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MSS 2018-04

Robert H. Knight Collection


Small collection of memorabilia (1966-2010) with some correspondence and photographs.

.75 Linear Feet

Scope & Contents

This collection of miscellanous materials contains some correspondence, memorabilia, and photographs. It consists of 2 archival boxes (.75 linear feet), plus 3 oversized items.

Collection Description

    Biographical / Historical
    Immediate Source of Acquisition
fileLetters to RHK from Abraham D. Beame, Mayor of New City (May 12, 1975); President Jimmy Carter (October 6, 1977); George Bush, First International Bank, Houston, TX (February 13, 1978); Senator Bob Dole ( January 15, 1985).MSS 2018-04 Box 1
fileFederal Reserve System Recognition , 1982-12MSS 2018-04 Box 1
fileUVA Law School Foundation Board of Trustees Meeting of October 10, 1994. Package given to board members, 1994-11-04 - 1994-11-05MSS 2018-04 Box 1
file“The Campaign for Virginia.” [UVA] Executive Meeting and National Leadership Gifts Council Joint Meetings. Package given to members, 1994-11-04 - 1994-11-05MSS 2018-04 Box 1
fileLaw School Alumni Association Annual Meeting, 2003-05-03MSS 2018-04 Box 1
fileRobert H. Knight Remembrance: “So far, so good: remembering Robert Huntington Knight, February 27, 1919 – September 28, 2006.MSS 2018-04 Box 1
fileCondolence cards and letters upon Knight’s dead, 2006MSS 2018-04 Box 1
fileJames H. Giffen Court Transcript, Support Letters and Press. ” Letter to “Rosemary” from Mr. Giffen, 2010MSS 2018-04 Box 1
fileResolutions and Recognitions.MSS 2018-04 Box 1
fileAECA Luncheons, 1995MSS 2018-04 Box 2
itemRobert H. Knight, Senior Partner of Sherman & Sterling with Mr. Bernard L. Magdelain, Vice President and Manager Chemical Bank at the luncheon in honor of Richard N. Gardner, US Ambassador to Spain and Mrs. Libby Pataki, New York, May 30, 1995.MSS 2018-04 Box 2
itemRobert H. Knight with Mrs. David A. Morse at luncheon in honor of Alan J. Donelly, MEP Chairman, European Parliament Delegation for Relations with the US, January 30, 1995.MSS 2018-04 Box 2
file[Federal Reserve Bank of New York] ? Board, undated.MSS 2018-04 Box 2
file[Federal Reserve Bank of New York] ? Board, undated [ca. 1977-1983]MSS 2018-04 Box 2
fileFederal Reserve Bank of New York 75th Anniversary Dinner, 1989. Robert H. Knight with two unidentified persons.MSS 2018-04 Box 2
fileGroup of Young Men (copy) and photo of drawing with Knight with inscription: “UTC’s Knight for President, undated.MSS 2018-04 Box 2
fileRobert H. Knight at White House Meeting with President Jimmy Carter, April 10, 1977MSS 2018-04 Box 2
fileRobert H. Knight with President Bill Clinton, November 11, 1995.MSS 2018-04 Box 2
fileRobert H. Knight Photographic Portraits, undated.MSS 2018-04 Box 2
fileRobert H. Knight Portrait with photos of family behind the portrait, undated.MSS 2018-04 Box 2
fileRobert H. Knight with a group of young friends, undated.MSS 2018-04 Box 2
fileRobert and Mimi, May 1995MSS 2018-04 Box 2
fileLaw Class of 1947 in front of the Rotunda, [1997]MSS 2018-04 Box 2
fileLaw School Alumni Association Board of Directors, October 8, 1966MSS 2018-04 Box 2
fileNew York Society for International Affairs, Inc. Luncheon in Honor of José María Figueres, President of Costa Rica, September 28, 1994.MSS 2018-04 Box 2
fileTransCanada Pipelines Limited 1994 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, 1994MSS 2018-04 Box 2
itemTwo passports; Three pairs of gold cuff-links; Tuxedo buttons; Cousteau-Pechiney Turbosail – Turboivoile Commemorative Medallion produce by Howmet Turbine Corporation, May 13 – June 17, 1985; Medallion with two dogs, inscription reads: R. H. Knight, FN – MSS 2018-04 Box 2
fileTwo envelops with personal photographs, undated.MSS 2018-04 Box 2
itemUVA School of Law Lile Law Society Coasters (3 coasters)MSS 2018-04 Box 2
fileOversized MaterialsMSS 2018-04 Box 2
itemNew York Stock Exchange, Inc. Acknowledgement of Robert H. Knight as a member of the International Markets Advisory Committee, October 1981 to October 1995.MSS 2018-04 Box 2
itemOwens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation Resolution recognizing Robert H. Knight, 1989.MSS 2018-04 Box 2
itemOversized photo of board room, undated.MSS 2018-04 Box 2