MSS 2017-02
Personal Papers of Richard J. DeMartino as History Consultant to the International Military Tribunal for the Far East
Interesting historical chronology related to the IMTFE. Includes many Japanese documents and photographs.
Dates |
Extents |
14 Cubic Feet (34 archival boxes, plus some oversized items.) |
Scope & Contents
This collection was organized by Richard J. DeMartino during his tenure as one of the "historian advisors" to the International Military Tribunal for the Far East between 1946-1948.
The files contain excerpts of official documents, documents and DeMartino's handwritten notes. Excerpts from the Diary of Marquis Kōichi Kido are present in each file, as if DeMartino was using Kido's notes as a guide to the research he was working on. There are also many excerpts from Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States Japan: 1931-1941, Washinton: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1943, 2 v.
The collection was donated to the Law Library in the Summer of 2017. Prof. Jamie Sedwick of Acadia University in Nova Scotia contacted the Special Collections Department to alert us of the existence of the papers and asked if we were interested in them. The library immediately contacted Ms. Kathleen O’Shea, Mr. DeMartino's wife and after some negotiations the papers arrive to Charlottesville in September of 2017.
Collection Description
Biographical / Historical
Materials Specific Details
Immediate Source of Acquisition
seriesSeries 2: Onomastic Files | |
fileFUKUZAWA, Yukichi (founder of the Keio-gijuku) – DeMartino handwritten notes and issue of a newspaper The Mita Campus, Students Own Periodical in English, No. 6, May 15, 1947, 1947 | Box 20 |
fileFURUNO, Inosuke (former president of the Domei News Agency) – IMTFE, Def. Doc. No. 2580: Sworn Deposition of FURUNO, 12 September 1947; curriculum vitae in Japanese and translation; Interrogation; DeMartino’s handwritten notes, 1947 | Box 20 |
fileFURUI, Kijitsu (Vice-Minister of Home Affairs) – notes | Box 20 |
fileFURUKAWA, Toronosuke – Report on the FURUKAWA ZAIBATSU: “Views on the ZAIBATSU,” memorandum to Maj. Gen. William F. Marquat, Chief, Economic & Scientifc Section, Office of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, 8 December 1945; notes | Box 20 |
fileFURUTA, Shunosuke – curriculum vitae, typescript | Box 20 |
fileFUSHIMI [FUSHIMINOMIYA], Hiroyasu [Prince] – curriculum vitae and interview | Box 20 |
fileGary, [Elbert Henry, Judge] (American Steel Magnate) – typescripts from The Japan Chronicle, October 26, 1916 and October 28, 1916 | Box 20 |
fileGermans – typescripts with information about Gustave Schneider, Count Ladislaus von Mirbach-Geldern, Kurt Ludde-Neurath, Krajewicz, and Dwars | Box 20 |
fileGODO, Takuo (Admiral) – curriculum vitae, IPS 583: acceptance of position as Director and Councillor of the Society of Industrial Union, typescript of interrogations: 11, 13 February 1946; IMTFE, Def. Doc. No. 2951 [3723]: Affidavit, Japanese document | Box 20 |
fileGoering, Hermann Wilhelm – 15 Mar – A-11 – O’B, 15 March-M-DMR-1-1: Official transcript of the International Military Tribunal in the matter of the United States of America, the French Republic, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, an | Box 20 |
fileGoette, John (foreign correspondent for International News Service in the Far East) – typescript of part of Affidavit | Box 20 |
fileGOKO, Kiyoshi (industrialist) – notes and curriculum vitae | Box 20 |
fileGOTO, Fumio (Minister of Home Affairs) – curriculum vitae, Japanese document, IMTFE Doc. #11529 [166]: Affidavit 18 June 1946, typescript of interrogations: 31 January, 1 February, 11 February 1946 | Box 20 |
fileGOTO, Keita (Minister of Transportation and Communications) – notes and Japanese curriculum vitae with translation | Box 20 |
fileGOTO, Ryunosuke – notes, affidavit, IMTFE Def. Doc. No. 2060 Exhibit 3330: Sworn deposition17 July 1947, Japanese curriculum vitae and translation | Box 20 |
fileGOTO, Shimpei (Count) – notes, typescript translations of articles about GOTO in The Japan Chronicle: 25 June 1924, 6 April 1926 2 February 1928, 15 February 1928, 2 March 1928 | Box 20 |
fileGrew, Joseph C. (US Ambassador to Japan 1932-1942) – Doc. No. 239 [1105]: Testimony to IMTFE 28 May 1946; [2405]: notarize copy of a deposition, 23 June 1946; Defense Document 2790 [3716]: Affidavit, 15 October 1947; Def. Doc. No. 114: Statement, 30 Octob | Box 20 |
fileGronau, Wolfgang von (Count) – notes | Box 20 |
fileHAMADA, Kunimatsu – translations of articles from The Japan Times | |
fileHAMAGUCHI, Osachi (also called HAMAGUCHI, Yuko) – translations of article from The Japan Chronicle | |
fileHARA, Takashi (Kei) – notes and translations of articles from The Japan Chronicle | |
fileHARA, Yoshimichi (President of Privy Council) – notes and Japanese document | |
itemHARADA, Kumao (Baron) (Private Secretary to SAIONGI) – IPS Doc. No. 3357-A and B [3750]; IPS Doc. No. 3358 [3749]; Defense Document 3045 [3880]: IMTFE, Sworn Deposition of Dr. Rampei SASSA re HARADA; notes | |
fileHARAGUCHI, Hatsutaro (Lt. General) - notes | |
fileHASEBA, Sumitaka, notes and translation of article in The Japan Chronicle, 7 March 1914 | |
itemHASEGAWA, Kiyoshi (Admiral) – curriculum vitae; typescript of Interrogation of Admiral HASEGAWA, Kieshi, 20 August 1946; [2154] File No. 367: Report of Interview by Edward H. Dell, 6 March 1946 [2 c.]; Def. Doc. #1370 [2563]: IMTFE, Sworn Deposition of HA | |
fileHASHIDA, Kunihiko (Minister of Education, 1940-1943; Adviser to the Nanking Government; Councillor to the Board of Technology, 1944) – notes, curriculum vitae, Japanese document | |
itemHASHIMOTO, Gun (Major General) – Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; Defense Document 973 [2487]: IMTFE: translation of Sworn Deposition of HASHIMOTO, Gun, 25 March 1947; Def. Doc. 974 [2622]: [Deposition], 5 January 1947; Def. Doc. # 1478 [2621]: | |
