MSS 04-4
The Papers of Robert C. Fitzgerald
The papers of Robert C. Fitzgerald (19873-1988) consist primarily of professional papers regarding issues of annexation in the State of Virginia.
Dates |
1973-1988 [Inclusive] |
Extents |
9.7 Cubic Feet (24 archival boxes) |
Scope & Contents
The Papers of Robert Clayton Fitzgerald were donated to the University of Virginia Arthur J. Morris Law Library by his wife, Nancy R. Fitzgerald, in June of 2004. They consist of 24 boxes, 9.7 linear feet.
The papers (1973-1988) pertain to Mr. Fitzgerald's practice as an attorney counseling counties and cities in the State of Virginia on issues of annexation and inter governmental affairs. The most important and complete file is Pittsylvania County - City of Danville, a case that dealt with the annexation petition of Danville, Va., and the negotiations between the city of Danville and the county of Pittsylvania in which Mr. Fitzgerald served as legal counsel for the county's Board of Supervisors.
Other files in the collection include: Albemarle County annexation, in which Mr. Fitzgerald represented the county in its negotiations concerning immunity and revenue sharing with the city of Charlottesville; Fairfax City and County documents referring to city/county contracts and services (Fire Services Agreements) and questions about annexation immunity, annexation petitions, etc. James City County files, where Mr. Fitzgerald was a consultant and later represented James City County officials in their negotiations with the Cities of Williamsburg and Newport News, reviewing and analyzing school contracts, water resources, annexation and consolidation proceedings. The Prince William County case in which the Law Offices of Fitzgerald & Smith supervised the study and analysis of the fiscal impact on the County of Prince William transition to city status. Mr. Fitzgerald counseled Spotsylvania County in matters of "intergovernmental concerns with other governmental institutions and intragovernmental (sic) matters".
The <emph render+"italic">Fauquier County Water and Sanitation Authority v. Marshall Water Works, Inc.</em> is another example of Mr. Fitzgerald's practice. This case refers to the condemnation proceedings pursuant to title 25, chapter 1.1 of the Code of Virginia of the Marshall Water Works and the interest of Fauquier County and Water Authority to purchase the company.
The Family Savings and Loan of Virginia of Springfield, Virginia, documents principally relate to the mergers of the company with Virginia First Savings and Loan Association of Petersburg, Va., and other similar financial institutions. Mr. Fitzgerald was chairman of the Board of Family Savings and Loan of Virginia and Subsidiaries.
There are also some personal and professional correspondence (1979), trustees files (1977-1979), and some financial statements of Family Savings and Loan (1980-1983.
Collection Description
Physical Description
Conditions Governing Access
Conditions Governing Use
Preferred Citation
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Biographical / Historical
seriesPersonal and Professional Correspondence, Trustees Files | |
fileFitzgerald, Robert C. Personal Correspondence, 1979 | MSS 04-4, Box 1 |
fileFitzgerald, Robert C. Professional Outgoing Correspondence, 1979 | MSS 04-4, Box 1 |
fileFitzgerald, Robert C. Trustees Files (Released Deeds, etc.), 1977-1979 | MSS 04-4, Box 1 |
fileFitzgerald and Smith, P. C. - Family Savings and Loan [Financial] Statements, 1980, Feb. - Jan. 1983 | MSS 04-4, Box 1 |
seriesAnnexation Cases | |
fileAnnexation - General. Miscellaneous copies of documents re annexation in the state of Virginia., 1964-1975 | MSS 04-4, Box 2 |
fileAnnexation - General. Newspaper Clippings, 1980-1982, n.d. | MSS 04-4, Box 2 |
