileHuman Rights. Texas School Children's Case, 1974-1980 | MSS 97-1, Box 17 |
fileHuman Rights. USA v. Humberto Alvarez-Machain, 1990 | MSS 97-1, Box 17 |
fileInstitute of International Criminal Law, 1981-1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 18 |
fileICJ [International Court of Justice] Correspondence, 1975-1984 | MSS 97-1, Box 18 |
fileICJ Aegean Case; Cod War Decision; Nuclear Testing Clippings , 1972-1973 | MSS 97-1, Box 18 |
fileICJ Interviews, 1975 | MSS 97-1, Box 18 |
fileICJ Project, 1981 | MSS 97-1, Box 18 |
fileICJ Research Proposal, n.d. | MSS 97-1, Box 18 |
fileICJ. USA v. Italy (Case Concerning Elettronica Sicula, SPA ELSI) Ratheon Case, 1986-1990 | MSS 97-1, Box 19 |
fileICJ Western Sahara Clippings, 1972-1973 | MSS 97-1, Box 19 |
fileILA [International Law Association] American Branch. Constitution of the Association, Committees, 1995-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 21 |
fileILA American Branch Correspondence, 1984-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 21 |
fileILA American Branch. Correspondence with Alfred P. Rubin, Edward Gordon, Cynthia Crawford Liechtenstein, 1994-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 21 |
fileILA American Branch Executive Committee, 1986-1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 21 |
fileILA Committee on Enforcement on Human Rights. Correspondence with Mrs. B. Osorio, 1995-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 21 |
fileILA Committee on Enforcement of Human Rights. Correspondence with Hurst Hannum, 1990-1991 | MSS 97-1, Box 21 |
fileILA Committee on International Human Rights. Correspondence with Anne Bayefsky, Mathias Herdergen, Menno T. Kamminga, Eckart Klein, 1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 21 |
fileILA Committee on International Human Rights. Universal Jurisdiction [Diskette], 1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 21 |
fileILA Committee on International Human Rights Sanctions, 1995-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 21 |
fileILA 66th Conference of the International Law Association, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1994-1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 21 |
fileILA Correspondence, 1990-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 21 |
fileILA Correspondence with Ian Brownlie, Q.C, 1982-1992 | MSS 97-1, Box 21 |
fileILA Director of Studies Report, 1991-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 21 |
fileILA Executive Council Minutes, 1982-1985 | MSS 97-1, Box 22 |
fileInterights [International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights], 1994-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 22 |
fileInterights Advisory Council Meetings , 1984-1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 22 |
fileInterights. Lester, Anthony Correspondence, 1983-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 22 |
fileInterights Reports, 1982-1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 22 |
fileIran v. USA, 1988-1989 | MSS 97-1, Box 23 |
fileJustice Department, 1993-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 23 |
fileKuwait Claims, 1991 | MSS 97-1, Box 23 |
fileLaw School Correspondence, 1994 | MSS 97-1, Box 23 |
fileLaw School - Dean Scott Correspondence, Memos, 1990-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 23 |
fileLaw School - Dean Jackson, 1989-1992 | MSS 97-1, Box 23 |
fileLaw School. Faculty "Banking" Program, 1988-1991 | MSS 97-1, Box 23 |
fileLaw School - Ford Foundation Final Report, 1991-1992 | MSS 97-1, Box 23 |
fileLaw School - Ford Foundation Grants, 1991-1993 | MSS 97-1, Box 23 |
fileLaw School - Ford Foundation International Law Grant, 1990 | MSS 97-1, Box 24 |
fileLaw School Graduate Program Correspondence, 1990-1993 | MSS 97-1, Box 24 |
fileLaw School Graduate Program - General. Proposal for an Asylum and Refugee Law Clinic, 1986-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 24 |
fileLaw School - Elaine Hadden Correspondence, 1993-1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 24 |
fileLaw School International Human Rights Law Clinic, 1984-1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 24 |
fileLaw School - Iwasawa Correspondence, 1987-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 24 |
fileLaw School. Lillich's Reports, 1986-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 24 |
fileLaw School. Lillich's Seminars on Human Rights, 1983-1990 | MSS 97-1, Box 24 |
fileLaw School - David Martin Correspondence, 1993 | MSS 97-1, Box 25 |