itemHASHIMOTO, Kingoro (Colonel) f. 1 – Def. Doc. # 488 [3193]: IMTFE: Sworn Deposition of OGAWA, Kiichi, 5 February 1947; Def. Doc. # 2231 [3195]: IMTFE: Sworn Deposition of HASHIMOTO, Kingoro, 5 September 1947; Def. Doc. # 2496-A, Excerpt from Exhibit No 12 | |
fileHASHIMOTO, Kingoro (Colonel) f. 2 – Proper Names Mentioned in HASHIMOTO’s Interrogation; IPS Doc. No. 13: Analysis of Documentary Evidence; IPS Doc, No. 13 C: Excerpts from the article entitled “A Message to Young Men” (“Seinen Shoshi Ni Tsugu”), publishe | |
fileHASHIMOTO, Kingoro (Colonel) f. 3 * - typescripts of HASHIMOTO Case: [Interview at Sugano], Defense Material (Not Complete), At Sugano Prison May 21 and 23, Opinion on the Indictment, Preamble; Investigation by the Prosecutor, 18 February; Questionable Po | |
itemHASHIMOTO, Seinosuke – Investigation Report, 11 June 1946 | |
fileHASHIMOTO, Tetsuma (Lobbyist) – draft of “Confidential Stories of Japan – U.S.A. Negotiations”; note | |
fondsHASUNUMA, Shieru (Chief Aide-de-Camp) – Def. Doc. # 2249: IMTFE: Affidavit, 22 February 1947 | |
fileHATA, Hikosaburo (Lt. General, Supreme Military Councillor and Chief of Staff of the Kwantung Army) – notes, Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; Doc. No. 2234, U.S.S.R. No. 25-1: translation of Affidavit of the Witness HATA, Hikosaburo, Acknowledge | |
fileHATA, Shunroku (General) – typescript translation of “HATA Case: Details Concerning My Activities in China”; Interrogation No. 522, Division of Origin: Military Analysis re “Japanese Army and Air Force Operations in China and Manchuria, 1939-1945, and Jap | |
fileHATA, Shinji (Lt. Genera) – notes, Japanese Curriculum Vitae and translation | |
fileHATANO, Kanichi – Def. Doc. # 1420: IMTFE, Sworn Deposition, 29 April 1947; Def. Doc. # 1876: IMTFE, Sworn Deposition, 27 June 1947 | |
fileHATOYAMA, Ichiro (President of the Liberal Party) – Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; notes; Def. Doc. #2462: IMTFE: Sworn Deposition of HATOYAMA, 28 August 1947; Evid. Doc. No. 2322: typescript of HATOYAMA’s Comments. The Tanaka Cabinet and the | |
fileHATTA, Yoshiaki – Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; notes; No. 2653: typescript translation of letter to Adolf Hitler, 1 August 1938; Interrogation No. 380, 17 November 1945; typescript of Interrogation: 28 February, 1-2, 4-5 March 1946; File #90 | |
fileHausofer, Karl von (Professor) – typescript of his suicide news that appeared in The Tokyo Mainichi, 20 March 1946 | |
fileHAYAKAWA, Tetsuya (Diplomat in Berlin) – Japanese curriculum vitae and notes | |
fileHAYASHI, Senjuro (General, War Minister, Premier, President of Nippon Asia Devel.) – Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; notes | |
itemHearn, Lafacadio [?] – notes | |
fileHIDAKA, Shinrokuro (Diplomat, Ambassador to Italy) – typescript of curriculum vitae, notes; Def. Doc. No. 1165 [2537], IMTFE: Sworn Deposition | |
fileHIGASHIKUNI, Naruhiko Prince – Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; Interrogation No. 426, 14 November 1945 [Restricted]; Doc. No. 32756, Team VIII: “Full translation of a pamphlet written by former Prime Minister Prince HIGASHIKUNI dealing with pro | |
fileHIRAIDE, Hideo (Rear Admiral) – excerpts of interrogation of 30 November 1945; typescript of “Interrogation of Rear Admiral Hideo HIRAIDE, IJN, p. 6” | |
fileHIRANUMA, Kiichiro Baron – notes; curriculum vitae, personal history excerpts of interrogation; Doc. 7523 [107] File No. 296: translation of HIRANUMA personnel file; File 211: “Brief”; IPS 1526: typescript translation of “An Incident of Shooting HIRANUMA, | |
fileHIRAOKA, Kotaro (Fukuoka Coal Miner) – notes | Box 21 |
fileHIRATA, Noburo (Vice Admiral) – typescript of curriculum vitae | Box 21 |
fileHIROSHATA, Tadataka (Marquis) – Def. Doc. #2248: IMTFE, Sworn Deposition, 21 February 194 | Box 21 |
fondsHIROSE, Toyosaku – typescripts of what appears to be an interrogation, undated | Box 21 |
fileHIROTA, Koki – Defense Document 2145 [3241], IMTFE: Affidavit of KUWASHIMA, Kazue, undated; Defense Document 2846 [3717]: “In Telegram from F.O. to Tokyo” [re: HIROTA]; [3716 Grew]: excerpt; Defense Document 2575 [3291]: Sworn Deposition of YONAI, Mitsuma | Box 21 |
fileHOMMA, Kenichiro – typescript of excerpt of interrogation, 6 May 1946 | Box 22 |
fileHONMA, Masaharu – Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; excerpt of a document | Box 22 |
fileHONDA, Kumataro (Diplomat) – Japanese curriculum vitae and translation | Box 22 |
fileHONJO, Shigero – Def. Doc. # 274 [2401]: Testament, September 1945; Def. Doc. # 244 [2400]: IMTFE, Affidavit, 26 November 1946; Def. Doc. #233 [2402]: IMTFE, Deposition of KAWAMURA, Kyoichi, 26 November 1946; Def. Doc. #227 [2403]: “The True Nature of the | Box 22 |
fileHORIKI, Zenjiro (Home Minister) – Japanese curriculum vitae and translation, notes | Box 22 |
fileHORINOUCHI, Kensuke [Diplomat] – Defense Document 2146 [3260]: IMTFE, Sworn Deposition, 21 August 1947; Defense Document 2147: IMTFE, Sworn Deposition, 20 August 1947 | Box 22 |
fileHOSHI, Toru [Customs Official in YOKOHAWA] – DeMArtino’s notes | Box 22 |
fileHOSHINA, Zenshiro [Vice Admiral, Chief of the Naval Affairs Bureau of the Navy Department] – Def. Doc. #2737 [3468]: Sworn Deposition, 7 October 1947; Interrogation No. 289 re “Navy Oil Plans in Anticipation of War,” 9 November 1945 [Restricted]; notes | Box 22 |
fileHOSHINO, Naoki, f. 1 – In re HOSHINO: Def. Doc. 2591 [3208]: IMTFE: Affidavit of Francis R. Millard, 17 September 1947; Def. Doc. 2527 [3211]: IMTFE: Sworn Deposition of TAKAKURA, Tadashi, 8 September 1947; Def. Doc. 2598 [3218]: IMTFE: Affidavit of MURAK | Box 22 |
fileHOSHINO, Naoki, f. 2 – typescripts of Interrogations: 28, 31 January, 4, 7, 11, 26 February, 1 April 1946; HAH/us: Summary od Examination od Naoki HOSHINO taken by Mr. Bisson and Lt. Derr. USNR on November 19, 22, and 28, 1945, in Interrogation No. 505; t | Box 22 |
fileHOSOGAWA, Boshiro (Vice Admiral, Governor General of South Sea Administration] – curriculum vitae and notes; Interrogation, 9 March 1946 | Box 22 |