fileAlbemarle County - Annexation. Albemarle County Code . Subdivision of Land, n.d. (ca. 1980) | MSS 04-4, Box 2 |
fileAlbemarle County - Annexation. City of Charlottesville Proposal and Statement; Preliminary Report to the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County by Legal Counsel, 1980 | MSS 04-4, Box 2 |
fileAlbemarle County - Annexation. Correspondence between George St. John, county attorney and Fitzgerald, 1980-1981 | MSS 04-4, Box 2 |
fileAlbemarle County - Annexation. Newspaper Clippings, 1980-1981 | MSS 04-4, Box 2 |
fileFairfax City Miscellaneous Documents: Available funds from revenue sharing; Krasnow v. City and County of Fairfax Bill of Complaint; Northern Virginia Police Academy Lease, Adult Detention Facilities, 1973, 1976-1977 | MSS 04-4, Box 3 |
fileFairfax City and County - Fire Services Agreements and Recommended Agenda for Renegotiating Fairfax City Contracts; Correspondence., 1974-1978 | MSS 04-4, Box 3 |
fileFairfax County - Fitzgerald and Smith Financial Statements, 1975-1979 | MSS 04-4, Box 3 |
fileFairfax County - Annexation. Immunity, 1976-1982 | MSS 04-4, Box 3 |
fileFairfax City/County - Negotiations. Correspondence re City/County Contracts and Services, 1977-1978 | MSS 04-4, Box 3 |
fileFairfax County/City - Negotiations. Correspondence between Fitzgerald and Smith and County; memoranda, reports, miscellaneous documents, 1977-1978 | MSS 04-4, Box 4 |
fileFairfax County/City - Negotiations. Negotiations of contracts with City of Fairfax, 1977, May - Dec. | MSS 04-4, Box 5 |
fileFairfax County - Schools. Miscellaneous documents, 1974-1975 | MSS 04-4, Box 5 |
fileFairfax County - Schools. Tuition Contracts, 1975-1977 | MSS 04-4, Box 5 |
fileFairfax County - Reston. [Proposed Charter for Town of Reston], 1973-1980 | MSS 04-4, Box 6 |
fileFairfax County - Sewer System. Sewer cases | MSS 04-4, Box 6 |
fileFairfax County - Sewer System. Disbursement of checks, 1980 | MSS 04-4, Box 6 |
fileFamily Savings and Loan Association of Virginia - By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation, 1975-1976 | MSS 04-4, Box 7 |
fileFamily Savings and Loan Association of Virginia - Addendum to Employment Agreement and Grashaw Employment Contract, 1978 | MSS 04-4, Box 7 |
fileFamily Savings and Loan Association of Virginia - Correspondence, memoranda, reports, 1979, Jan. - Feb. 1980 | MSS 04-4, Box 7 |
fileFamily Savings and Loan Association of Virginia Merger File. Correspondence,; drafts of letter of intent and merger agreement; memoranda; merger agreement, 1979, Jul. - Jun. 1980 | MSS 04-4, Box 7 |
fileJames City County - General. Contracts, court order, newspaper clippings, 1955-1978 | MSS 04-4, Box 7 |
fileJames City County - Correspondence re annexation, 1976-1981 | MSS 04-4, Box 7 |
fileJames City County Maps: of Existing Utilities, Rate Study, Water and Sewer Facilities Map, Base Map prepared by Wiley & Wilson, Inc. Additional Data Obtained from City of Williamsburg, James City County, City of Williamsburg and Environs, n.d., 1978-1979 | Oversize Shelf |
fileJames City County - Water resources research, printed cases and authorities; handwritten notes, 1978 | MSS 04-4, Box 7 |
fileJames City County - Memoranda, reports of annexation meetings, maps, 1978-1980 | MSS 04-4, Box 7 |
fileJames City County - Data. [Public Facilities Plan; Analysis of the James City County - Williamsburg Joint School System; Population information, Assessment information; Capital Improvements Budget Information, Service Authority. [Maps of Existing Faciliti | 8 and Oversize Shelves |
fileJames City County - Data list; Resolution and Contract for the Joint Operation of Schools with City of Williamsburg; Commission on Local Government Rules of Procedure, 1980 | MSS 04-4 ,Box 8 |
