Patrick Reid, who lived in Hillend, was incarcerated in the tolbooth of Glasgow at the instance of John Aitcheson of Rochsolloch, to whom he owed rent. Reid brought a process of cessio bonorum, which was a means of escaping imprisonment by surrendering his effects. Aitcheson initially did not oppose the process, and the Lords of Session found in Reid’s favor. However, Aitcheson later sought review, claiming that because he lived in the country, he had not had sufficient time to respond. Aitcheson objected that Reid had sold off certain cattle without including their price in an inventory of his debts and effects. In response, Reid argued that Aitcheson’s petition was untimely. He also claimed that Aitcheson had already obtained security for the debt from cautioner Andrew Mitchel, and that Reid never owned as many cattle as Aitcheson alleged.


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