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MSS 93-2

The Papers of Saleem A. Shah, 1952-1992


These papers (1952-1993) document Shah's work in forensic psychology and the law, criminal justice and mental health, mental health law, insanity defense, human rights, sexual harassment, abuse of psychiatry. There is extensive correspondence and working files. collection contains correspondence and working files with the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, the Department of Public Health, National Institute of Mental Health, World Health Organization and many other institutions

1952-1993 [Inclusive]
25 Cubic Feet (59 archival boxes)

Scope & Contents

The Saleem Shah collection documents his work in forensic psychology and law, a specialized field he helped establish. The files, dating from the early 1960s to the time of his death, concern his many research and writing projects, work he did for various organizations including NIMH, international projects and travel, and correspondence with colleagues. The folder headings used here were copied from Shah's folders; occasionally, explanatory information has been added in brackets.

A portion of the papers was transferred from his home office and the other portion from his office at the National Institute of Mental Health in Rockville, Maryland. The collection is housed in two locations: the extensive body of printed material is located in the reference collection of the Center for Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy (formerly at the Blue Ridge hospital); the correspondence and other working files are located in Special Collections of the Law Library and are described in this inventory.

The Shah papers richly complement other collections in mental health and law donated by Richard Bonnie, Harvey Fireside, Browning Hoffman, James M. Martinez and Dr. Loren Roth.

Collection Description

    Biographical / Historical
    Immediate Source of Acquisition
fileAAFP [American Academy of Forensic Psychology]-APA [American Psychology Association] Award, 1990-1991MSS 93-2, Box 1
Shah, Saleem A.
fileAAPL [American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law]: Psychiatry and the Law: A Macroscopic View of some Recent Developments. Lecture, notes and related materials, 1952, 1976MSS 93-2, Box 1
fileAAPL. Role of Mental Health Professionals in the Legal System. Lecture & address. Forensic Legal Seminar, 1984, 1986MSS 93-2, Box 1
fileAAUW [American Association of University Women]. Winning or Losing. Interview with Dr. Shah, 1967-1968[?]MSS 93-2, Box 1
fileABA [American Bar Association]. Burger, Warren E. Chief Justice of the U.S. Speeches, 1977-1984MSS 93-2, Box 1
fileABA-CJMH [Criminal Justice Mental Health Standard Project] Comments , 1984MSS 93-2, Box 1
fileAbel, Gene G. Evaluation and Treatment of Sexual Aggressives, 1975-1986MSS 93-2, Box 1
fileAbnormally Dangerous Activity , n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 1
fileABPP [American Board of Professional Psychology Inc.], 1978, 1983MSS 93-2, Box 1
fileADAMHA [Alcohol, Abuse and Mental Health Administration]-Office of Science re Longer Periods of Support for Research Grants, 1985-1986MSS 93-2, Box 1
fileADAMHA-NIMHAS [National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Science, 1988-1991MSS 93-2, Box 2
fileADAMHA-NIMHAS-Memorandum of Understanding, 1990-1991MSS 93-2, Box 2
fileAlaska-Mental Health. Correspondence and related materials, 1983MSS 93-2, Box 2
fileAlaska-Mental Health Laws , 1982-1983MSS 93-2, Box 2
fileAlaska-Mental Health System, 1982MSS 93-2, Box 2
fileAlcoholism and Drug Addiction-Illness and Criminal Responsibility, 1966-1970MSS 93-2, Box 2
fileAllergies, Diet and Criminal Behavior, 1977-1982MSS 93-2, Box 2
file[Antisocial Behavior] Patterson, Gerald R. and John E. Reid, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 3
fileAPA [American Psychological Association]-APLS [American Psychology-Law Society] Division 41 Finance Committee, 1986-1990MSS 93-2, Box 3
fileAPA "Avoiding Professional Liability Suit", 1990MSS 93-2, Box 3
fileAPA re Brawner, 1971MSS 93-2, Box 3
fileAPA-Changing Face of American Psychology, 1983-1985MSS 93-2, Box 3
fileAPA-COLI [Committee on Legal Issues], 1984-1985MSS 93-2, Box 3
fileAPA Divisions, 1981-1991MSS 93-2, Box 3
fileAPA Division 41 Fellow Applications, 1990-1991MSS 93-2, Box 3
fileAPA Jails Task Force. Henry C. Wienstein., 1989-1992MSS 93-2, Box 4
fileAPA-Juvenile Delinquency and the Judiciary Miscellaneous Papers, 1962MSS 93-2, Box 4
fileAPA Miscellaneous Articles, 1991MSS 93-2, Box 4
fileAPA-O'Connor v. Donaldson Amicus Brief, 1974-1975MSS 93-2, Box 4
fileAPA-Psychologist in Court Symposium, 1965MSS 93-2, Box 4
fileAPA-Standards for Providers of Psychological Services, 1977-1983MSS 93-2, Box 4
fileAPA Symposium: Treatment of Offenders, 1961MSS 93-2, Box 4
fileAPA Task Force, 1963-1985MSS 93-2, Box 5
fileAPA Task Force on Legal Action, 1966-1977MSS 93-2, Box 5
fileAPA Task Force on Role of Psychology in the Criminal Justice System, 1978MSS 93-2, Box 5
fileAPA-Terrorism. Paper by Franco Ferruti, 1989MSS 93-2, Box 5