fileHOSOKAWA, Morisada - IMTFE: Def. Doc. # 2263: IMTFE: Sworn Deposition, 7 February 1947; Def. Doc. 3068 [3914]: Sworn Deposition, 3 February 1948 | Box 22 |
fileHOZUMI, Shigeto – Japanese curriculum vitae and translation | Box 22 |
fileHull, Cordell (former Secretary of State) - Def. Doc. No. 1500-L-6: Excerpts from Pearl Harbor Attack; Doc. No. 2007-B [1106]: Excerpts from Testimony of Secretary of State Hull Given Before the Joint Congressional Committee on the Investigation of the Pe | Box 22 |
fileHYAKUTAKE, Gengo (Admiral) – Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; Interrogation No. 507 [E-67]: re “The Emperor’s position in respect to political and military developments, 1936-1945,” 28 November 1945 | Box 22 |
fileIDA, Iwakusu (Baron) – notes, Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; typescript of Interrogation, 15-17, 24 April 1946 | Box 22 |
fileIIMURA, Minoru (ex- Lieutenant General) – notes, Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; Def. Doc. 2226, IMTFE: Affidavit, 26 August 1947; Def. Doc. 1150 [2679]: Affidavit, 15 January 1947; Def. Doc. #1445: Affidavit, 12 April 1947; typescript of Inter | Box 22 |
fileIKAWA, Tadao – [Financial Attaché in United States] – notes | Box 22 |
fileIKASAKI, Chuko – Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; notes | Box 22 |
fileIKEDA, Seihin [Financier, Finance Minister, KONOYE Cabinet] – notes; typescript of Summary of Evidentiary Facts; transcript translation of personnel record; notes; typescript of excerpt of Case No. 209; Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; handwritt | Box 22 |
fileIKEDA, Sumihisa – notes | Box 22 |
itemIKESAKI, Chuko – typescript of notes; typescript of Interrogations: 5 March, 5, 10 April 1946 | Box 22 |
fileImperial Family and Royalty [Japanese] – notes and news clip of Life, vol. 11, no. 23, 8 December 1941 | Box 22 |
fileIngersoll, [Royal E.], Admiral – Defense Doc. 1500-0-4 [2844-A]: Excerpt from Testimony of Admiral R. F. Ingersoll, 12 February 1946 | Box 22 |
fileINO, Hiroya (Minister of Agriculture) – notes; Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; typescript of Interrogation, 18-19 February, 5-6, 8, 21 March 1946 | Box 22 |
fileINOUE, Junnosuke [Banker] – notes; “Finance Face Epochal Period States New Japan Chief,” translation of article in The Japan Times, 12 May 1927 | Box 22 |
fileINOUE, Karuro and INOUE, Misho – notes | Box 22 |
fileINOUE, Saburo – notes; Def. Doc. 2899 [3601], IMTFE: Affidavit, 20 October 1947 | Box 22 |
fileINOUE, Takamaro – Def. Doc. No. 1379 [2718], IMTFE: Sworn Deposition of INOUE, Takamaro, 22 April 1947; Def. Doc. No. 1380 [2717], IMTFE: Sworn Deposition, 22 April 1947 | Box 22 |
fileINOUE, Yasuo (Vice Admiral) and INUI, Shimbey – notes | Box 22 |
fileINUKAI, Ken (Takeri) (Member of the Diet) – notes; memorandum of interrogation, 14 May 1946 | Box 22 |
fileISHIDA, Otogaro (Lt. General) – notes; “The Responsibility of the Detention Camp and the M.P. Regarding the Treatment of Prisoners of War in Formosa,” 7 March 1946; “The Central Organs of Handling Affairs Concerning P.W., 8 March 1946; The Military Police | Box 22 |
fileISHIDA, Eiguna – typescript of Interrogations: 25, 27 May 1946 | Box 22 |
fileISHIBASHI, Tansan – Def. Doc. #1762: IMTFE, Sworn Deposition, 29 July 1947; typescript of PT II 4. Foreign Pressure on the Japanese Goods; Def. Doc. No. 1762-A: Sworn Deposition: “Japan’s Finance and War Expenditures” | Box 23 |
fileISHIGURO, Tadeshige – notes | Box 23 |
fileSHIMADA, Shigetaro (Rear Admiral) – Defense Document 2888 [3563]: IMTFE, Sworn Deposition of NIIJIMA, Nobuo, 19 November 1947; Defense Document 2892 [3565]: IMTFE, Sworn Deposition of SHIMADA, Shigeraro, 2 December 1947; [C.R. 34698]: typescript of questi | Box 23 |
fileSHIMAMOTO, Masaichi (Lt. General Japanese Army) – Def. Doc. #1021, IMTFE, Sworn Deposition, 5 April 1947; [Def. Doc. #1022]: translation of “The Truth About the Clash Between Japanese and Chinese Troops Near PEITAYIN as Explained to Japanese and Foreign N | Box 23 |
fileSHIMIZU-GUMI [Contractors] – Interrogation No. 361: “General Discussion of Contractors Wartime Problems SHIMIZU_GUMI,” 15 November 1945 [Restricted] | Box 23 |
fileSHIMIZU, Konosuke – notes; typescript of Interrogation, 23, 25 March 1946 | Box 23 |
fileSHIMIZU, Mitsumi (Vice Admiral, IJN) – excerpts of Interrogation, 30 November 1945; Def. Doc. No. 1926 [2987]: IMTFE, Sworn Deposition, 24 July 1947 | Box 23 |
fileSHIMIZU, Toru (Scholar) – notes | Box 23 |
fileSHIMOMURA, Hiroshi – Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; notes | Box 23 |
fileSHIMOMURA, Sadamu (War Minister) - Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; notes; Def. Doc. 2909 [3705], IMTFE, Affidavit, 30 April 1947 | Box 23 |
fileSHIMONAKA, Yasaburo (Publisher) – notes; Def. Doc. No. 2235 3403], IMTFE, Sworn Deposition, 27 January 1947 | Box 23 |
fileSHINA, Etsusaburo – Def. Doc. #1980 [2834], IMTFE: Sworn Deposition, 4 August 1947; SHINDO, Shintaro – notes; SHINTO, Kazuma - Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; notes | Box 23 |
fileSHIODEN, Nobutaka (Lt. General) – signed copy of Interrogation, 30 January 1946; Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; notes | Box 23 |
fileSHIONO, Suchiko (Communications Minister) – notes; Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; notes; Defense Document No. 2653, IMTFE: Sworn Deposition, 25 September 1947 | Box 23 |
fileSHIRAKAWA, Yoshinari (War Minister) – typescript copies of Evid. Doc. No 2316: Second Report by War Minister SHIRAKAWA to Prime Minister TANAKA, 10 June 1929 and Evid. Doc. No. 2317: Draft Memorials to the Throne, undated | Box 23 |
fileSHIRANE, Matsusuke (Member of House of Peers) - Japanese curriculum vitae and translation | Box 23 |
fileSHIRATORI, Toshio (Foreign Office Adviser and Ambassador to Italy) f. 1– Def. Doc. #319, IMTFE, Affidavit of MURAMATSU, Tsuneo, 22 December 1946; Def. Doc. #1620, IMTFE, Affidavit of KANAHARA, Tanemitsu, 28 December 1946; Def. Doc. #168, Affidavit od MISH | Box 23 |
