Front row: Charles Bunn; A. J. Gustin Priest; Charles O. Gregory; Hardy C. Dillard, Class of 1927 and fourth Dean of the School of Law [1963-1968]; Thomas M. Boyd, Class of 1923; Charles P. Nash, Class of 1923; Carl McFarland; M. LIndsey Cowan, Class of 1947. Second row: Charles M. Davison Jr., Class of 1937; Charles K. Woltz, Class of 1937; Neill H. Alford, Class of 1947; Kenneth R. Redden, Class of 1940; Laurens H. Rhinelander; Daniel J. Meador; Knox Turnbull, Class of 1941; Frances Farmer, Law LIbrarian. Third row: Ronald P. Wertheim; Peter C. Manson; Lawrence D. Gaughan, Class of 1964; Edward A. Mearns Jr., Class of 1958; Edwin S. Cohen, Class of 1936; Thomas F. Bergin; Thomas S. Currier; Walter J. Wadlington; John C. McCoid II.