fileAPA-USA v. Billy G. Byers Amicus Brief, 1981-1982MSS 93-2, Box 5
fileAPLS [American Psychology-Law Society] Back to the Future: Law and Psychology in the Year 2000. Mid Year Meeting, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 5
fileAPLS Division 41 Correspondence and Comments, 1986MSS 93-2, Box 5
fileAPLS-Media and Law. Miami, Fl, 1988MSS 93-2, Box 5
fileASA [American Sociological Association]. M.J. Powell: "Professional Self-Regulation...". Sociology of Mental Health, 1976-1977MSS 93-2, Box 5
fileAutonomic Nervous System & Psychopathy. Stanley Schachter, et al. Notes, 1962-1970MSS 93-2, Box 5
fileBaxstrom Cases, 1968-1978MSS 93-2, Box 5
fileBazelon, Judge David L. Articles and Lectures, 1964-1981MSS 93-2, Box 6
fileBehavioral Law Center Meeting, 1989MSS 93-2, Box 6
fileBiology of Aggression and Violence, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 6
fileBlack-on-Black Crime and Black Homicide, 1985MSS 93-2, Box 6
fileBLC [Behavioral Law Center] Report. Mandatory Treatment of Drug Addicts with Pharmaceutical Agents. Edgar H. Benner, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 6
fileBloom, Joseph D. Project , 1987-1992MSS 93-2, Box 6
fileBook Reviews written by Shah, 1968-1989MSS 93-2, Box 7
fileBrodsky, Stanley L.: Law, Psychology and Mental Health. Psychologists in Corrections. [Expert Witness], 1975-1984MSS 93-2, Box 7
fileCalifornia-Atascadero State Hospital-Harold Carmel, 1989MSS 93-2, Box 7
file[California]-Ephraim R. Gomberg. MDT [Multidisciplinary Team] Advisory Council, 1991MSS 93-2, Box 7
fileCalifornia Sex Offender Treatment and Evaluation Project, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 7
fileCAMI [California Alliance for the Mentally Ill] The Journal. Violence and the Mentally Ill, 1989-1990MSS 93-2, Box 7
fileCanada-British Columbia. Forensic Psychiatric Services, 1992MSS 93-2, Box 7
fileCanadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 7
fileCanadian Database-Lieutenant-Governors' Warrants, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 7
fileCases (Confidential), n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 7
fileCase Training Institute, National Training School for Boys. "Preparation for Release and Community Follow-Up, 1967MSS 93-2, Box 7
fileCernovsky, Zack Z. re Rushton, etc, 1992MSS 93-2, Box 7
fileChild Behavior Therapy, 1965-1969MSS 93-2, Box 7
fileChina-Law and Mental Health. Notes Studies, 1977-1984MSS 93-2, Box 8
fileChina-Mental Health. Articles , 1982-1987MSS 93-2, Box 8
fileChina-Mental Health and Law. 1st National Workshop, 1987-1989MSS 93-2, Box 8
fileChina-Mental Health and Law. 2nd National Workshop, Chengdu, China, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 8
fileChina-Mental Health and Law. 2nd National Workshop. Notes , 1990MSS 93-2, Box 9
fileChina-Prof. Xiebe Liu and Dr. Wei Qi Correspondence, 1987-1991MSS 93-2, Box 9
fileCivil Commitment Notes, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 9
fileCommunity Based Forensic Mental Health Evaluations, 1985-1986MSS 93-2, Box 9
fileCommunity Violence-Lecture Materials. Olympia, WA, 1989MSS 93-2, Box 9
fileCompetency to Stand Trial, 1968-1970MSS 93-2, Box 9
file[Computers and Delinquency] Schwitzgebel File, 1984MSS 93-2, Box 9
fileConnecticut-Whiting Forensic Institute, 1983-1989MSS 93-2, Box 9
fileConsent Forms-examples, 1974-1976MSS 93-2, Box 9
fileContributions re F. Bayart, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 10
fileCorrespondence, 1981-1986MSS 93-2, Box 10
fileCost of a Crime: Mark A. Cohen; Expenditures: Douglas B. Bigelow; Legal Duties of Psychiatric Patients: John O'Bears; Bill of Rights: Justice John Paul Stevens, 1986-1990MSS 93-2, Box 10
fileCSCE [Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe]. Soviet Psychiatric Practice: U.S. Delegation Report, 1989MSS 93-2, Box 11
fileCouncil of Europe. European Convention on Human Rights, 1985-1991MSS 93-2, Box 11
fileCrime and Mental Disorder - Monahan, John and Henry J. Steadman: "Crime and Mental Disorder" An Epidemiological Approach," (January 1982); Ribner, Stephen A. and Henry J. Steadman: "Interpretinf the Relative Recidivism Rates of Offender and Mental PatientMSS 93-2, Box 11
fileCrime and Mental Disorders: Institutionalization - [research papers from the Bureau of Special Project Research, New York State Department of Hygiene], bulk: 1980, 1984MSS 93-2, Box 11
fileCrime and the Mentally Ill: Sha's miscellaneous papers and notes, 1987-1991MSS 93-2, Box 11
fileCriminal Responsibility - photocopies of papers related to insanity tests that appeared in law journals. Also Levy S. Ronald: "Exculpatory Insanity and the Burden of Proof," undated, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 11
fileCriminality of Addicts. D. N. Nurco Articles, 1984-1986MSS 93-2, Box 11
file7th Criminological Colloquium. Council of Europe. Criminal Responsibility, 1985MSS 93-2, Box 11
file[Criminology]-Report of the Interdisciplinary Group on Criminology, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 12
fileCSCE [Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe]. Soviet Psychiatric Practice: U.S. Delegation Report, 1989MSS 93-2, Box 12