fileSHIRATORI, Toshio (Foreign Office Adviser and Ambassador to Italy) f. 2 – Def. Doc. No. 1621 (SHIRATORI, Document No. 20-A): photostat of English translation “Copy of Page 10 of the Contributions Accounts-Book of the Japan Foreign Affairs Association, The | Box 23 |
fileShirer, William L. – Def. Doc. No. 2672: Excerpt from the Book – “End of a Berlin Diary,” by William L. Shirer | Box 23 |
fileSiebold, Phillip Franz von – typescript translations of two Japan Chronicle articles, May 7 and June 15, 1924 | Box 23 |
fileSHODA, Kazue – notes, undated | Box 23 |
fileSHORIKI, Matsutaro (President of YOMIURI Newspaper) – notes; curriculum vitae; Interrogation, 21, 23 January 1946; Japanese curriculum vitae and translation | Box 23 |
fileSnow, Edgar – Def. Doc. No. 1015: Excerpt from “Red Star Over China” | Box 23 |
fileSOESHIMA, [Count MICHIMASA] – Interrogation, 18 March 1946; translation of “Inconsistent America,” The Japan Chronicle, 15 January 1926 | Box 24 |
fileSONGRAM, Marshal LUANG PHIBUN – notes, newspaper clipping | Box 24 |
fileStahmer, Heinrich (German Ambassador to Japan and China) – typescript of excerpts of statements of Dr. Erich Boltze, Minister-Counsellor of the German Embassy and Herr H. von Marchtaler, First Secretary of the German Embassy and interrogation of Ambassado | Box 24 |
fileStandish, Robert (Author) – [Background Doc. 139]: “The Macmillan Company Special Bulletin,” 10 December 1945; “Robert Standish Author of The Small General, Bonin and The Three Bamboos” | Box 24 |
fileStark, Harold R. (Admiral) – Defense Doc. 1500 P-4 [2849A], Def. Doc. 1500-S-4 [2833-A], Defense Doc. 1500-J-4, Defense Doc. 1500-J-5: Testimony of Admiral Stark at Proceedings of the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack, Congre | Box 24 |
fileStimpson, Henry L. (Secretary of State) – Document No. 2216, IMTFE, Deposition , 7 June 1946 | Box 24 |
fileSUGIMOTO, Etsuko (ETSU, Inagoki) – Far East Stars and Stripes Weekly Review, Sunday November 16, 1947: newsclip; notes; “Family Life in Japan,” The Japan Chronicle, 24 January 1926; “Romance of Woman Kimono” | Box 24 |
fileSUGIMORI, Kojiro – notes | Box 24 |
fileSUGIYAMA, Hajime (General) – notes; translations of “Why Should I Not Discuss Manchuria and Mongolia as Minister of State, Asahi, 6 August 1931; “Vice-Minister SUGIYAMA’s Explication of War Minister’s Speech,” Asahi, 6 August 1931; Japanese curriculum vit | Box 24 |
fileSUGIYAMA, Shigemaru - notes | Box 24 |
fileSUMA, Yakishiro (Ambassador) – notes; Def. Doc. #1051: Statement of Suma, 15 April 1947; Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; typescript translation of Statement of Suma; Interrogation 17-18 April 1946; notes | Box 24 |
fileSUMITOMO [HENSHA, Ltd. And Subsidiary Companies of SUMITOMO] – [556]: Short Statement of SUMITOMO HONSHA, Ltd,; SUMITOMO Interests, February 1946; notes; House Rule of the SUMITOMO Family, document prepared for the Economic and Scientific Section delivere | Box 24 |
fileSUN YAT SEN – notes and translation from The Japan Times, 1927 | Box 24 |
fileSUZUKI, Kantaro – [Japanese curriculum vitae?]; Def. Doc. #386: Affidavit, 12 May 1946; “Diagnosis,” 25 February 1947; Def. Doc. #2944 [3640]: Certificate of Diagnosis; Def. Doc. No. 1082 [3640-A]: IMTFE, Affidavit, 28 July 1946 | Box 24 |
fileSUZUKI, Kisaburo – notes; SUZUKI, Shoten – notes and translation of “Fall of the House of SUZUKI, The Japan Times, 8 May 1927 | Box 24 |
fileSUZUKI, Suguro – Interrogation, 19 March 1946; Def. Doc. #1516: IMTFE, Affidavit, 26 May 1947 | Box 24 |
fileSUZUKI, Tadakatsu – Interrogation, 30 March 1946; Document 2782, IMTFE, Affidavit, 12 November 1946 | Box 24 |
fileSUZUKI, Tomin (Editor in Chief of the YOMIURI SOCHI) – Doc. 11526 [150]: IMTFE, Affidavit, 17 June 1946; note | Box 24 |
fileSUZUKI, Teiichi (General) – File No. 365, Interrogation, 18-20, 21, 25, 28 February, 1, 11-12, 14-15, 29 March 1946; curriculum vitae; Document No. 574: “The Philosophy of War,” by SUZUKI, Teiichi, from KOA (Rise of Asia), undated, [2 c.]; Document #7514 | Box 24 |
fileTACHIBANA, Kozaburo – notes | Box 24 |
fileTADA, Hayao (TADA, Shun) (General) – notes; File No. 53: Report, 24 April 1946; Interrogation, 26 April 1946; Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; “Private Paper of Shun TADA”; notes | Box 24 |
fileTAKACHI, Shigeto – Interrogation, 26, 30 March, 4 April 1946 | Box 24 |
fileTAKAGI, Sokichi (Rear Admiral) – notes; translation of TAKAGI’s article: “The Overlooked Causes of Defeat,” CHUKORAN, January 1947; translation of article: “Lost Episodes in the Lost War,” Digest Service issued by RENGO Press, 10 June 1947; Interrogation | Box 24 |
fileTAKAHASHI, Korekiyo (Viscount) – notes; translation of article: “Viscount TAKAGASHI, From Domestic Service to Premiership, Fact More Curious Than Fiction,” The Japan Chronicle, 23 November 1921; Excerpt from “Civil Intelligence Section, Special Report, SA | Box 24 |
fileTAKAHASHI, Sankichi (Retired General) – notes; Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; Interrogation 12, 14 February 1946 | Box 24 |
fileTAKAHASHI, Seiji – Japanese curriculum vitae and translation | Box 24 |
fileTAKATA, Toshitane (Vice Chief of Naval Affairs Bureau) – notes; Def. Doc. #2128 [3065]: IMTFE, Sworn Deposition, 27 August 1947 | Box 24 |
fileTAKAWA, Daikichiro - notes | Box 24 |
fileTAKAYAMAGI, [Kenzo?] – Defense Doc. 514, undated | Box 24 |
fileTAKEBE, Rokuzo (Former Chief of General Affairs Department of the Manchurian Government) – Document No. 2239 [670]: Affidavit of the Witness, KHADAROVSK, 26 March 1946; Doc. No. 2239-A, IMTFE, Affidavit of TAKEBE, 20 October 1947; Def. Doc. 2910 [3698]: I | Box 25 |
fileTAKEKOSHI, Yosaburō (Historian) – notes; translation of articles published in The Japan Chronicle, 13 and 19 September 1916 | Box 25 |
fileTAKEUCHI, Gakuji (Kakichi) (Member of the House of Peers) – notes; Third Interrogation, 11 June 1946 | Box 25 |
fileTAKIKAWA, Y. – notes | Box 25 |
fileTAMURA, Kosaku (Doctor of Law) – notes; Def. Doc. #599, IMTFE, Statement on the Fundamental Principles Underlying the Foreign Policy of Japan | Box 25 |
