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Dengrove Collection Trials
Sketches associated with
Donald Nash Trial
"CBS Murder Trial"; 1983, WNBC-TV
1983 - WNBC-TV
Angelo Sticca
Angelo Sticca, Nash
Barney Barbera Jr.
CBS Murder Trial
CBS Murder Trial; 1982
Det. Sanchez; Trial of Donald Nash, WNBC-TV-NBC-TV, 1984
Donald Nash
Dr. Lionel Berger
Eward Chin
FBI Ronald Hurt
George Waples, Manual Infante, Hochheiser, Justice Scott, Nash
Gerald O'Rouke
Greg Waples, Hochheiser, Robert Scholp, Nash, Scott
Greg Waples, Robert Dane, Larry Hochheiser, Donald Nash; CBS Murder Trial, WNBC-TV
Hochheiser, Nash - Bowers
Hon. Howard E. Bell, Lawrence Hoccheiser, Gregory Waples
John Gaine Sold Rifle to Donald Nash
John Johnston; WNBC-TV NBC-TV, 1983 - Trial of Donald Nash
Judge Joan Carey, Donald Nash, Att. Larry Hochheiser, Waples
Judge Joan Carey, Greg Waples, Donald Bowers (Nash), Lawrence Hochheiser
Judge Murray Mogel
Judge Scott, Donald Nash
Judge Shea (Felice), Donald Nash, Lawrence Hochheiser, Gregory Waples
Judge Shea, Lawrence Hochheiser, Donald Nash, Assist. D.A. Allen Sullivan
Judge Shea, Nash, Hochheiser, Sullivan; 1982
Larry Hochheiser, Waples, Dr. Gross; 1983, WNBC-TV, CBS Murder Trial
Lawrence Hochheiser; WNBC-TV, 1983, "Summations", CBS Murder Trial
Manuel Infante
Nash - Six Jurors Chosen, 3/25/83
Nash Jury Selection
Nash, Hoccheiser, Waples; WNBC-TV 1983; CBS Murder Trial
Nash, Hochheiser, Justice Clifford Scott, Waples
Nash, Justice Scott, Det. Edw. Johnston, ADA G. Waples; WNBC-TV, 1983, Trial of Donald Nash
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