fileLaw School - Richard Merrill Correspondence, 1985-1988 | MSS 97-1, Box 25 |
fileLaw School - J. B. Moore Society of International Law, 1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 25 |
fileLaw School - John N. Moore, 1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 25 |
fileLaw School. Private International Law, 1979-1980 | MSS 97-1, Box 25 |
fileLesotho, 1981-1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 25 |
fileMalpractice, 1961 | MSS 97-1, Box 25 |
fileMiscellaneous Correspondence , 1959-1975 | MSS 97-1, Box 25 |
fileMiscellaneous Papers, 1986, 1988 | MSS 97-1, Box 25 |
fileMulligan, William C. Miscellaneous Papers, 1973 | MSS 97-1, Box 25 |
fileMunicipal Officials and Conflicts of Interest. An Analysis of the State of the Law and a Proposed Statute. Prepared by Milton Kaplan and Richard B. Lillich, 1957 | MSS 97-1, Box 26 |
fileNationalizations, 1963 | MSS 97-1, Box 26 |
fileNationalizations - Department of State, 1957-1962 | MSS 97-1, Box 26 |
fileNationalizations - Arab Oil Matters Clippings, 1972 | MSS 97-1, Box 26 |
fileNationalizations - Chile, 1971 | MSS 97-1, Box 26 |
fileNationalizations - Chile. Anaconda Company and Chile Copper Co. and Overseas Private Investment Corporation, 1977 | MSS 97-1, Box 26 |
fileNationalizations - Chile Expropriation of El Teniente Copper Mine, 1971-1973 | MSS 97-1, Box 26 |
fileNationalizations - China, 1979 | MSS 97-1, Box 26 |
fileNationalizations - Clippings, 1965-1977 | MSS 97-1, Box 26 |
fileNationalizations Clippings: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Ceylon, Fiji, Guyana, Iraq, Jamaica, 1965-1977 | MSS 97-1, Box 26 |
fileNationalizations Clippings: Bolivia, Great Britain, Tanzania, United States, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, India, 1967-1975 | MSS 97-1, Box 27 |
fileNationalizations Clippings: Nigeria, Qatar, Venezuela, Zambia, Zimbabwe, 1965-1977 | MSS 97-1, Box 27 |
fileNationalizations Clippings: Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, 1967-1975 | MSS 97-1, Box 27 |
fileNationalizations Clippings: Ethiopia, France, Kuwait, Mexico, Nicaragua, 1967-1975 | MSS 97-1, Box 27 |
fileNationalizations - Cuba, 1954-1964 | MSS 97-1, Box 27 |
fileNationalizations - Iran, 1979-1980 | MSS 97-1, Box 27 |
fileNationalizations - Lithgow Case, 1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 27 |
fileNationalizations - Libya, 1973-1977 | MSS 97-1, Box 27 |
fileNationalizations - Peru, 1970-1977 | MSS 97-1, Box 27 |
fileNationalizations - Yugoslavia, 1964 | MSS 97-1, Box 28 |
fileNaval War College. Correspondence, 1970-1983 | MSS 97-1, Box 28 |
fileNeff, Stephen. Correspondence, 1982-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 28 |
fileNew York University, 1977 | MSS 97-1, Box 28 |
fileObremski, Stephen Mitchell - Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the US [Poland Claims], 1963 | MSS 97-1, Box 28 |
filePAIL [Procedural Aspects of International Law] - Autonomy Project/Department of State, 1979-1980 | MSS 97-1, Box 29 |
filePAIL Correspondence. Re: Cases, 1975 | MSS 97-1, Box 29 |
filePAIL-Council of Europe Convention [Terrorism Project II], 1976-1977 | MSS 97-1, Box 29 |
filePAIL-Department of State Correspondence, 1975-1978 | MSS 97-1, Box 29 |
filePAIL General Correspondence, 1976-1977 | MSS 97-1, Box 29 |
filePAIL Institute - Correspondence with Consultants, 1976-1977 | MSS 97-1, Box 29 |
filePAIL Memos - Aggression. "The Declaration of Aggression and State Responsibility for Terrorists Acts"; "State Responsibility for Losses Occasioned by Terrorists: An Analysis of Recent Warsaw Convention", 1976 | MSS 97-1, Box 29 |
filePAIL Memos: "The Count Bernadotte Incident and the Issue of State Responsibility"; "The Declaration of Friendly Relations and State Responsibility for Terrorist Acts" , 1976 | MSS 97-1, Box 29 |
filePAIL Memos - Soviet Claims, 1976 | MSS 97-1, Box 29 |
filePAIL Memos - Terrorism. "The Legal Impact of Failure to Apprehend, Punish or Extradite Terrorists", 1976 | MSS 97-1, Box 29 |
filePAIL - Terrorism. Terrorism Project I, 1975 | MSS 97-1, Box 29 |
filePAIL - Terrorism. "State Responsibility for Tolerating the Use of Territory for Terrorist Activities Aimed at Persons in other States", 1976 | MSS 97-1, Box 29 |
filePAIL - Terrorism. Terrorism Project II. Research Proposal and Research , 1976-1977 | MSS 97-1, Box 29 |
filePAIL - Terrorism. Terrorism Project III, 1977-1978 | MSS 97-1, Box 30 |