fileTANABE, Moritake (Lt. General) – notes; Def. Doc. 1145 [2675]: IMTFE, Affidavit, 17 February 1947 | Box 25 |
fileTANAKA, Giichi (Baron, Prime Minister) – IPS Doc. No. 1499: Analysis of Documentary Evidence: Outline of the Life History of TANAKA, Giichi; Japanese document; notes; translations of articles that appeared in The Japan Times, 1927 and The Japan Chronicle, | Box 25 |
fileTANAKA, Kiyoshi – General Headquarters Far East Command, Operation, CIS, G-2 [3006]: translation of Japanese document [see oversized photostat] titled: “Reprehensible Literature (KAIBUNSHO). Memorandum by Major TANAKA, Kiyoshi in Reference to the “March I | Box 25 |
fileTANAKA, Ryukichi (General), f.1 – notes; Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; [1822]: typescript notes; Summary of Interrogation, 14-15 May 1946; “Excerpt from GUNBATSU” by TANAKA; notes re: “Why Kido trusted TOJO in [illeg.] Office”; “GUMBATSU, Pro | Box 25 |
fileTANAKA, Ryukichi, f. 2 – Def. Doc. No. 2732: book in Japanese; TANAKA #1: Lt. Col. W. T. Hornaday to Executive Committee Memorandum re: Summary of Evidence Obtained in Interrogation of General TANAKA, 8 March 1946; Doc. No. 1822, IMTFE, Affidavit, 12 June | Box 25 |
fileTANAKA, Ryukichi, f. 3 – Notes on Informal Interrogation, 18 February 1946; Interrogations of 19-20, 25 February, 4, 13, 15-16, 19-20, 22-23, 25, 28-30 March, 1, 15 April, 11, 21, 24 May, 11, 24 June 1946; notes; Summary of Evidence Obtained in Interrogat | Box 25 |
fileTANAKA, Shinichi (Lt. General) – Doc. No. 2925 [2244]: IMTFE, Affidavit, 1946; Def. Doc. No. 925 [2488]: IMTFE, Sworn Deposition, undated; Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; Def. Doc. No. 2542 Exhibit 3504: IMTFE, Affidavit, 29 August 1947; Defens | Box 25 |
fileTANAKA, Takeo (Minister of Transportation) – notes; Def. Doc. #2564 [3390]: IMTFE, Sworn Deposition, 25 August 1947 | Box 25 |
fileTANI, Masayuki (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador) – notes, Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; Interrogation, 6 March 1946 | Box 25 |
fileTANI, Hisao (Lt. General) – notes; Interrogation, 23 February 1946 | Box 25 |
fileTATEKAWA, Yoshitsugu (Lt. General, Military Attaché in China, Ambassador to the Soviet Union) – Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; notes | Box 25 |
fileTERASAKI, Hidenari (Taro) (Minister to Vichy) – Statement of Hidenari TERASAKI, 18 February 1946; notes | Box 25 |
fileTERASHIMA, Ken (Vice Admiral) – Japanese curriculum vitae and translation; Interrogation, 21 January, 5-6, 8, 12-13 February 1946; notes | Box 25 |
fileTERAUSHI, Hisaichi (Count, General) – biographical notes; IPS: “Explanation of The War Minister (TERAUCHI) as to the Conclusion of Japanese-German Pact at the Investigation Committee of the Privy Council,” 18 November 1936; Translation of Military History | Box 25 |
seriesSeries 3: Miscellaneous Files | |
fileBibliography – lists of books available in different buildings in Japan; De Martino’s handwritten notes | Box 26 |
fileBrannon, John G., for and on behalf of Koichi KIDO, Takasumi OKA, Kenryo SATO, Shigenori TOGO v. James V. Forrestal, Kenneth C. Royall and Omar H. Bradley, Petition of Habeas Corpus to the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States | Box 26 |
fileCunningham, Owen: “The Major Evils of the Tokyo Trials.” Address delivered before the Section of International and Comparative Law, American Bar Association, Seattle Washington, September 1948 [Inscription from the author to DeMartino] | Box 26 |
fileDe Martino’s handwritten notes re situation in Japan; List of Cabinet [Japanese] Members [organizational chart]; Chronological List of Incidents, IPS, Australian Division | Box 26 |
fileFréne, Victor Dr. – “A New Approach to Asia,” Tokyo, 1947; De Martino handwritten notes | Box 26 |
fileFréne, Victor Dr. – Lecture at Tokyo AEP School, 5 March 1948 | Box 26 |
fileIKKI, Kita – Outline of Japan’s Reconstruction Bill (draft) [2 c.] | Box 26 |
fileIWABUCHI, Tatsuo – “The Way to Surrender,” draft of manuscript | Box 26 |
file[Japan] – Untitled document with table of contents: Part I: Japanese Proletarian Politics; Part II: Appendices Histories of Important Parties and Unions; Charts, 1882-1946 | Box 26 |
fileJapan – America 1931-1941 [1911-1946] f. 1 | Box 27 |
item21 February 1911 – “Jap-Am 1931-1941,” f. 1 – typescript of “Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, Signed at Washington, in English, February 21, 1911 (44th year of MEIJI) | |
itemn. d. – Map of China and Japan, Compiled in the Office of the Geographer, Department of State, Washington, D.C | |
item6 February 1922 – Doc. #193, Treaty Series, No. 671: Treaty Between the United States, the British Empire, France, Italy, and Japan, Limitation of Naval Armament, Washington, 6 February 1922 | |
item25 July 1928 – Treaty Between the United States and China, Regulating Tariff Relations, Signed at Peiping, 25 July 1928. Washington, US Government Printing Office, 1929 | |
itemn. d – “Key Events. Individuals,” lists | |
item[1927] – File 102: Re: [Japanese] Cabinets [beginning in 1927, based on The Japanese Year Book, 1941-42], 17 December 1945 | |
itemn. d. – DeMartino’s handwritten notes | |
item27 August 1928 – Treaty Between the United States and Other Powers Providing for the Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy, Signed in Paris, 27 August 1928. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1929 | |
file22 April 1930 – Doc. 194 [22 April 1930]: Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armament Between the United States of America, the British Empire, France, Italy, and Japan, Signed in London, 22 April 1930 | |
item1932 – Manchuria. Report of the Commission of Enquiry Appointed by the League of Nations. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1932 [Department of State, Publication No. 378] | |
item26 August 1932 – Def. Doc. #211: copy of Official Gazette Extra, 26 August 1932, Stenographic Records No. 2 of the Proceedings of the House of Peers, 25 August 1932 | |