fileDaes Report-Documentation on the U.N. Daes Report, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 12
fileDaes Report-Principles, Guidelines and Guarantees for the Protection of Persons Detained on Grounds of Mental Ill-Health or Suffering from Mental Disorder. Comments, correspondence, notes, 1983-1988MSS 93-2, Box 12
fileDangerousness. Articles and translation of articles written by Shah, 1975-1991MSS 93-2, Box 13
fileDangerousness. Clinical Assessment and Management of Dangerous Patients, 1991;MSS 93-2, Box 13
fileDangerousness Lecture Notes 1971, 1968-1989MSS 93-2, Box 13
fileDangerousness Materials, 1975-1987MSS 93-2, Box 13
fileDangerousness Materials. Diagnosis and Treatment, Forensic Psychiatry and Identification, Mentally Ill, 1974-1976; 1980MSS 93-2, Box 13
fileDangerousness-Prediction of Violent Behavior. Materials, articles, 1976-1982MSS 93-2, Box 14
fileDangerousness Symposium. Toronto, Canada. Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1989-1990MSS 93-2, Box 14
fileDangerousness-WHO [World Health Organization] Project, 1983MSS 93-2, Box 14
fileData Sharing, 1989-1991MSS 93-2, Box 14
fileDavid v. USA, 1976MSS 93-2, Box 14
fileD.C. Legal Psychiatric Service, 1962MSS 93-2, Box 14
fileDeath Penalty-Texas. George E. Dix, 1976-1981MSS 93-2, Box 14
fileDelinquent Behavior-Long Term Studies. Farmington, Owens, Patterson, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 14
fileDeming v. Edwards, 1984MSS 93-2, Box 14
fileDepartment of Public Health of D.C. Report, 1961-1962MSS 93-2, Box 15
fileDHHS [Department of Health and Human Services]: Youth and Alcohol, 1992MSS 93-2, Box 15
fileDHHS-ADAMHA Standards of Conduct, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 15
fileDHHS-PMRS [Performance Management and Recognition System], 1985-1986MSS 93-2, Box 15
fileDietz, Park: Correspondence, 1983MSS 93-2, Box 15
fileDLHHSE [Department of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education] Appropriation Bills, 1990-1991MSS 93-2, Box 15
fileDOD [Department of Defense] Interagency Committee, 1991MSS 93-2, Box 15
fileDrug Abuse Information, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 15
fileDrunk Driving, Alcohol and Crime. Presidential Commission on Drunk Driving Reports, 1956-1986MSS 93-2, Box 15
fileEstelle v. Smith-Effect on Byers. Sholl v. Martin, 1981, 1984MSS 93-2, Box 16
fileExhibitionism Articles, 1983MSS 93-2, Box 16
fileExpert Testimony Miscellaneous Papers, 1984-1986MSS 93-2, Box 16
fileExpert Witnesses , 1966-1968MSS 93-2, Box 16
fileF.A. Davis Company/Publishers-Shah Correspondence, 1983-1988MSS 93-2, Box 16
fileFBI-National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime. Behavioral Science Unit/Quantico, Va, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 16
fileFamily Structure and Ethnicity, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 16
fileFederal BOP and Comprehensive Crime Control Act, 1984MSS 93-2, Box 16
fileFederal Role-Services for the Mentally Ill Hearings, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 16
fileFinancing Mental Health Care , 1984-1990MSS 93-2, Box 16
fileFinkel Book Review, 1991MSS 93-2, Box 16
fileFlorida-Forensic Mental Health System Evaluation, 1985-1988MSS 93-2, Box 16
fileFlorida-Forensic Mental Health System Evaluation, 1985-1988MSS 93-2, Box 17
fileFlorida-Mental Health Law, 1984-1985MSS 93-2, Box 17
fileForensic and Law Training Programs , 1979-1984MSS 93-2, Box 17
fileForensic Interview Schedule (FIS) , 1989MSS 93-2, Box 17
fileForensic Issues in Mental Health Practice-Idaho. 3rd Annual Conference on Forensic Psychiatry. Notes, 1985MSS 93-2, Box 17
fileForensic Mental Health-3rd Annual Forensic Mental Health Conference, Erie, Pa , 1988MSS 93-2, Box 17
fileForensic Mental Health Issues. Notes , 1974-1984MSS 93-2, Box 17
fileForensic Mental Health Services Workshop , 1988MSS 93-2, Box 17
fileGerman Marshall Fund. Denie S. Weil Program Officer , 1977-1978MSS 93-2, Box 17
fileGoodwin, Frederick K. Council Remarks, 1992MSS 93-2, Box 17
fileGrisso, Thomas. Psychology-Law. Articles , 1984, 1986MSS 93-2, Box 17
fileGuam Technical Assistance, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 17
fileGun Control , 1968, 1976MSS 93-2, Box 17
fileGunn, John-Correspondence and articles , 1983MSS 93-2, Box 18
fileThe Hague-International Seminar: "Innovations in Mental Health Legislation and Government Policy: a European Perspective" , 1990MSS 93-2, Box 18
fileHalt, Inc. [Help Abolish Legal Tyranny] An Organization of Americans for Legal Reform. Manuals, 1979-1984MSS 93-2, Box 18
fileHawaii-Mental Health Law (Takata), 1981MSS 93-2, Box 19
fileHawaii-Mental Health. Shah's Trip, 1987-1988MSS 93-2, Box 19
fileHealth Costs Articles, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 19
fileHiday, Virginia Aldige , 1986MSS 93-2, Box 19
fileHinckley, John and Saint Elizabeth's Hospital, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 19
fileHodgins, Sheilagh Dr. Articles, 1985-1990MSS 93-2, Box 19
fileHomeless Assistance Act of 1988, 1988MSS 93-2, Box 19
fileHomeless Mentally Ill-Legal Issues, articles, 1991MSS 93-2, Box 20