filePAIL - Terrorism. "State Responsibility for Failure to Prevent Terrorist Acts which Injure Aliens", 1976 | MSS 97-1, Box 30 |
filePAIL - Terrorism. Transnational Terrorism, 1978-1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 30 |
filePAIL - Weston, Burns H. Correspondence, 1966-1973 | MSS 97-1, Box 30 |
filePrivate Practice. Yusuf Ahmed Alghanim & Sons, Ltd. Claim Filed with the United Nations Compensation Commission, 1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 31 |
filePrivate Practice. AMCO Asia Corporation Case, 1988 | MSS 97-1, Box 31 |
filePrivate Practice. Ashland Oil Company, 1988-1989 | MSS 97-1, Box 31 |
filePrivate Practice. Bencik Case [Human Rights Case], 1985-1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 31 |
filePrivate Practice. Department of State Correspondence, 1986-1988 | MSS 97-1, Box 31 |
filePrivate Practice. Exxon Corporation v. US Government. US Claims Court, 1984-1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 31 |
filePrivate Practice. Jewish Restitution , 1994-1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 32 |
filePrivate Practice. Liberian Case, 1990 | MSS 97-1, Box 32 |
filePrivate Practice. Nicaragua v. Dole Food Company Inc, 1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 32 |
filePrivate Practice. Pecten Vietnam Company Claim v. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Lillich's Legal Opinion, 1994-1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 33 |
filePrivate Practice. Sabi - Aryeh Case , 1993-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 33 |
filePrivate Practice. Sakkis Claim, 1980 | MSS 97-1, Box 34 |
filePrivate Practice. Ugandan Case, 1985-1988 | MSS 97-1, Box 34 |
filePrivate Practice. Vietnam Claims, 1987-1994 | MSS 97-1, Box 34 |
filePublications. Correspondence, Contracts, Miscellaneous, 1966-1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 35 |
fileQatar. Wintershall, A. G. et al v. Government of Qatar, 1987 | MSS 97-1, Box 35 |
fileQuantas Claim. Herzog v. Quantas Airlines Ltd. [Food Poisoning], 1967-1968 | MSS 97-1, Box 36 |
fileRaboin, Michael F. Correspondence, 1990-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 36 |
fileRabinowitz, Victor. [Nationalizations. Banco Nacional de Cuba v. Chase], 1981 | MSS 97-1, Box 36 |
fileRefugees. Impact on U.N. Refugees Convention on USA Extradition Proceedings. Re: Marie Pierre, et al v. USA. [Haitian Refugees], 1977 | MSS 97-1, Box 36 |
fileRosenkranz, Joseph Claim Case, 1964-1966 | MSS 97-1, Box 37 |
fileSaint Louis University School of Law, 1994-1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 37 |
fileSakkis Claim. [Expropriation of Land without Compensation in Mexico], 1979-1981 | MSS 97-1, Box 38 |
fileSpeeches. Notes and Outlines, 1962-1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 38 |
fileSoering Case, 1988-1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 39 |
fileSwiss Treaty Case: Christopher D. Ohly, 1984-1987 | MSS 97-1, Box 39 |
fileTaking Property, n.d. | MSS 97-1, Box 39 |
fileToman, Jiri (Dr.) Correspondence, 1984-1994 | MSS 97-1, Box 39 |
fileTudor Claim [v. Romania. Orghidan Collection], 1975-1981 | MSS 97-1, Box 40 |
fileUganda-Expropriations. Claims for Compensation for Expropriated Property. British High Court Documents, 1982-1983 | MSS 97-1, Box 41 |
fileUnited Kingdom All Souls College, 1985-1987 | MSS 97-1, Box 42 |
fileUnited Kingdom - Cambridge - Oxford Faculty, n.d. | MSS 97-1, Box 42 |
fileUnited Kingdom - Claims Department, 1990-1994 | MSS 97-1, Box 42 |
fileUnited Kingdom - Downing College, 1980-1994 | MSS 97-1, Box 42 |
fileUnited Kingdom - Fellowships, 1973-1993 | MSS 97-1, Box 42 |
fileUnited States Department of Justice Correspondence, 1979-1981 | MSS 97-1, Box 42 |
fileUnited States Department of Justice Education Memorandum, 1978 | MSS 97-1, Box 42 |
fileUnited States Department of Justice. General, 1978-1980 | MSS 97-1, Box 42 |
fileUnited States Department of Justice Lillich's Master Copy of "The Use of International Human Rights Norms in US Corps", 1980 | MSS 97-1, Box 42 |
fileUnited States Department of Justice. Wilmington 10, 1977-1978 | MSS 97-1, Box 43 |
fileUnited States Institute of Human Rights, 1984 | MSS 97-1, Box 43 |
fileUnited States v. Johan Breyer [International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights], 1993 | MSS 97-1, Box 43 |
fileUrban Morgan Institute for Human Rights - University of Cincinnati, 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 43 |
fileWintershall v. Government of Qatar, 1987 | MSS 97-1, Box 43 |