item15 September 1932 – [2165]: Chief State Executive Decree, … Ratified Protocol Jointly Signed by CHEN HSIAO-KSO, the Prime Minister and MUTO, Nabuyashi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in Chang-chun, 15 September 1932, translation of Manchukuo | |
item6 October 1937 - [219H]: Japan, 1931-1941, Vol. 1: annotations of pages 384-396 | |
item3-24 November 1937 – The Conference of Brussels, November 3-24, 1937. Convened in Virtue of Article 7 of the Nine-Power Treaty of Washington of 1922. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1938 | |
item1937 – Principles and Policies To Be Followed in Matters Concerning China. Treaty Between the United States, The British Empire, China, France, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, and Portugal (Nine-Power Treaty), Signed in Washington, February 6, 1922 … And P | |
item27 September 1940 – typescript of Tripartite Pact Between Japan, Germany and Italy, Signed on September 27th, 1940, at Berlin, promulgated October 19th, 1940 | |
item13 April 1941 – Doc. 225 [45]: The Neutrality Pact Between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Japan | |
item22 April 1941 – Defense Document No. 1439: The American Japanese Negotiations | |
fileJapan-America 1931-1941 [1911-1946] f. 2 | Box 27 |
item21 June 1941 – Doc. No. 507: Memorandum from MATSUOKA to KONOE [Oral Statement of 21 June 1941] | |
item2 July 1941 – Document No. 1652, Exhibit No. 779: Resolutions concerning the Japanese-American Negotiations Adopted through the Conferences in the Imperial Presence | |
item21 July 1941 – Doc. 785 I [674A]: Outgoing letter. Letters Exchanged Between Ambassador KATO and Foreign Minister Darlan | |
item21 July 1941 – Doc. No. 4025E (7) [646]: Telegram signed by [I. K.] SCHLEIER re note from Prince KONOYE to General Petain re “respect for the territorial integrity of Indo-China | |
item17 October – 7 December 1941 – Prelude to Infamy. Official Report On the Final Phase of U.S.-Japanese Relations | |
item13 December 1941 – Department of State Bulletin, Vol. V, No. 129: The War | |
item15 December 1941 – Summary of Past Policy, and of More Immediate Events, in Relation to the Pacific Area. Message from the President of the United States. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1941 | |
item1941 – Instructions for the Preparation of Essays in History, Department of History, The College of the City of New York, 1941 | |
item1941 – [In Re: 1941]: Document No. 2215, IMTFE, Affidavit of Joseph W. Ballantine, 24 June 1946 | |
item1946 – The United States Strategic Bombing Survey: Japan’s Struggle to End the War. Chairman’s Office, 1946 | |
item1946 – The United States Strategic Bombing Survey: The effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Chairman’s Office, 30 June 1946 | |
item1946 – [Hull Jap-Am Negotiations]: NOMURA, Kichisaburo: “Hull and MATSUOKA. An Account of the American-Japanese Negotiations,” typescript | |
fileJapan History Notes – De Martino’s undated handwritten notes (3 folders) | Box 27 |
fileJapan - maps and notes | Box 28 |
fileJapan: Tripartite Pearl [?] – DeMartino handwritten notes: “Intro to a historical thesis” | Box 28 |
file[Japan] – “War Politics in Japan,” undated document, General Headquarters, US Army Forces, Pacific Military Intelligence Section, General Staff, Civil Intelligence Section | Box 28 |
fileJapanese-American Negotiations, f. 1, 1941 | Box 28 |
itemDoc. No. 1413: typescript of “explanatory note concerning the diplomatic negotiations between Japan and America by Foreign Minister,” December 1941 [2 c.] | |
itemIPS 906: typescripts of [telegrams] “intercepts,” from Tokyo to Washington, 7-27 November 1941 | |
item“Statement of the Japanese Government,” [translation of Japanese document, December 1941 | |
item[C.R. 35803: In re: Jun[illeg.] Kaigi, 29 November 1941, typescript | |
itemDef. Doc. 2902 [SUZUKI 3605], p. 41-42 | |
itemDef. Doc. No. 2927 [TOGO 3646]: Jap-Am. Negotiations, November 1941 | |
itemIPS Doc. 2007 [Hull]: Excerpts requested and furnished for defendants by order of Court from testimony of former Secretary of State Cordell Hull given at hearing held before Joint Congressional Committee on the investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack, sa | |
itemJap-Am Negotiations 1941 – DeMartino’s handwritten notes | |
itemDoc. No. 507, File 59: [Jap-Am. Negotiations], 29 January 1946 | |
itemDoc. No. 1383-B (36): [Jap-Am.], from the Japanese Ambassador to the Secretary of State, 1941 | |
itemDoc. No. 1383B (31) and (35): [Jap-Am. Negotiations], 1941 [2 c.] | |
item[Jap-Am. Negotiations, 1941], typescript | |
item[Jap-Am. Negotiations], 1941,typescript of “Oral” and “Strictly Confidential” unknown documents, July 1941 | |
item[Jap-Am. Negotiations], May 1941, typescript of document in Japanese paper | |
item[1383-B]: draft translation of “Oral Statement of the Foreign Minister of Japan (Strictly Confidential), April 1941 | |
item[C.R. 10861]: “Chief Subjects of Jap-Am Talks,” April-December 1941: DeMartino’s handwritten notes | |
item[Jap-Am. Negotiations]: typescript of “Confidential Stories of Japan-USA Negotiations by HASHIMOTO,” n. d. | |
item[HASHIMOTO, Tetsuma]: “Untold Japan-American Negotiation. Inside Story of Military Clique’s Tyranny,” n.d., typescript | |
item[Jap-Am. Negotiations]: typescript re [stationing of Japanese forces in China and French Indonesia] | |
item[C.R. 35822]: Jap-Am. Negotiations, 1941, [TOGO, Kenan], typescript | |
item[C.R. 36135]: Jap-Am. Negotiations, n.d. [TOGO], typescript | |
item[1400]: Jap-Am: typescript translation of “Cablegram dispatched to Ambassador Nomura from Foreign Minister MATSUOKA under date 30 May 1941 (No. 257)” | |
item[1400]: Jap-Am: typescript translation of “Cablegram dispatched to Ambassador Nomura from Foreign Minister MATSUOKA under date 12 July 1941 (No. 356)” | |
