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MSS 79-11

System of Justice in Puerto Rico Documents


Two petitions from Puerto Rican citizens to American officials.

03-27-1899 [Single]
2 letters

Scope & Contents

This collection consists of two letters.

The first is a letter written by B. Merle, J. Merle, Antonio J. Amadeo, M.D., E. Vaglio and twenty others to General George W. Davis. It details the legal and financial conditions of Puerto Rico and petitions for the installation of American laws, courts and schools.

The second document is a letter written by Samuel G. Jones, First Lieutenant in the Fifth Cavalry, to Major A.C. Sharpe, Judge Advocate, Department of Puerto Rico. Dated March 27th, 1899, it was written on behalf of Jose Reyes Gusman who had been in Arecibo Jail for 18 months without a hearing.

Collection Description

    Immediate Source of Acquisition
fileSystem of Justice in Puerto Rico Documents, 1898 - 1899MSS 79-11
item[Extract draft from a Petition] signed by "24 citizens" to Geo W. Davis, Governor of "Porto Rico" re: administration of justice, financial conditions, politics, railways, education, [1898]
itemLetter from Samuel G. Jones, 1st Lt., 5th Cavalry to A. C. Sharpe, Judge-Advocate, Dept. of Puerto Rico re prisoner confined in jail without trial, 1899-03-27