Document Type Case
Case John Court, S.S.C., Common Agent v. Mrs Tierney
Author Name
Submitted 6 Sep 1832
Marginalia? No
Main Document Length (Pages) 25
Appendix Items
Appendix Length (pages)
Repository University of Virginia Law Library (Special Collections)
Container UVALL Box 56


, "Case for Abram Wildey Robarts, Esq. Banker in London, M. P. in the Multiplepoinding and Exonaration raised against Creditors and Representatives of Lewis Cuthbert, Esq. Merchant in Spanishtown, and sometime Provost-Marshal of the Island of Jamaica," 6 Sep 1832 , Scottish Court of Session Digital Archive Project. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Law Library, 2015-2019.

Related Case Materials

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Reclaiming Note of John Court, Solicitor before the Supreme Courts of Scotland, Common Agent for the Creditors of Lewis Cuthbert, and Others, Representatives of the said Lewis Cuthbert, Esq

Documents Founded on by Mrs Maria Tierney, Widow of the late Right Honourable George Tierney, and Andrew Clason, W. S. her Mandatory, - Respondents, in the Reclaiming Note for John Court, S.S.C. Common Agent for the Creditors of Lewis Cuthbreth , Esq. of Castlehill, deceased

Case for Abram Wildey Robarts, Esq. Banker in London, M. P. in the Multiplepoinding and Exonaration raised against Creditors and Representatives of Lewis Cuthbert, Esq. Merchant in Spanishtown, and sometime Provost-Marshal of the Island of Jamaica

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, Reclaiming Note for Mrs. Anna Maria Tierney, Widow of the Right Honourable George Tierney, M. P. and Andrew Clason, W. S. her Mandatory, - Claimants in the Process of Multiplepoinding at the instance of Abram Wildey Roberts, Esq. against the Creditors and Representatives of the late Lewis Cuthbert, Esq