file"Homicidal Young Children: Neuropsychiatric and Experimental Correlates". Dorothy O. Lewis, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 20
fileHutschnecker Correspondence. [Crime Testing for 6 years olds], 1970-1971MSS 93-2, Box 20
fileHutschnecker Plan for Prevention of Violence and NIMH Response, 1974MSS 93-2, Box 20
fileIALMH [International Academy of Law and Mental Health]-Bart de Smit Correspondence, 1987-1990MSS 93-2, Box 20
fileIALMH-By Laws, 1984-1991MSS 93-2, Box 20
fileIALMH-Committee on Mental Health Policy. Vincent J. Pinella Jr. Correspondence, 1989MSS 93-2, Box 20
fileIALMH-David Weisstub Correspondence, 1987-1990MSS 93-2, Box 20
fileIALMH-XIVth International Congress on Law and Mental Health. Montreal, Canada , 1988MSS 93-2, Box 21
fileIALMH-Leuven, Belgium Congress, 1991MSS 93-2, Box 21
fileIALMH-Membership Committee, 1986-1990MSS 93-2, Box 21
fileIALMH-Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1986-1991MSS 93-2, Box 21
fileIALMH-Principles, Guidelines and Guarantees for the Protection of the Mentally Ill and the Daes Report [computer diskette], 1987MSS 93-2, Box 21
fileIALMH-[International Association on the Political Use of Psychiatry] Visit to the USSR. (Bart de Smit) [Includes Russian texts], 1989MSS 93-2, Box 21
fileIdaho-Mental Law, 1983-1984MSS 93-2, Box 21
fileIllinois-Cook County Jail Mental Program, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 21
fileIllusory Correlation Materials. Shah's Notes, 1967-1979MSS 93-2, Box 21
fileIndia-American Institute of Indian Studies [Dr. Pradeep Mehendiratta], 1991-1992MSS 93-2, Box 21
fileIndia [Drug Scene in India Correspondence]. Prof. M. Z. Kahn, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 22
fileIndia-Mental Health, 1982-1989MSS 93-2, Box 22
fileIndia-Mental Health Act. Amita Dhanda , 1987MSS 93-2, Box 22
fileIndia-Mental Health Bill of 1978. Revision of 1987, 1987-1990MSS 93-2, Box 22
fileIndia-[Related Materials] , 1982MSS 93-2, Box 22
fileIndia-Sanjay Gandhi Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (Lucknow, India) , 1990MSS 93-2, Box 22
fileIndia-Shah's Trips. Reports, Correspondence, etc., 1990MSS 93-2, Box 22
fileIndo-U.S. Symposium of Affective Disorders, 1985MSS 93-2, Box 23
fileIndo-U.S. Symposium on Alcohol and Drug Abuse , 1986MSS 93-2, Box 23
fileIndo-U.S. Symposium on Child Mental Health , 1989MSS 93-2, Box 23
fileIndo-U.S. Symposium on Community Mental Health , 1987MSS 93-2, Box 23
fileInsanity Defense , 1974-1985MSS 93-2, Box 23
fileInsanity Defense ABA, APA, AMA Statements, 1982-1983MSS 93-2, Box 23
fileInsanity Defense Assorted Materials , 1982MSS 93-2, Box 24
fileInsanity Defense: Statement of Richard Bonnie. National Conference of State Legislatures, 1982MSS 93-2, Box 24
fileInsanity Defense Lecture Notes, 1980sMSS 93-2, Box 24
fileInsanity Defense-Maryland. Governor's Task Force to Review the Defense of Insanity. Report to the Governor, 1982-1984MSS 93-2, Box 24
fileInsanity Defense Miscellaneous Papers, 1977-1984MSS 93-2, Box 24
fileInsanity Defense Miscellaneous Papers, 1977-1984MSS 93-2, Box 25
fileInsanity Defense Newspaper and Magazine Articles, 1983MSS 93-2, Box 25
fileInsanity Plea. Richard A. Pasewark articles and lectures, 1975-1982MSS 93-2, Box 25
fileInstitut Phillipe Pinel. Pinel Monograph-Mental Health and Law: An Overview of some Major Topics. Revised Chapters, 1986MSS 93-2, Box 25
fileInstitut Phillipe Pinel Foundation, 1984MSS 93-2, Box 26
fileInstitut Phillipe Pinel-Research Committee, 1983-1985MSS 93-2, Box 26
file[Interaction between Law and Mental Health: Some Policy, Service and Research Implications] Rutgers University Lecture, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 26
fileInternational Academy of Law and Mental Health, 1984-1991MSS 93-2, Box 26
fileInternational Journal of Law and Psychiatry. Special Issue on "D" [Dangerousness], 1990-1991MSS 93-2, Box 26
fileInvoluntary Commitment-Section 2072 (PL 100-690), 1988-1989MSS 93-2, Box 26
fileIOM [Institute of Medicine]-USSS [U.S. Secret Service] Workshop on Behavioral Research, 1981-1983MSS 93-2, Box 26
fileIOM-NAS [National Academy of Science] Secret Service Conference. Behavioral Research and the Secret Service, 1981MSS 93-2, Box 26
fileIowa-DOJ [Department of Justice] Case. Shah's Deposition, 1975-1976MSS 93-2, Box 27
fileIowa-ISMF [Iowa Security and Medical Facility], 1982MSS 93-2, Box 27
fileIsrael-Proposed Revision of Mental Health Law. Bar-El, I.C. et al, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 27
fileJapan-Mental Health, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 27
fileJCAHO [Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations]-Standards for Forensic Hospitals , 1988MSS 93-2, Box 27
fileJuvenile and Adult Sex-Offender Treatment Program and Providers - Report on Nationwide Survey of Juvenile and Adult Sex Offender Treatment Programs and Providers, 1986 by Fay Honey Knopp, Jean Rosenberg, and William Stevenson for Prison Research EducationMSS 93-2, Box 27
fileKentucky Bar Association (KBA) Convention. Criminal Justice for the Mentally Ill: The Unresolved Challenge, 1991MSS 93-2, Box 27