item[1400]: Jap-Am: typescript translation of “Cablegram dispatched to Ambassador Nomura from Foreign Minister MATSUOKA under date 12 May 1941 (No. 205)” | |
item[1400]: Jap-Am: typescript translation of “Cablegram under date 20 July 1941 dispatched to from Foreign Minister TOYODA from Ambassador NOMURA (No. 540)” | |
itemDoc. 1398 30207 [Jap-Am]: To Foreign Minister TOYODA from Ambassador NOMURA, 30 September 1941, typescript | |
itemDoc. 1398, No. 870 [Jap-Am Negt]: To Foreign Minister TOYODA, from NOMURA, 29 September 1941, typescript | |
itemDocum. 1398: copy of telegram to Foreign Minister TOYODA from Ambassador NOMURA, 23 September 1941 | |
itemDocument 1398: copy of telegram to [Japanese] Vice Minister and Vice Chief of Naval General Staff from Naval Attaché to Embassy in America, 23 September 1941 | |
itemDocument No. 1398: typescript copy of telegram from Ambassador NOMURA to Foreign Minister TOYODA: “Latest Status Quo in America,” 22 September 1941 | |
item[1398] [Jap-Am]: typescript copy of telegram from Joseph E. C . Grew to Teijiro TOYODA, 17 September 1941 | |
item[1398] [Jap-Am]: typescript copy of telegram from Eugene V. Dooman to Tari TERASAKI, Director of the American Bureau, The GAIMUSHO, 24 September 1941 | |
item[1398] [Jap-Am Negotiations]: typescript copy of unknown document, 12 September 1941 | |
item[1358]: typescript copy of Sundry Notes, Hajime ITOH, 9 December 1941 | |
item[1358]: typescript copy of Foreign Top Secret, Taizo HASEGAWA, 8 December 1941 | |
item[1358]: typescript copy of “Objects of War and Limits of Demand (An unfinished manuscript), W. TAKAHASHI, 29 November 1941 | |
item[1358]: typescript copy of “American Proposals,” Hajime ITOH, 27 November 1941 (?) | |
item[1358]: typescript copy of “Unofficial, preliminary, no binding power. Joint declaration of USA and Japan on Economic Policy,” Hajime ITOH, 15 November 1941 | |
item[1358 Doc. A]: typescript copy of “Draft for Explanation to the Emperor,”3 November 1941. Scanned by ITO | |
item[1358 Doc. B]: typescript copy of “Points to be Specially Noted in (3) (A). Troop Stationing in China and Withdrawal Thereof. Decided in the Cabinet Council,” scanned by H. ITO, undated | |
item[1358]: typescript copy of “Details of Negotiation in Tokyo. A Report by the Foreign Minister,” undated | |
item[1358]: typescript copy of “Postcript (Foreign Office – October 25, 1941)” | |
fileJapanese-American Negotiations, f. 2, 1942 | Box 28 |
itemDefense Document 584 [Jap-Am Negotiations], No. 8 of 8 Volumes: typescript copy of “Report on American Mission,” by NOMURA, Kichisaburo, 20 August 1941 | |
fileJapanese-American Negotiations, f. 3, 1941 | Box 28 |
itemNegotiations held between US Ambassador Greer and KURUSU on the night of November 4th, 1941,” documents in Japanese with duplicates | |
itemTranslation of Ambassador NOMURA’s Diary, 1 June 1941 to 31 December 1941 | |
fileJapanese-American Negotiations, f. 4, 1916, 1945 - 1946 | Box 28 |
item[1916] [Jap-Am Negotiations]: typescript copy of “Details concerning negotiations of Asjusting Diplomatic Relations between Japan and the United States in 1941 (Prepared by: The Historical Materials Investigation Committee for Wartime Diplomacy in January | |
item[Jap-Am Negotiations]: typescript copy of “Memorandum,” 3 July 1946 | |
itemJaponicus: “Cordell Hull on American Foreign Policy.” Tokyo, The Foreign Affairs Association of Japan, undated | |
itemTAKAGI, Yasaka: “War Aims of America.” Tokyo, The Foreign Affairs Association of Japan. Contemporary Japan, vol. XII, No. 12 | |
itemTAMURA, Kohsaku: “Genesis of the Pacific War.” Tokyo, The Foreign Affairs Association of Japan. Contemporary Japan, vol. XII, Nos. 1-3 | |
fileKIDO, Kōichi Marquis (Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal) – Document 1632, 1930-1949: full translation of Kido’s Diary 1930-1949 (f. 1-8) [2 c.] | Box 29 |
fileKIDO, Kōichi Marquis (Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal) – Document 1632, 1930-1949: full translation of Kido’s Diary 1930-1949 (f. 9-16) [2 c.] | Box 30 |
fileKIDO, Kōichi Marquis (Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal) – excerpts of important data extracted from translation of Kido’s Diary, 1931-1945 (2 folders) | Box 30 |
fileKIDO, Kōichi Marquis (Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal) – extracts related to ARITA, Hachiro | Box 31 |
fileSorge Spy Ring, A Case Study in International Espionage in the Far East, No. 23 [2 c.]; Undated letter from Betty to Dick [Richard De Martino] re her Japanese experiences, reflections on Zen’s influence in Japanese culture, experiences of a soldier in Nor | Box 31 |
fileTANAKA, Ryukichi – A History of Struggle for Power in the Japanese Army (draft) 2 c. | Box 31 |
seriesSeries 4: Printed Materials | |
otherlevelPrinted Government Documents | Box 32 |
item78th Cong., House Document No. 339: Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States Japan: 1931-1941, Washington, Government Printing Office, 1943, 2 vols. | |
item78th Cong., House Document No. 541: Events Leading Up to World War II. Chronological History of Certain Events Leading Up to and During World War II With the Ostensible Reasons Advanced for Their Occurence, 1931-1944; Washington, U. S. Government Printing | |
item79th Cong., Joint Committee Print [Doc. #15]: Pearl Harbor, Intercepted Diplomatic Messages Sent By The Japanese Government Between July 1 and December 8, 1941. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1945 | |
item[79th Cong.] Pearl Harbor Attack. Hearings before the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack Seventy-Ninth Congress, First Session, Pursuant to S. Con. Res. 27, 79th Congress, a Concurrent Resolution Authorizing an Investigation o | |
item80th Cong. House Document No. 619, Committee on Foreign Affairs. The Strategy and Tactics of World Communism: Report [of] Subcommittee No. 5, National and International Movements, Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1948 | |
itemTreaties in Force. A list of Treaties and Other International Acts of the United States in Force on December 31, 1941. United States, Government Printing Office, 1941 | |