fileZambia v. United Kingdom (Mubanga-Chipoya) International Court, 1983-1984 | MSS 97-1, Box 43 |
fileZambia v. Oil Companies, 1977 | MSS 97-1, Box 43 |
fileZimbabwe. Newspaper Clippings, 1985 | MSS 97-1, Box 43 |
subseriesIran-U.S. Claims Tribunal | |
fileAbbas Ghaffari v. National Iranian Oil Company and the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 44 |
fileAnnual Report, 1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 44 |
fileAwards, 1985-1987 | MSS 97-1, Box 44 |
fileBritish Practice, 1983-1984 | MSS 97-1, Box 44 |
fileCategories of Small Claims of Less than $250,000, n.d. | MSS 97-1, Box 44 |
file"Compensation for Property Looses of US Nationals Expelled from Forced to Leave Iran". Memo, 1981-1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 45 |
fileContinuous Nationality, 1967, 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 45 |
fileCreeping Expropriations. Oral Argument, n.d. | MSS 97-1, Box 45 |
fileDavis, Stanley Norris v. Iran (Claim No. 10502), ca. 1986-1987 | MSS 97-1, Box 45 |
fileDepartment of State Cables, 1982-1983 | MSS 97-1, Box 45 |
fileDepartment of State. Change Circum. [sic.] and Iranian Claims. Arbitration. Concept of Controls, 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 45 |
fileDepartment of State Correspondence - Miscellaneous, 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 45 |
fileDepartment of State Memo: "The Amount of Recovery in Stockholder Claims", 1983 | MSS 97-1, Box 45 |
fileDepartment of State Memo: "The Concept of a Force Majeure in the Law of International Claims", 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 45 |
fileDepartment of State Memo: "The Eligibility of Nonprofit Corporations Under Article VIII (1) of the Claims Settlement Agreement", 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 45 |
fileDepartment of State Memo: "Employment Contract Claims", 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 45 |
fileDepartment of State Memo: "Ethiopian Case", 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 46 |
fileDepartment of State Memo: "Interest Before the Iran - U.S. Claims Tribunal", 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 46 |
fileDepartment of State Memos: "The Applicability of Municipal Statutes of Limitation to Claims Before the Iran - U.S. Claims Tribunal"; "The Eligibility of Indirect Stockholder Claimants under the Claims Settlement Agreement", 1983 | MSS 97-1, Box 46 |
fileDepartment of State Memos: "Compensation and Valuation in Expropriation Claims: A Framework for Future Inquiry"; Compensation for Costs and Attorneys Fees"; "The Continuous Nationality Rate and its Application to Claimants Before the Iran -U.S. Claims Tri | MSS 97-1, Box 46 |
fileDepartment of State Research Materials, 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 46 |
fileDepartment of State - State Responsibility , 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 47 |
fileEbrahimi, Cecilia Radene and Christina Tandis Ebrahimi v. Iran (Cases Nos. 44, 46, 47), 1994 | MSS 97-1, Box 47 |
fileElectronic Data Systems, Iran v. the Social Security Organization of the Government of Iran and Marine Midland Bank, 1979 | MSS 97-1, Box 47 |
fileExpropriation Notes, 1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 47 |
fileForeign Claims Settlement Commission [FCSC] Vietnamese Claims, 1985 | MSS 97-1, Box 47 |
fileGabay v. Iran (Claim No. 771) (Re: Dominant - Effective Nationality), 1982-1983 | MSS 97-1, Box 47 |
fileGovernment of Iran, Ministry of Mines & Metals & National Steel v. National Iranian Oil and Iran, 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 47 |
fileHostages Related, 1981 | MSS 97-1, Box 47 |
fileMiscellaneous Cases, 1995 | MSS 97-1, Box 47 |
fileIran v. USA (Claim No. A/15) , 1987, 1992 | MSS 97-1, Box 48 |
fileIran v. USA (Case No. A-18). Memorial of the Islamic Republic of Islam on the Issue of Claims Brought by Iranians Taking Advantage of American Nationality, 1983 | MSS 97-1, Box 48 |
fileIran v. USA (Claim No. A/19), 1987 | MSS 97-1, Box 48 |
fileIran v. USA (Case No. A/21), 1986-1987 | MSS 97-1, Box 49 |
fileIran v. USA (Case No. A/22), 1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 49 |
fileIran v. USA Case B/1 (Claim 4) , 1987 | MSS 97-1, Box 49 |
fileIran v. USA (Claim B/58) (The Islamic Republic of Iran Railways), 1982-1990 | MSS 97-1, Box 50 |
subseriesIran Aircraft Industries, et al v. AVCO Corporation. Brief, 1992 | MSS 97-1, Box 50 |
fileIndex of Contents for Strategy Meeting on 29th July/ 30th July 1991 at Alsop Wilkinson, London, 1991 | MSS 97-1, Box 50 |