fileKentucky Correctional Psychiatry Center. Leonard E. Miller, 1986-1989MSS 93-2, Box 27
fileKentucky-The GBMI [Guilty but Mentally Ill] Dennis Edward Wagner Dissertation, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 28
fileKentucky-[Insanity Acquittal] Lecture. Comparative NGRI and Louisville Workshop Lecture Notes, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 28
fileKentucky-Mental Health. Corrections, Statutes, Grauman Building, 1989MSS 93-2, Box 28
fileKentucky-Mental Health Law, 1982-1990MSS 93-2, Box 28
fileKentucky-The Mentally Ill Law Violator: Criminal Justice and Mental Health Systems Interaction, 1988-1989MSS 93-2, Box 28
fileKentucky-The Advocate, 1991MSS 93-2, Box 28
fileKentucky-University of Kentucky School of Justice Administration, 1989-1990MSS 93-2, Box 28
fileKlassen, Deidre, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 28
fileLaw and Mental Health , 1983-1984MSS 93-2, Box 29
fileLaw and Mental Health Feedback, 1980MSS 93-2, Box 29
fileLaw and Mental Health Lecture Notes, 1974-1982MSS 93-2, Box 29
fileLaw and Mental Health re Minors, 1989MSS 93-2, Box 29
fileLaw and Mental Health Reports. Report on Judiciary-Chief Justice Burger, 1980-1981MSS 93-2, Box 29
fileLaw and Mental Health Summaries, notes, etc, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 29
fileLaw and Mental Health Workshop. Tucson, Arizona, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 29
file[13th International Congress on Law and Psychiatry, Law and Mental Health] Amsterdam, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 30
fileLaw and Lawyers, 1981MSS 93-2, Box 30
fileLawyers, 1978-1979MSS 93-2, Box 30
fileLaw School Students Disengaging. Derek Bok's article and related materials, 1983-1984MSS 93-2, Box 30
fileMaine-Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation. State Forensic Service. Shah's Visit, 1988MSS 93-2, Box 30
fileManuscripts reviewed, 1983-1988MSS 93-2, Box 30
fileMaryland-Re Coe v. Hughes [inadequate legal services for indigent patients in Md. psychiatric hospitals], 1986MSS 93-2, Box 30
fileMaryland-Community Forensic Aftercare Program. Clifton T. Perkins Hospital Center, 1991MSS 93-2, Box 30
fileMaryland-Duty to Warn Law, 1989MSS 93-2, Box 30
fileMaryland Law School. Shah's Leave from NIMH, 1983-1984MSS 93-2, Box 30
fileMaryland Patuxent Institute-Defective Delinquent, 1981-1988MSS 93-2, Box 30
fileMaryland Patuxent Institute-Defective Delinquent, 1981-1989MSS 93-2, Box 31
fileMaryland Task Force on the Mentally Ill, 1985MSS 93-2, Box 31
fileMassachusetts-Evaluation of the Court Clinic System, 1985MSS 93-2, Box 31
fileMassachusetts-Forensic Mental Health, 1984-1987MSS 93-2, Box 31
fileMassachusetts-Insanity Defense, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 31
fileMassachusetts Mental Health Law Treatment Center, 1983-1984MSS 93-2, Box 31
fileMassachusetts-Task Force, 1984-1989MSS 93-2, Box 32
fileMassachusetts Treatment Center-Sexually Dangerous Persons, 1985-1987MSS 93-2, Box 32
fileMenas S. Gregory Memorial Lecture, 1982MSS 93-2, Box 32
fileMens Rea, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 32
fileMental Disability in Jails and Prisons. [Articles], 1977-1989MSS 93-2, Box 32
file"Mental Disorder and the Criminal Justice System", 1989MSS 93-2, Box 32
fileMental Health-Forensic Psychiatry Papers, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 32
fileMental Health and Forensic Mental Health Research Funding, 1986MSS 93-2, Box 32
fileMental Health Law-Alaska, 1982-1984MSS 93-2, Box 33
fileMental Health Law-Arizona , n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 33
fileMental Health Law-California. Lanterman-Petris-Short Act (L-P-S), 1972-1974MSS 93-2, Box 33
fileMental Health Law-Connecticut, 1976MSS 93-2, Box 33
fileMental Health Law-Florida. Baker Act Handbook, 1985MSS 93-2, Box 33
fileMental Health Law-Hawaii, 1976-1982MSS 93-2, Box 33
fileMental Health Law-Idaho. James Wickham: "Insanity is Alive and Well in Idaho", n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 33
fileMental Health Law-Iowa, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 33
fileMental Health Law-Maryland, 1984MSS 93-2, Box 33
fileMental Health Law- Maryland. Governor's Task Force on Insanity Defense and proposed legislations, 1984-1985MSS 93-2, Box 34
fileMental Health Law-Michigan, 1974-1977MSS 93-2, Box 34
fileMental Health Law-Ohio, 1988MSS 93-2, Box 34
fileMental Health Law-Oregon, 1981-1983MSS 93-2, Box 34
fileMental Health Law-Pennsylvania. Evaluation of the Mental Health Procedure Act, 1982MSS 93-2, Box 34
file[Mental Health and Practice Through the Life Cycle]. XVIII International Congress. Vancouver, B.C, 1992MSS 93-2, Box 34
fileMental Health Law-Vermont, 1978-1979MSS 93-2, Box 34
fileMental Health Law-Washington. Sex Offenders, 1991MSS 93-2, Box 34
fileMental Health Miscellaneous Articles, 1956,1973,1975,1986MSS 93-2, Box 35
fileMental Health Professionals Role. AAPL Lectures. [Diskettes of Lectures]. Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center Conference, 1984-1988MSS 93-2, Box 35
fileMental Health Relevance-Applications, 1981-1982MSS 93-2, Box 35