fileLoundon County Annexation. [Proposition, agreements, etc.], 1982-1983 | MSS 04-4 ,Box 8 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville - Annexation. Prior annexation data; Jesse Hodnett, et al v. City of Danville; cross examinations and exhibits, 1975, 1978 | MSS 04-4, Box 9 |
filePittsylvania County Memorandum to Board of Supervisors re proposed annexation by the city of Danville, 1976, Aug. 30 | MSS 04-4, Box 9 |
filePittsylvania County Annexation - Correspondence, 1982, Apr. 19 - Jul. 19, 1984 | MSS 04-4, Box 9 |
filePittsylvania County Annexation - City, county, Service Authority Agreements, 1982, Dec. 8 [1972-1982] | MSS 04-4, Box 9 |
filePittsylvania Count Annexation - City of Danville. Correspondence with Commission on Local Government, 1983, Mar. - Feb. 1984 | MSS 04-4, Box 9 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville - Injunction correspondence, 1983, Mar. - Jun. | MSS 04-4, Box 9 |
filePittsylvania County - Annexation. City of Danville Interrogatories and production of documents to county, 1983, Apr. - May | MSS 04-4, Box 9 |
fileCity of Danville Attachments to County Answers to City Interrogatories, 1983, May (1978-1983) | MSS 04-4, Box 10 |
fileCity of Danville. Commission on Local Government Interrogatory to County of Pittsylvania [to assist in the review of the annexation and immunity issues], 1983, Jul. - Aug. | MSS 04-4, Box 10 |
filePittsylvania County Planning Commission. School Appraisal Data, 1983, Aug. | MSS 04-4, Box 10 |
filePittsylavania County v. City of Danville. Correspondence. Three Judge Court, 1983, Sep. - Oct. | MSS 04-4, Box 10 |
filePittsylvania County - Annexation Witness Testimony. [Evaluations, questions, notes, lists], 1983, Oct. 24 | MSS 04-4, Box 10 |
fileCity of Danville v. Pittsylavania County and Pittsylvania County v. City of Danville re: Annexation and Petition of Partial Immunity . Hearings, 1983, Nov. 1 | MSS 04-4, Box 10 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville. City’s Response to Question 13, 1983, Dec. 8 | MSS 04-4, Box 11 |
filePittsylvania County - Annexation Newspaper Clippings, 1983 | MSS 04-4, Box 11 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Immunity Court Orders, 1983-1985 | MSS 04-4, Box 11 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville re Extension of Time for Filing Report by Commission on Local Government. Motions, 1984, Jan. 11 | MSS 04-4, Box 11 |
filePittsylvania County Partial Immunity Notice Revised from May 1984, 1984, May | MSS 04-4, Box 11 |
fileCity of Danville v. County of Pittsylvania - Annexation. Correspondence, 1984, Jul. - Dec. 1987 | MSS 04-4, Box 11 |
filePittsylvania County re: Value of Pittsylvania County Service Authority, 1984, Jul. - Feb. 1985 | MSS 04-4, Box 11 |
filePittsylvania County Immunity Suit Appeal. Correspondence, 1984, Jul. - Aug. 1985 | MSS 04-4, Box 11 |
fileCounty of Pittsylvania v. City of Danville - Annexation Financial Exhibits, 1984, Jul. - Dec. 1985 | MSS 04-4, Box 12 |
fileCounty of Pittsylvania v. City of Danville Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law, 1984, Sep. - Nov. | MSS 04-4, Box 12 |
fileBoard of Supervisors of the County of Pittsylvania v. City of Danville. Immunity Pleadings, 1984, Sep. | MSS 04-4, Box 12 |
fileBoard of Supervisors of the County of Pittsylvania v. City of Danville Immunity [Commission on Local Government Report: Augusta County], 1984, Sep. | MSS 04-4, Box 12 |
fileBoard of Supervisors of the County of Pittsylvania v. City of Danville. Exceptions to the Report of the Commission on Local Government, 1984, Nov.29 | MSS 04-4, Box 12 |
filePittsylvania County Immunity . Clarence Edmunds, Andrew Berky and Claude Whitehead Outlines of Testimony, n.d. | MSS 04-4, Box 12 |