fileIndex to Issues Addressed by the Tribunal, 1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 51 |
fileIranian Claims , 1985 | MSS 97-1, Box 51 |
fileJoint Venture Claims. Lillich's Opinions, 1985 | MSS 97-1, Box 51 |
fileKiaie v. Iran, 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 51 |
fileLillich's Miscellaneous Short Memos, 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 51 |
fileLouis - State Department. The Algiers Agreements of January 19, 1981, 1981 | MSS 97-1, Box 51 |
fileLeach, Jimmie B. v. Iran, 1988 | MSS 97-1, Box 51 |
fileMcCollough & Co., Inc. v. the Ministry Post, Telegraph and Telephone, the National Iranian Oil Co. and Bank Markazi, 1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 52 |
fileMemorandum Re: "Going - Concern Value as the Proper Measure of Compensation or Damages in International Expropriation or Breach-of-Contract Cases Involving Ongoing Businesses or Contract or Concession Rights", 1981 | MSS 97-1, Box 52 |
fileMemorial of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Response to the Reply Memorial of the United States, 1988 | MSS 97-1, Box 52 |
fileMiscellaneous: "Expulsion in International Law. A Study in International Aliens Law and Human Rights with Special Reference to Finland", 1987 | MSS 97-1, Box 52 |
fileMiscellaneous: "Iranian-Forum Clauses and the Jurisdiction of the US - Iranian Claims Settlements Tribunal", 1985 | MSS 97-1, Box 52 |
fileMiscellaneous Papers, 1981-1985 | MSS 97-1, Box 53 |
fileMitigation of Damages Memo and Related Papers, 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 54 |
fileMorrison - Knudsen International, Inc. v. National Iranian Oil Co, 1984-1985 | MSS 97-1, Box 54 |
fileReza Nemazee and Luz Belen Nemazee v. Iran, 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 55 |
fileOtis Elevator Co. v. Iran and Bank Mellot (Case No. 284), 1987 | MSS 97-1, Box 55 |
fileOpinion of Law. Basic Approaches Concerning the Binding Effect of Forum Clauses, 1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 55 |
fileThomas Earl Payne v. Iran , 1984-1985 | MSS 97-1, Box 56 |
filePersinger v. USA and Iran, 1981 | MSS 97-1, Box 56 |
fileRankin v. Iran; USA v. Iran (Claim No. 10913), 1984-1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 56 |
fileSaghi v. Iran, 1991 | MSS 97-1, Box 57 |
fileSedco, Inc. v. National Iranian Oil Co. and Iran, 1985-1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 58 |
fileSherman, Milton; Phoenix Canada Oil Co. Ltd. v. Texaco, Inc. et al, 1985 | MSS 97-1, Box 58 |
fileShort, Alfred L. W. v. Iran (Claim No. 11135), 1985 | MSS 97-1, Box 58 |
fileSmall Iranian Claims, 1981 | MSS 97-1, Box 58 |
fileSperry Corp. v. Iran, 1981 | MSS 97-1, Box 58 |
fileStanding to Sue, 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 58 |
fileStewart, David P. Correspondence, 1983-1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 58 |
fileStockholders Claims, 1982-1983 | MSS 97-1, Box 59 |
fileTorfin v. Iran; USA v. Iran (Case No. 10729), 1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 59 |
fileUltrasystems, Inc. v. Iran, 1975 | MSS 97-1, Box 59 |
fileUSA v. Iran (Case B/36), 1988 | MSS 97-1, Box 59 |
fileUSA v. Iran (Case No. 10729), 1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 60 |
fileUSA v. Iran (Case No. 10913), 1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 61 |
fileUSA v. Iran Memorial of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran , 1988 | MSS 97-1, Box 61 |
fileWalters, Lee E. v. Iran, 1987 | MSS 97-1, Box 61 |
fileYeager, Kenneth P. v. Iran (Claim No. 10199), 1987 | MSS 97-1, Box 61 |
subseriesSokol Colloquium | |
fileSokol Colloquium Series, 1991-1993 | MSS 97-1, Box 62 |
fileSokol Correspondence with Sokol Family, 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 62 |
fileSokol I: Enforcement of Foreign Judgements and Arbitral Awards, 1977-1978 | MSS 97-1, Box 62 |
fileSokol II: Providing Foreign and International Law in Domestic Tribunals, 1978 | MSS 97-1, Box 62 |
fileSokol III: The Family in International Law, 1979 | MSS 97-1, Box 62 |
fileSokol III Reading Materials, 1979 | MSS 97-1, Box 62 |
fileSokol IV: International Aspects of Criminal Law, 1979-1980 | MSS 97-1, Box 62 |
fileSokol V: The Harmonization of Laws Within the European Economic Community, 1980-1981 | MSS 97-1, Box 62 |
fileSokol VI: Resolving Transnational Disputes Through International Arbitration, 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 63 |