fileMental Health Services for Offenders (prisons). Hartford, Conn. Workshop, 1984MSS 93-2, Box 35
fileMental Health Statistics. NIMH Biometry and related materials, 1973-1989MSS 93-2, Box 35
fileMental Health Systems Act, 1980MSS 93-2, Box 35
fileMental Health, Violent Behavior, Abuse, Mental Disorder, Crime. Miscellaneous Articles, 1975-1990MSS 93-2, Box 35
fileMental Illness: Definitions and Concepts, 1962-1964MSS 93-2, Box 35
fileMental Illness. Protection and Advocacy Law, 1986MSS 93-2, Box 35
fileMentally Disordered Offenders: Survey of Facilities and Programs, 1982-1984MSS 93-2, Box 35
fileMentally Disordered Offenders-Steadman and Monahan, 1982-1984MSS 93-2, Box 35
fileMentally Ill Criminals. Problem Solving Workshop, 1986MSS 93-2, Box 35
fileMinor Physical Anomalies and Behavior, 1974-1980MSS 93-2, Box 35
fileMiscellaneous Correspondence and Notes, 1971-1991MSS 93-2, Box 36
fileMiscellaneous Lectures, Reports, Articles, 1956-1993MSS 93-2, Box 36
fileMississippi-Mental Health Conference, 1981MSS 93-2, Box 36
fileMonahan, John, 1974-1982MSS 93-2, Box 37
fileMonahan, John. Program Research on Mental Health and the Law, 1989-1990MSS 93-2, Box 37
fileMontana-Mental Health Laws, 1983MSS 93-2, Box 37
fileMontana-Insanity Law , 1981MSS 93-2, Box 37
fileMorrison Case, 1964MSS 93-2, Box 37
fileMPA [Maryland Psychology Association]-CEU [Continuing Education], 1989MSS 93-2, Box 37
fileNakayama, Kotaro. Correspondence and article, 1988, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 37
fileNAMI [National Alliance for the Mentally Ill] Convention, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 37
fileNAMI-Forensic Network, 1985-1989MSS 93-2, Box 37
fileNaples Case, 1960MSS 93-2, Box 37
fileNASMHPD [National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors] Forensic National Survey, 1988MSS 93-2, Box 37
fileNational Center for Neighborhood Enterprise , 1984-1985MSS 93-2, Box 37
fileNational Coalition for the Mentally Ill in the Criminal Justice System, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 37
fileNATO-ASI [Advance Study Institute] Italy Trip , 1990MSS 93-2, Box 37
fileNATO-ASI-Mental Disorder and Crime, 1991-1992MSS 93-2, Box 38
fileNetherlands-TBS Law Revision. Dutch Forensic Facilities: Pieter Baan, Henri Van Der Hoeven Klinick, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 38
fileNew York-Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center, 1986MSS 93-2, Box 38
fileNew York University-Department of Psychiatry. Center of Forensic Psychiatry Conference on Correctional Psychiatry, 1983MSS 93-2, Box 38
fileNew Zealand-Mental Health Law , 1989MSS 93-2, Box 38
fileNIJ [National Institute of Justice] Reports, 1980-1982MSS 93-2, Box 38
fileNIJ Report-Mental Disorders and Violence. James J. Collins, 1988MSS 93-2, Box 38
fileNIMH [National Institute of Mental Health]-Ad Hoc Forensic Advisory Panel. Final Report , 1987MSS 93-2, Box 39
fileNIMH-Anti Stigma Initiative, 1988MSS 93-2, Box 39
fileNIMH-Crime and Delinquency Center , 1963-1987MSS 93-2, Box 39
fileNIMH-CSCD [Center for Studies of Crime and Delinquency] Information Dissemination and Research Utilization Efforts, 1973, 1976MSS 93-2, Box 39
fileNIMH-Homeless and Mental Illness , 1989MSS 93-2, Box 39
fileNIMH-Law and Mental Health Activities , 1979MSS 93-2, Box 39
fileNIMH Legislative Mandates, 1989MSS 93-2, Box 39
fileNIMH-National Advisory Mental Health Council , 1982MSS 93-2, Box 39
fileNIMH-NGRI [Not Guilty for Reason of Insanity]-St. Elizabeth's Hospital Report , 1968-1983MSS 93-2, Box 40
fileNIMH-NGRI Special Report on the Commitment of Persons found NGRI, 1983MSS 93-2, Box 40
fileNIMH-SRB [Survey and Reports Branch] Forensic Mental Health Services and Mental Health Organizations, 1986-1989MSS 93-2, Box 40
fileNIMH-Statements before the House of Representatives. Committee on Science and Technology, Subcommittee on Crime, 1975-1978MSS 93-2, Box 40
fileNIMH Subcommittee on Domestic and International Scientific Planning, Analysis, and Cooperation and Subcommittee on Crime... Statement by Shah , 1977-1981MSS 93-2, Box 40
fileNIMH-Shah's Trips Reports, 1971-1991MSS 93-2, Box 40
fileNIMH-Violence Research Consortium/White Papers. National Workshop on Violence , 1992MSS 93-2, Box 41
file"No-Bs" Road Sign, etc , 1990MSS 93-2, Box 41
fileNorth Carolina-Butner Federal Prison, 1992MSS 93-2, Box 41
fileNotes re Insanity Defense: Historical, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 41
fileOhio-Mental Health Act, 1988MSS 93-2, Box 41
fileOregon-PSRB [Psychiatric Security Review Board] Revocation Study for Conditional Release. G. Kapple , 1986MSS 93-2, Box 41
fileOut-Patient Commitment, 1985-1986MSS 93-2, Box 41
filePakistan. [Shah's Trip], 1982MSS 93-2, Box 41
filePerson and Situation, 1973MSS 93-2, Box 41
filePornography and Physical and Mental Health. Statement of C. Everett Koop, M.D. Surgeon General of the U.S, 1985MSS 93-2, Box 41
file[Prediction of Delinquent Behavior] G.R. Patterson, et. al. file, 1983-1984MSS 93-2, Box 41
filePremenstrual Syndrome, 1968-1979MSS 93-2, Box 42
filePresident's Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice. "A Behavioral Conceptualization of the Development of Criminal Behavior, Therapeutic Principles and Applications". [Shah's Report], 1966MSS 93-2, Box 42