subseriesPittsylvania County Immunity. Garland Page Outline of Testimony, n.d. | MSS 04-4, Box 12 |
filePittsylvania County Immunity Suit Appeal. Goodyear Agreement, 1985 | MSS 04-4, Box 12 |
fileCity of Danville v. Pittsylvania County - Annexation. City Compromise and County Response, 1985, Feb. | MSS 04-4, Box 12 |
filePittsylvania County Immunity Suit Appeal. [Final draft of Memorandum of Pittsylvania County on Legal Standards for Granting Partial Immunity; Petition for Appeal], 1985, May | MSS 04-4, Box 12 |
fileCity of Danville v. Pittsylvania County - Annexation. Exhibits, 1985, May - Oct. | MSS 04-4, Box 12 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Immunity Appeal Pleadings, 1985, May; Feb. 1986 | MSS 04-4, Box 12 |
fileCity of Danville v. Pittsylvania County, et al. County Production of Documents to City, 1985, Jun. - Oct. | MSS 04-4, Box 12 |
fileCity of Danville v. Pittsylvania County - Annexation. Memorandum of Pittsylvania County in Support of Pleas in Bar and to the Jurisdiction, 1985, Jun. 25 | MSS 04-4, Box 12 |
fileCity of Danville v. Pittsylvania County - Annexation. Answer by City of Danville to Petition to Intervene by USG Industries, Inc, 1985, Jul. 15 | MSS 04-4, Box 12 |
filePittsylvania County - Annexation. City of Danville Writ of Prohibition, 1985, Aug. - Sep. | MSS 04-4, Box 13 |
filePittsylvania County Audit Letter, 1985, Sep. 19 and 27 | MSS 04-4, Box 13 |
filePittsylvania County - Annexation - Loss of Net Tax Revenue, 1985, Sep. - Nov. | MSS 04-4, Box 13 |
fileCity of Danville v. Pittsylvania County - Annexation. Intervenor Post Trial Pleadings, 1985, Oct. 22 - Nov. 6; 1986, May | MSS 04-4, Box 13 |
fileCity of Danville v. Pittsylvania County, et al - Annexation. Response by Danville to Interrogatories and Motion to Extend Discovery, 1985, Nov. 29. | MSS 04-4, Box 13 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Immunity Appeal Correspondence, 1985, Dec. 15 - Jan, - Apr. 1986 | MSS 04-4, Box 13 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Immunity Appeal Work File. [Brief Appellant; Brief in Opposition to Petition for Appeal; Reply Brief of Appellant; Brief of Appellee], 1985-1986 | MSS 04-4, Box 13 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Petition for Appeal re: Opinion of the court in Danville annexation case, [ca. 1986] | MSS 04-4, Box 13 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville - Annexation. Opinion of the Court, 1986; Feb. 12 | MSS 04-4, Box 13 |
filePittsylvania County - Annexation. Pittsylvania County - City of Danville Negotiations, 1986, Jul. 7-11 | MSS 04-4, Box 13 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville - Annexation Appeal, Pleadings, 1986, Jul. | MSS 04-4, Box 13 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville - Annexation Appeal Correspondence, 1986, Jul. - Nov. | MSS 04-4, Box 13 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville - Annexation Appeal Pleadings, 1986, Jul. | MSS 04-4, Box 13 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Petition for Appeal and Petition for Appeal Appendixes, 1986, Oct. | MSS 04-4, Box 14 |
fileCity of Danville v. Pittsylvania County - Annexation Debt Schedule, 1987, Mar. 30 | MSS 04-4, Box 14 |
fileCity of Danville v. Pittsylvania County - Annexation. Joint Motion to Modify Order, 1987, Mar. 30 | MSS 04-4, Box 14 |
fileCity of Danville v. Pittsylvania County Settlement Order, 1987, Apr. 20; Dec. 1988 | MSS 04-4, Box 14 |
fileCity of Danville v. Pittsylvania County - Annexation Water and Sewer Agreements, 1983; 1987 | MSS 04-4, Box 14 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Steps for Approval of Agreement, n.d. | MSS 04-4, Box 14 |