fileSokol VII: The Iran - US Arbitral Tribunal, 1983 | MSS 97-1, Box 63 |
fileSokol VIII: International Debt Restructuring, 1984 | MSS 97-1, Box 63 |
fileSokol X: List of Participants. Miscellaneous Correspondence, Papers, 1988 | MSS 97-1, Box 64 |
fileSokol X: Five videotapes of the panels, 1988 | MSS 97-1, Box 64 |
subseriesOrgan Transplation, Lump Sum and Miscellaneous Files | |
fileCanada's Human Tissue Acts, 1973-1976 | MSS 97-1, Box 66 |
fileCouncil of Europe: International Exchange and Transportation of Human Substances, 1979-1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 66 |
fileONU Reports on Slavery and Slavery-Like Practices. Organ Transplantation, 1989-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 66 |
fileOrgan Transplantation International Laws: United Kingdom, Turkey, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Luxembourg, Italy, Greece, France, Denmark, Cyprus , n.d. | MSS 97-1, Box 66 |
fileOrgan Transplantation Miscellaneous Articles and Reports, 1986-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 66 |
fileOrgan Transplantation Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1989-1993 | MSS 97-1, Box 67 |
fileOrgan Transplant Proposal, 1984-1996 | MSS 97-1, Box 67 |
fileOrgan Transplantation Issues and Recommendations. Report of the Task Force, 1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 67 |
fileLump Sum Correspondence, 1969-1971 | MSS 97-1, Box 68 |
fileLump Sum Correspondence, 1982-1984 | MSS 97-1, Box 68 |
fileLump Sum Correspondence - Summer, 1969 | MSS 97-1, Box 68 |
fileLump Sum Correspondence with Foreign Embassies A - Z, 1968-1971 | MSS 97-1, Box 69 |
fileLump Sum Correspondence. Lillich - India, 1976 | MSS 97-1, Box 69 |
fileLump Sum Correspondence- Sri Lanka, 1982 | MSS 97-1, Box 69 |
fileLump Sum Junk Agreements, 1950s-1960s | MSS 97-1, Box 69 |
fileIraki Claims, 1990-1991 | MSS 97-1, Box 70 |
fileSouth Africa Sanctions, 1985-1986 | MSS 97-1, Box 70 |
subseriesPhotographs | |
itemU.S. Naval War College. International Law Study, 1966-1971 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemLillich, Richard B. [Portrait], 1971, 1994 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemLaw School Faculty, 1977-1978 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemSokol Colloquium IV, 1980 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
itemLillich [with Human Rights Activists?], 1981, 1991 | Law Special Collections photographs cabinet |
subseriesPublished Articles | |
fileState of New York. Municipal Officials and Conflicts of Interest. An Analysis of the State of the Law and a Proposed Status, Prepared by Milton Kaplan and Richard Lillich, , December 1, 1957 | MSS 97-1, Box 65 |
fileA Case Study in Consular and Diplomatic Immunity, Syracuse L. Rev, 1961 | MSS 97-1, Box 65 |
fileJudicial Review and the FCSC, Admn. L. Rev, 1963 | MSS 97-1, Box 65 |
fileThe United States-Bulgarian Claims Agreement of 1963, Am. J. Int'l L, 1964 | MSS 97-1, Box 65 |
fileSW Africa: The UN's Takeover BID, New Society, 1966-11-10 | MSS 97-1, Box 65 |
fileUthant and Vietnam, New Society, 1967-04-13 | MSS 97-1, Box 65 |
fileThe U. N. and the Middle East, New Society, 1967-06-01 | MSS 97-1, Box 65 |
fileWorld Report. The Republicans Choice, New Society, 1967-09-14 | MSS 97-1, Box 65 |
fileMiscellanous articles related to the papers | MSS 97-1, Box 65 |
filePersonal Agendas, 1970-1973, 1980-1993 | MSS 97-1, Box 65 |
seriesAddendum to the Papers of Richard B. Lillich [a], 1966-1993 | |
fileAmended Provisional Constitution of the State of Qatar, 1972 | MSS 97-1a, Box 71 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar Arbitration [Legal Opinion of Richard B. Lillich: - handwritten draft, annotated and revised copy, final form], 1983-1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 71 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar Arbitration [Background, Research, Case Studies, Meeting Notes, and Correspondence with the Law Firm of Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering], 1986-1988 | MSS 97-1a, Box 71 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar Arbitration [Report, Award, Exhibits B-L], 1980-1988 | MSS 97-1a, Box 71 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar Arbitration [Correspondence Between Messrs. William Lake, Lloyd Cutler, Arthur Marriot, Richard Lahne, Andrew Vollmer Esq.] , 1986-1988 | MSS 97-1a, Box 71 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar Arbitration [Cases Before the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal] , 