Pursuer Robert Lamont, who was imprisoned in the Tolbooth of Canongate, brought an action of cessio bonorum (voluntary surrender of goods) against his creditors. The creditors objected on the grounds that Lamont: (1) Improperly fled the country after selling his livestock and carrying off his effects; (2) Fraudulently disposed of produce that had been promised to one of the creditors; (3) Failed to prove his losses; and (4) Failed to account for large sums of money that he inherited.


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Session Papers

Objections Objections for Matthew Buchan, writer in Kirkcudbright, factor for Lord Selkirk, John Beck tenant in Balmangan, William Haliday merchant in Kirkcudbright, Kerr and M'Whinnie merchants there, James Brown butcher there, Adam M'Whannel merchant there, Alexander Mackie mariner there, and Hugh Muir merchant there, defenders; to the Condescendence and Reasons of Cessio for Robert Lamont tenant in Templeton, present prisoner in the tolbooth of Canongate, pursuer 3 Aug 1781

Answers for Robert Lamont, Tenant in Kempleton; to the Objections for Matthew Buchanan and others of his Creditors, to his Condescendence of Debts and Losses

7 Aug 1781

Memorial for Matthew Buchanan, Writer in Kirkcudbright, Factor for the Earl of Selkirk, John Beck, Tenant in Balmangan, William Halliday, Merchant in Kirkcudbright, Kerr and M'Whinnie, Merchants there, James Brown, Butcher there, Adam M'Whannel, Merchant there, Alexander Mackie, Mariner there, and Hugh Muir, Merchant there, Defenders in the Process of Cessio Bonorum, at the Instance of Robert Lamont, Tenant in Kempleton, Pursuer

3 Jan 1782

Memorial for Robert Lamont, Tenant in Kempleton, present Prisoner in the Tolbooth of Canongate, Pursuer of a Cessio Bonorum; against Matthew Buchanan, Writer in Kirkcudbright, Factor for Lord Selkirk, John Beck Tenant in Balmangan, William Haliday Merchant in Kirkcudbright, Kerr and M'Whinnie Merchants there, James Brown Butcher there, Adam M'Whannel Merchant there, Alexander Mackie Mariner there, and Hugh Muir Merchant there, Defenders

3 Jan 1782