filePittsylvania County - Annexation [Miscellaneous documents]. Report on the County of Augusta Partial Immunity Action and report on the Immunity and Financial Settlement Provisions of the City of Staunton - County of Augusta Settlement Agreement, 1982, Dec. | MSS 04-4, Box 14 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Tax Suit. County Request for Production of Documents No.2. [City Utility Rates: electricity, street lights, water and wastewater, gas; sewer connections ordinances], 1979-1983 | MSS 04-4, Box 14 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville License Tax Research and Data; Wingate Reappraisal, General Highway Map of Pittsylvania County, 1982-1987 | MSS 04-4, Box 14 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Tax Suit Research, 1982, Dec. 14 | MSS 04-4, Box 14 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Tax Suit. Bill in Equity, 1983, Feb. - Sep. | MSS 04-4, Box 14 |
file[Maps of City of Danville and Pittsylvania County]: General Pertinent Data. Study Area A and B; Map of Danville and Pittsylvania Co, n.d., ca. 1983 | Oversize Shelves |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Tax Suit Memoranda, Pleadings, 1983, Mar. 8 - May 8, 1984 | MSS 04-4, Box 15 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Tax Suit Pleadings, 1983, Mar. - Jun. | MSS 04-4, Box 15 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Tax Suit Correspondence, 1983, Jun. - Dec. | MSS 04-4, Box 15 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Tax Suit. City Answer to County Interrogatories No. 2, No. 7, No. 15, 1983, Sep. | MSS 04-4, Box 15 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Tax Suit. City Response to County Request for Production of Documents. (Chancery No. 13), 1983, Sep. 28 | MSS 04-4, Box 15 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Tax Suit (Chancery 13). Request for Admissions; Second Request for Admissions, 1984, Apr. | MSS 04-4, Box 15 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Tax Suit. Proposed Final Decree , Findings of Fact, 1984, Jul. - Nov. | MSS 04-4, Box 15 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Tax Suit. Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors Annexation Negotiation Team Meeting, 1984, Aug. 3 | MSS 04-4, Box 15 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville License Tax. Correspondence, 1984, Dec. - Nov. 1988 | MSS 04-4, Box 16 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville Utility Franchise Tax, 1985, May 1 | MSS 04-4, Box 16 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville License Tax. Discovery, 1985, Jul. - Sep. | MSS 04-4, Box 16 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville License Tax Orders, 1985-1986 | MSS 04-4, Box 16 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville License Tax. Joint Stipulations, 1985-1987 | MSS 04-4, Box 16 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville License Tax Pleadings, 1985-1987 | MSS 04-4, Box 16 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville License Tax. Interrogatories to City, 1987 | MSS 04-4, Box 16 |
filePittsylvania County v. City of Danville License Tax. Argument on behalf of Pittsylvania County upon Evidence; Reply Memorandum by the City of Danville in Support of Demurrer and Answer; Final Decree, 1987, Apr. - Jun. | MSS 04-4, Box 16 |
filePittsylvania County and Pittsylvania County Service Authority v. City of Danville Injunction Suit. Bill for Injunction Relief, Memoranda to Support Motions, 1983 | MSS 04-4, Box 16 |
filePittsylvania County and Pittsylvania County Service Authority v. City of Danville. County Injunction. Suit for Injunction Pleadings, 1983, Jun. - Aug. | MSS 04-4, Box 16 |
filePittsylvania County and Pittsylvania County Service Authority v. City of Danville - Petition for Temporary Injunction Under Section 8.21-626. Accompanied by copies of Proceedings and Original Papers and Court Order., 1983, Aug. - Oct. | MSS 04-4, Box 16 |