1983-1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 71 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar [Respondent’s Submissions on Governing Law and Place of Arbitration], 1986 | MSS 97-1a, Box 71 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar [Claimants’ Statement of Case] , 1986 | MSS 97-1a, Box 71 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar [Claimants’ Submissions], 1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 71 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar [Statement of Defence and Counterclaim of the Government of Qatar, Summary of the Statement by Andrew Parnell] , 1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 71 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar [Documents A-E to the Government’s Statement of Defence and Counterclaim], 1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 72 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar [Claimants’ Submissions of Jurisdiction], 1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 72 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar [Claimants’ Reply to Respondents’ Counterclaim], 1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 72 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar [Second Legal Opinion delivered by Dr. Ahmed S. El-Kosheri and Professor Dr. Samia S. Rashed] , 1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 72 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar [Legal Opinion delivered by Professor Oscar Schachter], 1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 72 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar [Transcript of Proceedings Second Day], 1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 72 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar [Judicial Order], 1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 72 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar [Claimants’ Statement of Relevant Principles of International Law], 1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 72 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar [Application by the Government of Qatar that the Claimants Should Prove Damage], 1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 72 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar [Respondent’s Reply to the Claimants’ Statement of Relevant Principles of International Law], 1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 72 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar [Legal Opinion delivered by Dr. Jur. Omaia Elwan and Professor Dr. Ahmed S. El-Kosheri], 1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 72 |
fileWintershall v. Qatar [Partial Award on Liability] , 1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 72 |
file7-1 Before the United States Compensation Commission [Statement of Claim Part I], 1993 | MSS 97-1a, Box 73 |
fileClaim of Enka Insaat Ve Sanayi v. Republic of Iraq [Statement of Claim Parts II-VII], 1993 | MSS 97-1a, Box 73 |
fileClaim of Enka Insaat Ve Sanayi v. Republic of Iraq [Statement of Claim Part VIII], 1993 | MSS 97-1a, Box 73 |
fileClaim of Enka Insaat Ve Sanayi v. Republic of Iraq [Exhibits to Statement of Claim Exhibits IV A-IV C.4], 1993 | MSS 97-1a, Box 73 |
fileClaim of Enka Insaat Ve Sanayi v. Republic of Iraq [Exhibits to Statement of Claim Exhibits IV C.5-IV D.11] , 1993 | MSS 97-1a, Box 73 |
fileClaim of Enka Insaat Ve Sanayi v. Republic of Iraq - Legal Opinion on the Allowance and Calculation of Lost Profits in Contract Claims Before International Claims Tribunals and Commissions delivered by Professor Richard B. Lillich, 1993 | MSS 97-1a, Box 74 |
fileEnka Insaat Ve Sanayi v. Republic of Iraq [Drafts of Lilich’s Legal Opinion Concerning the Terms “Direct” and “Indirect” in International Law; correspondence with Charles Brower Esq.], 1992 | MSS 97-1a, Box 74 |
fileEnka v. Iraq - correspondence with Charles Brower Esq. for the Law Firm of White and Case , 1992-1993 | MSS 97-1a, Box 74 |
fileEnka v. Iraq - annotated Statement of Claim: Part IV Claim for Loss of Profits 1993; Enka v. Iraq [Legal Opinion Drafts and Revisions] , 1993 | MSS 97-1a, Box 74 |
fileCorrespondence , 1992-1993 | MSS 97-1a, Box 74 |
fileMiscellaneous case notes; handwritten notes, n.d. | MSS 97-1a, Box 74 |
fileMiscellaneous reprints, 1983, 1986, 1987, 1988 | MSS 97-1a, Box 74 |
itemBowett, Derek W.: “State Contracts with Aliens: Contemporary Developments on Compensation for Termination or Breach,” reprint from The British Book of International Law, 1988, 1988 | MSS 97-1a, Box 74 |