itemNazi-Soviet Relations 1939-1941. Documents from the Archives of The German Foreign Office, Department of State Publication 3023 | |
otherlevelOther Printed Materials | Box 33 |
itemHASHIMOTO, Tetsuma: Untold Story of Japanese-American Negotiations (A Translation from NICHIBEI KOSHO KIWA), Tokyo, The Shiunso Press, [1946] | |
itemIIZAWA, Shoji [Editor]: Politics and Political Parties in Japan. Japan, At the KENKYUSHA Press, 1938 | |
itemMATSUOKA, Yosuke: Address of Yosuke MATSUOKA, Foreign Minister of Japan Delivered at the American-Japan Society Luncheon, December 19, 1940 | |
itemNorman, E. Herbert: “The Genyosha: A Study in the Origins of Japanese Imperialism,” Pacific Affairs, V. xvii, No. 3, September 1944 | |
item[Japanese Book] | |
item[Japanese Book] | |
seriesSeries 5: Photographs | |
itemDeMartino’s Personal Photo Album and scrapbook during IMTFE trial; album also includes news-clippings of track race between Fordham and City College at Lewisohn Stadium, 1939 where Mr. De Martino was one of the runners | Box 34 |
fileIMTFE, General CHING-The-Chun of China (formerly Mayor of Peiping and Vice-Commander of the 29th Army, Vice-Minister of Military Operations) - WPA-46-66425 gives a factual account of the July 7, 1937 incident at Marco Polo Bridge, 22 July 1946; Photograph | Box 34 |
fileIMTFE, Japanese defendants face-books, undated | Box 34 |
file[IMTFE Judges?] – Defense Doc. # 1644, undated; copy of photograph, War Crimes Division, Signal Corps, US Army | Box 34 |
fileIMTFE, International Justices in Tokyo, War Ministry, 19 July 1946 – WPA-46-66767, Photograph by Signal Corps US Army: “First Group picture of the International Justices of the IMTFE since Major General Myron C. Cramer took the place of Justice Higgins on | Box 34 |
fileIMTFE, Miscellaneous undated copies of photographs of IMTFE courtroom and defendants (8 photographs) | Box 34 |
fileIMTFE, NAKAI, Kimbei (Japanese Newsreel Camera Man) in the Witness Box After the showing of 12 reels of Japanese propaganda film entitled Japan in the Time of Emergency, 6 August 1946 – WPA-46-66830, Photograph by Wegner, Signal Corps US Army , 1946-08-06 | Box 34 |
fileIMTFE, OKAWA, Shumei – WPA-46-65524, MP’s escort OKAWA,”originator of the Mukden Incident to the War Ministry Building, 3 May 1946; Photographer: Dakal, Signal Corps US Army, 1946-05-03 | Box 34 |
fileIMTFE, OSHIMA, Hiroshi and MATSUI, Iwane – WPA-46-65523, OSHIMA and MATSUI enter the War Ministry on Tokyio, 3 May 1946, Photographer Bakal, Signal Corps US Army; WPA-46-65494: Iwane Matsui, 3 May 1946; Photographer Black, Signal Corps US Army, 1946-05-03 | Box 34 |
fileIMTFE, View of War Ministry Building Courtroom during IMTFE – May 1946 , 1946-05 | Box 34 |
itemWPA-46-65497 – View of Ministry Building Courtroom where Japanese leaders were arraigned for war crimes before IMTFE, 4 May 1946. TOJO seated with other defendants in prisoners’ box surrounded by MP’s. Prosecution Chief, Joseph B. Keenan at microphone, re | |
itemWPA-46-65519 – View of Prisoners Box during Arraignment of 28 Japanese War Prisoners before IMTFE, 3 May 1946. L to R 1st Row: TOJO, OKA, UMEZU, ARAKI, MUTO; 2nd Row: OKAWA, HIRANUMA, TOGO, MATSUOKA, and SHIGEMITSU; Photographer Bakal, Signal Corps US Arm | |
itemWPA-46-65527 – View of War Ministry Building courtroom showing IMTFE judges, 3 May 1946; Photographer Bakal, Signal Corps US Army , 1946-05-03 | |
itemWPA-46-65691 – View of War Ministry Building Courtroom, Showing Tribunal Judges, 14 May 1946; Photograph Bakal, Signal Corps US Army, 1946-05-14 | |
itemWPA-46-65693 – Ichiro NEYOSE, Chief Defense Council, objecting to prosecution rebuttal, IMTFE, 14 May 1946; Photographer Wegner, Signal Corps US Army , 1946-05-14 | |
fileIMTFE, View of War Ministry Building Courtroom during IMTFE – June 1946 | Box 34 |
itemWPA-46-66019 – Ex-premier Hideki TOJO and other Japanese War Criminals turned around to look at maps and charts, 13 June 1946; Photographer Decerbo, Signal Corps US Army , 1946-06-13 | |
itemWPA-46-66020[?] – Accused Japanese war criminals on trial before the IMTFE enter War Ministry Building, 13 June 1946; Photographer Decerbo, Signal Corps US Army , 1946-06-13 | |
itemWPA-46-66021 – Ex-Premier Hideki TOJO and other Japanese defendants look at maps and charts, 13 June 1946; Photographer Decerbo, Signal Corps US Army , 1946-06-13 | |
itemWPA-46-66023 – Ex-Premier Hideki TOJO and other Japanese defendants turn around to see maps and charts, 13 June 1946; Photographer Decerbo, Signal Corps US Army , 1946-06-13 | |
itemWPA-46-66024 – Ex-Premier Hideki TOJO and other Japanese defendants turn around to see maps and charts, 13 June 1946; Photographer Decerbo, Signal Corps US Army , 1946-06-13 | |
fileIMTFE, View of IMTFE, War Ministry Building – July 1946 | Box 34 |
itemWPA-46-66182 – Ryulichi TANAKA, Chief of Military Service and Discipline Section of the Japanese War Ministry until September 1942, testifies on Japanese Aggression in Manchuria, 5 July 1946; Photographer Wegner, Signal Corps US Army , 1946-07-05 | |
itemWPA-46-66419 – Judges during IMTFE, 22 July 1946. L to R: Justice Pal of India, Roling of the Netherlands, McDougal of Canada, Patrick of Great Britain, Cramer of the United States, Webb of Australia, Ju of China, Zaryanov of Russia, Bernard of France, No | |
fileRutchick, Roger, Major (Defense Counsel) – photo with inscription to De Martino, November 1946 | Box 34 |
fileTOJO, Hideki – photo during trial, [May- Jul. 1946] [3 c.] | Box 34 |
fileUnidentified Group photograph – [1946-1948?]; photographer S. YOSHIKAWA | Box 34 |
otherlevelOther Materials Not Related to IMFTE | |
file1964; Fourth East-West Philosophers’ Conference, University of Hawaii – news-clipping | Box 33 |
filen.d.; [Lecture Notes] on Japan | Box 33 |
filen.d.; De Martino’s handwritten notes on diverse political, cultural, philosophical topics | Box 33 |
otherlevel5 original cartons [boxes sent by DeMartino in Japan to his address in Long Island in 1948] |