filePress, News Media, etc, 1981-1982MSS 93-2, Box 42
filePretrial Competency-Miscellaneous Cases, 1960-1975MSS 93-2, Box 42
filePrevalence of Mental Disorders in the U.S, 1983, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 42
filePrevention Articles, 1966-1980MSS 93-2, Box 42
filePrevention of Violent Behavior. Workshop convened by Western Massachusetts Training Consortium. [Shah's Presentation], 1984MSS 93-2, Box 42
filePrison Crowding and Litigation, 1977-1978MSS 93-2, Box 42
filePrivileged Communication. [Shah's Notes], 1964MSS 93-2, Box 42
fileProfessional Ethics: Psychology, Psychiatry, Law , 1969-1981MSS 93-2, Box 42
file[Protection of Human Subjects. PRR Reports] Guidelines, Confidentiality Certification, 1978-1983MSS 93-2, Box 43
filePsychology and Law, 1966-1968MSS 93-2, Box 43
filePsychology In and Out of Court. Book ReviewsMSS 93-2, Box 43
filePsychology of Prediction. [Shah's Notes], 1973-1977MSS 93-2, Box 43
filePsychiatric Disorders in Prison. James J. Collins and William E. Schlenger, 1984MSS 93-2, Box 43
filePSRB [Psychiatric Security Review Board-Connecticut], 1986-1988MSS 93-2, Box 43
filePSRB-Oregon, 1982-1989MSS 93-2, Box 43
filePsychiatry Disorders and Criminality. Guze, et. al, 1962-1973MSS 93-2, Box 43
filePsychiatry and Law. Limits of Psychiatric Authority. Robitscher, J, 1977-1978MSS 93-2, Box 43
filePsychiatry and Law. Seymour Pollack Articles, 1968-1978MSS 93-2, Box 44
filePsychodynamics of Insanity Defense Jurisprudence. Merlin L. Perlin, 1989MSS 93-2, Box 44
filePublic Interest and Public Service Awards, 1979-1985MSS 93-2, Box 44
filePunishment Articles, 1961-1967MSS 93-2, Box 44
fileQuinsey, Vernon L. Article and Shah's Notes, 1982-1983MSS 93-2, Box 44
fileRappeport, Jonas R.: Kenneth Gray Memorial Lecture and miscellaneous articles, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 44
fileRecidivism, Violent Offenses, Dangerousness Articles, 1968-1977MSS 93-2, Box 45
fileResearch Ethics. Gary B. Melton, 1987-1989MSS 93-2, Box 45
fileResearch for some conference, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 45
fileRight to Treatment-Massachusetts, 1968MSS 93-2, Box 45
fileRight to Treatment, Right to Refuse, 1977-1980MSS 93-2, Box 45
fileRussian Federation Mental Health Act, 1992MSS 93-2, Box 45
fileRussian Psychiatric Study: Prof. Loren H. Roth, 1991MSS 93-2, Box 45
fileRX Foster Care. (Patricia Chamberlain), 1991MSS 93-2, Box 45
fileSCID [Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III] and IPDE [International Personality Disorder Examination], 1985, 1988MSS 93-2, Box 45
fileScience and Science Policy Notes, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 45
fileScience Press Seminar-Media Advisory: "Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration", 1984MSS 93-2, Box 45
fileSex Harassment, 1986MSS 93-2, Box 45
fileSex Offender-Assessment and RX of Paraphiliacs. New Initiative, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 46
fileSex Offender RX Programs (California, Oregon, Washington), 1981-1985MSS 93-2, Box 46
fileShah, Saleem A. Curriculum Vitae and Bibliography, 1981-1985MSS 93-2, Box 46
fileShah, Saleem A.: Miscellaneous Articles and Comments, 1975-1987MSS 93-2, Box 46
fileShah, Saleem A.: Professional Papers, Articles, Reports, etc, 1960-1992MSS 93-2, Box 47
fileShah, Saleem A.: Professional Papers, Articles, Reports, etc, 1960-1992MSS 93-2, Box 48
fileShah, Saleem A.: "A Study of Missionary Success and Failure Using the Inspection Rorschach Technique". Thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Science, Pennsylvania State University, Department of Psychology, June 1955, 1955MSS 93-2, Box 48
fileShah's Miscellaneous Printed Materials, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 48
fileShah's Travel, 1986-1991MSS 93-2, Box 48
fileSkinner, B.F.: Articles, 1954-1973MSS 93-2, Box 49
fileSouth Carolina-Mental Health. Shah's Consultation , 1986-1989MSS 93-2, Box 49
fileSoviet Mental Health Professionals Visit to the U.S. Report, 1990-1991MSS 93-2, Box 49
fileSoviet Psychology Articles, 1991MSS 93-2, Box 49
fileStrauss, Murray A. Articles, 1985-1986MSS 93-2, Box 49
fileSteadman, Henry J.: Jail Diversion Grant, 1991MSS 93-2, Box 49
fileSteadman Project: Assessing the Impact of Insanity Defense Reforms, 1985MSS 93-2, Box 49
fileSwarts, Marvin S. and Barbara Jean Burns Application, 1991MSS 93-2, Box 50
fileSzazs, Thomas S. Correspondence and Articles, 1960, 1963MSS 93-2, Box 50
fileTarasoff Controversy, 1977-1985MSS 93-2, Box 50
fileTarasoff Project Report, 1984MSS 93-2, Box 50
fileTarasoff v. Regents of University of California; related cases. Prosenjit Poddar, 1974-1984MSS 93-2, Box 50
fileTennessee-Forensic Services, 1979-1985MSS 93-2, Box 50
fileTherapeutic Justice. Notes for Article, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 50
file[United Kingdom] John R. Hamilton. [Broadmoor Hospital], 1987MSS 93-2, Box 51
file[United Kingdom] Denis Hill Unit/London, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 51