filePittsylvania County and Pittsylvania County Service Authority v. City of Danville. County Injunction Discovery, 1983, Jul.; 1983, Jul. - Sep.; | MSS 04-4, Box 16 |
filePittsylvania County and Pittsylvania County Service Authority v. City of Danville. County Injunction Memoranda. City, County and Commission on Local Government Memos, 1983, Jul. -Sep. | MSS 04-4, Box 16 |
fileCounty of Pittsylvania and PCSA [Petitioners of Pittsylvania County and Pittsylvania County Service Authority] v. City of Danville. Petition for Appeal, 1983, Oct - Jan. 1984 | MSS 04-4, Box 16 |
filePrince William County - City Status. The Fiscal Capacity of Prince William County to Function as a City and Provide Appropriate Services. Report to the Board of Supervisors of Prince William County, [1981] | MSS 00-4, Box 17 |
filePrince William County - City Status Miscellaneous documents. [Agreements, reports, maps], 1981 | MSS 00-4, Box 17 |
filePrince William County. Status of Water and Sewer Utilities Proposal by Camp, Dresser & McKee, 1981 | MSS 00-4, Box 17 |
filePrince William County - City. Scope of Work, 1981, Sep. | MSS 00-4, Box 17 |
filePrince William County - City Status Correspondence, 1981, Sep. - May 1982 | MSS 00-4, Box 17 |
filePrince William County - City Status Newspaper Clippings, 1981, Dec. - Feb. 1982 | MSS 00-4, Box 17 |
filePrince William County - Petition for Immunity, 1982, Feb. - Mar. | MSS 00-4, Box 17 |
fileSpotsylvania County - City of Fredericksburg Agreement by and among City of Fredericksburg, Board of Supervisors of Stafford County and Rappahanock Service Authority. Memorandum to City Desk, 1976, 1980 | MSS 00-4, Box 17 |
fileSpotsylvania County - Annexation. Correspondence, 1978, Jul. - Nov. 1981 | MSS 00-4, Box 17 |
fileSpotsylvania County - Billing, 1979, Sep. - Jul. 1981 | MSS 00-4, Box 17 |
fileSpotsylvania County Purchase of FMC [Corp.] Facility, 1980 | MSS 04-4, Box 18 |
fileSpotsylvania County Miscellaneous documents: contracts, utility system appraisal, reports, agreement, 1980-1982 | MSS 04-4, Box 18 |
fileSpotsylvania County - Gardner , Cranwell & Rocovich Submittal. [Re: In the matter of Spotsylvania County Claim of Partial Immunity from City-Initiated Annexation and Incorporation of New Cities, Pursuant to Title 15.1 , Chapter 19.1 and 21.2 of the Virgin | MSS 04-4, Box 18 |
fileSpotsylvania County - Annexation. Newspaper Clippings, 1979-1982 | MSS 04-4, Box 18 |
fileSpotsylvania County Miscellaneous Maps: Rappahanock Valley - Fredericksburg, RADCO Planning District 16; Spotsylvania County Public Facilities; Spotsylvania County Existing Zoning Districts; Proposed Land Use, Primary Settlement Area; Spotsylvania County | MSS 04-4, Box 18 |
fileSpotsylvania County School Census . [City of Fredericksburg v. County of Spotsylvania Annexation Suit . School Membership compared to school census. By School and Grade], n.d. | MSS 04-4, Box 18 |
fileSpotsylvania County Annexation Preliminary Exhibits, [1981] | MSS 04-4, Box 19 |
fileSpotsylvania County Annexation Original Unedited Exhibits, 1981 | MSS 04-4, Box 19 |
fileSpotsylvania County v. City of Fredericksburg Annexation Suit. Financial Claim Exhibits, 1982, Mar. | MSS 04-4, Box 19 |
fileTown of Berryville, County of Clarke. Town of Berryville Amended Wastewater Facilities Plan EPA Project C510548-01; Commission on Local Government , Commonwealth of Virginia Rules of Procedure; Fiscal Impact of Proposed Development on the Clevenger Proper | MSS 04-4, Box 19 |
fileTown of Berryville, County of Clarke Miscellaneous documents re annexation agreement, 1986-1988 | MSS 04-4, Box 19 |
fileTown of Berryville, County of Clarke. Berryville Area Master Plan. Chapter XII. Fiscal Impact Study, [ca. 1987-1988] | MSS 04-4, Box 21 |