itemGiardina, Andrea: “State Contracts: National Versus International Law?,” The Italian Yearbook of International Law, Napoli, Editorial Scientifica, 1983 [reprint] , 1983 | MSS 97-1a, Box 74 |
itemSchwebel, Stephen M.: “On whether the breach by a state of a contract with an alien is a breach of international law,”Milano, Dott. A. Giuffre Editore, 1987 , 1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 74 |
itemSchewebel, Stephen M.: “Energy Law ’90, Commentary on ‘Social Discipline and the Multinational Enterprise’ and ‘Security of Investment Abroad,” IBA Section on Energy and Natural Resources Law and International Bar Association | MSS 97-1a, Box 74 |
itemSchewebel, Stephen M.: Private Investors Abroad – Problems and Solutions in International Business in 1986, Southwestern Legal Foundation, 1986, 1986 | MSS 97-1a, Box 74 |
fileInternational Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes: Arbitral Tribunal Award in Liberian Eastern Timber Corporation (LETCO) v. The Government of the Republic of Liberia. (Recovery of Damages for Breach of a Concession Agreement), March 31, 1986; Re | MSS 97-1a, Box 74 |
fileInternational Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration: Award in the Arbitration Between S.P.P. (Middle East) Limited, Southern Pacific Properties Limited and the Arab Republic of Egypt, The Egyptian General Company for Tourism and Hotels, 22 I.L.M. (1983 | MSS 97-1a, Box 74 |
fileUnited Nations Center Against Apartheid [Publication No. 10/91: Richard B. Lillich’s Model Law on the Oil Embargo Against South Africa] , 1991 | MSS 97-1a, Box 75 |
fileUnited Nations General Assembly [Report of the Intergovernmental Group to Monitor the Supply and Shipping of Oil and Petroleum Products to South Africa] , 1988 | MSS 97-1a, Box 75 |
fileAnalyses of Legislation by Sweden and Norway Regarding South Africa , 1985-1986 | MSS 97-1a, Box 75 |
fileAssociation of Western European Parliamentarians for Action Against Apartheid [Summary of the Implementation of the Oil Embargo by Western Countries and of Western Economic Sanctions Against South Africa], 1989 | MSS 97-1a, Box 75 |
fileUnited Nations Center Against Apartheid [Correspondence with Amer Araim-Senior Political Affairs Officer] , 1988-1990 | MSS 97-1a, Box 75 |
fileUnited Nations Center Against Apartheid [Hearings and Report of the Panel] , 1989 | MSS 97-1a, Box 75 |
fileIntergovernmental Group to Monitor the Supply and Shipping of Oil and Petroleum Products to South Africa [Statement Letters of Trade Legislation by Various Nations to South Africa], 1989-1990 | MSS 97-1a, Box 75 |
fileIntergovernmental Group to Monitor the Supply and Shipping of Oil and Petroleum Products to South Africa [Sweden’s Legislation Prohibiting All Trade to South Africa], 1971-1987 | MSS 97-1a, Box 75 |
fileInternational Law Institute [Memorandum Prepared for the Research Project on Sanctuary and Safe Haven for Terrorists: the Relevancy of International Law], 1977 | MSS 97-1a, Box 75 |
fileModel Law for the Effective Enforcement of the UN General Assembly Oil Embargo Against South Africa [drafts, notes, correspondence with Messrs. Hurst Hannum, Andreas Lowenfield, Stephan Cohen], 1990 | MSS 97-1a, Box 75 |
filePrivate Practice [United Nations South African Oil Embargo] , 1991 | MSS 97-1a, Box 75 |
fileShipping Research Bureau [Annual Reports, Conference Papers] , 1988-1989 | MSS 97-1a, Box 75 |
fileUnited Nations Press Releases by the Intergovernmental Group to Monitor the Supply and Shipping of Oil and Petroleum Products to South Africa, 1987-1990 | MSS 97-1a, Box 75 |
fileUnited Nations Report on Transnational Corporations in South Africa, 1989 | MSS 97-1a, Box 75 |
fileSOKOL Colloquium – Sixth Annual Sokol Colloquium on Private International Law [guest list address book and brochures], 1990 | MSS 97-1a, Box 75 |
fileShipping Research Bureau [Newsletters on the Oil Embargo Against South Africa (v.1, no.1-26), 1985-1992 | MSS 97-1a, Box 76 |
fileShipping Research Bureau [Oil Tankers to South Africa], 1982 | MSS 97-1a, Box 76 |
fileShipping Research Bureau [Secret Oil Deliveries to South Africa], 1984 | MSS 97-1a, Box 76 |
fileShipping Research Bureau [South Africa’s Lifeline: Violations of the Oil Embargo], 1986 | MSS 97-1a, Box 76 |
fileShipping Research Bureau [Oil to South Africa: Apartheid’s Friends and Partners] , 1988 | MSS 97-1a, Box 76 |
fileUnited Nations [Poster from the Hearings on the Oil Embargo Against South Africa], 1989 | MSS 97-1a, Box 76 |