fileUN [United Nations]-CHR [Commission on Human Rights] A. L. Adamishin Statement. Geneva, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 51
fileUN-CHR: Human Rights and Scientific and Technological Developments. (Reports on persons detained on the grounds of mental-ill health or suffering from mental disorder), 1988-1991MSS 93-2, Box 51
fileUN Principles of Justice-Victims of Crime and Abuses of Power, 1985MSS 93-2, Box 51
fileUNSDRI [United Nations Social, Defense Research Institute]. Evaluation Research in Criminal Justice. Article presented by Shah, 1976MSS 93-2, Box 51
fileUSIF [United States-India Fund] for Cultural, Educational and Scientific Cooperation, 1986-1988MSS 93-2, Box 51
fileU.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 1988MSS 93-2, Box 51
fileU.S.-Russia -- Law, Mental Health and Human Rights: Russian and American Perspectives, 1992MSS 93-2, Box 51
fileUSSS [United States Secret Service] Advisory Committee, 1990-1992MSS 93-2, Box 52
fileUSSS-Assessment and Management of Dangerous Behavior, 1986MSS 93-2, Box 52
fileUSSS-Brian Vossekuil, 1989-1990MSS 93-2, Box 52
fileUS-USSR re Abuse of Psychiatry, 1987MSS 93-2, Box 52
fileUS-USSR Final Report [3 WP diskettes], 1989MSS 93-2, Box 52
fileUS-USSR Committee for Health Cooperation. Documents from the 9th Session, 1988MSS 93-2, Box 52
fileUS-USSR Planning Group. Correspondence, reports, etc, 1986-1989MSS 93-2, Box 53
file[US-USSR Planning Group]. Peter Reddaway, etc, 1988MSS 93-2, Box 53
fileUSSR-Abuse of Psychiatry, 1989-1991MSS 93-2, Box 54
fileUSSR Criminal and Mental Health Laws and Regulations. Materials, reports, etc, 1977-1989MSS 93-2, Box 54
fileUSSR-Forensic Interview, 1988-1989MSS 93-2, Box 54
file[USSR]-Law and Mental Health in the Soviet Union. Svetlana V. Polubinskaya Article. [Russian version and translation], 1991MSS 93-2, Box 54
fileUSSR Materials, 1990-1991MSS 93-2, Box 55
fileUSSR-Psychiatric Assistance. Draft Law , 1991MSS 93-2, Box 55
fileUSSR Psychiatry Project , 1989MSS 93-2, Box 55
fileUSSR-Psychological Studies of Law. Article by Sergei V. Kudryautsev. Institute of State and Law, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1991MSS 93-2, Box 55
fileUSSR-Research Advisory Committee , 1990MSS 93-2, Box 55
fileUSSR Trips Reports by Loren H. Roth , 1985, 1987, 1988MSS 93-2, Box 55
fileViolence and Aggression. Berkowitz, Gunn, etc , 1973-1976MSS 93-2, Box 55
fileViolence, Law and Mental Health. Questions and answers , 1987-1988MSS 93-2, Box 55
fileViolence. Lecture notes and other materials, n.d.MSS 93-2, Box 55
fileViolence Monograph , 1969MSS 93-2, Box 55
fileViolence and Public Health. Surgeon's General Workshop. Leesburg, Va , 1985MSS 93-2, Box 56
fileVirginia-Pilot Project for a Community Based Forensic Evaluation. Christopher Slobogin, 1981-1983MSS 93-2, Box 56
fileVTS [National Teaching-Family Association 15th Annual Conference]. Lawrence, Kansas, 1992MSS 93-2, Box 56
fileWalzer, Stanley. Grant , 1990-1991MSS 93-2, Box 56
fileWashington-Health Legislative Conference, 1989MSS 93-2, Box 56
fileWashington-Sexually Violent Predators, 1989-1991MSS 93-2, Box 56
fileWashington-Task Force on Community Protection , 1989MSS 93-2, Box 56
fileWashington, D.C.-Mental Health Law Project, 1988-1990MSS 93-2, Box 56
fileWebster, C. D. Application and Review, 1986MSS 93-2, Box 57
fileWeiss, Mitchell; Wexler, David B. Articles , 1983-1986MSS 93-2, Box 57
fileWhite Collar Crime. Susan Shapiro, 1976MSS 93-2, Box 57
fileWhite House Cases. Davis Shore articles , 1985-1989MSS 93-2, Box 57
fileWHO [World Health Organization]-CRS Comments (Contract) , 1989MSS 93-2, Box 57
fileWHO-Dangerousness Project , 1978-1980MSS 93-2, Box 57
fileWHO-Dangerousness Project Report , 1978-1983MSS 93-2, Box 57
fileWHO-Dangerousness Project Report, 1978-1983MSS 93-2, Box 58
fileWHO General Correspondence, 1988-1991MSS 93-2, Box 58
fileWHO-International Classification of Diseases (IDS-10) 10th Revision, 1986MSS 93-2, Box 58
fileWHO-International Classification of Mental Health Care, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 58
fileWHO-[Mental Health Legislation]-Geneva , 1988MSS 93-2, Box 58
fileWHO-Mission Report and Shah's Travel Orders to China, India and The Hague, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 58
fileWHO Procurement, 1988MSS 93-2, Box 58
fileWHO Resolution Contract, 1988-1991MSS 93-2, Box 59
fileWHO-State Department-David Balton re United Nations Principles and Guarantees on Mental Health, 1989-1990MSS 93-2, Box 59
fileWICHIE [Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education] Presentations, 1983MSS 93-2, Box 59
fileWPA [World Psychiatry Association] Meeting. Athens, Greece, 1990MSS 93-2, Box 59
fileWPA Team Report of Visit to the USSR, 1991MSS 93-2, Box 59
file"The XYY Chromosome: Male or Syndrome?". Rough draft, slices and prints, 1974 [?]MSS 93-2, Box 59
itemShah, Saleem A. [Photographs taken at the Indo-U.S. Symposium on Alcohol and Drug Abuse], 1986Law Special Collections photographs cabinet
itemShah, Saleem A. with N. W. Smit at the International Seminar "Innovations in Mental Health and Government Policy...", The Hague, NetherlandsLaw Special Collections photographs cabinet