fileTown of Berryville, County of Clarke. Area Master Plan [Work Files], 1987-1988 | MSS 04-4, Box 21 |
fileTown of Berryville, County of Clarke. Constructions Specifications; Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation; “The Orchards of Berryville”: Fiscal Impacts of a 450 Unit-Single-Family Planned Unit Development of the Town of Berryville, the County of Clarke and Downto | MSS 04-4, Box 21 |
fileTown of Berryville, County of Clarke -Research, contracts, announcements, maps. See oversize map, 1987-1989 | MSS 04-4, Box 21 |
fileTown of Berryville - Town Council [Meetings Agendas], 1988 | MSS 04-4, Box 21 |
fileTown of Berryville, County of Clarke. Location Evaluation for First Choice Supplement North Buckmarsh St. (U. S. 340 and S. H. 7 By-Pass; “The Orchards”: Fiscal Impacts for the Town, County and Downtown Businesses, 1988, 1989 | MSS 04-4, Box 21 |
fileTown of Berryville, County of Clarke. Newspaper clippings, 1988-1989 | MSS 04-4, Box 21 |
fileTown of Berryville, County of Clarke Resolutions, 1988-1989 | MSS 04-4, Box 21 |
fileTown of Berryville, County of Clarke - Ketoct Land Co. v. County of Clarke, 1989 | MSS 04-4, Box 21 |
fileBerryville Area Master Plan. County of Clarke. Town of Berryville. Map, n.d., 1987-1989 | Oversize shelf |
seriesFamily Savings and Loan of Virginia and Fauquier County Water and Sanitation Authority v. Marshall Water Works Inc. Files. | |
fileSavings and Loan Association of Virginia – By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation, 1975-1976 | MSS 04-4, Box 22 |
fileSavings and Loan Association of Virginia – Addendum to Employment Agreement and Grashaw Employment Contract, 1978 | MSS 04-4, Box 22 |
fileSavings and Loan Association of Virginia – Correspondence, memoranda, reports, 1979, Jan. –Feb. | MSS 04-4, Box 22 |
fileSavings and Loan Association of Virginia – Merger File, correspondence, drafts of letter of intent and merger agreement; merger agreement, 1979, Jul. | MSS 04-4, Box 22 |
fileSavings and Loan Association of Virginia – Burke Lease; copy of final lease, 1979, Oct. | MSS 04-4, Box 22 |
fileFamily Savings and Loan Association of Virginia - Regulation issued by the State Corporation Commission or the Commission of Banking Pursuant to the Provisions of the Family Savings and Loan Act, 1980 | MSS 04-4, Box 22 |
fileFamily Savings and Loan Association of Virginia - Loan Participation Agreement and Family Savings and Loan Agreement, 1980, Mar - Dec. | MSS 04-4, Box 22 |
fileFamily Savings and Loan Association of Virginia - Offer of Savings and Loan Association, 1981 (1971- 1982) | MSS 04-4, Box 22 |
fileFamily Savings and Loan Association of Virginia - reports, memoranda, board of directors minutes, some correspondence, 1981; Sep. - Dec. | MSS 04-4, Box 22 |
fileFauquier County Water and Sanitation Authority v. Marshall Water Works, Inc. - Proceedings before F. C. C., 1970, 1979 | MSS 04-4, Box 23 |
fileFauquier County Water and Sanitation Authority v. Marshall Water Works, Inc. - Appraisals and reports, 1979-1980 | MSS 04-4, Box 23 |
fileFauquier County Water and Sanitation Authority v. Marshall Water Works, Inc. - [Copies] of past correspondence, 1976, 1979-1980 | MSS 04-4, Box 23 |
fileFauquier County Water and Sanitation Authority v. Marshall Water Works, Inc. - Correspondence, 1980-1982 | MSS 04-4, Box 23 |
fileFauquier County Water and Sanitation Authority v. Marshall Water Works, Inc. - Exhibits, 1978-1980 | MSS 04-4, Box 24 |
fileFauquier County Water and Sanitation Authority v. Marshall Water Works, Inc. - Pleadings, 1979-1981 | MSS 04-4, Box 24 |
fileFauquier County Water and Sanitation Authority v. Marshall Water Works, Inc. - printed materials, n. d. | MSS 04-4, Box 24 |